PAG I FOURTEEN Astoriaii Takes Dallas Church Dr. Pemberton to Arrive Thia Week, Succeeding . Rev. John Linn V DALLAS Rer. JoLn L. Linn, pastor of the First. Methodist . church here for the past f oar years, is leaylng Thursday for Hood River where he will as sume the pastorate of the Asbury Methodist --. church v . v r : Townspeople here "regret the leaving of the' Linn family but are , pleased that the Hood River post is an advancement for Rev. Linn. .' W . ''-''' Miss Hester Lias we a Junior In Dallas high ' schocl the past year where she took a prominent part in student activities. A son Lloyd, - graduated -from Dallas high school in 1938 tod has been taking -a " business , course in Portland the past . year. Mary Jane Linn attended v the - Dallas elementary school. . 4 i r , New Pastor Due Soon -i : Dr. Harry Pemberton, pastor of the Astoria Me&odlst church, was' appointed to the Dallas pas torate. ; He and family are ex pected to arrive-here the. latter part of the week. . ' A son-in-law of Dr. Pemberton,' Claire Price, Is the superintend ent of the Falls City schools. DALLAS M. L. S oddard was arrested' recently by Sheriff T. B. Hooker and Deputy - Sheriff W. W. Williams on a charge of pollution of a stream . of . water. The case was herd before Justice of the Peace Charles I uregory ana it is unaersiooa that the plaintiff agreed to pay court costs and damages to the Mulr Tannery. Tte OGON STATESilAlV Salen, Oresca, Friday Kcrcisg, June 2D, 1S33 New Minister to Speak on Sunday SILVERTON Rv. Edward Terry, new pastor of the Metho dist church v at Silverton, will deliver, his "first sermon here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Terry will arrive the last of the week from h.' : former pastorate at North Rend. He has a wife and child of two years. Sunday school will open at 1:45 a. m. Epworth League will be held at 7 o clock and eve alng services at 8 o'clock. , Rev. D. Lester Fields and Mrs. Fields, who have been-here four years, will move to Lebanon Monday.' Rev. Fields will de liver the sermon at the Lebanon church Sunday morning. Fox, Mink Raisers To Join in Picnic JEFFERSOX About - 30 mem bera of the Salem unit, of the Mink Breeders' association met , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee. It was decided to hold a Joint picnic with the Fox Breeders' association at Ha- sel Green, July 9. Mrs. Biers of Eugene, . state secretary of the Orsgon Fox and Mink Breeders' association, told of meetings she had attended. Mr. Kleitzer, of the experiment fox .and mink ' farm at Corvallls, gave an' interesting talk; Eugene Finlay and Mr. Holmes of Asto ria were other speakers. KXD WESTERN TRIP LEBANON Mrs. Dell Wilson of Rock Hill and , Mrs. Beryl Wil son of Brownsville Lave returned from a : trip that ti ok them through Twin Falls and Hager- man, idano, and eastern Oreron points. They also visited Yellow stone park and other places of interest in Wyoming. Royal Reunion After Long Trip' v V . ' x i - I " ' ' V - -' i h J , ,v V fi ill I'-i'iiiim II - nilBi II li ll Mf". fi n dl Ti i niv fv This picture sent from London to New lork by cable shows Queen Elizabeth (center foreground) talking with Ambassador Joseph r, Kennedy (right) as she and King George returned amid tumult ous welcome from their Journey to the sew world. Princess Eliza beth is at lower left. In background, King George talks with Prime Minister Chamberlain. t Lacomb Llders Hold Reunion Turniclge Home Is Scene of Meeting of Former ' School Partners : LEBANON The farm home of Elder John Tnrnldge of Lacomb waa : the scene Sunday , of a anion and reception of those the community who have passed three score and ten yean and for Mr. Turnldge's i ;hoolmates of SS years ago. A banquet was provided at noon.' . . An informal program was held ptS ' the lawn ' tn the after not n, an Interesting : part being the reminiscences : of the elderly people, The .host's brother, W. J, Turnldge, . ot. Sclo . described - the early history of Lacomb to which he gave the name and 'where he kept the first, store in the com the postolflci f iheltowtt. ww known, as Fern Ridge. . Oldest Residents Absent The oldest " residents of the community, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Inge, 92 and S5. were kept away by Illness but were noted among the honor guests. . Among the elder people pres ent were Mrs. Matilda Shell. S3, and F. B. Powell, grandson of the pioneer minister, Joab Pow ell, Si. Those or 70 or more in cluded Mr. and Mrs. C L. Raines,' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs, J a m e 4 Pound, Mr.' and U t a V W. J. Tnrnldge, : Mrs. and Mrs. J. E. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. 7 J. G. Cur ran, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bird, Mrs.' Irene Deyerle, Mrs. Corde- ua Edwards, Mrs. Martha Pur cell and James Nave.. t Schoolmates present 'were L. S." Clark, J. W. Cox. Theodosla Harden and their - families. ' munity. Previons to his naming Schmidt," NORTH DAKOTA17S DEPART LEBANON Mr. and Mra. Will Schmidt have returned to their home In '.North Dakota after a visit with his brother, Alex Coos Bay Pirates To Attend Fiesta Marehfield Crew to Give Nautical Touch to Redhead Round-Up TAFT. ; Ore. (Special) A nautical theme will . be Intro duced Into the Redhead Round Up, scheduled tor August S and , at Taf t, when the Coos . Bay Pirates, . of . Marshfield, . bring their leader, : Chief Sknll M'Netl. to the coast resort to act in the capacity of "Eric the . Bed, ruler of Titlania, who, together with the redhead queen and her court will preside during the round-up. The motley group, in full re galia, will accompany the newly appointed "Red King." who, in private life is V. A. McNelL Last year's monarch, Marvin Head- rick, Salem, , will be on hand to rive pointers on how a nangr should behave when surrounded by a bevy of beautiful coppery- tressed damsels. - - ' Salem' Girl Enters Among 'EricV many duties Is the - selecting' i Redhead Round-Up bathing beauty Judges. Coppery-topped - Nina Fahey,' of Salem, 1938 champbn, la again out . to' compete ; for sweepstake honors and the wo Id's fair trip which Is presented to the winner of the, bathing beaut y classic Any redheaded miss is eligible to compete. : Portland . area ; offices for the Red Head Rot nd-Up are at. . S. E. Alder St,, " where entry blanks . may be obtained. - V .The-, royal court' : contest : ia now under way, with a number of titlan-haired -young ladies, ages 16. to 26,' announcing their candidacy for nneen.- The a.ueeu will . also be-given an expense- free trip to the Golden Gate ex position, with the runner-up or cron princess being" presented 1 with a' diamond ring. In addition. beautiful gowns will be given the queen and the. princesses, Kathleen McCrae In Jackson Post MONMOUTH Miss ' : -athleeu' McCrae,v daughter of Mr .and Mrs. William "McCrae; who grad uated this summer from Oregon. State college, has been assigned home demonstration . work in Jackson - county. ' Miss McCrae was graduated 'from ' high school herer and ; from Oregon Normal school. '"-: :' " 't't ' " "S?::: : " Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Cole of Albany, who formerly resided here for 20 years,' are taking a long vacation trtf to' Bowling Green, Ky., where their daugh ter. Dr. Mary I. Cole, is an in structor In a teachers' college - TO OKLAHOS1A SCOTTS M ILLS Elinor and Eunice Clum left last week for, Oklahoma City to Tisit their fa ther, P. H. Clum. a.,Sa?-te Fe railway employe. They will re turn with him In July when he I on vacation. : :' -: Past leaders of Auxiliary Gather SILVERTON The American Legion auxiliary will not hold its regular meeting Monday night due to the holiday s ason. The date for the meeting has not been set. 1 Past Presidents' club members motored .to Philomath Wednes day and spent the day with one of their members, Mrs., James A. Scarth who is now living there. Auxiliary members attending the luncheon at Salem in honor of the national president, Mrs. James Morris, were Mrs. A. C. Barber, Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. C. Dickerson, Mrs. Ernest Starr, Mrs. Carl Haugen, Mrs. Linn Schields, Mrs. Glenn Price, Mrs. Sam Lorenzen, Mrs. A. J. Titus and Mrs. C. M. Wray. Ice Cream Social To Be Held Friday At Labish Center LABISH CENTER The En- deavorers will hold a neighbor hood ice cream social Friday eight at the schoolbouse begin ning at 7:30. A varied program has been arranged at 3:15, to be followed by Chinese checkers and dominoes. The public is invited. . The Ladies' Aid will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. E. Boehm. Raymond Bibby has been at the national guard -encampment the : past two weeks. He is a member of the Woodburn unit. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe enjoyed a coast outing early this week. Scio Names Head Of SchoolBbard SCIO Mrs. Fannie Branson retires this week a noble grand of the Rebekaa lodge here. She will be succeeded by Mrs. .Vincie Rosprafka, who Is to be installed July 5. Mrs. Holla Shelton was chosen chairman of the Scio. school board at a recent meeting of the board, ' succeeding F. G. Cary. Other board membe" is Kenneth McDonald. Mrs. Mylo Bartu is clerk. The chairma.i. was au thorized to complete negotiations for lots adjoining' the school grounds on the east. Plans made for the new school year, opening September 11 in clude window shades in the new h i g h school building and the grounds to be improved. A severe cut on the right hand suffered at the Holechek mar ket, has incapacitated I Fott for time. Hears Better now PORTLAND, June 29-UP)-Phy sicians at a Portland hospital probed an ear of Mrs. W. E. Smith, Portland, today when she claimed ofsevere aches, and ex tracted a large moth. Fight Thrills Fatal MITCHELL, Neb., . no 29-GP) -Alter listening to the Joe Louis Tony Galento fight returns John M. Chlrrlck, 72, western Nebraa ka pioneer, slumped tj the floor and died a few minutes later. (S BLdCH'S GOLDEN RULE STORE'S (gILOTEl if 85 Prs. Kedettes , Close-Onta Values to 1.08 69c 83 Prs. - Men' 2ft Prs. Boys Wash Slacks t'k 09c ' 17 Prs.- Boys'jGrey: FLANNELS To 2.08 NOW;- 01.98 : 97 Ladies' Wash Frocks To 4.08 Now 01.00 C TOx80 Part Wool BLANKETS f ?01.30 Ladles'. ' Lastex . SWIM SUITS Sf 01.20! i Missy Lastex SWIUSUITS: Qivis r Boys' Lastex" SVITJ TRUNKS .assy, SLACKS Befi. OSe 'New Ladies' it itmn nim mirrn ne iiAui sun auua nu3 LADIES FARI.IERETTES Now w f See Our DOLLAR . Pase 2D'i; Ladies' . , Slack Shlrtsh.: : Ladies Pore Silk KneelH nose now. tBSBBBBMBSSMHSBSSSSBSSMBSBiaMSlBnsBBMBBM : Unionvale Rushes Salvage of Peas UNIONVALEU-Harvesting peas for . canning at the Woodburn Ray-Maling plant has been in order cn some of the farms here for several weeks. The wife oi one grower reported Tuesday that the family arose at 4:30 a. m. ana naa not slackened a fast pace until 10:30 each night. At one time the first of the week 10 families were in the field to salvage the wasted good peas and everything excepting vacuum sweeper had been re sorted to in order to prevent the loss. Some growers are feeding the residue from the viner to live stock or filling silos with it. Willamina School Directors Chosen WILLAMINA At the union high school election held at the school gym Monday, the follow ing directors were elected: Frank Papstein, H. A. Stuart, Ralph Uglow, Carl Wise and R. Y. Neely. Scout Master Vernon Huddle- ston and the Boy Scouts of Willamina. spent Monday- night at their cabin camp. Those going were Clifton Huddleston, Curtis and Kerney Benefiel, Robert Tomlinson, Paul and Bernhard Franklin. Glenn Larkins, jr., and Jack Shetterly. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Drill on Wednesday, June 21, a 74 pound boy at the McMtnn- ville hospital, named Larry Allan. Gyllie's Gulch Is Open; Near Falls SILVERTON GyllU's V Gulch, an go-acre playground , a. half "mile east of the stain entrance to the Silver Creek Falls park la opening this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gyllenberg own and manage the place. . J In former years the ranch was a mlllslte. Mr. Gyllenberg has converted some of the f mill work-1 era' cottages into modern tour ist cabins and is. renting these. The, Gulch offers, horseback rid ing, fishing," hike and rest. Kiwanis Head Ladies' 1.23 Larkwcc J Hose (irresrtilars CLOCUS Clcm, Ore. 220 to 23 N. liberty Cennett O. Eaudsoa j For the past year vice president' of Kiwanis International, Bennett a Knudson, of Albert Lea, Ulna has been elected president of the . organization for 1939-401 , .Knud ion la a lawyer MARION ST. COURT ST. KINGWOOD Some time you will start buying foods at these markets this being the first of the month makes it and ideal time to start. A family of four people should make a saving of from 5.00 to $10.00 per month. We're sure a month's trial will convince you of this saving-Biisicks. BASBtf ' MTK3'T Featuring an exceptionally nice assort ment of cakes, pies, pastry and rolls In addition Golden Crust Bread. Especi ally nice for your holiday trips is our delicious Lady Baltimore Calces Darh Chocolate Cahes With White Fudge Frosting 2g w Angel Food Cakes, 20c and 39c Delicious Youngberry Pies, 25c Pineapple, fresh Cherry and Apple pies also 25c Picnic Bans 15c Round, also long Ones, dozen Danish Slices Butter Horns, Bear Claws Freshly Baked Two for 25c Snow Flake Sodas Sunshine Krispies 2 pig. ; . ... 22c Sunshine Hyde Park Assorted Cookies 22C 25c Pkg Large assortment of Cookies, dozen................ Golden Crust Bread, large unsliced .....lOC Small unsliced.. . fjQ Large sliced regular or Sandwich loaf 1 2.C FMETS and CUCUCIDERS S gsff Qs RIPE TOriATOES 2 lb. basket HQ A new Item from Our KMT DEPT. this week is fresh sweet Piclded Let? &t fmh or Whole, Per lb.. . Freshly Cured SDQQO (J The Tender Kind, t or Whole Ham. Medium Size. Well bake one of these hams and deliver it to yon for . 10c 5i?GOBiniGi?sr Nucoa lbs. 35c Spry ; Shortening 3 Ican !7flS.C " Rinso Beg.. Size Pkg. ICc ' Pare Cone : Pork & Beans - Z. 3 f.r 25c Large Cans : Newly made -, Corn Beef -no: parboiling necessary , YouTl like this fresh Corn Beef. No fat, gristle or bone, per lb.' ' aG4 Miracle ' Whip Salad Dressing 2?c Quart Tiffany Salad Dressing .Quarts use : Kitchen" Queen " . j . . - " i - ' - '" "' " i. Fishers Blend - "Flour - ; Localbi ' GREET! PEAS i 1 l.'nn OS IJEIV POTATOES No.JNew ; .go nfro'aQ3 " Imperial Valley . Jnnbd:Caiitaloap PlaEres Regular Size Package ; v B Grade Per lb Old Golden V ' ' . n .- 7 r Mellow Blend ' 'SLbs-i.. 35c 3 . Kelloggs! Shredded Wheat .25 Pkgs ft V Golden West Coffee A lb. cans.; . . , . . ; . 23c Cirio 19c Fresh French: Fried V 10c size 3 for 25 6c Size6-for 2C