PAU-4 ----4 DriyetoCut Accidents On "Let's Be Alive on 5th" la Campaign War. Cry , Sue Leads . Left be alive on the Fifth!" With this war cry, a campaign to tut down . traffic accident daring the coining July 4 periol is Mint waged by Earl Snell, secretary of state, who today is sued a statement calling upon every citizen In the state to participate In this battle against careless driving. v BneU enlisted the aid of all safety councils throughout the state, pointing cut that if an In tensive - educational - 'campaign were carried on in every Oregon community, , the state would go through the holiday period with a great saving", of lives and re duction of property damage... "On July 4 Americana cele brate their deliverance from pay tag tribute to a powe which they proved could be overthrown by the united, attack of citizens or this country. . -- "On July 6 Americans reckon the tribute they have paid to a power 'which &as been- proved susceptible but wJch has not yet been subjected to the full brunt of attack s by citizens of this country. '"- . Deaths Needles "Just as Americans - threw off the yoke of political oppression, so can they throw off the mill stone of traffic accidents which annually take heavy toll on our highways and streets during the July ' 4 holidays. Traffic safety campaigns in this country have demonstrated that this needless loss of life can e prevented be cause the things that cause these tragedies can be controlled. "Why, then, do we not con trol them? Why. on July 5 last year did Oregon count 475 traf fic accidents which too!: five Uvea and injured ' 118 persons during the first .our days of mat month T Why, on July 5 of this year, is it possible Oregon again will count the number of lives snuffed out, the number or its citiiens mil rued and the number of cars wrecked during me juiy noiiday period? "Simply because in some In stances Individuals do not ston to consider the rights of others. ao not remember to make in spections of equipment which would prevent an accident. Attack Canse "Haste, selfishness, thought lessness, carelessness, these are me things that cause accidents; they can be controlled by the exercise of ordinary caution and common sense. Let's launch a united attack against this power which extracts high tribute so that on July 6 there will be no need for an accounting to Traffic ueaiai" , - ...-.- Since the condition of th mo tor vehicle is of prime Import ance to the safety - of any trip a careful Inspection of tires, brakes, windshield - swipe and lights should be made in plenty of time,, to Allow for vncLJad Just- menu -as are necessary, Snell said. With the car In perfect running order, the responsibility for the safety of its passengers and others using highway facili ties rests with the driver and in this connection, these ten sug gestions were listed: 1. Never pass a car, unless you are certain there is ample room This precludes passing on curves, bills or other places where . the view ahead is obstructed. - ! 2. Slow down when approach ing all Intersections, , including private J driveways, so that you have, your car under complete control in case tn emergency atop is necessary. - 3. - Slow down' whenapproach lng any; child or other' pedestrian and thus be prepared for' the un expected.!'?".,'' -V , . oiop on rea -trainc ugnt and ' remain stationary till the , light has , turned green, l Don't rush, the amber: light. $ 5. Come to a dead "stop at stop 'signs In order to-give the car - on - the .through street the right-of-way. -,r.- c,v s 4. If you are fatigued, don't drive. - Let someone else have the wheel or pull oft to on ,sldo , of the road and., take . a short nap., . . 7. Slow down to compensate for - slippery pavements. - 8. Slow down when driving at night. Dim your lights so the ether fellow, will not face the hazard of your: glaring head- ' Ughts. - .; Always - drive , at . a speed : that w 1 1 1 : enable, yoa to stop within the assured clear distance ." ahead, .. , ; , ; - - 1 0. ' Remember your motor Victim of School Food Poisoning "1 tiaitii Free Airmail " Carried Here Oregori Airways Connects Regular Routes 'While' Awaiting Contract Oregon Airways, the. newly-or ganized air Una serving Portland, Salem, Albany, Xugene and If arsh- fleld with a dally roundtrip. Is handling considerable . quantities of air man free of charge while awaiting th granting of a cer tificate entitling It to a govern- enunent air mail contract, Harry Stearns, public relations represen tative, said here yesterday. Through the volunteer cooper ation of Stevens-Brown 'Optical company, 184 - North Liberty street, free delivery service to the Salem airport has bees made avail able here. Properly stamped mall lert at tne stevens-Brown snop ny 10:80 a.m. will be delivered to the airport In time to catch the southbound - plane and by 4:S0 p.m.. to catch the Portland-bound plane The latter shin arrives In Portland In time to make connee- New York authorities are investigating the food poisoning of nearly 400 Staten Island school children, to .whom free lunches were served in a dozen communities. This nauseated youngster is treated in hospital where the stricken children were rushed by ambulances, police radio cars and private automobiles. As King and Queen Returned f -1 f4 1, At 2S - Western Unioa Cabltphoto This is the first picture taken of King George and Queen Elizabeth on their return to London from their Canadian and United States visit r X Western Union cablephoto, the picture shows the king and queen and their daughters, Princesses Elizabeth and llargaret Rose,, riding in the royal carriage in London. 100-Ton Sixteen-Inch Gun Latest Coast Defense Unit Coast defenses In tne region of San Franclsc j were strengtbened recently wit h the arrival of one of ' the world's largest astd saost saodera weapoaa, a 10O-oa, 10-lncb, loag range gna. It has aa aeearate flrlag raage of SS miles, will fire a SjOOO posad projectile. 0e of. the twte weapoas maklag p the Towaser battery at , Fort Croaklte, gnardiaa of the Goldea Gate's north shore. It Is shewn being u - loaded from flat can which traasported It trou the Waterville arsenal ia Marylaad .(IIX) Uona with three night mall planes including one on the transcontin ental ran and two In the northwest wrviee." ' Petitions to th civil aeronautics authority for the certificate' of convenience and. necessity, which the new air line' must obtain 'be fore securing aa airmail contract are now being circulated in Salem and other cities on the line and are being favorably .;. received, 1 8tearns 'saidSenatorl Charles L. McNafy and Conrrjman James W. h If ott are :: both working In Waahlngton,' DC, to assist Oregon Airways in gaining the needed cer tificate. i The line does a general passen ger and express business. Leo Arany of Salem Is the principal pilot and operations manager. enter" : ROBERTS -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carpenter have left for Madison Wisconsin.- where Carpenter will finish his Ph. D. In chemistry In the- University of Wisconsin. They . went as far soutn ai San Francisco with Mr. and Mrs Romeo Gouley. Eyerlytering Horse Business, Buys 3 Arabians Three Arabian mares have been . of the Eyerly Aircraft corpora- - tlon, and will be brought to Salem from Tacoma," Wash., this week- -end. These three will be the only ' Arab mares in Oregon and will make a total of eight Arabs la the state. -,...,,.,;. ........ Price of the Arabs, a breed long considered ' the aristocracy of , horses, was given as approximate-, ly $1000 each. Eyerly will bring , the animals here in two special trailers and will -keep them on ' his country estate, formerly the Illihee Country club property. , .-: I!" Roberts People Planning Picnic ROBERTS A community ple","; nie will be held at Nelscott beach ,. July t. Plans were completed for a breakfast at 8 and everyone ! to bring filled baskets for break fast and dinner. For further lor formation call Mrs. Roy Rice or Mrs. George Higgins. I Message From Ex-Governor Martin Revives Echoes of Lessard Whale An echo of several criminal and civil actions involving the killincr of a whale in Columbia slough by Edward Lessard, Columbia county, in 1931; bobbed up nere Wednesday in a letter received at the executive department from ex-Governor Charles H. Martin. The letter was addressed to Governor Charles A. Sprague. Governor Martin suggested thatO- the state release all claim to the carcass so it may rest quietly and undisturbed on the Lessard ranch The killing aroused the entire city of Portland and Lessard was haled into court to defend charges of violating both the federal and state laws. State Release Urged "Lessard was caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience at the time of the killing due to public sentiment which was aroused by the press." Governor Martin's let ter read. "He was forced to de fend himself against criminal charges. In all of which he was acquitted." Governor Martin said the state of Oregon, at the Instance of Gov ernor Julius L. Meier, later In stituted a replevin action for the manners. A blaring horn is no substitute for caution . and at tempting to bluff a more timid driver may prove hazardous to both of you Courtesy costs nothing and may save' a life. :; Wew First Family of Louisiana - 'I itZ tV oWr thV governor's chair after resignatloa at Governor Lons tooa over ao fc"'"" . .mi-nMt r noivmiltv Ttirhard Leche as a scsbum " . carcass, and subsequently the su preme court held it was the prop erty of the state. "Lessard. at that time, tenaerea the carcass to me as governor for the benefit of the state but I refused to accept it," Governor Martin continued. "I told him the whole thing was a lot of foolish Bess and that X would have noth ing to do with it "The state should now release any claim It may have on the carcass to end tne state s connec tion with the matter." First Cutting of Alfalfa Is Baled CLEAR LAKE Mr. and Mrs Adam Orey are announcing their new status of grandparents. Word has been received from Bend, Ore., of the birth of a pound daughter to Mr., and Mrs. Robert Gray, June- 32. Mrs. . Gray was Leona Orey; Luther Chapin left Tuesday on a business trip to Ellensburg, Wash. Formerly Mr. Chapin was a teacher there and expects to re new many old acquaintances. Wacken hay baling crew has nearly finished baling the - first cutting of alfalfa and clover this section. Cherry picking, also Is about finished. The cherries were not so badly damaged by the rains as at first feared. Shotgun Charge Closes Life of 1U Toledo Man TOLEDO. Ore.. June z8-fln- Paut L. McKlnney. 4. fataUy shot himself .today. State Troop er .Avon - Mayfleld said. Mayfleld said the man, HI for a long time, ended his life. with a shotgun . charge. McKenney ; if survived by his wife and by two sons. . ' Lobs; Terms Easy Payments nflvEiiis.a R00BRTSJ1 In& Gsardlaa Cldg. PImmm 4108 YOUR 'SALEM STORE THE ONLY SURVIVOR Of All the Brooks, Inc., Northwest Chain of Stores-We Purchased Their Entire Stocks at Liquidation Sale Prices 35 to 50 S A MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S These smartly styled suits are ex pertly tailored of pure virgin wool fabrics. Light medium and dark colors in solids and patterns. Sin gle, double breasted and sport mod els. Sensational values at All styles in this group. New solid and patterned all-wool fabrics. eluding the dressy oxfords, chevi ots and hard finished worsteds. Your choice at THE FINAL WINDUP OF THIS GREAT PURCHASE AND SALE AVISMGS On SUITS! 'NEVER. AGAIN Values Like These! M90 L lvalues to X-T $25 7 1 Values to LJ $30.00 75 FINEST SUITS IN THE STORE These fine handcrafted salts are tops la styling, tailoring and fabrics. Smart British and Hollywood drapes tn S button and doable breasted as well as the more conservative models. READ THESE PRICES! All of oar own suits are included with the many higher priced suits that were carried ia the Portland store, where values to $39.50 were popular. $21.75 026.75 BUY YOUR VACATION NEEDS NOW! A Sportswear Specials SPORT SHIRTS A group of McGregor and Manhattan sport shirts, values Am la $i.5o....... ...... yv SLACK SUITS Ideal for sports or vacation wear. Fine quality natural crash. Shirt and slacks com- ffte 01-67 Gabardine slack surra Tailored of I i n e sanforized Cool and comfortable. S-pIece .gabardine In Green and Blues, matched fXCiCL1 ensemble , , , V V5 Wilson Bros. .' SPORT SHIRTS Smartly styled in waffle, crash, mesh, and terry weaves. White : all colors V J Gabardine f SPORT SHIRTS : : Fine . quality 4 sabardlne, per- j fectly- tailored in rich deep ' Geen and Maroon. Rexnlarly jrjt.02.77, j Nationally Known ' " Manhattan, Wilson Bros, . and Spear SHie"iiS m A wide assortment of pat terns and colors in this se lected aroup. Complete size . range from 14 to 17. The greatest shirt value in years. . . - $6.50 Manhattan Silk Shirts These fine quality tailored shirts in your choice of LL Blue. LL Green and Rose shades. Enjoy tm OJS their richness for only V V3 PAJAMAS Tailored by Manhattan. Wilson Bros, and Varsity. A truly grand assort- ff No Matter A V 1 1 What Your Build II We Have I J VYour porrecTM -. - 5. : . r7r,,y. -.w i v- - - V ft f $ A f ,. Wfl m e n t in tine mm sm broadcloths, aa- n I r I teens and crepes. I I i' - - All - styles Cos- I lack, pnllorer or. button front.. Values-to $20 Talaes' : .to 94 T; NECKWEAR -: New spring and summer neckwear in hundreds of patterns and color com binations. : Hand made. yi fSg Values to SI r C Q SWEATERS All wool sweaters in V and crew neck, pullover and coat styles. All Values to $3.9 5 .02.77 . . Others Specially Priced to $4.95 MEN'S HOSE Bocks and anklets in new spring pat- tt tni: vwnlarlv nrleed at S sa lie, aow , ; ' : 7 ;SPORT COATS , Beautifully tailored pure wool, three-button, Holly wood drape models. These are going fast, r Af rig values to $15 vVeO - SLACKS All wool flannel slacks In light and - medium . Gray, shades. Sizes 28 to 34 waist. K 02.07 t HATS . A special group of snappy , styles in practically all shades, Including - the : new Greens. A real buy fttf m Others $2.57 and $3L57. Values to $5. : . , i sport slacks ! 1 . Tailored of good quality gab ',. ardlne tn light Gray, pastel and ! dark Greens with self matching belt V- i M J SWIM TRUNKS 1 Styled by". Manhattan, all wool' T rib knit with built-in support. Regularly.- priced raw ;at fS, now-V 07, : - $ v 1 i 1 Otter Tnrnis, rt- flffr clar to $U0, now U g C 5 456 State St. 1 : ff , . - Salcrn ' funds mounted., .' s