The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, rOregoa, Sunday: Morning, July 2 1933
HomewRitesitoiMiss Van-Scot)
Unite Couple Is ! Married at
Today Pierce Home
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i MARRIED AT PIERCE HOME Mrs. Richard Pierce, who was MIu Anne Van Scoy before her
marriage Friday night at the Edgar Pierce home on Falrmount Hill. The couple will make their
home' in Portland. (Jesten-Miller photo).
I a-1 $711
In the Valley
party for Mrs. Josephine Holland
was held at the Volley Wattier
home Wednesday afternoon with
games forming the- entertain-
menu Present were Mrs. Jose-
phine Holland, Mrs. Barbar Dut-
a m t i
ion, Mrs. Aiane n.rruun, re
tituiam narrisoa, Airs, uora van
V 1112 tr. I it it
8. Cora Van
uyeu, wrs. wary rrifflu oi
Monmouth, Miss -Gertrude Mc
tavish of Eugene, Miss Serena
Manning, Mrs. Constance Man-
ning. Mrs.. . Ernia Damewood,
Mrs. Edna Patterson and Mrs.
' Beatrice Impecoven. Mrs. Hol
land is to leave soon for a visit
'with her daughter In Spokane.
pinirrpQviT t i w n snests: Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs.! lu" v 7 v , ,v Williams oi lk)s Angeies. uur- among the younger set, graduat
PARKERSVILLE W. B. f . t-j tt party was served breakfast at the tns- f . .t in the canital n i-
7J-tiJ J J?J2- !? It!
inspiration for a party at his
home Saturday night. Those
present were Mr. an1 Mrs.' Ben
Catching. Miss Eva ROseberry,
mI tli w .i-.tAt
waa uu Mlta maw est luvtiio SUA
Mr. H. C. Moore of Salem, Mr.
and Mrs. R. G. McKay, Mr. and
7. " V ' .
Mrs. Pete Jensen, Mr. and Mrs.
Jarve Cutsforth, .Mr. and Mrs.
George Harrison, Mr. and Mrs.
w n d K-eenj
and Mr. w. B. Brown.
IvftM5 ... .
.i S?? i
and Mrs. Pat Lyons were host-
helH at-the Rebiah hall Wed
held at the Rebekah hall Wed-
nesday afternoon.
Present for the anernoon were
Mrs. Albert Ring,. Mrs. George
iftetll of a. iruly.
There's all tne JifTerence .
' in the world tn diamond's
: . . a difference in brilli-
ancc, color, beauty, per
' section.
u ant Ler to be proud
Mir JiamAnJf Tncn
a ring witn a nama-
Ye' recognize. We recom
mend fenuine VJrange ,
Blossom ... tae prices are
o bibber than many rins
I lesser Quality.
fjieoemeat Rimf $65
tlcRrmbn KRp
I ieujeler
C 'ID Und a high neckline set off with
Social Realm j -;-crr-
. ; nieted with nointa at the wrist
Huffman Mrs. Frank, Klnsman e edgJd
Mrs. Roy Folgham. Mrs. E. H. Jt with 1 halo of
rton Mrs. . Charlie Peterson.l J?" 2 wZ,
Mrs. w' B. .Berejre, Mrs. Percy "VrtlHr
Hlattl 'Mrs. Kendall Cobbin. Slfe .cartled Lt ?howcr bo.u?acl f
Mrs. Orville Downing. Mrs. Ai.iroseDuas, sweet peas ana nouvar
bert Bass, Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs.
w -wr m vt TT.iti. ;
nenry iirase, airs. nuS" xiaiiin,;
Mrs. Everett Crabtree and the.
w- a 1. a J a,
mrs. i!.vereii uraviree "u iuc
. . , i
nosiesues, mrs. uasoen ana wrs.,
West Stayton Mrs. Robert
Gobs and Mrs. O." O. Lacy were'
hostesses Thursday afternoon for
a bridal shower at the former's
home In honor of Miss Virginia
Darley. The following were!
kel sr., Mrs. Cora Sills. Mrs. He-
len Gilbert, Mrs. - Bert Parrin,rumuBr WM sea ai uoou ior uu- t0ok a trip to i imDenine i.oage Aipha Theta. She is the grand
Mrs. Fred Dickman, Mrs. Ed mediate relatives and friends. and Silver Creek falls. daughter of the late Dr. Thomas
Clark. Mrs. Paul Stewart, Mrs.; . Assisting in serving were Miss Van gcoTt former president of
Cf. Tm.' V. ZZ
Crane and Mrs. Fred ComstocW
c totttc . iJ
daughter of Mrs. Margaret Kraus
and niece of Rev. Charles Krans
of St. Louis, became the bride of
Arthur Hemshorn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Hemshorn of MtJ
Angel in a ceremony at St. Louis
Catholic church Thursday morn4
Vows were read by Rev. Jo-
seph Hee8ak- "ho officiated at
th vHtdinr ma. s
- ..... '
orated wlth mies rose8 and otner
i ne cnurcn was oeauiuuuy aec-
summer flowers and greeneryi
Potted palms also marked the en-
trance into the sanctuary.
Mrs. Joseph Schomus played
the marches and at the offertory
KtM..b TU.mM.v. n ,Ka
Ave Maria." i
The bride was lovely in a gown
or white satin mane on nrincess
..... .
lines with court train, a lace yoke
I The Doctor M US T
1 . ! :- ..,-..r' 1 t
l and i hirh neckline set off with
Mias A I a Tin a Mannlno' the
" - "
oriaesmaw, wore a iroca ok ugni
hvifiAama 11 araM
www -
Ki.. .t.irrnn . .ai.
vw- v..w - vww--
lai Douquet oi sweet peas in pasiei
. . . ' m
Hugo Hemshorn, brother of the
groom, acted as best man.
The mother of the bride wore
a rust colored dress with harmo-
nixing accessories and a corsage
of Talisman roses.
home of the bride's mother and
Mav Mannin. Miss Aneela Fers-
chweiler, Mrs. Alex Manning and
Mrs, Otto Bittler.
Mn n Mr8' ""PJ6?,
same aay on a nori weaaing
trip to the Oregon 'beaches. On
their return they wiU make their
home on the bridegroom's farm
near Mt. Angel.
For going away the bride wore
a gray tailored suit with blue and
whlte acceg8orle8. Mrs. Hemshorn
i- a graduate of ML Angel acad-
emy and Mr. Hemshorn of ML
au&ci cuuege.
Stayton A Woman's club be-
nefit bridge party was held at
the home of Mrs. James Say
Wednesday afternoon. A dessert
luncheon was served at noon.
a mUAii tn.lnjt.if.
Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Muriel
Pintler, Mrs. Kathryn Weddle,
n . .. n . . .
Mrs. steiia say ana jars, uora
Give Service
, Ajirledleal Cllesilcle
i la Based Oai
Much of the Patient's response to treat,
meat depends ea confidence in Us Doctor.
Not only sts there a physicial reaction to
this feeling of confidence la the method of
treatment, but the fact that you believe ia
your Doctor, causes yea to foilew fatstruc
tiont more carefully.
This confidence of the Patient can com
about through eaty eae thing satisfactory
service and the knowledge that your Doctor
Is competent. i
(TUs conJUtmc a rae ttknt, U
t chief foundarim m Doctor's
. ycce.
rferarsfiy. It Is to the Doctsv ta reader
the kighMt type f acrrice, if for a other
Thli aiternoon at 1 o'clock. Before tho larto bay window
Miss Janet Weeks, daughter of ' draied with whit satin la th
Mr. and Mrs. I E. Weeks, will home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. -
become the bride of Mr. Homer C . Pierce on Fainaonnt Hill, MlM
Stlffler, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Anne Tan Scoy. daughter of Mr,
Stlffler, at the suburban home of mnd Mrs. Paul Van Scoyr became
the bride's parents. . the bride of Mr. Richard Becke
Rot. W. Irwin Williams will pierce, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
perform the ceremony In front of pierce, Friday night at S o'clock,
the fireplace which will be banked : Baskets of bine delphinium,
with baskets of white gUdioU and hydrangeas ana ocean spray form
lilies. The mantle will be cen- ed tae noral gettlns atanBt th
tered with a bouquet of eweetpeM bay window and on . either side
and flanked by white tapers in were Madonna blue tapers in can
ciraUl bolders. Mr. Ronald Cra- deUbra other Dlue mnd wWt.
Te VI1 "lnK . FI1, ft eummer flowert and Woe. candle
ani, At WDK w r were arranged about the drawing
service and Mias Dorothy Rnlif- TOomm
SOn, WllLP.U7 :comPa,li,nent, Mr. Donald Palmblad aang "Be
aniv mr5f- .n eaose" preceding the serrice and
Thf briLbSlnand wil Miss Ge?aldine Splcer of Portland
fntfheVnl ro'frm Vg
Uirway. She will wear an after- - Jdd to "IJf
noon frock of aqua alpaca made Sw"ter'e'bt "mny;h.
with full skirt, a V-neckline, shir- The bride, who descended the
red bodice and puffed sleeves. She circular stairway on the arm of
will wear a white halo hat and her father, wa s a picture In her
white accessories and a corsage of exquisite gown of white net de
gardenias. For traveling the bride .signed with tight fitting bodice
will wear a coat to match her and yolk at the high neckline and
dress short puffed sleeves. The very
Sister is Attendant full 'skirt extended Into a long,
Mrs. William Wagner (June flowing, circular train enhanced
Weeks) will be her sister's honor with shirred, net medallions. Her
attendant and will wear a printed only ornament was a strand of
silk frock, white accessories and pearls. Her white net veil waa
corsage of roses and sweet peas, waist length and fell from a cor-
Mr. Stanley Stlffler will serve onet of bouvardla. She carried an
as best man for his brother. all white bouquet of bouvardla.
- At the reception which will fol- Miss MargaretBell was the hon
low the ceremony the serving ta- or attendant and wore an attrac
ble will be centered with a bou- tive fock of dusty pink net fash
quet of pink and white sweet peas loned witn shirred bodice, sweet
and maidenhair fern guarded by heart neckline and full skirt. The
pink tapers In crystal holders. stIrt and puffe4 sleeves were em
Mrs. A. M. Matlock of Eugene, beiushed with pink net medal
Mrs. John N. Fisher of Roseburg, nons. she carried an arm bouquet
Mrs. Carl H. Downey of Salem and of pale blue delpniniuni tied with
Mrs. A. T. Cline of Mt. Angel, all matching ribbons,
aunts of the bride, will Preside at Mr IrwJn e,,,.,,,' was ht
the serving table. Serving will be man fof Mr pjerce
Miss Maxlne Olwn Miss Vera Lu- Mr8 y gco o
ther and Mrs. William Wagner ,d chlffon for hsr daughter.8
The couple will leave for a wed- wedd,n and M p,erce
ding trip, to Bellinghanv .Wash.. f fc f , d b Th
where they will attend the : north- fc corsages of solpiglosus.
west yacht races, Vancouver ana ,,., ,, .
Victoria, B. C. The couple will ,.A reception followed the wed-
make their home in Salem at 1240 dinf wlth members of the bridal
r iitrTfrt Party receiving informally. Miss
Both Mis. Weeks and Mr. Stiff- goris Drager and Miss Barbara
ler attended Salem schools and Frce greeted the guests at the
Miss Weeks has been employed at door for the wedding,
the state tax commission. Mr. j R edding Trip 4n South
Stlffler is a clerk at the Fred Assisting in the living room
Meyer Co. e Mrs. Donald Young Mrs.
Kate G. Bell and Mrs. C. W. Par
ker. The serving table waa cover
Mr. Charles Donaldson of ea with a white satin cjpth and
Portland presided a meet- centered with crystal baskets of
ing of the Donaldson clan held biue and white flowers encircled
last Snnday at Dallas park. New with bJue malln:e and fianked hy
officers included Mr. H. B. Don- Madonna blue tapers in crystal
aldson. president; Mrs. O. I holders. i
Donaldson, vice president, and Mrs. William' Connell Dyer cut
Mrs. Ella Donaldson, secretary.
lnm Salem were Mr. and Mrs.
n.M, Mr 17a Mr
f .llpo.rH. Mildred and Buaay
"!d' MVviMr?iSrtA "Cn
Jae"t, t2k J
lni Dolores Lehman, Mr. and
Mr8' H' E' Dnald8fn. M88 Do
lores and Miss Marjorie Donald-
son, Mrs. Alma Johnson. Carolyn
"WMe w '
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs
. t
Tr nalionn flarflv PPtArftAri.
M " . "'. I. t
mr. ana mrs. lom juniun,
mt,A nnumon Hfiffert. Mr and
a.-.-., "-"'
jars, iiarren umwie,
and James Guthrie.
Mrs. Marie Flint McCall has
had a, her bouBe guests. Miss
RABaia rain of Riddle. Oregon
and ber cousin and son, Mrs.
c E wUliams and Mr. Warren
they attended the Rose Festival.
Ml- Helen RreJthaimt left
Friday morning for Klamath
Falls to visit with relatives and
"X1 Am ln
nigm win aiieuu ine uuiuwi
Gate exposition and Tisit in San
Mrs. Frank Co istock was
among the list of passengers
who sailed today aboard the Pa-
nama Pacific liner S. S. City of
Norfolk from San Francisco.
Bliss Anna Peters, laboratory
technician for the Salem Clinic,
left Saturday morning by UnIted
Air Lines for Spokane where she
will spend the Fourth of July
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bal-
AtfUb' f RffttV VABrt.HI mm Int.
rax, wasn., are me weeaena
Kuesta at the home of their
. . . . , r - x. tr
ureui, mr. auu mia. t. u.
Baldock and Mrs. Lillie Vaughn.
Stayton T h e Methodist La-
dies Aid held a Mother-Daugh-
ter Silver tea at the church on
Thursday afternoon.
. The following program was
presented: Hymn, by all; piano
solo, Miss Margaret Hughes;
Welcome. Mrs. Earl Miller: Re-
sponse. Miss Marietta Hendricks;
Reading. Mrs. Elmer Boy er; vo-
cal solo, Mrs. D. Ceorge Cole,
accompanied at the piano by
Mrs. Boyer; presentation of flo-
wers and introduction of daugh-
ters by mothers ani piano solo,
Miss Margaret Hughes. Mrs. L.
H. Wright announced the pro-
gram. !
The committee Included Mrs.
A. jraimeieer. airs, uaoe ue-
A -S. aiiuvtvcik t aaaa a aw
Jardin, Mrs. I Charles - Morgan,
Mrs. Alex Harold and Mra. W.
p. Wanacott,
Miss Lois Gates and Mrs. E.
L. Church poured.
. Stayton Mrs. William Ram
age entertained the Three Links
ali.k -ft V 1... kali WnM.
- "r
day evening. The business meet-
tog of the club waa led by the
president, Mrs. L. H. Wright.
It waa decUid ta dlimnUnne
the meetings unUl tail, and it
... alu. Arl.A n hava a nle.
nie in Anrnst.
Refreshmenta were served to
the hostess of the dob and their
husbands in the ' dining room.
Those present were: Mir. Ea
rn Hilton, Mrs. Elmer Boyer,
Mrs. Byron Schuck. Mra. R. G. Wood,
Mrs. A. a VanNuys, Mrs.
B. A. Chamberlain, Mrs. Edna .
Sloper, Mra. Ellen Reynolds,
Mrs. Edgar Hamlin, Mra. L. H.
Wright, Mrs. D.' Gorge " Cole,
and - the. hostess, itrw . William
Ramaga. -
sided at the cotfee nrn and Mrs.
8We(1 at tne conee orn ana '
j ne Reyiloldai Ml8 Aahby Rauch
and Mrs. William H. Reigenson of
Portland. Miss Marge Fendall of
F t . Q roTe M1 M6D oris DraKer
and Miss Bwbara Pierw
. "u'iB ,f : " "eu"1"
vi!n In tttA annili a m I nnlnfa fT 1 vt
' AU vuv nvuvaa mama awutv wa, aaa
lerest in uaiuornia. r or xravei-
ling the bride wore a chic three
, - ... . th . ft
ninre hlarlr wmtl ntt with vhltA
piece Diaca wool sun witn wnue
nln atrin. white hloune and nert
, f" ,: ...
black felt hat. Her accessories
were black and white and she
woxe a corsage of white bouvardla
and lilles-of-the-valley. The eotf-
pi will return to Portland to re-
ta vhn Mr pwm i with tha
Mutual Loan Co.
Mrs. Pierce; is well known
June and ls a member of Kappa
Mr. pierce is a member of a
-ftmin-flt n(n.. f,mn. mnA . .
graduate of the University of Ore-
n l i momhor at !trmt Chi
Earnest Gardens to Be
Scene of Ceremony
The gardens of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Earnest on Wander Way
will be the setting for a lovely
Jmt nu ai ternoon
at 2 o'clock when Miss Ardeii
rf",0"!,' r tlntH
Salem, daughter of Mrs. Lottie
Earnest of Alsea, becomes the
bride of Mr. Earnest Pedersen of
Corrallis. son ; of Mr. and Mrs.
Jn "ZJlVl
rpnmanr. .
The wedding will take place at
one end of the garden banked
with gladiolaa nd Shasta daisies,
There will be a ribbon aisle lead-
lag to the altar for the bridal
party to pass. Mrs. Frank Earnest
will sing "Because" and "I Love
Tou Truly" preceding the service
and Mrs. David Talmadge will
play the accompaniments and
wedding march.
The bride will be given away
in marriage by her brother, Mr.
Frank Earnest, and will wear a
chartreuse laee gown fashioned
redlngote style, .short sleeves and
peter Pan collar. She will wear
a straw hat in a darker shade of
chartreuse trimmed with ribbon
the color of her dress. She will
carry a bouquet of talisman roses.
lavendar sweet peaa and lllies-of-
the valley.
1 Miss Beatrice Barton of Albany
will be the maid of honor and
will wear a soft blue sheer .silk
gown made with flared skirt and
white trimming. She will wear a
picture hat of white and carry a
pastel bouquet of aweet peaa and
baby asters. MisaButk Rycraft of
V. ' .17, vT Tt Z2 , . . f a
Jj of 71
A Lkef
low and) carry a basket of
P"1 ?w? . ,i
COWple tO UtI la OorValli
- -I Mr.. Grant jBailey of Corrallla
will serre as beat man for Mr.
Pedersen. Ushers will be Mr. Ken
Uar swaal Wave, ; Coipieta 73c
i " ' aw rvrt
Psnth Wave, f aA)
Open ; Than. Ere.'
; byApp't.'
SO? 1st NatT. Bank Bldg.
V J . I
- f ' ' 1
1 i : t
Y ; .
x Mi 1
i ? ?
JUNE BRIDE--Mrs. Joseph A. Carlon(Lbis Rlggs) who was
married at the Roberts' studio Thursday night and is wearing
her .mother's wedding gown. The couple are enjoying a wedding
trip in the north. (Jesten-Miller photo). -
Sunday, Jane 2
Keizer Community club pic
nic, Hazel Green.
Monday, Jnly 3
Special meeting, American Le
gion auxiliary, S p.m., Fraternal
temple. Elect contention dele
gates. Friday, July 7
Hal Hibbard auiiuiary, ar
mory, 2 p. m.
neth Pedersen of Junction City
and Mr. G. W. DeJardin of Stay
ton. A reception will follow the wed
ding. The serving table will be
centered with a bouquet of rose
snapdragons and matching tapers.
Mrs. G. W, DeJardin of Stayton
will cut the bride's cake and Miss
Lillian Earnest of Albany, aunts
of the bride, will pour. Serving
will be Miss Dorotha Baker of
CorvaUls and Miss Vivian Thor
ainnson. of Corrallis.
Mrs. Earnest will wear a dark
blue lace gown and navy acces
sories and Mrs. Pedersen will
wear a silk frock' of blue print
and matching accessories.
For traveling the bride has
chosen a white and navy blue
polka dot dress with flared skirt
and navy accessories.
The couple will reside in Cor-
vallis where Mr. Pedersen ls with
Hudson and Duncan, wholesale
grocers. Mrs. Pedersen has been
employed at the Silver Wheel Mo
tor Freight in Corrallis.
Stayton Scouts
Camp Overnight
STAYTON The Stayton Boy
Scouts under the direction of
their scoutmasters, - Kenton
Thompson and Mike Wendt, win
take : an overnight camping trip
starting on the night of July 3,
and will hold a eour of honor
and cook dinner for their mo
thers on the 4th.
Five scouts were advanced to
second class at a meeting held
this week. They are Blynn Hum
phreys, Robert Herman, Glenn
Burmester, Calvin Hughes - and
Francis. Walz. . .
Robert Bennett was advanced
to first class scout class. Other
first class merit badges were
awarded to Charles ?IlelkeK Bil
ly Fair - and William Hamby.
Desmond Fuson received a sec
ond class badge In woodwork
ing. ; 4 ;
Scouter L. M. Wendt received
til CoKall Friqhlairc
Worfd's FSa '-Coli-mU" Refrigerator!
" "
a first class badge in conserva
tion, public health and Bafety.
Scouter Kenton Thompson re
ceived first class merit badges.
The Stayton scouts now have
a membership of 29 boys, show
ing an increase of 17 in the
last two and a halt months.
Clackamas River
Takes Boy's Life
swift Clackamas river took the
life of Raymond Erickson, 9, of
Glaostone near the railroad bridge
at Park Place today. The young
ster's death was the first drown
ing of the Fourth of July holiday
The lad, swimming with three
companions, collapsed and sank
in IS feet of Water. His body was
Actress to Wed
- v
J! -Z
Beautiful . Madge Evans of the
films and famed Pulitzer Prize
Playwright Sidney Kingsley will
be married tn the "immediate
future," the actress announced
recently, in Manhattan. Kings
ley, who lately has been occu
pied with film writing, will fly
, to New York to meet his pros
pective bride, currently playing
summer theatre engagements In
New England. (UN) '
feed VSaSty Oars I
Feed's Xa1 Jakes fraa Draag tatl r
Years ia the making--now years
ahead! This miracle refrigerator pro
Tides all 3 essenrisls for better food .
preservation;' L t)sersa Law Tea.
aerstarea. 2. Be BaaabCty. 1. Km
Celstare-Cebblag Air ClrealaUea.
Urns h prolongs erigiaal freshness of
tond esfsini tick awtrirkx
saves peak Cavoc See this
kind of refrigerator at osr store.
- - Bl
'.jr.. -''23o a Day r
25 COURT . -
0022 -,
This afternoon has been- set
aside as Silverton day at the. Art
Center when members of the
board will be officially in charge,
with Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mrs; S.
B. Taylor and Mrs. Ora Furlough
in charge of the flowers.
On exhibition will be water
colors by a group of California
artists, colored lithographs by Il
linois artists nd a special exhibi
tion of old photographs, docu
ments and writings on the history
of Oregon. Students' work is on
display in several of the galleries.
Mrs. Ljie Rea, principal of
McKinley school was elected to
fill the position of fourth vice
president of the board to succeed
Miss Esther Wilcox who is now
residing in Medford. Mrs. Rea
has been one of the most active
workers for the Art Center. .?
Among the new teachers who
arrived from Chicago, recently to
teach at the Art Center is Hart
Foster, who will teach commer
cial art. Those interested in com
mercial art will find that this
man's wide experience makes bim
an important addition to the
staff. He was formerly with Mar
shall Field and Company, the
Vogue-Wright studios, the Beck
man studios, and taught at Hull
House just before coming here.
He will begin a commercial art
class next week which will meet
on Mondays and Wednesdays at
7:30 o'clock.
This course is to be one of gen
eral illustrative and design work
with emphasis on the silk screen
Jefferson Plans
Swimming Class
Course Due to Commence
Wednesday, Sponsored
by Booster Club
JEFFERSON Mrs. Olive Doak
Bynon, secretary of the Marion
county chapter of the American
Red Cross was in town " Wed
nesday completing plans for the
swimming classes to be held in
Jefferson. The Jefferson Com
munity Boosters club la again
sponsoring the school.
Organization of classes will
start Wednesday afternoon, July
5, at 1 o'clock. Miss Barbara
Kurtz of Salem will be the in
structor. Classes will include be
ginners, advanced swimmers and
junior and s e n io r life-saving
classes. Anyone wishing to learn
to . swim, may enroll for the
course. There ls no charge for
. . The classes will meet at Tho
mas, creek, as the state board
of health forbade them held in
the Santiam river here, where
they were held last year.
Transportation will be fur
nished to Thomas creek by the
Booster club. - -
The classes are expected to
continue from six days to two
weeks, depending upon the
schedules and popularity of the
Anyone wishing to enroll for
the course should fill out the
enrollment blanks, in charge of
Rev. E. S. Wetherell, chairman
of the local committee on ar
rangements. , !
Medford Has 2nd
Fire in one Day
MEDFORD, July 1-()p) -The
aecond fire to strike pear indus
try facilities in less than a day
destroyed the - chemical spray
sheds at the Bear creek orchard
early today.
The principal loss was In spray
fluid and oil emulsions used in
combatting orchard pests. The
spectacular tire, accompanied by
explosions, could be seen through
the Rogue river valley for many
A blase crippled the Medford
ice and, storage plant yesterday.
n:3 t:::a
JSr Simpkst li-eiaring Ueeh-
U&t-Stm Ooeece StoclCoa
; Wdoo-Ae General Mown
tfJftocnon Plan rod
: JV aeodels coating P 100
mocel Sec this great vame soday. ,
i.i b
1 lUJ