..sr-; - -. . -. :.. -witVtv - . .' ' ; AGDjnvO . -TfcOEEGONirrATl 1S33- TTT'TI"'-FT' - -. - ' " Forest Fires Hit ; jf California, Idaho town of Hobart Efflla If Wiped out by Blaze Near Truckee 'TRUCKEB - Calif fir - of undetermined origin, which started In a deserted build tits in the abandoned lumber town t Hobart Mills, ;elgbt;" miles nort? of here, spread rapidly through i buildings to adaeent - b'rnsh -and timber-covered lanJ. tiulay and was burning briskly, to nfrht. Tahoe national forest offi cii I; said at Nevada City they ex- pitted to have the fire under etmtfol by midnights -. tiTbe brush lands edging,, the - t&wnj were..ablase. along;. mile abd a half front, and. bad moved tiro in Ilea toward dry creek. " JA 1 force ' of 250 CCC - enrollees and others were rushed from Ne vkda Placer and El Dorado coonT ttSs to aid the 200 men already on tie fire lines. - J liAt 'accurate estimate, of '' the drjnage was not available tame ditely.' but Dewttt Nelson, Tahoe fewest supervisor, said he believed tie abandoned machine ahOD and - flfe other; buildlnis were do CROUCH. Idaho, June ZS-iAV A; forest fire fanned by iUlit hid swept a hundred acres In this rteaaed wllderaeaa today, defying efforts of CO fire flxnter,wbo ap pealed lonizni ier reuuorcemenia. itThe blase broke out on private . lands three miles from- ther Payette .'national rorest lines at 1 p.m., to- -. day.-" - '' '-. .f ? n -l - . Loren Wellman, Payette nation al forest lire warden, led. SO men seat to cope with the blase bnt ap-. pealed for another 100 men, to night. Sheepmen - began moving their flocks out of the district. i'i Ramace's Star SiDN.UbertySt. i mmmm V PRICES TIUDAY, SATURDAY, THROUGH MONDAY The Original Yellow Front Drug 1 ; 1899 ; 1939 Sole Agent Pentlar Remedie and Candy Special Store in Salem PreseripUoaa Accarateiy Fined - in Marion County S5e Cater Polish, aew ahadea (aad poUah f oaada ? ;ttoa ry :-"t ':: JiiC 3c large Oily Polish Remover (and cotton .: ' f4 dlspeaser trtt)LL. KOTEX,' all sizes 15s w ?IOc 2 for SSc Strs., 48c 2 for Ooc 'vro -i si.00 IOEENEX STOO'sJL- lSe 2 for 25c ;.8oya..;.; gtc a f or 55c &10DESS, reg. or jrj irs- . 20c a for S9c tL D. NAPKINS igs.v.. ., ; ,i7e a for sac FRENS NAPKINS .tr ' i8o a for tae .tiaMPAX-Krfe id's -., . ..tic do's rr sso Looie fjver : uur uxrze . SfocJSc of lOe Item Cosmetics," Toothpaste Shavian Creara, Etc. TWs Store O . v.. .. Daughter Faints .. :e . - J '; . ' M( y. r.:i-;s-.v (, " :.v.oi--iK-:-fv-,---t--B' ( f - 'V-' . . '' ' i'i'iSvi! . V ..N-.vi.:--vv:.--' . . ... " 1 t ,v . ! As tmmlgrattoa taagle ta which the family of Joha McXrilL Bending 4a and keeping five US bora cbiidrea in Los Angeles, proved too . anach recently for eldest fenghter, Mrs, Dorothy Lofton. Photo 5 shows her as she fainted at news of the dedaiosw She Is being aided by her sister. Colleen, while at wpper right is another sister, liar ; jorie. In the backgroand is Mrs. John McNeill, mother of the fans Oy. The TJS children have been denied entry by Canadian author!- fties (OS). iottling Co. Salea Distributors EASpiAN KODAKS and Film AFGA CAMERAS and Film ' Lowest Cut Price 75c Fitch Shampoo. 83c Poads Crrama 23c Carter's PilU. .lfte .19c 23c Aaacta Tablets. eoc laaercleaa 25c 5. R. Tablets.. 23cBlsodoi:Sliata. ft MJlea Nervlae 40eCaatorU L .4Sc S3c .19e .83e lc 75c Prpaodeat LiejaidSOc S5c "- -BOe Poalaaa Oe Calox Powder. Oc Alkaseltacr fiOellexol - Assorted Kisses 'For the whole family. 19c , Z lbs. S5 ( i i Wholesome and f ' delicious. - f frra . Cc-jjayg frog 9 A; IL to u 0 ac , , , , , 40c ,, ' , , ' 4Se ta-Tage , a for SlS at Alien Rutins t 5 KOTenunemt aovsht to spilt the Barents and two children to Can Knighten to Lead County Educators (Continued from page 1) provides transportation for pa rochial students. Allow more leniency in the op eration of school busses. Increase the minimum require ments for county school superin tends and make them equal to those required of administrators of secondary schools. Provide a salary schedule for all county school officials that would attract the most capable - appli cants.' ' - ' Ormond R. Bean, state utility commissioner, appeared before the conference and explained the 1939 legislation relating, to the opera tion of school busses. Another committee recommend ed a change in the style of report cards used in the public schools. Fudtive Is Slain I osse (Continued front page; 1) . Shortly, after i dawn, Anderson and a deputy went to an outbuild ing and called upon Olson to sur render. He dashed from the shack. and as guns biased sped 100 yards across a clearing and Into a patch of eutover timber. -Then he raced for the lake shore and made for a rowboat. Possemen stationed at that point ended his flight with a final blast Worhr$ Fair Girlt Must . Be Moderate in Nudenes NEW TORE, June 29-(ff) Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine said today that enter tainers la the New Tork world's fair must peel bo nearer nudity than girls in Broadway cabarets do. -. , "The . entertainers at the fair must be dressed up," ho said. "The cabaret situation around the eity is well la hand and aadity at tae fair mast atop. ByT KJ L , I I A 11 Vj Ivy 135 N. Commercial . Phones 5197 7023 Intiant Relief! ' That's what you get when you -use Poison Oak Lotion SCc&OLCO Only at Schaefers Lysol Disinfectant 23c - 43c - 83c Pen-O-San Powder 50e ng. - 39e M. D. Powder, 12-oz. $1,00 ttg. - 89e Schaefer Hysienie Powder $1.00 reg. 75c While Stock Lait Oct Uctcx D:Ulc3 222; With Adv. Fri. Sat. Only DEODORANTS SOeMaus ' - -Qt 50e Arrid . ' , ; n COe . Araolia Cream45c 55c Qaest ; .Slc COe NoawSpt ".,.tl ;- : , 40c Schaefer'c . DeodoraBt..83e C5e 9 A.IL to 6 P. VL ' ' 9P, Saturday rJ-rht, 9 :43 KIL7 " "' :' :: Illinois Passes ; State Lottery Legislature Sends lleasnre to Governor as Slam Clearance. Plan SPRINGFIELD. Ill- Jum 29- WV-The Ulnois legislature sent to Governor-Henry Horner tonight a measure designed to help wipe out Chicago's slums by means of a leg alised lottery, with a top prise of 150,000 in monthly drawings. . By a vote of 27 to IS the sen ate passed two bills setting up a state supervised lottery : to- pro vide funds for the coostraotion o 'bungalows ' and two-story houses m Caicago's alsm areas. ' Rep. Carmen ' Vaeco; Chicago chief sponsor, asserted "It is tha only practical way," to do the job. To 8enatof T. M. Downing, Ma comb, 'bowoTerJ the Idea f was "craxy lottery scheme. " Protest In that he did not want "tha state'to go into this. gamblintbns- iness:. he nredicted the; governor would veto the bills. Senator R. Wallace Karraket; Jonesboro, a - proponent ot, the bills, put it up to . his colleagues tans: :. Charehes fieU Tickets !Wny ahonld. we take a noUer than thoU attitude toward gamb ling, when the , itats lecalisei horse race betting and churches sell tickets oa automobiles in the Interest of religion?" Under supervision of the state housing board and three state of ficials, the plan calls for celling "memberships" to the public and monthly drawings to distribute 10 per cent of that fund to 10 'offi cers' of the Illinois. Home Build ing corporation the agency which the bill creates. The ticket holder chosen as "president" of the corporation in each of the drawings would re ceive a "salary" of not less than 150,000. Eighty-four per cent of the lot tery fund . would be used to re place slums with dwellings which the corporation would sell or rent. Six per cent would go for expenses of administration. The remaining 10 per cent would be paid out to the "officers" chosen in monthly drawings. Youth Confesses He Slew Mother SANTA MONICA, Calif., June 29.-iiP-Two police officers ar rested Za-year-oid Charles Mc Donald here tonight and said he confessed killing his mother, for mer Motion Picture Actress Mar garet Campbell, at their Holly wood apartment last Sunday. Officers . James u o c k a ana Charles Varcoe arrested the young man. when they saw him waiting for a street car. They recognized him from photographs. "I killed her because she was going to commit me to an asy lum," the officers said McDonald told them." Sprague to Lead Wolf Creek Trip PORTLAND. June 29.-(AV Governor- Sprague will help put beaches practically in Portland's backyard tomorrow when he leads the 150-car procession officially opening the shortcut to the sea. The caravan will leave hero at 11:90 p. n4 pass through Forest Grove, head out across the Wolf Creek route and pause for dedica tion ceremonies at Sunset camp. Seaside, end of the Lewis and Clark trail, will tender visitors a banquet tomorrow night. The car avan will return Saturday oa the Wilson river road. The eutoff will.be opened to the pubne it 4 p. .nL, Friday. - UlacLeish Is Confirmed WASHINGTON, June 29.-(AV The senate 'confirmed today the nomination of Archibald Mac- Lelsh, Connecticut poet, as librar ian of congress. The rote on ap proval was ft to 8. ; Cosmo Get rid of them quickly by usinsr Schaefer's Corn Rem edy. 25c No Relief, No Pay Crisp ' ' j Pocnut Drittlo ISCn,. 2!bs.28e Friday & Saturday BANANA SPOT flC3" Delicious & Healthful ; At 8cbaefers Fenatala Genuine Thermos', Quart bottle with? four nested v V ,." :. tfl oo V)ilo0 cups. PTXT VACUUMS QUART THKRMOS . GAIXOX FOOD JUGS 5 flOC ) Junior llusicians Play in Fair Orchestra A nkmt xaatam off tbs ClnXAtm Gmtm mtacattd br the largest orchestra dans, boys and girls tram aloe western states sad tare Canadiaa. " pUaso-frons an andlenco of S0.060 Kathered fa Treasare xslaaoTa of the fr" 0 ddltioo . . In th Neat ; SANTA: FE, KM Juno IHff) -A workman's discoTery of an ostlmated $10,000 In gold, con tained in a I bucket in an old well. wf reTsaled today r by Attorney A. K. Montgomery. Tho weU was in the basement of an old curio store operated by John Candelarlo, grandson of a pioneer merchant. The bucket of gold Jewelry and old Spanish sold coins was deep in the well, corered by de bris. Montgomery said there was no question but the find was the property of Candelarlo. as it was dlscorered by a day worker on his premises. GRAND CANTON, Aria., Jane 9-(P)-Two very unexpected happenings upset Jim Gregg's trip to .Lake Mead, back of Boolder Dam. Gregg, foremaa at Graad Canyon national - park, first planted his . hand . on a largo scorpion which was sunning itself oa a log. Pained by tho scorpion's sting, Gregg threw his bass lure high ap oa tho hank. Feeling a tug oa his pole, Gregg recovered his composaro and reeled la a rattlesnake. , Mrs. Gregg, who .witnessed the incident, said tho snake struck the lore as it sailed through the air near tho ground. , Gregg . has stored his fish ing equipment until he recor- -era from the shock. ORANGE. KJ., Juno 29-AV Blackie, Tony Galento'a pet dog. also took a beating last night but, like his master, not before getting in his bites. Blackio was tied up today on order of the Orange board of health, charged with biting the leg of a bootblack during tho Victim,Weapon Mrs. Margaret Campbell (top), 56, former actress, was foaad beat em so death in her Hollywood home, apparently with the ham or shown m lower pictare. Ar rest of her son, Campbell . Mac Doaald, as, a law stadent aad former WPA crossing watch man who lived with her, was ordered by Los Angeles police. T. T. Law. . 7X O. Oku, B. 0. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin. blood, glands av artuary sys tem of men ft women. 22 years la service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your -Neighbors about CHAN LAM. CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 111 Coart St. Corner Liber ty. Office oped Tuesday ft Sat arday only, IS A.M. to 1 P.M.. S to 1 P.M. Consultation, blood pressors v a rue tests are tree of charge. IstMMtiaaal .ExosJtiae nceat ever assembled la the history of cwply of maslcleae, poao over ls.yeara or age excitement surrounding the hea vyweight title bout between Tony and Joa Louis. PITTSFIELD, Massn Jane S0(jp)Tbe grass isn't always greeaer la tho other feUow's yard. After traveling 12,000 miles la search of work going: as far west aa Honolulu Robert Finch returned home today aad foaad a job In a gasoline sta tion two blocks from his home.' SEATTLE, June 2S-tf)-Mrs. Eleanor Bradley rowed her bed threw her out the window today. At the hospital where she was recovering from bruises, the 22-year-old housewife explained that she was trying to close a window while kneeling on tha bed. The tricky springs threw her off balance. She landed 10 feet, be low the window. Susan Gregory Dies . SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 29.- (AVSusan Myra Gregory, poet, teacher and member of one of California's oldest families, died today at Stanford hospital after a long illness.' She was author of several books of poetry and school text books. Hnndreds of New Summer ier of their resnlar ralue. torether with the former Fields stock all go on sale at liquidation prices.. Dresses for every occasion. Dresses of all wanted styles and colors; including many beautiful new summer sheers being: of fered at this great public liquidation sale. I Values to 3.95 'V SLAC3 SUITS Made ft styled In HawalL Leilanl Print. Just the thing for the beach. fl.07 DRESS COATS Styles for Spring and Summer in variety of colors. Beautiful fabrics.. Values to If. SO. SLIPS mmmmmmm - t -t ,v; anaassBnanBBBsak While they last-. Iwv SWEATERS Fine quality Shetland yarn Pore wool new styles, new colors. while they last. FORMALS Only a few left. Regular valuea to fc 10.00. Kow 2lVV . - Birir.TtTra , CONFIDENCE IN YOUR OWN, JUDGMENT..: and shop where yoa will for nny comparisons yoa ears to make you win Cad that Quality, stylo - and assort, meats considered, this is an- -doubtedly Salem's Greatest Sale la many years. ... music. Five tboasaad Junior prorlaees, drew thunderous ap Coart of Natkms. Photo above Edwards9 Sprint Ability too bad V For Seattle Man A Seattle nsotorist aad his wife landed behind city Jan bars at 7: o'clock last night as' aw Malt of Patrol m a a George Edwards' sprinting ability, s From half a block away, Ed wards reported, he saw a sedaa driven by Howard A. Morgan, Seattle, speed t h r o a g b the Coart' aad liberty street inter section against a red light and narrowly escape collision with cross traffic. The officer made a' dash for the corner oa foot aad caught Morgaa as he was starting to back oat from a parking spot into which his car had darted. Morgaa was booked oa charge of drunken driving and his wife on a charge of being drank.' ; Officer Edwards said ho was anxious to obtain the name of . tha other motorist for tho par pose of taking bis statement re garding the incident, v - Dresses bought at a fraction Dresses bonzht TOPPER COATS All Wool Toppers. Values SPORT SKIRTS -To S.IS Sport Skirts la popular fabrics 4 fo and eolors-sJV SWEATERS Sport Sweaters assortment. Choice J6c All sli Closiag the ; malader i fV ; ,V"Y"- I E. 9i of ear High Grade) Blouses, Satins, Crepes and oth er Fine Fabrics. Values . ap to 4.05. AH go at ; : Values to W5 1 1 Just Values to 2.95, SPORT SHIRTS . - t Pun wool, new colors,1 new pleated styles. Beautifully tailored. Values : : fn to 45;v ";:.r.,.:-ajy i 1 " V II : X' i S.I Valscsto&SS XI M 11 r ;i 1 425 STATE STREET ret Uaylsioqay At 2 Playgrounds It's annual pet day at both Olinger and Leslie playgrounds, beginning nt z o'clock this after-, noon, and . dosens of divers pets are expected will be paraded in quest of the seven prises which will be awarded. Yearly the pet parade is one of . the most enthusiastically re ceived specialties staged by the city playgrounds, movement, with entries ranging from draft horses and dairy cows to trained fleas. ; Prises will be awarded by judges to the largest pet, the best dressed,- smallest, most -unusual. best trained, ugliest ana prettiest. Edward Brodie Is OREGON CTTY. June - 2S-V Edward E. Brodie. (S, former di plomat and newspaper publisher,, wss buried hero today. Brodie died f a heart attack at the statehonse Tuesday. Long ac tive in republican party affairs, he served ss United States minister to Slam and Finland. Rev. A. 3. Moekford. rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, con ducted the services at the Atkin son Memorial Congregational church. ; 53 Known Victims Of Europe Storms BUDAPEST. Juno 2.-(fl-Fifty-three persons were known to have been killed today la south eastern Europe as heavy storms continued to sweep tho region.' Thirty-six of the victims drowned when 1 the river - Rosea overflowed near Sevlijevo, Bul garia. Other Bulgarian and Yugo slav areas suffered. ATHENS, Juno 29.-4P)-EIght persons drowned and several more were missing when three villages in the Lamia district 120 miles north of - Athens were washed away in a cloudburst and heavy hailstorm. Bridges were swept away, com munications suspended and i rail travel was halted. : t TONIGHT : New Dinner " 1 Grilled Chops - Chicken- And Six Other Marvelous -, Entrees THE SPA IIQUIDATIOII nnTifinnirifs In Hf- I A UUW UI ttUftWiUa Better Assortmenti Greater Values Than Ever Before BLOUSES Tailored Blouses, ff m Talues to MJ-WyB HOSIERY , A Famous Make Hosiery Pure thread silk, full fashioned. - ReraUr 7le-J- PURSES ' Up to sad Ladies' g6c SLACKS ' s 1.00 Ladles Good Quality Slseks for :IOl work and play- atkaa i PI FARMERETTES Farmerettes made of fine tweed fabric aaaf orJxed, water : shrunk, r Fast aam eolors. Regular l.f S .ralues... WV Arrived! Steele Suits A complete new shipment of Beautiful Slack Suits. New Shsrkskla fabrics Roman stripe spun rayon ft many " others. Regulnr values , to .4.IS. While they last If Values to 10X9 1 423 STATU STREET