V&iorsYillBc v Complimented AtParties Visitors ar the Incentive for entertaining theso summer days. Lars and small parties, picnic and beach trip are imaged la their honor. - - - , Mm, Donald MeCargar a s bidden a croon of her friends to an afternoon bride tea to- day at her horn on Electrte street. The affair Is --being nanged la compliment to Mrs. MeCar- gar's cousin, Miss Mary Elizabeth Wheeler of Clerel-ad. Ohio, who Is visiting to Portland this sum- er and Is a how guest at th Ca2 hZ-ESL w JtiStSStmnuFil- te'oo. whe her "alrmount Hill horn to .. " . .ZT, iTT. mE-.Tr V- olntMiTV SerYeTeVCaUt " - rTr;: - .flie7'.hrifl-v t. Ii.i.. . thTttpitaT ns the aeaToT her maMa TYr anil If ra J. J. Ml. ton. an dwIU return south next veer. nniirrr inncawa wui ha served to be followed by ser- oral hours of contract. . . .,, Vailing Clan Meets At Lincoln . . the i2id'annal Wkllinc rer u.wuiHi MU. w Present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Jee- W Walling of Dallas. Mrj. Elsie L. Schults of BrownsriUe. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walling, Mr. and Mr. Jess Wallinr. Mr.. EUla.Wallinc. Miss Celia Walling. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chapman. Virginia nA SrSr and MrAlfrm in? Kenneth Mr andMrs SThw " " Keary. Mrs. James Mott. Dorothy and BeTeriy, all or baiem. , Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walling and Jerry. Miss Marjorie waning, rv waiter waning, jr., air. ana airs. W. C-WaUlng, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wise, Miss Elva Johnson, Miss Eva Johnson, Miss Mildred B. Fall. Mr. Floyd Hall, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Tripp, Marjorie and And- rey. Mrs. Mary Likens, Mrs. James D.Fall.Mr.and Mrs. James Barree aad Dean, all of Portland. Mrs. D. L. Keys of Perrydale. Mrs. Edna Wadsworth of Seattle, Mr?J. W-Walling of Amity. Mr. aad Mrs. G. G. Walling of Sher- uf nn Mn t naMwfn -... - aad Donald 01 west saiem, Mr. H. K. Walling of Falls City, Mrs. Curtis E. Stewart of Oswego, Mr. aad Mrs. Tabler and Dolores of Eagene. Mr. Winiam ITUllIpa, Jr. and M --.V?1.!!! .J?'- aJ( .Va : r":!7:r.r TT: , " " fair. Pattern Here'a a deftly -t. beantt-r ; tally proportioned style tor lar .ger women. Pattern 41IS, de signed by Anne Adas. will do a much tor. your figure as any y, dress you're ever owned at many . times the cost.. Vet it's quick to make, with th Sewing Instme tor's clear directions. The front center panel forma aa unbroken, -flowing line with the delightfully , caUoped yoke. The neck eunre gracefully over to button down the . side-front. Make the sleeves puffed or loosely flared: put a fresh whit edging of rufHes for trim. Ton might add a simple UttJs cotUr and . scaUop-d;ed porVc 1 3,-. too. ; - -, , Pattern. 416S is - availabl in women's sizes J 4. it. St, 4t, 42, 44, 4t and 4S. Sis St takes 4 I yards' 35 IncJ fabric, and 1 r yards ruffling. - - - v . zi rimEJi ctnTs iim u for tb!a A4at rattar. Vr ptimy J-iif. MSM . 40 OKLoS &TTI KVVb.X t e"l . . th kthi A OAStS ' pi i r. eoos or sossis Tf I f -l S4 tar-rt TODAX. m aaa Uaiiio Marl fa stilt a 9x.j sad aakrkly mm ! mmtl lims mt mmdrn itm, ftctRrH is color ee"-p.i.; imr ( soLiry. trfU r. Mrty otil ''" bmIh aartBsa f-r wniaie.krwt ' as claar rnl tJMif. aa ' eo:.o'i" 1 i sna s;ti si rst tw t r r 1. rttrant . . . Sb4 I i nrt '-a - - i. - i r ' ' IS F .IO . r t . t - f n- "-'era ..-a I ( , . . .rm tt.t, ksUav J 'ml v CLUB CALENDAR Juveaitegh bom of Wood- craft, meet at. Marion Squar at. 2:lt p.nu. ... l-J Satardar. Jaa - TC choc, with Mr. Ma Abbey, IOCS North Cottage street. 1 :3t p. nu -WRC. 2 p-m. Miller's halU ' aloadar. Jalx 9 "' Special meeting, American Le- don anzlliaiT. t P.m., Fraternal .. tempi. Elect convention dele-; catea. i - v -1 A ' -1 4 - , . , RprPntWn Event IVCUpUWl AsVCUW ft TnTllfrht Iff VJl I OIJlliUL III s Carrier Room A a molr reception rUl bt' ksMT tonight at ttaWstMetho diet ehnreh to th Carrier Room, i. r.timmt to nr. amd Mra.v Jn& K. Ullllcan who are tent- - taBOiil w. ki Dr.' Milllnfl wiU Uk n hla new ijstorato. Att memoerB OB (!( Mends ot th f S1?1 aw " . - - Aa Informal proaraa has , Mr T a! LeTMlan Orac Elsa- rZJw n, ttZTu wiii: p thB recelring ltoe wH b aad Mrs. LoaU Harm, ur. ana Mrfc ,Bruce R. . Baxter,, Dr. and Mrt Bobert M; caUel'Dr. and Mrg. M c. Findley, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson. Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Miss Marjorto Spenee and Mrs. D. H. Mosher. . . . pdlng t th serring Ubl Jt! S' teTi,d M7 WiJ aDOal tne rOOula WUI n jars. Emmett WeUin. Mrs. Waldo Marsters. Mrs. Uoyd Lee. Mrs. Marion Taylor. Mrs. JuanJU Mack Mrs. Waldo Zelier. Mrs. Vernon Bain. Mrs. Wade Ellis. Mrs.- Ted Ultakka, Mrs. Ralph Mercer. Mrs. Harold Mc illin. Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. Harry Scott, Hn. juon aonn, mr. i uumu Golden, Mrs. Paal Acton. Mrs. Byron Herrlck, Mrs. Leona John- son, Mr. Frank Myers. Miss Al- ma Pohle, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. U D. Waterman. Mrs. Effie Dunlap and Mrs. Herbert Ost- lind. A group of the younger set ..r . .. .m ser-ing will be bert. Miss Gene- . Miss Shirley 'an Carkln Miss wuwiig in mc oci 1L15 win iro Miss Grace Cobert vleve Winslow Sohrt, Miss Jean Carkjn, Miss Helen Stevenson, Miss Beverly McMillin and Miss Ruth Rogers. . ".Jf WCTU Friday afternoon. Cars "HI leave the South Salem churches at 1:45. Thi is the an- nual Flower Mission program, and Mrs. Myron Van Eaton will be guest speaker on the subject.' "Roses and Shrubs.' Mrs. Stan nard will.be assisted by Mrs. C. F. Hoover, Mrs. C 'E. Sneed and Mrs. Pearl Sanders. ... " ' " , ' f .' , Dr. aad Mrs. B. F. Markla and ff J31? ooley and Mrs. son Robert of Colombia. South Kenneth Murdock. Dakota, are visiting at the home " of their son and family,. Mr. aniMrg. Justice Incentive Mra. Stanley Markin at 2060 r . -North Capitol street. They; came For FaTties by the way of San Francisco, visit- wi u uir.ua wui niuni ooms In about two weeks. ThU i their Ing the fair, and will return horn firm wtmtt f-m aaav vaavasi a v viBVBii - - w "w w aav awwM aw . - house guest of her sister and ; Mrs. ? Labaa Steeves and her brother-in-law, Mr. - a a d v Mrs. sons. Richard and Robert, and her Ho?5 GoZ? . sisters. Miss Nancy and Miss Bon. -Friday Mr. Goatet entertato nie Jean Watson of Portland hav f4 to'ormally at luncheon at reiurneo iromja lortnigat s in CaMonUa. They took an apart. returned from a fortnight' stay .!!?,W'": ! guests of friends and viewed th Golden Gate exposition. . Mrs. Elmer Berg, Mrs. RnsseU Pratt and Mrs. Ralph Wirth ar . muwrui 10 roruioa . 10 oe m luncheon guests of Mrs. Kenneth Fitzgerald, a former Salem real- deBtT ' v . . ? Mr. aad Mrs. WllUaas X. PtdW lips and sons, Jimmy and Don, returned Tuesday from a several days stay to Seattle where they . were th guests of relatives. . a ' The Ryal Neighbors of Ameri. ca met at the Fraternal tempi Monday night at which time Mrs. Leaon f BroiU of Ashland, ; tut superrlsor. ; was p r e s e n t . She tUked 'informally on the Juvenile campaign. Mra. - Anna - Crawford was transferred from South Da- kota to the local camp. ' . ' - Dr. aad Mr. Harold Oltoger ' are new at horn to their : ew rertdence. 47 Mission street. , Laura Wheeler Offers Towels That Are Fun to Do itirc::-;i tov.-zlg . Ttese r ::;fu! kittens ; la easy cross stitch ar a companion pat- rL1" t-tuMJ-j wwu, lCSj, ibovs some tim ago Ex- -. '"-- ws,uwv.a, yvtciu w a urvgoa biaiesmaa peters.- DorothT LelrT. KSth trs tea, tzl a ds'Jihtful bit of Keelleenft Dept. writ plainly S-sien- V ? tzTz-zr t':i-cp : work, rattera PATTERN NUMBSR, your KAU2 : , ifessr, nartaa nd Eoh Mo. 2::J c".t;;zs a tmnsfer rsttera and AEsr.rZ3. . -f. . llax t:nczs, 7:i nxtt- i Q fcy C1D CLx ii VLV ,r . : . ; - 5n?.'f? 4 : Today ,r ' ui - at . Viirahti gtsf daughter of Mfl nnd lira. Frank Shater. will be honored on 1 her third birthday this afternoon , when Mrs. Shater s entertains in-; -j formally at the Shafer horn on- i Knapp street. :J : : Pastel color will be used .to ; I th ' decorative schema aad re- " J freshmeats will he served Into In Thos Mdden to nonbr llaryrj xabeth -VlrftU an George Byre. Jean Donna and Gall - L ainsworth; Lochead, Jean. Fanlns. Constanen Hammond. Dicr Simp.bbyd Tow Dryaan. Mary Kay Brown. Cam- JadenBohby Ohn nna -- t'-ri Mother who . will accompany their children- are Mrs. Bobert-i t re, ; Mrs. Lonis - larnsworth. 1 Mrs. j. s. ijoeneaa. Mrs.: Tea. Mrs. Carte Bimpsoa Mr. Thorn. Dryaan. Mrs.; TyUr :j U SSL1: n-,. couin Mra, C H. Sadham. liuTld 1 Ja Eatoa JJf Mr! iifwnc. Briwn. "a r e6, rww T , . , 1 n Local Maccabees Receive c0. A State Appointments officer V as an- ounced by th head otflco of th Maccabees for Oregon, to officl- B Pnrtlanif &nA v1Tav Jin, iTtt. KratiSl n.in4A. c.il - . John w - BIcheB. commander of rniti rnt-H ... Wn .h. to preside over the meeting. and Mr Jessie Follls, record keeper, has been chosen to act to that capacity, Twa rnmnlata maim nf nfflMtra will attend from Portland to ex- emplify the various phases of the - - initiatory ceremony. Latest re- port- point to a ge attendanc from of town, including- six nXrmed patX Cltle reprS sented wUl be Portland. Oregon . n. xnii.i J. o " - City, Hillaboro, Forest GrdV. W 00 d b n r n , Silverton. Sweet Home. Corvallis and Eugene. . nuuuviu, jrvicsfc uivi, Mrs. Murdock Hostess On Wednesday Mrs. Kenneth Murdock was hostess to members : her sew ing club at a delightful affair last night at her Lome on Rlch- mond avenue. Refreshments' were served at a late hour by the hostess. Guests were Mrs. Sidney Hoff- man, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. BJarne Ericksen. Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. i Harold Ladd, Mrs. Janes Clayton, Mrs. Floyd Bow- , A much feted visitor in the urnta icu m mo capital has been Mrs. J, R. Jus- Hm nf Coat, whn haa hM tli. n couniry nome. ior m piea- ,nre of her sister and SatnVdar cnl 5heoiL h0te 70T rs. jb. ii. apperson 01 ucstmn- villa arranged a weekend beach trip for Mrs. Justice aad th Goulets Mm ' run. rr X. Moorhead ... . v ori4ge at her North Cottar hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Spoonen treet home Tuewlay afternoon' v . fc Luncheon waa served to th gar- SILVERTON Members of the dens with several hours of con- Immanuel guUd, headed by Mra tract following. Mra, Virgil Moor Bert Run, will meet Thursday head received high score. - night at th horn of Mrs. Os- ... m-.-. 'car Loo to Kvena" Valley. Host- Dr. Cheerge GoodsbeDer e esses will be Mrs. Rosa Winslow, Marion, Kansas, aad bis sister, Mrs. Artkur DabL Mra, Otto Mrs. Lisxle Arnold of McPhersoo,' Dahl, Mrs. Ernest Byberg, Miss Kansas, were the weekend guest Inga Thorkildsoa .and Mra. Loe. at th horn of their uncle, Mr. ' ' . Frad Kubia. ot Polk eounty and ST. LOUISMJsA 4 a I in that of a friend. N. H. Stonebrlnk. Manning aad Mrs. Day DuBoU oa route 4. were hostesses at a bridal ahow- . er Sunday afternoon honoring , The covered OUb lunch eo Miss Margaret Kraus, daughter which -was planned by th WRC of Mrs, Margaret Kraus and nlec at th last meeting to b hld this of Rt. Chart Kraus. . Saturday haa been caUsd off aad " Present were: Miss Margaret th regular S o'clock meeting will Kraus, Mrs. Paal ? Eatoa, Mra. be held Instead. - , Francis 3. - SVV . 4 UK-!3 : PATTCRri 2223 of all moUf, arersging 5 ?i x H . Inches; illustrations of sUtches; ; material reuuireo. . Bend tea cent In cola tor this U . f - ' O.O UAXINC BUttEH o Jeaaette's ssarried? Well. I eaoarh seaae to come f iV If " Jeanette probably knew her moonUght and her men. And a dress that knows its fashion is the black sheer crepe (left), touched oft by white gardenias. A cord runs through the neckline to give bodice fullness, and cords are drawn up the center of the sleeves. A shirred bodice enhances the dress of navy blue crepe. Its deep neckline Is squared at the bottom. Pink accents are suggested for th choker and tnrban. ' r ' v n - 1 . Visitor IS UOnorea at T -ZAtrm 1 BndSc Luncheon . v . u , Mr- Infef aad her tar. VT ba"er. were hostesses on Tufisdav afternoon bostesses on Tuesday afternoon tor the pleasure of their house Mrs. A. T. Bralnard of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Bralnard, r , , . ., . slster-in-Uw of Mrs. Kline, and Mr. Bralnard have been spend- ing 'several week at the Kline home and are leaving today ac- cpmpanied by the Klines for a trip to Victoria and Vancouver, BC The Brainards will leave for their home next week aad will go via the San Francisco fair. A 1 o'clock luncheon was serv- a fniinwif h aTrel hours of contract. Mrs. .La Verne Young and Mrs. Tom woe a ,receiyea high nonors in onage. vouquets ' purpl petunia and ) hydran- geaa'were used about the rooms Honoring Mrs. Bralnard were Mrs. La Verne Toung, Mrs. N. J. Lindgren, Mrs. Walter Spauld- ing, Mrs. O. L Paulson, "Mrs. Lee- Eyerly, Mrs. Tom Wood, Mrs. Howard Pickett. Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. Charles Fow- ler, Mrs. Frank Mogan, Miss TAr . .Tjrtnt- Mn Vr fihaf- ?.m.a . ,V Jr"v,,L auu . auui In the, Valley DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spooner entertained at their Gnests were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Plummer, Mr. anA Mm W Plummer, Mr. and Mrs.H. M. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Leth, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cadle, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. EDerting, or. .n ifr r k. Pheloa and the Hl La ChapeUe" MiT. Mwldge Smith of Eldridg. Mr. Elois Smith and Dolores of Salem, Mr. Lakey. Mrs. Paquette, Mra Jake Jungwlrth, Mm. : Albert Leith, and Richard, Miss Angela , Ferschweiler, Mrs! Bernard . FerschweUec and Parlene, ; Mrs. Hauptmon of Portland, Mrs. Al- bert Prontl and daughter of Ger- :Tals, Mm. James Mahoney and Mr. Warn Carlton of Fairfield; Miss Gertrude Wampole Mrs. Joseph Sam and Mm. Warner Hemshorn of Wood urn, Mrs. Stephen Hemshorn ot AU Angel, Mr,-Clareac Grassmon. Miss MayJIannIng,-Mrs. James Lelth. -Miss 'Eleanor1 Jungwlrth, Miss - Gertrude Manning. Miss . Helen ' r Hartwlg. ' Mis. Theresa 1 Man- - alng. Miss Marl Jungwlrth, Miss Elisabeth Aurand. Miss June ReiiMa. uiu narothv Aar&nd . and Cella KIrkwood, Mm. Henry Ktrkwood, Mm. Margaret Kmua. Tom tha. Jefferson high school. Mrs. Lawrence Ferschweiler, They ar now employed la S Mrs. Alwia Manning,' Mrs. Amody lent, whem, they plan to- make La Chapelle, Mm Alex Manning their horn. - , , - , - : and 'Miss Virginia Lak.y, Mrs. - """' r' Charles Hannegaa t Eldrldge. ' GATES Genera Blackburn aad Mm. Otto Bittler nd th host- Clarenee Ban, both at Gates, wer ess. married Juo 14 at Staytoa. e e e. . . CENTRALL - HOWEL M las O as aa W wta1M mmm k av aaa aTTTawa rty-FridZy alght Guest lMluded lOs BeSah TJcktrJ Jean Landerhack. Pattv Tved. Lodlle Roth. Kathrya T7cvu9 Editcr- 1 .4 X -);-.- always did say she dida't hare oat of the nmooi T. n th Jimmy DOWers tO De VtA n Ri'rtliflav teted on UlTtllday 1.- 1, A ISatlaiaiS 't ..ffihtfnl their mothers to a aeiignuui thew t VXml Py tAim f NJb '"th street to comply ment to the third birhday of her nartv h aftprnnn son. Jtmmy. Refreshmens will be served late in the afternoon. Special guests will be Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Quarnberg of Vancouver, Wash., grandparents of In honor guest Honoring Jimmy will be Jean Bowers, Jimmy and Eddie Knapp, Wayne . and Johnny Ericksen, Denni and Mary Felke, Linda Davis. Bobby Ladd, Rodney and "S"1 airs, uenry Biarre, sr. uara- ner Knapp, Mrs. ' Bjara Eriek- sen, Mr. Charles Felke, Jdra. Ward Davis Mrs. Harold Ladd. Mrs. Roy Hauser, Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, Mrs. Virgil Sexton and Mrs. Kenneth Murdock. Mr. aad Mrs. Roy S. Keen are spending a fortnight in salt Lake Cltv on a hnsinesa and nleasnrs hi business ana pleasure -- Social Realm berg. Bob Nelson, Leonard Roth, Waldo Kleen. Grover Lichty, BUI Zuercher. Lvle Kru. Mr and Mrs. Stnck.y. Roy Rutschman and the hostess. LEBANON A wedding waa sol- emnited at 7 o'clock Tuesday morning at SL Edwards Catholic enurcn wnen mibs jsinei nay Fisch. daughter of Mr. and Mra. George J. Fisch of Lebanon and Mr. John Patrick Coleman oC Al- bany took their marriage vows. Rev. Father John Williams read the service, Attendants were Mis Isabel Schmidt of Lebaaom aad Mr. Ea- s;ene Faley of Albany. Tb brids was attract I v 1 y gowned la- white lace full-length over rose taffeta with fingertip length TeU and coronet of whit nowers; sh carried a boaanet ot gardenlaa and lUies-of-the-vaUey. Following a breakfast at the Bomc cf the bride the couple left 0a a wedding trip, and on their return will be in Albany where Mr. Coleman has a position with rVaser lltu wmpany Tbb bride'a sister. Mfan CleU B?9 daujhter "Sice o" - tor ISJSrJ .SLS, ' f!! taU, -t him?? f ZAl . t-,Method,,ti Prson-. i.. : "J Following .the wedding .they 5nt8,J? f taltr,t tt Mr- Mrs. Arthur afternoon for California fair and other coast Pol . - ' ' ' .' JEFFERSON Kenneth Seipp, son of Mr. nnd Mr. J. H. Seipp of rAtbany, and Mia Blanche Main, -daughter of Mrs. JNeUle Main of Jefferson wr uletly married at Vancouver-Jun S2. ProMut for the ceremony . wen Mm. NelltorMain, Mr. aad Mm H. Seipp aad daughter, -Miss Paulln Seipp, and Mr. and Mm Gemld Pbelos of Portland. Both Mm and Mrs. Seipp graduated -SPECSAIo Oar, usual Wave, Complete T3c f C J rash Ware, f fl JH V d CatetSL-V 11 v. - V F V AT i s i. w Open Thum. Eve. byAppX :: rhoa S3 SIT 1st KstX Bank BIdg. CASTLE PEITX WAVXT-3 ?0(33)d 6 ' VFW AnxiliarT Hears Reports , at Meett!r . , l Veteran of Foreign - Wars au xiliary held Its regular : business meeting Tuesday. - Visiting from ConralUa were Mrs. Myrtle Tripp. Mrs. Jennie Byron. Mrs. Ward Wolf gar a readlLg and report ed on the parade T oi: the VFW sut conrentloa - la Vancourer with SOft Juniors participating. Mrs. William Bash gave a report on th business meeting of th convention. i" , . Th foUowlag were InlUated: Mrs. John Coleman. Mrs. ; Bad Hart, tfra. Aubrey Tussing, Mrs. Frank Devilia and Mrs. Bertha Clarke.:; " " Delegates "elected -1- the - na tional conreation to be held in Boston, Mass., in August were Mrs. William Rush, Mr. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Aabry Tnsstor nnd Mrs. a V. Richardson, Mrs. Ward Wolfe aad Mrs. Corel! Case as altera tea. Today's Menu ' Today dinner vOl Include nch ' aa Intereating creation aa veal cUt leta Hawaiian which sounds very much like a warm weather spe ciaL Chnied fruit Jule Veal cutlete Hawaiian New aquaah, buttered Appleaaus aad ginger cookies VEAL CUTLETS HAWAIIAN ' t thick rtl cnUets slice pineapple 1 cup bread crumbs 1 egg 1 tablespoon milk Salt and pepper. Cnt a pocket or a slit length wise in each cutlet and insert a thin slice ot pineapple. Dip th cutlets In egg beaten in mllk.then In bread crumbs. Brown In hot fat, then cover, and cook very slowly until th cutlet are ten der, about thirty minutes. Serve with additional slices of pineapple browned in butter. Chocolate Icebox Cake Simple to Make Home made chocolate Icebox cookies, or the small wafers bought by the box at the store will make this attractive and simple icebox dessert to serve on summer menus. CHOCOLATE WAFER DAINTIES 24 chocolate wafem 1 cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Peppermint to taste Spread chocolate wafers with cream which has been whipped un til stiff, sweetened and flavored. Make stacks of wafers, 4 to a stack. Top with a rosette of whipped cream and garnish with a small wedge of chocolate' wafer. Place on flat dish and chill 2-3 hours, (-t portions). King's Visit Receives Editor's Comment Commenting about the recent visit of the king and queen of England to Washington, DC, Dor othy Anne Hobson, 9-year-old ed itor ot the Valsets Star, says: When the king and Queen ar rived to Washington, DC, it waa thrilling. Everybody shook, but nobody dipped. President Roose velt placed his top hat over his heart, and Mrs. Roosevelt got ready for dinner in fifteen min utes. -We can't talk about the repub licans until the king and queen go home, because nobody will listen. Representative Hampton Fulmer, ot South Carolina, squeezed the queen'a hand. He is a democrat. DALLAS Mra. Ray McKey entertained with a smartly ar ranged party at her horn Mon day in honor of Miss Lois Biggs of Salem, bride-elect of Mr. Jo seph Carton. Daring the evening a gift waa presented Mia RIggs by th group. Assisting th host ess in serving were the Misses Betty and Marian Jelinek, Mra, Gladys Schmidt and Mrs. John R. Sibley. Guest present were Miss Lois Rlggs, Mrs. Ralph RIggs and Mrs. Gladys Schmidt of Salem. Mm. Barry Patterson, the Miss es Betty and Marian Jellaek ot Corvallis, Mm. John R. ibley. Mrs. B. F. Preston, Mra. Eugene Hayter, Mrs. E. A. Woods, Mrs. George Woods, Mrs. Arthur Woods and Mis Frsxces Demp ey. 11 ot Dallas. FREBl FSEElj vwEiliiilip ; Today; &'Fziday Juno 29 &. 30 - 2 p. m. Come ' and set this maxrelaas new. Westinshodse Washer and Ironer to thron jh a demonstration that win anaza votu , v . . . FREE LAUNDRY COOK AND WASHING POW DER TO EACH LADY ATTENDING. ' 225 N. LCjertr " irext t Power Co. Nation Returns t millions in ';: : ClptMp h- : L J Tm sellUoa : dollars worth , et children garment ar returned annually to the stores of change of sixes, and at last somebn has decided to do something about IL J Recently ;th Americaa Stand arda aasocUUoa called a meeting of those concerned in making aad selling ehfldrea' clot h aad Suggested atJa: w; nasi for lUlng th garments be developed. These recommendation ; wer baaed , on a -aatlon-wlde i survey made by the United SUtes depart ment' of home aeonomica on the body measurements of Itt.Ota Americaa I children ' betweea th age of 4 nd ;17. - - Then" sub-committee was ap pointed to examine facta and fig ures of "the surrey which la- turn recommended that the hip mea sure and height be used as future standards for classifying sizes of children' clothes. : ; ; .... - When the size etandards are fully worked out and it might be la a season or two) you u n ant to bay a suit or dress that really tits th youngster, even : though yoa don't hav him nearby to model the garment. Mothers will no. longer be able to talk confi dentially over the bridg tabl about Willy being so larg for six yearn, "why he Ukes. a sis eight!" But neither win they hav to try several time before cor rectly fitting th child. This wast of millions ot re turns en elothlag necessarily jumps up the cost of garment and th change in siring standard hould In time reduce the mer chandising coats enough to effect the price of garments. . The Oregon State college exten sion service under the direction of Miss Lucy R. Lane, specialist In textiles and clothing, has co operated with th national bureau's experiments to clothing sisea for children, .: e V Casserole Uses Food From Cooler Quite a wide variety of ingredi ents is suggested for this casserole which might be changed according to leftovem in the cooler. - ENCORE CASSEROLE S H -ounce jar dried beef, cut In pieces ,.v - -cup minced onions " S tablespoons bacon fat or but ter t tablespoons flour -M teaspoon dry mustard teaspoon black pepper 2 cups milk 1 large pimlento, chopped cup chopped aweet pickles 2 cups cooked spaghetti 1 cup grated American cheese. H cup buttered bread crumbs. Slowly saute dried beef and on ions to fat until lightly browned. Stir in mixture of flour, mustard, and pepper. Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring constant ly. Add pimlento aad pickle.' Place alternate layem of spaghet ti, cheese, and beef mixture In but tered baking dish. Top with but tered crumbs. Bake In moderate oven (3S0 degrees) 30 minutes. serve bubbling hot. Yield: t-S portions. Luncheon Mold Main Dish in Summer ' Salmon mold Is a Iunchtime dish for summertime when attractively arranged plates form a frequent main course. DEEP-SEA SALMON MOLD 1 pound canned or fresh salmon 1 package lime flavored gela tine 1 cup boiling water Va cup cold water 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon onion (minced) Dash pepper; pinch salt : encumber (sliced) Lettuce . Mayonnaise : Dissolve gelatine to boiling wa ter. Add cold water, vinegar, oa ion, salt and pepper. Allow to thicken - slightly. Then fold, la salmon flake aad sliced cucum bers. Serve on lettuce bed with mayonnaise dressing, garnished with aalmoa flakes and cucumber slice. .,- &j3y0:x35clo!i E n t r e e Salad Potato ; Rolls Jam Drink ; ; Desserts '-n Tho SPA I J Saraiches Vill Inspire Cook To Can i . v aVM farar arild black-. berry scratches oa th arms and. lega of this writer to stir up la spiratioa to can th berrie pick ed oa her half-day oft and do a lot of Ulktog about it to an editorial, way. j . . : , . i i Th proper costame for ama teur pickers seems to b short and aocka,' but -perhaps that's only because one never expects to find blackberries where they am, aad. seldom f I a d them whem they are supposed to be. ; BUckberrles JeU easily, ar rich in flavor and color. A mid winter taste will mora than re pay the picker for low harvest lag that' la always a part ot wild blackberry hunting. - - 6n' of the best recipes to use when making blackberry Jam la this departments ' aid atand by, -Stirred Jam that la suited so well to all of the many berries found la this section which boast tartness and abundance of na tural pectin; STIRRED JAM ; S cups - crushed berries ' S cup sugar - - -: -v . Bring berries to a hard boil and cook for-2 mtautee. Add augar, stir unttt dissolved and let boil 1 minute. Put over a low - flame aad beat hard for 4 or. a minutes with, a flat wire whip it available. The mixture will thick en som a you beat. Pour into glasses. When cold will slice nicely. Make only a single recipe to get satisfactory results. Makes a glasses. Blackberry jelly making Is a simple matter, merely boil the berries with a little water, until done, drain through a jelly bag aad measure the juice. Bring it to a good boil and after it bolls tor just a minute, add an equal measure of wugar. Test immediately on a cold saucer at the juice will probably , jell im mediately. Because blackberries, when some green ones are included in the lot, will jell with no actual boiling. It might be well to make some glasses of this UNCOOKED BLACKBERRY JELLY - (For Currants too) Rinse- berries, shake off the water, mash every berry and heat but do not boil. Remove from fire and drain through a jelly bag. Measure and to 2 cups of the heated juice add S cups of sugar that has been heated in the oven. Stir hard until all the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Use a fine granulated sugar and pour the juice into sterilized jam. letting aland for 24 hours before covering with paraffin. . Blackberries make . good juiee for drinking and is found es pecially adaptable to evergreen berries, that are less desireable for jam, pie and sauce than th regular wild blackberries because of their large seeds. An aid fa shioned drink Is BLACKBERRY SHRUB S cups sugar 1 cup sharp vinegar 2 quart ripe berries Heat the sugar and vinegar to boiling, aad our over . berries. Let stand I r hour, stirring oftea. Drain through a jelly bag and briny to a boil, put to .sterilised jars and process la a hot water bath for 20 mlautes. Whea serv ing, dilut with water aad erv chilled. Yoa Can Order bj Mail 50 FIZGE SERVICE F03 EIGHT 0222s it" tljiemiality you've longed for' . . - jn a pattern whose popularity avi dew iixwuai umi m t-ttftoepoftunity to obtain Amcr- finest silmpUte . . .famous . fee almost one hundred years . at half pricel See conuins-l s cadv kniveai forks, dessert or Soup spoons, and salad forks. . 1ft teaspoons, butter knife and 'aa spoon. -: -; HANDS O Id B t O O D C H E S T toduded. !L,;k' spreader, . ferving pieces abo H hiLP'lce LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE. r; ai;d c?iiciai;3 - IPS mm