The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1939, Page 13, Image 13

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    " , ' ... i , xz. JtVTf.rH
Ham jkealcs in
The tantalizing odor ot browned
ham steaks is appetlte-provoklng
at any season of the year and now
that modern methods ot smoking
have cat the cooking time away
down . ham . becomes a summer
- meat. . . -v'-; : , '.-
One-half inch slices of . tender
bam may be; broiled or pan
"broiled onlil well browned, then
tamed and cooked slowly until
done, about '15 minutes.
One-inch slices may be pan
browned, coTered and braised by
adding a small auantilv of tr
for -30 minutes ,per pound.. fiT
we oraisins.jnajL oe aone in a
slow oven with a little water A v
u canning pook
Mrs.- Calhoun will prepare a
standlnr prime rib of beef by
the practical new. slow cooking
Lace Gloves Shaken
To Launder
When the saleswoman assured
r : ',.- , . - i ' 1.
Mi IK Rritlnrtnn ' .... 1 ' , TOU that hr fltmav InnVlns 1...
wb . kuvwa - " vv
tnronghout the " northwest as Cloves an waahabiA t.v. - v..
Prudence ' Pftnnt." -t wntu.
daily column for the Seattle Post
InteUlgencer for 13 : years. . She
was one of the pioneers in home
economics radio programs, " and
gave a dally broadcast for oyer
10 years.: . i ;; z'
Of special interest in this com
munity is 4 tbe fact : that Miss
m yaicuu una grana
word for It and try this new way
oi.wasning mem. Put the gloves
In a milk botUe with lukewarm
suds and shake the bottle welL
Work little ot the mild soap
flakes into the stubborn spots
with your fingers before putting
the gloves in the bottle.
?KS rdeat ? this on the property that is now the
a he ndd"ISl,- TWCA- Her Nellie Ren
ter of Alfred Mcarham, .once lngton. . came frequently to the
WnO. lived With nfft - fftftltlv hAM HnmAn.tftl T -.
: mm-vm wvwviiOiiaitUUI, v , f -
In?:?aIIfevK Social Realm
fruit, or. sllcesot .pineapple savi j . . ' .' ! ' "
be used oyer the hnr slice. Orange iBrr9j..J: j MONMOUTH Mrs. Guy Dera
marmalade, peach preserves, rhu?; :mjmea, national- president 'of toe ' hg was. hostess Wednesday to
barb conserve, strawberry JamTjor ,utWran Daughters of the Refer- :thB ThlmM dub. The business
apple butter are othet glares to tiOI. wiU W honored at. . t session centered about plans for
use." 4 - . .. wju b nonoret at-a tea booth of exhibit displays the
The table-ready' hams Vow on r t;Tllt' church from Sf club will enter at the Polk county
the market shorten eren more the to Miss "patience Moberg, rice t1 in September. Present were:
cooking periods. It aliees ot one President of the local group Is Mr- Cd Uamar. Mrs. R. E. Derby,
l oc.'tne cooked '- bone-in or boned "ai oosvbm in the absence of Mn - . price, Mrs. W. U Ma-
1 .hams are used, half-inch slices th president. Miss Eunice fnhr. n Mrs. J. T. Moreland. Mrs.
are ready to serre when browned, Vernice Tollefsrud is chairman of Charles Shipley, Mrs. William
TB rhltt nanall la In aknit Im th BrDrrTn Fnmmtttoa Vt Riddell. Vra A U Crawm U
,'. " .B..llj .M WWW, M9 Wi ' .. wi ., 4EifVAU F u,a-
six minutes. Inch slices need time Torrend refreshment chairman. E- M. Ebbert, Mrs. J. C Stanton,
to . brown ' and to heat - through MI" Rnth Thompson, general and th hostess, all or Monmouth,
(IS to 20 minutes). . r chairman... and Mrs. F. ELMurdoek. Albany,
. FRUITED BRAISED HAM " V 0tner Siesta of the local order Mrs- Frances Saunders, Portland.
" SLICES v vwUl ba Mrs. Ralph Bedding of fT
'Brown a -inch slice of ten- ;Oresham, district president, and JEPPERSON--Mr. and Mrs. D.
der ham on both sides. Cover with members of the Woodburn, Canby, w- Porter entertained with, a din
1 cup crushed pineapple, peaches, Monitor and Portland LOR groups. ner Thursday at their home two
or apricots. Add cup water. :.. Mothers of the local group will mUes southwest of here. CoTers
Cover and simmer slowly about lso he special guests. were placed for Mr. and Mrs: Bay
la minutes. . Remove the cover. Bostwlck. Miss Catherine Beigh-
Sprinkle with spice - flavored nvy rtT . L Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter,
brown or white sugar. Senre oa ,. Sllv? . r Woma 1 clnb and Lota Porter. M. MJnnla
hot platter with buttered green :-" St?1 tnef it entertainment Bostwick and Miss Catherine
vegetable. ?i Ji schoolhoaae Belch tel left Sunday tor a Tlsit
A HAM BOILER COMBINATION .I-?"0 VT? ? to de In Tacoma and MonUna before
Place -Inch slices ot Ublo- ?J,."?!D!ff th A4rt clnb l6 'or their borne In Holtea,
ready ham. on broiler rack. Ar- 51! by. teacher K- Mr. and Mrs. Bostwlck ae-
r a n r e halved fresh apricots. I ""r- companiea them to Portland.
peaches, or slices of green apples
around IL Sorlnkle with surar.
Buttered ' fresh mushroom caps
may be used, too. In the broiler
pan place fresh cooked lima beans,
ness. or rreen beans. Broil with
top of ham about 3 inches from
inorrA of heat in a hot broilinr
oven. Turn ham to brown. The
time required will be about 10
Fresh Fruit Fare Is
Often Varied
"Most families stick by the!.
favorite, biscuit type -shortcake,
bat an' occasional variance will
not be unanpreciated. Here ie
one that makes for - variety In
the shortcake fare. " and : can be
used with ; peaches and apricots
as well as nernes. - .
; 2 cups, sifted flour.. . -: .
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt " f " t
1 tablespoon . sugar '
4 tablespoons shortening
2 eggs V ' '"
Vi cup orange Juice
V, teasnoon lemin. extract
Sift flour, baking powder.' salt
ind suear together, cut i- saorwi
ening. Beat , Uwhrte -egk td
egg yolkj reWftagVl5 wiitcfor
the top Ada orange juice ana
ritrnrlnr tor beaten ercsand add
all to dry Ingredients. Stir only
enough.: to make dough' hold to
gether. Turn : out n 1 1 g n 1 1 y
Uoured board ' and knead a halt
ml nn to Roll ont' XL Inch thick
Cut. Brush . tops Srlth white of
tig and T sprinkle"- with sugaf.
3ake on ungreased baking sheet
n moderately hot oven (425 de
grees) 12 to 15 minutes, xieia:
10 to 1J individual shortcakes
Split hot shortcakes, butter and
rill with crashed sweetened fruit.
Replace top and r-ur strawber
ries over top, serve wltn wnippea
A ring ' mold adds more vari
ety to the fresh fruit fare.
H cup shorteninj '
1 cup sugar
1 egg . -
2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
M4 teaspoon salt ,
1 teaspoon flavoring
" 1 ran milk
' V' Cream shortening' and sugar
until . fluffy and ngni. aqo egg
and beat well. Sift flour, baking
powder and salt together. Add
flour and milk alternately to the
. creamed mixture. Add flavoring.
Pour into a greased - ring mold
and bake 40 minites In a mod
ratel v hot oven (375 degrees ) .
Serve filled with sweetened,
chilled fruit and whipped cream.
Canning Expert at
Gas Company -
r- A demonstration 'particularly
time! durinr this, the early part
of the canning season. . is being
given today at o'clock In the
Portland Raa and Coke company
office by Miss Bernlce Redlngton,
' , tinma wanomut : lOr - Uv 1 Mil,
irvnft Jtr Mmninr.
Assisting ; Miss Redlngton will
be Mrs. Rita Calhoun, director of
home service for the portiana
r.aa ; and : Coke company. Miss
Redinrton nlana to make the
sensational gumdrop Jam that ln
1 eludes apricots, the scalded straw
ik berry preserves which appeared
retentlv in these columns, a
rhntna and oau canned in
pressure cooker. AU women
-oave rmst
Famous u
"Aero-Pak" ; j
wAir-Lite" - : )
' . - I . Mil
i '
Miller's Basement
. "V,
v- ... . .
. i ' tiernice aeainKwn, ciuius w
pert, who will give a free demon
stration at. the Gas company today
300 Pairs of Hand-Woven
White with trims.
Mens Oxfords
In black and white, tan and white. Pr.
House Slippers
Reg. $1.75 values.
2 for
: House Coats
, Sizes 14 to 20.
Women's .
Rayon Slips . 2 for
Tit I '
women s
Rayon Frocks
One lo.your choice.
White Outing,
lOyck 1
Canvas Gloves
(Seconds) 10 Pairs for
, aBMSSa-B , . lM ,,,,
Men's ... ,
Work Shirts : 3 for 1
aafaasj ajanB),,
Chiffons Reg. $1
2 Prs. for
White Straws, Felts, Fabrics
2nd Floor . Choice
Blouses, Knit Frocks, Skirts
Table of Close-Oats! 2nd Floor - Choice
Silks, Woolens, Rayons, etc.
1 to 3-Yard Lengths ! Choice
Play Suits
Culottes, Overalls, Slack Sweaters
Odd Lot to Close Ont! Choice
Blue, Black, White. Broken Sizes.
Values to $5.00. Main Floor. Choice
& Towels
Cannon Bath Towels, Green, Blue, Peach, Gold
Reg. 39c Quality. 21x40 Plaids.
4 for
K Towels
Cannon Bath Towels
White with Colored Stripe Borders
5 for '
Framed Etchings and Florals. White and
Bronze Frames. Values to $3.00. Choice
Crepes, Spun Rayons, Shantungs, Prints, etc.
Reg. $1.00 Yd. A Close-Out!
2 yds: for
White Wool Coatings. Reg. $2.00 Yd.
To Close Out. Per Yd.
All-over Lace for Dressy Frocks
Reg. $1.00 Yd.
Smart Organdies, Sheer Prints. Coverall and
Half Apron Styles Notions Dept.
2 for J
Hemmed, Bleached, Large Size. "1 1 frt 5
Notions Dent. 11 1U1
: .
Prints, Sheers, etc. Sizes 3 to 14 Yrs,
Reg. to $1.98
Great Variety of
Better Qualities
6 Pairs ?f
Collars .
Boys', Weil-Known Brand, "Kaynee
Pajamas, Nearly All Sizes.
i V V - -i
- s
Men's Holeproof, Reg. 50c Quality.
Close-Outs. Light Summer Shades.!
4 Pairs for 8
& Waidrobe
IS iOnly 4 to dose Out! Holds ! - YA
4 : 6 Garments for Travclinsr. -r - V
, Many
jT? . S ! '
All Charge Purchases ;
Today Go oh July Bill
Payable Aug. 1st .
' . T
at 2 o'clock.
f hiiiii 7 l--BaaaBaWl,eJSaBaaaa ' " " '
r - ' - - - '
J tSaW BS '-f . - ..:(