f .: . .i TLe CIUZCCIJ CTATTCLIAN, Cako, Orcsca,1 PrUIay tlornLa. vJuae S3, rf? ffetzef 7s Hostessfor' Luncheon CLUB CALEtJUAffrV-; ' . Friday, Juno SO r 7 h. V raft meet at If arion Sanar . t ; s;so p.m; .-'.....svi'ioi .SIMS r s Menix o o lSalem GoltClub Scene hi Play " Saturday, Jan 2 I TO eborua, with Mr." Maa Alby. 10 I : N Tr t b C0ttag street. 7:10' j"an. v. ' ?- s - l Snecial meetlnr. American La-' w" 3 - . John Beltxel, -who hat recently .fan Auxiliary,; p.m ,Fraternal.v " sociiJ afternoon aid ve moTed t to Salem to realde. As- temple. Elect. convention, dele- WM at' the Salem Gall bwteae ;Mr. .ante..,: j club Wednesday with 7a number, ,HeltxeK.nd Mra. "John . : - , of young goUer and their hns- ; . i ' . . . . . xssvx. - r -.bands enjoying the affair, .? - .Summer flowew provided '.the . , . - ' '" .. "i nA aTri decorative v note tnd , (tie , afterw ; , -i f knaW r if" inTthn afternoon Mrs. James G. HelUel presided at a smartly arranged 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon at th Charles ' Heltzel home on EOBtb Hlh street. ' The affair complimented Mrs. W B. Barratt, mother' of Mra. MAX INK BUREN IFompn't Editor- eacb repreaentlnf food laid work n the part of the committee and ( other dab memoer. . . .:, Several dances bought to good t -J A eoi4 platter ' will be proceed, a fashion brlda wa an eOQrse. the lafor and were, joined later by their husbands a' plcnle dinner was ld : at the . cWdboul -' ltMl.' Ifw. m.viA IfM - V i iKenBetti Pott, ;iJraxid Mir.- U, P tOuitaTapn. DrjLad-Mrfc llaiv - f eld Ollnxer. Urv and Mra Glenn 'i. Btarena MrT and Mrs. Cretshton noon , hoars were - spent W " A: Barratt. Mrs. Ruaself Cat- .f m& lis,. n.; lout oinsniii., v, i v U. snrpieyi jirs. - iiomer . ucruiei. ; sr... Mrs. lal. Patton. Mrs.' Homer II. Smithy sr.r Mrs. GeoH '5- man, Mra,. weni ,a. .cornoien .,vr ; r. . v t j0Bea, Uf. and jMt:- Al Petre, Mra, ,mBry W. Meyer,, M"rt; rxv ; r Ur ,'ndlra. gphh.SUrr.-Mr! illel.cSr il JT 2le. Wo M Mrs. J.me,H.U,e,,Vv , w -V- :..;.; V ttbronai Tuesday Inclaslre. JgS' Z AimiwrwrlM An. " ' for Sahday afternoon from to S.Mi.riJfii .2 AVr!f8 T? ; - tf.wbe SlWerton day will bo oW StSlam OhscrVCd- -- - wrred.. The board ft-director. ; MH"01 Jy. 1 . - ; , - wUlbealbometorealdenJo8fl-. ' V. - tt Vi Mrs. Roy Shaw and Mrs. Fred Terton and the "public 1 Invite, i, : WCA Camp ll Held at Le'Baudour shared hostess Ion- : - ; T " - ? ''"c:ljL li-A- ore at the Xormera home Sunday J . ; " r ' SlVer U"CCk Area i; lxLSSAS'ii' Beechler Married V tbe Salem WcAlhid th. ff.1bBweedd1n7a2 To Portland Maid V : gJSj? 0bs?eS nlrersariea and those of Mr. and v . I 5t7onS t0J Mrs. Darld Chllles and Mr. and A wedding of Interest to Salem JgSSL " oS Vamhl Mr. Milton Stewards folk Is that ot Miss Martha A. Mo ?jeumyat!??: At the dinner hour the Uble Call, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J.; f d " SS?m. k.r wa. centered -wlth yellow "' buda in -a crystal holder and a George Beechler. son or Mrs. a YWCA program director and large cake holding tbrldal con-X. Beechler of 1 Salem. Wwju. Mr Smltn phyBlcal . dlrec ple. Placea were marked for Mr. solemnised Wednesday afternoon tor the TMCA as camn man and Mra. H. L. Taylor of McMinn- at 4 o'clock In the chapel of the JJL01 lne xl'A' M camp man Tille, Mr. and Mrs. DaTid .ChUles, Westminster Presbyterian chnrch Th vorld' fair theme was Mr. and Mr. MUton Steward. Miss In Portland. Dr. Perry C. Hopper adopted for-the camp , and the 1 Ima; Toney,' Mr. Lawrence Shaw, 5 read the serrice before memhera'Uiree unita selected the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Fred L.e Eaudour and or r tne rwo iaminea ana ciose n,r countries: Hillside unit. ! -i. : w,- f r .-,,., ' Ssol- fix mi ,? l ft ' Women's Clubs Serve: Their Community By MAXINB BDRKN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw. Pattern dtdt I It I Kml ( 17 friends. "Switzerland? THrkle Fll unit. ' .Mrs. George Monger, a cousin of ' Russia; and Bear Creek nnit, the bride, sang "At Dawning" and Mexico. Mr. Homer Siegfried played the For handicraft" the girls are organ. The altar was' banked with making memory books of bright pink gladioli, delphinium and colored prints. When these . are snapdragons. : finished the girls will hare the The bride; who was given away following crafts f rum which to in marriage by her father, wore a choose: paper pottery, clay pot dustry rose silk Jacket ensemble tery, woodwork, mirror painting with white accessories and cor- ana rope oeus. sage of white boubardla and lilies- Interest groups for the young- PrewittS Celebrate of-the-Talley. : . r srl include folk .dancing, toy T Miss Vera Beechler, sister of the Tmphony and first aid; and for Anniversary groom, was maid oi Conor ana v-u..., "The main reason I mfov fjirla n much la because of the carefree tribute, purchased orer a hun- . feeling I get when fenders crumple!" dred dollars worth of glasses for children in the blind school, For that matter; there a carefree Insouciance to both ot these frocks, bought gallon of eodliver oil for Sawtooth edging run down the' front and around the neckline of ; them and furnished their blind the dusty pink linen Jacket, worn with a nary blue dress. The picque : protege with shoe and- gifts. The bolero (our artist almost threw us by spelling it "P. K.") tops a club gare $25 to the Children's black and white checked gingham dress with smartly flared skirt Farm home, gar liberally to the And gingham Is repeated on the wide rerers to tie the ensemble to- ' art center, to ' the Doernbecher aai Ktennad . un the Income al most a hundred dollars, and a car-, nlral brourht In S2S mora. Not content to do their part by work alone the group increased dues, half xf which la to go Into the phllatttnrople fnnd. . All this was accomplished dur lng the past year nader the pres Mmm af Miss - Irene Windsor. Thm "Mm ' of a enmrnnnitT Terr Mrt TaTa metirltr Will be diree- ttach depends on the acUrlty of ted by Mls V9 iT. -iwnnw wrki rr if an av " M toir to one of oTen great . Ha women'a gronpa, for.lt S an ac-. w jaeeeaa for the Salem Junior cepted fai hen money ?! womeo lb and this community- Beaded for a ciric project which It serres. women had better ret at it or tno ' tniag wiiX narer b seaUsed. - 4 Thera are many actlte women s .organization : in Salem; and'be iongint tosoch a clublsn't merely a , matter; of. attending: meetings, eating ; refreahment and , going I home, It mean good hard . labor on ''the ; rockpile ' of community . serrtca for those- who - make the ''club a eeaav-'sv. . 'r; .h;. Eren - behind . the social. actlTl- ; ties of moat organiaatlona lies .a serrice . to the community,, or to prirate indhridnal who need f l- nanclal or social assistance. I Take the Salem Junior. Women's : club ;' for instance made up Of 'young women who will some day be - actlre - workera In the senior club. This group-was organised in . late 1134 and today numbers 78 ' married and business women un , der SS year of age. Each year this group giTes ser , era! dances, the money going into : a fund which win ultimately be : used for a major project. Other mora . Immediate philanthropic work has been accomplished through use. of funds gained in 'other way. r - Daring the year the club gare f 10 to the American Foundation for the Blind for the Helen Keller 1 - " COLD PLATTER ' Peas to tomatoes mayonnaise " t garnish Kippered salmon " '. ,' Potato chips Pickled beet slices ' Hot cornbread sticks . Blackberry cobbler ' Jlof lemon ce : '-' Additional Food . . . oh Page 13.;- : gether. wore a nary -blue silk frock with matching accessories and corsage of talisman roses. and tlon. special , swimming . instruc- , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prewitt cele brated their 25 th wedding anni- Sports In Afternoon . - Tersary at their home on North ... . vm. hospital for crippled children and sent two girls, to the recreational camp last summer. ' The imposing philanthropic pro gram accomplished by . this eom paratlrely small, young organiza- Mrs. Vernon Bain was hostess tlon was accomplished by projects for a delightful Informal party. Mrs. Bain Entertains Visitor Thursday -. . - - 1 -i ? r" ! i f 1 AlI.COHDITIOHW,-, f I - .dWrdining chair , IJVCv ' coaches or haadsom , ; I - yj7r ' i " I ' slecptag ears of the f wmj I - I ;-AJMCPWl,-." - I I LIMITED ' I I ; ".ESCAPE noise, dust, heat anV ; X traffic hazards on your trip East. ." Laariet af Koctnam Pacific duiing can and Obsanratien-anb can ate right at hand -coortaous, friendly train employees ready 1 m to stttnd your erery need. s - , Hete travel and aight in g-mora com- 1 fact for Urn money than erer before. I I Sae thrilling YELLOWSTONE PABJC en I I the nayi go in throngk ks.maia entrance, I I Gardmer; trare by famotM Red Lodge High- I 1 way or Cody. No ethar national pack can . I Tt , ft each a rsrMty er inch acopc of vacation f XkTenlocal agent for all the mtecestiag ISf JxA. detaila,acwrit IJlf JL I H. C SMfTtL Cental Agenc VJ 707 American tank tldg . SlR errlead. Of S w .P,n nT tional -with therfollowing sports :.nd Mr. Prewitt were married In West Snperior atreet in compU- Wash!, was best man for .Beechler.- : .T-' To Reside in Lebanon heading the 1 1st : archery .and hiking. swimming, Kansas City, Mo. ment to Mrs. Ruth Hill Viguers of Volleyball, . ; iftwftr; th hnni New'Tark CitT who was in Salem A reception at the bride's homif J&ad? v"-ball r carried out tho bine, white, silver. Yesterday en " route to the east followed the ceremdony. Jdra. Me- CalLwore a gown of blue, chiffon enjoyed. . rAt ' the ' opening . program Sua m a m a. -. t. ana pinn Qcorui acaeiae. n.or - wi-r tk m fnm... -arillon,- treshmente were aerred at a late T. . . 7 corsage. Mrs. Beechler wore an or- VL1 a "sina In the hMt" 'ormally were Miss DorH group of her coUege friends were chid Uk frock with white acces- flre' circle An tnteyesting pro- tnr Dalt011 na Mb Verna Larr;. bidden to eaU during the after orie and corsage of gardenia; . gram; In the firolritcle-included son- , " Boon. - Tbe couple left for a wedding on the-San Frkndseo 4ex- The erenlng was spent infor- -t ernoon vonrg wera snent L"d WlU mS?e om? B Position by Valerie Karr. on the m.lly and prise, wero awarded tyuf .TlTand reSeahment. Lebanon where "Mr. Beechler lain New York world' fair by Sybil the couple present who liad " .errld at a Ute hour Summer blrR;ir I. . nVta nV ffc9 "dhedeTelopment of married the longertjlfr. and Mrc floere nsed in profusion Mrs. Beechler is a graduate, of the Sflrer' Creek camp by Mr. J. B. Rogers, and tha couple mar- .vnt) ha mt rnoma. -the- Unlrersity of Oregon and a Fred Smith. An- inspiring wor- ried the shortest Ume, Mr. jtnd J.?py " " , 1 w ; ' memoer oi n eia rni. sua was 'amp serrice Md by Miss Margaret Mrs.-Ronald Baunaers. actlre incampu actiritles andGflstrap; closed the first camp - Tboe present were Mr. and president of the Associated Won program. " Mr; J. B. Rogers Mr; and Mrs. C. en students. She is also a member. IMonday evening a general sing e. Dalton and family, Mr. and of Phi Beta Kappa. She received was held. h the fire circle. The Mrs. Donald Saonders, Mr. and "her'master's degree at the Unk' Hillsdale rirls and yart of the nr r t t,h..,' U, .mt Un versity ot Nebraska and baa been Triple Falls girls took a moon- Roy Hammer. Mr. and Mr. Cllf- teaching af the Junior College at light. hike to the-reservoir. The ford weaver. IdVand Mrs, Wen-, f vnavnisi - Centralia, Wsh. ' r reaf of the--Trickle Fall, nnit lJ SSSS" M&f&ratoa iS. ..JSfH0!! Hall Wrlvht !' nnrtnB tt . . . . Mr.' Beechler attended Oreaon and the Bear Creek unit read 7?Z; ol .WM emiluea. 9Ba? SUteconegeandthe Cnlvelty of '.Vrie, and played game.. rMis.Virr "TSSffla Ih the Valley -Social Realm uregon and is a member of Sigma ... . , Mr. Uwr-nM Rtt..,Mrf. aw r,T. "T-"r.. rs, Aima snutn is aving to-...- nmm v- o the Cincinnati Embalming achooL nwntjor caurornia to , spend the Tf ' . Md Mr Irsen STJrjJlVSJ!' f.D"B son in Los Angeles. Accompany- Jifn?uA,wS?vi togs, Mont, took their marriage tag her south will be her son-ln- fnort kLM 'tJSST ZZ row ta Penc imme- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. f.Bd vi aTA . dtote fainillea and a few intimate Harry C. Patton of Portland and ",.Cnw Addle Prewitt frnd.; Dr. Hopper read the dou- AofiiAv i tta rinitM naA OI nsaa ciiy, o. .,, , Ma rina- marriara aerviea. 1 Mr. T. O. Albert, elder emeritus exposition. " . - Following th -ceremony the of the First Presbyterian church. . . .,. Mr. Edward' Thotnpson Bnrke redding party adjourned to Henry was honored on his 85th birthday ; Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Erickson : e . phoenix. Arlsona, Is visiting 1D,1". r ; oreaxiasx alter wnicn Chi fraternity. He is a graduate of By ANNS ADAMS Mrs- Albert Honored On Birthday . , creation, pattern 1 171. i onr' "f" .cut by " his daughter, Miss Clara Mrs. Frank 'Erickson.' e.e they will gv to Lakevle where Dr. ? - "v V E. Albert,'. Oyef i 209 people partlcl-;; ..a .t : . . . - - .r; rV MMWla a pracUcing dentist $ by the unbroken fluid beauty of pated !n the occasion.; i 1 The Fndtland Women's Circle Bfr. and Mrs; George - Scalea, Mr. aid Mrs. Joel C. Mayer and ' !v prE?ii Bll"JT? Mr. Glenn L.-Adams, master ot will serve a picnic supper on the .have moved, from '' the Fisher attorney and. Mrs. F. D. Mayer of i .!t . 8 , 7 """P14 ceremonies, introduced Mr.; Carl , school gronnds at : ?0 pjn. dn apartments and.are now jit homo Wbanon wera tn PorUand.for the w A M A a warv t va bn ah s n m nMnaa V ass a? fh . .A . . b .- . . T - ' , F Smith, who reviewed " Mr Al- July 8. .; ,-, at 711 Mm treet.:?:Tj -;-;'i;- r -. wedding. Zr . Zlt-?? IrZ KV"r bert'a record of service. Miss. Jane! - . "w ' Patton brought greetinga from the naUerinitn1 ? wt?ff 0Un Ble, d tht pastorr Rev. S!S f 3 without the ap-rw, :Wmumi, brought greet Pllones. The scalloped edg pi th Jttg 0ir aefcalf of the eongregaUon. taring Md-very easy to do.. Tb-. Ashbangh wa aa foUowa; So saye-yonr-coiftur buttoning down e jections by Mr jaqnith's band, pi th front ; U haady tor. uick, MO byMiss Jewell Oeoffroy; spreadV-nalroning too. Tbe. ww wU TOlo lTill stWart, aoL l'o!?f!2iV;"1STllie 4" companifd by Mr,-W llltam H. S8 4aW0?.Vi41' ;streeter; Vplano; 'solo.iMissAIU of-f?;. TJJ' 7 4f a5?Vivian Ceh;,Seotsb folk songs by ,H f-L11 ?ki!! 4i 7HaVMx.lHid MrslrWlWam McGifchrJst; inch fabric and .Hyard contrast . plaBO B0los.;Misa Margafeiood. . 1 "'and a mala duartette eomposed of 4 rirTttJi EKts 1 1 in la V CJ V. Ashbaugh, Robert Gallagher. . SSJa -tearS'.-"' John Hood and Ronald Hood. UKK88 JSTTI.B KUllBfclt- 1 . V ' J.l t lh ANXK AUAMS " Pa rrtKX book or s 0 m u a Mrs. R. D. Ralston has as her house guest- her, mother, Mrs, STYLE l ta lot tt TUIUT. ana u n4 avirlil aa lk aintt ' -ci, vi ws:ulva timtfea ( 8V. mrttr4 ta Cain. Mrs. Ralston and her dangb cmt a Mip:r amy ml aaliaar- er. BettT. and .Mra. Vlckm aw ri-aV, w.T3:?leting Monday for a sUy inJa- as (laauHir fl claaatrs aaS "cattMtat" I'aar a4 pC um ia- aiutk arn - r an ragatr -Kprti ata N It' rsrin Order ow - PKICB Of UKK KIKTKEX CEMT PRIfg Or". rTT,H rirTftrs cknts. to UKTHKR. BtHlK AMU r-ATTRUM TWKNTf f-ivr CENTa-v ' 8 aai" ararr ta Tha Oacva -dtiniMl Piiifr IKH, 8lav ' par : Park , and Glacier' National park. -'V - " ' Cv Mra. Albert Cohen, ' Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mrs. H. R. Robinson," and Mrs. Kenneth Murdoch will motor to Portland, today, tn attend a "luncheon' for -which' Mrs. Percy Willis will be hostess. , c . 9 i's - t f-rr rr v-rrrt A i I iNORteoN': 1' GRANULATED S.QJ.O V r ' -v rf i ; : srM :ih rt: r.f flRl .jMfr;: .uaT1 ins v Nt 1 yj'sa. r-'-eeot y t n TM t ..... -. ... ,-w.$:.,ft-t. y.lL'f 1 ' " .n la- Mtmi 1 DCC? A .'DsaaJV Vtte-JJ? awwrjXrii and VTJrri. IB 3 Oil UDvU eana-TM-waa- ewaui . tv nntJ brow better tftan frwr 7, dnvtrrinf Criaco. pa. P i i i i f UV. iTto k smooth. ei -1''''?l creamier better than ever Watch the family p3 Into the crispy, deHcata fried foodayoa get with the new Criscol Criseo Bow makes fried foods taste better than ever before, thanks to the new Gyro-Chum Process, Yoalllove 'the way new' Criseo brings out tha flavor of your, good ham Ingredients. And Criseo fe creamier easier than ever to use, r t f . r ' ; x ; ""AltvegetaMa Criseo k digestible: ii you can heat it 65' higher than many old-faahioned fata without disagreeable smoke and smelL So with Criseo it is easy to Tarsi eulck golden crusts that keep grease from soakicg in. Foods fried correctly in Criseo -n New Gronp, Men! r .Genuine .To wnclads and other higher priced suit from stock. Not all sizes, but what bnya! . -". Organdie ud Nt 02S9" ' . Brand new, but they came tn late, so out they go at this reduced priest Prac tically all aixes, IS to St. IWOIklEIVS SvTU SUITS' Latest printed and plain styles In Lastez or - . - - -. - - i Slen's and Boys' Swim Trunk Trim fitting styles to Lasts or all wool. Built in support .. ,.,t, ':, . XHoseout Blen'i Swim Trunks , Tour choice of this broken lot of -gabardine trunk now only. Z.L. 1 , F.nSSES' SWDUWAY SUITS Colorful smocked prints!. Way ahead in style and valael .... UoQQ REN'S IASTEX TRUNKS Bmll boy like these shiny, grown-up style. REN'S BATHINGVSUITS Speed or suinroit styles in soft, comfortable' Save at Penney Voir -- these ' - . Tubular ilelal Complete .with lie raversl bla, water-proof r cushion! Sturdy all - metal 'construc tion with rounded edges to protect your clothing. Color ful baked enamel finish! Ideal for porch, lawn .or sun room. See 'them today! . - c : ..;4- V.J - : "1 Bright; clear colors. SiserxrV for camp, n 0L 0) home or carJLrS.-'-.f. ' TTTW . llARGE ZIPm.lUCS.;ii , r r. . . , 00T. L Roomy .18-Inch utility bags of Un traterproof . OsVWVj aucK .-.... .u.....-. -. a Between-Season COATS :New! .Smart! Tops. for now 'and Tfor tall .too. Two coata In one,- V , only:.. VV MEN'S SANFORIZED SLACKS s . ; V 1 New styles! Fabric shrinkage not to exceed iJ 9Qe f t v-aCttJiieCv"wist 7 v ' SEK HOSE .It -y oft bought last time wo had these -we . know f yonll want more.'-Full-fashioned! terfectt --Newest shades!. 55c EIEWS POLO SHIRTS Bayon or. rayon and cotton.' Newest style Vnd color : in RIFN'S DRESS STRAWS' j Waterproof, A -fresh new, shipment at a feature prlcfti ;V Women' Slacks and . FAIWIERETTES ' Newest styles for 'sTvacation Of fua. Also smart shorti vsalt In prints and aOm rashe V-:C S l Pn ?;: f.JS-s r Children's Summer'-f1 4 . ' H1ZRB Urn. in z . - T ' - ,- t A : ru,i . . a ji I ' i . - piuow. t a a. h u ai . u - , hrwn, smoke .and, ., n white. Also a few;V 'whit oxfords and straps. - i-" a. ' CWomen' Sammer i rX7sHOEs-;?:':f'. , -'Dreaa shoes, v sandal ; ' " and sport osfords. Not ' i air sixes in any ana ' style. Also oner t . trr btowp at l.e.--- neQ4? Reducedl l Pr; H7 . aaena.aummejr , f ' ,:-OXFOJtpS.; . f . ; Entlr slock, of men's' better White and i ?i v white: comblnationa . . f reduced to 3 prices. 7 -' -.T, -'.S.44- and J.44. ,'l' - - Save now! k ; : a , t e-wnr aar-" xrfiii J ..... ' . . i . ' f i ; - " , '-ill . : ' '.':-' eBsntsaS are as cagestUe as u baked I ' j JL