Qrdgoa Held Safe : Frdzi Venianinof PORTLAND. Ore- Jan Zt.-3 -Geologically t h Influence , o( Mount Venlamlnoff, Alaakas act ive volcano, does not ' extend as far 4 Oregon and there Is little chance earthquakes In thla aee tioo will follow the disturbance. . 80 said Dr. Laurence McKinley Gould, - professor of geology at Carlton college, Northtield. Minn., today' Gould waa second in eom mand.ot Admiral Bird's first ant rcticexpedltlon ;s "The" whole fringe of the Pacif ic coasf Is geologically unstable," he said, -out tbe fact that a vol cano up In Alaska has cone on a violent spree Is no sign that there will besntrouMe far away." tliiler B. Haydcri Returns to Coiirt Judge Miller B. Harden of Salem Justice court returned to his duties- yesterday bearing the aersoasi greeting of Dr. Francis K. -Townsena, . xonnaer 01 .me pension movement at whose an nual t convention Hay dea waa a delegate. 'In Indianapolis last " week.- Frdm a chanee - meeting with the tension leader on their east ward' bound train,' Haydea - be came'' acquainted . with him and enjoyed a two-hoar personal in terrlew, he reported. Ha found the Towasend dabs founder ac tive physically despite his more than "79 years, and busily fcivtng personal attention to the cor respondence and other affairs of Itls organisation. . Hayden said the convention sessions were attended by more than 11,000 persons. SOAP GRANULES Family Group in Uinor Llood V " " "7 ,",.MaiHiisinin-r"' l-- " " r '" " " " "" 1 " -tmm- mm aye , P ' W " , " ' fl-Vrfp"'Uiirs.a viwuv - I iWirrtwirttwtM Divided by porertjr aad immlgratlou laws, family ef Joha HcKefl is showa la thla paOaetle picture la mm ABgcje as lory prrpwva tv pan. jacneu, aw, waa orqerea aeportea so "MA asta aweaas he cannot guaranteed support of bis family, part of bis family must remain behind. Left to rlchc. lira Dorothy Lofton, married daughter and expectant , mother who wHl be permitted to star; CoUeen lie KeUl; 8hirley HcNeO, Mrs. Joha McNeil, deported with her hasbaad; Uarjorle McNefl and Jack Me Nell. Jack aa4 another child wot showa wfU so te Caaada with their pareats. departed feecaasc af Ille gal eairj. - Burgunder With Mother v 'J TV 4 r . Charles R. Black Dies at Corvalli8 Donald H. Black, local news paper man, was called to Corrallia yesterday by tbe sadden death of his father, Charles R. Black. The elder Black, who had been a resi dent of Corrallls for the past 17 years, waa seized with a heart attack while tuning a piano on the - Oregon State college campus. Other survivors include the widow, lira. Victoria Black of Corrallls, son Robert of Portland and sister Mrs. William Portena of Toronto, Canada. Bank Night 'Out' After Saturday PORTLAND, June 2 .-()-Multnomah county District At torney James R. Bain notified motion picture theaters of the county today that "bank nights" Warvin Meld His Cure Scientist Sussesto T7orld Accept Hsn't Fcible auid Curb Abuaea By BENNIB TAYLOR PALO ALTO, CaliL. Jana Sf (p)-SabatltaUoa of the Darwtaiaa code of morale tor the Christian and other ''authoritarian" rules of life was advocated by a scien tist as a new approach, to soma ot the - world's , haman welfare problems. . v '" i. The ' suggestion was" made by Dr. a. -J. Holmes, soologlst, edu cator and author, la his presiden tial address to a divisional conven tion ot the American -'Association tor the Advancement of Science. ' The Darwinian eodeV an ont growth of Charles Darwin's the ory that man descended from some ape-like ' creature, accepts cruelty, Inst, deceit, cowardice and selfishness as "intrinsic"' firtues. Dr." Holes said, bat disapproves their abuse. Han Mast Adjust Self ; It holds that man's welfara and survival are dependent upon -the extent to which he . follows the laws ot nature and adjusts himself to bis surroundings, doing things for the- good of this groP and helping to protect It against ita enemlea. "Man's traits, insofar as they are a part of his inheritance, owe their origin and biological meaa lng to their aurvtval value," Dr. Holmes said. . ; . . all natural traits and impulses ot hnmam be ings must therefore ba fundamen tally good if we consider the good as the biologically vsefui, ' "Cruelty, selfishness, lost, cow ardice and deceit are normal In gredients of human nature which hare their useful role in the strug gle - for existence intrinsically they are all virtues. It la only their excess or their exercise un der the wrong conditions that justly Incurs oar moral disap proval." Dr. Holmes cited the ancient Hebraic laws and the Christian ordinances as examples of "an thoritarian codea and suggested such philosophies conflicted with human nature and therefore were responsible for some ot the world's human, welfare problems. and similar patronage - drawing schemes must stop before mid night Saturday. The state supreme court re cently ruled "bank nights" il legal, sustaining a circuit court decision by denying a . petition tor a rehearing. Robert Burgunder, accused of slaving two "automobile salesmen. Is shown with his mother, Mrs. Roth Burgunder of Alhambra, Calif H as they sat la court in Phoenix, Arix' during preliminaries of Bur ' gander's triaL Burgunder father, a Seattle, Wash attorney. Is as sisting counsel for his son. The parents are divorced. Postmasters Are Confirmed, State . WASHINGTON, June 2 9. -(-The' senate today confirmed the following postmasters: Oregon N eta Daly, Beaver- ton; Grace M. Eby. Gladstone; Alice J. Nevel, Glendale; Vincent Bryam, Gold Beach; Charles B. Cox, Heppner; Margaret Marie Anderson, Jordan Valley; Rus sell H. Sullens, Prairie City; Lisle W. Tame, Talent; Luella B. Pinkerton, Weston. WHAT AN EXQUISITE JELLY S SERVER! IT MAKES YOUR JELLY MORE IRRESISTIBLE : THAW EVER! 1 " V W svk y 7 m!' PEN-JEL GETS THE CREDIT TOR BOTH! JT MAKES PER TECT JELLY AMD MAKES IT ( POSSIBLE TOR ME TO HAVE 1 THIS BEAUTIFUL SILVER JELLY SERVER! THIS GLEAMING Cf "Silver platgd. J. Q L ILY S EHVEK . pattern af extrmaua hor7, deslwd bf ' ; one if the most loaous ' silversmiths fat the ;vrorl3 The simple - ksoTity el is design Larmoalses with U r oiher silver patfecnel Eaag . JaSsMs asn sasTCtossgl I br out" RUBSIO ; C7AZAKTZS1 W of. c: Ut yea this Wf server i ... net crt f 1 n aet at tU4ut la oppredo V Con el Tour unfedlla) leyalrf . to Pea-IeL-- (Actual Six EJattratmd) PHMEDdx Fronts T" corat handliag. pach lag, and saailiag, too. Ask ror grocar lor FSLJZL, tba erig tad powdered bvai psdb, end than tacnl two box frotUr and ICe'to'TES H2I-JSL COLPC3ATIOIL-222 W. 22th. Cry, Uo. Y r'w'youx homet-xnada jolly can be) : 1:0 tsmpting than rex bciorwl Ea wore J jslly every tixao) by inaiating on V TZIMZL. OrJy cna easy cup-for-ccp J: r:r:r3 t'z'zIX fcullj tad fccz&rl - - y : 1 1 ffi State ' II Phone 1 6713 UateKnelons lb. E3 Oaaraateed ta Be Ripe Saia lilaxshmallous i'rac 00iM(SES 2 doz..HQ Sweet and Juicy - Medium Bhm - ' .. EiiSebnoy Soap 3 bass 17c MEAT DEPT. 11( Your Choice of Choice Cats i'1 Rorad or . : T-Bone r Yotmg, Tender Beef . Hi Bb. Streaked with Lettf 115! M SUKM . VMWI Small Loin Chops feigns 400, Snow White - Try the Best t t'WJhvl. ! - ;... BT .. 6: Dry Sugar Cured, Mild U5 enon To Tcxtbooli Dody lfrs. Grace 8ehon principal of the Ceatrsl Howell school, and C R. Bowman, Jacksoa c o a a t y school superintendent, Thursday were appointed members of the state textbook commission. The appointments were announced by the stats ward of education. aoaasaiuloa meets -avery two years and ; selects textbooks need la all the public schools of the stata outside of the ity of Portland for a period of six years. Not mors than one-third of the textbooks are changed' in each two-year period. Y' W;ri; - V':-".'v?' j Other memberajof the commls sioa are A, C Hampton, Astoria; Wilbar Bowe, MOwaukie. and Dr. Roy L. Skeen, Eastern Oregon college of edncation. f ' 1 ' : Ex42ty Official i . i THE ' DALLES, June It.-UPh-Kdward Kurts, 78. cherry orch ardist and many-time city official, died here ' today after several aaonths Of illness. Kurts was a member of the , school 1 board for IS years and waa as different times city marsh al, police commissioner and city treasurer. Survivors Include five daughters. . V Brqr Fresk Vegetol : ' k ; . ; m ffiSfflm Rate enmg : - C ,. NEW MARKET p ' 31c 1 j US No. ComX-St. v-.kVs- - Phone 4010 SPECIAL g( SPECIAL ,1 Can 2-Oz. Schilling's B. Pepper 1 ' 12-Oz. Can Orange Juice 1 2-H. Pkg. Salt 1 1-Lb. Pkg. Corn Starch 2 Csno, lA Deviled Meat 2 Boxes Matches 2 Cans Cleanser SPECIAL S SPECIAL Coltco mm 15-oz. can 23(1 DUcsc LlilOIuGini 49 a sack , ; su 5aCxe g EST 3 B. can 5S 3 SALAD DRESSING AND SPREAD Qt. Jr HIE ; laitchen Oueen 491 sack Crown Best Patent 49a sack mm 125-Foot Roll . . ifnl NICKEL PLATED KITCHEN SCOOP v -.- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IJMfT OiiiKTmra THE ADOVC PRICES ARE A CLOSE-OUT FOR mTmmv Lettuce Extra larjre. 2 solid r headsPlr Oranges, Dol Cantaloupe Vine ripened, r 6 for 25c i Tomatoes "Firm and ripe. 3 ibS. 22c ) Ldn Pci Dcsst . . Ex lg- 30fDciI:; , i lb. 10 Clad Off 9o .r.aor?i:iGt5 faall VJoinois, lb. 10 Gsoond DcsS 2Ibs.2eg 'fc:L Izzzzz lZzzl H 2JJ3 I 41