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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1939)
PACT? EIGHT Salem -VLarket Quotations ""-';:' raorrs v-W.r ' aylt r rices) r ' (Ts price below aappiied by local . grower u4 Indtealiv ef the daily market priree paid ta growere by Sales burera '-bat ata -et gwaraatd br-Tea Siftee- ttanaaaa, Ik. M Ulk - Hands Grnpefrait, Teaae pinks ; joiw --. - .oev - 4.0U 8 oo- : 5.60 J.50 10 4.00 . ..'...,. 1.60 140 i i es ta 2 oo ... S.25 , .U3 Kagaisr Lemons, erst Oranges, crate -Avocado, erata Raspberries Cantaloupes, erata V alenaeioae, lb. VEQKTAxt-ES . ; (Baying Prices) Asparagus. Iocs'., iiu , firtlt, 4 o- ,' .80 .25 ' .02 V .2 , 1 00 l.TS 8 SO - BO 1.00 .20 H .05 00 .40 1.10 45 3.00 30 Cabbage, lb. Carrot, local, do. - Cauliflower, local C.lerv. Utah, J. 00; loral. erata. CurHmbtri, botboaee, boa I.. Mure, local ' Oniona. 60 Iba. yC rcen anion a. do. Kadishe. do. Peas, local, lb rail, mm i ... . n Peuiiera. ereea. Calif. , Parsley -..,, .. ... Potatoes, local cart., Ko. 1. oo id. Daga Kew Potatoes, Calif- ewt,. Spinach, local, box 'Jura i pa,- aos. .85 rn- - .- . ? .; : (Price paid by Independent Packta. plant .. y,:;: " to srower . . , ' Walnata lraniuttpa.. faaey, 11 na--dium, IQei-amall-Ser orchard ran, f joe. nsiant area is. -.a is . Filbert Barcelona. Urea 12 We; faa Hler ba-iee. lie; orrbard raa He. ey - too op races so uiwweii ; Walnsis Price rsnge. depending apoa way aula ran in 14 different grade ; 12o. Daehilly 1 cent higher. I' - . ' HOPS 1 " (Baying Price) Cluster, aominal, 1M7, lb. .05, to .01 Cluster. 13. lb M to M Pegglee. top -aa WOOljrD M OHAIB -. . (BBTtag rncoa) i Wool, mediae, lb. Coarse, lb. -.. Iamba, lb. , J 5 J JO Mohair, lb ran. a iff ti vn ttt ip (Baytng rrtce of Andresea') Orada A lira, dot. .1 Grade B larse. dos Grade A'medtaaa Grade B aiediua . TalletB , J7 JT Colorad frya .19 to White Lcghoraa, light. Old roosters Beary bena. lb. vvj nn iw. .- . - aj.atn- niciUTM Rnain Prtea BatUrfat, first qnality, .23 Batterfat, second quality .21 FIREWORKS Letrge Assortment FREE! Airpiane wiin Each Purchase nAiicocns 1705 Fairgronnds Rd. N "There Is synopsis On her 25th birthday,' Antoinette Goddard, a lovely San Francisco debutant, awakens with a feeling of great happiness. The cause of It was her fiance. Brock Milbank, scion of th iromjnnt west coast MUbanka. Tonl felt flattered that th eligible Brock loved her when he could have had the pick of Soci ety's debutantes. Jessica Payne, an unscrupulous blond, made no aecret of his attraction for her. - Even though Brock did not encour age Jessica, Ton! was jealous of her At the breakfast table, the news that her. father bad gone bank rupt did not affect Ton! deeply. ! "What was money compared with tovsf she thought. "Besides, when she and Brock wrrs married they - could help mother and dad." Ton! had a luncheon date with Brock. He bad not telephoned so she won dered if he knew of their changed financial' status. Waiting for him in a hotel lobby. Ton! is touched ' when one of her friends greets her with: "I'm frightfully sorry, Tonl! ' You could nave knocked me 'down ' with a feather I I just saw it in the caoera. It's an awfully raw deal." ' Th girl stared in amasement when - Tonl replied: "Every clond has its silver Lining and I've (ot mine Jteadof me. ...... . . . - -v - CHAPTER IV On .o'clock. Five after one. Ten after. One-fifteen.. . . Was It her imagination, or were acauaintances cirls and boys she knew casually avoiding her as she sat la the lobby of the hotel where she had been wont to entertain " UviaUyt - A voiding, her, and then' looking ever at' her surreptitiously, whis pering about her, some with pitying .- looks and some wttn tainiy veueo - sneera.'-' -r ; Did the loss ef one's money mean. o (raiekly, the loss of prestige and f so-called friendshipT Were they ; afraid she might try to borrow from them? That ah was her without an Invitation, trying to born In on a luncheon et something? - Teal's head went high, and two red spots burned la the dear pallor ' ef her cheeks. The lobby was emptying now. She felt conspicuous. She'd walk - over to the newt- stand. Glance at the papers. If Brock didnt come in another five ' minutes, birthday or no birthday. ahe would leave. - On the front page of the CoB Bulletin were eye-compelling bead- lines: : ' "Yotno San Fsjun Cisco Blob ' blood Elopes wtth Chicago Her gat flew to the lower cap- Hon, froa to the ghastly words that seemed to grow bigger and more ter rible before her eyes. Her world erasbed aboot her! "Brock UUbank mwi Jeititx Payne Utrrud Tm Uornxng iii Soato , J : Barbru.m " . , she read. ' It wasn't true There most be " some horrible mistake I It eouldnt be tract ' Brock had a cousin In Santa Bar bara. Hla stame. was Jeffrey Mil bank. Why, there had been a tniz npt A aOly misprint, of coots! ' : - Brock waa encaged to her. - toinette Goddardi He was so fine, - true, se d voted. It was otter ly inv possaLle ttat be eonld do this thins; . to fcer I v: :. -sr Eat tit teadlinef dancinf befort her eyes, a warning inner voice, a terrLf yin? voice, reminded her that, the worULever.'tt had happesaed tlfiu-aacs cl tures befora.- - .v Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price) S1.7S. - Co-op Grade A . batterfat t ' price fl.72. - I . . ; (Ultk based aa ; atl -Tonthly ' buttertat average.) Distributor price, $2-52. Butterfat, No. f , 24; No. 2, 21c; premlnm, 24 Hie. A grade print, 2H)ej B grade 27 Me; qoartera 2Ve Batterfat. pretnloai . .' 84 Va Legbona baas, over 3 lbs .11 Legbora boas, nnder 3 lbs. .09 . Legbura Iryeri. I M lbs. .. . .10 Lachnra fryers, nndi-rsisa.. market ealne Colored fryers 2-3 lbs. .13 - Colored spnags, 9 ids. ana ap, ,j Colored bens - ..IS' Stag - - - I - Old Koastera - .05 Sa. S grade 5 per aooad less. ZQG8 Grade A large ja J6 .10 J5 .13 Orade A medium ..... Grade B large- Grade B mediuaa Uadergradea and cbes- LIVESTOCK' (Baying price for sTo. I otocK, Maod ea condlUoas and sales reported ap to P- Lambs, 1939. tops 7.00 ! Lambs, yearlings ; 4.-5 to 4.50 Kea . . 00 to 2 50 Hon. too : 7.75 i i.u tov ios a:osoo ib. Sows Beef cows 7.00 to 7.35 6.75 ta 7.00 S.S0 to 5.75 5.00 to S.50 5.50 to a.OO 5.00 to 6.00 7.60 8.50 to 4.50 40 Boll Heifer . , Top era I Dairy typo cows Dressed veal Ib. GJ-AXV. HAT AST) SEEDS Wheat, by.. Ka. 1 r-cleaard .78 Oats, grey ton 28.00 White 25.00 Peed barley, toa 32 00 to 34.06 Clorer hay. toa 12 00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, toa 10 00 to 16.00 E(( maah. Ka. 1 grade, SO lb, bag 1.7S Dairy feed. SO Ib. bag . 1-85 Raa (eratch fd 1.75 Cracked core .---.--- 1.76 Wheat IM Stocks and Bonds Joly 3 a-rnr a vtb Aflw Compiled by The Associated. Press SO 15 15 60 ' Indus Bails Net Chg. Uncb A .3 Monday 64.8 17.0 Previous day 64,8 16.7 i Month ago 67.1 18.4 Tear ago 70.5 19.0 1039 high . 77.0 23.8 1939 low 58.8 15.7 Dtil A .3 85.6 86.4 87.3 84.7 40.0 83.7 Stocks A .1 5.8 5.5 47.3 48.4 63.4 41.0 20 Rail D .1 55.0 10 Indue Uneh 100.0 100.0 99.9 97.7 , 100.7 97.0 10 Util A .1 15.0 05.8 96.3 92.8 96.7 91.9 10 Porgn Uneh 60.3 60.3 63.3 62.6 Set Chg. Monday Pre-ioua day 55.1 Month ago - o .u -ear ago 58 1 1939 high 64.9 64.0 1939 low 53.4 Low yield 112.2 58.2 Always Tomorrow" By May Christie JUted! Without even notice I If only her leaden feet could impel her to the door of the fashionable hotel. Or to the ladies lounge, where she could hide while reading what lay below the headlines. But she waa Urrified to read itl She felt the compassionate eyes of the girl in charge of the news-stand on her, remembered that this very girl must have seen Brock and her self meeting here, innumerable times. Her fingers fumbled in her pocketbook for the pennies to pay for the paper. . Couldnt find them. Blindly she flung down a quarter. and without waiting for the change, hurried out of the lobby and into a taxicab. . She stammered to the driver: "Fisherman's Wharf, please." Toni's world crfshed about her! "Brock Uilbank and Jessica Payne inarriedl" -: Aa the taxi bounded forward, ahe drew a deep breath. Courage! Where was ft bow? Afraid to read a paper? Her heart thumping, ahe found the eolumn. ; r "The enrpriae 'weddings fa -r Santa Barbara thCt morning of . the beautifol Jaka Payne ef Chicago to Brock MUbank, only ' -; sob ef th John Pierce MilbaBks , ef Saa Fraxei-co, wCl be ef : great laterest te society not : only ea th FaetSs eoast, but ' tlonghotrt the Middle West "The bride, who iwrnted hev inaiden name after bee recent Beno divorce and inheritance ef ons-fifth ef the Payne estate! : froa her late grand-ather, met ' the groom daring her three : jnonths stay ta Saa Fraxulsco, : during which tlinen-tjiypturtie were given ta her honor. ; "This reporter, en calling ea 1 r the happy cotzpls this moraini,' . - decided that Jessica ondoubt. adly la the seost beaotifol bride 'r l tht-asoif As for th hand- ; " some Brock, be wore a amfle' :' that looked aa if tt would nerer ' com ell C " - -i" t "After a weddisg trip to the Wheat Tumbles At Crop Peak Blarketixig of new Grain Proves too Much so : Price Drops 2c CHICAGO, Jnly S.-rT)-'W 1 1 h the harrest' In the southwest near Its peak, wheat prices today tumbled almost two cents a bushel to the lowest lerel in more than two months. 3 J Marketing of new wheat, with aecompanying hedging sales In the futures pit, proTed to be too much for the trade to absorb without price concessions. Addi tional factors included weakness la foreign markets and higher private estimates of probable do mestic production this season. 1 Reflecting' the h arrest, domes tic risible supply the past week snowed its sharpest expansion in aj year. The supply Increased 11. 964.000, bushels to . 77.462100 compared with 27,609.000 a year ago. The - 12 principal interior terminals today received. 7,235.- 000 bushels, compared with only 4..J69.000 a week ago. 1 Corn and oats declined with wheat but rye scored gains of aa much ms 1 cents at times. Wheat closed near the day'a lows, 1 V4- 1 lower than Saturday, July 68-H. September 69-H. " udianans Visiting Hubbard Relatives 1 HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. Ja cob Toder and daughter Anna and Mr. and Mrs. Henry . Mast, farmers of near Kokomo, Ind are spending a month as house guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Toder of Hubbard, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Churchill, who have been operating the Hub bard meat market for the last 18 months, traded their property and business for a farm owned by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stuart of Willamlna. j R1n.Hur.Crop. BRUSH CREEK R u r a 1 dis tricts report that the . Sunday night rain did a great deal of damage to crops, particularly oats, which in many cases it flattened. Much hay was still in the field and this has been somewhat dam aged. . . , . I Orient, th couple will make I their home in San Francisco."' i There waa a sickening, smother ing' sensation in Toni'a chest. She slumped back in the seat, closing her eyes. - J Waa this death? ehe asked her self. No, it was worse than death I Death was forgetfulness. A quiet slipping away from the world and its horrors. . I But pain tore at her heart Ilka the claws of a tiger. . :- - .. Brock I Her Brock, who had told her he adored her! ' - . j Married!. . ' , I There was no rancor yet. Only shock. And agonizing pain. . , I Why ..had he done this to her, knowina how she loved him? , - J-f'Tbe pitying looks, whisperings ta the lobby of the hotel, came back to her. Explained now, in the light ef this appalling cataclysm. How bo had bnznUiated ber. But, the motire? Where waa the motiT? she wondered. Why. ever and over la her oresence. he had laughed at Jessica Payne I Laughed at ber background, her splash ef ' money, ber ostentation. Condemned her flashy clothes, ber showinesa. uaa tt au been a blind, to hide his real attractioa to her? Ton! wondered. To pull the wool orer her 'eye? ... Bat bo, be had realty loved Us fia-Kee. Else why propose to her? Be so devoted? Perhaps his own family, aa that morning dad had suggested, waa hit too. That being so, they had brought pressure to bear on Broekv maybe; urging a wealthy inarriage ea him ta preference to marrying fcirl . whoa family had tat their money. - The MCbanks, Sr- were : worldly people, who bad long sines lost the Idealism ef youth. - -f Bat whatever the reason, nothing mads it bearable. On this, hex birth day, ber whole, safe happy world. la am ttnereensi (To Be Continaed) JiiKI; I I I ; y r. v 1T" mmmm r a to. onECOir statesman; caes; PORTLAKD. Ora JbJt 8. AP1 Dairy prodoee priaes: - Batter: Sztraa 25: ataadsrds 23H; prima firsts 32 Mi; tints 'Slfc; bsturfat 23U-34. Eggs: Largo aztraa Sic : larra stand arda 19e; mediaas extras le: medium atandarda 18s. .- Cheaso Trlpteu 13a; lost. 14. Portland . Produce PORTLASD. Ore., Jaly 8. (AP) Country Meats Selling price to retail ors: Country-killed hogs, best batchers, under 160 lbs.- 10-10 ft e lb.: eealers. llft-12o lb.; Ugbt and thin, 10-1 le lb.; heavy, 9-10c; Ige, spring limbs, 15-15c; yearling lamba, 1012c lb.; ewe. 5-7c lb.; cutter cowa. Set eanner cows, 8 9e: balls lie lb. Lira Ponttry Burins -rices: Leshorn broilers, 12 H -13c lb.; colored springs, 2 ID, and over, 19-l4e ID.; Leghorn ben, over S Mi lbs, 14e lb.; nuder 3, lbs- 13c lb.: colored hens to 5 lbs., 15c lb.; over 5 lbs- 15c Ib. ; Ko. a grade, 6e lb. less. Tsrker, Selling prices: Dressed hens, 17-18e lb.; tons, 15-16c lb. Bay tag prices: Hens, 15-16e Ib.; toms, 14-15 lb. Potatoes Yakima Gems, ( ): cental; local, 1.00; Desehatea Gem, 1.35 cental; Klamath Palis, No. 1, Gems, 1.15-1 cwt. Kew Potatoes California White. Ko. , 1.70 per cwt: Kennewiek, 1.40-1.50. Onion Calif, wax 801.00; red, 70e; yellow, 80-85o per 60 lb. aack. Wool Willamette -alley, 1839 dip, nominal med, 35a lb.; coarse and braids, 2 5-2 So lb.; 6 months fleece, 22-24a lb.; saltern Ore.. 18-21 Ib. Bay Selling price to retsilers: Alfal fa, No. 1. 16.00 toa; oat retch, 12.00 toa; clover, 11.00 toa; timothy, eastera Ore., 19.00; do -allay, 14.00 ton, Portland. Hops 1038 Clusters, 35c lb. Peggies, 23e lb. - Mobair NoasiaaL 1939 clio. 80s lb. Caseara Bark Buying price 1939 peel, a id. -. Bogsr Berry and fruit, 100s, 0.00; K,K. V AtkK. Wl W . , W V. Dome. tie Ploar Selling price, city de livery, i to aa ddi. iota: raauiy patent. 49s, 5.70-6.85: bakers' hard wheat, set, 4.00-5.45: Bakers' blues tam. 4.70-5.00: blended wheat flour, 4.7O-6.00 ; soft wheat .eo-.; graaasa, , .; whole wheat awa, 4.a. ddi. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or Jnly 8. (AP) Wheat: ' Opea High Low Clot jaiy . 73 71 73 7- Cssb Grain: Oats, Mo. 3-88 Ib. white 27.00; No. 3-88 lb. gray, 24.00. Barley, Ko. 3-45 ib. BW, 36.25. Corn, No. 3, 1 shipment snanoted. No. 1 flax 1.65. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 72: west- era white 71 tt: western red 69. Hard red winter ordinary 68 ; 11 per cent ob ); i per cent 70 ; is per ent 72; 14 per cent 75. Hard white-Baart 12 per cent 72; IS per cent 75; 14 per cent 77. Today' Car Receipts: Wheat 68; Hour s; corn is; oats 1; aullfeed 2 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. July 8. (AP) (TJSDA) Hog, aalable receipt 11. to tal 1400; market active, 15-25 higher. race range: Barrows and Kilts, cd-ch. 140-160 lbs. S 7.00 0 7.50 do gd-ch 160-180 lb.- 7.35 8.00 do gdeh 180-200 lb 7.75 8.00 do gd-ch 300-230 lb 7.40 8.00 POLLY AND HER PALS MICREY MOUSE TOOTS AND CASPER f I - C!o- - S TD TELL I " n " 1 fc-" l" .TtTk WAJ- X HADDA TH TRLTTH.I -THAT IS.UNTIL. I 1 I r 'I fvrrSSS7 ( RISKT 'TOLERABLE J( IT W&S A BIT I I V PlXED THHSeS SO'S T VII I f I I : V TK1R MISS Mb bLbAX VT I I VI VWXJLDNT KNOW VUH J I HOW TH II I V "VUH ALLUb HIDE; BEHIND 1 iiW"Arw;-'i er,'ssA.raar t i sw-i 1 1 thp mpanpst t it ,--to mxns yi ...r mmuzzM-miumit tmmx . .tt UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY An Aerial Attack By BRANDON WALSU r7TiT7rT:Sic I G4ttJZERO, BCES lrUrv(Y 1 I BUT I GUESS EXTtN' AU. THAT NICE, SWtCT AM-TMEV DONTCAAE MJHayoiTT if .Wfi WTTH A RtrO-OT p4CEl-,-- 1 WVeXMTHCV lBUetAPtW.TVEV 1 HOrJCV GIVES THCM A'TT-OTHACHE. O? 50MC- Pi v( APCC WrT VCU At yIT If IIW- V1EXXyUESGVfiW -S F V AQOUtJO HLIMM-JG A LITT-C I THING CAUSe ALL, OP A -sJOOEW THtV GET eLsI AAAKES MO OtPFEPCNCS ap YOu . - 0U AAAKING NCaSEB UKE A f 1 60NG VVHnJETHEYGCTnNG J -rS&& Ny--TkH-Tmt SKl& AHE RfCM OR POCsMXIMG OWOLD ' BA-sv raar '.V. ! HCooev from au-k4Ds of -J x stimg somebccw fop mo , w-ft if' a bee: DOeT rnXuHAPtrr AKPuwcJ i ?m; vvexn nowens-- g L s,wgASOM I V HeTiivou3Ufn-THCsAAisr. I p " ltgf AT tLTO THlS AFTEPNOOtnI 50PH1S WILL BE HERE TO HAVE HER FOrTTUNE TOLD. fl -.1 KNOW WONT. I ''(""' U&73l HfcRCHANCEV 5 HE MAY tWN M vn. -c i VTJOCS II Li. M3-r sje-o I 11-. 'S I --3 "r5 Vfl 50!LI UCTO -cB-DerT. I I KOK IHEL VeirrrX I K K-l wmzcZfc" v" J R r Vd?ir!WyHTfl me J i&&AmiLia nv'ni 1 rs. 1 11 11 vA-y v-;--ri ti ; x rm 1 s -yvr f vyiunrcv t;'7ry:::::f.:::::i::::::::7alyyj II I ?' J I II 1 1 sek ri asaavBaw:-r I '. . vlav' V rW t ' J T rz as-- V i. 11 - a- . , JT S -RI-, 11 - wsf- r---f-t .'sss 1 1 --r-AA . .a a a m 1 aa w m 1 1 mm - t.jw- ,r-i e je Ma. r---fc- - aaaT s, . a ... - -aas,a - - wmm n& . -s&&. & ,BM-v.ri.-i---ui - - fQ ': TniMBUS THEATIlStaLrrtntT Popeya. '.' 1 Fuddling His Own Canoe . lj of een, rmaf nerea, lay at Portland So gd-ck 20-2 5a lbs T.10d T.T5 do gd-ch 250-290 lbs " .85Q T.40 do gd-ch 290-850 lbs 6.596 7.00 do Bad, 14016 Iba. 6.75 (fj 7.35 Pkg. sows, gT 375-350 Ibs 6.25 6.73 da good. ae--a id - ,.i3u a.ia do good. 425-550 lbs 5.00 5.50 do med- 275-650 iba 4.759 6.35 Pigs tdr atrkr) gd-ch. 70-14V IDs " "'(F Cattle: Salable receipt 1850. total 1850: aalable calves 100, total 125. Mar ket steady. Price range: Steers, gd, 900-1100 lbs. $ 9.00 9.50 dO Bledinm, T30 llO'l ID. O.UV do com (dD. 750 900 Iba. 6.25 (id 7.75 Heifers, good, 750-900 lba. 8.00(g) 9.00 da Biedium, aau wlu ids. i.uuw do com (pi) 550-900 ib. 5.50 dj 7.00 Cows, rood, sU wt- . 5.73 6.50 do medium, all wta. a.ouia a.ia do com (pi), all wts 4.00 S.00 do low cot-cot. all wts. 3.25 (ul 4.25 Balls (yearlings exelud) gd wtj. au wts . 6.25 6. SOrt 6.60 S.25 5.50 8.50 8.00 7.50 6.00 7.00 5.50 o me man, au wta. do cut-corn (pi), ail wts. 4.7544 Vealers, choice. aU wU ..S.00W do good, all wta ?7.50a do medintn. all wts 6.00 O do coii com pla). all wta 4.50 Calves, mod. 350-400 lbs 5.50 tt do coca (pla) 250-400 ID ,OkS Sheep: Salable ' receipt 2500, totol 8000. Market iteady with lait Trday. Price rang: Spring Jamba, gd a ehoice..S7.50 do medium ana gooa do common' ( plain Lamb (shorn) med A good do common (plain I , " -Ewe (shorn), good-choice-do oommoa (plaia) ats. Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore- July 8. (AP) ( V su a ) rod oca pnea eaangee: Apptee Ore. Newtewaa. as fcr 1-50 1.75; fey. 1.15 1.40: Wash. Wiaesaps, es fey, 1.60-1.85; Rome, ox fey, 1.65-1.75; Traaspareat, 34 lbs- 1.00 1.15. Aprieota Cal.f 60 63a flat; 1.00-1.15 royal Inga; Ora.-Waab. 15-lb. flats, 60 40c; Koorparks, 660c. Avocados OaiifJ 1.05-1.70. Aparrnf Oral Wah SO lbs. Ko. 1. 165-1.75; la. 1.50; aadaaa loose. 1.15; atriaga, 754-00. Beaaa--Ore. green, SH-4e; wax 8-8 He. Bananas Bunch 8 He; aaall Iota 6e, Black Caoa-l.6M.73. Celery Calif.. Utih. 1.50 1.60; white. L70-1.80; hearts, dos.. 1.10. Cabbage Oregon roaad head, 75e-1.00; few 1.2a; poor 60 70c. . Cantaloupes Calif, atda. 45a, 3.40 3.50: iumbo, 86-45. 1.90-2.00; stand arda, 45s, 1. 65-1. 75; Honeydews, 9s, 1.40-1.60; igmbo 37s, 1.75-1.85. Cherries Ore., Wash- Biogs, 4 6c ; Lambert 5-6c. Celery Calif., Utah, 1.75-1.85; white. 100 2.25: Ore, CUh 1.50-1.75; white 1,75 2.00; hearts. 1.10-1.20. Corrsnts 1.25-1.50. Cauliflower Local, t-lls, 1.00-1.10; Mo. 3. 60 65e. Citrus Fmit Grapefruit, Texae marsh seedless. 2.85-8 00; Arizona fancy, 2.25 3JiO: ria.. 8.25-8.50. Cora Oregoa crates, 6 dot., 3.50-2.70: poorer 3.25. Garlic Local, 6-8 lb.; Calif., new HE'S AWAY CM A VACATION!. BUT WHACT ' i SOPHIE DON'T KNOW WONT. LJI KJT UCTO WHAT a " " - .- , 7.73 7.25 5.75 d 6.50 5.00 5.25 4.000 6.00 3.500 8.50 1.25 Q 3.50 fZZT 1 1 SOPHIE DON'T uililitftTs-;.----- TELrER AND. . fa.EVERY J7 II ::'-1 , ror Holiday's Eye Market Pace Is Slowest in 17 Years Despite Some Fireworks j NEW YORK, July sA&iA rise in a few shares provided to day a meagre aispiay or. siock market fireworks while trading set the slowest pace for a full ses sion in 17 years. Sandwiched between the week end recess and the Fourth of July holiday, transactions dropped to 235,140 shares, the lowest since a ' similar Monday before Inde pendence day In 1922. In the fourth hour, only 20,000 shares changed hands. I Cautious investment buying on hopes of business improvement! in the next year or so again seemed to account for the most of " the gains. Up 1 to about 2 at the close were American Telephone, Ameri can Can, Allied Chemical, U. S. Gypsum and Industrial Rayon The last stock started on a block of 4.000 shares. . ; Westingbouse, Texas Corp., New York Central and Union Carbide were among shares finishing with slight losses. The Associated Press composite price of 60 stocks was up .1 at 45.6. crop. 10c lb. ' KJrapea Calif- aeedleas, 2.50-2.65 lac Lemons t'-acy, all aises, 5.00-5i.50; choice. 4 75. Lime Doa. earton, 20 25c Lettuce l-oral dry. 65 75e; poor, 85 Oranses Calif, navels. choice, i on anoted; Valencias, large 3.75-4; small to meaiom, z.xo .u. Lcttoee Beit .0 63; poor 35c; Wash topped, 70-75c. Ifnahrooma Cultivated. 1 lb.. SO-SSe, Oniona Calif, wax, 90e-1.00; yellow. to-7ac; reas, vo-vac. Pearhe Calif., flata. Triumph. 90e 100; Calif. Redbird 05-75e; Ore. 65-76c Peas Oregon, 2H-2e lb. Peppers Calif, lug, 1.40-1.60. Plum Calif., 1.10-1.20. Potatoea Ore. Descbutea Ruisatt, Ko t, 100 lbs.. 1.00 1 20: US No. 1. 50 lb 45-50e; Calif. Long, Whites, CS No. 1, oo ids., 1.79 l.vo; Hash- wobbles Mo. 1 1 50-1.60.- Rhubsrb Ore- apple box, 40-45e loose ; lettaee crates, cwt.; loose, 2e lb. Squash Ore. Zucchini, 70-80c, flats; Scsllops, 70-80c; Crooknecka, 70-75e. Strawberries Oregon, best, 34 basket crates, 1.60-1.75. Spinach Ore., 40-50c orange gox. ' Tomatoes Ore., hothouse, 9-14e; Calif- 24 ID., 1.85-2.00. Bunched Vegetables: Local per doa bunches oniona 20-25e: radiahea. 17 H 30e; parsley, 17H 20e; turnip. 43 65a; carrots. 20 25e. Under Cover Man TraidingSlow YouH Never Get to Heaven That The Bis; Moment . .. - By JIMMY MURPHY r THEREF0RBI.WISHlNif-TO KNOW SOPHIE'S BEEN UP TO LATELV, WILL DlSaUISS MYSELP AS THE Closing Quotations NEW YORK, July trVPt-Toizy closing Al Chem A Dye 162 Comwlth a. Allied. Stores R Consol Edison;.' 30 . 1 5 Consol Oil . . . . . , 7 . 2 Corn . Products .60 .3 Curtiss Wright . 6 American can . Amer For Power Am Power 4t Lt. Am Rad Std San 11 Douglas Aircraft 65 Elee Power & Lt 6 Ta Genl Electrie . . 33 General Foods 42 General Motors . .. 42 Goodyear Tire . 25 Great Northern. 20 Hudson Motors . 4 Illinois Central . 10 Insp Copper ... 10 In t Harvester .. 54 Int Nickel Can . 46 Int Paper & P Pf 29 Int Tel & Tel. . 5 Kennecott ..... 31 Ubfeey-O-Ford . 43 Llg & Myers B. .105 Loew's ....... 41 Monty Ward ... 48 Am Roll Mills .12 Am Smelt & Ref 39 Am Tel A Tel.. ISO : Am Tobacco . .' 84 Am Water Wks. 8 Anaconda ..... 22 Armour 111 ... . 4 H Atchison ...... 25. Bait A Ohio ... 4 Bendix A via ... 21 14 Beth Steel ..... 51 Boeing Air .... 29 Borge Warner . 21 Budd Mfg i,... 4 H Callahan Z-L . . 1 Calumet Hec ... 5 Canadian Pacific 4 Caterpil Tractor 41 Celanese Certain-Teed Ches & Ohio . Chrysler Coml Solvent. 22 Nash Kelvinator 5 6 National, Biscuit 26 31 National Cash . . 16 68 Natl Dairy Prod -15 9 National Dlst . . ,25 Woodburn Queen Aspirant Well up , WOODBURN-( Special) -W i t h the contest now being conducted to elect a queen and five pricesses to rule over the annual Redhead Roundup at Taft, August 5 and 6, well under way. Miss Kathleen Donnely Is making a fine show ing In the contest, according to reports from the Redhead Round up association. Miss Donnely la the daughter Root Vegetable: Rutabaga 1.33 1.80 Yonngberriea 1.20-1.30 crate. Watermelona Calif. 3.25 ewt, era tea extra. Way i Tr -?e v3- Y-FSS1R.T MAY fET THE LOW-DOWN OM FOrTTUNEl WHERE SHE'S BE ttOINLj EVERY AFTERNOON POR THE. PAST MONTH nrices: Sou. 1 Natl Power A Lt 7 Northern Pacific 7 Packard Motors 3 ' J C Penney . . .. 884 Phillips Petrol . 33 . Press Steel Car. 7! Pub Service NJ; St Pullman . - -... 25 .er.. latrie.g Q-. 11 Safeway Stores . 39 Sears Roebuck . 74 Shell Union . ... 10 Sou Cal Edison. 26 Southern Pacific 11 Standard Brands 6 Stand Oil Calif. 26 Stand Oil XJ. . . 41 Studebaker .... 6' Sup Oil 2 Tinjk Roll Bear. 37 Trans-America . 5 Union Carbide . 73 United Aircraft. 35 US Rubber .... 39 US Steel ...... 45 Walworth 4 Western Union . 17 White Motors . . 8 Woolworth ; . . . 46 of Dr. and. Mrs. E. S. Donnely of Woodburn. A two-week expense-free trip to the world's fair at San Francisco will reward the queen. School Has Outing AURORA Members of the Sunday school of the Presbyter ian church held their annual pic nic Friday at the Aurora park. -. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Will and Misa Leona of Aurora left Sunday for a week's vacation visiting Yel lowstone park and other points of Interest. In A Hurry" STATE miAIICE CO. A Bome-Ouned Institution (Childs as MUler'rftice) S44 SUte St., Sahfim, Ore. Phono 0261 Lie No. 8-210 M22a By CLIFF STERKETT " N JESS PW3PPED VfeR MORN1N mPER UP UKE YUH sJLLJJS HIDE, BEHIND ITVT BREAK pVaT By WALT DISNEY. ilrHMYSQ-Ff s- tvm - i rv-HECK-- f AW! FOOTSTEPS I THE DOORBELL IS RlNtisM'l ITS SOPHIE! THE Blt-f EM MOMENT IS AT -rsi: HAND. 1 e ii i----a--sassssssaaa A