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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1939)
' The UnCGON STXTESHXNZSaTein Prof itaWe HaBife CliecfcOfe: Statesman WaM-Acl EacM - Day Livestock For Sale Miscellaneous For Ren!ApartmenU For Sale Real Estate For Salt Real Estate For Sale Used Cars Eloney to Loan Money to Loan A DEAD AND worthless horses, eowe Sick ad op free. Ph. col last 6411 BaJesn Inntgomery Rend. Wk ; ' . i HORSKS ftm sale. Also I wfca. ee wenner pigs - Hm lbb Farm Binnka Oregon wwii(imwwwiiiiiiiw I WANTED TOP Price bald for Old i or crippled horses., fhone collect aea. Jefferson. Flnlay Fox . Farm. Jeffer on Oregon. - MWMWWWMMWWMWWWMMW 1 HORSES JIARES - MULES LARQtJ ASSORTMENT well brakea horses and mates CREDIT gladly g en. .No carrying ' charge. Get competi tive prices, before yon come here aal ace' how miich lower my prices are. See them work and pull on all kinds of I farm Inmlementa bcfors tou boy. Guar anted as represented. Free aWHverr H. :R. Kuehne," Carlton, Or., ml. B. of Carlton. 1 mt W. of Nowhere; m Weat Chehalem valley. Help Wanted S3 WEEKLT. GROW mushrooms. cellar, shed. We buy, 30c lb. World's largest company, nucis hook atusn rooms, 2010 Second. Seattle. Wash. SURPRISING,-NEW mushroom mining facta from world8 largest com pany. Book FREE. United. 384 t-B Lin coln Ave., Chicago. Help WantenV Male WANTED A MAN to shingle barn (53 a 13th St. TeL C557. A LARGE WESTERN life Insurance I company Increasing their aales organ ization needs men of msnanerial calf ber as unit manager. Must be hard working, reliable and aggressive. Sal ary, first year and renewal commls alone. Box SO, Statesman, Help Wanted Female WANTED. EXPERIENCED girl for 1 e-nrsl Iwvueewnrk and care Of months old hahy; Apply Mrs. William 1 Block's Shoe store. I HOUSEKEEPER BT July 2nd for 5 children, rtate wages expected. Writ? Stephen Resch. Fobs Logging Co., Fobs. Oregon. - - - - WANTED GIRL for general house work and care of baby day time $15 9 S3 X, summer, v r . r Salesmen Wanted view KTKD of heat bolls wnter al- I most Instantly. Pays up to 172 prof- It, Pofcket-aixe minute demonatratlon NO RISK SAMPLE OFFER. SUPER- Situations Wanted DRESSMAK. MRS. Adsitt Ph. 6265 EXP. WOMAN wants hr. work. 8834 IOW AN 39. MARRIED, seeks em ployment Experienced employee and I employer. ztacKKTouna : curninn, nrwv paper, magazine reporting.' edlttng stj-1 I advertising, salesman ror nni" i known II company. legionnaire ; two rears bout graduate work .at lows : . . . . . , ... VCT, 1, 1 A eiaqe ana ninnesoia.. minni w u' I anvthlng within mr canonilitiea Salary I secondary. Box 530. Statesman. BARBER WANTS work, part or full time. 645 S. 12th. Ph. 4890. SEW. 29c, IRON, 35c. Ph. 7313. For Sale&Iiscellaneous Rlkes ft ru-p. Kamsden. 148 B IJft I 0iimm RB-Rtlur ANI-a-tmrenteod wash era. All makes from 919 up Spec Mav tag $35 Hngg.Broa, WWWWWMWWWIIMSSS)SS ADDING MACHINES, .typewriters cash registers, scales. aJee. rentals, re pairs. Roen Typewriter Kx. 456 Court -tnTLfxiirui-iiririririnnnnnriiTi-,-,-,-!- - WALL TENT, camp bed. 235 R 14th 0000000000000000000000 GOOD USED wood ft coal range $29.50; Weatinghouse elec. range. 4 burner. full enamel. $49.95: Elect rolux gas refrtg.. $49.50. Pay $1 down. Cohn 1 wmwwwwmwwwwiMkiwxwa I CASH FOh used Mirb Ph Silt. ssasVsssaWbsesssbjVMSat) CHOICE GOLD fish, 202S S. 12th, rtTLii- uini nri.r 1 nrrir .n. nAfi n " i - DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers. Also peat moss fertiliser. Ph. 133F2 Lee's Hatchery. G; AT SQUIRRKi- coat 2060 N. Cap 0000000000000000000000 FURNISH YOUR home $1 down Cnmn. 3-rm. rroun inc. bed. vanity rheKt bench, coil anrinc. mattress, large size dav. A chair, end. table, lamp ; aiiade. oecaa. rocker ft a S-pc. hsra wood brkfst. set Com p. $119.50. Easv terms, Cohn Bros, 305 N. Liberty. 4000&000000000000000000000000 NEW DINING rm. suite -I49.9S Witt, dining table, buffet ft chairs to match. You ssve a. pay, at on. tann Bros, S05 N. Liberty. A . 8NAP House trailer completely furnished. 119 N. Front - assaaaaSaateaM9M LADIES GOLF, clubs and bag, good condition, cheap. Ph. f4ii. riirinrinrirn r-rf - OAS WEDGEWOOD ktovea. 1 oak wardrobe.' S24 N. Front St.: - : CHERRIES. ALL klnda. S centr lb.. you pick. F. a Muckrldge, Rt 2, Box 103, 1 mL R. Keixer school. 4 COMPLETE Mt'SIC courses.- 120 lessons each course. Accordion, steel or standard guitar, piano. Hatems utrg gtaniiara guusr. psiw. m est music studm. Stringed hurtrnments furnished free. Studentspald fundmvn pavmenls moved away: 110 lessons $55. payable si weexiy as n-mmmm m-cu Nothing to sign. No money In advance Box 817. . St -""-81--,-, : . -; . MONTMORENCY CHERRIES nowJ ready. Sc delivered. Phone 7694. XVATKINS PRa 1725 MadUon. 7103. OUTBOARD MOTOR." Pbon JF4. 1 n n n i jrunnrtrr-utiMwM-i t- -"---' ---' .fTORVALLlS STRAWBERRIES. Sc To pick. Bring containers. Sargent west of.Ltberty. Pp. I1FS. NASH - FURNITURE Co, "sells the same for loss." Seeing l believing. S floors t). New. used. Cash, terms trade. -Ttuss" Woodry. auctioneer, mgr. CUTHBERT BERRIEa crate del. P. S827. D. R. Klelhegs. 8149 Can. - BLACK CHERRIES t cent. Adtflta. you pick. S494 N. Front . ADVERTISING -Wesura AdtertlslBS RoprasentativM Penger-HaB Co. UCS Sis rrsndsro Los Angeles, KSStCiO AOTerUHBs; . RepreaentAtlT Bryant GrtffHb ft Bmneofcls - Chicago New fork. Detroit . Wstered at Ik Itmtoir? i mm uStf trerv monrtnf Honda. Stress - - ' fi sn RSCH1PT10N RATES: Man 8ubeertion Rates In -rii.i.1. v.,wi; Dsihr snd r osv Da c-itw Carrier 1 Ib. 59 eents ; saw. - l. 1 4 i rear " LJL rcaTrlrio". monh : I - 170 a year ta 'Km nd a41acent eountle y - 9a Marios MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES and I corrants, 3c, you pick. C. U. Fisher I Rn)l, Boi 401. Fa. 3SF81. 1 BEST DAV. ft chair bar m town. A Iter reg. priced .499.59. Large mm I chair -with a free IES lamp shadei Comuv for only $69.96. Pay $1 dn. COO1 Rraa I N. Uhtrtt. ' - IRON FIREMAN. ' all - automatic, used very little, $75.90. 1156 N. Church. J Pboae 0221. -- -, AKRANTOMSl x for 86e: 5c a sack. White's Greenhouse, 165 N. Summer. LOOAN BERRIES, lc LB., you pick, Brine; contsinera. E. A. Warner, Rt Box ?C near Richer school. EARWIG POISON. 1180 Shinning street. ETTERBERG STRAWBERRTES, Sc tt, Phewe 404F32. TRAILER HOUSE, 333 N.- High.' you plck.r Sc picked ; 1 mi. Wallace I Rd. Pratt , Fh. mi. MARSHAL!. STRAWBERRIES. U- I pick. Scvlh. Tony Kasper, Chemaw Indian HcneoL STRAWBERRIES. So you- pick. John F. ZMinski. Rt 7. Box - 368, 1 mile esst. 4 mile south of Cbemawe 4 Corners. ' VETCH ft OAT hay shocked. Cut since rain. T. B. Morxan. Rt. 7. Box 130. 2 mi. N. on Pacific highway, J ton. CHERRIES. ALL kinds, you pick. .'11 2c lb. Rt. 3. Box 545; 3 ml Road. FILMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints anl 2 enlargements, 25c. Coin only. Qual ity Picture Co., box 3573. Portland. CHERRIES. YOU pick, lc per nound k mile So. of Illihee. tben 1st bouse west. L. P. Slebenthaler. REMINGTON NOISELESS, $40. Box 534. SUteamaBu .JVy" tr '.TTl!? . 1 8 ' N- gtu: PAINTING. MOST reasonable. 451 ONE GABERILEEN 24 beater Cro- quignolo permanent wave machine. 1 Flaber steamer, i NorntAndle dryer. Good condition; used one 'year. Sadye Ronning, Tart. Oregon. FILMS DEVELOPED. 2 prints each good negative. - Zc. Coin only. Port land Film Co.. box 4212. Portland, Ore. "J.J" -TTmZ RASPBERRIES. .LOGANS I ft cult wild blackberries delivered. Ph. 51FS running condition, $35 cash, Nelaor Bros.. $41 Chemeketa St. OAK DES5T, sw ivel chair, filing cab inet,, also battery charger, emery wheel, air grease gun and meat Mock. S45 Marion St. PART OF beantv parlor equipment reasonable. TeL 8816. ,....,i ,vuwjm.m, FTLMS DEVELOPED. 8 prints and hand colored enlargement. 25c. Coin Oregon Picture Co, box 4292, Portland. I . wr . - it Wanted nllSCPllanPOas WANTED nSET furn rh 111 j 000000r0i NASH FURNITURE PAYS SPOT cash for household fur nishings. Phone 9502. MALE INSTRUCTION. Would like to hear from reliable men we can train to overhaul, tnstntt mnri arrvlcai sir con- ditlonlng and refrigerating equinment. Must be mechanically Inclined. No in terference with present occupation For Interview write at once giving D- "i"'e in"-, bo' 5Z3, statesman. 1 'TTTT'TTyy' I mu manreas, leu I Miseellaneons DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE r UIDRf SC-MI ITD niTMTIRT tnr Slnle A Commercla I -Ph 3311 SALEM WATCH Shon. new location 341 N. Com 1. Special low prices on all I work cash for old gold. For RentRooms SLEEP RM. cloee In Ph 499. RMS FOH ladies 696 N Cottage Ph I67S SL. RM. walking dist 607 N. ConVl WICE RM. gentl. gar. 771 N. Cot R. AT REAR, reasonable. 446 & Cot FINE SLEEP, room. 638 N. Chusch. NICE SLEEP. RM, 239 & CotUge. Room and Board . REST RM, board. Close to state house. 1227 Omit. Ph. 9494. APPRECIATE GOOD mealaT Nlc hornet .lee Ma Rowen 69 N 'Jberty NIGEL Y FURN, ht. cold water. iC meals. Nr. state honse. IIS & Wlnlet 8D. A ROOM. 245 S Cottage. 6482 DOURI.E ROOM for tadfea. prl ent 1 t- lnm In Ph 6432 i r,rJn111Jln.rr r r 1 IC.E . . . . it -rt lent and lavatory. 163 N. 12th. -g-g-iririiiiiii-ir-.i-r-,iMi RMS. WITH r without board. 8639. vinn.nfi nrriririririnrw rirt'im- - i','r BD RM, laundry. 4S1K. Cottage. NR. CAPITAL, shower, 1149 Union RM, $2.50. WITH board, $4.75. 7311 For Besit Apart menu S RM. NEWLT furn. Heat watei refrig.. bath, tdtitts. 991 N. Cottage aaBanasaaakBxat-,V EXCELLENT APT. closs In, , $36 month, S97. N. Commercial. SaWSSSSSSSSWMWWMMMWSSSSM S-ROOM MODERN. Phono 8884. PATTON - APTS. 338 State. Fum athed. - Adults only Phone 6244 I TO 4 RM opts furn or anfsrsj. $6 aad op Ids, 1319 South 13th 00000000000000000000 8M sniRN apu S59 S CbtUge. SEC FISHER apts M"1er-i!xed aewly decoraled and roomy Yu'S XlgMed. Oak and & Commercial.. - THE SIOST homeirke in tolem-- iHawtberwe Court. 10 N. Casftoi. ii-Itl rc am rum. at nniurn. . Its 840. Royal Court pa. . S R-r SIS 50. S ft, S16 60. 193S Center COOL 1ST floor. 1-nn. 645 Ferry, -r rr f iw su iriL ant. wttb m-k rate bath, laundry, garage, bus service. OSsSalsaSjgSbkjSak FURN. i ROOM, kltchenetlt,. aeat ; lights, water. 985 Saginaw. APTS, 38 PER mo, 355 Bellvue. s ROOM. CLEAN neatly furn. apt pri. battv S4S Court. Ph. 5793. FURNISHED. APTS, 449 MIU. RM. APT, fum. SIS 8. 11th. VNSsaWMMMWMM R. FURN. Bath, garage. 100S . CapitoL - r:---- - - - - - - t a. FURN- bath, flS. 1411 WsJlef. 14 KM. FURN. ant. Prt bath, wa- tor, garage; fit $11. S4S Marion. at Maytag; $13. Call altar p. m. l63t Kerry. S R. FXJRN. APT- bath, Its. water. 1359 N. Wtoter. NICELY FXJRN. room. 2 blocks from state build. SSI Ni 12th. . S R. FURN, bath; refrlg, gar-, bot cold water. Phone 3408. 3 RM, FURN, 132 JJ. Hlfh, 2 CLEAN APTS- turn. Ground floor. U4 N. Front St - , 1 A 2-RM. fum. ?5 a 12th. 1ST FLOOR apt. rrlgfdalr. Cloee la. 113a MUL DESIRABLE 1ST floor. 133S State. OLYMPIC APARTMENTS t-room nicely furnished,. 730 N upriy' NICE 4 RM. apt. lots bot water, ga rage. Frig, adults. 27S N. 20th. 4721. THE DE VEREAUX, 4 nw, unfurn. 2 ROOM APT furnished, $14. 171 N High St. S AND 3 RM. furn. apts.. prl. bath. ItA. bot water, washer, S5S Leslie St. 1 AND 3 ROOM, 151 N. 13th. MODERN S ROOM apt, fireplace. hardwood floors. Private bath and en- trance, alec, range. Hot water and CLEAN. QUIET aptSL. 1 and 2 rma. it and ill. 143 court eta ihi. 4 RM. FURN. apt, lights and water, 317.50. 4i N. Church. Ph. 4001. VAC, GLENDORA. 585 N. Summer. NICE COOL 3 nn, I5S Center. COVENTRY COURT Abta. vacan cy. Ph. 8458 or after 5 p. m. Ph. 3383 or call 1363 & Commercial. 2 ROOMS. CLEAN, furnished Apt. reasonable, 874 N. Church. FURN. 2 ft 3 RMS. Lta., W, $12.50 and $15. Phone 7113. gir. 3-RMS, MAIN floor, pri. bath. prl. entrance. Frig. Adults, 43a . water, For Rent Honsea MODKRN ROOM house newly fre Ivhed, with sleeping porch. 1196 Mar inn St FURN. AND unfurn. houses. H. P GRANT. 529 Court St Phone C744. FURNISHED ft UNFURNISHED houses. R A. FORKNER-H T. UEBER 1853 N. CapUol FURN. HSES. ft apts. 735 N. Com MODERN DUPLEX apt. 4 nicely furnished, elec. range ft refriaV basement, furnace, fireplace A garage $2S.50. 8. M. EARLE. Phone 9678 or 3366 5 RM. HOUSE partly furn, $24. 385 ' Madrona Are, Saiem Heights. 4 RM. HOUSE. 330 Okines. . 4 ACRES IN . city, targe poultry bldg., new 4 rm. house, bath. Ino, 1430 -D". evenings, r 4 RM. HOUSE, MS 8. 12th. Ph. 7481 or call 1573 Bellevue. 5 RM. FURNISHED hse. Ph.. 7445. NEWLT REDECORATED 11 room fnrnlshiul horn, nil hnt wnter ItMit. elec. range ft refrigerator. Phone 7101. n i-juwnnnnjumiuww I RM. FURN. home, all newly dec-1 orated, close to high A grade schools. I $25.00 to reliable people. Ph. 7184. - -xnttwvL'nrr iliulti inr r MOD. 5 RM. house in town. $20. Inq. Henry Grabel, Rt 2, Box 506, Cherry Ave. 5 R. HOUSE, BASEMENT ft fur nace, $18.00 per mo. Phone 8466. FTTRV S T? Vf nurf hiutu ram dir. nace. double -garage. 2035 N. Com'L Ph. 7468. 00000000000000000000000 5 ROOM MODERN furnished bouse. 550 S. 16th. 5 ROOM MOD. sub. home, 1 acre. $30: immediate possession. . . New 4 room mod. house (no base.) $30. Posx. July 15. S room furnished, garage. $20. C H. SANDERS 118 8. High 5131 MOD. 5 RM. bungalow, newly decor- ated ; 2 large bedrooms. Nice yard. Ph. I 0000000000000m000000 HOUSES ft APARTMENTS fur - nlshed, $16 to $50 : unfurn. bungalow strictly modern, f!f . See LOUIS BECTTTEL 1 341 State Street ' - Room 4 I RMS. UNFURNISHED $25.00 7 nn. furnished. Court street $4040 S bedrm. hse, close In - ,. 4 rms.' furnished r336.0u Xlft.oo WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street , 4 R. HOUSE. N. SALEM. SIS. A. C. Jensen, 1585 Market Street 2 ft S RM. APTS. refrig.. automatic best. 530.00. 355 B. 14th St. Modern S rm. hse, 840.00. Modern 7 rm. hse, $30.00. Phone 8432, Evenings 3264 , ------ -v-nruxrirvxr- ru-irw-iAf nriAArM- 8 RM. HOUSE close tn. S bathrooms. I basement, furnace, fireplace, double ga rage. $33.69 per met Ph. 3723. SR. UNFURN. HSE, full bsmt. ft wash trays. linoleum en firs. New S K. furn. hse. wUb fun bamt ft furnace. $25. - 4 R. furn, no bxmt, $20. F. H. WEIR, 212 Orfg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, SSI State Street. Inquire room zoo. Tel 8718. For Sale Real Estate 1 ws uiva tiisj pRnnprtT IF YOU want to seU eschsng. tense, rent see Mr. La ram wttn Haw ktna ft Roberts. TRADE cm bcot-arty for I homes. Opportunities m exchangee. HAWKINS .ft 1 MOa 5-RM. BMise, $4000. TeL 5698 NEAR UNI VERS IT 2. tt.1 lots. cor. paved ata. Sacrifice; htavhtg town Ph. S21S or 4143. ISWWMNSIWWSSSWMMSSSSSSS VIEW HOME BEN LOMOND PARR LOVELY, WELL-BUILT T-room with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, oil beat, tire nlaca. Beautiful knottr bin oartr room la basement S-car garage. Numeroua trees well tandscaped lot with front- are on two streets. Permanent aoob - l-s- structed view ot city, valley ana mnun- tains. Mortgage company appraisal. $8209. A real bargain at $7500. Call Mr. Larson) or Mr. Collins lor appoint ment to inspect HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC, SIS MOD. HOME. S bedrooms, large lot. fruit, doable garsge. 450 N. 19th street, S-ROOM- HOUSE, good location 32200 for quick sale. Also good. tots Geo. K. Tomkins, 1 659 center. wwsssissiwssssse 1 Full price $1250, $1$ dsoL. $lf ypr I PqLbxq 0 Coupe. Most sell fcumedlate .. 1S DOWN, S1W ma Unfin. btnre 4 Ima. K eVrwa paymeat Itr. TeL T7SA IMh Ua, Ml n A. MS. cwn m, lt E. H. STAMBAuuh Phono 9411 213 Oregon Slag - ROOMING A BOARDING-HOUSE CLOSE TO business dist complete ly furnished Illness forces sale. Price for all only $7000. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS MILLER. Realtors S44 State Street Phone 9211 . LOT8 . . - WE OFFER a corner lot suitable for 3 -small bouses for $800. One at paved. .- , ' ALSO Good lot. close to-high school, $550. See Mrs. Ellis with childs a Miller. RMiton 344 State Street.. . . Phone 9211. i NEW AND COMPLETE 4 ROOMS FIRST floor, nicely fur nished, plastered' walls, unfinished at tic, attached garage, ona acre of splendid soil, -close in on good road ; near fine school, . electric water sys tem. Pries $2500, easy terms. AI.SO One aero northeast beautiful yard, with moes lawn, two room house. new garage, o be sold furnished and equipped. Automatic oil circulator, ra dio, etc. 100 ft well, automatic pump. See. tt today. Price 81650 with 8500 down, balance monthly. See Mr. Bart- lett "with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9241. S NEW 5 RM. mod. homes on corner of 18th A Msdlmn. Reaa. terms. W. A Cladek, Ph. 4277. TWO HOUSE BARGAINS LARGE 7 ROOM house, garage. 2 fine lots with fruit 2 blocks from grade school. 4 blocks from new high school. 82 100. Terms, 6 room house and large lot $1003 with $100 down. baL like rent 80 ACRE STOCK farm with lota of free range, mostly bottom land, mar ket road. 93800. Will trade. ROSTE1N ft ADOLPH. INC. 110 North Commercial Street GOOD HOUSE BUYS $200 DOWN. BAL. $1$ per mo, nice S R. house, basement ft furnace. A snap. See J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 474 Court Street Phone $464. MOD. R. HOUSE. S bedtma.. elec stove wired, north, shade, fruit trees, shrubbery, large lot $3000. Pb, 4320. S BR. NICE creek lot consider good lot down payment $2500. 2 BR, mountain view, excellent, con dition, hwd. floors, fireplace, taxes, $24 zae. terms 3aO dwn, baL 9Z0. Tr . '.o. r omy i $1150, terms $109 cash. $15, New homes, excellent location, con struction and values. K. M. LARS EN Real Estate U. & Natl Bank Bldg. Ph. 3731 Evenings 5719 V ' ' ' 7777r xvmo". . I iv, a nam. at osm, aw xo an. I 92575, H A, 3 bdrma, 3450 dn. $3000, 1 A, new mod, 5 rms. Take lot or cheap trade. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 a Liberty Phone 711$. BUSH SCHOOL DISTRICT E ROOM DWELLING, attractive. $2400, cash sale. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street - Ph. 6744-S330 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? 8EE THIS new 4 room house, hard wood Jloors, only $1600. AND TERMS TO SUIT STEGNER. 219 Court Street 00000000000000&000004 MODERN 4 ROOM. nook, hardwood. 750 Belmont Easy to buy: 33150. Have nouses with $300 down, p xi fllvnrRQ 111 Ci TTt-v, R1W"U uwarwiii, living L- M- . SANDERS 1 1 8 s. High 5121 1 room, kitchen, dinette ft bath room. vn rn,Tt uays only. JL. saiAlriL NbW, r.1.-. paved road, i mL from Salem. Price I, vs. iv aown and iu per montn. See Larsen with HAWKINS ft ROB EnTS, INC ------ - ' - -ii-r-n-ini-niri.nn.n cvrjj GOOD S R. FURN. house near high schl. Lsrge lot Fruit ft shade trees Nice location, lease yr. to rood party i-none owner 5644 or 5953 wfanlanhaano w a rooms and natn, small barn and new chicken house. One acre good land. iruit annut mile trom city limits price $3000, $400 cash, balance like rent. 4 U acres. Garden Road, right at Swegie school 6 room house and bath electric water system. Price 82500 $300 cash. Balance to be arranged. S room house and bath. comDletelv renovated, good location, large lot va riety of fruit. Price 32150. Small down payment, bal. like rent N. J. LIN DG REN 175 S. High . TeL 8890 " rninr nn nnjnnnn.a.iifxjiji-iucm-i $5759.00. A MODERN HOME on j Fairmount Hill that is unique fn manv ways The floors and flrenlace are un usual, the general arrangement Is con venlent especially at to plumbing and sleeping facilities. We offer for sale a verv attractive home with snacious grounds, comnlete I with water system, lanre living room. I fireplace, 3 bedrooms, garage. Hourly I bus service. We can deliver th Is nron- ertv for 85500 unnn which we can make 1 reasonable terms. One of the mnm aHracHv hnvs that we have ever offered Is described as follows : Exceptionally large living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen Numerous conveniences. Three large bedrooms with hathmam unutnlr. latw closets. I Two grand norches with basement. furnace, and garage. We can deliver this for $5100.00 for a limited time only. For complete information contact P. H. BELL REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone S121 WHY PAT lent? 6 R. house, comn I0ot .T?eon' 004 to ,100a' down. rr mo. .i-fw.-u.-, x oiaie oireei VTTr" 'TL':7Z 8350, paved. New homes near it Phone 8854. -" v'v u.. lucau 1 Lll iintr Pin LC. FOR SALE or trade 151 acres. J. D Dunn, Rt 1 .Box 397. Wallace Rd. 80 ACRES IMPROVED with income. for summer home and good Investment 91600 down. Rt 1. Box 37, Scotts Mills. SALE OR trade 3 acres, eda-e of Salem. Beautiful shrubbery, hardwood floors, t rooms, new, modern. Phone 3917, owner. GOOD BLDG. tots. 35 down. 85 per month. Acreage tracts. 110 down. Sit per month. - I Modern new house. Evergreen. Ave.- ton N. Garden Rd. V A. young fruit ft grapes. 5 rm. house, Morgan Are. turn & from Center Ct. Rd. H A. fruit These houses are ready to move Into. Buy now easy terms no commission To will see my sign.' n. c BhieldA Oreg. Bldg; Ph. 8192. BEAUTIFUL FAIRMOUNT. HILL - HOME. FINS VIEW beautiful yard, S bed rma, fully modern. Priced very low I for quick sale, terms. Call to see It ouvnuniuia-un buui uiaib IS Ladd a Bush Bids. . Phone 1965 1 SSSWWWSSWMWSSSMWSSMSIS NEW 8 RM. hse, circulating neater. I kitchen range, $1800.00, as, dn. pmt. I bal. use rent. . . I New 4 rm. hse- elec. A water. 1H A I or more. $56.49 down. $12.90 per month, 1 10 -A, S rm. has, eUe, $1400.00. $100 1 dns, baL 815.00 per sno. Will consider 1 some traae. I Chicken ranch. XT A else, water sys- I tern, 0 A. fruit, big hse, 0 mL from - 1 town,, sy terms, wui taxe im hse. ft tot sica 1 stKiauinr, tot amp; . ..- phone S6S3 ---,-. HERE'S A PLACE ready for Uulck I sale, 4 R. smfln. bss, $840, $10 da, I 810 per sno. Another unnn. hse. N. K. of town. I ir. u. wsiK, sis oreg. sidg. pa. 94111 1 ' NEW 4 ROOMS and nook, garage, electric water system. acre, garden ground. $3100, $200 down, baL $15 per month. WU1 take car. WINNIE PETTYJOHN : . 477 Court Street $20 DOWN. RM. bouse at 430 Breys Ave, bath, garage, paving, $L- 876.' - - . i ... . $3200, nice bungalow, " S bias, from Grant school, S large rma. ft breakfast nn,,; basement furnace, corner lot saving ft walks la.- $aS down, nice bungalow.' g rma. ft laundry rnu. furnace, .hardwood floors thmughour, $3475. v - MONEY TO LOAN AT I PER CENT. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court .Street Phone 3733 : NEW HOME, hardwood floors, fire place, air-conditioned, furnace, corner lot : Priced right An . exceptlona. home, Englewood. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1853 North Capitol . . S A. SH ML FROM Ladd ft Bush bank. 4 R. house, 8 wells. A. of good timber, oai. in cult ft young orchard. Some walnut trees. Priced -to turn quickly at $1600, $100 down, $15 per montn. - ' . - . Nice . residence nr. Hollvwood : nice lawn shrubbery and a beautiful back yard suitable for entertaining. . Full price $2200, $100 dwn., $20 per mo. F. It WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Exchange Real Estate 7 ACKKS AI.I. In fruit and nuts, goon x room nouses' elec lights and wate system.-barn and chicken house Smile out: will trade for home In Saleir Mbnul same vslue. 35000). Must be clear of encumbrance. Box 455, rare of Statesman. -- - -- -- - ii ii i nnnnnv r r rr WILL TRADE eouity In new 36600 suburban home for smaller property close in. box 70, Statesman. ------------ - -i -ww-ywwwuwi EXCHANGE 2 HOUSES SHOWING good rental returns mill trade for land suitable for filberts. Price $5500. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 so vm-tf'mfvrrrrYfrsfrr WANTED ACREAGE WAR S1TIT1LI Will n4. It furnished home near capitoL See D. C. Walker, 308 N. 24th St SALEM HOME TO EXCHANGE for Portland home 7 rooms, modern, well located in S. Sa lem. Price 34850. encumbrance fSC&O. ee, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO realtors iji a TJbertv Street Phone 6468 NEW 6 RMS. 1 A. Take car as part. 6 rm. mod, sub, 1 A. Take part iraae. 173 S. Liberty Phone 7113 REDECORATED 4 RMS. A bath. Plast. paved. 81400. 8100 to 3250 dn ay owner. 173 S. Liberty, 3 ACRES. FOUR room house, else- tricity. lota of fruit very fmf soil, $1,- -. rjasy terms. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER 1853 North Capitol For SaleFarms PICK YOUR CHOICE BOTH GOOD 2 ACRES ON 99 E about 4 miles n.. VI.. . D t I. . 1 1 Garage ft woodabed. $2450.00, $6S0 14 8-ACRES. Large S-R. bouse, barn. most all in cult Good well, fine stock ranch, plenty water. Can be Irrigated : a real opportunity. $600 down, price $3000, about 13 miles out Good roada. See JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 474 Court Street Phone 8466. hssjsa a.ssi 1 a,.iMVyWWuv IDEAL FARM BUY tSJS uooASZ I ln t,,. 1 a n,n.. Inga Located 10 miles northeast. Price 34375. A REAL VALUE, BEST OF SOIL. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS -134 S. Liberty Street Phone 646& PACIFIC HIGHWAY PARlf"' 327 ACRES NEARLY all under plow, long frontage on each side of highway buildings. Located about ten miles N. on Pacific highway. Price $70 per acre. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone $468 000000000000000000, $310060 A, CULT. Borings. 8 rm. hse, near schools. Very small dn. payment. liZ s. Liberty. Acreage SILVERTON ROAD 10 ACRES UNIMPROVED, facing pavement Willamette soil, very good. -iuv casn. H. P. GRANT I 529 Court Street Ph. 6744-8339. I '-oiiwwiwwii m. I rAtlML' HIuHWA X NORTH I - A. CLOSE TO Junction of Turner I ko. Lots or rruit lis n. frontage I Vani m to settle an estate. CARLETON EL LANE Phone 4075 Pacific Highway Realtor Suburban 1 ACRE. ALL timber , 1 acre, with stream 3 acres, beautiful site $ 400 $ 450 8 850 $ 809 10 acres with stream 10 acres, stream, buildings $1800 .$1109 12 acres, stream, spring, fruit CHOICE f ACRES ('HnH 1 1 ana jwn mntt 9 a I good well, barn, chicken hse., elec. tU 4 mt NE. Nice 4-rm 1 house. Might subdlvide. c h. banders, 11s a High. sm. Wanted Real Estate WANT S OR S ACRES near Salem i prefer Improved.-Box 516, Statesman. SPOT CASH for the best $500.00 (Hy tot within one mile of Wil. Univ. Box si f, Statesman. HSE. FOR cash, $2500 or less. Ph 7113. wanted, 1 TO s acres. or room mod. house, with S me. lease and option of buying. Mrs. E. N. Laird I Star Rt. Sllverton. Resort Property SUMMER CABIN - ATTRACTIVE 4 R. CABIN, 1 bed rooms, lsrge living rm. with stone fire place, built ta kitchen, well water, ex tra good construction, located near Taylor's Grove on tbs Little . N. Saa tlam river S miles east of Mehama. Owner (Gene Grnbenhorst) ' will be there personally on Sunday Drive up snd took it over. - . ' ' . - W. H. GRABENHORST. A CO, v KiSALTwKS i ..j 0 . Phone 6411. Wood Sawing WOOD SAW., Ed Bproed. Ph. ISU For Sale---Used Cars 27 CHEV. MAST. t. L. t-dr, 14.000 I mi, exceL condition. Johnson, fire dept ' SS HUD. T. 8 CD, radio, -T395.99 'S3 Olds Sed, $136. A-1. Ph. 8044. SSWSWISStfMSSSIMWSSSlWWSSIMM. 30 FORD 1-DOOR, $9. sew paint A.I terms. Bog 511, Statesman. -. , S6 Lafayette save. S6S N. 13th. FOR SALE, bv owner. 1937 Pontine I wsi mmmmmm0mmmmmmrm0m A-i umc ih-tux trucg; owner 110 8. 12th. Ph, 9445. LAST CHANCE TO SAVE $50 to $106 Get a Better Car for the Fourth of July! Buick 38 DeLUXE BROUGHAM. special series, new ures ; very 1 low mileage. Packard's 38 DeLUXE TOURING 6 CYL. SEDAN. Not a scratch on car anywhere lots of extras; factory installed radio. 37 DeLUXE "120" SEDAN. Has radio ft heater, new tires puncture proof tubes, only driven 19,000 miles. 36 DeLUXE SUPER 8 SEDAN. New factory Installed motor, wheels, new General dual "ll" tires: radio ft heater j cost new over $3600.00 ; everything new on this car but the body and yon can't tell It from new. Our spe cial price $995.0 Chrysler 37 DeLUXE ROYAL 6- rvr Ti 1 1 I W I iV I ' UlVll VJIU- lUUllUlU Ui-tMJ. I New tires, overdrive, only one owner, and very careful driver, low mileage. Dodge 37 DeLUXE 6-CYL. COUPE. Loads of extras, radio ft heater. try and find one In better hape. ' Ford 37 DeLUXE SEDAN. Model 85 ; radio ft heater. Pontiac's 36 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN. Radio ft heater. 34 DeLUXE COACH. New paint ft tires ; motor In per fect shape. Terraplanes 37 HUD SON TERRA- PLANE COUPE. Very low mileage; has radio ft heater. 36 DeLUXE COUPE. Only 19,000 miles; like new In every respect 36 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN. Has all of Hudson's latest feat urea. 35 DeLUXE COUPE Electric hand, overhauled com pletely. Pick up 38 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP With enclosed cab. very low mile age. You can save money on this one ; see It and you will bay it. SPECIAL NOTICE! The Above Cars All Carry 90-Day Written Guarantee Also IF THE CAR SUITS YOTT WE WTLl I ALSO MAKE THE PRICE A TERMS TO SUIT TOU. 33 Dodge Coach ....-$295 30 Chev.6-WheelSe-dan, good tires --$ 95 29Ford Coach, a real clean one ..:.$125 30 Drirant Sedan .--$ 95 29 Nash Sedan 65 30 Essex Sedan 35 ....... f. . .. Best of Trades and '.Better Terms . Motors, Inc. HUDSON - PACKARD , , High at ChemekcU r .Phone 8400 '--'. i , OPEN EVENINGS - CLOSED SUNDAYS Special STATE We i. You Money WITH REPAYMENT PIJIN AKRANUKO TO FIT TOUR INOOMB No Endorsers -No Comakers -Your Signature Only KKPAT ANY DAY TO RKDUCB ltsT ROR ROW FROM SAT. KM S OIJEST AND LARGEST INI KPKN DENT COMPANY WHERE VOf)R NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BKJORB .A LOAN IS MADK. General Finance Corp. 136 So Cwttmetetai St. Ue No SI38 1H. 9161 First Duo Rnuth of Lsdd ft Huah Hank Convenient Ground Floor Location. Bnsiness Opportnnities INTEREST IN building company Small amount cash or tot or plot .wilt be considered for K Interest - Worth Investigating. Box 507. care Statesman. RESTAURANT DOING .good bus ' ttmm AHr InlHMl, lil&r doWa. or win trade for small a-reag mith house. Box 523. Statesman. RESIDENTIAL GROCERY WITH CLEAN living quarters, a tractive. For cash, $1800. H. P. GRANT 539 Court Street- Phone 6744-8330 FOR SALE Barber shop. Indepen dence. Ore.. $375.00 cash : reason for selling, have other business. Chea p rent good location. E. H. Weddle, In dependence. Ore. A CHANCE IN a life time to get's J " I store building, with living rooms, gas ft oil pumps, groceries, cigars ft to- Ibacco. Located on W. highway No. 99. Have other business : must sacrifice tor less than half value. See my agent LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State St. Rm 4 10 UNIT AUTO court good furn. prac. new, on 99 E, fine Iocs. $6000 arrange terms. Grocery. 5 living rooms, bath. elec. water system, building ft all, $1500, $960 cash: hurry. -C. J. JACKSON. 341 State Strcet- 2 COMPLETELY FURNISHED houses, like new, near Sr. high school Exchange equity for filbert acreage 4-unit apartment house, furnished. ideal location. Bargain for cash. Own er must selL See Mr. Potter. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street Phone 6524 10 UNIT AUTO court, living quar ters for owner, on 99 E. north, close to town. $6000.00. RTr.,r t D-I-I1VV IC7 S .Wi-rh Rt Phone 8633 PORTLAND ROAD- CLOSE TO Fairgrounds. Beer parlor ft luncheon. Fully equipped. Doing good business. Let me show you this place ft make me an offer. CARLETON E. LANEPhone 407S Pacific Highway Realtor For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICKS, old fll 14T a If! 4,-Jr em7V."",er for1-nor 1 later deL Phone 4156. Oregon Fuel Cb 16-INCH DRY old fir. Phone 4!ia BIG 2nd GROWTH. 16 In, $1.50 Without knots if desired. Oak ft ash Ph. 137F12. 60" OLD FIR $4.15. 4 ft $4. 0456 0eaOsStjaaaastea : BUDGET PLAN five months to pa; first payment ia 30 days Oak IS. a ash. $5.50. knots $5.50. Old. $5.99. Snd gwth.. 34.00. W. I. Oraen. Ph. asm. xara iz n. ziat st. 4r AA CD. STR. gr. No dote, truly dry 16 In. big O. F. Ph. 7033. DRT FIR. all kinds. Ph. 7567. - - - - - - - r-r- 11 1 --r r 2nd GR. FIR In stump. 1331 Sixth St . - - -i-,-,-,--i-r--r-onrii FOR SALE. 30 cord 4 ft 2nd growth. ury nr wono. near Turner. $2.25 per com. kmu i t t zz. NO. 1 16 IN. old fir, $5 cd. P. 6120. Personal LONELY? -WORTH WHIIJE" street heart husband, wife for vou Rot 71 I os Angeles. Financial 4 WR HAVE never rutld lex than this rate on saving. 1 and Investments ttuMireA to S5O00. Mutual Federal Savings ft lonn Ass'n Phone 4944 143 & Liberty St Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and ritv sewperty Before bor sowing Inrmtre ejt tiawkina a Konerta WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN -on good Salem real , 'ate. Will pay 6 Interest H GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS IS4 & Liberty Street Phone 0409 8$$ mortgage lNtcsTMKNT $$$ WB NOW have a number of first mort gage, real estate loans, Improved Sropertles. . excellent, t e c n r 1 1 fort saxes In amounts'of $300 to $7300 net 'you 0 per cent payable semi-annually. Km mine the prop erty yourself. CHILDS A MILLER. INC I 344 State Street Telephone 920 Business C-ards la tttts rtlrrrtorj raa oa a Rtontblf bwils oaly. Rater $1 per Ho per cnoalh. Auto Brakes. (Mike Pane. 27B Shsstb Cxtimercial Atitb Laundry CARS WASHED. SOc Slmealse cleaned A waxed; $2.00. 347 N. Church. Phone S95S. . - Bicycles I 8ICTCLES, NEW and recoedUioned Harry W Srotu 14$ S Com L P 4614 Chimney Sweep IKIJCPHONE 4450 B, E. Northnees Chlropraelors . on. a u axArrr. rso trwret-eaetor. 0 9L HIsjBv Tel ftttv SS7A - f . ; Excavatitkit 14 sXUAVATINU OF aB klmlft las aeata eUst.--04rt hasted av meved. Dirt 'or sale. 8alem Sand and Gravel Os hone 9498. .-.t.v"-" Florists iireitbaupra '44t Oourt.v Phone 4904 Lcosdrirt TH8 NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WC1DER LAUNDRT US A. Hlam . : Tat lilt Get SPOT. CASH Thii "PERSONAL" Waj WHEN AT HOME: A "Personal" Loan $25 to $300. Eusy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 87$ offices. One. at to Coast 7 SIMPLE TO QUA U FT : Come In. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOC7SKK KEPI NG StAGAZINB , (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Se-ond Floor. New Bllgh Ridg. ; 518 State Street Salem. Oregon c. t i k- , c t mi - J'" -' :"' ; ' - - " LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO btiv new f used cam. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red taps, t TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 south Commercml Street Phone 9168 ic No M 151 FIIA I.OAN8 s Iso private two nt Abrams Kills Inc. Masonic Kbut AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Slh KI-OOR CUARDIAN ROCniNG 159 LICENSE NO 51 LOANS Pay Cash for your purchases Consol idate old bills. Tou Receive $ 60 00 130.00 ' 200.00 300,00 Tou pay Monthly S 6 S3 1024 13.63 20.43 Interest la charged each month . ONLY on the remaining unpaid baL REFINANCE YOUR CAR. loans up lo 8500. You will like our frtendlv service, small monthly payments, and i low cf t PEOPLE'S FHIAnCE CO. Rm 201, First National Run a Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 S-213 State License M-220 Auto Loans Refinancing BORROW MONET ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE TOUR PRESENT BAlJtNCE EAST TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. MERRILL D. 0HLR1G INSURANCE Phone 9494 27S Stale Street Salem. Oregon. eaeaaes-SjaSBas $1000 TO LOAN on good security. H P. GRANT. 829 Court Street CONTRACTORS HOME OWNERS IF YOU plan to build, remodel, re finance, secure full information rela tive to rhy Home Loan. Interest 6. Up to 20 years monthly payments. Def inite commitments secured on new con- struction within, a few days. Low fl- I nanemff cost REX SANFORD Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg, Salem LEGAL NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS FOR PAIXTIXQ Bids will be received hy the undersigned. Clerk of School Dis trict No. 21, Marion and Llna Counties, Oregon, at Gates, Ore., for painting Grade school building two coats. Right 1 reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid deemed beat for the dis trict f . ; H. N. WILSON. Clerk,. School District Ko. 21; - - Gates, Oregon.-J24-J5-27, Directory RlaltresAcs SAIJCM F1.UK KUO and Mattteae factory. KRW MATTUKSS -anade . ta oar. eM remade : earit rteanle. anting t fhifl rag weaving.-S 13th Wilbur Tel. 8441 OTTO W. ZW1CK ER Kn I9M CAP1TOI rUCIHUNQ CO. rbone 404T9. . Naluropalhie Phsielnn DR. W H ftnCKWKI.I latmafn 18 Physician. ' 1790 Fafrgrotmd' Rd mt 4303 Office itnttrs Ham to 0 e s m FREE EXAM , ft CONSULTA TION - Painting Papfrhanlnff ; WR DO ah kmdx- pntntmg, 7S3S. . Printing FOR STATION CRT earn, pamphlets: saograina aonRs or anv kind of print tog. call The Biatosmaa Piloting De rto' ertnteitl. IIS a . OiansnerrtaL ro- sior -( Resorts ismenwoon CTTAIIWi. Tacnatav Mit, ecesn view, fish poles jmd mv Trattsfer FOR tjOCAI ar dtotaat tranefer. rtor ige. burner otL caH Sl$L. .farmer fiwnafer Co Trucks to Portwnd. dalle INTRRSTATs.-TRUCKING.. Wash. ' Well Drillins B. A. WEST. Bx. . Boa 441 P. IIOFS,