PAGE TWELVE TW OREGON STATESMAN, galea, 7heat Slump Cancels Gain Cent a . Bushel Setback Wipes out Advance of Early Week - ; CHICAGO, July I Ano ther . slump of a cent a .? bnshel In wheat values today just about eliminated the modest advance scored earlier this week. " After registering gains of as much a cent In early deal ings, prices tumbled i from the ' highs and closed to -1 cent lower than yesterday, with July contracts at 69-70 and September at 11-. Weekend liquidation and hed ging sales coincident with the expansion of harvest operations In the southwest caused the re action. A railroad survey indi cating winter wheat conditions have improved the past few weeks had a bearish effect and while Its optimism was expect ed, nevertheless It- was consider ed a probably accurate foreun ner of the July private crop es timates to be released early next week., ' Oats and rye fell with wheat but corn, held about steady, , be ing strengthened by unusually big weekend shipping sales to Industries, One Killed in Tillamook Crash S4gWU, MMiilin iuvtiut - - . a- X 4 ' ' ' Mart POBLANO, Or., Jaly 1. (AP) (UBUA) Product price ehangea: applet On. Newtowns, ax fey, L50 175, fcjr. 1.25 1.40; Wh. Wlnesapv ea fey. 1.60-1.85 ; Bonti, oa fey, l.oS 1.7J; Transparent, 24 lba., 1.00 I. IS. Aprirte Cal.f- 60 65e flat; 1.00-1.15 royal lata; Ore-Wash. 15-lb. flata, 60 Oe, Ifoorparke, 5O-S0e. Aoeadaa 4;alif, 1.04-1.70. A pang-in Ora.. Waih SO lba. No. 1. 1 85-1.75; lease, 1.50; nnclaaa loote, 1.2 J; atrmga, 75e 1 00 Bean -Ore. gTeea, 3tt-4e; wax -3He. Baaaoaa Bunch A He; email lota . Black Cape 1-65-1.74. r CeleTy Calif., Duh, 1,501.00; white, 1.70 1.80; hearta. 4a., 1.10. Cabbata Oregon round head, 75e-1.00 lew 1.23; poor 60-70e. - Canuloupea Calif, atds. 45s, 1 40 S 50 jnmbo, 80-45a, 1.90-2.00; stand ard , 45a, 1.65-1.75; HoneydeWa, 0s, 1.40-1.60; jnmbo 27a, -1.75-1.85. a Cherriee Ore., Wash., Bines, 4-Se; Imberts S-Se. Cilery Calif, Utah, 1.75 1.S5; white. S 00 2.25; Ore, Duh 1.50 1.75; wait 1.75 J.OO; iearta. i.10-1.20. . Curraota 1.25-t.SO. Caoliflower Local, S-lla, 1.00-1.10; Ho. 3, 60-5e. - - Ultras Fruit Orapefm.'t. Texaa amarsli eedless, S.85S00; Arixone fancy, 3.25 S.50: ria S.2S-3.50. Corn Oregoa crates, S doa., 2.50-2.70: yoorer S.2 5. . - . Garlle Leal, S-Se! lb. ; Calif. , mew rop. lOe D. '.5 Grapes Califs aeedleaa, 3.50-2.65 Inf. Laasons Vaucy, ali i aiaea. 5.00-50; boiee. A 7S. ..) i Limes Do, carton, 20 25e. Letture l-al dry. 65 75e; poor, 15a. Oraafee Calif, aarels, choice, n aoted; Valenciae, larfa S.75-4; email to BaetliiMn. 2.25 3.70. Lettuce Best 80 65; poor 35e;' Wash, topped, 70-75c- ' MHsbroomt Cultivated. 1 lb.; 30 85c Onions Calif, wax, 90e-1.00; yellow, TO 75c; redau0 V5e. . Prarhea CaHf., flaU, Triumphs. SOe 1 00 Calif. Redbird 05-75e; Ore. 05-T5e. reae-rOreon, 8-2ie lb: Pcppera, I.40-1.SV Plume Calif", 1.10-1.20. Pctateea Ore. Deachntea Ruasete, No 1. UIO rha 1.00 1. 30 MIS Ko. 3, 50 lb d5-50e; Califs Loaf Whites, US Ko." 1, 100 lbs.. 1.75 l.lo; Mash, Cobbles No. I. 1.60 1.60. i Shabarb Ore, apple box, 40 43c loose; lettuce crates. B5e-1.10 ewt. ; loose, 2e lb. Squssh Ore. Zocchini, 70 80c, flats; Scallops, 7O-80e; Crookoecks, 70-75e. Strawberrira 'Oregon, beat,' 14 basket ratea. 1.60-1.75. ' .. Spinach Ore., 40-50 orange gox. Towtoea Ore., hothouse, 0-14e; Califs 24 B, 1.85 2.00. . Annched. Vegetables: Local per doa bunches onions 20 25e; radishes, 17H 30c: parsley, 17 1 20c; turnips. 45 55c: arrots. 20 25e Root Vcxrtablca: Kutabaffaa 1. 85-1.50 Younrbcrriea 1.20-1.80 crate. Watermelons Calif. 2.25 cat, eratea .. extra. Held as Hostage ); j Urn. Ruth Joiner (above), 29, of Crawfordsvllle, Ind was held ' captive for two hours as foar Indiana state : prison tjaniatea threatened her life anless given tlieir release. . Few rot the con victs were wounded as Was Mrs. Joiner when state police rushed the office In which she was held tMrisoner la the futile escape try. 1 Harry Sherman, 85. president of the Tillamook flying club, died Friday (June 180) and Wlnslow Still well, SO, club member, was In serious condition from injuries suffered when this plane stalled at 400 : feet Thursday and nose-dived oato a farm field near Tillamook. ( AP Photo). Coast Hop Marts Remain Inactive Pacific coast hop markets con tinned to be" featured' hy light trading and movement during the week ended June 18, states r the Bureau of Agricultural Economics In the Weekly Hop Market Re view. " ' - " - " I Oregon hop markets were quiet and Inactive and no sales of spot hops, either 1918 - or folder growths, were reported. .Contract ing of new crop hops for future delivery was also reported at a standstill. Demand was slow from both domestic and foreign inter ests. Prices on 1938 supplies were being established by the i stabilis ation corporation at 25 cents per pounds on their offerings of loan hops. Quotations on 1937 and old er growths remained nominal in this state with no Interest being shown by dealers. Interest in new crop prospects was being shown by the trade generally. i Trade reports indicated thai the Oregon crop was making general ly satisfactory progress under fa vorable weather conditions. Pros pects are regarded as folly jnor mal for this season. Some downy mildew and lice infestation were reported but growers were spray ing their yards and damage thus far has been negligible. Washington and C a 1 1 f o t nla markets were also dull with! de mand and trading limited. I Stone Fruit Rot Hits Since Rain, Spraying Advisjed Brown rot of stone fruit has been making its appearance in Marlon county since the recent Nw.USArmy'Giin Fires Shell 15 Miles ' ' jT V - , . . v. -A i s v f i V ,v- T- 1 laa.'fcs,JMM MMMpMaaWsl ovo.-JSjt-. -5" LILY'S . i ' ' 'V- . 1 I ,.Vn ' This new. United States army gun, one of the most powerful guns in the world, is capable of firing a 100-pound shell 15 miles. In tests at Fort Bragg, N. C., it fired the longest shot ever fired from a standard American army field gun, the projectile traveling about 29,000 yards and blowing a hole 16 feet into the ground. It is mounted on a ten-wheel pneumatic-tired carriage capable of a top speed of 12 miles an hour.' This is an official photograph of the ordnance departmtt. United States army. rainy period, according to obser vations made by Assistant Coun ty Agent Robert Rieder. While the fruit is small and still green, this disease is not very abundant ' and it can be easily overlooked. Nevertheless, when this condition, exists, there Is enough of the disease present to carry it to harvest, when a serious outbreak may o :urf es pecially if there is much wet, damp or foggy weather at that time. For dusting, use a super-fine dusting sulfur, which will pass at least a 300 mesh sieve. Market Enabled To Edge Upward NEW YORK, July 1 ( A little short covering and timid investment buying today enabled the stock, market to finish a shade on the upside. The list started off with mi nor gains in the majority, loaf ed along narrowly until the fi nal half-hour then moved up sedately under the leadership of a smattering of "blue chips." At the close advances ran to a point "or 'more for favorites, al though there was a sprinkling of minus signs " in evidence. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was up .4 of a point at 45.5. For the . week, however, this composite suffer ed Its worst reaction since the period of April 8. showing a net loss of 1.9 points. Trans fers for the two hours amounted to 185,400 shares against 187, 820! last Saturday. Although vo lume picked up son.ewbat on the week, the turnover for June was the smallest in IS years. Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., July X. (AP) Dairy produce prices; Batter: Extras 25 ; . standards 33 H; prime firsts 22; firsts 31 Va ; botterfat 3SV.-24. ' Efrs:' Large extras 31e; large stand arda 19e; mediant extras 19e; medium standards 18c. Cheese Triplets 13e; loaf, 14e. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., July 1. (AP) Coantr Meats beinnj price ta re tailers: Country-killed kora. bait batcb era, nnded 160 lbs, lu-10He lb.; vealera, 11 H 12e lb.; light and thin. 10 lie lb.; beary, S-lOe; Ige; spring lambs, lS-15e yearling lambs, 10 12 lb.; ewea, 6-7 lb.; cutler eowa, 9e; eaaoer cows, SVa 9c: balls He lb. Live Poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 13V ISe lb.; colored springs, 3 lba. and over. 13 lee lb.; Leghorn bens, m S lba.. Me lb.; under IVs lba. 13c lb.: colored bene to S lbs, lie lb.i over S lba, l&e lb.; No. 3 grade, ee lb. leaa. Tnrkeya Selling Dressed hens, lMSe lb.: toms, 15 16e lb. Baying oricea: Hens. 15 18c lb.: toms. 14 lie lb Potation Yakima Gams. ( ) cantal. local. l.OO; Deaehatea Gems, 1.S5 cental; Klamath Falls No. 1, Gems 1.15 1.35 carl New Potatira California Whites. No L 17S per ewt ; Keanewiek. 1..40-1.50. Oaioas Calif, was 80 90c; red, 70ej yellow, 80 85e per 50 lb. sack. Wool Willamette valley, 1939 clip, nominal med, 35c lb.: coarse and braids, 35 38c lb : 6 months lieeee. 32 34e lb. ; eaatera Ore, 18 Sic lb. Bay 8elling prire to retailers: Alfal fa. No. 1. 16.00 toe; oat eeteb, 13 00 toa: clover. 1 1.00 toa ; timothy, eastern Ore 19 00: do ealley, 14 00 ton, Portland. Bops 1938 Clusters, 20 25 lb. Pug (les. 23r lb. Mohair Nominal. 1939 clip, SOe lb. Caarara Bark Buying price, 1939 peel, le lb Sngar Berry and fruit, 100s, S.00; bale 5.15; beei, 4.65. t Domaetie Flour Spiling price, city de JiTery. 1 to 35 bbl lots: Family patent. 19s. C 70 8 85; bakers' hard wheat, net. t 00 5.45; bakers' blnettem. 4.70 5.00s blended wheat flour. 4 70 5 00 : soft wheal 4.40 4.45; graham, 49a. 4.S0; wholewheat 49s. 4 95. bbl. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore. July 1. (AP) Wheat: Opea High Low Close July 72 3 78 ,72 Cash Grain: Oatr, So. 2-38 lb. white. 37.00; No. 3, 38 lb. gray . Barley, Ko. 3. 45 lb. BW. 34.00. Cora No. Jt, EY shipment. 26.25. Flax. No. 1, 1.66. - Caah Wheat Bid: Soft white 72 H; western white 72; western red 71. Bard red winter ordinary 6iVi, 11 per cent 69 V4: 12 per rent 72: 13 per cent 74; 14 per cent 77. Hard wh it e-Baart -ordinary ; 13 per cent T5; IS per cent 78; 14 per can 80. Today's Car Receipts: Wheat 25; oar ley 0; flour 17; com 0; oata 0; bay 0; millfeed 8. Portland Livestock 6.90 7.40 7.15 T.75 7.50 7.75 7.15 T.75 6.85 Q 7.50 8.60 7.15 6.85tt 8.85 6.60 7.15 S.75S 7.25 6.25 9.75 5.25 5.75 5.00 5.50 4.75 6.35 PORTLAND, Ore., July 1. (AP) (USD A) Hogs: Receipts 50, for week salable 2800, total 4200. Compared week ago, market 15-25 higher. Price range: Barrows and gilts, gd-ck. 140-160 lba do gd-ek, 160-180 lba. do gd-ek, 180-300 lba. do gd-eh, ,200-220 lba. do gd-eh, 320-250 lba. do gd-ck, 390-850 lba. do gd-ck, 390-850 lba. da fd eli, 250-290 lba. do med,i 140-160 lba. Pkg. eowa. gr, 275-850 lbs do good. 350-425 lbs do good, 425-550 lbs do med.! 375-550 Ibe Pigs (fdr atrkr) gd ch, 70-140 lba. Cattle: Receipts 65, tor Week aalable 2475, total 2530; calrea 15, for week aal able 280, total 870. Compared week age, market uneven, fed steere etrong, grata cattle weak with good beef eowa 25 low er, bulla fully 25 or mora lower. Price range: i Steers, gd, 900-1100 lba. .S do medium, 750-1100 lbe. do coin pl). 750-900 lba. Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs.- do medium, 550-900 lbs. do com .(pi) 550-900 lba. Cows, good, all wts. do medium, all wts. do com (pi), all wts. 6.50 7.25 do low-eut-cut. all wts. Bulla (yearlings exclud) gd (beef), fall wta do medium, all wts. do.' eut-eom (pi), all wts. Vealera, choice, all wta ....... do good; all wta ....... do medium, all wta do cull com (pin), alt wta Calves, med. 250-400 lbs do com (pin) 250-400 lba Sheep : Receipts for week, total 4560; spring lambs week ago.f Price range: Spring lambs, gd A choice.. do medium and good do common (plain) Lambs (shorn) med A good do common (plain) Ewes (shorn ), good choice do common (plain) med.. 9.00 9.60 7.75( 9.00 6.25 8.00(a) 7.009 5.50 5.75(5 5.00 4.00 7.75 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.50 5.75 5.00 4.25 3.25 d 6.25 6.50 5.50 6.35 4.75 5.50 8.00 8.50 7.50 8.00 6.000 7.50 4.50 6.00 5.50 7.00 4.50 Q 5.50 salable 8250, 25-50 below $7.50 7.75 6.75 7.25 5.75 6.50 5.00 5.25 4.00 5.00 3.503 8.50 1.25Q 2.50 Wool in Boston BOSTOX. July 1. (AP) (USDA) (USD A) A slightly improved tone waa noted in the Boston Wood market during the past week. An occasional house transacted a mod erately larger valume of bnsineaa than daring the previoua week. Prices eaaed alightiy on graded territory wools, bat prices on original fine territory wools, which bad previously declined, were about steady. Fleeces offered from the mid west were: slightly firmer. Graded comb ing bright; fleeces were quoted ateady on a grease bai ranging 28 to 31 cents for fine Delaine, 29 to SO cents for half bloods and 31 to 82 cents for three-eighths and quarter bloods. Salem Market Quotations raoTTs . ( Baying Prlcea) (The prices below aupplled by grower and Indicative of tba daily prlcea paid to growers by Salem bat are not guaranteed ky The man.) - Banana a. lb. oa ' Baada , Urapaf rait, Tesaa piaka Keguiar Lemoas. crate Oraagea. erato Straw be rriea. cal Svocadoa, crate Currants S.60 to Raaaberriaa Caalaloapeo. erato Watermelons. .1.65 te rmeloaa, lb. TEOBTAULES (Baying PTlces) Asparagus. 8 Beets, doa. . Cabbage, lb. Carrots, local, doa. Caaliflower, local -Calory. Otab, 3.00; local. erat Cacambera, batasaea. bos .. a local market bayera States .05 H .06 4.00 - 8.00 S.60 4.00 1.60 1.66 1.40 S.00 8.35 J0 .80 .35 .03 Jl 1.08 . 1.75 3.&0 Thrill Racing 'Crazy ' Says Oldiield evsTrwiWawWaflWilNmj ghat's my speed, says Barney OL23eM, Teteram auto race driwer, pointing to the 40 mile soars: on his speedometer. la Bnrbeuik, CaL, recently Oliflcld west oa record as opposing nhriil cmy" auto - races which yearly sacrifice tires for the sake of appeasins; thrill era Yin jt crowds and sejrrinaj xte auefnl ptarpose to the aeto iaadastrr. He pointed oat that S2 drtTers hare lost their ltres at Indianapolis while only one of two men hare been killed dining the past 29 I fears testing cars sclmtlfiraliy for the auto lndnstry (UN ) , Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price f 1.70. I Co-op Grade A bntterfat price f 1.72. (Milk baaed oa! eoml-moBthly ' butterfat average.) i Distribntor price, fSLSS. Bntterfat, No. 1, 23c; Ko. 2, 21c; premium, 24 He. ' A grade print, 28 He;' B grade 27 Mc; quarters 20Hr Lottaeev loeal 'j ' Oaloaa. 6 Oreoa onions, doa, Badiabea, doa. Peaa. local, ih Peppers. green. Calif. raraiey Potatoea, local ewt, K. V ID. MSS. Raw Potatoea, Calif, rrt Spiaaeh, local, , -laraipa, eoa. .90 1.00 .30 JO Jts JO 0 1.1 .45 1.00 JO JS . ' t UT8 (Moe paid ky IMepeadest Packing plaat psw) Walnuts Prsnqaettes, fancy, 12a me dium, lOe; email 8e; orebard run, S to lOe. Walnut meats. 35 to SOe lb. . rilberta Barcelonaa. large 13&e; fan cy 11 Vie; babies, lie: orchard rua lie. (Coop Pncea to Grower) Walnota Price range, depending apoa way nuta run in 14 different grades 11 m 13a. Duehitly 1 cent higher. HOPS (Buying Prices) Clusters, nominal, 1937, lb. .05 to .08 Clusters. 193k, lb J 2 to .25 Tuggles, top J3 WOOL AJfD MOHAIS (Buying Prlcea) Wool, medium, lb. J5 Coarse, lb. - .25 Ukmba, lb. , - 2 hlokair. lb JO EGGS AND FOULTBT (Baying Prtcei of Andrtaea's) Grade A targe, doa.. Grade B large. dos Grado A medium Grade B medium Pullets .15 to J9 J7 J7 .15 J 4 J5 ai JO .05 Heavy hens, lb .14 HASIOK CKEAStTBT Baying Price Hottenat, iirat qnality, Butterfat, aeeond qnality ttutterfat, premium Colored frya White Leghorns, heavy. Wkita Leghorn a. light Uio roosters Leghorn hens, over 8H lbs. .23 21 .24 Va .11 .09 10 Leghorn hens, under 3V4 lbs.. ochora trrera. 1 lba I .e (thorn fryers, anderaise. market valae- Colored fryers, 3 8 lbs. . Colored springs, 8 lba. and up Colored bona , Stags Old Roostera No. 3 grades So per nonad less. EGGS Grade A large , Grade A medium Grade B large Grade B medium .11 .12 J3 .08 .05 Cndergradea and rhx .... .19 J6 J6 J5 .15 LIVESTOCB fBuying price for Ho. I stock, baaed on conditions and sales reported np to 4 p.m. -mba. 1939, topa 7.23 Lambs, yearlinga Ewea (fogs, top 130 150 lba 210 800 lba. Sows Beef eowa .. .... Bulls Heifers Top veal Dairy type eowa.. Dressed veal. lb. 4 25 to 4.75 3.00 to 2.50 7.25 to 7.50 7.00 to 7.25 6.75 to 7.00 6 25 to 5.75 5.00 to 5.50 6.50 to 6.50 6.00 to 6.50 7.60 8.50 to 4.60 JO OBAXJI. BAT AHD SEEDS Wheat, bu.. No. 1 rocleaned ... .73 Oata, grey ton ,, - 28.00 White ' 25.00 Peed barley, ton Clover hay, ton-. Alfalfa, toa 22 00 to 24.00 12.00 to 18.00 10.00 to 16.00 Egg maab. Ko. 1 trade. 80 Ik. bag 1.70 Dairy teed, 80 lb. g . 1.85 Boa scratch foed 1.75 Cracked rorn 1.75 Wheat " 1.65 Barley Market Weaker As Adjustments Made - PORTLAND, July 1 CP) Ad justment toward new crop ba sis and prices resulted in a weaker tone tor the northwest barley market this wee. Port land prices declined 1V c per 100. The trading and movement were light. Willamette valley new crop prospects continued bright with larger supplies expected. Stocks and Bonds Julyl STOCK aVBBAOBS Compiled ky The Associated Proas 80 15 15 60 ' - ladua Bails TJtil Stocks Net Chg. A .7 A .3 A J A .4 Saturday S4.8 1S.7 86.4 , 45.5 Tear ago 70.5 19.0 34.7 48.4 193 kigk 77.0 28.8 40.0 53.4 1989 low 68.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 SO Bails Wet Chg. A .8 Satarday 85.1 Pro-ioaa day 64.9 Tear ago . 66.1 1939 high S4.9 1939 low S8.4 10 Indos TJnek 100.0 oo.o 7.T 100.7 97.0 10 TJUl A J 5.8 5.7 3.S 6.7 1.9 10 rorgm A .1 O.S 0.3 3.6 4.0 8.S dosing Quotations NEW YORK, July Allied Stores... ttt Am Power dk Lt. 4 Ant Rad Std San 11 Am Roll Mills.. MSH Am Smelt 4fc Ret.ll Am Tel A Tel .181 Amer Tobacco . , S 4 Am Water Wks, t Anaconda 22 Armour. HI - 4 Atchison. ...... l-(ff)-Today,i closing prices: ' Consbl Oil .... 7 Corn Products . 11 Curtlss Wright . Douglas Aircraft IS Db Pont do N. .14S Elec Power A Lt 1 General Electric tSM General Poods 43 General Motors .41 Goodyear Tiro. . 2S Great Northern. lt Bait A Ohio ... 4 Hudson Motors . 4 Illinois Central , 104 12 Insp Copper ... 10 11 Int Harrester .. 65 21 Int Nickel Can . 44 17 Int Paper & P Pf 18 1 Int Tel A Tel.,. 6 42 Johns ManriUe. 48 21 Kennecot ..... 21 Moaty Ward ... 42 21 Nash Kelrlnator S 47NaUonal Biscuit 21 Natl Dairy Prod IS 1 National Dist .. 25 Bendlx ATiaUon 21 ta V. ei ww otevi Boeing Air ... Borge Warner Calif Pack .... Callahan Z-L ... Caterpil Trac .. Celanese ...... Certain-Teed . , ,. Ches A Ohio ... Chrysler: ...... Com I Sotrent .. Com with-A Sou. Consol Edison .. i ' 22 Natl Power A Lt .7 Northern Pacific Packard Motors. Phillips Petrol.. Press Steel Car. Pub Berries NJ. Pullman ...... Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck . Shell Union ... So Cal Edison . Southern Pacific Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif . Stand Oil NJ ... Studebaker .... Sup Oil ....... Trans-America Union Carbide ; United Aircraft.' United Airlines. US Rubber ... US Steel Western Union White Motors . . wool worth-.... i 7 8 22 7 21 24 29 74 10 22 11 4 21 41 2 5 72 24 14 21 44 4 IS '7 41 H Beuase d i , FASHION RELICS OTCHA and boopadoop .... Shutuny . .. . Cliarl a . . . . "It" . . . .Yea, We Have No Bananas . ... So'a Your Old Man ; . .. Drugstore cowboys in beU-bettoined trousers and plus-fours . .'. . Fkppers in knee-high skirts and ma buckled galoshes ... All, all are gone. . They arc outmoded, c4eWahoed, passe. They belong to a vanished era, a period of unbridled aelf-cxpreaaion and cock-eyed eibinoiuai. !.' linn s r r w ' I , HERE REMAINS one tragi-comic vestige of the Gilded "Twenties." He is the Speed Cowboy. An unwanted relic of a bygone era, he whizzes blithely on, oblivious to the fact that he is as out of place as a Keystone comedy in Radio City Music HalL Just a Model T intellect in a rtreamlined roadster. Some day, he may be caught unawares and be put in a museum, where he belongs, along with the extinct Dinosaur and the Dodo., THE SPEED COWBOY " We don't want to put a damper on your Fourth of July Cele bration . . . But the accidents of this Fourth will make head lines for the Fifth . . . You may be a careful driver but who can say he is safe while the Reckless Speed Cowboy rides the highways . . . Protect your family and protect yourself against loss of time without pay. Just bring or send in a $1.00 bill accompanied by the little coupon properly filled out we can't stop accidents but we can make it easier for! you and jour family in the event tragedy should pay you a visit. You Can Be Covered for $10,000 for loss of life in a rail road accident and $20.00 per week while injured. $1,000 for loss of life in an auto mobile or pedestrian accident. $10.00 per week while injured. DON'T WAIT .'. It may be too late . . Call at the Statesman office, 215 S. Commercial St, or phone 9101 for further details. . , i' ' i ! r - There are hundreds' who have found this Statesman Accident Policy to be a dollar wisely in vested. .'--.'- ! (Issued to Statesman smtwribera sne bera of Use laiflj geer aces of 10 to 69.) By Mail $5.00 per Year By Mail 50c per Mo. By Carrier 60c per Mo. APPLICATION BLANK Name . Agn Occupation - ' " - ."!'" . :y ' .V s . .- " . - Postof fice ; . ' Street or ILFJ). K - ' -'J - f - x l V ' . . Name Of Bnf1rtai-f U!a,ticJp. Cf IVnififtar - ' ' " : ' . New EcbscribcT :; Old Subscriber Q ?