:1 .,. The OREGON STATESMAN-Satan, 'Oregon, Friday Morning, Jane 30, 1939 I List Rites Today For Lebanon Men Harvey Edwards, Former Businessman, Darius . Kingsbury Called . LEBANON A . Christian Sci ence funeral aervlce ill . be con ducted- Friday at 2 p. m. at the N. C. Lowe mortuary chapel, for Harvey JL. Edwards. : 77. retired business . man of Lebanon, who died Jane 27 following a linger ing, mness. Jit; Edwards - was; - bora : In Westpardy, N, YM . January ; 15 -18S2;.- went to Wisconsin, and later, to Minnesota, where at Morristown, he was married May 26, 188$ to Delia A. Rohl, no preceded him in death. - They came to Oregon in 1912 and Mr. Edwards engaged in the grocery business, retiring in 1935. At one time he owned two stores in Lebanon and - one in Engene; following , his. f retire ment ne onnt .agreennouse on his home lot. ; ... - .-r a Snrvivors include three dangh- fc.ters, v Mrs. Jessie. Fowler.; Leba , noja; ; Mrs. ; Maude governs; Har ris burg; : Mrs. Gladys Workman, Salem; one son, Merton Edwards a -Lebanon- business' man; ten grandchildren -, and one great granacaua ; one brother, V. Ed wards, California.: Dviu Kiazsbnrr LEBANON Parius. Kingsbury a i, progressive., t.a r m e r - and stock raiser died at his home cn route z. June 28. ;He -was born, la St. Lawrence coiinty,-N.-Y.; May 20, 1852; he cape: to ;. Oregon many lyeara ago- from North Dakota and en gaged In farming. - He Is survived by three; daugh ters, Mrs. t Ed r Payne and.- Mrs John, McKnight of. Lebanon and s. :- Myrtle Lewis , and two grandchildren, Gladys and Ray mond Johnson ot Hollywood, tanr. - Funeral services will be con ducted Friday at 9 r. m. at the N. C -Lowe mortuary Chanel Rev, Kllpak of the Presbyterian ehurch officiating:. Burial will follow in Lincoln Memorial . cemetery of Portland . NEW SOX ARRIVES umiu.x HiLiit a ton was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harley bcott at the Salem general hos pital on Wednesday morning This Is their second child and first son. Names Father PAGE FIFTEEN Scio Main Street To Get new Span Construction of $10,500 Bridge Due to Begin - by August 1 SCIO August 1 is the date set - by Linn .county commission ers for beginning constractloa on tne new county f: bridge across Thomas creek on Jiah street la Scio. The structure, to cost $10,500, win replace the pres ent bridge, la use some SO years. A temporary wooden bridge has been constructed by the county two blocks, east of the present bridge. Two months win be required for completion of the bridge. , . - To Repair Well Proposals for cleaning and re perforating the easing of the Scio city well oa the north side are expected to be considered by the council at "a regular meeting Jaly f. The well was drilled. about sis years ago to a depth ot 205 feet, but is believed not to be pro ducing, at capacity. Qooncilmea called for bids last week . for testing sad improvements to the water supply. Preparations are underway to recover tools lost at the bottom of the new well oa the south side. The new wen did not pro duce sufficient water at the 250- foot level when drilling was ter minated; Couneilmen are inves tigating drilling of aa auxiliary well near the site ot the present one oa the north side, - DEPARTING PASTOR FETED LEBANON Mr. an Mr.- Fr A. Sikes ' and Mr. and ' Mrs. P. J, White entertained t Wednesday alght at a pienie dinner oa ; the Sikes lawn as a farewell to Rev. and Mrs. R. A: Spence, who win move to MolallaJ' Mr.- Spence's pastoral, appointment in the re cent conference.- -; ; 'I - c . Adajb 0ES Closes r s INDEPENDENCE Adah chap ter, . OES. ; mat for - the . - last meeting twill next September It. - The regular business of the chapter was followed: by reports ot delegates to grand chapter w;hlch was" held la. Portland two weeks ago. .' Those tiring reports on the Sessions 'and ; banquets L. Van Loan, Mrs. W, C. Wood, Mrs. O. A. Wolverton and ; Mrs. M. J. Butler," who was a guest soloist at one; ot tLe meetings. Phil Schwelzer whose birth day was Monday, was escorted to mmt mm .PiUA.t.il with gift from the chapter by the worthy matron." TRAINING NCRS3 VISITS MEHAMA Miss Arlyn Moe is spending .a week's vacation -at the home of her mother. Mrs. Jennie Moe. Miss Moe has been I attending nurse's school In Port- Eugene Case, 5, of Hillsboro, O.. t looks woebegone after he told police following the slaying of ; Mrs. Jannie Richmond, 46, that -daddy just shot Mrs. Rich mond." "Daddy" Is Frank Case, 49, employed by Mrs. Richmond. : i He was also accused of killing Dan Setty, his father-in-law. Summer Bible School Near Close, Jefferson JEFFERSON Thi vacation Bible school will close -this week end with a program by the chil dren, at the Christian church at 8 o'clock Sunday night. An of fering will be taken to defray expenses of th9- school. -Miss Jaunlta Holt has been helping with the music .la th.. Junior de partment. The. children have been unusually interested . In their work, making the under taking a success. 155 N. Coml. St. Phone 6723 i i I : '..y . 1 - I : r- " -Vs Kj 1 y 'i ERNEST SCOTT C S. 0RWI6 YOU WILL ENJOY SHOPPING AT THIS FRIENDLY MARKET FREE DELIVERY Aa von nass the Tin Too Market, stop and look I Yon will i seo that PRICES ARB GREATLY REDUCED on FRESH VEGETABLES and throughout the store. There is a reason. Our business is increasing so we pass on the price saving to you. SAVE WITHOUT ' SELF ' DENIAL Shop at This Friendly Market. i Vegetable Department TOMATOES "Field 7 Grown- lbs. . CANTALOUPES "Large, 2 Ci Ripe J foreOV v New Local vBEETS, CARROTS, GREEN ON IONS, RADISHES ICc bunches.. . LOCAL PEAS ; Fresh.. (5 lbs. 25c ! . ; SPUDS f New loc. tl A Grown' bs. S9c ' LOCAL CABBAGE Finest-. . ,2C lb. BEANS V Kentucky : . O0n Wonder..3 lbs. CUCUMBERS Outside grown, fey., tee. Yl itir AOS PEACHES Fresh, Ripe : IjV bskt. RASPBERRIES OR YOUNGBERRIES Boxes.. 2SC Grocery Department " . KIUSP1E CRACKERS a lb. box...... 25c CREABI CHEESE : flOc ib. -BURSHL4LLOWS, A'--- j HSc GELATINE DESERT ; I.GA. Assorted Flavors for. 25c Chefs Salad Dressing " or Spread ; - ot. 117c Golden West Coffee Eib.26c3ibs77C OPEN EVENINGS Leave Your Order and Let Us Fin It C. S. Orwicr - MEATS ILSSEB DXEG Note h the Time to Gavo IS fx - BY GETTING YOUR COIJ) STORAGE LER BOXES Hreexo Strawberriea, Vegetable , Fralts ot All W-JjJJj Winter Use. Call U Today for lUtes YonTl Be Snrprtsea : How Inexpensive They Are. - r SPRINO FRYERS," dressed and drawn for pic- Of7v nte dlnDer. Lb . 4- M FIIE COOKED PICNIC for Fonrth ft f of July dinner. Lb. BABBITS FOR FRYING, lb 250 lb.. 11AL& EXt SAUSAGE, lb ii mi-w o i - r Simmiiir r 1 1 Men's Cool - Comfortable MERCHANDISE ECONOmCALLY PRICED K fZ J I I Jr Ladles Knee-Hi F Rayon Hose L The same quality 1 C regularly 10c pair. 4 V Speciall . J !awBMsaisawssasaa J 51x51" Cotton A Rayon Tablecloths Regular 80c quality at a money-saving price. DATflHIG SUPPLIES J . At Economy Price WOMEN'S BATHING SHOES... pr. 29c BATHING CAPS ..5c-10c-19c-29c KIDDIES SUN SUITS 19c ALL WOOL SWIM SUITS for ladies. . 1.19 MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS, BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS. LIFE SAVER TUBES 29c .MenV I SailcxCaps f , Flaln white or k blue sateen caps r with visors. Leather 1 t '' band. 1 Polo Shirts r ' Extra fine quality 1 1 S L rayon shirts at a 1 C low price. SOc value. . 4 11 98 5 l Men's SLACKS Good looking pat terns la lightweight materials. A big bargain. 00 oo StoctiSiag Satimiffdlasr &2i?aMiig K 3 Si. tW Men's s - - m m mm . To wear either Inside or oataide the troosen. 8024 -Chang Fine Siraeljess pkgs. Regular 5e 4048 "Chang Regnlar lOe I711ocBa 5ircEsei?c 4050 EXTRA LOUD " V " H Spkga. L0GI57 (2i?dCxei?o EGirniQnii . 6Bau 10 Ball 15 BaU eog use 2-INCH ORIENTAL, SAILUESS Extra Loud Report EXTRA LARGE P1NVHEEL0 Aoto Domtjc WMsttlias TgQcogo co RUBY AND EMERALD rNtcr wSSnts? 9pCK . - . 2-Inch Silver Flash Special jj qJI (5EaGi?i?sr S2org jsjo. 2 Coi01?cd Fil?0 NO.10 4-OZ. (3 Pearl Grip Handle Antomatic Special NO. 2 VESUVIUS ten; Uomrol Cnoltcs, Gnalxc to ttho Ggpoo ,. e 0. IHKEK 8UOT8 JUMOIl l4WILLG LOUTlllAG , LOXB RAAGER" Oopoottanajj .PiibttpB GUNS 1 Women, ! Farnciclto Several popnlar coU : een to choose from. Sizes 14 to 20. A real valne. sciv K effect Wovcltli7Ci?acExcMf UocaDoro Colcrod Mulatto 5 for TRAPPER" SINGLE SHOT " Complete with S Boxes Sift Single-Shot Caps Special! nepcottinc Cono ii1 fT BOXES 199 . 850 I!f BOg 3C3XC3 -WO HI-HO PKARIj GRIP, r . f- QE?EATn;8 PISTOL Awi B3AVO fiO-SUOT R0?Eii7E:S FETC1" 3- y Repeating "Flash" ; :s 3 , 40x52 "Little Blacks" Regular Se No 81 , fJQ ? Coma In & Sea 1 Onr CnmnUf a T.lnm Priced front 'HScliflaCa I " f IB 136 North . Com m opciol Sirobt SOI! W1. ion: lb