page tsuiirr Business Rise Barring War, Trend Will Be Toward Improved . :' v.,,' Trade Condition rx" NEW YORK, 'July 4-iflVRlsln , business trends In the United States during the 'next three months, barring a European war, were forecast today la Wall street circles as factories and trade" rest ed in observance ' of the Fourth of July, - - . - " ; Some trend-watchers predicted industrial activity for the third quarter might average as much as 15 per cent higher than In the like period last year. Moreover; itv was the view of many that September would wit-i ness a rise in business of about five per cent over that seen last month, or around the fastest of the current year. , The Associated Press Index of industrial activity, with-1929-30 . as 100 has been edging upward for seven weeks, and stands at . 88. compared with 67.9 at this time in 1938. , January Index High : The high point hit by the indei ' thus, far this year was 92.0 in the opening week of January. There after activity slid off, in a gradual decline until a 1939 low of 81.8 was recorded in , the first .week of May. Then, the following week, the indext started upward in the seftef" of advances that boosted ? the measure to its current level. Retail trade is holding upi well, despite cautious wholesale buying. Dollar volume of department store sales is topping last year. Food sales , currently are equalling or slightly exceeding the like days g of 1938. In luxury lines, plana prices - have been lifted. The fur industry is anticipating a 27 per cent rise in autumn sales. Electric power output, now stepping along 13 per cent above a year ago, is gaining Impetus from expanded industrial takings and the stringing of new rural wires in the west and south. Steel mllles prior to this holiday-Interrupted week were operating . at 54.3 per cent of capacity contrast ed with 28.7 per cent a year ago. Railway freight loadings in the latest reported period tojuched a new 1939 high, and, ran 15 per cent above 1938. Residential building bas hit the fastest pace in a decade. "There Is - 1 SYNOPSIS . On her 25th birthday, Antoinette Goddard, a lovely San Francisco debutante, awakens with a feeling of gTcat happiness. The cause of it was her fiance. Brock Milbank, scion of the prominent west coast Milbanks. ' Toni felt flattered that tbe eligible Brock loved her when he could have had ths pick of Sod ety's debutantes." Jessica Payne, an unscrupulous blond, made no secret of his attraction for her. Even though Brock did not encour age Jessica, Toni was jealous -of her.' At the breakfast table, the news that her father had gone bank rupt did not affect Toni deeply. "What was money compared with love?" she thought. "Besides, when she and Brock were married they could help mother and dad." Toni had a luncheon date with Brock. He had not telephoned so she won dered if he knew of their changed financial status, i Waiting for him in a hotel lobby, Toni is touched when one of her friends greets her with: "I'm frightfully sorry, Toni I" Ton! thought her friend's solici tude had been for the loss of her father's fortune, but she learns the real reason when she buys a news paper and a glaring headline reads: "Brock Milbank and Jessica Payne Married This Morning 1" In a daxe, Toni leaves the hotel and hails a taxi. . - CHAPTER V -. ."Here we are. miss," said the' taxi driver, drawing up along the fam ous Embarcadero. "tiers a lsner man's Wharf." ' Here she had come often, with Brock Milbank. Gits-ling like two children, they had consumed endless rosy: shrimps from the shell at the quaint open-air stands! This Old World 'place had intrigued them, - and they had often stolen from - parties to visit the water front and chat with the quaint fisherfolk in woolen tarns and baggy trousers and long rubber boots smelling overpow eringly of the day's catch. , Mechanically. Toni ' paid the driver and, as in a bad dream, wan - dered by the water'a edge. If ahel could only bide forever I Board one of those weatherbeaten windjammers, or preferably a great - freighter set for foreign ports, far, far from San Francisco! Never to return t . ' Or, better still, slip Into the cold water, down Into eternal oblivion I Even now they were bandying her name, discussing her in the clubs and smart meeting-places from here to Santa Barbara, and back again 1 - There wa contempt in people's pity for a girl who had been jilted. A psychological, cruel twist in people's minds that dug out reasons for the breaking - of engagements. The woman got the blame.' It was her fault. She couldnt hold her man! Seating herself on a bench near the water, Toni stared with dim eyes our over the busy harbor. A' niche for everyone in the world bat Toni Goddard I Gulls swooped and wailed about her, Eke' banshees moaning the utter desolation of frustration ud lost love. . In panorama, tha whole coarse f Brock's courtship of her passed before her mind. She had taken his love so for granted. Trusted him completely. ,- ' Now, this horrible ending! Brock and Jessica I It was toe fantastic. It was a bad dream. he, Toni God- card, eeuldBl have bad tbia happen to her. v . - The womaa had followed him to Casta Barbara. Last night inveigled Urn out en party. Got bin drink ing. Deuberateiy. and knowing his pukatMM, planned his befudile- Seen Due Soon Salem Market Quotations 1 ntoirs Baying Mcm) m arlm bale auDDllat J ft local ciwwer ssrer and ladiestlre af tbe Aaifj market Drieca Mid to rrowers .galea buyers bat art aot gnsraatee Th autea- a&as.. .-- Bananas. IK stalk. .05 H .06 4.00 - Hand Orspefrwtt, Tessa pinks Kegular , ,., .. ..I Lemons, erata ,. ., .. Oraafts. crate , i . .. asoeadoa, arata - S.OO' 6.69 to 4 o .; --r i.eo Currants 1.40 Raspberries .1 6S to 3.00" . 8.2J Cantaloupes, erata . Watermelons, lb. -Jj .- VEOETAJsXSg (BoTlst rdcea) Asparagus. loesU oo. .. Beets, doa. . ... i . . .081 .SO . .85 oil .24 1.00 1.1 2.50 .00 1.00 JO JO .05 .80 .40 1.10 .45 2.00 .50 M Cabbefs. lb. Carrots, local, daa. Caaliflowcr,,' kx-al Celery. Dtab, 2.00; loeaL crsta Cucumbers, bulbouse. bos Lett tire, local Onions. SO lbs. , ,., - Green onions, doa. .. , , ,. . Kadiabeo. 4a." . . ,i Peas. lees I. lb. Peppers, freen, Calif. Parsley Potatoes, local twt, No. 1. SO lb. baes Saw Polstoat, Calif., ewt. 8pinacb. local, boi- Turntpe, cos. huts (Pries paid by Independent Packing plant .. to grower) " - Walnata rranqaettes.! fsaey. 12s me dium, lOe; small 8c: orchard ran, S to tOe. Walnnt meats. 25 to SOe lb. Filberts Barcelonaa, targe 12 Ke; faa- ej 11 He; babies, lie; orchard run lis. (CO op raeas u urewni Walnata Price ranee, depending opoa way nuts ran In 14 different grades ills 12, Duchilly 1 cent higher, HOPS (Buying Prices) Clusters, nomiaal, 1837, lb. .05 to .88 Clusters, 193a, lb.- .22 to .25 Fnggles, top M WOOL AJTD MOHAIB (Baying Price) Wool, median, lb. Coarse, lb. , , m , Lambs, lb. ,. AS 42 40 Mohair, lb EGGS Aim POOXTKT i (Buying Prices of Aadxssea's) Grade A Isrgs, dos. Ji Grade B largo, doi. J7 Grade A medium , .. JIT Grade B medium , ' , J5 rolleta -.-...,, 44 Colored frys 45 to 45 White Leghorns, heary , , Jl White Leghorns, light....,, . 40 . Old roosters .05 Heart hens, lb .... 4A MABJOH CBXAJtXBl Baying Wet Bntterfst, first qnality, .28 Botterfat, second qnality - .21 Bntterfat, premium &i Leghorn bens, OTer 9H lsbs 41 Leghorn bens, under iy lbs. .00 Loshorn frrara. 1 "A Iba. ... 40 leghorn fryera, nndersiso, market valua. Colored fryers, a-s lbs. - .is Colored springs, lbs. and up . 42 Colored hens 4S Staga ., ,, .OS Old Boosters . M No, 2 grades 5s per oonad less. tuui Grade A larga Grade A medium .,, i. Grsde B large 4 40 40 4 4 Grade B medium Ondergradea and rh. UVBSTOCB (Baying price for Ma. 1 stock, baaed as condltiooa and aales reported ap to 4 Lambs, 1839. tops -4 T.vo Lamba, yearlinga - , 4.25 to 4.50 Ewra 2.00 to 2.50 Eoga, top 7.75 Always TOTiorrow" By May Christie M ment Like so many men of the rich, eisured set, Brock was apt to take too much. Jessica, the unscrupulous, had traded on it. But, In the printed report, there was no hint of an all-night revelry preceding the marriage. "The most beautiful bride of the season." ' t ; '.' '"-tt "Brock wore a smile that looked as if it would never come off." These were knife-turns in the wound I Over her heart, her pride, they bad stepped to their happiness 1 I 4 Gulls swooped and wailed about Toni, like banshees moaning the utter desolation of They would make their home in San Francisco I She would be com pelled to meet them I So-called friends would take malicious plea sure in tne situation. Some might pity.' Others sneer at the girl who couldnt hold her man. Tribute went to the strong. Jessica, the bride, would be feted everywhere. Helpless tears ran down her cheeks, so that the harbor waters blurred, and an old fisherman who was mending his net near by seemed like a phantom. Time passed. She didnt move. She was numb, robbed of volition. What did one cfe when the savor of hie had gone forever? Make the gestures? Carry on? The old sawa about pride helping one were stupid and futile! What was pride in comparison to love? What did one do when km failed one? Bide one's head? Crawl into a dark corner, - like some wounded animal? ... But one couldnt hide the story. It would be bandied from lip to lip. ice weaaing announcement made, the gossip writers would seixe on the jilting. Printed comment would be made. Her family was too promi nent, ae was Brock's, to let this mor eel slip. In later editions of the papers, leaigkt, tomorrow morning, the soTssaalats would east their lnsneavdflea. Worse than that, per haps, offer their sympathy I . Presently she was no longer alone on the bench. The barn-trousered eld fsharata tad come to smoke hie Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price 91.70. Coop Grade A bntterfat price 1.72. (ICUk sasod asati-maatUy butterfat average.) Distributor -price, '24)2. ' . Botterfat, No. 1, 83c; No. 2, 21c; premlam, A grade print, 28 He; B grade 27 He; quarters 29 Me 130 ISO lbs 210SOO Iss. TOO to 7.25 ' 6.75 to i.eo 5.50 to 5.75 5.00 to 6.50 5.50 to 6.00 5.00 to 6.00 Sows i Beef cows , Bolls Heifers Top aval i 7.50 Dairy- typo cows Drauad veal - lb. 8.60 to 4.50 40 GRAIN, BAT AND SEEDS WbesV bu lie. 1 roeleaned .75 Oats, grey ton ... ,.. ,. , 28.00 Peed barley, ton .32.00 to S4.0O 12 00 to 13.00 10.00 to 16.00 Clover hay, ton Alfalfa, ton Egg mash. Ko. 1 grade 60 lb, bag 1.10 uatry teeo. so 10. oag- 1.85 1.75 Hon scratch food Cracked corn . Wnt 1.75 1 55 HeldinSljaying Campbell McDonldT shovm Inst after his arrest, was quoted by Los Angeles police as saving that he "must have killed" his mother, Mrs. Margaret Camp hen, &rj, former actress, with haunmer In her Hollywood home because he said she threatened to have htm placed in an in stitution. pipe, his work of mending com pleted. I "Beautiful day,- miss," he ob served politely. She thought: "Of all remarks, sorely there was never one more Ironic P .. Didnt the very sunshine mock her as she sat there, her world about her ears? : "I dont find it beautiful," she said shortly, hardly conscious that she spoke her thought aloud. "Ah, but youll get over it, miss." His clear old eyes that had looked on far horizons for a lifetime had. lost love. oddly enough, look of understand ing in them as he turned them on her, kindly, quietly. "Life's like that net of mine. It gets torn in places. But yon mend it, and put out to sea again. And all kinds of things, the good and the bad, come up in the catch." - - - - - She thought: "He saw me cry ing." And tears were very near the surface. She stored straight ahead at the endless procession of tugs and river boats, freighters, and swift ferries that headed for their goal. Where was she heading? she asked herself. . She waa adrift! "When my old missus died three years ago come Christmas, it was like my life had come to an end." He had removed his pipe, and seemed to be talking to himself. "But the boats went out just the same la the early morning, and me with them and the dawns were as beautiful over TamaJpaia and there's heal ing in working." Healing to working! Like a beacon of hope, those three words of. promise sank into her sonL - vv ..v -- j . ' Life waa a mending.- Tbe broken heart, like the torn net, could he reinforced and strengthened, A new dawn would await her. if she bravely faced it. Jin New York r decided Toni She would go to Mew York. There's healing in working! (To Be Continued) - , ... .sow : . :-. A v s ' s - ' s ''A " , f ' atlag Tit OIIEGON STATESMAN, Sales, DanzisArb iter Seeking Peace Leagne tteieree Declares as. m obbk. ' a Duly of All to Try . for Happy End : -By ALVIN J. STEINKOPF FREE CITT OF DANZIG. July HTV-Dr. Car! Burckhardt,, the Swiss scholar who is the League of Nations referee in the German- Polish sparring over Danzig, told the Associated Press today men of good, will everywhere must com bine their talent to preserve peace. "The highest duty of everyone in these serious hours is to exert every effort to save peace, and with good will it can be done," he said earnestly in his large office in downtown mansion where he studies every changing phase of the Danzfg problem. , The free city is under the pro tection of the league, which ap pointed Burckhardt high commis sioner February 10, 1937. delicate political tasks in precari ously balanced Europe, he was re- actant to. make statements which could: in any way compromise his usefulness as a mediator. But he authorized the Associa ted Press to make three state ments in his behalf: . 1. "The highest obligation of everyone ;is to bend every effort to preserve peace." I. "We must not exaggerate events in uneasy Danzig. Over statement contributes unnecessar ily to the tension of the moment." S. "We must not draw isolated Incidents out of their proper set ting and attach undue Importance to them. The problem should be considered as a whole without adding to the difficulties by mag nifying some specific event or sit uation." Burckhardt, who has been called by Adolf Hitler "the most tactful of men," preferred not to give illustrations of exaggerations or of "seeing specific incidents disproportionately." Spotted Fever Case at Lebanon LEBANON, July 4-UPV-A tick bite received while touring Neva da resulted in spotted fever today for Howard Mills. Physicians said he had more than a 50-50 chance to recover. POLLY AND HER PALS BUCKET MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SS WEREN'T OOIN ' - : "bY J . V ? ' Wf WORD! IT'S NOT MV ,-tA , '- (ift fT "" JZ?$l iy til jffV 1 " SORRY BUT sl'Vi U T 'J&ZpA TYT 'EmM ViJU r." " II V"1 you LdoK like ) Jf tSmM ygs ttvpuic15 pimr1' I ElS?WRMX1!Xl ttTfl S"-" 1 1 WAS hVIMOCEWTAMO GOT A I VESBLTT I MIREO XKWOW- XI IgeE, ZERO-AIMT IT SWCLU? VOU KMOW, PF 1 1 BJTI OOfr UMDER- r-jCgk lllfrrl MOTSO PARDOM . f40W I AAA Bsl A A FAMOUS DETECTIVE V THEV WCREAJ I WAS RICH TO TAKE ALL.THE POOR UTTLSX I itZSJiSZEFJl II tit LOU-j LEGITIMATE. BUSlNESS-tM AGENCY FDR THAT TOO SOUCAM- I KIDS THAT MCTO LIVE , , ' A Tf!Q?S!y V '5 I Mirw' A PO,vATE NVESTMSATOR PURPOSE-TMEy I ISM- IM NOT 1 IN THE ClTV POR A r- 1 ,fi"SS2?CTVS WPE TRYING TO LEARM PA1LED COMPLETCLV-yf YOU WWT TO COUPLE OTHtEBKS TfS IfI -!rir 71 K aJsnrXe3WPHAMRSWTP m 1 1 1 , ljp-yl CjaowMQwl TOOTS AND CASPER - 1 A Complete Confession I , By JIMMY MURPHY' VE5.RAJAH OOMF X HAVE AiTOOCH OF . J75 f?, 1 J5h 77 I IL.?'."' ABOU"r If COMB, COMB I OMIT BaLOOMRTIS I "TO i- t SORE THROAT I BE J TWN, ) Att,T.5E: nJllJiANDSoM5 A NOTHIMtV. TELL MS ADVICE J SEATED, PLEASE id , S,?S , al?TA ,N FEOR VB M HIS NAME AND j Pyour A whats 6n vour J; ISbP.iL tSSil1 beVinnin4w I fallen in love i ALi. details ICS IS J LI MIND? r fi TOU REMEMBgR- . J, WTri-iL FEAK jT? user I WVrTn; hl- Ur pPi5T I r-tyST Qs UP ! - THUlBa ! A Romance at a Standstill j .OKgon, - . Wednesday Morula-. Quotations POBTULJrD, Ore, Jaly 4, (AP) Dairy prodace prices: Batter: Extras 85; standards S?tt ; prima firsts 32 la I tits tl', bntterfat EgrK Largo extras lis; largo ataad ards 10e; mediaas extras 19c; medium staadards lot .Choose Triplets 18s; lost Ida. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., July d. (AP) Country Meat. ScUiag price to retail or: Country-killed kegs, bear batchers, onder 160 lbs.., . 10-19 ft e lb.; Testers,, lltt-12e lb.; light and this, 10-lle lb.; kooTy. S-10e ; lge, spring limba, 15-15 e ; yearling lambs, 10-12c lb.; owes, 6-1 e lb.; cotter cows. Set canasr cows, 6M : bulls lie lb. . , ..." Lire Poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 12-lSe lb.; colored springs, 2 lbs. aad over, 13-lde lb.; Leghorn bens, over S lbs, 14c lb.; onder 8 lbs., 13c lb.; colored Beds to 5 lbs., loe lb.; over 5 lbs., 15e lb.; No. 2 grade, 5c lb. less. Turkeys Selling prices: Dressed hens, 17-18e lb.; tome, 15-loe lb. Baying prices: Hens, lS-lSe lb.; tarns, 14-1 5c lb. Potatoes Yakima Gems, j( ); cental; local, 1.00; Deschutes Gems, 1.35 cental; Klamath Falls, No. 1. Gems, 1.15-1.25 cwt. New Potatoes California Whites, No. 1, 1.70 per cwt; Keanewick, 1.40-1.50. I Onions Calif, wax 80c-1.00; red, 70c; yellow, 80-85e per 50 lb. ssck. ; Wool Willamette Taller, 1939 clip, nominal med 25e lb.; coarss and braids, 25-26e lb.; 6 months fleece, 22 24e lb.; astern Ore., 18-21e lb J Bay Selling price to retailers: Alfal fa, No. 1. 1S.0(T ton; oat retch, 12.00 ton; clover, 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern Ore., 19.00; do Taller, 14.00 ton, Portland. Hops 193S Clusters, 25e lb. Fuggles, 23e lb. Mohair Nominal, 1939 clip, 30e lb.-' Caseara Bark Baying price 1939 peel, de lb. Sugar Berry and fruit, 100s, 5.00; bale S IS; beet 4.95. Domestic Flour Selling price, city de livery, 1 to 25 bbl. lots: Family patent, 49s, 8.70-6.95; bakers' hard wheat, set. "Sweet Adeline" Would Make a Good World Anthem, Says Song Composer, To Remove Quarrels of all Nations By RUSSELL LANDSTPOM CHICAGO, July 4. ( AP ) Maybe it sounds facetious as suggesting Groucho Marx for the presidency, but one man's idea of how this dazed civilization really can get some where is that it adopt "Sweet Adeline" is a world anthem or theme song. J Walter Balufuss, veteran song writer, and radio musi cal director, Isn't kidding. But - tressing his conviction that -what all nations need are more popu lar songs of good-will, are- his years of observation to the effect of music upon all sorts of per sons, backstopped scientifically by three years' study of medicine. "Adeline" Has Appeal He selected "Sweet Adeline" for Inly 6, 1939 at d.Oe-S.45; Bakers' Unestese,', 4.70-5.00; blended wheat floor, 4.70-5.00; soft wheat 4.40-4-45; graham, 49a, 4.50; wbola wheat 49a, 4.95 bbL Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., July 4. (AP) Price range: Barrows and gilts. gd-ch. . 140-160 lbs. 7.000 1.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.75 7.40 7.00 7.25 5.75 5.75 5 50 5.25 do gd-ch 160-180 lbs 7.35 do gdeh 180-200 lbs 7.75 do gaVch 200-230 lbs 7.40 do gd-ch 220-250 lbs . 7.10(g) do gd-ch 250-290 lbs 6.85(1$ do gd-ch 290-350 lbs 6.50(g) do med, 140-160 lbs. 6.75 Pkg. sows. gr 275-350 lbs. 6.25 do good, 350-425 lbs 5.25 (iji do good, 425 550 lbs 5.00(4 do med.. 275-550 lbs 4.75 Pigs (fdr strkr) gd eh, 70-140 lbs i 6.75 7.85 f!fetlit tirtf-e rant:.: Steers, gd. 900-1100 lbs. $ 9.00 do medium, 750 1100 lbs. 7.75 do com (pi). 750 900 lbs. . 6.25 (,J Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs. 8.00 do medium, 650-900 lbs. 7.00 do com CpD 550-900 lbs. 5.50 Cows, good, all wt . 5.75fj do medium, all wts. 6.00 do com (pi), all wts. 4.00 do low cut-cut, all wts. 3.25 & Bolls (yesrlings exclud) gd (beef), ail wts . 6.25 do medium, all wts. 5.50 do cut com (pi), all wts. 4.75(g) fealert, choice, all wts 8.00 do good, sll wts 7.50 do medium, all-arts --- . 6.000 do eu!i com (pin), all wta 4.50 Calres, med. 250-400 lbs 5.50 if com (pin) 250-400 lbs 4.50 9.50 9 00 7.75 9.00 8.00 7.00 6-50 5?J5 5.00 4.25 6.50 B25 5.50 8.50 8.00 7.50 6.00 7 00 5.50 Sheep price range: Spring lambs, gd A choice..! 7.50 do medium and good 6.75 do common (plain) 5.75 Lambs (sborn) med k good 5.00 do common (plain) - . 4.00 Ewes (shorn), good choice- 2.50 do common (plain) med.. 1.25 7.75 7.25 6.50 5.25 5.00 3.50 2.50 O distinguished mention today be cause thaf beloved etandby of bar ber shop and barrack room ensem bles "is an Inestimable contribu tion to the spirit of camaraderie." It la, he said, a masterpiece of conviviality, has an appeal which removes such barriers as national boundaries and lingual differen It Musta Been Hard Cider! Sandman, Stay out of My Eyes! m. f ' ' ' ' ' OF COURSE. VOU MM POSTPONE fS, AWAKE- Mrs. Flowers Has a Social ces,- and redueea false dignity to absurdity. Tit the hot dor. to Ion anathe ma to first families, could deepen the glow of Anglo-A in e r 1 c a n friendship by gratifying royal tastes, Balufuss continued feel ingly, , why couldn't a couple of dictators be pals to the harmony of "Sweet Adeline" or even of "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain?" Why, in fact, couldn't they Just be pals and atop dictat ing? "Music," asserted the man of melody, has practically every emo tional and psychological effect upon human beings that any one can think of. Everything on earth is analogous to the vibration of music. Persons vibrate, moods vi brate. 4 "Some places, faces and objects are like a melody in six sharps; others are similar to a melody in six flats. Although F sharp and 6 flat are the same note they sug gest great contras'., the sharp be ing a brilliant key, whereas the flat is one of romance and relax ation, or even, at times, of despon dency." i Balufuss suggested it was not at all improbable that if the pre cise musical vibrations were achieved, widely enough, there would be no more war and a good deal less , trouble of other kinds. Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 4. (AP) (USDA) Produce price cbangea: Apples Ore. Newtowns, ex fey, 1.50 1.75; fey. 1.25 1.40; Wash. Winessps. ex fey, 1.60-1.85; Booms, ex fey, 1.65 1.J5; Transparent, 24 lbs., 1.00 1.15. Apricots Cal.f., 60 65c flat; 1.00 1.15 royal lngs; Ore -Wash. 15-lb. flats, 50 60e, Moorparka, 5060c. Emh a nomeunvnea mm union IT WHILE VOU'RE HAs - HA - HA Caller TaJif- 1.0 J-1.70. Asparagus Oran, WasBSS laa. 1 65-1.75 . laess. 1.80; voclaas Jwaej I.S5: alriaga, T5100. -V Beans Ore. green, tt-4e; was Bananas Bunch 5 Vie; small lota . Black Caps 1.65 1.75. , Celery Calif.. Ctsb. 1.50 1.60;, waits, 1.70-1.80; hearts, dos 1.10. Cabbage Oregon round head, 75-1.00; few 1.25; poor 60 "Oe. Cantaloupes Calif, aids. 45a, 2 40 3 50; Jambo. 36 43s. 1.90 2.00; stand-, ards, 45s. 1.65-1.75; Honeydews, s, . 1.40 1.60; jumbo 27s. 1.75-1.85. Cherries Ore, Wssa, Bings, 4 6ej Lamberts 6-6c! . Celery Cslif, Utah, 1.75 1 85; wbita, 2 00 2.25; Ore. Utah 1.50 l.3; whita, 1.75 2.01; bearu. 1.10-1.20. Currants 1 2 I 50. ! Cauliflower Local, 9 11s. 1.00-1.10; No. 2, 60 6 e. Citrua fruit Grapefruit. Texas marsh eeedlrsa, 2A53C0; Arizona fancy, 2 25 8.50; 'la.. 8.25 3.59. Corn Oregon I crates, 6 doz, 2.50-2.70; poorer 2.23.. Garlic Local,1 o-8c lb.; Calif. , new crop, lOe lb. ! Grapes Calif., c ecliess. 2.50 3.65 lug. Lemons to;, ali aires. 5.00-5.50; cboics. 4 75. Limes Uoj. carton. 20 23c. Lettuce Local dry. 65 75c: poor, SSe, Oranges Calif, nareii. choice.' on quoted; Valpnrni, large 2.75-4; smsll to medium. 2.25 2.70. Lettuce Best 50 65; poor 35e; Wash, topped, 70 75c. Mushrooms Cultivated. 1 lb, HO 85c. Onions Calif wax, 90c 1.00; yellow, 70 75c; reds. 70 75c. Peaches Calif., flats. Triumphs. 0e- I 00: Calif. Redbird o5-75c; Ore. C5-75c ; Peas Oregon. 2"4 e lb. Peppers Calif, lugs, 1.40-1.60. Plums Cslif, 1.10 1.20. Potatoea Ore. Deschutes Roaaeta, No. I. 100 lh . 1.0f I 2(t; CS No. 2. 50 ib. 45-50c; Cslif. Long Whitei, US No. 1, 8 100 lbs, 1.75 I'vu; wssb. Cobbles No. 1. ' 1 60 1.60. Rhubarb Ore, apple box, 40 45c loose; , lettuce crates, S.c-l.lO cwt.; loose, 2e js. Squssh Ore. Zuccb:ni, 70 80c, flats; ; Scallops. 70-80c; Croolcnecks, 70-75c. " Straw herries Oregon, beat, 24 basket crates. 1.60-1.75. 1 Spinsch Ore, 40-50c orange gox. ToKsioes Ore, hothouse, -14c; Calif, 24 lb, 1.35 2.00. Bunched Vegetable!: Local per doa. bonclies onions 20 25c; radishes. 17H 20c r pa ruler, I'Sj 20c; turnips. 45 33s; csrrots, 20 25c. Root Vegetsbles: Rutabagas 1.25 1.69. Toungberries 1.24-1.30 crste. Wstermelons Cslif. 2.25 cwt, ere too extrs. In A H STATE tHIAIICE CO. (Childs it Miller's Office) 844 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 0261 Lie. No. 8-21(1 51-223 By CUFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH ' ERTAJNLY GOINGS J YOU ! i TO BE SUIOOE MlfeiJ rWiTr-sA2C jTO