W -r. W -SUM-ijHj. H 1 V t :u ii i. i n .it itt v S wall kli 'sweepei XtV walnut Sf heeutlf I wal. b. . aprlnai 5 Sfclesnuzn Classified Ads f Coll 901 ' CJaaelflrd AderTtlatBg Single Insertion bet line 10c artr. Three Insertions per tine lee Six insertions per tine ..tOc One month dot lino tin Minima m charge ' , " '"Copy fot this hat Sceepted nt!t :X0 th eerrie before pnMiea - tic for laj-rtftrettnw ; . Cap frtwd inti thle-tlme will be rua under th beading Tot Uti It Claaairy.- " ' Th Stateeman iwinm no fma tat reepomUblltty for arm whir any appear In adeeiilaemont P ttehed tot It enhima. and h rose, w.hee thla paper U at faitlt will r nrlnt that n-rl mt an adwthm nt In which th typographical mistake crura, ,: " ' Th State nan w'ai'i is the rlgb to retort ooettaraht advertising: It further - nann tha rfctttt to Dine , alt advert tains ' under th proper eUaatflrattoe. 4 A'-Bllnd" Ad an d eentatetns t Statesman ho, nftmbar fat en dres t for the prrtartloa f the advertiser and muat thorofr h answered r letter. The St a team a I not at liberty to divulge rnrnrma tton aa to the Identity of an adver iae- minx -mind- ad. Livestock " DEAD AND worthtese horaea. eow ptefced up free. Ph. eollee 4lt Salem afnntsotnery Rend. Waa - 1 ? HORXRS FOH aele. Alao "IP waa ed weanar plea Hitw UW Farm Ptonka rV. . . .1 wtNTrn.Tnp nrtr nald for old or erlnoled horses. Phone, eolleet !. I J r Hereon. Flnlay Foa Farm. Jerrer'idel. ft aUlea annth on Pnrtfle highway aoo, Oreson. . I -FOR SALE reaaoaaM. Jjrerr . " I milk psii "in MnVrTM9 bkHrT I rfuiy. ax -1 Auctions. v VTC MaeKENZI ES . . BlGH-tJRADE FURNITITRB AtTrrrioN SAI.E r TOD AT. 1 :X0 p. m.. aharp. X000 1 South Hl(n l,'Tonainn " " ! towing wbleh la a partial list : Xtnhalv avennort and chair. Teloui I ' davenport. WVnthrope ' aerretary deak " bride A floor lamp, three tall Orien- Ul niKB. trug pada, aeveml amall ; rugn, phileo elee. rdkv waU rorkere flreowee aet. Slnifer aewma macnine. i wall mirror. Hamilton nwn 1 t""f";Jt' -rv- . eeoer lika new.) -pr. two toneldar. A chair, end table, smoker, oecas dinlnt; room set, tea wme, I beautiful - walnut bedroom set. twis I eL hHlmnm aet. Slmmona I D coll I iiiK. l . .. I rrrrtrerator. . Hotpoint aotomane u I whit eiurnel electric ranire. Mavta elec. washer. S-pe. break, set. garden ArmwM sit n lira In mlw. art I- I rl,i t.rm. eeah. Rr Raaaett. attor ney anent. -Rws" Woodry of the Nash Furniture Co anctioneer 1 nav cash I or sell on cnmmisalone-luat see "RuaaJ Help Wanted ' tSt WEEKLY. GROW mushroom cellar, shed. We buy. XAc-IV .World's largest company.-' FREE BOOK Muab rooms, 10 IS Second. Sen ttle. Wash. ; Help Wanted Male : TURKET PICKERS :Teport Friday morning. Marion Creroery A Poultry t-o Help Wanted Female WANTED A GIRL for housework In country, IS a week. Phone 05F4. Rt 1. Box X( ,. EXP. GIRL for housework. Apply 143 "K St. from t to 12 or T to X. EXP. GIRL for housework and car of baby. Call after t p. tn, IIS N Summer. f.v. i..:.. S 'i. 't j.-r Salesmen Wanted WHY WASTE TIMT5 looking for "i -. w S A - . 09.11 Dt-klaa4a A."KL.,;r"T eTth. rear Wrtte today3 i..i-f-t.. r-t nRF.tiT.rjL Oak. UnL Calif. Situations Wanted : ; ; DRESSMAK, MRS. AdsltL PV ItIS SEW. XOc. IRON. e.Pn. TX1 V y - PAINTING. MOST reasonable, 1415 . EXP.. GIRL wants housework, ret. good rook. Write Boa X5. Brooks. Or. rMIDDLE-AGED cook A bOTeekeepei Bke to work for 1 c X respectable wDfflle Sw .OftVlfl GeA 13tXLa SftWOtta Of) '?ZZZrr?!T?'?m'T. I nCE RMS, twin bed, rm. with prl iEXP. GIRL wanu hakpg. or care orient, and lavatory. 11 N. 12th. children. Ret 1541 N. Front, . Fori Sale SliaeeJlaneons . "Bikes A hep Hamaden. 141 S fJh ': REBUILT ANU anaranteed wash era AM make tmm tie wp Sree Mae taa III Hnara Broa , . -. ADDING MACHINES typewriter cash, realstera aralea alea rental re pair Rnen Trpewrlter Kx enari CASH FOR enad fura Ph lilt. CHOICE GOLD fhm. 3031 8. t3th. DAT OLD and started chicks, fryer Alao peat moss fertiliser. Ph. I nn Lee's Hstchsry. ' fce MwwMMwwwwwweewwM MONTMORENCY CHERRIES now ready. X dvered. Phon 7. IRON - FIREMAN. . all automatle. vsed rtry little, 175.00. lilt N. Church. ' Phon; 0331. . ' ". 'H'-T EARWMa POISON, Jilt Stripping Street r-TTERBERO STRA WBERR1ES. Xc R.' Phon 104 FXX. TRAILER HOUSES, 338 N. , rTtgh. wiwmeeaeeeeaeaeaeeeeaea ' FOR SALE or trade, covered wagon trailer house, 1170 N. Cottage. - , t . ADVERTISING Western Adrerttxlnf - - I Repreawotatlres V-n--e.RsB C- LtA. .. Sis Franelam Loo Aageiea SMtthtl Catteia Adteruains , RepresentAtloea , : ' Bryant Oriffltb A Brwnaee, Ina. - Chicago Nw York. Detroit -. Bnetne. Ata - ? Eafarad at taa Patw at Oregon es teoMid Ctoao MeMer Pah Hke4 eeerw monmo esr 4 Moaoop. FHia 0ffiC0 (a fieelA Cewstercio &r. : i SUBSCRIPTION RATES! ITnll Subacrlptlon Rate In Advance1 WltMn Oregon : iwuy no - w : I a. tJ c"'.i: I Ho. lilt: AM till: 1 v3r t S CO. Elsewhere It cents pr j ,r er 50 for rear tm -advaooe , ' c v I cent Kewastand A cent i t C.;y Carrier : 41 eenti a month; I' '.i a year la tvance In Larloe ami .dicot eouate For Sale Miscellaneons RASPBERRIES. LOGANS A euh. wild bhtckbwTtea delivered, Pb. 81 FX USED WOOD-rang A eon to close oat, ' flO.15. Cobn Brae, so . wo-1 USED LUMBER A brick, corner of Center A Caaamrcaal St. . TOUNGBCRRlKS. gl.Ot crate. I51X. YOUNGRERRIES. Sr. U nick, Mont- roarencr cfterTie. le. Barks, P. 77F8 ' CULTIVATED WILD blac-berrtee, 81.60. 24 box det: 11.00 n-ptckVAlse youagbarrlee aV- byenbeniea. Phea Tin. - p;s. TRIXD SEARS rataloA order aeak ytlj They'll her It. s ' SKAIUKKIItliUUl CTJt, - USED FULL. SIZE bed eoll aprmi mattreaa. Complete - $.. - Coha Brosu let N. Liberty. u GOOD CANOE, reasonable; P. MIX. NO. 1 PERFECT CEDAR shlnaie redoead tn SX.M per aqnar. Otll SfOO. -JtJSED' BARGAINS ' ELECTRIC RANGES caa ninw wood ran see ofl atrrrea. Ire bnxea. AO ranr siaraateed. Sea our onrd nr eslas todny. --. - YEATER RUSH CO. tSS N. . Liberty Next To Power Co HI GRADE furniture auetton Fri day, xeee & Hleh. See "ad aader SMrtiona.. Rua. Woodry. aucttoneet WMMMWMAMWAMMMMWMeMMM USED. OAS Eleetrohiz refric. tn eoed worklnaT order. Rednred toXS. . Coha Broa. 145 N. liberty. RASPBERRIES BY erale. Friendly I Faran. Phone SlFlX. Portland road. TOCNGBERRIES. Wm. P. Schea. I oaiaaory reao. Taae aril. ; cherries.-'A.-Wada.-' Too plea I - - -- - - - - - - Vvrf I - - - -- -- -- -- --- - - - ric. v.n r.nni et, zc x ou pica. 1 mm house eaat Kelser acbooL - FRYERS. M1IJC fed. Bell, rt- t. box IS. On GJen Creek road. FOR SALE. Baby Grand piano- In 464 Ferry. pienaia ronaiuon. t-nenp lor cann BETWEEN SO A 71 TONS baled oat I A retrh hav. E. J. Uontnnon. t- T. Box X25. Ph. X0F11. - , ..... so...jo..ii.. JOHNSON TWIN boat trailer at sac- rlflce qutck, 1110 Nebraska. ,v i r, iiuir, mirror m lamp. vra nieta. 4.t. par aothinff dowa. conr Broa., X0S N. Liberty. ; T TTTfcri-H . TTT 11 . Jk . ,1..... nnas.cn. i - f" license. Just the thins: for cele- P1!?"" raraivaia. nu , ie mim weal Ol vnenwwo. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED tlXRD rum Ph tilt Pasnwnsjaaaaaawesa OIJ) WOOL mattreaa. Tel. Silt. -WANT MAYTAG machine. 471 S. 2S '"-Miscellaneogg ' DENTAL PI.ATKS ttKPAIRED - TWO HOUR SKRVICTC DRc MARJtt-SEMl JCR. : DFNTtwT Corner .'State A Commwlal ' -Pw - IXM For7 Rent Rooms SLEEP KM close in Ph 55?. i.. RMS FOft ladles 101 N Cntlaee II 1171 8LEKP RM Prte nl Ph lt't awasnAaBafBaieaafe NICE RM, aentLj gar, 77t N. FINE SLEEP, room. AXI i N. Church. NICE SLEEP. RM.. XXt 8, Coltae ' eaaaantaaeaaaalaaawaats BETX laTVTNQ rtxvm roottlni. nrif- PBasaBaasaaaaspaaaa SMALL HSKP. rm. turn . elec wash er. 4X wk. 7J0 N. Commercial.' ROOM FOR l or X tadte. GSrag- - Kht hooaekeeplng privileges op- Itlonal. rlione so5. Room and Board BEST RM board. Close t state house. 1327 Omrt. Ph. 5404. APPRECIATE GOOD meals T Nice home I See Ma Rowen sol N tJherty NICE1.T FURN- hL. cold water, kv meala Nr. state houae. 315 S. Wlntm BO. A ROOM. 345 '8 Cotta!. 043 I ooURI JC ROOM for ladlee. art ant 1 Vm i ph 14. I JWWWWMMWbAsVMWMMWWMwVWMMWwUMMwV RMS. WITH or without board 10. -"-r-v. rm, laundry, oss n. oottaga. NR. CAPITAL, shower. 114S Union RM, I3.lt. WITH board. 14.75. 7X1X . RM, A BOARD. 120. Ph. R A B. 100 N. Summer, Ph.. 4114 For Rent Apartments 8 RM. NEWLY him. Heat water refrlg.. balh. ndut 00 1 ; N. J0nttaae , EXCELLENT APT., elo tn, 135 month. 8t3j N Cominerclal. ; ; I-ROOM MODERN. Phno 1114 ; I TO 4 RM a ta fora or an fur. ! and toe III South lath - 8M FURN apt ISt S Cot lag. aEJC KlSHKR ants oewlv aeeeralad nd roomy YouTI . Aetlabtew Ask and S Commercial WywlM; I STm N CaTiVol ------------------ i-a 1 A X R. APTS. Furn. A nnfnrn. iw te 140. Royal Court. Fh xtw. 8 R, XIX 50. X R, 115 50. 10X5 Cento i , m. i n .rifi.-iirM-.-.-.-, ..-.---.. oni. i(rr rwtr. tn l S41 Ferry. . . . t w.-'.'.-.'M a aA CLEAN I RM. furn. apt With or" -" . L. ' - - - - weAMeeiMw.wi Arris, e rn iimj, m. - - I. -' ... m.. MODERN X A X ROOM apartments A t sleeping room. X4 Marion. ' TURN. A UN FURN. apta. ill Ferry. 8 RM. TURN. APT- 432 Marlon,. nt rr RECONDITIONED j 8-rm . furn. ant- cheap. 2584 Lee. mnjmnAATi nr i nvrrr r . X RM. FURN, X3 N. High. OLTMPIC APARTMENTS 3-room nicely furnihed, . 73t a. a ar-t All 0ao-a amAa sfI KaiffK lta tSt r.teVrwa-hV:X5X ti-Il. St" Lru-in--ij-i - -j-. r j- .1 ivnt room. 1st N. 12th. . . : VAC. 3LEXDORA. 83S N. Summer I ROOMS, C1JCAN. furnished apt roaabl. 174 N. Church. .; - Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO flT TOUR INCOME No Endorsers No Comakers Your Signature Only nrpif am ni Trt RKIjOCK COST a wTb iriiin iMnrpniDKKT COMPANY ' WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL : ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS UADB. . ' General Finance Corp. iti niMni at Ftmt Doo South of Utdd A Buah Baa a For Rent Apartments S RM&. MAIN floor, prl bath, prl est ranee.. Frig. Adults. 4X4 N. Winter. NEW -MOD. apt,-an outatd rmfc nrtr hath, trie enrage. - On creek a very pleasant. Xf SUte. ' V NICE . RECONDITIONED J-rm. apt. ehean, X5 Lee. r TORN. 1 RMS., tmtorn. nns., sa rage, heat, llgtita A wmt US Satfnaw. a nu fttrn. mot. llcttta. water. beat, private bath. 101 N Liberty. FURN. X R1L apt, 44 S. Hlh. X R. funw Prl bath. (It N. Church. wnrrxrooririnnmi" wnn a r-mm rant. H. A C water. heat A ear. No. Church. XXLC. Till ejeaBaAep X R. FURN, prlr. bath. 11X Union. X R. FTJRN. apt, 72 N. Church. APTS.. II UP. 4 N. Front. Good home, old . age-pea. men. . 1 RM. APT, 4X1 DlrMoa. jir i 1 ativ n .n rin ri ft mnnr i 1" ' " j.rj ftjrn. apt Bath, saraca. ltw water, 1X5P N. Winter. NICE I-RM. apt.' Ererythlna: fur nished. Sma-le 110. couple IIS. no Juo soa oa South High. Ph. I2IX. NICE, SMALL apt, 151 Center. For Rent Houses TORN. AND unfurn. houaea. FL P InptMr'ui fVuirt St. Phone 1744. omwximmwmwwi w m mtm 'f FURNISH Kit A UNFURNISHED hnuara ' R A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER isaa n. uipiioi FURN. USES. A apta, 7I N. Com MODERN. DHPIOCX apt, 4 rooms uwl rnrnlahad. alee, rang A refrlg. tMsemeat. furnacow flrepbje A garag .i..i. S1M.-EARLE. Phon 1171 or XII tJljWjtnjjxjJAeWJlJlX S RM. HOUSE partly furn, 2t. XU Kadrona Ave, aalem HeMtnta. u.uuu u I e Aknrd i nij, wm. K"'--' i kM mw en hmiss.. hath. InO I " - - - 1 I RM. FURNISHED hae, PV 1445 orated, cloae to high A grade schools. ; 125.00 to reliable people. Ph. 7154. GOOD t R. fniRN. house .near his I arhool. large lot Fruit snaoe tree I Nice loosuon, lease; yr. to aooa pony i titone owner. or as- W W 7 B Unn hnm. off Park St. Chicken pen, garden, 25.0 mo. inq. list renter. HOITSB ON Wallace road, rloe tn. i small family d referred. 115 a mo. in- I noire ISO Union St Phone 74S5. FTJRN. RIINGAIjOW. Oak Villa Court. Adults only. Apply 995 Mill. 4-RM. HOUSE partly furn. at 2430 Lee. Inquire 010 N. Cottage. NICELY FURN. house, X bedrooms. 137.50. Phone 7i. I-RH. BSMT, furnace hardwood firs. Newly constructed. No one has ret rived In. I2& mo. 5-rm. furn. hae, X bdrms, bsnH, and furn. 25 for quick action. F. H. WEIR, 313 Or eg. Bldg. Ph. ttll 4-RM. HOUSE. ISO Galnea THREE ROOMS, gas ranee, garms. 115. Z1M N. TOtn, - MOD. NEW 4 rm. house, 135, 3313 State. Ph. 1491. 3 RM. APT, re frig, automatic heat 125.00. is s. I4tn: aiso moo. s rm. I hae. 140.00 A mod. I rm. hse, 130.00. I Dial 1133. eves, 32C4. I ' MOD. O R. HOUSE. I bedrms, wh-ed I i fo- electric stove, north. Shade, rruit I trees, shrubbery, larg lot Ph. 410, J 4-RM.-FURN. house for rent In W. Salem. No children. Ph. I00L For Rent OFFICE ROOM til Stat Street Inquire room 200. Tel X71X.. r- , For Sale Rral Estate -.-WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IV YOU - want .to Mil eachang I teas, rent see Mr. Laraea with Haw kins A Roberts: TRADE C1T1 - urooerty for . farw. home Optnrtnnlttes In ichanges. HAWKINS A RnnKHTB iN- jimajinnnnnrinni-irir.- - - - MOD. 5-RM. bullae. t0. Tet 51S s mfw RM. mad. homes on corner MMisiMWMeaa' of 11th A Madison. Rasa terms, w. a- ICUdek. Ph. 4377. STOCK RANCH X0 acre. 14 cult, balance part paatur ano g-oo timber. On rood county rona near sehooL Near- house, other - Mdga old. E-1-- M-M-tnoltv for stork, as outrange I In available. Only . 14500, eaay termatraeb or cheap trade. 17X a Lib. till. ee win take Salem property m rraoe. I Collins with HAWKINS A ROB - ERTS. INC. wjuwumrtWWMYOxrfrii i LISTEN - t X BLOCKS FROM WHaoa Perk well-built 1 room houae can be arran - -a for tn famtllea also room ' for extra htdg. Price for-quick sale, 13000.1 half cash. - t - i s ? - nuig.ii .r-- I -J aS KUw-fc eat Bteta fit - has -Teat ANOTHER one I B J, r t nltv for modernlsmc. Lot i s-sisa. Price . e . w I jn - . I -; vn,m ., Sae Mrs. Kills with CHILDS A MHXER. REALTORS 1 244 .State Strt , Phoae tXOt AN TfTK BANKS OF THb WILLAMETTE TTERK TS a beautiful country horn of IX W : acrea, rtver bottom aolL . aereo flllerts- X acrea eherriea. 4 acre! UES. funrut. neariL annles. ere. s room bom, f ruit house, garage, -fin big hu- Inet'iraund bnildlna- I anil out Price 14350. , See Mrs. Barttott wlthf CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 44 State Street Phon 021 NEW GARAGE houae. bedrm. He aMWAeJMIMlewbniawM leg rm, kitchen,1 shower on in. paring I paid. Priced at U58; $100 down, 111 I fwP tlTtOllth. . - & '.' " y ? . . J V rm. moder.. btunvj I -T'-""- - rt f nsiuun, - I furnace, electric range, ruga. . .every I thing goes for 00 . 5 . I f H .acre on Terrace dnre. Wcnderftji (vtewv- . Prk-S.'-'-'--v---'----."'' VOSBURGH - GRANT. Masonic Bldg CORNER LOT. 8. Illsh and Oxford, paving paid. 8300,. Phon 4310 eve. f c Money; to Loan , IISI BORROW FROM SALEM'S OIJIEST - . Lie. Na SMI - . Ph. -I Hi I Convenient Ground Ptoor .LoratkMkl Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL- Way WHEN AT HOME A "Personal Loan : - Ill to 300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A 'PERSONAL (mmrrcARD Good at 171 orrtcea, Coast to Coast - SIMPLE TO QUALIFY : Come la. GUARANTEED BY GOOD -HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (Aa advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bllgh Bids. Ill Stat Street. Salem, Oregoa SUti Llcena Numbers S-122. M-lll LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS RKFINANCEO MONEY TO buy new e used cam J private money at aew tow rate. Immediate action. No red tape, t TO St MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 1X1 Sooth Commercial Street Phone till - Lie. No at-llt FHA IjOANS alao orlvat A bra ma A Ellla Inc. Ma sortie Bids AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Itb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD1NO LICENSE. NO M-lit LOANS purchaaea. Coosol-1 IdAt Old bniA Toe Receive Yea pay Monthly 50.00 . 0 5 iso.oe ie.X4 200.00 lllX X00.OO tl.41 ' Interest la charged each month ONLY on th remaining wnpald bal REFINANCE TOUR CAR. loana OP to 1500. r Ton will Ilk our friendly .... n I . . mumu wwuii imytnenia, uu fa mm PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. r-,. 201. First National Bank Bldg Salem. Oregon Phon 4441 g.ju .. gtai -Mcenas M... I I Auto Loans Refinancing bt nr iffAur" rs VAtTn m n uwi.ixw. Aiwiici iii iwun .r Att D-DIVlkIPIr) VAtTB Car f43 XT' aJ-T BAINCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. M-Zit MERRILL D.' 0HLIII6 INSURANCE Phone 0404 . 371 State Street Salem. Oregon Financial WB HAVE never paid les tbaa Ahla rate aa. aavma and Investment tnsuree to 15000. Mutaa Federal Savings A Loaa Aasn Pbon 4044 , III a IJOerty ot , Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ee farm and ett property Before borrewln Inaulre at Ha wain A Roberta. WANTED PKIVATB MONEY TO IIAN nn eood SaUraa real a- tate. Will pay 0 tnterest. I i REALTORS tX4 8 IJberty Street -- Phn- 041 $1$ MORTUAUK tlfVICSTMKNT.' wk wnw h-iT-i a nnrnMr or nm nwrt -v-a-a-. l-.. .,. s-nw a. H(V l nam! VetlHI wttpm aWK1 vvew propertle. , acIlent , u r 1 1 v Mortgagee fa amouata or ie 17500.: at yoa i par cent paysoie semi aonually. Esamln th prop-' -r erty yourself. -. " CHIIJ)S A MILLER. INC. 344 Sis te Street C Telephone till ! WANTED- X1T50. ' yrs, . ' tnt I quarterly. Address A-B-C, 1X7 Stale. ' ; - . .1 ' For Sale Real Estate . SACRTFICR. LEAVING town.' Good bouse, 3 lots, cor, paved street wal nuts. Close Jn. Small down peat and 25 mo. Zlt Court st or phon szis I ' ANOTHER UNFIW lise. N.. E. 1 t town. Fun pric iz&: i down, fis I per month. o oowa pymau 1 F H. WEIR, XIX Orag. Bldg. Ph. 0411 I ' BARGAIN PRICE new mod. 8 ran. I Sntx. Cloae in. No. Take lot ae. A some 1 8 RMS, bath. 11350, lit da. 4 ma A ill batn. ne it fie on. m a, o tii I ' HOME BARGAINS I T-ROOM'PLAST. home located II 1 blka. from city center.- - Near store I school A boa. Lara lot TSsISOl Fruit tree. Pric $3000. I0 down A 3 ip-a --. . - i . i -room mooera noma ' iocs tea on - , .iuvw mwi wut - I no-ed at ' hardwoAd floors- throurb- ! out NevTaarac-, Located near store, - koooh or ooa. rnei h , wwn la tlS nee ma. 1- " i-.-- I a n1. hnnee with X hedrooma baastnent turn, laundry tray, garage aired tor Je rang. Two lota wtth I several kinds of bearing frnlt trie. - I Pric ISO. IX down A lie 1 SmaQ three room mod. hem wtta I sjarene. -Prte 1115. 110 eow a A IXX. 1 1 sooner mo. SEE THESE HOME VALr t- uau . H. UKABENHiiKST. eK. I With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. I REALTORS 1 184 8. Liberty Street V Phone 8481 FOR SALE A m-derS f room bonarf on a shady lane off the Garden Rd s acre wun trait ana. awt- tree ana I outbuildings. A steal at 1450. Some itertnsr b tarsen wnn . IUWlfll KtltH-KTS, urn. .1." u 10 raw noirai "nI: - 1 ana a Dig unng room. twq sets I plumbing. A real bey t 14250, Terms. I See Laraen with HAWKINS At ROBERTS. XNC WE HATS seTtnl houses to sell I wtth 8200 down barmen ta C H. SANDERS 111 8. High 413L , For Sale Real Estate ; I A DANDT T ROOM bom with S lots fav crapes, berries V trait. flSef. nee oown. - -. : WEST 8ALEM REAL- ESTATE Ednwatar - -Phone HSi NEW MODERN ' home.' Easlewood district. Priced rtprht Terms. - R. A. FORKNER-&. T. UEBER 1S5S North Capitol - Phone 1021 . FOR SALE Lots owned by City . - to wo. n : Sea any real eetatejman t - mt caU -. : i -IS7 & Hislr Street - heseVheeehjpeaeanaeeasa THIS IS UNUSUAL A TOY .BEAUTIFUL , FAIRMOUNT; U 1 1 1 home. X badroama- Fa llr-modern.' fine rew;,cut Crom.$SSe to- tt St I BUDROW-KASMIR REAL' ESTATE IX Ladd'A-Bush Bide ' Thond ItIS STRICTLY MODERN- NEW 4 m bungalow. wKh bkfrt. nook A mundrr rm l acre, close to scfaooL N. of town. 1100 dn, baJL $20.00 per mo. Inc. taxes RICH L. RETMANN. 17 & High St Phone nil NEW X B1L hae clrculatinc heater. kitchen range.. 1 1109.00. am. dn. pmt. baL like rent. New 4 rm. hae, elec. A water, 1 A. or more, fat.oe down, ix,t per month. " i - v ISA -e ."!. ju tiiMu e,u tSsJkil1' per rax wm eon"lder .Chicken ranch. IT A. elec. water era- tarn,. I A. fruit, big hee, t roL from towa, ISiOO.et. Easy term a. W01 take la nae. a tot. - RICH L. RETMANN, 117 8. High , Phone MIX Exchange Real Estate T ACRES ALL la fruit and aota aood room houae, eleo. lights and watef system, barn and chicken houae X mile I .toit KLZ&2'Z clear of encumbrance. Box 415. ear of I statesman. HAVE TOU a lot or boose to trade In oa a 4-bedroom home, dear? tzsoe. IS A. FARM Trade for ettr. C H. SANDERS 111 a High ltL For Sale Farms 4-ACRE FARM 1 mi. from La comb. Farm buildings, St acres under cult. Berries, fruit. 12 10. 6t dn, terms. IM Division St, Salem. FARM BARGAINS as ATSve AAVJIAUI Cat Wa VUVIUOItek 1 i Cornera good farming dlsL . House I . A T A TET-h V Aa? PKafMaava At i50T ' I 117 A," located In Polk Co. on good road. 10 miles from Salem. About 100 A. under cult, bat pasture A timber. All tenceo. old Mdgs, price 9 per a. -a gooa ouy. BbK in is jtaksb. Xf. SEE THIS FARM. I . GRABENHORST. JR. I K T a I GRARENHORST A CO.! INIntirPl REALTORS I1 'UllLLt Call G. H. With W. H. .... REALTORS 114 8. Liberty St. Phone 1411. SMALL ACREAGE BARGAINS I A. LOCATED E. OF Satem near 8wegle school. Paved road. 5-room houae, barn, well, price 12000, 100 down. 120 per mo. - X A. located Just off main P. H. 4-room unfin. house with some family fruit, baL under cult, good road, elec. line, good drilled well, price 1150 SIB down sick ncr su. 10 A. located 0 miles from Salem oa good road, elec -line, sreom unfln. house, good drilled welL some timber. rr ...aa. .,ik. J i i . . . . 12200; U00 down A 133 pea mo. tAUU U. or URABEn HOnaT, JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST te CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phon 1411 125 A. WILLAMETTE SOIL. Very I best of bldgs. Running wster. Posees- i hla nit rv tatm I aravas Vine? aaiA. vnjicr lllUBi. -PCIA. TV 1U am atiiaaiicri ji.ti:vj vr uuvev All I I th kcnsShadut- H. C Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1903. Acreage . i ACREAGE 40 A. LOCATED N. E. OF Salem Just off. Eilrarton road. Good road, light line, all ander cult, best ot solL Price 14200. A REAL BUT. I A. located lust off Sllverton road at? 4 corners..-Some family fruit All I under cult, good soil, pared road A light line. Price $1200. Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H, GRABENHORST A CO- REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street Phon 1411 wWWMMWMMWwWMwwwVWaw3 3H ACRES 2 ACRES bearing fil berts. I room modern home, electric water system. A fin location. A good I bay. 400, terms. I acres. 4 room houae. barn. lo - . -i. i . . a . a . , vmnj, nice fvunf vrewn, tn" - lernw. R. A. PORKNER H. T. UEBER 1X51 N. Capitol Phone I0IL I aWWaaWWMyWMMMWMWWWWW XI A. I ML NORTH ot Satem, 4 rax I house, lights, other farm btdgs, all cleared, all yr. creek. IRRIGATION I fUOHT, EXCiltXBINT Sptl fm. i isov aoira. . - - - - I IfUtPV- gfi -"A, A SL A Off A TJTfT-l drJ-.-fr a aiiwaii i lAAiw n a. w a --.aa -.-iA- i . melvin jouxsou, kealtok Salem, BaL easy terms. Now Is the I nne stream across one ena ot prop time to aet that farm you hav been erty. eome fruit. 5 room plastered mitis court stroet Phone I72X. Wanted Real Estate WANTED 4 or 5-rrn. house that can be bought with I S00 cash and, S0 ner month. ' . v F. H WEIR, 810 Ores. Bldg. Ph. I41L Business Crds ta . thla directory 1 em a 'Monthly, basis only. Ralei ft per Hae per aMMth. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 8T8 Sooth Commercial Auto Laundry CARS WASHED. lOe. Slmats cleaned A waied, 12.00. 311 H. Chnreh. Phone 1151. Bierelea ' i aiftem w new , , . sin.-. a I BICTCLBR NEW 0l4 rOCOOoltlOned I '""T W Scott 147 A CaasVP. Chimney Sweep t elepbonb tno a. ac Cbiropraf tors OR, O. U SCOTT. PRC Chliepracm 1U K. High Tet Re 8ltX .- : . l&ravBticg: EXCAVATING OF an klodal Base - 1 meets dog. Dirt ha tiled ee meA Dtrt i foe as la. Salem Baad and Q ravel Wo 1 psona IIIL g, - Florists h-1i,,bi', lit 0m r-iinoa ISS4 or I - .Laundries; THB NEW ' 8Af JUi IAUND3T THE WEIDSR LAUNDRY IU & Ulah Tat tl3t For Sale Used Cart J , HAVE A Good Car T'FOR THE ' . 4th of July You' can J)ependrpTj Any of These No doubt vour car will take care of the down payment . VfixircK 38 DeLus.eXwo-Dr.Sed. Special 41 Series New tires. Has had the heat ox care, ery ,ow : mileage. f - PACKARD 37 DeLuxe Cluh Sedan i Model lZe Has radio and heater. Onlr ix.ae miles. Like new in every respect. . YSLER 37 DeLuxe Royal Touring Sedan Run leea than 10.000 mHea. Haa new tires and overdrive. DODGE 37 DeLuxe Coupe Lota of extra a, such aa radio ana heater, fog lights. PONTIAC 36 DeLuxe Touring Sed. Comolete overhaul. Radio and heater. 0-day guarantee. FORD 37 DeLuxe Sedan , , . Model IS Has radio and heater. 36 Terraplane Coupe 36 Terrarilane DeL. Sedan 35 Terraplane DeL. Cpe. " .' . 4 ronuac uoacn 33 Dodge Coach . 30 MUTant Sedan IS JDOrU iltUCl A Perfect thape. Two-Door Sedan. - MANT OTHERS - we wui oe open in - rouw. i tn :X e-enlngs I thla week. Closed 8UNUAI, aoniui I STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON - PACKARD Hurh at Cberneketa Phon 1(00 Wanted Real Estate I HAVE A cash buyer for a house wtth two bedroom Will not pay over 11750. See Larsen with XLtWJKONS KUBtKlS, lW. Suburban TOUR COUNTRY HOME ; V. ACRES GOOD alfalfa land, a I hnm. . Kara larv. nmvltrv house. Inst off pavement Close to excellent school. thriving community. 4 miles north price 55000. To see this, call Mr. Bart- lett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 Stat Street . Phon 02SL SUBURBAN FINE HOUSE on Garden Road 3 acres on corner good business Ioca- I Uon. Price 1500. WiU accept amall I house tn Salem aa part. see Mrs. fems wttn CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 Stat Street Phone 0211 Business Opportunities APT. HSE. furnish. A leas. P. 7711, BREAD ROUTE for Bale, comml- l. t7 wki- namiMt. in. I ff;.T . . 1 quir ion second St, w. saiem. GOOD OPENING for delicatessen shop. Baaa, rent Box 130. Statesman. FOR LEASE Gomg bualness. rally quipped reataurant and confection ery. : WfO lea. See Lareea with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, -NO. noon novmv e........ I f-T, " -fTT- . " T R. A. FORKNER Ft T. UEBER .1151 Horth Capitol 'Personal LONELYt "WORTH W HI LAT sweet heart, husband. wU for r, Bos J lee. Aageiea -.. , . - ' Director ; Mattresses ' - ft At. EM FLUFF RUG and 'Mattreei raetMT NEW MATTRESS mad -- tc ear. eld remade: carpet eteenma oislng; .tlatt.jrus weaving. 8 llth 8 wllbur - Tel. 1441 OTTO F. ZWICK kr est tut.. ;- --. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbeae 404S Natnropathie Phrsirbn DR. W a ROCKWEI.U Nerorepath M Ph retries. - ITtt Fall ermind Rd fel 4201 Office Honrs It a as toltl FREE EXAM. A CONSULT A TIOM, t Painting - Paprharii&3 WB DO aB klnda palntmg. ItlL . Printing FOR STATIONERY earda namphHrta aeeoiremec eejoas- er any kind f prhvt ma. caa The SAates-tae Prlnnng De Mrtment III 8 Comn-trctat "Tale ohoae till.'. -?..v. Resorts IS HER WOOD COTTAGES. Yaehat M04, view, flah pota and 'Mlt Transfer FOR LOCAL or dUrtant tmnafer. stay. age. burner ofl. call lilt I Jirn franafet Co Trocka to Port .ta ad dan INTERSTATE TRUCK1NQ WasA Oreg. Ph. I2FA Well Drillics R. A. WEST. Rt A li r. tiiFi For Sale Used Cart . OlCd USED CARS 1938 Hudson Terraplane Gunmetal color. This Is' an exceptional car. PRICED eiATC ONLT 1937 Oldsmobile 6:Coupe:..:-......... New. nark green color dual eiralpment and radio. 1938 Chevrolet DeLuze Blue color a rery clean ear. 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe Brown color end Is as clean 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan X. Mars gray deluxe equlpment-i-nin only 1011 mflee by our selves new ear guarnnete retail price .-w Our Price - $795 - 1938 Pontiac 6 Town Sedan . . . Thla car la apotleaa low mileage dual eeutpment. Heater. Priced Now at Only $695 1936 Chevrolet Pickup.;..... , New paint, completely verhauled A T.SOxll tires. AND MANY McKay Chevrolet Go. WALT HOLMAN, JIMMY DAVIS. LAWRENCE FLATHERS XIX CENTER STREET OPEN EVENINGS Used Trucks and Cars Chevrolet truck, i ton I DODGE TRUCK, 1H ton " 50.00 50.00 71.0) FORD V-l, with stake rack 1S&.0I 19SX CHEVROLET TRUCK - with dumo bodv 170.09 i3t diamond t, i-ton 400.001 1125 C-J6 INTERNATIONAL XJ5.00 1 C-X SHORT WHEELBASE I picktjp .. soo.00 a-l long WHEELBASE pickup iso.ti 1131 GMC H4 -TON PANEL, like new Barwala 1 010 CHRYSLER COUPE 05.00 1011 CHEVROLET SEDAN 115.00 Other to Select From.. . . Come tn and Look Them Over , - - , . jamCS Al. XtiauCn KjO. inc. k 217 Stat Street Salem, Oregon I OUR PRICES! ARE LOWER 1936 Buick Sedan Radio. Heater A Elec. Clock. Tnoroughly recond. A paint ed. A Beautiful Glacier blue. 1936 Willys Sedan 1934 WHlys Sedan--- 35 mi. to the gallon. , "1 031 EaseT TeTTanlanft ACIXapioUlC tdDUpe LiOtS Ot 1-Xtras. WILLYS OVERLAND The Car for Most People L. B. HARRIS MOTORS 525 Marion, Cor. High Phone 8686 1037 TERRAPLANE HUDSON Se dan. A-l shape, good trrea. Real buy at '. terms. CENTRAL SERVICE GARAGE Corner Ferry A Liberty - 31 Lafayette Bed, aac XCI N. llth. a.,... 1120 PACKARD sedan, A-l eondl Uon, cheap. 340 & High street XX MODEL B wood truck. Rocky Mt rear end. 1141 S. CapltoL Ph. 511 LI 33 CHEV. CABRIOLET. Must sell Hie.' 1101 Seventh. West Salem. I CHEV. COUPE. 30,100 mL CaU 507-. lit N. summer. CHEAP X4 CHEV. Coach. 2011 Broadway, between 4-0 p. m. Wanted Used Cars GARS WANTED -CASH for light Cars "Hatfield's' USEDCi-RMKT. ,;351;5IJ1k;. WNTD. CHEVROLET 84. 'Xl. 33 3X or "X4. Cask, a tradev Jlw f43t For Sale Wood SUMMER .PRICES. . id ftr II" V onlr S 75 per oord. Order' tot' now later dot rnone 4is. ih-egna run c aanaaaaaaaaawaxaaaaoaaaxaaaai IS-INCH DRY M fir. 4X1 S r. OLD FIR 14.18. 4 ft 14. 1411 BUDGET PLAN fir month to pay first payment ra X day. Oak If. ash. 15.50. knots II 80. Otd. IB.tt tad gwttu. 4 0. W. L Green, Ph. sire. Tare 4ix w, xiar st - t8. f)n CD" BTK- "troij I nn 1 execution lxxued out ff tht , dir It to. WgO. F.Ph. ti38.clrc-,t court of the Suite oi: DRY FIR. aB klnda Ph. 1107. " Na t il IN. old fir. 88 rd. P. 8180 0T47. DRY 10 IN. old fir. I4A0. I Wood Sawing WOOD SAW., Ed Spread: Ph. MXI SAX FRAJCCISCAXS . 1IKKK -EC0TT3 MILLS VUiUng the nag family of the Crooked Fin-' ger district are John Bhelton and Theret Ehelton of Can Francisco, their cousins. For Sale-Used Cart 'A Brougham .f $645 Touring Sedan.i;-l$65p Sport Sedan..:;: ....$695 aa a button. t2l.0 .......$385 MORE PHONE Sill LEGAL NOTICE h'OTICK OF HJCRleF,S SAI3 OF REAL PROPERTY On the lit day rf J sir. 1S3 J. at the hour of It o'clock, A. M. at the West front door, if the court House in Salem, Marion PonntT. Oreeoa. will soil, at .T- iTt-fc tTwrt.- ------- icaaa iae louowinr escrioca rpAi property located in Aiirion , County, Qregon; to-wlt: The East one-bal. of the Northwest one-fourth of Sec tion No. Twentr-eJx (28) In Townxhip No. 7 (7) Sooth of Range No. one (1) East ot the Willamette ICerldlaa In Marlon County and State of Oreson, containing eighty (801 cres of land more or less, according to Corernment Sur rey. Sare ani except land deeded to School DiitrKt No. 81 as shown by deec In Book 102. Page 488 . Re. or of Deeds for Marten County, Ore gon. Alao Except the tight of. way deeded to PV Brooks and RMS. Klelnsorge In Bock 110 of Deeds at Page 10S. Said gale li made und.r execu tion issued out of the Circuit Court of Marion County, state ot Oregon, to me directed in the ease of the State Land Hoard ot the State ot Oregon, Plaintiff Emn 0eder aBl wsrgare. Oeder, his wife, MUlon Knanf and Helen Rnauf. his wife. Rosa tr"- m tin t w a e. Osborne and Marion County. SUte ot Oregon.. A. C. 4JRK. Sheriff for Marion County, state of Oregon. Dy Kenneth I. RandalL Deputy. " ' , : K. M. Paige. Attorney for PlAintiff. J H-IS-'J-JO. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF " SALIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, oa Saturday. July 1 USJ. at 10:00 o'clock la the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marlon county . .. . . -oun nouse . w eaiem. uregon. sen at puoiw aucuoa . la tno) manner proTided by Jaw for the sal of real property on execa- I tloa, the following dejciibed real premises, to-wlt: ; ; The South ' 27.1 . feet of - the North 78.1 feet of the HUurt 118.8 feet of Block I of SL s Elmo Addition to the City of.. Salem. Marion County. Oregon. 1 saui sate wui bo by rtrtne of aa execution issued - out of the Circuit Cornt of - tk State ,of Oregon , tor - Marion . Scanty tn , tiat salt aeretoiore pendlnx therein In which Clt- ot Salem," a municipal corporation, la plain- tin, ana win. r. Dongiats and Jane Doe Douglass, hit wife. Marlon County, a body politic: ' also all otfa-r persons or partiet . unknown claiming Any right, title, ests te. lien or; nterest in the real . property : herein de scribed, are defendants, lite same being Clerk 'i Register No.. 7158 Dated and first published June t. 1838. . . -. a. a bukk ; -Sheriff . ot Morion County, Oregon. -By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. J - I II 23-20. SHKRlKms NOTICM OK 8AIJK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' that 1 will, on Satnrday, July U 1V3J, at 10:00 : ociock ta the forenoon of said day. at the west ; door ot the Marlon Ccun 7 Coart - nouse in SAiem, Oregon, sell at pvblic taction In tj Banner, provided by la w tor th sale ot " real property on execution, the folio viae described real prem-. Lot 4, Block I. and Lot 1. , Block , T, Compton's Addition ' : to the City of SaLmp ; MatIou .C4)8ntrrCt..l.4.,;".. Said sale wUl be by vlrtne ot Oregon' for. Marion County In - that a n 1 1 heretofore pendint , . therein in hlcb aty ot Salem, a municipal corpora Mor, Sa vlaln tiff, and W. B, Peck and ilrlna ; Peck, bit wife, and Marlon County, a body politic, are de- u... iui iiuv wciu m --: Kegister "No. Z74&4. 1 Dated and first published June ; 2. tiJe. ' ' - - " ' A. C. BttRS -Sheriff . ot - Marlon f County." Orexjon. .' By Kennetb - L. - Rau.sU, Deputy. J X-t-ie-28-30.