The OTtEfcON STAtESSlAN, Salca, Oregon, txies&f Ilorolajr Jcly- V AGE NINE A -Fwhif S abits QhiecTk. Over. Stafesiiniae "Wainit-Adls Eacb Da table M; Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advrrttslag Single insertion pr lint 10 Three Insertions pr tin 10e Sis Insertions per line - JOe On month per line , . i nor Minimum chare 9t Copy ro this nase accepted jne3 :30 the evening before puMlra tton. for claasWcatlnn Cor? re ceived aftet this time win be m ender the heading. rTee lte to Classify." .The Statesman assames no fume 'Ul responsibility fot errors whir may appeal in advertisements pub Itsbed In It enhimna. end tn ea where this paper to ef fanH will re print that pert of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake evrurs. : ' The Statesman nei see the rta-hr te reject questionable advertlalng: :t furihei reserves the r1ht to place all advertising under th proper claiwIfVetloti. : ' A "Blind Ad an ad eontstntne Statesman ho numhet fot an ad 'dress Is for the pre tact loni of the t advertiser and must therefore he answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at llherty to divulge Informa Hon as to the Identity of en adver ' User ttelna -Blind" ad. Livestock OiCAD AND worthies iKM-see rows Elcked n free. Ph collect 84 1 1 Baletn HORSKS fOH sale. whs M weanei plus Have I Able Farm Btonks Oregon ( WANTKD TOP price paid for old or crippled horees. Phone collect So Jerfrrson. Flnlay Fox Fsrm. Jeffer son. Oregon. SEVERAL COLTS A broke work horses. Tom Palmer, Fossil,. Oregon S. HORSE, W. Clark. 791 N. Com'l Help Wanted f 30 WKKKI.T. (SHOW, mushrooms cellar, ahed. We buy. V lb. World--largest company. FRKK BOOK Muh rooms, 201 Second. Shuttle. Wash. Help WantrH Male WANTED, MIDDLE aged man or small farm. Must be Rble to milk. Phone 7389. Situations Wanted : DRICSSMAK MRS. Adsttt Ph- Zth i: For Sale Miscellaneous ' Bikes A hep Kammlen 141 8 1.1b RKBUIL.T ANI Biinranteed waati era. All makes from SIS up Spec Mat tar lit Hogs Bros, ADDING MAi'rilNRS typewriter cash registers, scsles. ales rentals re pairs Roes Trpewrltet K. 4 Cour CASH FOh used run. Ph H0 CHOICE OOI.D flah. JS26 & ttlh DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers Also peat moss fertiliser- Ph. ISlFt, Leers . Hatihery,v..,MV. MONTMOhE.NCT CHERRIES now ready. Se delivered. Phone 7894. RASPBERRIES. IV1ANS A cult wild blackberries delivered. Ph. BIFt RASPBERRIES BT crate. Friendly Farm. Phone 3IFI3. Portland rood.- P. s. .TRIED SEARS catalog order desk yet! They'll hsve It SEARS-ROEBUCK CO. Na 1 PERFECT CEDAR shlnsie reduced to 3.00 per square. Cl 3(00. FRTERS. MILK fed. Belt rt. I box SS. On Olen Creek road. MONTMOREKCT PIE cherries. 2c you pick: 3c picked; I mL Wallace Kd. Pratt's. Ph. SFll. . GERANIUMS, i FUSCHIAS, 5c eat. Cab. plants Mrs. Binegar, Pen 4 Cor LliOTD BABI buggy, lined. Rever sable body, hand brake. Like new. $15 110 Columbia St. Ph. 8348. N. H. FRTERS. 50c. J. M. RIckman Rt 8. Bos (31. H mL west of Ubertv on Skyline Road. - -i- -rvn-inri nfnnnnnn njyinr nr ' 30TS BIKE. 34. 3705 Portland Rd -WATKIKS PRODl. 1928 Mad. 7805. MONTMORENCY CHERRIES, you pick. !c lb. 3rd hse. E. of Keiser Schl. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED USED runt Ph 8110 OLD WOOL, mattress. Tet (110. . - WANT MATT AO machine. 475 S. 25 Miscellaneous DENTAL .'I.A TKS !ltKPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. RARRT AEMI.KR DFNTMT Corner State A Commercial Ph . 82t For Rent Room SI.KKP MM eke In Ph 4491 RMS FOH lad lea 898 N Cnttse Ph 887A eeesasjeseAssAeje SLEEP RM Pri ent Ph 09T7 FINE 8LEEP. room.' 038 N. Church BED. LIVING, room A cooking priv ileges. 807 N. Commercial. MEN." SLP room. (79 N. Cottage.' ' RM. PRI. hath for gentleman, closr In. Phone 4791. Room and Board A PPR FJI'I AT R flOnn men ia KS ttntoef See Ma Bowen Ceft N IJherte . . ADVERTISING . Wealorn Advertialns - Representatives Fenger-Halt Col. Ltd, Franclaco Im Angeles. Saa SesUUr Caste, d AdvtrtUlBg .. . Representatives -' Bryant tirtffttb Branson. Ine. CKU.M VMk IWmM Atlanta ffalered ef Ue rvttctttt cJ asUw Orrfon es AsanaA CKtac afetter. Pab Itakcd eeery eioestae except Af eadap Bssfsess ece. t ao(A Cesiserate Street. . '" r SUBSCRIPTION RATES:- Atall Subacilptton Rates Is Advaeee WlrhKt -fVecon: - DetlV and " tay U. s eenut a Mo. II Mi At& 33 50: 1 year 35 OA Elsewhere 00 cents pet Mix or 8( 00 for I rear in anvance Per copy a eenta. Newsstands i eenta n Carrier; (0 eenta a snowfh: 87.20 a rear ta adrssce ks Martos nd adjacent Room and Board BP. A ROOM. HI a Cottage. 84 3 DOUHIJC ROOM for ladles, pri ent Very does In. Ph. X. j RMS. WITH or without board. SWO NR. CAPITAL. shower. 1149 PnjO" ML A BOARD. 320. Ph. 4333. i R A B. .1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4614 NICE ROOM, twin beds, close 'to sUte house, 122T Court, Ph. 5934. RJt, 12.50, BD l4.7S. ldr. UXSi, For Re nt A part mm t s f 8 RM. NKWLT rum. Heat watt reTrta brfth. ndults. 991 N. Cottage EXCKM.KNT APT., cloee In. S2 month. 897 N. Com mere I I. - 5 1 ROOM MODERN. Phone UUl t TO ftM ara Corn or onfnre. tie ud up tnq ISIS Bouih tlth f WWWlliWWll''WMW0MXylWWl 8M FURN apt ISO 8 Cottage II SKK PI8HKR wets At (ernlced newly dero rated and room? Tmill MlxhteV Oek .end 8 Commercial THK MrWT hnmHItee n (elem; Mswlhotne Court Ss N CepttoU t A S R. APTS. Piirn. unfurn to f 4S. Royal Court. Ph SBU. P t R-. Ill l. a B. ttS ( 1 Centei COOL 1ST noor. J-rm. C4S Kerry; CLEAN I RU. furn. apt with prl rate hath, laundry. Karaite, bus errlre ISIS lee. AITS.. $t PKR ma. 35S Rellvueii seSaeWMesrMe OLTMP1C APARTMENTS S-room nicely furnished. 7Ss IN IJberty. i eseeeeM FlIRN. 2 ' RMS unrurn. 3 rms.. fs rage. heat, liejrit A wat. 98S Saginaw t R. furn.. prl. bath.iiSl N. Chutth 2 R. FURN.. prlv. bath 112 Unln APTS.. $C UP. 254 N. home, old age pen. men. Front. Oeo.1 NICE, SMAU. apt.. 658 Center FURN. APT 2201 Hasel Ave. WILL SHARE my furn. apt wtth married couple or lady, durlna July! o- lonner. ReTn. echnirel. I.ueiui Collin Deveraux Apts. Ph. 8186. f 4 R. Ft'RN. TRT. hath, water. Ira rage. $18.00. 345 Marlon. J FURN. APT., $8, 153 N. 13th. 1 RM. KITCH close in. 312 Watei. 2 RM. FURN. apt.. 239 S. Cottage. VAC. GLEN DORA, 585 N. Sumrrt'er. For Rent Houses FURN. ANI unfurn. houses H. P J RANT. E2S Court St Phone 74i FURN1SIIF.D A ITNFITRNISHF-I V houses. R. A. FORKNKR-H. T UFJE1 Eh 1KS3 N. Capttol FURN. HSES AnnfB.. T35 N. Cbm S RM. -HOIISK JMirtl furn. $!t. 3M. Madrnna Are. fnlein Heia-htS. J FURN. BITNOALOW. Oak V?!l Court. Adirtta only. Apply Mill. . 4-RM. HOUSE wrtlv furn. nV S3S Lee. Inquire CSO N. Cottage. ; NICELT FURN house, J bedrooins 8370. Phone 112. ' 4-RM. HOUSE. 330 Cfctlnes. 1 ) FOR RENT. 8 room modem home 335 Fawk. Tet 32 18. J S R ALLEY HOUSE. Ph. 4817.! 8 ROOM SOUSE. 330 Bush i st. i 5. Hoy- 8 rooms partly furnished. 315, wood dlst . 1M5 X. 22nd St rfSaSkafBaeWSjesT 3 ROOM COTTAGE, sras range, jpa rage. 31S 00. 795 X. 18th St. Inquire lice N. Fifth Rt i 7-RM. DWELLING, Falrmount Sill IVAN MARTIN, Phone 4419 T C-RM. HSR. fum.. garage. 555 Cross St.. 822.50. Ph. 4354 For Rent OKFICK -KiiMM SHie 8litre Innnlrw room tftO Tel 9713 3 NEW STORE bldg. with Ufln ouarters. Cor. Edgewater A Patterson fine location. Inq. at coffee shop sen door. - i For Sale Real Estate! WK IIAVK rtlR fROJtPFXT IK - Ttw wnnt . te -sell enae ren' are Mr . I Arseo with kins A Roherts WWIWWXW Hlll tMMWMKWiaW TKAItR .CIT trfoperty for ff nomea npporliinlttee tn exenansea; HAWKIX1 A RORKRTS 4HCi MOD. S RM huuse 84000.. Tel. 808 CORNER I.OT. S. High and Oxfrd iwvlng pajd. 39S0. Phone 4319 ere. SACRIFICE. LEAVING town. Good haiiae. 2 lota. cor pared atreets. Wl ruts. Cloee tn. Small down pmt. and 125 mo. 219 Court St. or phone 5311 8 RM. HOUSE. 2 blocks north; at the state buildings. 4 nice bedroom and a big living room. Two setsl of plumbing. A real tniy at 34250. Terms. See Ijtraen with i HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC) SACRIFICE MT clo In C rm. homo, .ant lot. Ph. 8229. t , f A SPLENDID BUT 8 ROOM HOUSE beautiful shade trees paved st, bus line 3t00 Terms. f , ALSO ' r 3 room house close to business fllst S. Salem. 31500 with 3250 down,15 per mosCall Mrs. El Its with J CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 SUte Street , Phone S281 BARGAIN 20 ACRE place. Berries electricity, some crop A stock. Band tags; sin. creek. Bx. 832. Statesman ONE 8 R. MODj house A X big on D St, close to new high scbooLjOw account of deatn will aelt lor .sziwa 8200 down. 320 per me . 1 Another new 5 R. house. Just out aide city limits. 34150.00, 3100 down, 335 per tnoNo one has ever lived.- la this house. The buyer can bare Aa med. possession. ; f Another good buy. 4 B. house, 81800, 8300 down, 320- per mo. No ekense) to seep paying rent, j - i : y F. H. WEIR. 212 Ores. Bide Ph. 1411 - - - j 8j09ssiVbjfBdBe4s " 20 BELCREST LOTS for sake or trade for acreage.. Cost 3175.00 each. Make me an offer. Box 292, Newterg, Oregon. . - - BY -OWNER, - partly furn. " house, Urge lot. $900, terms. ,1111 Madison. Exchange Rad Estate :v- r ' EXCHANGE S ACRE TRACT suitable for for nb division trade for good home in Um mmA vtav AlffftrMUV. CHILDS Jt HlLLa KEAUTUKI S44 SUte Street Phono 82(L Money to Loan , We Lend You IVloney WITH REPATMENT PUM ARRANQB3 TO ITT TOUR tMCOMS No Endorsera No Comakers Yonr Signature Only RKPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW PROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COM PA NT WHERE YOTTA NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AJTTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A 1XAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 131 So. CommercUl St Uo. Na 81SI Ph. 1111 First Door Booth ef Ladd A Bush Bank Coarsnlent Oround floor Locatkw. Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOME: H KM AT Personal1 A "Personal" Loan $2S to $300. Easy Terms WHKN A WAT: L'SE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good st 370 offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUA I AFT: Come In. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advert lard therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bids. 513 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S 122 M-181 "s4ssaSa9oskss LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cars. Private money at -new low ratea. Immmliate action. No red tape. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 130 South Commercial Street Phone 91(8 Lie No M-I52 wawSeeaesessatseseasjSaeSseaes, FHA LOANS 5 also nrlvste losn Ahmnia Ellis Inc. Masonic Rldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Crelit Co. Uh KIXOR GDAKU1AN BO 11. m NO LICENSE NO M 159 What is MONEY SERVICE ? It is - I. Friendly consultation with profes sionally trained and experienced advisers. Prompt. Courteous, and Skilled of fice employees. A quiet business-like loan servtcs free from red tape, long delays. A confidential understanding at all times. f Small monthly payments. 3100 re payable, at $S.9 per month. Other amounts in proportion. 5 Many adjustable loan plans. 8300 available on furniture, livestock, salary, co-signer, etc. 3500 avail able on cars; no age limit - I F YOU NEED MONET. SEE US. FIRST. Let us explain these end ; other FREE services that go with each loan plan selected. PeopleY Finance Co. : rRm. 201. FlrstNatlonal -Bank .Bld Salem, Oregon.- Phone 4440. S-213 SUte License M-0 Financial 4: WK HAVE never mid lees than this rate on saving end tn vestments. Insure to 05000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass Phone 4944 143 -S IJherty Bt Loans Wanted XtKS WANTED mm farm and eltv iuopertv Before uuiiewine man ire at Hawkins Jt RoMrtS. WANTED PUIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real se me. Will pay ( interest W. H a R A BEN HORST A CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 1489 unjxjrijTjxnjnjnorLrtjiuiiri 1 1 S9f MORTOAUM I PTvKSTU ENT w re NOW have a nnmtjer or nrst mon gage real estate loam. Improved properties, excellent eeenrtte Mortgagee la amounts of 8300 te 87500. -net you 0 per cent payable semi-annually. Examine the prop- ' erty yourself. ! CHILDS A MILLER, tNC ' ' 144 Stste Street Telephone t3(l Basinets Opportunities APT. HSE. furnish. A lease. P. T783 For Sale! Lunch, Confectionery, Cigars and Sundries TOLLY EQUIPPED. Living quar ters. Good location. Poor health forces immediate sale. Will beer Investiga tion. Box 34, Harrisburg. Oregon, A COIN" BUSINESS AWAITS YOU to this attractive tav era located on the main Pacific high way, north of Saem equipped for barbecue, lunches, beer, entertainment license. Large roomy dining room, comfortable living quarters will sell entire property Including almost one acre ground or sell ' equipment and lease building. For particulars, caR Mr. Bart lot t with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street . Phone 0381. S RM. HOUSEL rm. cottage A 8 lots on Roosevelt It highway . Trade fot house In Salem. MELVIN JOHNSON, 725 Court Street Acreage 1 A 4 SM. PLASTERED bungalow. close to penitentiarr four corners. large chicken, bouse, tots of fruit A nuts. Trade for Salem property. 1814 -A-, aorta of Cbemawa, rm. plastered bouse, . lights, barn, double garage, all cult, excellent soil, 84500. Trade lor coast oioueity. 31 A. close to Keiser school, small boose A burs, all cult, all yr. creek. Irrigation right, fine soO, ft 000, f 500 down. 35 A. TH mL K. on Wallace road, small house. S chicken booses, ban 40x48, electric lights, water piped to bldgsL, all cult, good soil, 33800. MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3733. For SaleWood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 18" t only 34.(5 per cord. Order for now or latei deL, Phone 415A Oregon rue .Co Or OLD FIR 84.78. 4 ft 14. 3458 BUIX5ET PLAN five months to pay rirat pnyment In days. Oak ash. 8STs. knots 85-50. Old. 85.00 2nd gwth, 300. W. L. Green, Ph. 5370. Yard 412 N. 21st SL r ff CD. STR. gr. No dote, truly 4PJ.Wr dry IS in. big O. F. Ph, 88SA DRT FIR. all kinds. Ph. 7507. Money to Loan For-Sale Wood Na 1 18 IN. old fir. IS cd. p. tut. 9747. DRT IS IN. old fir. 34.(0. Wood Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Sproed. Ph. 8S3A Lost and Found LOST BLACK leather billfold. Re ward. 1155 N. 18th, Ph. 5508. WILL PARTY seen picking p black, silk purse cor. State A Com'l. Mon. return to Statesman office. FOUND BROWN billfold. Name Volteen Jones, owner, call at States man, identify and pay for ad. Persona LONELTT "WORTH W H1IJC heart husband, wife for vou. Bos II I s Angeles. " For Sale Used Cars 1929 PACKARD sedan, A-l condi tion, cheap. 240 S. High street MY '30 FORD Sed. 2-door. 895. New paint Motor A-l. spec, wheels. Terms. Box 533, Statesman. LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS No. 28083 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fr the County of Marlon BERT T. FORD and MARGARET G. FORD, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, T8. BENJAMIN B. HAYWARD and DIANTHA K. HAYWARD, hus band and wife, the unknown heirs of Benjamin B. Hayward and the nnknown heirs of Dl- antha K. Hayward: SAMUEL G. LIGHTFOOT and MARIH L. LIGHTFOOT. husband and wife, the unknown heirs of Samuel G. Ltghttoot and the unknown heirs of Marie L. Lightfoot: also all other per sona or partleg unknown claim ing any right, title, estate. Ilea or interest in or to the real property described, in the com plaint herein. Defendants. To BENJAMIN B. HAYWARD and DIANTHA" K. ' HAYWARD. huaband and wife, the unknown heirs of Benjamin B. Hayward and the unknown heirs of Dt antha K. Hayward; SAMUEL G. LIGHTFOOA and MARIE L. LIGHTFOOT. husband and wife, the unknown heira of Samuel G. Lightfoot and the un known heira of Marie L. Light- foot; also all other peraona of parties unknown claming any I M A S A M. Jl ngnt, uue, estate, iien or inter est in or to the real property described in the complaint here in. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Ton and each of yon arit hereby required to appeaf ana answer ine complaint mea against yon tn the Above entitled suit on or before the ISth day of July, 1939, said date being the ex piration of four weeka from the date of the first publication of thta summons, which date of first pub lication la the ISth day of June, 1939. and if you fail to so appear and anawer, for want thereof, the plaintiffa will apply to said court for the relief demanded In 1 said complaint, to-wit: that yon and each of 70a fully eet forth the na ture of your claim In, to and against the following described property, aituated la the County of Marlon. SUte of Oregon, to-wit: The East one-half of Lot Five (S), Block Twenty-one (Ul. Salem, Marion County, Oregon, aa shown and designAted on the duly recorded map and plat thereof on file and of record in Volume 1, Page 20, Record of Town Plata for aald County and State. that auch claim aa yon have there in may be adjudicated and de clared invalid and that the plain tiffs may be decreed to be the owners in fee simple of aald prop erty, and that plaintiffa title thereto be forever quieted and set at resL This summons la published by order of the Honorable L. H. Mc Mahan, Judge of the above enti tled Court, made and entered on the 12th day of June, 1939, and the time prescribed in aald' order for the pnbllcati i of this sum mons is once a week for fonr con secutive weeks. First" publication, June 13 th, 1939. ' , Last publication, July 11th, 1939; " C RANDALL and LEONARD. Attorneya for Plaintiffa, SQ2 Corbett Building, Portland. Oregon, i 13-25-27 Jly 4-11 Calif ornia Teacher VUiu at WooIbnrn 1 1 WOODBURN-Mr. and Mrs. Herbert : Welsh . and family of Stockton. Califs- have been vlait ing the Klamp families ta Wood burn. Mra. Welsh ia the daughter of Alfred Klamp. They are In Cor rallis for the summer where Mr. Welsh, an" inatructor : at . Pacific college at Stockton, ia teaching a course at the OSC summer schooL AT TREASTJRB ISLAND BRUSH ' CREEK Miss Then Jensen ,; and Miss : Marie - Tingel atad are at the San Francisco fair. Mrs. Edvin Tingelstad of Park land. Wash., is staying with Mrs. B. Tingelstad. Racing Yacht w vc-o; xapo '71 7',' The f 10,000 racing yawl MFsdtoa G," trophy winner and veteran of scores of Pacific coast yachthag events, burned and sank following a gasoline explosion recently while anchored at Treasure Island's Port of Trade Winds. The blast Injured a sailor employed by Owner Arthur Rousseau of San Francis co. Anchored nearby were three of the 24) coast yachts awaiting departure ta the Treasure IataadV Honolulu race. Photo shows charred mast of boat, all that remained As Clipper Took Off With Paying ' ' t"" ,' ? , - r ' I"' t'v ,1 & " fX - . v - ' ' C; . ' y " ' C y ; - . A - v- " , ' ( - o.A- - w ' SV v - - - "f -. s --, v- -V ; ' 'i ----- s -J" c" -v - X - , :: :. .:.:::::.::::::.:.:.:. : . - , ' -- - " , f .-. . .. .. . .v.y .;.., ; :. . toff ef the TMa picture abeajp Cs Dixie Clipper, giant clipper ship, taking off frees Fort Washington, N. Y, with the first group of paying; peniengers on what will j No. 153-101 ; Syaopsis ef Aaaasl. SurtesMst ef tke CoBBMBwstUh, Iae ef Pertktad. la the State of Ovfore th tWrty-first day ef Deesmssr, IStS, stsde te the lasar-ssce-CeBmuesiener of the SUte ef Ore gos, psnssat te law: CAPITAL ! ! Aarasnt ef eapiul stock paid as, $500, 000.00. ; INCOMX Kst BreaUsau received dsiiag the year, 351.SOS.31. f Iaterest, dividends ead rents reeeived daring the year, f2u.37e.08. : lacoaie xroia etker sources received during ths year, 9108,134.84, , : Total laeeme, 3-30,903.18. BISBCBSEMSNTS i Set leases paid dariag the year laded lag sejastaaeat expenses, $1.03.77. - Ceauaissieas sad sslsries paid dariag the rssr. (135.490.20. 1 Tans, IieoBses eaA fees psit dariag the Tear, SJ7.471.TS. Dirideaes paid ea capital steck dariag tke year, aone. AaMmat ef all etker sxpoaiitures, 884, 9S1.0S. Total expsaditaros, f 238,991.78. . ADMITTED ASSETS Vshis ef real ettsto ewaed (sisrket rains). 8100.705.77. Lews oa BMrtgssos sad collateral, etc 8748,280.84. iVshts of besis owsei (market), $5,308.02. - Valve ef stocks ewasd (aurket valae), ( Cash ia banks sad ea hsad, 872.473.04. Preaiams ia eeorse ef eollectiea writ ten siace September 80, 1088, 88,218.75. Interest sad rests das sad seemed, BOSS. Otasr assets fast). S203.S40.1S. Total aJUaitted assets. L0,28.0S. LIABUilTIES Greu elsbms for losses mnpald, soae. Ajaeeat ef aaeeraod preansna ea all oetstaadtae risks. Dee for eeauaiesiea sad seekersgs, BOSS. All ether IlBftillucs. A775.03t.TA Total babintiea, except capital. 3775, 037.74. Capital eid ap, 8500.000.00. Sunihis ever sfi lisatlities. 3100,300 82. Serplas ss regsrss pelierhelderi, 800,- 300.33. - j - ToUi, 81.400.3SS.0S. 1 BC8INE88 IN ORXOOK FOB THE YEAR Net prentissM reeeived taring ths year, 951.398.SL Net losses paid dariag tie year, ll.O03.T7. Net losses laesrred dariag the year, 91.002.77. NasM ef Coatpaay, Cearmoa wealth. Ie. Name ef President, H. K. Hawkins. XasM ef Secretary, Alfred A. Hsmpsea. Statstery rosideat attoraey I or service. Alfred A. I. Hs smpsoa. Business Directory J- v Cards ta this directory run' Laundries ) oa a mosithly : basts oaly. , ' Rai t $1 per tiae per month. THB new 8ALKM Laundry r THB WEIDER LAUNDRY . -J 1 , ' ft & High Tat 9198 Auto . Mike Panes. 878 South Cnmeretou MattreSSet AntO Latllldrj SALEM F1.UFFRU0 and Ifattress - factory. NEW MATTRESS etade tc . ctmTth Wilbur. To. I44L OTTO t. KWICst Phone 8988. ; . KR Est I91L - - ' Bieycleai ' :apitol beddino pa ireewo t7 bictcuesl itaw ana reeoeditiooed Natnropathie Phvaiciati Hsrry . vTaostU 147 S. Conn. P. 4510 : I1,l fi--, R. W. tt ROCKWELL, iUraTepath- 81imney TlWetrp M Phreleian, IfOO Fsliroemde RA ret 4303. Office Hears 11 s. as. te 8 -M I Kl.KPHf INK 4480 a aX Nerthee tn, FREB EXAM. A CONSULT A- ; 1 thvk , , ; i . Printing . OH. O W BUOTI. PSC CWpraetse ., ...... 354 H. High. Tet Bee. 9572. . rOR STATION ER t cards, pamphlets - - -- etecrama. books or any kind of print-: .T? i. ine. eail The 8tatemaa Priellag Del . , hxravatlllZ sartmeat 818 a CoBunerelal. Tele ' ' - - " ohoae 9IIL . . KXCAVAT1NO OS- aB fctnda. Base . . , , . . amis Suit Dirt healed on sneved. Dirt I raXtSICt , I - -I : tot ea ie Sa4ees 8a ad end Oravat Co --. leoe 9401 v f y- t, ( mn 'tfyCAi. Alsfaat traneier! etor- - 1 1 . . ' ' burner, oO. call 818L : tanaet ' florists " ' rransfer Co. Trneks te Pert at ad dalls .r . 1 11 INTERSTATE TRUCATINQ. Wssh. 9 BteUhaupta. 441 Court Phooe 8904. Explodes, Sinks off yp" A - 1 - so - - ' ' J i ' -... Dixie fi taUaf off at Port WsotiuajjfaM, N. T. Bomb Threatener tintMegxed Jamef SL Hart, Los Angelea extortiaa-auapect, ta shown after he walked Into the offices of a newspaper, the Loa Angeles Examiner, where he is aald to have admitted that it was he who threatened to blow vp the new 27,000,000 federal pceTtoOce unless 210,000 was paid. I Bart told reporters his hart him." Ores. Pa, 22F2. . . :. :-y,.:.yy ; . nQMeMB eaCka JHexaTft " '..- . -' I Exposition visible. (US). Passengers be regular transatlantic service. The ahlp headed for Marseinea, France, with 22 paasengera and a crew of 22. Trip coat each pouaenger S379 one way. Holt Family Leaves Jefferson - JEFFERSON Mlaa Berneatha Lake of Corrallis visited her par eats, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake, before leaving on a vacation trip to Salt Lake City. Mrs. Cecil Holt and daughter. Miss Juanita Holt, left Sunday for Wheeler where Mr. Holt la fore man of a Southern Pacific bridge Cross Word Puzzle 2--.2- siiitiii OSOZOKTAI. e-Ksag ef Israel EagBsk In tke New WsrUT IS Jt IS Bard ef 18 Asrhi esajeacttea 10 ansrhtkry tstlattas' as Tier 84 Easiaeef wee 8( JTraase ea watch aH b plsesi lasliljlapCse i-i lies JiasjCiiiitl : tl i Tetfeiai ' - V - -nl- SS-Caoxeetsr ta Xlaelle" : U la wts etty was the list ParWseunt keMT - . - " II ObTibmiIIis leplp. .fAtvA.f-. si TaTJCAt,. " 1 .WMIstWsacsaAlaeswaltfvsref ts a row ''' S-Biblical siuauaa" -- eWUrb o the tsstts i Seafltss as psewsssr S BosiafWoah S Part of "So be ' .9 Whet cBy ef SraaS fe the cspKal ef rarai g Wossaay f"ffbieUlT 39 Gareaa hat lis, sat 90 fiaiesd e sktsty'- . ' 31 V Islas aaaso 94 auacfis teas soroars Hs sett) : 81 B wall Ass sa-Creakjeilsve 44 Ma ksTtess - xii jjvkudsa detty j., x y S Croak lotsav --v 10jwlaa eeaader li rasstiatai In Baby "Sale" 4 ' - VeesrV cv Or. John WTiie a enarge of Illegal child-placing was filed against Dr. John W. Tipple, of Medina, O- above, In connection with the "sale" of a newborn Cleveland baby to a Pittsburgh couple who planned to adopt the child and received it in good faith. The mother of the baby, Mrs. Xsabelle Farrell, 24, plana to fight to regain custody of the child. Held in Tarring Iaa Montgomery One of several accused of tarring and feathering Count Igor CaasinL , Washington society columnist, Ian r Montgoniery of Warrenton, Va appeared before Trial Justice Richard Glascock at Warrentonj and posted SL500 bond pending! action by the grand Jury. 14 TJatte wtth 10 Oesaia 29 Short sloes 31- i laBidlag 14 Fssaaio ef the row n-Basalleake tS Versmrd part of vessel 10 rsls 31 What fsatOy ef ef laaerur ... -..- St Whs caW I lies ef the V. S. OertBB 17(97 eHC , fewb - . Herewith la the solution to yester dAiatnoxta. T . . ' 'ri-aaWll' f fe - S vy.-y.-y.-.y. : Sss.'.- - s it ' - 4 if- sMnr i. . . . fr -I' '':: i . :; :-". 3 GressT SS To paafah 80 Oriestal broal ef St 40 Notbkeg q -ciaUi ;r:; ;v H Tlsat - ,.. etMaJnejsUre ( (0 Teweids 81-plrkaea I I