nponTnpnnno U- mm , u Bf RON V U OEMMKLL. The old Oregon homestead of the, youthful but expanding game of softball is a bit peeved over its treatment by the State Softball association it la a large 'measure fostered, bat it's now pretty evident the Salem asso ciation had best reconcile itself -- to the statas of the martyr it ; has most 'assuredly become. - Most plain was the picture painted by President Harry Col lins and Director Dwlght Adams, of the state association, when in vlted before a' meeting of Salem association ' sponsors and mana gers Wednesday night. That the picture had, too much scope for the local association to digest at one round-table appraisal doesn't - alter the fact the view was made up of composite facts. Keeping their personal conric tlons under ' wrap and speaking solely for the state association, ' Collins and Adams revealed the reasons why Salem had been cut to a single district for state tour nament representation ast 1. To maintain the definite "policy" of; the state association. 2. To appease other districts. Including Portland, that were clamoring for greater representa- tion. - r ' Elaborating, they said it is the adoptetl policy of the state association to promote sort ball throughout the state and to fer tilize its growth as thoroughly and rapidly as possible; that in - order to do this the requests of all ' district members had to ' be' duly considered; and that ' the program considered the most beneficial to the majority, ' and to softball as a whole in ' the state, had to be adopted. Tourney Purpose Defined.- Insofar as the state association Is concerned, Salem with two teams in the meet has always been over-represented, pointed out the offickils-r-a . condition here tofore allowed because softball in the rest of . the. state had not grown to the point where a full quota of districts could be repre sented. Purpose of the state tourna ment, cited Adams and Collins, is to bring together in one place uot especially the 16 best teams in the state, for that would probably mean about 14 teams from Portland and two from Salem but the best team from each district in the state. It is because softball in Ore gon received its start and impetus in Salem; it is because the Sa lem association rightly believes it in large measure- t'made" the state association what it is today; and It is because the Salem asso ciation feels the state association skims off cream' separated by it that makes the sudden reduction In tournament representation such a bitter pill for the Salem asso ciation. J , Extremely easy is it to see the local point of view. "Here," says the local loop, "we are not only witnessing an organization fos tered by us step in and utilize what we've ierected, but we are also being penalized by a power we created." But it is even easier to under stand that the state association, in order to maintain a sound, state-wide program conducive of healthy growth, must strictly fol low a policy defined for that pur - pose. Although it be a tonsil tear ing pill to gulp it, it appears the local association must in the in terest of progress trade a tour nament position for a mythical 'spot in the softball sun that will have a caption reading something like this; , "Ton made softball in Ore- ' SjO.w 1 LEGAL NO'i'lCE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 will, - ob Saturday, July 29. 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the, forenoon, of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the manner provided by law for the saie of real property on execu tion. the following described real premises, to-wlt: Lots 4, 6, 7, 10 and 11, Block 2. and Lot 13, Block 3, Pratt's Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of a execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for i Marlon County In that suit heretofore pending therein which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and John II. Lauterman andJ Alice Lauterman, his wife, are defendants, , the same being Clerk's Register No. 27847. . Dated and first published June 20, 1939. SKi C BUKK. ' Sheriff of ' ; Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, ; Deputy. J 30-Jly 7-14-21-28 SHERIFF'S . NOTICE OI? SALK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. July 29. 1929, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at I u bile auction in . the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following . described ' real , prem lses. to-wlt: -c J r'-:.;... Lots C. 7. S, 9 and 10, Block 4. Nob Hill Annex U the City of Salem; Marion County, Ore ; gon. : , . Said sale will be by virtue bf an execution issued out of the Circuit Court' of the Stato of Oreron fori Marion County to that suit heretofore pen dine therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and w. C. Censer and Jane Doe Conner, his wife, Carls Abrams and MyrUe D. Ab-ams his wife. ft. J. Hendricks and EmilU G. Hendricks, his wife Marion County; a body politic. and National Surety Company. . corporation, are defendants, - the same being Clerk's Register No 27962. - -; Dated and first published Jane 10. 1I3S. - A. C4 BURK, Sheriff of Marlon Couatv. Oresoa. By Kenneth L. Randall. J - Deputy. J t Jlr HWMi. II II J 77lw SmZkl I I tn-j iMmfHCf Portland Glib Shut out 3 to 0 Helser Strikes j out Ten, Walks Five;jBonney Leads Hitting GAMES TONIGHT 7: SO p. m. Redmen vs. Verboort 8:80 p. m. Edwards Furniture vs. Portland Babes ' SILVERTON While 2500 en thusiastic fans howled approval Roy Helser of the Silverton Red Sox held Jack and Jill to two hits in the opening game of the state semi-pro tournament here Thurs day night and the host team shut out the Portlanders 3 to 0. Striking out 10 men and walk ing five, Helser was neyer In seri ous danger. Jack and Jill's hits, both singles, came ; in the second and fourth innings. Clow of the visitors also pitched effectively allowing only four hits and none after the third inning. Bob Bonney, Silverton left field er, starred at bat with two of Sil verton's four hits, both doubles out of three trips to the plate. In the first inning he drove in a run with his first double after Pesky had walked. In the second Camer on stole home to score after sin gling, advancing on Erautt s hit and a passed ball. The third rnn came without benefit of bingles in the fourth when Kirsch walked stole second and came in on Jack and Jill's lone error, the only one of the tightly played game. ' Mayor Zetta Scblador proved to be a competent pitcher in the opening ceremonies, tossing -one over the plate. Mayor Joe Carson of Portland hit a fair ball, rob bing Secretary of State Earl Snell of a chance to show his prowess as a catcher This followed the flag ceremony conducted by the Am erican Legion. Jack and Jill 0 2 1 Silverton 3 4 0 Clow and Harrington; Helser and Erautt. A four-run splurge in the sixth frame gave St. Paul a 5 to 3 vic tory over Woodburn hvthe night cap. Behind 2-1 going into the sixth. St. Paul tallied four on singles by Putnam and Davidson, Pitcher Mills' second double of the game, a walk and an error. Mills struck out nine, while Bourbonnais, for Woodburn, whiffed seven. St. Paul 5. 6 4 Woodburn 3 7 ' 3 Mills and Laurens; Bourbonnais and Reed. . ' LEGAL NOTICE - ADMINISTRATOR'S FIRST NOTICE To whom it may concern: No tice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court foi Marlon County, Oregon,' duly en tered of record tbis day the un dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administra tor of the Estate ot William K. McWborter. deceased. All per sons baring claims agailst said estate are hereby, required to present the same, with proper vouchers ot verification attached thereto, to the undersigned at his residence at 990 I.. Summer St., Salem. Oregon." within sii months from the date of this notice. Dated this 28th day of June. 1939. . HARRISON R. McWHORTER, Administrator of the Estate of William E. McWhorter, de ceased. Ivan G. Martin, Attorney for Estate. J 30-Jly 7-1 4-2 1-2 S. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, July 29. 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem. Oregon, sell at public auction in the mannet provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described rear prem lses, to-wlt: Lots 26. 27, the West r. feet of Lot 30, and Lots 31, 32 and 33, In Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 35, Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue or an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County In that suit heretofore p e n d 1 n g therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and John E. Burkbeimer and Jane Doe . Burkbeimer, bis wife. and Marion County, a body poll tic, are defendants, the same be ing Clerk's Register No. 27965 Dated and first published June 30, 1939. A. C. BURK. Sheriff ot Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. - Deputy. J SO-Jly 7-14-21-28 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, July 29. 1939. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marlon County Court House in i Salem. Oregon, sell 'at public auction in the manner provided-by law for the sale of real property on execu tion, the following described real premises, to-wlt :j f Lot 6. Block 1 13. J. Myer'a Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oreron for Marlon . County in that suit heretofore pending therein In which City of Salem a municipal corporation. Is rlala- tiff, and - Mary te - WlnKet, widow, and Marion County, bodv politic are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. Dated and first published Jane St.' list. - - i , A, : C BURK. Sheriff of '. Marlon 'County. Oregon. . -By Kenneth Li Randan. Deputy. J 30 Jly 7-14-11-21. Mickeiiham and Makers; Slap Down-S i ' !"!. '.!. "V .' .'.- The Mick Does The Impossible "Invincible" Fall Down 5-3 Before Slants of Veteran Hurler LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. i Pet .85 J .600 Dealers - .6 Pheasants ..3 Waits . ....3 Schoens . . 3 Kennedys 1 Paper Mill 1 1 2 2 2 4 6 .600 .COO .200 .143 GAMKS TONIGHT Pade-Barricks vs. Zuber Con crete. Square Deal vs. Jolla Lee Wright. It hapened last nighti ' Leon Mickenham, recalled from the bushes, pitched the thereto fore winless Papermakers to an unbelievable 6 to 3 victory over the theretofore undefeated Deal ers, personally acocuntlng for three ef the five runs with a pair of potent doubles. Yessir, the oldster came in off the sandlots to set down the championship Radiosters, and al though he whiffed not a man he scattered 10 blows and walked but two and one of them a po litical .gesture. Coming up for the first, time in the third frame, Mickenham who was indeed the Mad Mullah last night, smacked a double to right field that scored Dunn, who had gained life on an error, and put his newly adopted mates right out in front of those doughty Dealers. Stands Go Mad Needless to say, the stands were wild. Even then they sensed that the ' unbelievable was going to happen. The Gentskow brothers not to be denied even In defeat, got together to tie up the count in the sixth with Brother Bill trip ling along the left field foul line, and Brother Dick scoring him with a loft to center but an eighth frame rally netted the 'Makers four runs to put the upset victory away. Hurlin' Hank Singer, although he didn't start, was the victim of the 'Maker victory. He relieved Don Cutler in the seventh, witn two on and none out, and succeed ed nicely in stemming what looked to be a serious situation, but was manhandled in the next frame. Again it was Mickenham's dou ble that did the big damage in that eighth-inning spree, coming at the tail end of the rally to drive two. Three errors contributed to the scoring, leaving but one run earned off Singer. The Dealers staged a two-ruu rally of their own in the last of the ninth, accomplished on Infield singles by Alley and H. Singer, a political walk and Lou Singer's sharp single. Although Mlcken ham again walked the bases full, he forced Brothers Dick and Ber nie Gentzkow to pop out. In the opening game Schoens scuttled Kennedys Kids, 6 to 4, In wild game that saw a total of seven errors committed. Kenny LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFFS NOOTIth OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. July 29, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the . manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following- described real prem ises, to-wit: Lot 3, Block 6. Yew Park An nex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will bt. by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plain tiff, and Maude Ireland and C E. Ireland, her husband, Dorothy Parker and George Parker, her husband. Pearl Moreland and W. D. Moreland, her husband Mabel Williams and George Wil liams, her Lusband, Frances Kraus and George Kraus, her husband, J. S. Cooper. Jr. and Betty Cooper, his wife, Gene vieve Cooper,- unmarried, and Marion County, a body politic, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 2767. ; Dated and first published Jane 3D, 1939. , A. C. BURK. Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth I. Randall Deputy. J 30 Jly 7-14-21-28 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALK ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, July 29. 1939, at 1000 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door ot the Marlon County Court House in Salem, Oregon. sell at public auction in the manner provided by law for the sale of real property on execu tion, the following described real premises, to-wit: The North 31.48 feet of Lot 50 Jn Subdivision of Blocks 28 and 35 .ia Yew Park. Annex to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, i - - Said sale will oe by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in that sal t heretofore .pending therein In .which City . ot Salem, a municipal eorporati a. Is plain tiff, and Velma BL Bayer ' and John Doe Bayer, her hatband, and Marion County, a body poli tic, are defendants, th - name being Clerk's Register No. 27960. I- Dated and first published June 30, 1931. - i-. i ,A- C. BURK, Sheriff ef t - -Marioa County, Oregoa. ,.. Bt- Kanneth ... L RandalL . Depaty. J SO Jly 7-14-21-28. Keep Up With the Silverton semi pro baseball tourney with The Statesman; daily coverage. Larson gave up but one earned run in pitching his six-hit victory, while Art Siebens was given 24 asslst "support by his mates. Schoen's (6) B R H A O Quessetb, 2 3 2 0 4 2 Plllette, s 5 0 0 4 5 Fowler, 1 ..5 12 0 0 Meyer, r 5 11 0 1 Weller, 1 4 0 0 0 12 B. Larson, c 4 0 1 12 Gwynn, 3 4 114 1 Evans, m 4: 110 4 K. Larson, p 3 0 2 0 0 Totals 37 6 8 13 27 Kennedy's (4) B R H A O Bennett, r, s 4 2 2 4 4 Satter, 1 4 0 10 0 Freeman, m 4 110 0 Salstrom, 3 4 0 0 1 1 Cave, 1 ..:4 r.O 0 0 18 Lacey, s .0 0 0 0 0 Olseth. 2 3 0 0 7 2 Comstock, c .... 4 10 0 1 Siebens, p 3 0 0 12 0 Siegmund, r 4 0 2 0 0 Totals. 34 4 6 24 27 Errors, Comstock. Olseth 2, Pil lette, K. Larson, Gwyhn, Weller. 8 hits 6 runs off Siebens In 8: 6 and 4 off Larson in 9. Runs re sponsible for, Siebens 5, Larson 1. Struck out. by Siebens 1, Lar son l. Bases on balls, oil biebens 3, Larson 1. Stolen base, Quesseth, Pillette, Bennett 2, Meyer, Evans. Runs batter in. Fowler 2, Meyer, Pillette, Bennett, K. Larson. Sat ter. Double play, Gwynn to Quesseth to Weller. Left on base. Schoen's 7, Kennedy's 4. Wild pitch, Larson 2. Time of game hour 10 minutes. Umpires, Gi- rod and Oravec. Square Deal (3) B D'Arcy, r 4 R H AO 0 10 0 0 2 0 5 113 3 0 116 0 12 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 1 0 10 0 12 1 112 0 3 10 10 27 R H A O 0 0 13 0 0 0 2 1 i a 8 10 0 2 0 10 4 0 13 4 2 2 5 3 110 1 0 3 10 5 9 10 27 L. Singer, c . 5 W. Gentzkow, 2. 4 R. Gentzkow, s. . 4 B. Gentzkow, 3 . . 4 Causey, 1 5 Weisner, m .... 4 Alley. 1 . . Cutler, p . , 4 r 2 , 2 .38 H. Singer, p., Totals Papermakers (5) Dunn, s French, r ...... I Lenaburg, 1 . . schnueue, c Claggett, m Serdotz, 3 . Dick, 2 .... Kelley, 1 2 Mickenham, p . . 4 Totals 3 6 Errors, B. Gentzkow, Dick, Kel ley, L. Singer, Alley, Causey, Len aburg. Six hits 1 run off Cutler in 6 plus, 3 and 4 off Singer in 3, 10 and 3 off Mickenham in 9. Losing pitcher, Singer. Runs re sponsible for. Cutler 1, Micken ham 3, Singer 1. Struck out, by Cutler 2, Singer 1. Bases on balls, off Cutler 1, Mickenham 2. Stolen base, Dick. Three base hit, W. Gentzkow. Two base hit, Micken ham 2. Sacrifice, Kelley, R. Gentz kow. Runs batted in Mickenham 3, B. Gentskow, Schnuelle, L. Sin ger 2. Left on base, Square Deal 11, Papermakers 6. Wild pitch, Mickenham 2. Passed ball. L. Sin ger 1. Time of game 1 hour 25 minutes. Umpires, Oravec and Gi rod. Girls Team Meet Called by Adams A conference of girls' softball league representatives is sched uled for 2 p. m. Sunday at the YMCA, called by State Softball Di rector Dwlght Adams for the pur pose of adopting an administra tive program for the state and to discuss organization of the 1939 tourney. x About 20 towns throughout the Willamette valley are expected to be represented, and all leagues In the state have invitations to send delegates. Adams also announced the dead line for membership fees into the men's association as July 15. These fees must be paid before a team can enter district tourneys of playoffs. Bill Garbarino, Turple And Kegel Tourney Umps SILVERTON Umpires for the semi-pro baseball tournament at Silverton are Harold Regel, William Garbarino and Dr. Red Turple.; Officers of the commis sion are Ray Brooks, commission er, James Nutter, publicity; Sil verton commission includes W. L. McGinnis, J. McCall, J. H. Mc Cullough and H. W. Adams. 9 T. T. Lira. . D. a. Cksa. 1. D Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, akin, blood, glands A urinary sys tem of men & women. 22 years ia aery tee. Naturopathic Physi cians... Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM. DILI CHAT U1H CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 ft Court BL. Corner Liber ty. Office epea Tuesday A Sat arday only. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.. C to 1 P.M. Consultation, blood preaaarw wrtno test, are tree f chargsv i f 1 i . f r f r - - . . t i i i j i- .. 1 1 ., ..- i ,. . immmr a Mew vox 0 3D. RON G EMM Salem, Oreg6n, Friday Bulla Upholds US Tradition i Lawson Little Eliminated From Title Chances at St. Andrews ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, July 6.-P)-IUcb.ajrd Burton, seasoned son of golfing folk, tacked a de cisive 72 onto his previous 70 to day and snatched the halfway lead in the British -open golf champion ship, with only jovial Johnny Bulla standing in the way of the end of the United States tradition in this tournament, once -regarded as strictly American territory. For, Lawson Little, moody and shipshod in his golf, tossed away his slight chances of entering to morrow's final 36 holes with 2 Vi hours of shoddy play in which he took an 89. This lamentable round gave him 159 for the first 36 holes far above the stroke minimum of 150 which qualified 34 golfers, including such British empire greats as Henry Cotton, Bobby Locke, Jim Bruen and defending champion Reggie Whitcembe, for tomorrow's final two rounds. Bulla Two Under . Bulla added a neat two-under par 71 to his previous 77 for 14 8 to slide in two strokes under the qualifying minimum and six off the pace. A stroke behind Burton, at 143, stood Martin Pose, the diligent Argentine, who posted scores of 71 and 72, and who is by all odds the steadiest player in the field Oakland Defeats i Portland 6 to 5 OAKLAND, Calif.. July 6-(JP)- Comlng from behind to Score two runs off Relief Pitcher Ralph Birkhofer in the eighth, Oakland defeated Portland. 6-5, to take a 3-1 lead in their Coast Hague ser ies tonight. f Beu Cantwell, third Hurler to face the Ducks, pitched only to nine men Jn the last three innings, and was credited with the victory. Harry Rosenberg. Portland left fielder, boosted a home; run over the left field wall in the fourth inning. ' - Portland -5 9 0 Oakland 6 14 0 Thomas, Birkhofer a(7) and Fernandes: Bithorn, Herrmann (3), Cantwell (7) and Conroy. SACRAMENTO, July 6.-;P)- San Francisco 1 11- Sacramento ,2 11 Gibson and Sprinz; Schmidt and Grilk. SAN DIEGO, Calif., July 6-()- Los Angeles i 7 10 3 San Diego 0 S 0 Thomas and R. Collins; Crag- head, Humphreys (3) and Starr. Jt " ; HOLLYWOOD, July. -(JP)- Seattle I J 8 0 Hollywood 4 12 2 Webber and Campbell; Bitner, Moneriet (9) and Brenzel. Dap per (9). Next BILL DB ITS ELL Editor Morning, July 7, 1939 CX)AST LEAGUE Before Night Games) League Baseball W. L. Pet. Seattle . 66 41 .577 Los Angeles .....66 42 .671 San Francisco ...49 45 .621 Oakland 48 49 .495 San Diego 46 48 .489 Sacramento " ............42 SO .457 Hollywood 44 S3 .454 Portland 38 51 .427 AMERICAN LEAGUE (Before Night Games) W. L. Pet. .858 .603 .543 .522 .536 .397 .377 .276 NewTork 53 17 tS08lOn . 35 ' 35 Detroit 38 .32 Cleveland 36 33 Chicago ..37 32 44 43 SO Washington 29 Philadelphia 26 St. Louis 19 NATIONAL LEAGUE (Before Night Games) W. L. Pet. .627 .551 .522 .516 .508 .507 .455 .302 Cincinnati ...42 25 New York 38 31 St. Louis 35 32 Brooklyn 33 31 Pittsburgh ."...33 32 Chicago 37 36 Boston 30 36 Philadelphia 19 44 Boys' Champ Falls As Net Play Opens Frankie Evans Is Victim of Austin Wilson in Straight Sets Frankie Evans, defending boys' city tennis champion, bit the dust as opening round play in the sec ond-abnual Statesman - Parker's- Playgrounds city tennis tourney opened yesterday, while John urocKeu eliminated two oppon ents to advance clear into the quarter-finals. Austin Wilson' nipped Defend' ing Champ Evans in straight sets. 6-3, 6-3, to share favorite honors with Crockett, who disposed of Bob Hill. 6-1, 6-1, and Don Thompson, 6-0, 6-0. Best match of the day was in the girls' division, where Shirley Smith, runner-up last year, bowed out after a hard, three-set -struggle to Donna Spence. Miss Spence came from behind, after losing the first Bet, 3-6, to take the second. 6-4. and the third, 7-5. . Other matches saw Hume Downs beat Bob Price in the men's division, 6-2, 6-0, and En gene Bressler eliminate Dick Haynes in the boys' division. 6-2, 6-4. , Olinger Juniors Trounce Leslie Youngsters 12-4 Jerry Holmes chucked three-hit ball as the Olinger Juniors troun ced the Leslie Juniors 12 to 4 in playground baseball yesterday at Olinger. Olinger 12 11 3 Leslie .. 4 S 5 Holmes and Wenger; Nelson and Gregg. . Hi AVE vow reus -the Extra Pafo Try Rainier Club once and you'll b friends for life Wt light-hearted and gay. . It has a delicate, golden flavor you can't resist. tf the hit of the year the beer that everybody's talking about. time, ask for Rainier Club RAINIEH BREWING COMPANY DAVIS, DISTRIBUTOR PHONE 5741 t .'- j ' ' ' ' - " - ' ' .. . : - - - - - ' " ' j quare ; O A Horner-- la the Statrmaa aports page; bom s ports news roniea first ia all ways. PAGE FIFTEEN Pirates Crash - i . - Cubs and Dean Dizzv Goes to Clubhouse in the Fourth as Bucs , Win 7 to 2 PITTSBURGH, July 6.-(;P)-The Pittsburgh Pirates punctured the Illusion of Diszy Dean today, forc ing him out in the fourth inning as they crushed the Chicago Cubs 7 to 2 and climbed Into fifth place in the National ' league. - It was the first defeat of the season for Dean after four vic tories. Where once he had mowed down the Pirates with his streak ing fast ball, Dean sought to slide by today on curves and a change of pace and they pelted him with three runs and eight hits during the short period he worked. The Cubs gave him a lead in the third when Stan Hack singled two runs across but the Pirates teed off for three tallies in the last half of the same inning. An error by Dick Batell on Johnny Rizzo's grounder, follow ing two singles, let in the iirst Pittsburgh run. Chuck Klein sa- :.i j .1 i j Tn i l i . : Fletcher tripled for the third. Chicago J. 2 7 2 Pittsburgh 7 13 1 Dean. French (4), and Hart nett; Klinger and Mueller. Derringer Wins 11th CINCINNATI, July 6-;P)-Paiil Derringer won his 11th game to night as the Cincinnati Reds took a free hitting contest from the St. Louis Cards, 7 to 4. Lombardi and Mize hit homers before 29,105 fans, the largest night crowd and the second largest attendance of the season. St. Louis : 4 14 1 Cincinnati 7 9 2 C. Davis. Shoun (5), Warneke (6). Bowman (8) and Owen; Der ringer and Lombardi. Legion Club Plays County Rival Soon Salem's Legion Junior baseball team, loser to Hillsboro in its first district contest, will take on the Woodburn Legion team in a dis trict game here Saturday night at 8:30 under Sweetland field lights. Chairman Oliver Huston an nounced last night. Clayton Patterson, chunky but effective Salem Jhurler, will be on the mound for Coach Ethan Grant's Salem club, with Ed "Ko ko" Yada doing the receiving. Salem will get a chance to even its score with Hillsboro when the Washington county team comes here to play under the lights next Tuesday night. PORTLAND, Ore.. Julj i-(JP The 1939 Oregon state American Legion junior baseball tournament was, awarded to Hillsboro today after Woodburn withdrew as spon sor. x The meet will-bring together about 60 of the state's best play ers of less than 17 years. Dates will be Aug. 5 and 6. Boer? the extra pale boer. .- urn- . ma eij m " . k mm Win Deal Softball Leagues COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Parkers 18 14 4 St. Joseph 15 6 6 Weisner. B. Lindstrom and Fitzsimmons; Nelson, Eland. Quackenbush, Hobbs and Nicola, NYC 14 It 4 Pete's 13 17 1 Guthrie and Humphries; Mick enham, Belgard and 4lay. University Cleaners 9 6 4 Nelson Bros. V. 10 w8 3 Henery and Renner; Applegate and Kelly. Hazel Dell .. Slopers (West Salem) 6 Yarnell and Gallagher; and Girod. 1 4 7 3 Orrey Industrial League Montgomery Ward 1 5 4 Gasco 14 12 2 Beardsley and Beaver; Kreide and Gallon. Unemployment Com. 5 8 5 Pohl Staver 14 10 3 Harvey and Allan; Gilbert, D. Poole and Cammak. Minty. Tigers Break Up Slow Duel ; j Four Run ill Rallv Gives Detroit 9-5 Victory Over Browns ST. LOUIS. July 6-)-The De troit Tigers and St. Louis Browns battled 2V hours in sweltering temperatures' today before the Ti gers won 9 to 5. - Detroit's winning 4 -run cluster ' came in the eighth to break a 5 to 5 tie. Cullenbine doubled to start the inning. Karl Averill beat out a hit to McQuinn. sending Cullenbine to third. Pinky Higgins forced Av erill but Cullenbine scored on the play. Yorw singled Higgins to sec ond and Hank Green berg scored him with another safety. Mark Christman missed Red Kress' grounder and York raced home as er's single scored Greenberg. Detroit 9 15 1 St. Louis 5 12 4 Benton, Coffman (5). Giebell (6), and York. Tebbetts (8); Mills. Whitehead (5). Trotter (7), Kennedy (9), and Spindel. CHICAGO, July 6-P)-With Jack Knott pitching five-hit ball and Gee Walker contributing his ninth homer and a triple to a 12 hit attack, the Chicago White Sox ran their winning streak to five games today by defeating Cleve land again 8 to 1. Cleveland 1 S 2 Chicago 8 12 0 Allen, Dobson (2), Zuber (4), and Pytlak; Knott and Tre&h. PHILADELPHIA, July -JP) With George Caster pitching two hit ball after the scond Inning, the Athletics ended a six-game losing streak tonight by coming from be hind to beat Washington. 9 to 3, before 8.732 at Shibe park. Washington 3 8 3 Philadelphia 9 12 0 Haynes, Appleton (S). Carras quel (7), and Ferrell; Caster and Brucker. t'y- v. " . I' - 1