'Cracker Takes Finders . niLLSBORO, Ore.. Jnne'Ilwm -a premature firecracker, explo sion today cost i John Graf, . BlUsboro farm, lad, the loss of a thumb and two fingers. 1 UtDlflK iauL 1 Wherever you wish foods to taste their best, serve them with TANG.' the Perfect Dressing." Salads, sea foods, cold meats, wieners, sausages, sliced' tomatoes; fresh or ? canned asparagus, sand-' : : wiches and cheese will taste I . far better if yon add TANG! . Exceptionally fine for potato . :Atalad." foodsTZeeiY II . ft s'A I il i Mrs. Schrein Is Convicted Jury Holds Beck's "Gifts" Were Obtained Through Forgery, Larceny NEW . YORK. Jnna Jury today rejected the upUna tion.. of. Mrs. Lillian Schrein that large sums of money she took from Martin Beck, theatrical pro ducer and her husband's uncle, constituted the gifts of a man to Ms, mistress.'' v The twelve men convicted her of two counts of forgery and one of grand larceny, involving a total of SSO.000 only a fraction, the prosecution contended, v of the amount she took from the 71-year- oia uroaaway .ngure to: spend on lavish living. She will be sen tenced Jnlr 1 end the maximum penalty would be 30 years in prison. ' ' -Mrs. Schrein. . 18, - mother of three, dark and comely in a heavy featured -way, took ythe verdict stoically, but her husband, Ber tram, the object during the trial of i the - expressed scorn of both state and defense counsels wept bitterly.' ;:;2v .:. . Beck Is Absent " Beck was not in" eonrtr" During the trial he flatly denied Mrs. Schreln's testimony that' they had been Illicitly Intimate over a per iod of years and her ' assertion that after submitting to bis "ad vancements" as she put it, he had told her: "I want you to have everything that will make you happy. I want you to have charge accounts in the stores and everything, because In my declining years this is a reve lation to me."; s The fury found specifically that Mrs. Schrein had forged a $1,375 check to a fifth avenue clothing TU OPXGON STATESMAN, Salcn, Orejcn, Friday Mcrnhs, Jess 1S33 Retiring Governor Is Vis tied by Successor Vi Richard Leehe, retiring governor of Louisiana Is visited in his sick room, at the executive mansion. Baton Rouge, Iju, by his successor, Lieutenant-Governor Earl Long (left), brother of the late Senator Huey Long, who once ruled the state. Center, is Mayor Robert Maestri of New Orleans. store, issued in the name of Beck's wife, Louise, that she had commit ted a similar forgery In the un authorised sale of certain of Beck's securities, and:" that her payment .of a second check to the clothing store -this one for f 1, OQO constituted larceny, s 1 ' Assistant District Attorney Her man McCarthy contended that while the thefts formally charged against Mrs. Schrein, Beck's for mer secretary, amounted to $60, 000, she actually had made off with about $370,000 of the old man's money. , VAX CLEAVE RECEPTION" HAZEL GREEN A farewell reception will be h e 1 d at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Alvin J. Van Cleave, Sunday; July 1, tor their son," Marvin and John Hob son, who are leaving Sunday for New York. Friends are invited. CORVALLIS, June 19.-UPV- Oregon's farm price index gained Liver last year in comparison with iM national situation, the. Oregon State college extension s e r v i e e outlook report showed today. Oregon and national prices were 4 per cent of the 1920-30 ave rage, representing a two - point gain for Oregon but a one-point Sunshine Hyde' Park fan cy assorted, OOf 1-lb. pkgs. only..- v4 Spry...... J-lb. tin 52C Mountain High grade - -Fancy Crushed f pi: 19c Qt.29c You can afford the' best. N ALLEY'S Mayonnaise;: Fresher, richer, better. 23c Qc39c Orders Of and Up Delivered . Free Rose ,, y, Ibs City u1k for . E0G A Few Picnic and Outing Suggestions Pouts Beannc Val-Vita Brand, large No. 2y2 cans Armour's A No. 1 tall cans... y for UjX Van Camp's I Cfi picnic size j for j 2 tor 35c 20c rolls 4 fi for A , 10c 2 for 19C Potato or Macaroni Salad, No. 1 tall cans... . Salmon, Del Monte Alska red, 'tall jeans eachJL - Tnnft FI,kM ' -1 flat tins eaci Zee Paper Towela Paper Napkins, Pkg Paper Plates, carton of 12 Med. Size Sunkist Per Dozen IToEiraottGGC Fresh U.S.No.1 Good Quality Per Lb. 0 Salted r pkg. (5(S)I7I7EIS AIR3IAIL ' - D..TE5c3b8.:-r::43c mw&G star s."t:?y. Satisfaction guaranteed. Un suliew 2i3c BREAKFAST CXlS Tacuust pack. Per lb. Fruit Pectin, inferior quality compete High Grade fWT Qfl HO Apple Pectin, qt; aO w GaL VflVy Proven Satisfactory by Hundreds ' " of Users - - t Gelatin, Tip-Top or Sunny Coast, as-r Milk, tall cans . Oregon, each..r Choice of Alpine, Carnation, Borden's, Pet or Morning, tall cans...-. r. TA House of a Square Deal I I CASTLE BRAND ... - Montana Hard .Wheat 49-lb. Bag KITCHEN QUEEN 494b. Bag RED WHITE AND BLUE Milled of choice Blue Stem Wheat. Sold with a positive money-back guarantee. You may use half the bag, .if it does not meet all requirements you may re - turn the balance and get your, purchase - I t . , aGARETTES -r':: ? Camels, Luckies, Old Golds, Chester fields, Raleighs, Per ftfl fl n 2 pkgs. for sOjC crtn-VHtliy- ; :TOBACCO Prince Albert - Geo. Washington Conmtrdal I A I I Piiond: 7311 decline for the United States. . ; The greatest variation since 1938 is shown by erop conditions, instead of prices. " The national outlook on June 1 Indicated i output 7 per cent less than a year ago.' -, t$ y , Prospects for' fruit and nut erops v generally were favorable. Apples were better than average in central and eastern, states hut slight under average in the west. The California' prune erop proba bly will be smaller than It 38 hut the prospects are favorable la the northwest. . V" ' J v : i? - - ; Is: UPAVto Improve rcrtland Airport PORTLAND. Ore.. June 2S-4P) WPA approval of funds to sur face two more runways and pave a taxi-area on the Portland-Columbia super-airport virtually assured removal of operations of United and Northwest airlines to the new airport from " the present Swan Island Held. United agreed to erect large hangars at the new field and Northwest agreed to lease a por tion of the proposed new quar ters.' "-,.:'- . . Airline officers indicated that as soon as the civil aeronautics authority approved the ? $ 1 0 M 0 0 additional Improvements, both United and Northwest would move their operating equipment to the field. - - - Coos Bay Eagles Ask 1940 Meeting - ROSEBURQ, June 29 -()-Formal opening of the 24th an nual ' state convention of the Eagles lodge was. too slow for Coot Bay , delegates today. They set up headquarters earlier to campaign tor the 1940 meeting. Delegates to the convention were poured into town on special trains from Portland and Klam ath Falls, received the city's key from W. F. Harris, city council president, and got down to busi ness early.. ; OMasvc l&cc 4cwc &vocf spay ) CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. Thia store Is opea from 7:80 A. Ml to 10 P. M. every day, la eluding Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products ... Showing You a Substantial Savings ... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Ivory Soap Large A Bars for 17c Stai Blades 12 (or 25c 40c CastOIia Fletcher's 31c $1.25 Sarala 90c $1.20 SLIA Baby Food 94c 75c Dexlri-LIaltose 63c Onr Cigars Are Humidor Fresh White Owls, Cara--banas, Roi Tans, Van Dycks, box of for . $2t20 FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Fresh Raspberry Sundaes 15c Shrimp Salad 10c Jumbo Ice Cream Sodas 10c t Welch's Grape Juice..! 10c Tomato Juice! 5c and 10c Toasted Sandwiches . . 10c Eastman Filns at Lovcst Prices Save on Photo Fmisliisg 6 or 8 expo. )f n roll for........ Eccles Says GOP Must Sell Itself ; PORTLAND, June ll-ff)It is up to republican administration In the states including Oregon -to sell the country a nation al GOP admlnistraUon In 1940. David Eccles, executive secretary to ' Governor Sprague, told the Uultneanah chapter of the Oregon Republican club today. ' He said Oregon's administra tion was giving a good account of PAGE SEVEN itself but questioned that in PeS sylvania. . . . , t "... "' .. t j vMm Wt m m I ' 1 II If sr 50c r.Iolle Shave Cr. 35c Gem S.E.Bladej1 12 for 49c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 38c 25c TEEL 23c Phillip j IJiUt ci Ikgnena 34c 50c Bottle for. GQUIDD'G euneqal oil Pint bottle..... 59c Quart bottle. .89c CITR0 CARCOIIATE Upjohns. Afii 8-oz. bottle UyC 75c Fitches P. R. Shampoo Scalp Brush Free 50c Squib's Yeast Tablets ,43c 09c Bottle of 100 for Bottle of 250 for Bottle of Asss Am 1000 for VeOV TOBACCO SPECIALS 5c Top Tobacco.............".6 for 25c 10c Union Leader. 3 for 25c 15c Prince Albert....... ...10c 10c Beechnut .....3 for 25c. 15c Royal Bengals...:..... for 25c 10c Geo. Washington ....3 for 25c Camels flat 50V... 2 for 60c SqmbVs x Aspirin Tblfa. toe Tin of .12 for....; ... jsotueoi 3fA 100 for. 3 iC Bottle of 200 for 59c GucDronoShami :oo 49c K603 Sal Ilcpatica 4Sc i BesuUr size 1 Afl Box of 66 for.. & AD colors, box of 20c SC0T1 TOILET tissue; Toiletries at Low Cut Prices ) 50c Pacquins Hand Gream......34c 55c Pond's Face Creams...; 39c ..60c Angeles Rouge ...... .43c $1 Ixmis Philiipe Lip Stickv..79c 60c Vairtine's Body! lder.!39c 25c ; Mavis Talcum Powder......l9c 60c Mum Deodorant ......l...49c Arrid Jl':.10c-39c-59c 35c Cutex Nail Prepsl...iJ.::....3ic 55c Lady Esther Face Powder 39c 55c Pond's Face, Powder..:ui43c Wildroot Wave SeC..Jl:1..10c 25c xvalbiT 75c .Value Pebeco Tooth Paste ; and Powder for u....U...9c 7 fC- Begnlar size Kejpil&r size AT Box of 30 05 M - regular size nOi Borof 40 CC Rnbbinn " On--' Pint 75c LISTERErJE . 5C; 25c Caxtois Pills ; 17c Q1.25 Ppholagai G OUa Conna Shave 3l3 lifebuoy Soap 2 LnxTci!:tEc:p 2 f.r: IflC : Cashmere Bouquet . - SOAP " 2 fl7c Ccsay Sc:p 2 f ate I Let Us FiU Your Prescriptions Our Service Is Accurate end Economical Some foods look cooL some taste cool, some ARE cool and lots' of 'em can be prepared in cool comfort! On behalf of all wives we re concen-, rating on cool foods this week But These Low Prices Are HOT! V Juno 30f July 1 8 3 Wesson OU Snoudsitft 2. 3D .j - ili Potato Chips, 2 reg. 15c pkgs Bine Bell Deviled Ham; Vfc's Underwood's -2 r 25C Kraft Cheese, -lb. pkg.. 2 for 25C American, Brick, or Pimento - - Grape Juice, pt. 19c, qt..... Church's Ripe Olives, pint cans ........2 for Ymnhlll " , ' Mustard.... Qt. jar 1 5c Pt. jar IOC ' MorTMt ' Dill Pickles, quart jar..........;..-... 15c Ritz Crackers, large pkg. 21c iB Santos Blend, fresh roasted, ground to suit- , Lb. P .3ib,35s Meadow-Brook Grade AM Lb. 23V 2vS mam Whole Slilk Salad BKcrj. o? Sanduich Spoad' 9 DRY PACK COVE - CAN CRUSHED - NO. 2 CAN TRAILER IDA-DELL CRE All STYLE S"Sw MMMBMBj 0300 Cobnra 3 Cans Kitchen K49sack vVi . v9Cc Piggly Wiggly Blend, 49-lb. sack 99c Windmill Hardwheat, 49-lb. st. i.C? 3- isuju:; otsAv .-r Hi