PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, OregoaTlHOTday Monitor, July 6, 1939 Salem Market , . . -nam " - (TIm arteea blow aappite. y a local graver-aa Indicative af taa .ally aMrki prices paia U frattrt by galea aayers bat ara aat fuaraateea bj Tee filatea Bananaa, Ik ea stalk uaaaa Orapefrelt, Teaaa fiaka Le-tooa, crata ,, , , Oraafee, erate avecadoa, crata ., fjarraata .03 .081 4.00 J 00 1.50 3.50 ta 4.00 , , 1.60 Baapberrfea ... , Caataloapea, arata Watenaeleaa. lb. . 1.40 .1.65 ta 3.00 5.-5 , . .03 H ' - VEGS.ASXBS (Baring r rices) Asparagus. UeaS. aw,,. Beeta. dot. ' Cabbace. la. Carrota, local, doa. Caallflawer, local .50 t .08 AS 1.00 Celery. Cub. 8.00: local, erata l.fS Caeaabars, hothouse, bo. Lettaee. local Oniene. 50 Iba Graea onloae, doa. Radishes, dot. ... Peat, local, lb. Peppers, graaa, Calif. ran icy Potatoes, local eart. No. 50 lb. baft Hew Potato. Calif. owt Spiaaca, local, boa 1 urn i pa, aoa. a.50 .90 1.00 .20 .30 JOS JO .40 1.10 .45 .00 JiO .55 BTJT8 (Me fall by laaepeaaent Pac-tnf at la growaii Walnato ffranaaettee. fancy, 13a i 4! DDL 10a: amall Se: orchard raa. to 10c. Walnat Beats, 35 to SOa lb. FilberuBarrelonaa. Urea 11 "at: fae 11 Vac: babies, lit; orchard raa lie. (Co oa Price to Grower) - Waloata Price raate. -epeaainc epoa way aoU raa la 14 diftereal graaea alia 12c Dacbillr 1 cent higher. . Hors (Bayla. Prices) Cinetert, aomiaal, 1937. lb. .03 to Clusters, 193a. lb .33 U Yafflca, top " WOOL AMD MOB-IB (Baying Price) Wool, ate-iasa. lb. Cosrse, lb. . Lamba, lb. ,,.-.... , Mohair, lb nans up ruuwai (Buying Frtcea of Grade A large, .oa. Grade B largo. doi. Grade A medium Grade B medium r.lleta .08 J2S At Si AS AO ) Colored frye White Leghorn a. heavy.. White Leghorn. Iigh Old rooiter .15 to .19 IT 47 .15 J4 .15 Jl JO .05 Stocks and Bonds '. Jalys t STOCK AVEBAOBS! Compiled by The Associated Preaa 30 15 ladna Rail Ket Chg. A .9 A .6 Wednesday 5.7 17.0 Previous day 04.8 17.0 Month ago : 08.1' 18.7 Tear ago 70.1 19.4 1939 high 77.0 33.8 1939 low 85.8 15.7 30 10 Bail Indue Vet Chg. A .4 Uaeh Wedaeeday 65.4 100.0 PreTiooa day 65.0 100.0 Month ago 57 8 100.0 Month ago 58.1 98.5 1939 high 64.9 100.7 1939 low 53.4 97.0 Low yield 112.1 15 Util A .8 SS.9 M.4 7.8 . 34.6 40.0 3.7 l iio ttii TJnch 95.9 95.9 6.5 83.3 96.7 81- 80 Stock A .7 46.S 45.6 48.0 48.1 63.4 - 41.8 10 Forgo A .6 00.9 00.8 83.8 63.8 04.0 58.3 Grade B raw 4 per eit milk, Salem Crop bask pool " ; price fl.76. , X, Co-op Grade A batterfat price 8)1.72. (Milk baaed ea aeml-moaUTy batterfat a vera re.) Distributor price, f8& Batterfat,' So. 1, 2Sc; Xo. 2, 21c; prexolam, 24 He A grade print, 28 He; B grade 274c; qaarter 29He Heavy bona. lb. .14 MA-JOB CBXAMXBT Baying Price Batterfat. first anality. 3t Batterfat, aoeoad quality .31 Batterfat, pramiam UVh Leghora bene, over 14 im ... - Logbora heaa. andar t lba. .09 Leghorn fryer. It lbs. .10 leghorn fryera, naderaiae, market valoe. Colored Irrera 3-9 lb. , Colored apriags, 8 Iba. and ay. Colored bona Suga ,. . i. Old Rooatera No. 3 grade 5 per aoaad leas. jcuua Grade A large - , Grade A me-iom Grade B large Grade B medium .- Uadargradea and cke.. J8 43 48 .08 ,05 48 40 46 45 45 LIVESTOCK iBarlaa nrlce lor Ha. I condlUoB and aaJea reported ay to 4 p.m. Umb. 1939. top l.w Lamb, yearling . 4.85 to 4.50 Kwee X 0V to 3 SO Hor. top 7.75 7.00 to 7.35 6.75 to 7.00 5.50 to 5.75 5.00 to 5.50 5.50 to 6.00 5.00 to 6.00 , 7.50 DeJr type eowa 3.50 to 4.50 Dressed cal. lb. 40 QBAXN. HAT ABB SEEDS Wheat, ba.. Ho. 1 recleaard - .75 Qat. grey ton - 38.00 Whit zo uw 130 150 Iba 310 300 Iba. Sows Beef cowa . , Boll Heifer Top eeal Peed barley, too Clover hay, ton Alfalfa, ton ,. 22 00 to 34.00 12 00 to 18.00 v 10 00 to 16.00 Egg mash. Ko. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bag 1.85 Baa acratrh feed 1.75 Cracked corn 1.75 Wheat 1.55 CIO Off Ballot At Portland Mill SEATTLE, July 5.-(fP)-The Congress of Industrial Organiza tion will not appear on the South east Portland Lumber mill Juris dictional ballot Friday, the na tional labor relations board said today. The CIO withdrew after accus ing the company of unfair labor practices and charging the NLRB had failed to conduct proper in vestigations. The ballot will be "a straight yes or no" for the American . Federation of Labor. A jurisdictional vote between the AFL and CIO will be held at the Klngsley Lumber company at Portland within 30 days. Foreign Wheat So Oiieasb Pit - Is Able to Score Gains up to Nearly one Cent CHICAGO. July V-VPl-Tirm-ness of " foreign 7 markets aided wheat here today and rains of f cent a bushel were scored at times. The close was -4 up. LiTerpool, due lower on the baata of action here Monday. closed to cent higher. The English market was aiaea oy ae creasing pressure of Argentine shipment-. Winnipeg closed - up and other American markets reflected the upturn. Kansas City closed - up and Minneapolis 1-1 H higher. Despite liberal receipts of new winter wheat, estimated at 9,t9tr 000 at 12 principal terminals dur ing; the past two days, hedge sell ing offerings were small and eas ily absorbed. After a minor In itial ricwlln the market steadied and then advanced. Improvement in the July l private crop esti mates was anticipated and . these had mtlA effect on the market, : July wheat here closed at 8- and September at v. - -Tha averace of ' six private crop reports placed probable wheat production at 721.000,000 bushels, an increase of 21,000.000 compared with the estimates va month ago. The winter wheat av erage was 525,000,000 bushels, up 9,000,000 and lor spring wneai I9g.000.00i or 12.000.000 bushels more than the average of the esti mates a month ago. 1939 High Year For new Radios PORTLAND, July 5.-5VSev- enty per cent more radios were sold during the first three months of this year than during the same months of 1938, T. F. Joyce, Cam den, N. J., vice-president and ad vertising director of the Radio Corporation of America, said to day. He predicted 1939 would ex ceed 1937 in the radio business. Firecracker as Cigaret Doesn't Work out Well TOLEDO, Ore.. July 5.-Pr- Seven-year-old Laura Lee Mulll can imitated with a lighted fire cracker, the men she had seen smoking clgarets. She was treated for burns on her face and Inside her mouth and painful lacerations. "There Is Always Tomorrow . ' By May Christie SYNOPSIS i On her 25th birthday, Antoinette Goddard, a lovely San Francisco debutante, awakens with a feeling of great happiness. . The cause of it was her fiance. Brock Milbank, cion of the prominent west coast Mil banks. Ton! felt flattered that the eligible Brock loved her when he could have bad the pick of Soci ety's debutantes. Jessica Payne, an unscrupulous blondj made no secret of his attraction for her. Even though Brock did not encoor ' age Jessica, Ton! was J jealous of her. - At the breakfast! table, the ' news that her father had gone bank rupt did sot affect Ton! deeply. "What was money compared with love?" she thought. "Besides, when she and Brock were married they could help mother and dad.' Toni ' had a luncheon date with Brock. ' He had not telephoned so she won- dered if be knew of their changed " financial status. Waiting for him In a hotel lobby," Toni is touched when one of her friends greets her with: "I'm frightfully sorry, Toni !" Toni thought her mend's solid tude had been for the loss of her father's fortune, but she learns the ' real reason when she boys a news paper and a glaring headline reads: "Brock Milbank and Jessica Payne Married This Morning I" In a daze, Toni leaves the hotel and hails a - taxL She goes to the waterfront where she and Brock had spent many happy ' hours, i There she .- meets an old fisherman who philo sophically compares life to a net which, though it gets torn, is mended and put to sea again. "There's healing in work," the old man had said. . The thought gave Toni hope. She decides to go to new zors ana start anew. - CHAPTER VI Bright lights of Broadway. Jos tling crowds everywhere. Noise. v 'Traffic Newsboys yelling the morn ing papers at eight o'clock in the - evening. Street hawkers. Beggars. The nun hour for the theatre. ' Toni Goddard In) the milling crowa aoouc ue Astor -totel. Tired from a long day of trampins the agencies. A search for work that didnt lead to anything; Thousands of girls in the city wearing out shoe ' leather similarly. She had been in New York almost three weeks, and tho end of every day was blank dis - appointment. , Bow imuch - longer would her money hold' out ?-- . wondered. . , l, , But grim determination, not hopelessness, was in ; the taut face that was thinner than it had been in San Francisco. Come what may, sue wouldn't go oacK. . 4 -. She would find her place, or die trying. Adversity was building a new character in Toni. A quitter? A burden en her already burdened parents? Never) She'd scrub floors sooner than admit defeat. . But so many illusions had he discarded. The , importance of m II I ! I I I ft it III MM - ' waiHN . ei rvi irsj - world was among the first. Then her yen tor .wnunr. She had haunted newspaper i offices. . They V wouldn't even give her a try-out. - There were set enough jobs for the experienced reporters, let-alone ' Irtthericr ia noriee' Staffs were bei-g cut, not enlarged, she was V .rlhnnloTmet ' bureaus had . the - same tale to telL Besides, where were her reference? What was her experience? -Tea,-she could type ' write,' but she had no shorthand, piint ahe realize there were ham- dreds of excellent stenoeraphers jobless? A social secretary 7 She'd had plenty of experience, giving parties, and she knew all about entertaining and the correct form of invitations, and bow a ball should be run. Shrugs and snubs greeted these ef forts. Would-be social secretaries were as plentiful as blades of grass in Central Park. What about teaching? Very few people, apparently, wercemploying governesses these days. "If I were a beauty expert or a millinery designer, I might land something, thought Toni, appalled voice hearing', and appeared some what impressed. "If the. field weren't so crowded, we might land you as a bines singer," he told her as he took her name and address and that ended it. At the end of her second week in New York, Toni moved to a cheaper, hotel, bought an electric plate, and started light housekeeping. But she didnt let her parents know of her change of address. . The first hotel had been smarter. Her mail .could still be sent there. She could call for it. Keep her chin up. ' That was important. - - Extraordinary that a big city IN m 1 ; ir if f5I . s5 .Mi k k,tr -in a s a. -j (Mi); WS The agents laughed at Tool's naivete, her greenness. by the knowledge that, despite her four years at the university, she knew very little that was saleable. , She read the Help Wanted eoL Xftf in a, . MASSEUSE, licensed, well : built. . Apply J-Qmoon's Gym nasium. fWell buOt, but not -censed,' giggled Toni to herself. Here was something more proniising. j : . GIBI.beau.-ul, refined i types, for photogTsphic model ing; experience unessential. - But it was a wfld-goose chase, and humiliating too. For the picker of beauty curtly told her that she was neither . young enough nor pretty enourh. ta h minion. Look- teg in her mirror as she) left the place, she realized she did look rather haggard, for she had slept badly the night before, and worry didn't improve one's appaxmnce ayway. r.-i: . Despite this snub, and bow more careful of her inaka-up, ahe sat for hours in the waiting rooms of the atrical agencies. . . irHadnt ahe . had good parts tn piays put on by ue eouege dramatic society? And wasn't she wflling to begin with small bits, and work her wayap? -.v.. . . The agents laughed at her naJve- ii, her greex-Mss. Oat gave her could be so frightfully lonely I Here on tmin road . aha -a grateful to exchange a few words with old Bridget, who had a tiny ; fn-ttand on the corner of Forty seventn street. When buying oranrea from Br lewft m mnra tV . one ocaudon. the sympathetic wo man naa orawn rrom Toni her con tinued diMppointment in tryng ta find work. ... -. ... To-night ft was windy, and a sudden gust caught Bridget's stall, scattering fruits oa the sidewalk. Toni aTWOOMd Aon eaa thtmt m(S. ered then and returned them to the ota Tenaer. . ; "Liasen, honey, there's a try-wit at the New Gailic CaatBo at tea to morrow morning. You'd aiake a swell showgirL Yon ro oa orer tnd tep 'era you've had exjenee,' advised Bridget. "But I don't know anybody to tak for.. The place ta oaestioa was aa e-ornxms cafe and music-hall oa Broadway that was crowded nightly. ""Twas little CassieXkryle as lives around the eorner told me they're) putting ea a new revue. She's in the chorus. Ask for Cassia. ' Be there early and say a friend sent you. Cassieni see you. She's a good natured kid." grhined Bridget. ' (To Be Continoed) ' Quotations at Portland i POBTLAND; C Orew JJy S. (XT) -Dairy- proaaea prieee: . Batter: Kztraa 86; ataadarda S8H; arlasefiraU 11 V 1 .firaU tl ; batterlat Lnt Larga axtraa Sla;.larfa ataad arda 19e; atediaai extra i 18c; aie-iaai ataadarda 18a. C-aaaa TripleU 18ej leat lec Portland Produce PORTLAND, Cre., nly 8. (AP) Coma try , Xaata Sellin. price to rcuil ara: ? Oeaatry--ille4 -oca, best k-tehers. aa4er 160 lba 10-10 He lb.; vealera. UMi-lSa lb.; Kgat aad taia. 10-lle lb.; heary, S-lOc; lae, apriaf limba, 15-15 He; yaarliar laaba, 10-lSe lb.; ewes, S-Te lb.; eattar eewa, 9c; aaaaer cava, 6Mi c; balla lie lb. Lira PooltryBnylnf prices: Lefhora breilera, 18-18e lb.; colored spriozs, 8 Iba. aad a-ar, 18-14a lb.; Lccbora hens, erer SH Iba. 14a lb.; aader 8 J, lbs, lSe IK; colore, hens to 5 Iba., 15e lb.; over Iba. 15a lb.; Ko. a trade. 5a lb. lea. ' Tarkeya Belllns prlcee: Draaaed hens, 17-18e lb.; tons, 15-16e lb. Bay las prices: Heaa, 15-16e lb.; to ma, 14-1S lb. ' PoUtoea Yakima Gema, ( ); cental; local. 1.00; Deeeaatea Gems, 1.85 ceaul; aUaasath rails, Ka. 1, Gems, 1.15-1.35 cwt. Xew Petatoee CaUloraia Whites, Na. 1, 1.70 par evt: Cennewick, 1.40-1.50. Onions Calil. wax SOo-1.00; red, 70e; yellow, 80-85e per 50 lb. sack. Waal WMlaasette valley. 1930 clip, nominal aied S5a lb.; coarse aad braids, S5-S6e lb.; 6 months fleece, 3 2. 34c lb.; aaatara Ora.M8-81a lb. Bay Sellias price ta retallera: Alfal fa, Ma. 1. 16.00 toa; eat retch, 13X0 toa; clover, 11.00 too; timothy, eastern Or 19.00; do Teller, 14.00 toa, Portland. Hope 1938 Clusters, 35e lb. foctics, S8a lb. Mohair Komlaal, 1989 dip, SOe lb. Caacara Bark -Bayiag price 1939 peel, do lb. Sasar Berr and fruit, 100a, 8.00; bale 6 15: beet 4.95. - Domesue rionr SelUnj price, elty de Uvery, 1 U 15 bbL lata: - family patent, 49a, 5.70-6.85: bakers' hard wheat, net, 4.00-5.45; Bakers blnestem, 4.70-5.00; blended wheat floor, 4.70-5.00; aeft wheat 4.40-4.45; trahaaa, 49a, 4.50; whole wheat 49a, 4.95 bbL Portland Grain PORTLASD, Ore., July 5. (AP) Wheat: -Opea High Low Cloae 72 73 73 73 Cash Grain: Oati, Ko. 2, 3 8-lb. white, 27.00; No. 3. 88 lb. cray . Barley, Ko. 1, 45-Ib. BW, 34.00. Corn, Mo. 3, Y shipment, 36.35. Flax, Mo. 1, 1.64. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white, 71 H; western white 70; western red 69. Hard red winter ordinary 68; 11 per cent 68; 13 per cent 70: 13 per cent 72; 14 per eeat 75. Hard white-Baart ordinary ; 11 per cent ; 13 per cent 72; 18 per cent 77; 14 per cent 77. Today'a Car Receipts: Wheat 46; floor 10; hay 1; millfeed 8.. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Jnty 8. (AP) Hoes: Beeeipta 500. Active. Price range: Barrows and filta, fd eh. 140 160 Iba. $ do gd-eh 160-180 Iba . do rd ca 180-300 lbs da gd-eh, 300-330 lbs do gd-eh 320-350 Ibi 7.00 7.50 7.85 S 8.00 7.75 S.00 7.400 8.00 7.10 7.75 do gd-ch 150-1M lbs , da gd-cb 10-350 lbs ' do ased, 140-160 Iba. Pkg. aawa. gr. 375-850 lba da good, 35Q-425 Iba, da good, 435-550 Iba d med. 175-550 lba-l Flga (fdr St atrkr) gd eh, 70-140 Iba -1 6.853 T.40 , 6.50 7.00 6.75(3 6.2 5 - 5.35 5.00 -.4.75 6.750 7.85 7.35 6.75 fO.TO 5.50 6.25 (lattla: Seeelnta 150. calves 50 arataly active, awe try ataady. Price hteera, go, voo-iiov u a .uu da medians. 750-1100 Iba. 7.75 do com (pi). 750-900 Iba. Heifers, good.. 750-900 4ba. da medium, 550-900 Iba. da earn (pi) 650-900 Iba. Cows, good, all wta. da medinni, all wta. do com (pi), all wta. do low-eat-ent. all wta. Bulla (yearlings exclnd) gd (beeX). att wta da medians, all wta. do cut-corn (pi), all wta. . Vealera, choice, all wta da good, all wta ,., ... ., do medium, ail wta do call com (pin), all wta CaUrea, seed. 350-400 lba da com (pin) S50-400 Iba Sheep: Beeeipta salable 250. total 500. Stand-. Price rmnxe : Spring lamba, gd eholee87.50i do medium and good - do common (plain) ' Lamba (shorn) med k good da common (plain) ,, Ewes (shorn),' good choice- do aommoa (plaia) Hod-ranga: m a.ou 9.00 6.35 "7.75 8.00Q 9.00 7.000 8.00 6.50 7.00 8.753 6.50 6.00 5.75 4.00 6.00 l.HQ 4.15 6.25 50 5.50 635 4.75 5.50 8.00 8.50 7.503 8.00 6.00 7.50 4.50 3 6.00 6.504$ 7.00 4.50 Q 5J0 9 7.75 6.733 7.35 6.75 6.50 5.00 6.35 4.00(3 5.00 s.sod aso 1.353 3.30 Wool in Boston BOSTON, Jury 5. (AP) (D8DA) Boston houses were receiving a little bus iness today aa domestic wools. Country packed three-eightha and' qaarter blood bright fleeces offered from the middle west were moving occasionally at alight advancea la asking prices ranging 29 to 8l cents. In the grease, delivered to eastern users. Western grown wools of tho finer grades received a little demand at around 64 ta 66 cents, scoured basis, for good French combing length fine ter ritory and at around 63 to 65 cents, scoured basia, for mixed elip of balk fine and half blood territory wools in original bag. Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 6. (AP) (DSDA) Produce price changes: Apples Ore. Newtowna, ex fey, 1.60 1.75; fey, 1.25 1.40; Waah. Winessps, ax fey. 1.60-1.85; Homes, ax fey. 1.65-1.75; Transparent, 24 lbs., 1.00 1.15. Apricots CalX. 60 65c Hat; 1.00-1.15 royal lugs; Ore. Wash. 15-lb. f lata, Moor parks, loose 45c, faced, 47 H -50c Avocados Calif.. 1.05 1.70. Atparagua Ore.. Waih 80 Iba. Ko. 1. 1.75-1.85; loose 1.50; unclass loose 1.25; strings 1.00. J . - Beans Ore. green, 4-Se, wax 4-4 He. Bananaa Banco 6 He; small lota 6a. Black Capa 1.85-1.75. Celery Calif.. Utah. 1.50-1.60; white. 1.70-1.80; hearts, doa.. 1.10. - Cabbage Oregoa round head, 76e-l-00; few 1.85; poor 6O-70c Market lifted g Buyin Seen Sellers Are Scarce TKus Enabling Gains Over 2 Cents in Cases NEW YORK, July E.-(rP)-Mod-est-sized' baying 'orders, concen trated in a few industrial faTor- ites, readily lifted prices in the stock market today. Sellers were scarce and a num ber of shares finished with gains ranging to more than S points, despite a turnorer of only 351,900 shares. This represented en - In crease, however, orer the pre Fourth of July Yolume of 235,140 a 1 7-year low record. "' , United States Steel, American Cantaloupes Cnlif, atda. 45a. 3 40 2.50; jambo, 86 45a. 2.00-2.85; stand ards, 45a.. 1.65-1.75; Honeydewa, 9a, 1.40-1.60; jumSo 27s, 3.00-2.80. Cherries Ore., Wash., Binge, 4-6e; Lasaberta 6-6c; pie 8-4c. Celery Calif , Utah, 1.75-L85; white. 3.00-3.25; Ore. Utah, 1.60-1.75; white 1.75-3.00 ; hearts 1:10. Currants 1.25 1.50.--, Cauliflower Local, 9-lla, 1.00-1.10; No. 2, 60 65c Citrus Fruit Grapefruit, Texas marsh seedless, 3.85-8 00; Arisona fancy, 3.35 3.60; ria.. 8.25 8.50. Corn Oregoa crates, 6 doc, 2.50-3.70; poorer 3.25. Garlic Local, a-8e lb.; Calif., new crop, lOe lb. Grapes Calif., seedless, 3.50-2.65 lug. Lemons Taacy, all aiiesi 6.00-5.50; choice. 4 75. Limea Doa. carton, 20-25e. - Lettuce l.orl dry. 65 75c: poor,; 85e. Orangee Calif, navels, choice, un quoted; Valencies, large 8.75-4; amall to medium, 2.25 3.70. Lettuce Beit 60 65; poor 35c; Wasb. topped. 70 75c Mushrooms Cultivated. 1 lb., 80 85e. Onions Calif wax, 90c-1.00; yellow, 75-85e; reds, 70-80e. Peaches Calif., f lata. Triumphs. . 90c 100; Calif. Redbirds 05-75e; Ore. 65 75c Feaa Oregon, 2H-2e lb. Peppera Calif, lugs. 1.40-1.60. Plums Califs 1.10-1.20. Potatoea Ore. Descbutea Russets, No 1, 100 lbs., 1.20-1.45; US Na. 2, 60 lbs. 45-50e; Calif. Long Whites, US Mo. 1, 100 lbs., 1.90-3.00; Wash., Cobbles Mo. 1, 1.50 1.60. Rhubarb Ore., apple box, 40-45e loose; lettuce crates, 95c-1.10 cwt.; loose, 2e lb. Squash Ore. Zucchini, 40-60c, flats; Scallops, 70-80e; Crooknecks, 50 60c. Strawberries Oregon, best, 34 basket crates, 1.75-1.85: poor low aa 1.00. Spinach Ore., 65c-1.00 orange box. Toicstoes Ore., hothouse, 9-14c; Calif., 24 lbs.. 1.60-2.00. e- Bunched Vegetables: Local per doa bonchea onions 30-35e; radishes, 17 H 10c; parsley, 17 H -20c; turnips, 45-55o; carrota, 20 25e. Root Vegetables : . Rutsbsgaa L25-1.60 Toongberriee 1.2O-1.80 crate. Watermelons Calif. 3.35 cwt eratea extra. Colsing Quotations "- NEW YORK. July Allied Stores... 1 8 A Amer For Power 2 Am Power ft Lt . 4 Am Rad'.Std San :12 Am Roll Mills. . U Am Smelt ft Ret 39 Am Tel ft Tel.. 161 Amer- Tobacco . 83 4 Am "Water Wks. Anaconda ..... 23 Armour 111 4 Atchison ...... 26 Barnsdall ..... 13 Bait ft Ohio ... 4 Bendix Aviation 22 Bethlehem Steel 53 Boeing Air .... 20 Borge Warner . 22 Budd Mfg . 4 M Calif Pack .... 18 Calumet Hec... 5 Canadian Pacific 4 J I Case. . . . ... 73 Caterpil Tractor 42 Celanese ...... 22 Certain-Teed . . 7 Cbes ft Ohio ... 32 Chrysler ...... 9 Coml. Solvent .. 9 5-(Toay'sciosini prices: r . - rninwith ft 1 Natl, Dairy Prod 15?4 30 National uist,.. 7 Natl Power ft Lt 7 0 Northern: Pacific ?- 7, 5 Packard Motors 3 ' Douglas Aircraft (7 J C Penney .... 83 Du Pont de N..14S Phillips Petrol , 33 Elec Power & Lt 7 Press steel car. 34 Pub Service NJ. 374 43 Pullman . ... 25 43 Seare Roebuck . 74 26 Shell Union ... 1 20 Southern Pacific 12 4 Standard Brands 8 11 Stand Oil Calif. 26 10 Stand OilNJ... 41 55 Studebaker .... 6 46 Sup Oil 2 Int Paper ft P Pf 30 . Timk Roll Bear. 39 Int Tel ft Tel... 6 Trans-America . . 70 Union Carbide . 75 . 32 United Aircraft. 35 .44 United- Airlines. 10 .106 US Rubber .... 40 . 42 US Steel 46 . 49 Walworth ..... 5 Nash ' Kelvinator 6 White Motors 8 National Biscuit 26Woolworth 46, National Cash . . 17 Consol Edison.. Consol.Oil V. . . Corn Products'; Curtiss Wright General Electric General Foods . General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Great Northern. Hudson Motors . Illinois Central . Insp Copper . . . Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can Johns Manville Kennecott . . . Libbey-6-Ford IJg ft Myers B Loew's Monty Ward Telephone, Union Carbide, East man Kodak, Owens Illinois, Mont gomery Ward,' General Motors, Douglas Aircraft and Johns Man ville were among those closing 1 to more than 2 higher. Brokers reported Investment buying for the longer pull in ex pectation of business improve ment in the United States broad ened out after the holiday. Professional traders, lacking the guide of a clear-cut market trend, were slow in following the influx of orders for special issues singled ; out for buying attention lately. A desire to await a better took at legislative ' prospects . in congress was thought in broker age circles to have' kept trading down somewhat,' Attend Brother's Funeral AMITY Mr. Charles H. Burch and sisters, Mrs. Elmer Ladd, Mrs. Anna Grames and Miss Louise Burch were in Portland Wednesday to attend the funeral of their brother, . Henry Clay Burch, who passed away at bi home in Portland Sunday. CI MONEY In A Hurry 99 Personal Loans For All Needs There is no red tape, no embarrassing investigation, no delay, when you come to ns for a personal loan and we make it so easy for yon to pay lt back in convenient amounts. STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution (Chllds' ft Miller's Office) 344 State St.. Salem, Ore. Pbone 9261 lie. So. S-218 M-22-1 POLLY AND HER PALS The Good Earth By CLIFF STERKETT 5 VLlH'VE BIN FiJTTlN THROUGH THAT FLOWER BOOK TH' HULL DERN CAY. TrR ) tit f TMTRyiN' T FIND V. f'y00! wAl. ACCORDIN T TVT Wocy I f A NEW KJNCA FLOWER I WOT A V W4V CROSSWORD PUZZLE . ' I V yktf i discoverer, -- (kind? ) -7 worked out, rrs a r? v j MICKEY MOUSE Pleasant Dreams, Mickey! By WALT DISNEY, Ike ajar- rVJ RIOOEO MICKEt 44P ' IS SI REQUEST 'YOU .7-4 fi 'Sill . I 1 1 BBS I III i T-g A, ....... - v S ,.t,T-r tOQ SEEM RATHER CHOKED H ', !V ' : UROLE-r I X MERELY eAYE VOU SOME H?M LESS SLEEPING TOVVXirer7TrvKr U-t ft I" IJ JUST TO MAKE EVERYTHNO j RT" tsi nr- -wiwrf e- "? I RVi ' 1' ... ? m LITTLE ANNIE ROONET The Best Things In Life Are Free! By BRANDON WALSH ' eg-, it meg Hgce? OU tOOW, I VrTJNLI VVHY kwwe M9 1 su-n-xa HEREFD? lCTsON9? W IP NOUflRC HUMGfV NOU KIM PICK UJT3CWBOeRlS-. NUTS - Af TMlMGS OR MDU KIM KETCH A FISHAflCQOK IT OVBRA UTTLE riRt AM' IT TASTETS GRAND i EVEffV PLACE VOU LOOK IT LOOK5 LOVELY. WHEN VOU W-LKNOU CONT HAVE-rO VMDP3V BrtrrA raE r-ravu-' AOUNO A CURVE AM HITTIN" OU rOU WN HAVE ALL.THE VOU CAN CARRY AN VOU HAFTA EJUVCM-NOU HAFTATURM OM ARADO TO GrTTVUJSIC tAU3C BIRDS tSSlMGIN'ALLTHE. -TlABr ho r-LKSC SMOKE -.NO DOST- NOTVIIKr TO HARM MCaJ eVa4YTrNs V: :ttm 1 FtOWERSl -yT DON'T. AN' THE aTk? ' HJJZSr& "Naf .V V. TOOTS AND CASPER A Momentous Decision By JIMMY MURPHY t LlTTLB DOES SOPHIE, KNOW SHE'S TEULINe HER SECRET TO HER HOSBANOJ DTiU-CrD AS THE TELLER EVERY AFTERNOON 2 rO TO THE ADULTS CLASS AT COLLEGE TO BE NEAR PROFESSOR MC JrrTPOi U-S AltfOABLB I HB Der5NT KNOW IT. BUT HE LIKES MH.T0O...1 CAM READ IT IN HIS CTr HE -THkNKS rM (N-rU--. HEa SUAVE Aajn riLTiPVD . tu-r tub rPorrTf ocr MY UNTIDV CRUDE? HUSBAND-. OH. RAJAH !j 3 7rials.r- rS Jk:(lLi n-. 1 . 4 X STICK WITH MY r" 1 HUSBAND OR DrVORCS X , HIM AND MARRY VVL V- PROFKSSOR. ' .S fc-SJ-a-SOfc-lMaV-1 Hfm-M- weep Your skat MADAME I'LL BE BACK IN A FEW MOMENTS- 1 MUST CONCENTRATE BEFORE VCNTURlN-r such A momentous DECISIOM. ARRUMF J MVWirtl cue i 'mm waaa bV aTf-aa : PLANS TO tVlVE MSI ' - THE AIR FOR , I v another feller! I " HOWLL T UAKimel I MI 3 aTUATIONj?9 THIMBLE TH1A TOEtarrtnz Popeyt And Don't Say I Didn't Warn You! I?ea-f , . rA IOW POLL! 1 BOSy", AHONt'Y APPEARS TO. TriSANCHOR J ffFOUMJM3syrr IvHrSJ-ll 2 r