The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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-Trainmg Aviatore
2134 Air Corps Men Will
- De trained in Next
two Years s .
The war department detailed plans
today to train 2,134 pilots for the
air corps In the next two Tears.
- Beginning Saturday at nine ci
rtlian schools, 391 Hedgling nyers
will be trained every six weeks
and thereafter I transferred 1 to
Randolph field. Texas, for longer
sad more; intensive military air
bnwtloul L ' - i .
The air corps- will provide the
planes for. , the civilian - schools
The instructors already hare been
taught army: methods. The schools
Will provide 5. hours I flying
and 2Z hour el grouna scnooi
Work," Jthe war department said
Contracts toumng $3,528,360 tor
the Instruction have been signed.
The Spartan School., of Aero
nautics, Tulsa," Okla., was "as
signed the largest class. St stu
dents. Tne numoer 10. oe. iraineo.
( classes at . other schools
Dallas atUttoa school and cot
lege, Dallas, Tex., CO; Sant Maria
School of Ftrinr. Santa -Maria.
i CaliL.'S0; Ryan School of Aero-
- Grand Central flying school. Glen
' ' dale. Calif., 35. , t
. The department estimated that
the maximum number. In training
at any one time will be 1,445, In
eluding those at Randolph and
Kelly fleldsrrexas. Recruits mast
ndergo Jiine months'ot training
altogether before- they are ' com
missioned military flyers.
Shrine's Pageant
Goes off in Rain
BALTIMORE. June 29 - CP) -
rive thousand gaily-caparisoned
.and wet actora participated in the
mystic Shrine pageant on the mu
ak-lpal stadium turf that closed
the 193 national Shrine conven
'ion tonight. -.
Under direction of Senla Bolom
anoff. SO OS school children rigged
out as oriental daneera climaxed
months of rehearsal with their
stunts in the pageant, held despite
ram that muddied the turf.
r The white horse patrol of Sioux
City. Iowa, mounted on 2 S white
Arabian horses, was in the pageant
east, along with clowns, bicycle
adagio daneera and other unique
. Most impressive moment of the
whole convention week eame when
the massed Shrinere in the stands.
. their v f esses overtbeir hearts,
stood st attention while the Ma
sonic order re-dedicated the Shrine
- to the principles of Americanism.
-costs irss TO .
fMlKUf is
90 kM food.
analyses of 23
Friakiei com
It it to fttdt
ttedl First
choice In Vest!
171 S. Coraxnereial :
X7v lz WOTnTIxzLem end Lard Here ia Our Own Packlss PlacL
They Are tie 1 7e IIcow IIow to Hake From a Ufe-Los Experience
ennon cube pnn, gauss Pon. . .
. T!;cr3 . era c:t:3 ; cr?s!ctd-i'
'izi'zi cz'JIzt 3 fctri rrsy'and gad
vi ca yea. Drop ia, fcHu,
tva nsO b fj!ad to sea yen ak J
7" wI3 1 3 pleased wa knsrr.
;- , 'V''
- -
llf "'T'ftlil -"- "-! 'Y 'II I I -C--"-- r f -
Thirty-nine seconds after start of
is tn their go at New Torks Yankee stadfansw Photo shows
ropes with Beferee Artaur Domoran caillasj tt tecnnical knockowt
the champion as he witnesses the result of Hghtnin; series of lefts
pre stoyalHJC photo. -
Cheese and LiTerl
Are the Victuals
For Good Drivers
(5 Cheese, spinach, dried ap
ricots and calves lirer , win
make better drlTers out of peo
ple. Dr. Waltef Scott Franklin,
Santa Barbara, told the Califor
nia safety council today.
He explained that ten per
cent of the population suffered
from a lack of vitamin A, which
causes Mnight : blindness, and f
susceptibility to daytime glare.
He said the above foods would
supply the deflcieBcjr. .
Or. Franklin also stated ft
'had become almost axiomatic
that the fast driver is the good
driver, nnd arged leniency oa
the part -of traffic officers In
this respect. .... -
He said accidents could be
rednced 25 per cent if drivers
were : sabjected to tborongh
medical examinations, and per
sons 60 years bid or over should
not be allowed to apply for a
first driver's license.
Judge Fines Self ,
For Breaking Law
$ KELSO. Wash June 21. -ia")-Polico
Judge L. H. Huntington of
Kelso, realizing he had driven
across an occupied pedestrian lane
today, drove on to the police sta
tion, - had himself booked and
nested ball.
He then scheduled his own ar
raignment in his own court,
i Plunge Is Fatal
r SEATTLE. Juna 2 .-(AV-A Its
foot plunge from an apartment
house root fatally Injured Robert
r. Mayesvschela, 22, today. His
widow and a daughter aurvlve..
l' J a
Seles' Uedinj Uerhet
,:; r. ts. -e
Comrry i Cryle Tne ner 1 Any Pri
At Sdzzft Cscsl sd best czi-pcJ cztit
market, yon pay enly one profit 7e buy
all err liresloci rect frost tae tanners,
c!iir j dl crir crra tiHIrg. Drc? fci fcTa,
and do your traJizj at this homo owned
Open Until 7 pa.: Sstcrday
, k-.-.-J Yf -" 1 ir f Yf I 1 l llf II ''T TnT
the fovrth roand-Tony Galent fell
Crown Prince
Hubert C Townsend, 2d (above),
son of Dr. Francis E. Townsend.
Jhas been .voted ."'crown prince
of the movement as the group
ends its convention in Indian-
apoUs. ' Townsendites r e e o m
nt ended the father eonthrae as
bead, but that the son stand
ready to take over the grown.
Robert Is now seeretary-treas-
"Deathless Days"
Fails Again
SEATTLE . Jnne 2t.-(AV
Seattle's third attempt at '1100
deathless days' tn the city's traf
fic .ended tonight on the seventh
day with the death of Thomas
Poole, 24. He died of burns suf
fered early Sunday whea a - car
in which he was-riding crashed
Into a hydrant and caught firs.
' ' Phcse 0757
s-ri' -." . .
. -4
to'Cne ctwsliinc blows ef Joe
pownd challeneger hanging om
for Ixmis. note tae co
nnd rights mnleashed
Love Sidetradked,
So Railroad Sued
Jams 2l-(5VClem0tt B. Howard
filed suit against the Union Pa
cific railway here tor SM2
damages charging its failure to
deliver a railroad ticket rained
his romance.
Howard complained the rail
road company failed to deliver
to his fiance. Donna Anthony of
Grace, Idaho, a ticket he had
bought for her.
Several weeks after he waaja
formed by the railroad the tick
et had been delivered to Miss
Anthony, he charred, he receiv.
ed n letter from her ending their
He declares he left his Job
and harried to Idaho, where he
remained for C2 days in an un
successful effort to revive their
He complains he suffered em
barrassment and public ridicule
when Miss Anthonv declared she
had changed her mind and did
aot Intend to come to' San Ber
nardino to marry him.
Veteran Actor N hazi Re fugeeJrtLA.
Foav nmrt mt fear and waltina
famed Gernaaa character actor, who wtUi his Jewish wife, pictured
: above, and daughter, arrived recently in Lee An-elea, where they
expect to establish a home. Unable to enter the VJ3 la 1S34 under
V the quota, the Bassermaa faaufty fled to Switserland, have awaited
entry into tbe US ever siaee. First woras or tne actor cpont arrtv
tnsln Antertea were: rn never go back. There are nanny of us
who never wCL (H?f) - -t :'.- '
CctU-s tt Ferry DUI 7707 Free DellTery
: This Market WOl
.CT.3r:tl--ga CCS
ts in
North Carolina Case la
Rerealed at Session '
V:' of Game lien
RAN FRANCISCO. June li-l&t
-Rumblings of a battle l over
states' rights as affecting - gam
within national forests ecnoea
from Pennsylvania to Oregon to
night as a pending case in North
parollna orose into sue open i
itrsttnnl 'convention of
game, fish, and conservation eom-
ttiaatonefa. . f .
J. IX Chalk, commissioner ef
nma :. nnd inland - mneries sor
North Carolina, . explained that
state ; ouicuus arresiea two . ua
fnmt nrvtea - men earlier this
year while the latter were truck
ing s a deer jeonsigneaxrom -no
Ot.Mt nafiAnal fnrMi la North
Carolina to Talladega, Ala t.
He said the dispute was to be
irA in taAn1 court at Ralelsh
on the federal government's plea
Vn iiw hi n on t In innetion to r-
traia Chalk and. Ms slds from In
terfering with the forest service's
plans., ; . J ,r..
national xmpucauons . .
futh Oortlon. executive secre
tary of :' the Pennsylvania game
xommission, - ioia- me group in
case had "implications oi nauon
al importance, ( and suggested
that "perhaps we'd better get Into
the same puddlo with North Caro
lina and find out Just where we
stand, .
Gordon's sugsestlon was ech-
aa1 bv XL Ewllson. chairman of
Mia Orttm state name commis
sion. Gordon himself later said
"X have a feeling that this might
be only a case of the department
f forestrr) trrinr to sustain a aub-
ordinate instead of spanking
Woman Pickpocket
Nabbed by Police
-Police said tonight they had re
covered f l.f 17 in stolen clothing,
expensive loot and aa automobile
from a woman they described as
a pickpocket wanted ts nearly ev
ery state in the union, and Can
ada. Lieut. Frank McDonnell of the
police bunco squad, said the wom
an, known here as Marie Murray,
but operating under almost 100
aliases, jumped ball of $1 2.009
la Newark N. J.
She was arrested here Saturday
and her ball fixed at $40,000 bond
or 120,000 cash by Municipal
Judge Hugh Smith. Inspectors
Charles GslliTsa and Michael
Chrystal have been working ever
since to find her headquarters,
and today traced them toa hoteL
The money had been placed la
a hotel safe, police said. In her
room they found five pieces of
luggage - filled with expensive
things, they said, sad la the base-
ent garage a new automobile.
were over for Albert
Be Open July 4th
'3 rolls- 2u3
; box
GorernoiS Stzie
3d Term Possible
' I NEW YORK, June 2S--Two
of the: 20 state governors enter
tained oa "Gubernatorial Jay at
the New York .World's falrtoday
commented thus on ; 1240 presi
dential possibilities; , .
; R. T. Jones (D-Aris): ''Roose
velt is good for a third , tefm.
There's no doubt about It. He
would carry Arizona." '
John E. Miiea (D-n. Mex.) : -so
D .onenssssnmnnmnunSnnsnuaoamBB
1 am ;
n tm m s -nil
This Fourth of July SALE-abraHon b a price-shattering
burst of food values that you won't wont to miss. See
, our spectacular display, a-sparkle with values on fine
foods for your holiday meals , .
Fisher's Blend Flour,
494b, anew
"At Oxydol, large package.. IQC Crisco.
Williams Potato Chips
Larfe eA
Sunshine Hyde Para;
Assortment - Fancy
Sandwich and
Plain Cookies
I package . 2CC
; " Orev Vertifcal Pack A -
tin J
6 13 Teiaail leaee
Camay Soap .-2
- B&M
1 -
No. 2 tall cans
ISgh QnaXSty
unaea wita
1 lJTl i 1 IVaw
Angel Food Cakes, ea.:.,...2J5g
tnlced. A large It-egg, tender tad fluffy
cake made from the very freshest ingredients.
Just the cake to carry on your trip
Fruit Baskets..:3 for fiCC
A rkh pastry tmsd with two kinds of fruit,
apricot sad pineapple. , iv
Sandwich Bans, ozcxlL. - .IgQg
v And Coney Island Rolls, already sliced.
:0an tod S2 lbs. 3Ss
' Teal, perk and smoked ham rround ;
- t' - a-, feadr for baking. , "
V i "Swift Xtetsweet. very lean, s
r ' . ' Boned aad rolled. -v J -,
- X?a cere&l, waUr, cr suet aided.
wilL he TToosevettJf vrtjVST
Meiico."' I hawe ao objection to a
third term if the people aay they
want him." -
Gliding Award
ELMIRA. N. T.. June 2t--(ff-Offlclals
or the national soaring
meet announced tonight that
Aviation Cadet Robert M. Stanley,
l- feta altltnda fiirht : of 1 f .4 0 0
feet, had become the first Ameri-
f v n
-. -- SB 4 1 -
Salad Time la
Tang Time.
Buy Tang Today.
ftl 9H
Morrell's Deviled
Meat, s, 2 for....
Peanut Buter,
2-lb. class iar
Marshmalloura, "Snow White,"
Mb. 1Qfi
Freaeli Cresm Salad
Mustard, f-os. jar
9 c
bin Q
;,':' Tex Son . . ' -
.2 25c
. . M W
V C o J
Fresh Sliced
'Fresh '
fcst Clacks,
cxa."gTiier. gaat to - aauiy w; as
"golden C" aware, nignest mier-
naUonal rating available to ssU
plana fliers. " " ' , ' y 1
' - Stanley, instructor at the Pea- ,
aaeola naval flying base, rode a '
thundercloud to the vast height
in a thrilling lS-minute flight
yesterday.;-'; -v::;;f: 'V v.-.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Dunn are reporting the
birth of a daughter at the Silver
ton hospital, born June 28.
Item Indicated By the Stars
good at all Colombia Food
Stores la Oregon. . -
Prices 1
Good H
Each I
Week I
Day 1
uata H
the H
4th H
Dole Fancy Sliced
Pineapple, No. 2Yi can .
PapeT, Cello. Wrapped
Pkg;. of 80
3 -lb. can 5CC
Pork and Beans .
No.2 snrf
cans 21 for wa
Del Monta
I Shredded Wheat
if i
28 tin
Flakes, large pkg. C3 v
Diamond .
Uatcmcloas" ca.: 353
, M Medium size.
I-3QCZ3 dOBiaSs
; -BTjrstino; with jnfce. . . '
l3Mcs head ,l3
Tomatoes, ?j lb. basl:.;.;.: jjQ
- A
DalStiMb. 15
. : i ! ' :' ' - ' '
Cc3, Jb.C
' -J", -;:. - '
IGqVc! ; lb. ECa
Fresh Chinook Salmonl r.Sr!c rvf TTH.
Orficrs, Crats; asd 12?-