A Praf MMe 'Habit .Check Over States W'st, wiifl-l. A Ac lr?T. TTb n, irf? yy in mi i ii -v ii M - jiTii u ii 11 n 111 v am Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . Classified Adrcrtlstas Single Insertion per line .10c Three Insertions per line Six insertions per line One month per line Minimum chart e Copy 'or this page accepted wotfl :0 tho evening before publics tlon . tor classification. Copy re ceived after this tlm will 1m ru under the heading- "Too Late o Classify." The Statesman assumes as Oaaa 3lsl responsibility, for errors wbteb may appear to advertisements pub lished tn Us columns, and eases where this paper is at fault will re print that part-of .an advoHlsewent la which the typographical mistake occurs. Tht Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertlamg under the proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad sa ad containing a Ktataaman bra number for an ad- dress la for the protection of bo- advertlser and muat tnereiore am answered by letter. Tha Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge mforma tion as to the identity of an adver tiser, using a "Blind' ad. Uvestock . DEAD AND worthless horses, cows, nicked up free. Ph. collect till Salem, Montgomery Keno. was. HORSES FOR sale. Also Is wka. old weaner pigs. Hayes Lablsh Farm. Brooks, Oregon. I WANTED TOP price paid for old or crippled horses. Phono collect o Jefferson. Flnlay Fox Farm. Jeffer son. Oregon. SEVERAL COLTS horses. Tom Palmer, A broke work Fossil. Oregon Help Wanted tie WEEKLY. GROW mushrooms. cellar, shed. We buy, 30c lb. World's lsrgest company. FREE bckik. musn rooms, 2018 Second; Srsttle. Wash. Situations Wanted DRESSMAK. MUS. Adstlt Ph. 4245 EXP. STENOGRAPHER desires em ployment. Phone (163 evenings. TLriTLrUULrui iiiOm"IiIi"""'- a, DAT WORK. Ref. 30c hour and car fare. Phone 53-43. For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes A Ren. Ramsden. 143 &. Ub. REBUILT AXp guaranteed wash- ora ah .maaes rrom w up. oir. mij- U( 131. Hogg Bros. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters cah realsters. scales, sales, rentals, re pairs, Roen Typewriter Ex., 4S Court. CASH FOR used furn. Ph. 5110. CHOICE UOI.D fish. 1 Oil S. lth- DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers. Also peat moss fertiliser. Pa. 1S3F2, Lee's Hatchery, -.-.rii-' MONTMOREXCT CHERRIES, -ex tra fine, 8c delivered.. Phone 7614. RASPBERRIES. MjOtlANS cutt wild blackberries delivered. Ph. I1FI P.S. TRIED SEARS catalog order desk yett They'll have It. ' . S KA RS- ROEBUCK CO, JA"9. -PRO- 'A2-8, MONTMORENCY CHERRIES, you pick. 2c lb. 3rd hse. E. of Kelser SchL YOTOQBER.. $1.09 crate. Fh.a5T. GERANIUMS 3 for 2Sc White's greenhouse. 11-3 N. Summer. FRYERS, MILK fed. Bell, rt. V box 88. On Glen Creek road. ; ' v SLIGHTLY USED furniture, l-piece dining set, -plece bedroom, Lang wood range, circulator heater, lace curtains. 7i Breys avenue. Phone 54(5. RED RASPBERRIES 11.50 cr. dellv. Ph. 3327. C. D. Kleihege. 3149 Center. SILVER PERSIAN, reas. Ph. 8320 PIE CHERRIES lc lb. you pick. First house south Hazel Green park. Edw. Dunlgan Est. rt. 7 box 137 Salem. WALNUTS IN sheH In small lots. 115 South 12th street. - I RASPBERRIES. BLACK CAPS, 75c crate, you pick., bring container. First house north- Pringle school, j Wanted Miseellaneotis OLD 'WOOL mattress. TeU 8110. Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Corner State ft Commercial' Ph. 8311 For Rent Rooms RMS FOH lh 8871 ladles 898 N Cnttaa : SLEEP. RM. Prtv ent : Ph VJ. FINE SLEEP, room. 131 IN. Church RED, LIVING room A cooking prlv lieges. 107 N. Commercial, i '. t NICE GAR. rm. for man. 8229. PLEASANT ROOM, modern home. Young man. preferred. 731 N. CapltoL Room and Board RMSJ WITH or without hoard. 1830 NR. CAPITAL, shower. 1149 Union 48vseassSbMMSsMMSMsMMbsMMaabpnaShAs . R ft B. 1090 N. pummcn Ph.. 4114 4 CTOon&Statesnan ADVERTISING . Western Advertising Representatives Fenger-Hall , Co; Ltd. San Francisco, : Los Angeles, Seattle - Eastern Advertising . . . 1 - RepreseBtatlTes ; BryanL- Griffith .ft Brunson, Inc. . : Chicago, New York, Detroit ' Boston. AtTsnta . v' i i nil i " i ' 'WMf ... Entered at the Pnmtoffire at Salem Oweoon as Second' Clae Matter. Pub- Itaed every ntomfsy except Monday Btttnett office til South -Commercial Sfreet. , i - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Maii SiibwrlDtlon Ratea in Advance Wthlrt Oregon s Daily and Sunday:! ..Hti a Mo ii eb Ha. fi SO : I'ivear 85.00. Elsewhere 80 cents per Afo. or 84.00 for 1 year tn advance Per copy! cents. Newsstands cents.. n "! r,nlM CS Mmte a month ; 87.20 a rear In advance la Marlon 20C , r. soe , 11.09 ,. and adjacent counties. Room and Board APPRECIATE GOOD meals? Nice homer Ov Ma Bewen, 11 N. Liberty. DOUBLE R003C for ladies, pri. ent Very close In. Pa, 8482.: NICK ROOM, twin beds, close state house. 122T Court. Ph. 8984. 1UC Itil, BIX, I4.TS. Idy. Ttlt. BO. ROOM. 141 & Cottage. 8412. KM. BD. Private family, from hue. 1205 & 14th. J 1 Mode For Bent Apartment KM. NEWLY rura. Beat, orates eafrlc entth, ednlta, Ml K CottaB 1 TO a RM. apta. turn, or wtam, H and uv Imv ISIS SoaOt . SIC. FURN. apt. 260 S. Cottage. SEX FISHER ants. Modernised, newly decorated end roomy. You'll be delighted. Oak and S. Commercial. THE MOST homeltke In Salem Hawtharne Court. 1000 N. CapttoL t ft t X. APTS. Fur, a nvtfum. $W to 14s. Royal Court. Ph. nil t R $11 SO. t R-. 818 80. 18 Center COOU WT floor, t-rm. Ms rerry. CLEAN t RM. furn-k ant wtth pri eata bath, muiwtry. awras. btaorvice lilt Uett i APTS. It PER me, tSS Rellvue. OLYMPIC APARTMENTS S-room nicely furnished. 73 Uberty. N X R. FURN.. prlv. bath. Ill Union APTS- 86 CP. 284 Front. Good home, old age pen. men. NICE, SMALL apt-j 658 Center. FURN. APT.. 2281 Hazel Ave. 7664 FURN. APT-. It, 153 N. l?th. 1 RM. KjTCH.. elosa In. 212 wster. 2 RM. FURN. apt.. 239 a Cottage. 1 ft 2-ROOM furn. 432 Marlon. FURN. APT. 40 N(. 13th,. MOD. FURN. 2-rm. 770 N. Com'l. 1 AND 2-ROOM. Cheapest In Salem. 292 S. Cottage. 2 RMS. furn. Lts., h. ft c. w. f 15. 7113. For Rent -Houses FURNISHED A UNKTIRNISHE1' hminea ! R. A. FORKNER-H T. UERER 1IS3 N. Capitol FURN. HSES. ft apta. Til N Com FOR RENT. S room modern home 335 Fawk. Tel. 2211. I , t 3t. ALLEY HOUSE. Ph. 4817. I ROOM HOUSE. 50 Bush St. rooms partly fum!shNl. 315, Holly wood dlst . 1M5K. 22nd St. S ROOM COTTAGE, gas range, ga rage. lli.00. 79S N. 18th St. Inquire 10 N. Fifth St. - I . T-RM. DWELLING, Fairmount Hill. IVAN MARTIN, j Phone 4411 t ..JL FURN. HOUSE, suburban. Close in. Garden, fruit. -: beautifully ipeA f25-mo. Inq.- 10S eenter. THREE ROOM house, : excellent for cation, garage and fruit: not for sal Available July 19. 1835 N. CWnl. till. MOD. BUNGALOW completely furn. Ph. C414 for even inn t appointment. Woodry Furn. Co.. SL Commercial. 8-R. FURN.' AvalL July . Adults. Close in. 710 N. Hhfh. $25 FOR RENT Small ftouae, close In. inquire 495 S. wjater. TURK. COTTAGE. Couole only Walking distance. $37.50. 837 N. Com'l. A99ltslss9s1ssMeJisaS NEW SMALL, furn. only. 1853 N. Capitol. bouse. Adults FURN. AND UNFURN. HOUSES H. P. GRANT. 529 Court. Ph. 8741. For Rent OFFICE ROMS. !381 State Street. Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713. NEW STORE bldg. with living quarters. Cor. Edarewster e Patterson fine location. Inq. at corree snop ne door. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen with Haw kins ft Roberts. i uxn jnjijirUMXrLnjqriLnj'uixj'rvM-w-M-rf,v-M" - - TRADE CITY oroDerty ' for farm homes. Opportunities In eschanes. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC MOD. I-RII boUM. 14000. TeL 8 RM HOUSE. 2 blocks north 1 the state bnlldincsJ 4 nice bedroom and a. big Uving room. Two sets of plumbing. A real buy. at 842ao. Terms ! See Uirsen with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC rxpJXkJMi"UT'UXIJU A SPl JCXDID BUY ' S ROOM HOUSE beautiful shade trees paved st, bus line 11200 Terms. ALSO 1 room hous cloae to business dlst S. Salem. 11500 with 8250 down, 116 per mo. Call Mrs. Ellis with PHILDS MII.LJK. KKALllllta 34 Stat Street i Pbone 92Ct . 28 BELCREST LOTS for sale or ! trade for acreaa-e. Cost 2175.00 each. Make me an offer. Box 292, Newberg. Oregon. BY OWNER, partly furn, house. targe lot, 8900. terms. 1115 Madison. COMPLETE MOD. homo priced for o trick sale. Owner must move to mi ImbiL r1 . firm., firenlace. full cem hamti lndrv. travs ft shower, fur." heat, gar- lawn ft gar. plot CaH owner 1970, SAPRinCE LOVELY 7-rm. home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, automatic nil heat. 1 car enrage. Landscaped lot. Several - large, .trees. ... Located t blocks outside cify with, I permanent unob structed view of valley and Cascades. 82300 cash, baL payable $55 monthly Federal Savings ft Loan' mortgage which includes taxes and insurance. For appointment to inspect call Larson i or Collins HiWKIXS a KUBtKia. mc flnardlan Bldg. t Dial 4111 S ACRES, atca place, cherries and filberts, 4-rm. house, barn, electricity flMO. Good terms, i vt R. A FORKNER; - H. T. UEBER 1853. N.. Capitol. u A- mod. house, able, garage, large woodshed. $3300. Reas.' down pay., baL Ilk rent.4 Immea. poss. H. C Shields, Ores. Bldg.1 Ph, .8903 ONE 8-RM. mod. house end 1 big lots on D St, close to new hiKh school. On account of death will sell lor sssve 1200 down. 820 nee month. Another new 5-rm. house, hist out I .trie citv limits. 34150: 3100 down, '1 835 per month. NffTJne has ever lived in this bouse. The buyer can hare fan I mediate' possession. ' I - Another good buy," 4-rm." house. l$1800l-$200 down, $30 per month. No axeuss to keep paying rent. I -....,.: .(.,,.. F. H. WEIR. 211 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. MIL Money to Loan 1 We Lend You Money ' , "WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO Fit TOUR 'INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS R CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BKFOEUT A UJATi IS MADE, General Finance Corp. 116 So. Commercial St. Lie First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL . A WHEN AT HOMEs Way A "Personal" Loan $Z to 1198. Easy Tarms : WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 37 ofDces, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY r. Come tn. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE ; (Aa ndrartiaed therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, Now Bilgh Bldg. lit State Street, Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-I2I M-UI I LOW RATE AUTO LOANS:, CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons ; 138 South Commerce!! Street : Phone 91CS Lie No. M-IS2 FHA LOANS 6, also private loans Abrams ft Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg. ; AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN BUHJ5ING LICENSE NO. M-159 What is MONEY SERVICE ? it fa Friendly .consultation with profes sionally 'trained and experienced advisers. Prompt, Courteous, and Skilled of fice employees. A quiet business-like loan service free from red tape. Ions: delays. A confidential understanding at all times. Small monthly payments, sioo re payable at fS.93 per month. Other amounts In proportion. Many adjustable loan plans. $300 available, on furnltur?-rf(vestoclt. alary, co-signer, etc. $50 avail . hl on' para : no ace limit. IK YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. FIRST. Let us explain these and other FREE services that go with each loan plan selected. People's, Finance. Co. Rm,. 201. First National Bank Bldg Salem. Orearon Phone 444$ S-213 State License M-229 Financial 4 WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on savings and Investment. Insured to 86000. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Assn Pbone 4944 142 S. Liberty St Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and cfty property. Before borrowing inquire si Hawkins A Roberts. 'ge'iJlllMlJsJVVVV a ana 'WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 Interest. W. H. GRABENHUnsT UU, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone stfi tff MORTUAUB INVESTMENT l$f WE NOW have s number or first morr gage real estate loana -m proved properties, excellent e c u r i Mort enseal In amounts of 8300 tr $7500. net you 8 per cent payable semi-annually. Examine tne prop erty yourself. CHIl.DS A MILLER. INC 114 State Street Telephone 1281 WANTED $500 for first mortgage on 169 seres timber, Marion county Boot 539, care Statesman. For Sale Real Estate 1500 DOWN buvs 50 acres. $45 per acre. You can't beat 1L Box 61, Marion, Ore. - ' onnn 1 rm bsmt and furn. 12 yrs. old. Big lot Lge. trees. Ex. Joca. North A buv at $2750. Only szuo oown. -BUDROW - KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Phone 6965 !NEW. MOD. sub., north, 6 nm. flrepl., unfin. upstrs. Trees. Bus ser. $2950. Easy to handle. Take lot. sc. or cheap hse. ft some cash. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. " 4 RMS., bath. Redecorated. $1395: $100 dn. ft $20 month. By owner. 112 S. Liberty. Ph. 711J. Exehanse Real Estate. ' EXCHANGE . 3 ACRE TRACT suitable for sub division trade for good home In Sa lent and pay difference. CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phono 92$L GROCERY STORE with living quar ters, low rent exchange xor ranch or bouse. Box 537. care statesman. A GOOD house in Salem for Port land property. . R. A. FORKNER - H. T. TJEBER J. . . 1853.N: Capitol ; IS ACRES, good buildings, near Salem. Because of health will trade for western Idaho or eastern Oregon prop erty. "See my agent, R. A:Forkner, 1$53 N. Capitol. For Sale Farms Fnu RAI.E SC A., new mod. bldas- an conveniences. Paved road. Good black soIL- Some alfalfa. : mile to school. 4 miles north of Jefferaoov Price $7500 : cash, balance long- time, low Interest. If more land wanted 14 A Joining can he bought reasonably 10 ACRES all In cultivation, family orchard rand i berries, 6-roorn house, barn. 1 mile from Hubbard. Price $5500. Will trade for Salem 'property or larger farm. - 20 acres near Salem an In cultiva tion; good 4 -room house, barn, chicken bouse, electric lights and water system. A real buy xor szzuu. tsmau. aewn pay ment, balance like rent. . , ,. . ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH. INC. nv)XN. uommercHu u Business Opportunities i APT. USE. furnish, ft lease. P. 7733. Money to Loan : V. S-l Phono II CI Convenient Ground Floor Location. Business Opportunities For Sale! Lunch, Confectionery, Cigars and Sundries FULLY EQUIPPED. Living wv ters. Good location. Poor health forces immodlat sale. Will bear tnvestlga tlon. Box 34. HarrisburtV Oregon. A GOIN BUSINESS AWAITS YOU in this attractive tar em located on the main Pacific high way, north of Salem equipped for barbecue, bunches, beer, entertainment license. Large roomy dining room, cutuiuruuie uviog quarters wiu sat enure property Including almost one acre ground or sell equipment and lease building. For particulars, caD Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92IL POTATO CHIP outfit and route $151 will handle. 'Box 140, Statesman. MAN TO handle route of vending machines In spare time, no selling. $40 weekly. Must have car and $375 cash answ. Box 535, care Statesman. FOR CASH Small apt. house, close ! in. Income $7$ per mo. $3500. Ph. 3884. SERVICE STATION and eauimnent xor sale and lease. 805 S. 12th. LUNCH AND sandwich shoo suitable for two. Fine location. Growing busi ness, write box 538, care Statesman. For Sale Wood NO. 1 IS IN. old fir, $5 cd. P. $120. eAeaarfWeabjWWaeMa'aVe 9747, DRY 1$ IN. old fir, $4.50. DRY FIR, all kin da Ph. 7507. SUMMER PRICES, old fir IS" at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now or later del. Phone 4158, Oregon Fuel Co. SO- OLD FIR, $4.75. 4 ft $4. 9458. BUDGET PLAN five months to pay first payment in 30 days. Oak s.00, ash $5.50, knots $5.50. Old $5.00. 2nd irwth., $4.00. W. L. Graen. Ph. 6370. Yard 418 N. 21st St r fkf CD. STR. gr. No dote, truly J,UV dry 18 tn. btg a F. Ph. 8680, WoimI Sawing WOOD SAW. E4 SproeA. Ph. 6$$$ Lost and Fbnnd LOST BLACK leather billfold. Re ward. 1156 N. ISth, Ph. 6500. FOUND BROWN billfold. Nsmo Vol teen Jones, owner, call at States- man. Identify and nay for ad. man. Identify and pay for ad. 1 VrrWifVVVVWtArtAnjV LOST JULY 4. female blonde chow dog. Last seen Fail-mount Hill. Reward for information. HoffnelL 7595. LOST : ANYONE knowing the where abouts of "Bonnie" liver and white fe male Sorinirer soanlel. nlease com municate with L. E. Stlffler, States man onice. Phone 9541 evening. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 76, LrOS Angeles. Transportation WANTED RIDE to central S. Da kota. Share expense or help drive. 1492 Riige street, West Salem. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO -KEDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an or der of the County Con.t of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, duly made and en tered on the 14th day of June. 1939, was appointed 'xecutri- 1 of the Estate of Mary E. Cox, deceased, and has duly Qualified as such. . All persons .having claims against said Estate an. hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by lw, and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executrix at 207 D. S. National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon, within (6) months from the date of the first publication of thL, notice. said first publication being made the 15th day of June, 1939. BESSIE ELLEN McMANUS, Executrix of the lr.st Will and Testament am Estate of Mary E. Cox, Deceased Donald A. Tonng Attorney. for Exc-otrix. First Publication: Jnne IS, 19S9. Last Publication: Jnly 13. 1939.-r-J. 15. 22, It, Jly. g. 13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by an order of the Connty Court of the Connty! of Marion, State of Oregon, duly made, ren dered .and entered of record in said court on" the twenty-eighth day of June, 1939, JOHN H. CAR SON was duly appointed as ad ministrator of the estate of HEL EN F. CARSON, deceased, and that said John H. Carson has dnly qualified as such administrator. All persons, haying claims against said estate hereby are required to present the same, with proper rouchers and due verification, to said administrator nt 214 United States National Bank Building, Salem. .Oregon,' within six months rrom tha date, of the first publica tion of this notice.- Dated and first published - the twenty-ninth day of June, 1939. " JOHN H. CARSON, as Ad- mlnlstrathr of the Estaterot HELEN. F. CARSON, De t ' eeased. - CARSON ft CARSON. Attorneys for Administrator. J 29-Jly 6-13-20-27 For Sale Used Cars i Here's Your Chance - To Save Real Money on High Class Late Model Used Cars . . . Never have we Such 1938 CHEVROLET DeLuxo Sport Sedan metai nnisn. zou u nave to hurry to 1837 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Sport Sedan many omer axtraa. swan grey been covered - . 1931 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Coupe Guaranteed mileage only 9000. Car looaa use new ana win give new 193T OLDSMOBILE Six Coupe Radio, new paint Clean car throughout 8848 1931 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan Chrysler's most popular car .$9S 1938 HUDSON 2-Doer Sedan With trunk, electric hand, heater, motor overhauled ' liii poNTiin hit t. cm,. t ... . " 1127 NASH LAFAYETTE Coupe Overdrive, heater, new nalnt Double- 193$ PACKARD 7rPassenger Sedan Has ami aaiom Business man. cost wonderful condition. Only 193$ LaSALLE SEDAN 137 LaSALLE SEDAN Radio, beater Several More to Choose From - Your DOUGLAS McKAY Chevrolet Company 430 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 3188 .... -------- - --..,..-n-vrwvxi Best Deal i Town! In We'll Leave It to You! PACKARDS 37 DeLUXE CLUB SEDAN 120 Mod el. Radio, heater, puncture-proof tubes. Only 18,000 miles. 3$ SUPER-EIGHT DeLUXE SEDAN Brand new factory installed mo tor. New General dual 10 tire a Fender wells, radio and heater. This car is same as new and you can save two-thirds original cost of car. Se this for the Best Deal In Town ! BUICK 38 DeLUXE BROUGHAM Special 40 series. Everything original and looks and runs like new. Very low mileage. CHRYSLER 37 DeLUXE ROYAL SEDAN Two new 4-ply tires, new ever drive. Has had only one owner and used very carefully. TlATir'l? UJLfyLi 37 DeLUXE COUPE Original finish. upholstery spotless. Lots- of extras such as radio and heater. PLYMOUTH 37 DeLUXE TWO-DOOR SEDAN Here Is a Real Car at a Real Price I FORDS 37 DeLUXE SEDAN Very low mile age. Has radio and heater. 3$ DeLUXE SEDAN With trunk, or lalnal finish, upholstery spotless. Heater, low mileage. 35 Terraplane Coupe 34 Pontiac Coach 33 Dodge Coach 29 Ford Sedan 29 Ford Coupe MANY OTHERS EASY BANK TERM 8 and LIBERAL TERMS STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON and PACKARD High at Cbemeketa Phone 8100 Open Evenings Car Door Kills PENDLETON, Ore., July S.-m -A slamming freight car door killed Arthur W. Brooks, 48, at Huntington today when it struck his head. Brooks lived here for 20 years. " ' Business Cards la this directory ran oa a monthly basis only. Ratei f I per line pet month. Auto Brakf3s - Mike Panek, 275 South Commercial Auto Laundry CARS WASHED, 50c. S I m o n 1 s e cleaned ft waxed, 12.00. 2(7 N. Church. Pbone 8955. s Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and .reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. ttora'L P. 4518. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4451, R-'E. Northness. Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT PSC Chiropractor, 258 N. High. Tel. Res. 8572. J Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds; Base ments dug. Dirt hauled , or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co Phono 9408.' t . 'i Florists Brefthaupfs, 447 Court. Phono- 6904. Laundries' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 283 & High Tel. 9124 For Sale Used Cart had a better selection at Prices! Radio and heater; original gun- get tnla most popular used car49 Radio, neater, fog- lamp and tinlan. Upbolsterins; baa always - $828 car r"""" f" , , test n- ii4 $4 had the best of care br nromt- new 83000. A beautiful car in ., , ftsi -$848 and new tires and paint Old Car May Make the Down Payment LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Filing Application for License for a Hydroelectric Project NOTICE is hereby given that Idanha Power Company, 4346 SE 30th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. has filed with the Hydroelectric Commission of Oregon an applica tion for license for a hydroelectric project to utilize the waters of the North Santiam River near the town of Idanha, Marion County, Oregon. The application is for 240 cubic feet per second of water to develop 327 theoretical horsepow er utilising a head of 12 feet. I is proposed to divert the water from the main channel of the rlv er at the npper end of an Island at a point which bears approximately North SC East ISO feet from the south quarter corner of Section IS, Township 10 South, Range East, W. M. The water would be carried through the existing high water channel on the north aide of said Island to the power plant and after passing through said plant returned through said chan nel to the river. Said application is made subject to the terms of Title XLVI. Chap ter XXI., Oregon Code 1931 Sup plement, and is subject to protests or remonstrances on behalf of the public, of any district organised for a public purpose, or by any in terested person or persons, on the grounds Bet forth in said law. All protests and remonstrances should be in writing, in duplicate, should state the grounds thereof and should bo filed with the Com mission at Salem, Oregon, on or before August 1, 1939. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 28th day of June, 1939. HYDROELECTRIC COMMISSION OF OREGON. By Chas. E Stricklin, Secretary. J 2 9-Jly 8-13-20 NOTICE OP FINAL MEXT 8ETTLE- Kotice Is hereby given that the undersigned have filed tn the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, their duly verified final account, as the Executors of the last will and testament tnd es tate of Mary W. Park, deceased and that said Court, has fixed Tuesday, the 25th day of July 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County. Court House at Sa lem, In Marion Connty, Oregon, as the place for hearing said Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning. sising; fluff rug weaving. S. 13tb Wilbur. Tel. 8441, OTTO F. ZWICK En, Est, 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4089 Naturopathic Physician DR W. H. ROCKWELL, Naturopath ic Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd. TeL 4303. Office Hours 11 a. m. to 8 :30 n. m. FREE EXAM, ft CONSULTA Painting - Paperhanging WE DO an kinds painting. -7J2. Pr,mling FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs,' books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing- De portment. 218 : & ComroerclaL;- Tele phoao S19 .....; 7- 'i.;fW Transfer FOR LOCAt or distant transfer, stor age, burner on, call 31 If. Lamer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. INTERSTATE TRUCKING, Wash. A Oreg. Ph. 22F3., - . , x WeO Drilling R. A. WEST. Rt. A . us. p. lien. LEGAL NOmCE final account sad all objections thereto. Dated At Salem, Oregon, taw lad flty of Jon. 1S3S. BXLLB BROWN and PAUL B. WALL4.CE, Xxeenters of the last will and testament and Estate of Mary W. Park, deceased. WALTER 8, ILAMXIN. - aUoTner tor ExecntOTf, Salem. Oregen. SOTICBOP . FINAL SaTrXIJCMJCTT . Netke to ftereby gxrea that the madarslAned has filed in the County Court eg the State ef Ore gen, for the Conntr of Marion, ale dly Yertfled final sveooant. aa tne Xxeentor of the last will and testa- snont and estate of A. Sv Freeman, deceased, and that said Cosrt aas fixed Tneadajr. the ttta day of Jnly. aSt. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of aald day. as the time, and the Connty Court Room ta the County Court Bonne at Sa- u la Marion Connty. Oregon, aa the place for aoarlag said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this REPORT OF CONDITION OF Ladd & Bush, Bankers at Salem, County of Marlon, Oregon, RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States Government obligations, direct and or fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks and securities Banking house $198,125; furniture 130,219.47 ....... Real estate other than banking house Cash and due from banks Other resources, Including cash Total resources LIABILITIES Demand Deposits: (a) Of individuals, copartnerships. corporations, etc $3,891,720.70 Of state, county, municipalities, etc 1,852,171.24 Due to banks, including cashier's and certified checks 322,356.05 United States Government 259,924.00 Total demand deposits $ 6,326,172.59 (b) (c) (d) Time Deposits: (a) Of Individuals, copartnerships. corporations, etc., (b) (O Of state, county, municipalities, etc - Due to banks...- Total time deposits Other liabilities . Capital Account: Capital Surplus Undiyided profits, net ..... Reserves ............ Total capital account (Includes $245,000 capi tal debentures andor borrowings) 1,017,505.41 Total liabilities $11,S42,743.9T MEMORANDUM: Loans and Investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations, direct andor fully guaranteed $ 2,289,(00.01. Other bonds, stocks and securities... - 125.000.0t Total pledged excluding rediscounts $ 2,414,(00.09 Total liabilities secured by the pledge of loans and or investments .. ..: S 2,021,81.J1 STATE OF OREGON, County of I, GEO. H. RICHES, cashier emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me Nellie E. Schwab, Notary Public for Oregon. j ..' . My commission expires Jan. 8, 1943. Correct Attest: WM. S. WALTON, J. FUHRER, ROY NELSON, Directors. (SEAL) Cross Word Puzzle 11 12 15 16 17 I4? 20 21 23 2 SO 31 3V 55 36 37 HO HI 44 HI SO 52 4 &6 S7 4l v. BOarXOKTAL 1-rsi ftff 4 Nets 11 Wae ef the TimVI f is Vsrt at be U The. pert ef Teak H ead ef what friend! 19 Moist 1 at the northern It Mental PriBter's ; 28-Saudi aalauus ta Bpott piawmd mm bonfWL SI Part mt a U 13 Depart 84-Ckpptac tool ' 40 Earth gnsssas 4 V Fcstialae mama 4t Fartsas artakiag tl caejla 47-Mtriet ta W. Madrss, BrWsh Iadla 8 Like . -, -. . (t Hiasa saraMMt. lrS kill , t Wbet is tslsrtBt city sf Veeadat 8-JuWvais8 jt.- tl M t, the list 1 tef Ohs OS Ob who 84 Compass point 81 Charte for profaajlrsisl YXnTICAI. ' t WW ante .S DeaaJeile S Hebrew nam for Cod 4 Wae waste -Arrwfmlth"f Apart Eeelasiastieal rsprnslsUsj T Supposal hypnotic fores - S Bqaare ef haked slay . - - - S VtllisiaaT , '- IS Tart . . . , -.-. m LEGAL NOTICE Sth day of Jane, 1939. to FRANK BETZER, Executor of the last will and -testament and estate of A. 8. Freeman, Deceased. WALTER 8. LAMKl?, . Attorney for Executor, V" Salem. Oregon. J I-1S-22-2I JI NOTICE OF DISSOLCTIOX V i nil usbuuii nbavnairiB. ASSOCIATION. INC.. sends greet ing to all Members and Direct ors: - a meeting wiu oe neia at, g 7 ins nsnos noui tot ibr nnrnrtas " . of diswolving said Corporation,;, T. A. WIXDISHAR, CLERK Of Said Corporation- Jly I MBaMaMBaeHWMHasaaiBaaaMaaaMioam - NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE ASSOCIATED RESTaU- . RANTS OF SALEM, INC., sends greetings to nil Members- and DP rectors? A meeting will be held at 2: St . XB& . , BUIIUIf, W Ul ills, Kb ' Marion Hotel for the purpose ox dissolving said Corporation. . . '1'. A. WmUlaHAK. I TLfiKK - Of Said Corporation. Jlr I at close of business June 30, 1939. :..$ 4,791.633.91 2,4504.92 :. 2,413,400.00 3 99, 3 32.CC and fixtures .... 2 2 8. 3 4 4. 41 . . 109.2(0.51 . 3.668,520.42 31,4.1S .$11, 42.743.07 items..... . ..$4,275,025.37 t 1,334.32 5,000.00 4,281.3(0.11 17,704.(1 500,000.00 350,000.00 110.437.32 57.06S.09 Marion, as. of the above-named bank, do sol GEO. H. RICHES. Cashier. this 5th day of July, 1939. '3 IH Id 22 25 26 27 2fi 32 33 3 3 HH wo H &3 5f Z7A 60 6 6H 66 6T 'A 14 NentiTe tepW IT Narrow sttetca at lead 20 law 24 Observe ' 28 Beer of water . Keren up wtth eacer sextos XS Tooth tomioUs tar kahrhthaaa ' 0 B ta f bardea 88 What is the casvtal ef PeraT -. 84 Tree IT lUlintlam aveatiac eatty 4S JKoamtaina ia Tarkactaa 4 Vase wHh a sedsstal . 44 Whs b the grest epk peat ef Italy f 4S Whe wrote "The trees a err 4S Fool water ta shta's I tl a 88 Beat the wtags wfth l 8 IT- 84 PravMhal that Herewith is the solution to yester-. 1, day's puxxlev i . i IwUplErralelAlTfej&iRlel 11 11 'OA god S Tharafore S Coawralag