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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1939)
The OREGON OTATISM ;W33 . TAGS EIGHT SiJem Market Quotations , ... . MUTTS (BayUc Frleee) (Te arlesa baio- applied by grower aad iaaieatiee ef tte -eilv prieee paid U frewere by Sale bat arc Mt gearaatee by Tie taa. ) . . . Banaaaa, lb. ea stalk Bands ,.-. ' Grapefruit. Texas slaks , ,. local arket buyers Stetee- .08 ! .ok 4.0 .oo 5.60 , 4.00 1.80 1.66 1.40 v a.oo -.JJ- 08,1 e.iar , Lemons, crata ... - OraBfes, crata Strawberries, " cal . Sroeadoa, crata - . t.80 te uarraate - Raapberriea , Cantaloaaee, crate -1 es ta rauraiaioat, is. . YXGSTABUBS ; ." v ' ; ' - v (Bavin; Pzlcct) Asparagus, lecat. aea. .. . Beeta. eos. . . JO . .23 , .081 , .8 . 00 ' . 1.7 . - - , , SO , 1.00 ; . .so , .05 . JO . .40 ." 1.10 ' . .4S . : . s.oo . JO . . JS Cabbage, lb. ... Carrots, kieaL ale - Caa lif lower, - total - Calory. OUb, 2.00: local, rrale.. Cucumbers, hothouse, bo . -LttBa leea! ' -- Onions. AO. Iba. Grcoa eeieaa. dos. Radishes. - del. : , , Pass. , local, lb. Pspperv greea, CeliL faraiey Potatoes', local ewi, Ke. l 6U lb. Decs New Potatoes, Calif, wt 8pinae, local,' bo-... Turaipe, do. (Price paid by Xaepee-t rcWn pUat . to grewex) , .' Walnata PranooetUs. faaey, 13c caa diom. 10c; assail 4c: orchard raa, 10c. Walaat nests. 24 to 80c lb. .... -rilberti Barcelona. Urfc Is t; fas y Hfcer babies. Ilet orchard ma '114. (C op Prtcoa ia. Orowar ) Walaeta Price rang, depaadlag a pea) ray aeU raa la 14 aiffereat grades lir 12c . Dackilly 1 eaat higbar. ' HOPS '. .'' ' i , . (SayUf Prlcos) . ' Ciasters, aoniuaL 1937, lb. .05 to .08 Clusters,- lB3b, lb .33 to JS f ag glee, top .... , , 1 ," - J . WOOL AD at OHAXB Vv. (Baytag Price) , '. WooL mediae, la. , , , ','.;.- JS Coano, la. . , JS - . Lambs, lb. ' J2 - kfobair, lb. ' 008 AXTX rOULTKY (Baylnc Prtcea at Aadresea't) Grade A large, do. .. . Jt Grade B large, " , J7 Grade A saediom , , XI Grade B aiedinai , .IS ralleU .14 Colored fry a .15 to JS White Leghorns, hcacy 41 White Leghoraa, Hght. JO Old roosters .0S - --.-- I- -1A MAUOH CSl-UCEXT Buy1n Price Butterfat, lit quality .21 H . Bntterfat, aoeoad qaality .80 hk BUitterfat,- premium .25 Leghorn bona, over SH Iba ' .13 Leghora hcni. BLder IK IDs.- .i Lechora frrera. ltt Iba, .10 Leghorn fryers, andersisa, nsrket ralne Colored fryers. 2-8 lbs. J2 Solorcd pringa, 3 Iba. aad ap Colored bene ; Btaga . i .13 .13 .08 .05 Did Roosters So. 2 grades So per ponad less. '"- ZOOS Brsde A large ... . .. , Brade A medium 43 J JO 45 JS Brade B large Srade B Bed i am ,., Undergrade aad cbox. ' . UVS8T0CX . (Baytog price for BTe. 1 atoek. baaed o tonditteaa aad aaJee reported ap to 4 p.a Lambs," 1980 topc T.2S 4.75 2.50 7.50 7.25 7.00 'S.75 6.50 4 25 to 2.00 to T.2S to 7.00 to 6.75 to 33 to Ewes L Bogs.' top . . .-- , .I,,.' 130 ISO Iba ' ' 2 :0 800. tba. , . . . Bnwa -Beef cowa -Bulla r Heifere - S.OO to 5.50 to S.OO to 6.50 6.50 1.50 , e-0 40 ton eeal Dairy type cows Dressed veal, lb.- ..8.50 to fit IR CHAPTER XXXV 7 t Uarie fluttered from Julie , to . Charlie, "and back agin.- From kitchen to living room, straighten . tag a picture here, twitching a cur tain there, bright-eyed and nervous, wanting everything to be perfect fox them. , ' . - Walt was only too glad to give her the vacation she had refused be fore. -..,'' . "I've got so much to say to you I Ml take weeks," she cried. V But after-. they'd discussed. the weather, , and : Walt's divorce and 'Julie's riving up the beauty shop. after they'd helped Charlie decide on a garage for his ear, there didn't - seem to be much to talk about. "Yotfrerlooking asrfully thin, Marie. Art yon sura you feel well 7" "Oh, yes! I've worked rather hard at the office, of coarse. You're a little thinner, too, arent you, mother 7" -v - ; "Mel Gracious, no! It's this new kind of reducing girdle I have. They say it's wonderful, and I know it ' makes me look better, but I dont know's I can stand it After all. vou just have on life. Yon say you do feel well, dear? Charlie said he , thought you looked sort of peaked, ' tOO." : - :' r .';'-.V,VmV!, . -Oh. yes, I'm very well. V -. Now what to talk about? They'd used up all the safe subjects.' From - the firiV everyone had-been con- - scious of strain. Before they came, Marie baa moved all her and d ward's things out of the bedroom, Installed them in the little dressing room back of the wall bed in the living room. Then she'd made up the bed with the best percale sheets with double hemstitching, and dusted and ' vacuumed, in a fever of excitement. But when they arrived, Julie in sisted on sleeping in the living room wall bed. And all the things had to be carried back Into the closet. , " .Edward didnt say anything. He ". Just looked. '. -Next, there was a duty call on the Wilsons, a contest ia politeness that left everyone exhausted. ' .s When they came back Julio said, ' . "Well. I'm glad you have your own place now. I think it's a mistake for young people to live with their par ents. I always did say that . You ; iwrember. don't you? : v ". ' She tried to make a joke of It, but Edward seemed to have lost his capacity tor jokes. Be was cour teous, polite, the perfect host. lie rot up early and was gone BntU aveniTij. '.,.-.; ' i C:":2 waif to sell scmo lets sg-in," ha toli Charlie. "JfsJj sosae pretty rice eornnussions a will ago. but i: 1 3 teen dull durtnc tis sum mer. CI c:-Tse, yoa dontcxr :rt to sell c- 3 every day., Ett yew ont . have t:." . . :. , . CI expc ... n war., Mar: j Then and ' lljfireedttatr't r j too'.. I'Jfce --rjsseie.itr! it i was . tvf : . :. ' t t. : it- . i . , ' i t;-r t 3 i La L;r eyta. s I:'. t 1? t: uuty. 7ith money earef ally slipped to Edward ia advance, he took C"3 Grade) B raw 4 per ceat milk, Salem Co-op bask pool price f 1.76. 4 Co-op Grade A batterfat S f172, - (Milk baaad am cl-oathlj -s batterfat averaga.) :x O-atribator price, f2S2. x Batterfat, No, 1. 22 We; So;, 20 He; irala-are.1 y A Krad pria t, -Hc; B crade 27 qaartere 29 Wo - GKAIB. BAT AVS SEEDS V ' Waeak ba. No. 1 recleaac4- .7S Oata. crer toa -.,... 38.00 White .-12S.00- 22 00 t 24.VO 12 00'a 18.00 10 00 to 14.00 reed barley, toa Clever hay, toa Alfalfa, tea Ere mash. fa. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1J0 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bag 1JS t Hea. acratra iee-. , , . . Cracked vera s . . l-?? Wheat . Mart POKTLASD, Ore- Joae 36. (AP) (08U1) Predaro price ebaagee: Apples Ore. Kewtewas, es fey, 1.50 1.75: fey. 1.25-1.40: Wash. WiBcsapa, es fey, 1.60-1 JS; Rosses, or fey. 1.65-1.75 Traaapareats, 24 lbs., 1.20-1 J5. ' Apricots tiLi ou-o-e nat; i.uw-.-o vecadee Calif. 1.051.70. Asparsgas Ore.. Wash'30 Iba. K. 1. 1.65-1.75 1 loose, 1.40-10; aaci-M loose, L2S; strings, 75e-1.00. Boaas Ore, greea. 4H-6t Bsasaaa Baacb SHe; aasaU leU 6. Black Cap 1 65-1.75. Celery Calif.. Utah, 1.80 1.60; vUta, L70-1.80; heart, dec., 1.10. Cabbage Koood. 75c-1.00; pt S0-7Sc Caateloape Calif, atd. 45. 3 CO 3 JO; jumbo, 36-45s, Honey dew. , 1.60 1.75. . . Cherries Ore, Wsh, Blag. 6-7; pie. 4 5c Celery Calif , TJtoh, 1.7S-1.85; white, 3.00-2.25; Ore, Utah 1.50-1.75 ; white 1.75 2.0C: hearts. 1.10-1.20. Currants 1.25-1.50. Citrus Fruit Grapef rnit. Tax Blank seed lei a, 3.85-8 00; Arisoaa faacy, 3.25 3.50: Fla, 3.25-3.50. Garlic Local, 6 8c lb. Gripes Calif, seedless S.00-S.2S. Lemons r'saey. all siies, 6.00-5 JO; choice. 4 75. Limes Dox. carton, 20-25c Lcttoeo IxksI dry. 45-75c; poor, 85. Oraagei Calif. . nttcli, choice, a. ouoted: Valencia, large 8.75-4; small to mediant. 2.25 2.70. - Cueambers Hothouse, dos, 1.50-1.65; bo- dos.: Ore. fists. 85-OOe. Letture Best 50-65; poor 35c; Was. topped, 70-, ae. . IfBshrooms Cultivated. 1 lb, 80-35. Onions Calif, war, 80 90a; yellow, 80 30c: reds. 70-75e: Wall Walla, nnqnoted. Peaehes Calif, flats, Triaaiphj, 0c 1.00; Calif. Bedbirds 45-55e; Ore. 65-76. reaa uregoB, a-c; .eie, a-sc. Pepper I'lorida, 25-80 Lb.; lag, 8 JO. 4J0. Pluma-Cilf, 1J0 1.60. Potatoes Ore. ' Deschutes Bassets. He. 1, 100 lbs., 1.00-1.20; OS No. 2. 60 .1b. 88-43 He; Calif. Long White. OS Ko. 1, 100 Iba, 1.75T.90; Wash, Cobbles Ke. 1, 4.8 1.0U. . . y . , -: B spberrlee 1.65-1.85 per erst. - Rhaberb Ore..-au)e boa. 40-45. -: ' 8qaasb Ore., Zucchini, - 80-85c flats; Scallopa 80 0e; Crookacoks, 80-85c . Srrawberties--Orego- best, 34 basket errtes, 1.60-1.75. - , -' Spinach Ore, 85-45 orange box. -' Tomatoes Ore. hothouse, 10-l4e: Calif, 24 lb, 1.60-1.75. few 3.00. Bsncbed - Vegetables i Local per doa beaches eatons SO-25e: - radishes. 174- 20e: parsley, 17i-20c; turnips, 45-55; carrots, 20 250.- ".- r- Root Vegetsbles: Ratabataa 1.35-UO. Youngbernea 1.20-1.30 crate. - - ; Watermelons Calif. 2.00-2.50 ewt. eratea extra,.-, v - ---- - --"i-t Gardeners' M AIL BRIDE by HAZEL LIVINGSTON across the bay to San Fraiudsco, expertly driving. Charlie's car, for Charlie, stubborn about "strange traffic," refused to even take it out of the garage. , -'":V.? .' V,; 'm I- They had a week, of that, - H -And then, one moraing Edward wouldn't get up. "Oh, dont' be siHy!" he said to Marie, when she iileaded with him. -We're not feei ng anybody. I'm surprised they haven't already sympathized "with you for marrying a lazy .loafer that won't work. They will, presently." "They haven t said a THING! And if rm willing to pretend and pay all the bills so that yoa can look like a big shot" .- Now you're talking. Now you've said what's on your mind. Tell your mother, too. Msybe shell take yon homo with her," and let yoa forget yoa ever got Into this. Itll be nice. Your friend Carson's headquarters are south, too- or supposed to be," "Edward, I dont know what's the matter with you. Are yoa craxy? Everybody's been so NICE to yoa, and then yoa act like this and say things-- -': That's it rm sick of having yottr mother and Charlie be nice to for your sake.' Yoa can tell them to cut it out, with my compliments. Yon wouldn't Live- with my folks, and I dont know any reason why ! have to live with yours, particularly When I know what they're thinking. and saying behind my back!" - - ."Now too AR& eraxTl You're raving madl X I lived wit:!Tour family for months, and suffered every minute, and If yoa think they waited to talk about me behind my back you're still crazier. Not that Charhe and mother do they dontl Why, when I think of that first day I cams to your house s bride, and they shouted, from one end of the house to the other" If by any chance, yea don't know you're shooting now I" rm, not shouttngr Bat9 she dropped her. voice guiltily.- She knew she was. Julie and Charlie would hear. "Yea, it matters what they think. doesnt it? Bat not what I think. Well, yoa wont have to worry any more about me." I was going to stay in bed a .while and get some sleep because I dont get much sleep any more with yoa' crying into your pil- low, halt the night, v- "I'm going to clear out. rm going over to Mom's. If yoa want to keep up the fKtioB you can say that rm out of town, or over there to help i"Jh the fall cleanin-', or'any lie you Kke. 'And before I go I want to say. just one more thing,' that I've known all along about your friend Walter Carson's divorcesjid why tas wiie is getting it, and that's ONE piece of wool yea didnt pull over say eyes." r- v he tried to answer. "Oh, 'yoa-4 rc-s C T feow:.:; can you even Ldirard was stu-lng clothes Into To e-cape from Lira, she fed to i tr.roon, the only place where anyone caa get away from everyone else in a three-room apartment, with xou people ta u. tv- t WorldTension Lowers Stocks leadng , Shares Suffer up to 2 Point Loss ia . Sltaurp Decline" " M j NEW. .YORK. . Jiuio ltP) licrs-ilBg;- lateraaUooAl tension wu blamed partlj, today for. the sharpest ,, drop In stock '. market. prices la the past ,wo weeks. Leaders lost fractions to more thast 2 poiBts ' at the worst,'-al-tbontjh mild reeoTaries nere in eridenee here and there at the cloee." Industrials suffered ' the IarsesV declines. Rails and, ntiU ties held fairly! welti jl Dealings were slow .except for one or A tw6 selOss; 1 flui . les' al ter mid-day. Transfers , totalled SO 2,2 90 ; shares - compared - with 477,610 last Friday. The Asso ciated Press arerace of 10 Is sues was .off .9 of tL point at 4C.c ' . ;., ... ;-i .. Principal share losers includ ed General Motors, ' Chrysler, U. 8. ; Rubber. J. L Case, Douglas Aircraft, Union Carbide, 'Ameri can Telephone,- Montgomery Ward, Sears Roebuck, v 7'astmant Kodak, Westinchouse, Celanese, Texas Corp, Loft. - General Elee trie and Liquid Carbonic. ; ' ; Goodyear was resistant the greater part of the day as the company roted another f 25-eent dlrldend on the common, the third this year. Cujrtlas-Wright issues were on ly & shade lower as it was re ported the concern .had' recelred a 11,000,000 order from Tur key for training planes. Has Ambitions Baroness lisette ron Kapri, Switz erland's only licensed woman pilot has two ambitions. In New York, after an air tour of Mexico, she says she would like to fly solo across the Atlantic and to establish an aerial - ambulance corns in Swit-orland. ' . 99 was humming, when, somewhat calmed by cold water and quiet. Marie finally put in an appearance in the kitchen where they were hav ing breakfast, Nobody appeared to hear when Edward walked through the living room and out the front door. They all began to talk at once: "The weather report says prob able showers "I heated up some rolls, but If you'd rather have toast' "Oh I -Excuse me. I thought I heard the telephone!" - v . -: And then they ail stopped. Uarie looked at Charlie, whoso eyes slid away. She looked at her mother, and her mother looked down at the tablecloth. - "Oh. why PRETEND V. she cried. "Eves Edward said that! We're all worn out pretendingail of us. Yoa heard It all. Yoa were right all the tune I It didnt workr f JoHe supervised the"pcldnr. She kept Charlie busy, running here and there for rope and boxesrand ex celsior and strong wrapping paper.' "All us stun: a person accumu lates, even in a few short months 1 What's this? Looks like curtains I" Marie opened the package.' The pink' curtains she bought for the old sleeping 'porch in the Wilson house.'. Her - hand 1 caressed - them gently. She felt a little apologetic toward them. -They'd never had a chance. r-" - A. "-. i .' A few tears f elL But nobody no-. ticed particularly because nearly everything made her cry. It's lust nerTes dont MIND ma. Ilws stopped every time I cried, we'd never get packed. Wharis I do with all this silver T" Charlie asked. "Do yoa want to keep it la this big chest it's in? It weighs a ion." ; ; ''- "I dont core if It weisrhs two tons. It's the only, thing fm salvarizur from tho wrexkage,'-Marie said. "That and my Job. Did I tell voo Walt said bo could use me in Los Angeles just the same? ;- ! v es,"yda:told t-., Julie ssld. "Walt's always been good.. I always Eked Walt. But I wish he waanV getting that divorce. I bate thinking 6f Walt a divorced man. He and Flo were the happiest kids when they were first aoarried . . ; Oh, darling! Pm sorry I 'That was tactful of ma, wasnt itt But you've got to over look your bhxndexing, old loot of a mother 1" 4:;. f -' 1 llsrie snLTed, wiped fcer eyes. "Well, it's kind of funnyj Worryfag about Walt's divorce whea your ewa daughter will gtttittz ore, tctv And since yo. bri t? tie pclV Edward , and I were J-Ty once. We were terrHly tapry. I knew yoa dont believe much in love-" .; ti imrrri - la romance, I mean. Well, ws did have that, We bad' love ar i romance and happiness even if it wts mixed op with troubles, sxj s I"J tern rerret it, M4 that's wist rnskes me so DARN mad when I cjatch yoa sighiag and ning over me. I'm NOT! sorry. - . ' ;Ui (To Be Concluded)' Quotations MBTIJLSD. Ore, Jm ll-(ir)-Oairr are4ace arseeat . Batters SUttr-a S4Hie; sUb-sis S3c; priae firsts 3e; Orsu tie: batterfat JH-23e. . cxs: Larfe extras lie; large staai are. 10e; saedlaas extras 19c; asediaai asaaSarSa lSe. ..i Cfaassa Triplets 18e; leaf. lee. ' Portland Prod ace TOVttJLSB, Ore- Jaae 3.-AP) Ceaatry ateata betnac ariea te re- iktra:- Cwatrv-kille4-ben., beat- be- era. a4e4 ISO Ibe, l-10Me lb.: ve-lera. 11 H-Ue- I.: --t aa4 ii. lO-.le la.: aea-y, S-lOe; Iff, apriag kuabs. 19-15 He yearttag laaiba, . 1012a la.; ewes, S-7e la. eatter cows, Se; eaaer eetra, 8 r Be; Sella lie lb. Live ronltry B7lBg prtcea t Legkara broilers. IS V Uc lb.; eelorci spriags. 9 lbs. and ever, IS-lie.ib.: Legbera beBS. ever 8V Ibe.. 14a lb.: eaier t Iba. 18c lb.: colored bcaa to S lbs 15e ; ever S lbs, tSe IV;- Me. S grade. Sc lb. leaa. - - ----- Taraeys allla pr'icet Dressed boas, IMSe lb.; tons, 1&-I4e . lb. B a y 1 a g Srtceer' Heaa. IS 14 Ik.; tease. 14-13elb rou'oee laaiau f esas, I I eeauu: leeeJ, 1.00; Oeaebate fieais, 1415 eeat-1; auaasata rails He. I. easa 1.1S-1.15 etr , e FeUteea Califoraia Wbltee, Ma. t, 10 tec rart f Keaaewlek. l.eO-1.50. - Oaioaa Calif, wax SO-BOe;- red. 70e; yellow, 80-8 So per 60-lb, sack. - Wool Willamette valley, 183B dip. aeaaiaal asad, SSe lb.; coarse aad braids, 85 See lb.; 4 aoatbi fleece, 33 See lb.; eestera Ore, 18 ate lb. - Hay 8elliag .price to retailers: Alfal fa. Me. 1.-14.00 toe; eat eetcb. 13.00 toa: clever, 11.00 tea; timothy, eastora Ore IB 00: 4e valley. 14.00 toa. Portlsad. . Hope 1B8S Ciasters, S0-35e lb. far cies. 2s lb Mobair Noatlaal, 1989 eUp, 80c IK Oaseara Bark Boylag pries, 1989 peel. 44 lb. agar Berry aad fralt, 100s, 8.10; bale S.38; beet 8:05. Dosses tie rioejr Selllag price, city de livery, 1 to 35 bbl lets: rsaslly patoat 49a. 8.70 6.38 : bakers' kard wkeat. aet. 4.00 S.45; bakera bhieeteas. 4.70-8.00: steaded wbeat floor, 4.70 5.00; soft wbeat Stocks and Bonds Jobs 38 Ce-tplled by The associated Press SO IS IS 60 ladsa Bails Vet Ckg. D1.S I .5 Hob day 66.4 17.5 Previoas day 67.6 18.0 Meatk ago 67.6 19.2 Tear ago 45.B 16.8 1SSB blah 77.0 3S.8 1939 low 58.8 15.7 Dtil Stocks D .6 D .8 86.8 46.6 87.4 47.4 87.5 47.8 3.4 .45.0 40.0 53.4 83.7 41.6 S0m AVEBAOES 30 10 10 10 ' Bails ladoa TJU1 rorgn Vet Cbg. D .4 TJaek D .1 Unch kteadsy 56.S ' 100.8 96.8 61.6 Previoaa Say 57.2 100.8 96.4 61.6 Meatk ago 56.5 BB.7 B6.1 63.3 Tee ago 58.2 96.5 91.5 63.1 .1989 kigk 64.9 100.7 96.7 64.6 1989 low 53.4 97.0 91.9 68.2 Lew yield 112.5 POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY iff - POR HEAVEN'S T" J X. . - ( 'SAKE. MA , HAS J VCM O S SOMETHING . -i-i -CSiVV yS-'J. SERIOUS J 6TIU. LIVING -THEM THE VRCsCS VWIJULU HUT MVfc THt LEGAL RfcSMT TO ATOPT HER TMAT s?..y:. --.1 i 1 a- ! -' TOOTS AND CASPER 4 n-n Jk car-r f tlf C-ONn HOOFER, IF VJ SOPHIE 7 H CfuSSTIOaiS I'LL FT A . ijt JOB JMAN -SR0RMATI0r4 TmZmy" AND THIMBLE -TlEATRI-StajTloj Popey 1;, s. If n LOOKS UKE W1MPV? is ecrHEtt luyE wrr A at Portland 4.46-4.45; grabass. 49a. 4.50; wbolo wbeal va. .. aa. - Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, Jaae 36 (AP) Wkeat: ' Opea Hick Low Close Jaly . 13 , 78 73 73 Cask tTSia: Oats. He. 3-38 lb. white. 28.00; Mo. 8-88 lb. gray BoaiinaL- Barley, Ko. 2-45 lb. BW, 25.00. Cora, Ko. 8, EY akipSteat, 26.00. Ke. t flax,' 1.69. Cask Wkeat Bid! Soft white 78; wet or white 13 H; wostor red flHTard rod winter oreinary 70 ; 11 per eaat 7UH ; is per ceas 7.; is per ceat 74H; 14 per cent 77H. Hard wkite Baart ordinary 76; 13 per ceat 77 H, IS per cent 79; 14 per ceat 81 U. - Today 'e CaC Beeeipts: Wkeat 69; floar 9 eora 11; eaU 3; bay 1 -Ullfeed 7. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore,. Jaae 26. (AP) (U8DA) Hogs: ' Salable 1750, total 2250. Active Price range: , t Barrows aa4 silts, sd-ck. ' 140-160 lbs , $ 7.00 75 7X0 T.254J 1.00( 6.75 6.506 6.75(a) 6.75 W 5.25 5.35 5.00 4.75 ty 6.50 Q 6.253 6.25 M 7.50 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.60 7.35 7.00 7.35 7.25 5.75 6.75 5.60 6.25 7.25 5.75 do fovea, lso-180 it do gd-ck 18O-3O0 lbi I do ad-ck 200-230 lbi do f d-eh, 220-250 lbs do sd-cb 290-850 lbs do gd-eb, 290-850 lbe. do gd-ch, 250-290 lbs. do ascdiass, 140-160 lbs, Pkg. sows, gr, 275-850 lbs, do good. 850-425 Us da good, 435-550 lbs do ased, 376-550 lbs Pirs (fdr. and atkr.) good choice, 70-140 lbs Pseking sows, gd, 216 S50 do gd S50425 .1ba do gd 425-600 lbs - 6.60 5.50 5.00 do medium. 275-500 Iba, 4.766. 6.25 Pigs (fdr atrkr) gd-ch, 70-140 Ibe. 6.50 O 7.75 Cattle: Beeeipts, 85, for week eatable 2470. total 8220. Calves for week salable 290, total 410. Compared week ago, steers aronad 25c lower, cowa and keifera mostly 60e lower, balls weak to 25e or more lower, vealera steady. Steers, gd, 900-1100 Ibs$ 9.10 9.60 do medium, 750-1100 Iba 7.75 & 9.10 do com pl) 750-1100 lbs 6.25 8.00 Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs, 8.000 9.00 do med, 550-900 lbs 7.000 8.00 do com (pla) 650-900 lbs 5.50 't.00 Cows, good, sll wts- 6.00 6.50 do mod (plain), all wts- 5.006c 6.00 do com (plain), all wts 4.00 6.00 de low ent-cut, all wts 8.2 5 a 4.25 Bulls (yearlings eselad), gd (beef), all wts 6.80 6.75 do med, all wts 6.75 60 6.60 do cut-corn (pin), all wts 6.00 6.75 Tsalers, choice, all wts 8.00 W 8.50 do good, sll wts 7.50(5 8.00 do medium, all wts ... 6.00 T.50 do eaU com (pin), all wts 4.500 6.00 Calves, med. 250-400 lbs. 5.50 7.00 do com (pin) 350-400 lbs Sheep: Beeeipts 2285, total 8420. 25; for week Spring lambs, gd it ekoiec.87.80 do medium sad good-.. 7.009 T.75 common (plain) Lambs (shorn) med A good - do common (plain) Ewes (shorn), good-choice-da eommoa (plaia) med- 6.00(4 6.75 5.00 5.50 4.00 (cj 6.00 2.500 8.50 1.25 2.50 Wool in Boston BOSTON, June 26. (A) (USDA) Domestic wools were largely inaetiTe on ND5 -wrrHCxrr I CONSENT OF THE IT WOULD BC THE WARDfcSTD BUT MDUTCS-O 8 mornin , JklXti-N siJL OJAMOSrWI; .i'f--i?.-'.- WATT HERE, I SHALL BETURW Wheat Rallies to t ' Make up Losses Cent a '.Bnsliel Slump is Made ' up - Later as - t Buyers Enter i rCHICACtO, 3 XL n 9 i2t--iF) Wheat Talaes Slumped about s cent a, .bushel , today but then rallied' sharply - Jest ' before the close, wlplnf ; oat practically ' all the loss. ' Selling; based on lower prices Is Europe and swelling; receipts of newly harvested grain at southwest terminals' caused the early decline. Just before . the close, however, buyers, attracted by lower, prices and reports of serious harvest delays !a some sections of the winter wheat belt due to heavy rains, be came more , active. . ,-. Wheat closed unchanged to lower compared with Satur day's . finish. July 63 Sep tember 70-. The day's lows for these contracts was 68 and 694 respectively, with, July options the wea" est due to ap proach of the delivery period. Funeral Is Today For Mrs. Crook f DALLAS Sarilda Adeline Wal len Crook died Sunday, Juno 25, at her home In Lewlsville. She was born on June 17, 1873 st Jonesville, Vs., and was married to Sterlln H. Crook on March 2, 1892, in Lee county. Vs. 1 They came to Polk county In 1904 where they have since made their home. She is survived by her husband, sjons, Ewin, Raymond and Howard (A Monmouth, Mrs. Carrie Zook Of Dallas, Mrs. Mattie Osborn of Amity, Mrs. Roxle Osborn and Miss Verda Crook of Monmouth. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. in the Henklo & Bollman chapel with interment In IOOF cemetery. tbe Boston msrket todsy. Very few in quiries were being received from users. Quotations on mixed lots of three-eighths and quarter blood bright fleece wools of fered from conntry points abowed more firmness tkaa daring tbe early pert of last week at mostly 89-80 cents, in tbe grease, delivered east, for average wools. Fine territory wools in original bags were quoted spot Boston at around 65-66 cents, scoured basis, for good French combing length and aroond 62-64 cents for average to short French combing lengths. First Aid to the Injured Respect for the Aged 7 T s' " i I f t5-g THERE GOES 'rAu.r' ZU.J, S& plenty serious. 1 verpawon KSi'V2s W tv PO.LV TIMES LIKE 1 - 12) twSVTW .TiU . Annie Had Better Knock on Wood! the wRrrrcM OOLO PARENTS IMPOSSIBLE RORl ADOPT HCR . AAE AaaMIE ROQNEY Is It a Three-Cornered Affair? ll I T?5 1 1 AAR I MV Jasper, did vdu NoTice my wicp ai i POLLED-UP LIKE A CLAMOUR f tKhUMSB LIKE THE QUEEN OF - SUETS CHJT EVERY AFTCRKkYMO NEVER TELLS ME WJERE SHE A DON-T SUPPOSE. SHE'S FALLEN FOR SOME t,UY AND. HIM ON THE i SLT, DO TOUrj i SidUxT Talka Turkey iVLUWHAT I ; TWAM-r? Mm Closing " ' NEW YORK, Juno IMflVCloslng quotations: . " ' Allied Stores . . 8 4 Com with ft Sou . - 1 National Dlst .. 25?4f American Can . 93 .- Consol Edlsoa . 10 Nstl Power ft U 7i Am For Power. 2U Consol Oil ...... 7 Northern Pacific 74 Am Power ft Lt' 4 Corn Producta . 4 Packard Motors. S1. 4 Am Bad Std San 12 Curtiss Wright 8 ! J C Penney . . . ; 89H. Am Roll MUls . 1 1 Douglas Aircraft 1 8 U Phillips Petrol . 3 4 Am. Smelt ft Ref 40 Du Pont de N. ; 149 Press Steel (Car. 8 Am Tel ft , Tel 180 Elec Power ft Lt 7 Pub Service NJ. 37 Amftf Tobacco V 8314 Erie RR ...... ;'! Pttllmaa .....V 25 Am Water Wks. Anaconda . . . . Armour HI .V. . Atchison ...... Barnsdall Bait ft Ohio . . . Bendix Avla . . . Beth. Steel Boeing Air...' e Borge Warner ;. Budd Mfsr ., . . . rnf rx.v . t a : tn Tail A Callahan Z-L . . t ' Johns Manvllle .72 Union Csrbido V1 78' Calamet Hee ... 8 KenneeoU 82 United Aircraft. 38 Canadian Pacific 4 Libbey-O-Ford ,48 Uaited Airlines ill J I Case .V.;;. 75:-Ugft Myers B..107 US Rubber .r.NOH CaterpU Tractor? 43 Loew's.;..;; 42 US Steel ;t:;;v 4574 ." Celanese . . . . 21 Monty Ward ; .. 49 ! Walworth ... i . ; 5 Certain-Teed-V.' 7 Nash Kelvinator . 8 . Western. Union 184 Ches ft Ohio... 32 NaUonal- Biscuit 284 White Motors .. ' 8 Chrysler ...... 88 NsUonsl Cash V 17 Woolworth . e7 Coml SolTent 9 4 NaU Dairy Prod 18 -t.. -1 : - Silverton Holds Christening for New Bus Saturday SILVERTON Several ' hun dred gathered on Silverton's streets Saturday afternoon to see the new Greyhound bus, "City of Silverton" christened. T. T. Leonard served as toast master, with Fran ei Mehl breaking the bottle of Silver Creek falls water on the side of -the bus. L. E. Shippey, dis trict manager from Portland, T. J. Gustafson, district passenger THAT9( I8ER STORY SUPPOSE.! ' WERETOTELL- AMRSr-ARCX OF ALLTWDSf MNJkSDMS -.THEY THEY NEVER ADOPT AMMJE. ' BECAUSE X KWOW, ARE HER PARENTS ARE LIVIMG ti SHE LOOKS ilRLANO l atelv,too, as SHEBA?- . . AMTi OF SOMEBOuT iTHINKIN' ABOUT OES ' LOSS SOPHIE IS MEET'N v- WlMMY fURf SIR. I WAfXT VOUR ICALK3HT. FO j eaa-wa.- Quotations - 9 ' Oeneral Electric is ft saieway stores. x. 23 General Foods . 45 Seara Koebuck . 75 4 General Motors. 48 Shell Union ,..,11 ' 284 Goodyear Tire . 384 Soa Cal Edison.' 28' 13 Great Northern. 20 Southern Pacific' 12 4 Hudson Motors V 4 Standard Brands . C'4 22 Illinois Central , 11 Stand OU Calif . - 28 -. 54 4 Insp Copper ... 10- Standard Oil NJ 42U 21 Int Hsrrester :.' 88 Studebaker .... ; 8 22 Int Nickel Can .' 47 Sup Oil : -2 4 Int Paper ft P Pf 29 Timk Roll Bear; 40 Tel . . I Trana-Amenca . 5 74 ' : . . :- agent of 'Eugene and George Im boden, Silyerton agent,' assisted. . ThoJ City of Silyerton; an at tractive ' largo ! blue -nd white bus, will ply between ' Los - An geles ' and. 6as Francisco jand carry the message that : "Silver ton, Oregon. Ms the irateway to the Silver Creek falls State park and 10 beautiful falls." Many Work in Cherries HOPEWELL Cherry picking In the Eola hills Is tarnishing em ployment to many local and tran sient people. While the price is low the yield and quality is excellent In A iuny" STATE FniAIICE CO. A Home-Otcne4 Institution CChllds' ft Millers Office) 844 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone S261 ' Lie. No. 8-216 M-28 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH ' MUH? WHY, b X 6UE99 THE PEASON THE. WARaa4 ASKEOAAETOeK3CNTHE-rssM U AW DDNT ASK AAR. BARNES IS 'CAUSE. Tl OUST HAVE A IXITIJE LOG CABM I VOOOW, XECJO, By JIMMY MURPHY SO DREAMY-aTYSTD if swets "thinkin: H as A SHE EmJOVS TtclANUVLC i rO HATE TO ' COME mo THE HOOFERS' LIFE TS THE ThI NOBCOT CAN IAKB HOT, CAKES : .IKE HER AND - j ; SURE DO DEARLY .LOVS HOT CAKES. WB EVER lEXHtClkQ CONTWD rrOMCvRvV LOG CASiNS --4 '''''' l m i ai.BX-a jk r . . . i m ' -"'V V T"'' ! '' ' Sa "?3 Mvn -I J1 around town, out into the Js-ie's face was red, and Qiazlie ' "-f 1 trslliali aaa 'i-. . . -4 1! LL-..r; m r -, ,