PAGE FOURTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN, Salen, Qrecv IHday- Monday July 7, 19394 TO In the Valley ; .Vi fr&tf o i -r ' i - - - - , oociai neaim in : 1 MT. 'ANGEI An account of VUie wedding, of Miss . Catherine - Tloaso of ilL AnteL who beeamt 'r Ua bride of Carl Haath, alao for . merly . ot . Mt.v Angel at - Barna," : ;pregon,;iB"undarr July 2,' was re- 1 ceiVed : here .today. The nuptial : mass ' was read at the Catholic I - enures at' Burns at 8 a.m. by'Rer. . Vincent 'EtBB'."--'-' y- - ' ''I The bride waa giyen' in' marri " r ; - age by her father and wore lace over satin made on princess lines ' and a full lenjth tnlle Tell held In place with gardenias.-She carried a bride's bouquet of snapdragons,' Tallisman roses and. baby breath, j Mrs. Harry McGee, sister, of the bride, .'was bridesmaid:' Her - gown was a fitted model of pink satin and she carried sweet peas and baby breath. " ;.-v . ' . Harry McGee acted aa best man. - The. wedding dinner and recep tion were held at the Pine Room of the West Side cafe, with cot- era placed for the bridal couple, -Mr. and lira, t C. Clouse of ML : Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee and Tommy of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clouse . and John Quier of Burns, Mrs. ; Joseph SchwarU of Belfield, ND, MIbs VI Ma Wagner of Dickinson, NO, and . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwab and Larry, Betty Mae Clouse, and Miss Susanne Hauth, all of Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Hauth will make their home In Burns where Mr. , Hanth is employed at the Edward -Hines Lumber Co. ' " '7 Tl I I n I IF )' ' Ul Il : .rX; I n. I j r-"' ' - TTIMri.ll I Jt- .. 4 3CD,CCD Is Left - ForSexTeacliiiig Dr. E. C. Brown Beqneatns i Fimd for Benefit of U Boy, and Girls , ; PORTLAND, Orel, July t-(ffj-Approilmately $100,000 was left by Dr. B.' C Brown; Portland, who died July 1, for social hygietae ed tacatlon" among boys and girls of Oregon. . , - -; . ; .The bequest was'rerealed today when the will was admitted to probate by Circuit Judge Georie Taswell. " . v. . - ; Dr. Brown, who was a bachelor left an estate rained between $325,000 and $400,000. , He had prprlded for close relatlres before his death. , ; His will stipulated that the Bank of California, cxec'utor, was INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Paul Robinson was complimented when Mrs. Homer Dodds enter tained with an informal party at her home in Monmouth for past matrons of Adah : chapter. Order of the Eastern Star. Plans were made for the organization of a Past Matrons' club. Inrlted were Mrs. Paul Robin son, Mrs. Ardella Butler, Mrs. Laura Butler, Mrs. Stella Cal breath, Mrs. Marion Chambers, Mrs. Altine Dickson of Salem, Mrs. Oril Edwards, Mrs. Mary Fluke, Mrs. Jesse Hewett, Mrs. Lillian Hildebrand. Mrs. Carrie Hubbard. " Mrs.' Edna Irrine, airs, neien Klrkland. Mrs. he lacks in-experiencel" with cards and other games, also needlework. The proceeds are for the children's farm home at Cor Tallls. LEBANON A m a r r i a g e of elderly parties was solemnized at the Baptist church of Albany Wednesday of last week when Mr. Jerry Green, for years caretaker of the Baptist assembly grounds abore Cascadia and Mrs. Maude Rlggs, a resident of Foster many years were united in marriage with Mr. and Mrs. B. Robinett of Holley and Mrs. Jim Fox of Cali fornia, aisSer of the groom as wit Sweetbreads Make Fine Company Food "No wonder Shirley can't hold And just look who's talking! For sophistication is the keynote of her dinner dress from square decolletage to swirling hem. Black nan- els alternate with Dink to form a dramatic sVirtr 'hnnMn A ly draped. As sophisticated, for all its apparent modesty. Is the Jer- (Continued from page IS) sey gown at left. It's draped symmetrically, with fullness at tha itv nar.i. - a shoulders to form tiny sleeve caps. Tucks oyer the diaphragm create cooked sweetbreads on toast rounds, add dabs or a piping of the Jelly, garnish with whole ollyes. Remove sweetbreads from the paper as soon as received from market, plunge Into cold water nd let stand for 1 hour. Drain. put into salted boiling water and add lemon Juice or vinegar. Cook a slim waistline. INDEPENDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nelson of San Fran cisco, accompanied by their sons Ronald and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson and daughter, arrived Ratschman, Geneva Hammer, Dorothy Lelay, Patricia Tweed, Susanne Rutschman, Lucille Roth and Elda Herr. MILL CITY The Woman's July 1 to visit Mrs. Jim TroxeL ju uw cicmu ui w uij a m ik v . 7 " """"" j" ui vinegar, tool buffet sunner waa riven bv Mrs. fl.b J? benefit party at .lowly for 20 minutes, drain and Isa- Axel Nelson and served at the ;S2J"m' Tn. 0tt6J. Plunge into cold water, keen in dine Mattison. Mrs. Flora Mix, home of Herbert' Nelson, honor- UfS?"?0 J9?. refrigerator until ready to cook. - ' " A WVODfil a. 1UUVUCUU Mrs. Ruth Morland. Mrs. Lottie ing Mrs. Troxel on her 71st birth jnciniosn. jars, xseins MCLod. day anniversary. Mrs. Hattle Schweizer, Mrs. An na White, Mrs. Minnie Wolver ton and Mrs. Homer Dodds. Among the g u est s present were Mrs. Wonder, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Klser, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Poruoeld, Mrs. F. B. Ellis. Mr. SILVERTON Mrs. Ross Wins- JJlVJl?h V V J V WW OUU latUUl a . JXll a Aim Mrs. Axel Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. low. Miss Emma Adamson and Miss Mabel. Mills entertained Qscar Nelson T EaVl Ronald .nfl Tuesday at luncheon and supper gSbert Nelson ' tor Miss Mary Hoff of Glendale, 6 66 1 N . Calif., who Is visiting at Silverton and Salem. Miss Hoff at one time owned the Women's Specialty isnop at gnverton. CENTRAL HOWELL The engagement of Miss Marjory Herr to Mr. Paul Reinsche of West tTesent for the day were Miss Salem was announced Monday Hoff, Mrs. Olga Hoffard and Miss night at a dinner party to which Madge Hoff ot Salem: Mrs. Nellie Mrs. Elvin Herr was hontMu Th. Wray of Portland, and Mrs. Wins- wedding date was not announced. low. Miss Mills and Miss Adam- Guests at the dinner were: son. The affair was held at the Misses Martha Gerig, Ruth Rams- wmsiownome. - den, Jean Lauderback, Lillian Laura Wheeler Gay 90's Motif s Make Linens That Are Different TBeyn cause v a sensation among - yomr friends - "these choice bits : of humor from the gas-jet days. It Ukes . little time to embroider them on tea cloths, scarfs and towels. Pat tern 2Z29 pattern of 64x7 Inches; niastratlons of stitches; materials required; col or schemes. " ; . Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to " Statesman, ' Needle craft Dent.. Salem. Write nlalnlv contains a transfer PATTERN .-NUMBER,- your t ..moUfs averaging ; NAME, and ADDRESS.' r ?v r.3cnfc ; 1! Complete Stock of Summer Trousers on Spe cial Sale to Make Room for Fall Stock, Which MpgjpfV - Will Come in Soon. : x Men's Dress Pants ; )ln Serges, Flannel, Cheviots; New est Shades. Reo4.98, i rV NoW - 3.69 Men's Dress Pants 'i new colors. Slacks and - 2.09 J Ha LFlaTTlpl. Poor 90 Now Men's Washable Slacks Summer Flannels to Close. Out Now. Reg. 2.98 to OO S.98yNow, iUyU Men's Washable Slacks Reg. 1.98 Now 139 Men's Dress Pants Wools, ... Cotton Mixed Tweeds, Serges, Flannel, Reg, 8.48 i o "On Now Zpy Blen'a Felt Hats , Reg. 2.98, 5 5fA Close Out, Now UlrJ -BLOCH Eilem, Ore. 220 to 22$ liberty will he served at 1:30 p. m. The afternoon will be spent Which should be the same daV To cream, cut them in cubes and heat in white sauce. . -. to manage the fund, the set In come from which "is to be need to promots and carry ca education of boys and girls ot the state; In so cial hygiene that will best tend to Impart to them a s e u n d and healthy view and nnderstandlnf In respect to sex, sex' relations and marriage, and ,als as to the per ils, of venereal diseases and other evils; which, result from sexual abuses and errors, In order that they mar be brought to appreciate the importance of living clean and wholesome lives sexually." j, . Tbe'wm provided the president of the iJnlverslty of Oregon direct expenditure :of the money for the purposes specified. : ' - ,,r Other sizable bequests Included $20,900 to. the American Sunday School unipni PhijadelDhia. Pa.; as an. endowment fund for the sup port of missionary! work in Ore gon, -Washington and Idaho, and $10,000 each for TMCA units at Oregon State ebllege and Univer sity of Oregon; ' . f - Death Is Result Of Boat Accident SPOKANE, Wash., July' -(JP)-Lester Kirkpatrick, 33, died this afternoon after amputation of his leg, which was badly mangled in a boat collision July 4 04 Coeur d'Alene lake. Kirkpatrick, Post Falls,! Idaho, lumberman and former University of Idaho ; football player, was brought here last night from a Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, hospital. A speedboat driven by Kirkpat rick collided with a water taxi pi loted by William Quarles during the lake city's Independence day water carnival. Melvin Boothe, Coeur d'Alene, who was riding with Quarles, still was in a Coeur d'Alene hospital today with an injured back. 87 per Cent of Oregon's Crop Land !$ in Program CORVALLIS, Ore.; Jly .- (Ay-Elghty-seven per cent of Oregon's crop land will ! be In cluded nnder the government iarm program this year, N. C. Donaldson, state AAA executive officer, said today. Highest on record were applications! f r o m 42,000 farmers who ; operate 3,?vo,aou acres. ' IXWM ANYTIME, ANYWHEREV nib RD BALTIMORE PORTFOLIO 39CV lrg0&- ELECTREX ( jUM TOASTER I Vlr tmctmm far rly kUH t (AS A I II. r SMck ' for'A tcll deors I if I fill P II ' " bresd twser. Uaderwrik I 1 " I Ir "I et'sapprawed.'A kerseia, JR. hjf Ony 79 SAVINGS ON TOILET ITEMS f 1 Jergen's Lotlot 60c Italian Balm.. 79c 47c 39c 606 Hlnd'a Almond Cream.. i 70c uexau ffM Theatrical Cream 9 6Sc Lady Esther "9 Face Podwer jyC ouc wooabnrjr's Pace Powder.. 65c Pond's Face Powder. 39c 43c 09c 91 Fitch Dandruff Rem. Shampoo. owe racn ueai 'Jt'JI Hair Toalc. QQC x irene Shampoa vc wuaroot Hair am' Tonic with OflJl. dilyQ oue Lacky Tiger TvaUt with OflJL. 91 Neet Depilatory 85e Hun Peadoft 39 c 86c Odorono, res;, or Instant.. 6Qc' Noxsema r SkJa Oww -OOc Hopper's Rest. Cream . 65c PonoTs Oold Cream.. 78o Taagee -Rongw 91 Angelns ' Lipstick .; - Jar of SO i Modern" Charm Deodorant Pads' The Dainty Way to Stop Perspiration 29c 3lc 43c 49c 39c 59 c 79c GYPSY CREAM 39c , Rex-eme Greascless Skin Cream M edieated. Soothing and ' cooling to irritated akin. Sometime yoe become swibaraed ' befof ye tsalise H or triadbmaJ r ' chappy. It's pmmhi tool lirf tUre h , f reef i lUul Gypsy j W, Cream." Apply If ttbeMfty. See bowl :? skT " coon a teotaet ftew the i Pi of vottt twnbura Immm. H'i a hmi ( "V. vet rtiliu h cmU .kt,:. S'rtO ; 39c 49c 60c size PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER Contains Irium -etep-up luster oa teeth. 39c SI E C E S S A ll Y AS YOUR DATff Aoi4 tti Jor f cnhina Jicticti i l N L F9R YOUR SKIN ; J x-. 1 r ' lkrearesMdiiwefeoloteeVirM. ! 5 S i MrotMMUICokiMU(Miliaei- ' V 5 J " TT5 1 MeAlna Immm and drymg oa I. Am'. '1 IT JSTM end omoIqmc oatem. Un a lor ikm condiiaew 1 it KlMlSf "M mr rll'J ndodaae a. Com plain or cob- ' I j CALAMINE' LOTION owou,? 1 aa Miurr tipUM loa, DEODORANT CREAM 3; m aj wa.AjB. s a SDMMEK VAlLlIJES KLENZO SHOWER SP1UY..:..;..59C ELKArS WHITE SHOE CLEANER. iQc PlODlmiSEraQlarge r.OCOLOJHTjAIjLM (X0CK....70c Rooney Tells Tale Of Bribe Offered County Official Relates how Ten per Cent Was to Be His Cut SPOKAKB, Waah'JniyS.ijP) -Count j idommlgsloner ' W. Pat Rooney. told . a uperior . court i nry " today he waa" offered a 1 6 per cent; bribe" for county buil neaa by K 'J. Simona of the Gen eral Machinery company. The statement came ' a t t e r Rooney, who la being tried nnder a grand Jury indictment for bribery,- returned to the " -witness tand In his own defense' this afternoon. ; . He asserted Simons told him In 1137 "Well pay 'yon If per cent of all the stuff the county buys from n. That's everything from a nickel bolt on up." ' Rooney, said he had "turned down every bid they tamed ln.M Defense Attorney Edward Con nelly rested his case at 4:12 P. m. The state, in opening rebuttal, called to the stand John Freeley, Seattle attorney ho formerly was employed In the Spokane re lief office. Freeley said he had been called here by the defense, then remembered having heard Rooney order 300 men sent to the BBB restaurant. Clyde Stewart, proprietor of the BBB, had testified he paid Rooney $725 for the privilege of feeding indigent single men. Connellv mnvht aii t ley had asked Rooney "What it was worth" If .he did not testify and received sharp That's a lis ! " from the - Seattle lawyer. T SPOKANE, July S-(rVBrotber David. Portland university ; librar ian told the 50: delegates .to the Northwest Catholic . Library as sociation convention today.,1fos cow and' Berlin propagandists are active among American authors.') "There is lota of waier in the wells of literature: it is onr dnty to mter it,- he said. ;:" C - : The Rev, Fr. Lawrence " Pio trzkewskl, St: , Martin's ! college, tacey. Wash., was general chair man of the one-day semi-annual meeting. . 1 " Mother , Mary, of Good Council, principal . of the Academy' of the Holy . Child, Portland, and the Rev. Fr. Thomas Maher, Gonza ga : university librarian. Spokane, were among the speakers. . Gock Is Ticking Away 2d Century PORTLAND, Jnly t.-(JP)-A French clock ticked into its sec ond century recently for a Port land family, Mrs. - Margaret Haw ley, 71, its owner declared today. Her father, John James Bur ton, purchased the clock: for five pounds May 14, 1839, In Hobar ton, .Tasmania, and presented it to his bride.' ' It moved with the family from "down vndsrf. to Oregon in 1S4S and has' ticked and ehimed thronfh most of the northwest's history. It hay been to the Jewel er twice-i once after m tall and once for . cleaning and still keeps jwrfect time. . .- -- w COT RITCIIEIIQ Ne wonder aeestwivtt choose FRIL LETS! Thty know with "6V2 Miaat "Mne magic"' thay . tarn prtaara Summer delicacies Hiat piaaM the whett family. SEKD I farttr's L) t4 ractiva a ataiatsittMf alawiaawi Ma4lt-fia haM. f attaaM. SftfftlMMB rtiTu-scjurau cs,rMnAsattc State and Commercial Streets Order of $2.00 Delivered Fret AfflCOTS The Dalles and Yakima crop are now at their peak. We are carrying a nice variety of this luscious fruit. Can now and don't delay! Jar Rings Regular Size 3 doz. 10c Ball IViason Caps 190 Pineapple crushed Del Monte No. 2Yt Tin 17 c Cleanser Lighthouse 3 cansOc OXYDOL Regular Size Pkg. 10c Pastry Flour Sr.'" - 15 c FARINA Picket Brand No. 5 Bag 15c Pancake Flour ;sa. 3 & 15c Snowdrift Shortening 3 .a" 49c R r -. - - J ais i n s 4 M 21c COFFEE Vacuum Pack Lb. tlfl VINEGAR 40 Gr.' Strength 5c Armours Dried BeeflQn Armours Deviled Meat 3 ti nslOc Armours Corned 12-oz. Tin 17c Full size table tumblers In four beautiful pottery colors. BUY A SET TODAYI r 1 Mm faff MfeW w IJc each ARMOURS Vienna Sausage 3 'cans 25c IVIARKET FEATURES r- PORK BACK BONES lb. kn OMIUrXtlM LtUS Mock 6 for 256 PURE GROUND BEEF lb. 15c SLICED BACON swifts lb. 25c CODFISH Una SHehri lb. 10c J Hrfiffssii