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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1939)
The OREGON.. STATESilAN Salein Orron, Tuesday .: Morain-, Junev 27, 1933 k IWitaMe Halbitt: Check Over rStoie. ant Ads'cn am Statesman Classified Ads : CaiiQioi ;'.,,. . ". Classified Advertising Single Insertion per 11b 10c Three Insertions per Its .. . 2oc Sii Insertions per line loo One moatb per , 00 Minimum charge , , 1 Copy for thh pes acretted ontH 6:39 -the evening before 'puHh tloa ror claastftratlnn - Cnr re ceived after this time wUV be run under the heading. "Too Uti to Classify." v; .- The Statesman assumes no flnaB' rial responsibility for errors erhlea may appear In advert torment pub lished In, Its columns, an lit me where this paper f,u" w,1t r print that part of an artrert lament lit which the typographical mistake eccura. Tlx Statesman reserves the right te reject Questionable advertising: It further reserves the right te place all advertising' nnder the proper classification. . -s v A "Blind" Ad aa ad containing t Statesman bos number for an ad dress Is for the prrterttoa of the advertiser end must there fere . be answered by latter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to the Identity of an adver tiser using a -Blind". e4 Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect Mil saiem Montgomery Rend, wu HORSES KOn sale. Also ie wka old weaner niaa Hare lawen rami Biooka Oregon. W A NTEI1 TOP price paid for old or crippled horses. Phone collect oe. Jefferson. Flalay Fox Farm, Jeffer son. Oregon. Auctions ' man GRADE furniture auction, Friday. 1 :30. 2000 South High. Bfll MacKensle, owner. Ray Bassett. attor ney agent, Russ Woodry of Nash Fur nlture Co., auctioneer. Help Wanted t2 WEKKLT. GROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. 30e lb. World's largest company. FREE BOOK Mush rooms, 201 Second. Seattle, wasn. Help Wanted Male WANTED A MAN to shingle hara- SSS 8. lttb St. Tel. 0557. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER BT July 2nd for 6 children, state wages expected. Writt Stephen Resell. roes Logging Fos Oregon. WANTED GIRL, for general house work and care of baby day time $15 Sa N. Summer. WANTED, CHRISTIAN lady or gir! to help In home in exchange ror a nomc. Phone 433. . - - WANTED A GIRL for housework In country, 13 week. Phone 83F4, Rt 1. Box 341 -" to help tn hme .In xchange Jor. a liuuic ruuiiv -maw. . Situations Wanted DRESSMAK, MRS. Adsitt Ph. 8215 EXP. WOMAN wants nr. work. 8824 SEW. 20c. IRON. 26c Ph. 7213. PAINTING. MOST reaaonable. 9445. STENOGRAPHER A TYPIST needs work. Will accept office or store work. ref. Box 524. Statesman, - BY COLLEGE girl, exp. typist. In business, doctor's or. dentist's office. Ref. Phone 6055. YOUNG MAN. married, college edu cation, bookkeeping; experience, wishes permanent position but will accept tem porary work anywhere or anything. Phone 8950. For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes A Rep. Kamsden. 148 S Uh REBUILT AND grmranteed wash era. All make from SI0 ap Spaa Mav tag 836 Hogg Bros. - ADDING MALMINES. tTpewrltere cash registers, scales, sales, retitala. rw palra. Roen Typewriter Rt. ess wan WALL TENT, camp bed. 381 a 14th CASH FOKused furn. Ph. 6110- CHOICE GOLD fish. 8028 S. 12th. DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers. Also peat moss fertiliser.. Ph. -1I3FJ Lee's Hatchery. Gr AY SQUIRR1.L coat. 059 N. Cap A SNAP House trailer completely furnished. 819 N. Froatv ' h - LADIES GOLF clubs and bag, good condition, cheap. Ph. 6413. - -i, - 2 GAS WEDGEWOOD stoves. 1 oak wardrobe. 824 N. Front BC - - . e8ssseWhysk4Sasdlssk ' CHERRIES. ALL kinds, t cents lb.. you pick. F. O. UuckrMge, Rt 2. Bos 1 02. 1 mi. E. Keiser school. ' 4 COMPLETE MUSIC courses. 120 lessons each course. Accordion, steel or standard guitar, plann. Salem s larg est music studio. Stringed -Instruments furnished free. Students paid full down ' payments moved away: 120 lessons 356. parable 81 weekly as lessons taken Nothing to sum. No money In advance Box 617. Statesmsn. : "77; MONTMORENCY CHERRIES now ready. 8c delivered. Phone T694. W ATKINS PRO. 1728 Madison. T80S. t CUTHBERT BERRIES. 11.88 crate del. P. 8327. D. a Kiel liege. 3149 Can. . Q8iigisiri6Ti,tat4.aa OUTBOARD MOTOR. Phone 88F4U. ADYCRTISLNO Wasters Advertlslns -Bepresenutlveg - ' - tistueerHall Cev. Ltd.' San Franciaca : Loe Angeles; Seattle EastonB Adttrtlgloa , Represenuttvea , 11 -firyant Grtmth A Branson. In Chicago, New York. Detroit . .. - Bostoc Atlanta r . . rmtmrmA at ta fMtoftre mt gatew Ami mm Mmmnm Class Af Otter, mm. tfssiaess mum "T' m . j. rssiM esest b a m m -eeaaa eaa arwaaaiaa 1 afreet snesuuiruun na'' s Mall SubeeHpt tea Rates la Advaaoe; fi.1.1. . rmj - nail and - r CSV : 0: 69 eenti : 8 Mo 31 89 : Mo. $3-66 1 I rear-85 ee. Eisewoare Mo. or tor wwmw- r Per cony 8 eenU Newsstands 8 eenta r 7rnm rmrrmr! SS MnLS RlOatb : ,i frh advaaea bs Marios For Sale -Uiscellanront IRONS FIREMAN. aU automatic used very little, 76.00. 1161 N. Church. rnone ezzu -.- mw m.m-i ho, m aV t eaewa See a sack. White's Greenhouse, 1455 LOGANBERRIES. ie LB., yen pick. Bring containers. E. A, Warner. Rt. Box. 76, aear Rickey school. EARWIG POISON. 1110 Shipping Street, .' -.-. . . . . - .r'1 ' ETTERBERO STRAWBERRIES. 1c TRAILER HOUSE, 222 N. High. MONTMORENCT PIE cherries. 2c you pick; Sc -picked; 1 mL WaJbwa Rd. PBfttfs, rh. F1. MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES. U- plck, le lb. Tony Kaaper, Chemawa tnooaa ocnooL. STRAWBERRIES. So . yoa pick. John F. ZleUnski. Rt. 7. Box 151, 1 mile east. nails south or Cbenawa 4 Corners. - .. VETCH OAT hay shocked. Cat since rain. T. B. Morgan. Rt. 7. Boa 120, 2 sri. N. ob 'Pacific highway. ton. : - REMINGTON NOISELESS. $40. Bo SZ4. statesman. FOR SALE or trade, covered wagon trailer house. 1270 N. CotUge. RASPBERRIES. LOGANS A cult wHd blackberries delivered. Ph. E1F2 OAK DESK, swivel chair, filing cab inet, also battery charger, emery wheel, air grease gun and meat block 245 Marlon St. CORVALLIS STRAWBERRIES. 2e lb You pick. Bring containers. Sargent H mile west of Liberty. Ph. 51 F8. s-ejpes-sSjakMaJSkd i USED LUMBER brick, comer of center it commercial u DAVENPORT AND chair, nearly new. Cost $140.00, now $55.00. Phone YOUNG BERRIES, $1.09 crate. 3513. TOUNGBERRIES, 8c. U pick. Mont morency cherries, 2c. Banks, P. 77F5 - -- -- lViivmfWwi n.iLru"i r CULTIVATED WILD blackberries. $1.60. Z4 boxes del.: $1.00 U-pick. Also youngbenies A boysenberrles. Phone 77F3. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED USED fum. Ph Silt. NASH FURNITURE PATS SPOT rash for household fur nishings. Phone 9502. lje)eAaAaaSBseaeW MALE INSTRUCTION. Would like to henr from relinhle men we can train ; to overhaul, install and service air con ditioning and refrigerating equipment. Must be mechanically inclined. No In terference with present occupation For Interview write at once giving name, address, age. Utilities Inst- Bot 522, Statesman. Miscellaneons DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO-HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT 8EMI.ER. DENTIST Corner 8tate A Commercial - Ph. 21 M For Rent Rooms RMS -FOH ladlea N. Cottage i Ph 51 SLEEP. RM. Prl ant Ph 69T1 NICE Kit, genU. gar. 771 N. Cot FINE SLEEP, room. 638 N. Church. NICE SLEEP. RM.. 239 8. Cottage. BED. LIVING room A cooking priv ileges, 107 . Commercial. NICELY FURN. room. 8 blocks from state build. 253 N. 13Uk Room and Board BEST RM.. board. Close to stat house. 1227 Court. Ph. 6494. APPRECIATE GOOD mealsT Nice Hornet See- 8f a Bowen CM N Liberty NICELY FURN- ht. cold water. iCv meals. Nr. state house. 318 S. Wlntet bp. a room. $46 & cottaga. 6488 DOUR1JC ROOM for ladles, prt enl Very close In. Ph. 8482. NICE RMS. twin beds. rm. with pri eat and lavatory, its N. iztn. RMS. WITH or without board. 8630. BDr RM. laundry. 455 N. Cottage. NR. CAPITAL, shower. U49 Unfcwi - RM, $2.50. WITH board.. $4.75. 7218. For Rent ApartmcnU' 8 KM. NEWLT fum. Reat. water rafrlav-bath. adotta. 991, N. Cottage EXCELLENT APT- dose tn. $36 month, 897 K. Commercial. 3-ROOM MODERN. Phone 3884. PATTON APTS.m S'ate. Fum bthed. Adulta onlv Phone 8344 I TO 4 RM apta fum ae eafnra. $4 up I no, lite Boom nut . SM FURN apt, 350 a Col tag SEE FISHER aeU Modernised newly decorated and room TmrB v delighted Oak and 8 Convneeeial THE MOST homelike In Salem- Hawthorne Court. 1999 N. Capitol 2 A 8 R. APTS. Furn. A unfurn. to 940. Royal Court Ph. 8963. 8 R. $13 80. 8 R. $15 59. 1925 Center COOL t ST floor. 9-rm. 646 ferry- CLEAN RM. furn. ant With pri vate bath, laundry, garage, bus service. lilt Lee. FURN. 3 ROOM, kitchenette. heat lights, water. 985 ejaglnaw. APTS-, $8 PER maw 258 Bellvae.. KIR. FURN. Bath, garage. 8695 IN. capitoL 3 R. FURN bath. $15. 1440 Waller. 1-RM grrciL, close hi. 12 Water. MODERN 8 A ROOM apartments 1 sleeping room, 244 Marlon. RENT OF ant. la exchange for wom an's light services, write box aaa. Stateetnaa. J 1-RM KTTCH. close tn. 312 Water. ShyxtgZtasadksiSatSjgegSaglSg FURX.ATJNF7JRN.apU 418 Ferry. 8 RM. FURN. APT- 433 Marlon.' 69aVSMsaSagaV69aS9g UNFURN. MOD. 3 room apt fire- 1 aaia m ibbiiikvvw awa m m m mm - 1 1 1 n w.tM iul steam heat tanw.1538 State. Ph. 4443. t A 4 RM. FURN. apt. nti. hath, wa ter, garage. $I A $18. S4 starton. 2-ROOM FURNISHED. Light, wa ter A Maytag. $13. Call after p. m. 1629 Ferry. - . . I K FURN.' APT, bath, lUi water. 1259 N,.WlnUr.--v-:-s..i-.j.-.-., vuiri i'i ri i-inriiini 1 M - . - NICELY FURN. room. 1 blocks from 1 IsUtebuUd. gi h. iitn. Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPATMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR LNCOMS : No Endorsers No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD ESI AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL- AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. '; ; .. . ' : ' General Finance Corp. 110 So. Consmarctal St. First Door South af Ladd A Bank ForRenf- -Apartments 4- 2 R. FURN- bath. refris. gar. hot rold water. Phone 2408. ri n ri i'i i'i ri n .o ff i-ir--i rn-i (n-. 2 RM. FURNH S32 N. High. 2 CLEAN APT3L. turn. Ground floor. 224 N. Front St. - A 2-RM. fum. 7t S. 12th. 1ST FLOOR apt, FrlgMalre. Cloee la, 1135 MUL DESIRABLE 1ST floor. 1235 State OLYMPIC APARTMENTS 2-room nicely furnished, 720 N. Liberty. THE DEYEREAUX; 4 nna. unfurn. 2 AND 2 RM.. furn. aDta.. prlv. path. lts hot water, washer, 253 Leslie 8t. 1 AND 2 ROOM. 151 N. 12th. MODERN 3 ROOM apt fireplace hardwood floors. Private bath and en trance, elec range. Hot water and steam heat furn. 1535 State. CLEAN. QUIET spts 1 and 2 rmi $10 and $12. 142 Court Ph. 4427. VAC. GLENDORA. 585 N. Summer. NICE COOL 3 rnx, (58 Center. COVENTRY COURT Aota. vacan cy. Ph. 8658 or after 5 p. ro., Ph. 3282 or call 13S3 S. Commercial. 2 ROOMS. CLEAN, furnished apt. reasonable, 474 N. Church. 2-RMS- MAIN floor, pri. bath. prl. entrance. Frig. Adults. 425 N. Winter. NEW MOD. ant. aU outside rms.. prl. bath. frig., garage. On creek A I very pleasant 2328 State. For Rent- Houses ; FURN. AND unfurn. houses. H. GRANT. S2 Court St Phone 8744. FURNISHED A UNFURNISHED houses. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEnttn 1853 N. Capitol FURN. HSES. A apta. 135 N. Com MODERN DUPLEX apt- 4 rooms nxelv furnished, elec. rang re frig. basement, furnace, fireplace A garage 828.50. . & M. EARI. Phone 9178 or liu 8 RM. HOUSE partly fum, $24. 385 Madrona Ave. Salem Heights. 4 RM. HOUSE. 330 Gaines. 4 ACRES IN city, large poultry Mdg., new 4 rm. house, bath. I no. 1430 U . 4 RM. HOUSE.. MS 8. 13th. Ph. 7481 or call 1578 Bellevue. - 5 RM. FURNISHED hte.. Ph. 744S. N E LT r'ed'eOR A TED 11 roam I furnished home. oiL hot water beat elec. range A refrigerator. Phone 7801. 6 Xo -iSTa alr.d.wafhX orated. i $25.00 to reliable people. Ph. 7184. MOD. 5 RM. house In town. $20. Ins. Henry GrabeL Rt 2xBox 608, Cherry Ave. FURN. S RM. mod. house, gas fur nace, double garage, 2035 li. comi. Ph. 7448. seeaaMSaeeeeMeaewssssrfsMsasaaseeapesaseaseejpW 5 ROOM MODERN furaUhed house 550 S. 16th. MOD. 5 RM. bungalow, newly decor ated ; 3 large bedrooms. Nice yard, pn 3317. 6 RMS. UNFURNISHED -.$25.00 7 rms. furnished. Court street $40.00 5 bednn. hse close In $86.00 4 rms. furnished $26.90 WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street GOOD 8 R. FURN. house near high school. Urge lot Fruit A shade trees. Nice location, lease yr. to good party. Pbooe owner, iff 4 or 6JSJ. NEW. MODERN 5 rm. furn. References. 1229 N. 14th Street. NEW 7 R. MOD. house, off Park St Chicken : pea, gatden, $25.00 mo. Ino. 190S center. 5 LOOK THIS over, home with hwd. rioors. urepiace, -tot -esxizt. oniy (00. to aettla estate. Located 1Z7 ox ford St. ; t E. M. LARSeN. Real Estate tT. S..NrX Bank Bldg Ph. 8781 Evenings Phone 5749 8 R. NICELY FURN. small house. kSze.OO. Immed. posa - E. H. STAMBAUGH Sit Oregon Bldg. Phone 9411 T RM. DWELLING, large landscaped yard, Falrmount HI1L Ivan T. Martin. Ph. 4419. 8 R. UNFURN. HSE.. full hsmt wash trays, linoleum on flra New 5 R. furn. hse. with full hsmt. A furnace, $25. 1 f. h. weir, sij oreg. Bidg. ph. 94ti S-RM. HOUSE. 88.58. Cabins. 86 me. Lights Inc., 8 mL south. 368 N. ISth St For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street inquire room 200 Tel 1711. , For Sale Real Estate WR HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOO, want to sell exchange lease, rent ace Mr. Larsea with Haw una A Roberts. TRADE CITt broperty for farm homea Opportunttlee ht exehangea. - HAWKINS RORKnTS INC MOD 5-RM. buusae$4000. Tel. 8631 VIEW HOME BEN LOMOND PARK LOVELY. .WELL - BUILT 7-n with 4 bedrooms. 8 baths, oil beat, fire place. Beautiful knotty pine petty room ta basement. S-car garage. Numerous trees. wll landscaped lot with front age oa two streets, permanent aaoa structed view of city, valley and moun tains. Mortgage company appraisal. $8299, A real bargain at 67500. Can Mr. Larson or Mr. Collins for appoint mens to inspect. ' " HAWKINS ROBERTS, IKC, ,t ISS MOD. HOME, 8 bedrooms, largo lot, fruit, doable garage. 459 N. 19th street, . 8-ROOM - HOUSE, good location $2209 for Quick sale. Also good, iota Geo. 23. Tomklns, 1669 Center. 316 DOWN. $lfc mo. Unfln. large 45- rm. has. oa H Aw east. Close In. $1199. E. H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 . . 318 Oregon Bldg. Money to Loan LUl No. S1SS . Ph. tilt Convenient Ground Floor Location. Get SPOT CASH m unnnoAV i r n tct I lniS nLIXOUll ALi Way WHEN AT HOME: A "Personar' Loan $25 to $300. Easy Terms--WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 874 offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY: Come la. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (Aa advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bilgh Bldg. 518 State Street Salem. Oregon . State License Numbers 8-133 M-148 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used care. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red taps, 1 TO 29 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 121 South Com mere Is I Street Phone 9148 Lie. No M-111 FHA LOANS 8. also private loaar A bra ma Ellis Inc.. Mason le Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-169 LOANS Pay Cash for your purchssea. Consol idate old bills. You Receive $ 60.00 150.09 300.00 300.00 Tou pay Monthly $ & 19.24 13.12 20.43 Interest Is charged each month remaining unpaid bat ONLY on the REFINANCE YOUR CAR. loans tip to $500. You will Ilk our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 291. First National Bank Bldg Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 18-213 State License M-220 Auto Loans Refinancing BORROW MONEY ON TOUR CAR OR REFINANCE TOUR PRESENT BAIJiNCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. at-zas MERRILL D. 0HLII1G INSURANCE Phone 9494 278 SUte Street Salem. Oregon $1000 TO LOAN on good security. H. p. grant, 529 Court Street (CONTRACTORS HOME OWNERS IF YOU plan to build. remodeL re finance, secure full Information rela tive to my Home Loan. Interest 6. Up to 20 years monthly payments. Def inite commitments secured on new con struction within a few days. Low fi nancing cost REX BANFORD Ladd A Busb Bank Bldg.. Salem Financial 4 Wgs HAVB never paM lea than this rate en aav1ag and tnveatmentav Insure to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings a Loan Ass's Phone 4944 142 8. Liberty tn. Loans Vanti?d LOANS WANTED tarts and ettv property - Before borrewlaa Inquire Hawkins- a ftonertav .- - WANTED PRI VATK MONET - TO LOAN oa good Salem real e tata-WlH pay f interest. - W. U. QUA BEN HOKST COk RICA f .TORS " 134 & Liberty Street - Phone 946 838 MORTQAQR INVESTMENT 8$$ i WB MOW have a womber of first -mort gage real .estate nana, improvee properUes. excellent seearltv Mortgages ta amounts of $18$ te $7600. net you 6 per cent payable, semi-annually. Examine the prop - arty yourself. - -- --r- CHILDS A MILLER. INC. 344 state Street Telephone 9361 1 1 for Sale Real Estate NEW 4 ROOMS and nook, garage electric water system, sere garden ground. 32100, $200 down. baL $16 per month, win tate car.- 4 WINNIE PETTYJOHN 4IT Court Street ANOTHER TJNFTN. hse. N. B. of town. Full price $1259, $16 dwtu H per mo. No down payment. ' . F. H. WEIR, 111 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 ROOMING A BOARDINO HOUSE CLOSE TO BwattMes dlaL complete ly furnished Hlnese forces sale. Price for an only $7900. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors $4 State Straet Phone 9261 "" ' LOTS -' " WS OFFER , corner lot suitable tor 8 small houses for 9899. One at paved. . . v Oood lot close te high school. $519. See Mrs. Ellis with ... ' CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State- 8treet -. -Phone 936L 88aMSsdktgsJsa9Bg4asda4p94p Z NEW RM. anod. ftotnea aa eoraer of 18th A Madison. Reas. terms. W. A, CUdek, Ph. 4377. - - MMWBsaMk4aBBggtMss MOD. R. HOUSE. 8 bedrssau alee stove wired, north, shade, fruit treea I shrubbery, I - ery, targe lot, 93098. Ph. 4839 'ln1ia1a8gnidsiga FOR A -FEW dare onlv. 4 paved road, 6 mL from Saleaa.. Price 1 M0, $100 down and 819 per-month see uraea with HAWKINS A BOB KRT8. INC -!-,- OOOD LOT cheap. 14th near State. . pavaa. mow nomee near It. Phone esse. For Sale Real Estate NEW AND COMPLETE - 4 ROOMS FIRST floor, nicely fur nished, plastered walls, unfinished at tic, attacbed garage, on acre or splendid soil, close ha oa good road, near fine school, electric water sys tem. Rice 12500, easy terms. : also On acre northeast, beautiful! yard, with moss lawn, two room bouse, new garage. be sold furnished and quipped. Automatic oil circulator, ra dio, etc. 100 ft wei I. automatic pump. See it today, price sif&e with lf down, balance monthly. Sea Mr. Bart- ten -wttn CH1L.D3 A- MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 92CL Exchange Real Estate ! T ACRES ALL In fruit and ants, good 8 room house, elec. lights and watei system, bam and chicken house 8 mile out ; will trade for home In Saletr ntxrat same value. (85000). Must Be clear of encumbrance. Bos 455. care of oiam i WILL TRADE equity In new $4500 suburban home for smaller property close in. bos 70, statesman. EXCHANGE . 2 HOUSES SHOWING good rental returns will trade for land suitable for filberts. Price $5500. See Mrs. Ellis witn CHILDS MILLER. REALTORS 344 Bute Street Phone 8241. .WANTED ACREAGE NEAR SALEM. Will trade 11 room furnished borne near capitoL See D. C wauter. sos N. 24th st HOME WITH arts, close In for acre age, 33500 value. $1700 equity. E. M. LARS EN. Real Estate U. 8. Nat'I. Bank Bldg. Ph. 3781 Evenings Ph. 5759 For SaleFarms f 4 -ACRE FARM 1 mL from La comb. Farm buildings. 60 acres under cult Berries, fruit $2800, $500 dn., terms. 140 Division St- Salem. Acreage 2 45 A. IN SALEM. 4 rm. bouse. bath, lights, chicken house, also well. SlibO. lift A. l mL N. of Cbemawa. fair bldga. excellent soil, all cult, $4500. Traae ior coast property. 21 A. 44 mi. from Kelser school. 4 rm. house, other bldgs. Can be irrlya ted, an EXCELLENT farm. 14000. $500 down. Immediate possession. MONEY TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3723. Wanted Real Estate ATTENTION WILL PAY cash for your equity In mod. nome. Phone Miller, 4253. Business Opportunities INTEREST IN building company Small amount cash or lot or plot will tie considered ror interest worth Investigating. Bos 507. care Statesman. RENT RESTAURANT concession. Everything furnished. Box 627. Statesman. 2 COMPLETELY FURNISHED houses, like new, near Sr. high school. Exchange equity for filbert acreage. 4-unit apartment house, furnished, ideal location. Bargain for cash. Own er must sell. See Mr. Potter. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street Phone 6524 For Sale Wood summer prices, old nr r i only $4.76 per cord. Order for now o later deL Phone 4 in. Oregon Fuel Co 18-INCH DRY old nr. Phone 421s eeaeeee,seeeaMaeWesaeWsaeWSae BIG 2nd GROWTH. 16 In- 84.50 Without knots If desired. Oak A ash Ph. 187F12. 69 OLD FIR $4.76, 4 ft $4. 9456 BUDGET PLAN five months to pas first payment In ie days, oak ash, 86.50. knots $6.50. Old. $5.09. 2nd gwtth. 84.00. W. L Graen. Ph. 5370. Yard 412 N. 21st St 4r AA CD. STR. gr. No dote, truly dry 16 la. big a F. Ph. 7022. DRT FIR, all kinds. Ph. 7597. T"r'irijvisy"y"y"a 2nd GR. FIR te stump 1231 Sixth St esssaaJSsgahsaasaaasassaeWSMSaskaeeaSsaeaassssaw Ka i 16 IN. eld nr. $5 cd. P. 4120 i Wood Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Sproed. Ph. 5883 Personal LONELY7 -WORTHWHILE' sweet heart, husband, wife for vosj Bos T8 I4e Angeles. For SaleUsed Cars '37 CHEV. MAST. D. U 2-dr.. 14.990 mL. excel, condition. Johnson. lire dept. 36 Lafayette Sod- sac. 368 N. 12th.- FOR SALE, by owner. 1937 Pontlac' DeLuxe 6 Coupe. Must sell Immediate - ly. Tel. 7738. - -r:rre;;ll deaths in 1937 and 29 in 193C Tf-w- uiKai$ vwim easy S. 13th. Ph. 94(5. . ... Cards la . this dlrertory ota a Monthly basis oaly. Rates ft per Use per moath. Auto Brakes Mike Fanes, 211 South Commercial Anto Laundry CARS WASHED. 60e, 8 Intent se cleaned A waxed, $2.09. 867 N. Church. Phone 8968. Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and recoedhloned Harry W. ScotL I4t X Caea'L P. 4618 Chirnney Sweep fEIXPHONB 4488. IL & Nertbneas -r Chiropraeton DR. a U SCOTT. PSO 4Mrwpractav 368 K. High. Tat Reg, MIA ExearatlnjirVj KXCATATlNfJ OF -an kmda Base menu dug. Dirt hauled er meved. Din for sakv Salea Saad and Gravel Ca 9498. . - .-.J Florists Brett ha apTa 447 Coort 6994 Laundries , . -THR NEW SALEM LAUNDRY - - -' THE WUDCB LADMDRY 268 6L Hit ; Tai, 9129 LEGAL 1SOTKX SUMMONS a .AO. 28083 la Um Clxcwlt Court of the Bute of Oregosi for the Coast? Of Marios BERT T. FORD and MARGARET G. FORD, husband and wife. Plaintiffs. T8. BENJAMIN B. HATWARO sad D1ANTHA K. HATWARO. has- band aad wife; the nnhnowa heirs of Benjamin B. Hay ward and the dnkaowa heirs of Df anths K. Hay ward ; SAMUEL G. LIGHTFOOT and MARIE L. LIGHTFOOT. husband and .wife, the . anknown heirs of Samuel G. Llghtf oot and the anknown heirs of Mario L. Lishtfoot; also all other per song or parties unknown claim- ins any right, title, estate, lien or interest .In or to the real property described in the com plaint herein. Defendants To -BENJAMIN B. HAYWARD and DIANTHA K. HATWARO, husband and wife, the unknown heirs of Benjamin B. Harward and the anknown heirs of DI-1 antha K. Hay ward: SAMUEL G. LIGHTFOOA and MARIE I. LIGHTFOOT, husband and wife, the anknown heirs of Samnel G. Llghtf oot and the un known heirs of Marie L. Light foot; also all other persons or parties unknown claming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter est In or to the real property described in the complaint here in. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Ton and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yoa in the above entitled suit on or before the ISth day of July, 139, said date being the ex piration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of first pub lication is the ISth day of June. 1939, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to said court for the relief demanded In said complaint,' to-wit: that yoa and each of yon fully set forth the na ture of your claim in, to and against the following described property, situated in the .County of Marlon, SUte of Oregon, to-wit: The East one-half of Lot Five (5). Block Twenty-one (21). Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shows and designated on the duly ' recorded map and' pUt thereof oa file and of record In Volume 1, Page 29, Record of Town PlaU for said County and State, that such claim as you have there in may be adjudicated and de clared, invalid and that the plain tiffs may be decreed to be the owners in fee simple of said prop erty, and that plaintiffs' title I thereto be forever quieted and get at resL This summons is published . by order of the Honorable L. H. Mc- Mahan, Judge of the above enti tled Court, made and entered on the 12th day of June, 1939, and the time prescribed in said order for the publication of this sum mons is once a week for four con secutive weeks. First publication, June 13th, 1939. Last publication, July 11th, I 1939. CRANDALL and LEONARD. Attorneys for Plaintiffs, 802 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. J 13-20-27 Jly 4-11 CALL FOR BIDS FOR PAINTING Bids will be received by the undersigned. Clerk of School Bis-I trict No. 21, Marion and Linn Counties. Oregon, at Gates, Ore., for painting Grade school building I two -coats. Right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to aeeept I the bid deemed best for the dis trict. H. N. WILSON, Clerk, School District No. 21. Gates, Oregon.- 2 4-2 5-2 7. Portland Car Fatalities ' Higher Than in 1938 PORTLAND. June 2MAVTrat- fie UUlitles in Portland are 22 per cent ahead of last year so far, hat less . than the tout tor the first six months of 1937, W. C Epps, chief of - the police traffic bureau, said today. ' rv... . ea ..nti . TO" V""l'" , "lace jan i, against zz ior me (same period in 1938. There; were a at this date. nlattressea SALEM Fl.Urr RtXl and Maltreat factory NEW MATTRESS made tt order, old romade : carpet eieaalna sislng ; nurf . rag weaving. U. ISth A I Wilbur. Tel. 8441 OTTO F. It WICK ER, Est IfIL CAPITOL BEDDINU CO. 4989 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWKIi. Natnrepath IS - Phyatetsa. 1799 Palrernnnds- Rd Tai 4883. Office Hoars 11 a. ea te 8 :S0 a m. mu uiil a consulta Painting - Paphjuirfng WH DO al kinds balnttac T832. Printing FOR STATIONERY earda pamphlets Poarama books or aar kmd ef lad s ins. call Tee Stataamaac Ptiatlag D partmeat. 319, R v Comme ratal. Tele 9I9L Itesorts ISRERWOOD COTTAaES. Tschsts rsM poise ana ten -Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant tranaler. stor sge, burner on. can SI8L I- Tranafar Cm. Troeka ta Pert la ad 4aU INTERSTATE TRUCK1NO. Oreg., Ph. 83F2. Wash, t Well Drilling Directory R, A, WSSX, Rt 8, Boa 448. P. 11 63 Actress Pleads for . . ... i v y-,'' L Li-"! s- . - f I r'. Mrs. Claade Pepper and TaOnlah Bankbrad Stage Actress TaDulah Bankheid, right, pretties tip In Washington as Mrs. Claude Pepper, wife of the senator from Florida, looks on prior to Miss Bankhead's appearance before a senate sub-committee in connection with the new relief proposal which would terminate the WPA theater project Miss Bankhead, the daughter of Speaker William B. Bankhead of Alabama and the niece of Senator John Banknrsd of Alabama, enlisted the aid of her two Illustrious rela tives in the cause to retain the theater project. Navy Probes Squalus Disaster t Here Is the naval hoard of inquiry which Is Investigating the staking of the submarine Squalus off Portsmouth, N. H several weeks ago 'with a loss of 26 Uvea, Left to right are Cap. WOliam R. Undroe, sunristant director of the naval Intelligence at Washington; Rear Admiral William T. Tarrant, commandant of the first naval district; CapL Thomas Withers, inspector of ordnance, and CommsnrtrT fJharles W. Styer of the Washington naval uhati latory. ' Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 20 21 23 2H V77 20 2r Z2 33 35 36 3? HO H2 V5 91 55 96 'A ROIXZONTAI. 1 Ask alsa . . v. - ' - 4 rartalmlne te weight 9 Ersloaive luune -UUJapaaese riet pasta lS-'-Partaiaiaa te a rkawlral gteap 14 laspwe whh fear IT Bern - ; - 19 Whet b the SMet OMterhr state ef Ow TJ.S.T , 22 ttaetof a Mshsp aatkeHty . 2 Whet Is the Snt aasM el the eetrasi wse alsvei a Bey-t rsnaerf 94 Bseei 17 Dirty ' SoPaeWlM WsV tfeV BaSevt efgasTarV. -What soveKst wreta "The Prirste Life 'ef aUtaaef Treyr . ' -'-' font SMBth " : 48 Whe wrete The AstiMigtsasy ef ABce " ' Talssr -- . 44 srsot fines aaess wee niiatil 8a the WeHdWert Sohh -2 jt eMsJt Beverage - r. v ' 1 61 IHaed i n ra esse . -- 26 Beaestk it KaywnirUd . ' , 91 Ckiasnsiiiisrs - IS Wse wee 9ke here ef Af i isuitest t4 Paa tsisisa ssjstsst aeake M Srssssl far aesa .. , 87 sITttw'seast - ' . " 8 AasttaUaa bird "' - ' - 8 Wtaat 1 ijatiy 8osa8Sa ehiat fceajatis PieanT - 4 Feadaateatal 5 fmrt of W ( T Timlslni asiaa WP A Theatre . v - I 4U n 1 IH TT ie m 22 25 24 27 3C 91 3W 37 HI HI HQ H S2 S3 11 Tkroack IS-3Caavee thekef 30 Aspreaeaei SI Laaees 84 Hiasa easea - 24 Carry ewer, ss preperts 27 Vsllev ea tM awea's earfaes SO glaggha ' , 88 Was tareatei the 1 itsrrt- 40 (Jake wkh sthehet 69 Note of tee seals -68 Printers anssare Herewith Is the solution to Tea-. teiTa pujxle. s . , . 51 S4 Ooaterfeitare 34 TfeaM 4mm9mMm ' ' 99 Csssgoi pwltioa 41 Of what river Is the BBarae a trSka l rwatsi fee she aaaa- 4 Wtoa 49 Oejaiwaadawaeh . f ? r WO L El1 O EI-IA V s i'f4 ,f jb waaw iiisa f a it aw mmm. -aid y b 1 t-RPpPlvj v :-T pMi" 2i;L -- It1 - G LfAlT E.t t e fT? sRt atT nil ad la cent eouatlae.