AuRbvoir Party , r Compliments. C pelzelk : X: Mr. ud Mrs. John J, ElUott end Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison were hosts for : a smartly ex . ranged ao rerolr dinner party last night at the Elliott resi dence on' Marion street in com pliment to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Delsell who are 1 e a r i n g shortly to ' use up weir resi dena In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Delsell have been popular mem bers of the younger set of the .capital. f "A bouquet of paatel summer flowers centered the dlrlng ta- hi vnllnwln the dinner hoar cards and games were, in play. '- Covers were plal 'for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Delsell. '."Mr; and Mrs. P.-D. Quisenberry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Backstrand; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, Mr. and Mra, Kenneth Bailey, . Mf. Carl Ga rielson, Mr. and Mrs. John El liott and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Malton. . . - - Missionary Circle at Purvinc Home " . The Ann Jndson Missionary cir cle of the First baptist church was entertained at the home of Mrs." Othella Purrine Friday night. - Following a business meeting a oroKram was siren : Mrs. Joe Teel' led derations; Mrs. Blanche Za hara talked on mission work la' China: Dr. and Mrs. J. Vint oa Scott told of their Missionary u 1 ALL. - MfVlnli in. wora in inuia iuu uiu wunu m cluded Misses Betty Clark, Mabel . Elizabeth Fox and Mary Copley sing.' 'At the S IS- SH S!u was assisted Klein. Mrs. Robert Wagers. Mrs Gilbert Stein and Mrs. Clarence R. Shrock. - The guest list included Dr. and Stein. Mrs. Howard Blum. Mrs. Stanley Morris, Mrs. Clarence R. Shrock, Mrs. Cecil A. Lants. Mrs. Otto Engdahl, Mrs. Lowell Moran. Mrs. Edward Zahara. Mrs. Gerald Christotferson, Mrs. James L. Wil liams, Mrs. Ray Cates, Mrs. P. D. v u aubuciii wiv. v j u -vy. lan, Mrs. Glen Newland, Mrs. Ber nard Zobel, Mrs. Marvin A. Roth, Mrs. Floyd E. Miller, Mrs. E. Q. Gritton, Mrs. Marion ; Curry, Do lores Bailey, Mrs. Donna Sexton, Sexton Zelma Broneuchio, Mrs. Joe Teel, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Mrs. J. G. Nash, Mrs. Albert Ram seyer, Mrs. Lucille Starkey, Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mrs. E. C. Pur rlne and Mrs. Kenneth Klein. .... r- - .' . . -,. . . . '' i Miss Hendricks Honors Visitors at Party Miss Vivian Hendricks was hos tess for an Informal party Monday night at her home on Hazel are- nue In compliment to Miss Doris Godard of Junction City and house guest ot Miss Hilda McDowell and for Miss La Vonne Mills of Med ford, the guest ot Miss Virginia CoateS. :. . . t- .y -i' Bridge was in play during the . evening. with a late supper serred by the hostess. Guests were Miss Doris Godard, Miss La Vonne Mills, Miss Beth Holcomb, Miss Claudlne Gueffroy. Miss Maxlne Woodfleld, Miss Ber nita Holsteln, Miss - Naoma HoK stein. Miss Hilda' McDowell. Miss Betty Lou Williams, Miss Eleanor Wagner. Miss Dorothy Eacstaff. Miss Virginia coates, and: Miss Vivian HonArlrka Vivian Hendricks. Ui "... . - ; . - Arriving in the capital Friday to be the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Otten, was Mrs. George Paine and ' daughter, Jane, "of Norfolk, Vir ginia. They will visit In Salem tor a abort time and then go on to Seaside to risit her parents and will return to the Otten home be-: for returning south. They came north rla-the San Francisco fair. m . . . , . i " Mr. L J. Critteatdea is entrain ing Sunday for Edmonton, Alber ta, Canada, to risit with his daughters and their famines, Mr. and Mrs. C Bndd and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Beatty. He- will return to Salem In several weeks. LEAVING SALEM Mrs. T. W. DelzelL who with. Mr. Del i l leering soon to make their home in Portland. The Xel tzllt were honored at a dinner party last night at the John Elliott home.' ' . CLUB CALENDAR "' Saaday, Jaae S3 '.. ; ; ' OSNA picnic. Sllrer Creek Falls. 4:S0 p. m.' v VFW and auxiliary picnie Paradise Island. For .transpor tation telephone 1739. . Taesday, Job 27 VFW fcuxiliarym e e 1 1 a g Episcopal parish halL I I Wednesday, Jane 8 . East Central e i re 1 e,. First .Methodist church, no-host luncheon with Mrs. II. G. Carl, : SIS street, 1 p. m. r Nebraska auxiliary covered i : dlah dinner, with Mrs. Aura - Williams ltli South Liberty, 1 11 a. m. ' ,atarday, Jane 24 '.' 1 ' " f C chorus, with Mrs. Mae Abbey, 40ti North Cottage : i etaeet, 7:i p. m.-'" ? Bridge SUDDeT at BagleyHome Tonight Mr and Mr- 3" ley. Jr.. are arranging a delight ful . party , for tonight JL. their tinma In VinrmnnA Hclrhta in compliment to a group ot friends. !Sereral hours of cont act will be in play followed by a late supper serred . by tne nostess. Bouquets of "summer : flowers will decorate the guest ' rooms. Guests 'will ' be ; Mr. axd Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer -Merg,; Mr. and Mrs. 'Rus-. sel Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Clairo Brown, r Mr. and Mrs. J. Deane Patterson," Mr and Mrs. Dvight Lear and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bagley, Jr. Zontian Guests af H. E. Barrett Home Miss Helen Barrett and Dr. Mar lon Follis were hostesses Thurs day evening to the members of Zonta International and guests in the gardens of the H. E. Barrett home. The gardens were lovely with their variety of summer flow ers . and this same variety of blooms was used in the table dec- orations. Miss Barbara Barnes as- viblvu uio uuBicHci ux Dcnui. Honor guest of the party was Miss Hazel Cook, former president of the Salem group, who expects to be leaving the city soon. Miss Cook was presented with a gift by the members of her organization. Special guests present were: Mrs. R. W. Land. Mrs. Gladys Christlanson, and Miss Jess Mc Donald. Members of Zonta present were: Misses Helen Barrett, Bar bara Barnes, Hazel Cook, Lillian McDonald, Dorothy Pearce,' Mable Savage and Helen Tockey; Mes dames Belle Brown, Byron B. Herrick, Edna Hunt, Ora Mcln-tyre,- Margaret RoseeransV La Verne Winkler and Dr. Marion Follis. , Republicans Meeting a . n At iacniC . Marion County Young Republi can club is holding a picnic this uiernuon ana ' evening; at nazei Green with Charles Weise the speaker during the business meet ing. Free transportation Is being provided for those who gather at the Marion hotel at S o'clock and again at t o'clock. ; A no host din ner, is to be served but coffee will be provided by the committee. '' Shower Compliments Miss Beatty Miss Eva Beatty, bride-elect of Mr. M. T. Madaen, was honored at a lovely shower Thursday after coon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Getxlaff on Center street The hostesses were Miss Viola and Miss Nora Mallernee and Miss Ka therlne Adlard. An interesting program of mu sic and reading was given during the afternoon. Refreshments were served to (0 guests. Bouquets of roses, hydrangeas, lilies and other summer flowers were arranged about the rooms. . : Mrs. V. E. Knhn, Mrs. Eugene Halley and Mrs. Peter Sather were the luncheon guests of Mrs.' J. M. Kelley In Portland on Thursday. (H)(bQ;b.i1 Annual Reunion On Sunday at Fry Home ' . The . annual reunion of the first graduating class of the Sa-, lem high school, class of 1888 19, win be held at the home of Mrs. - Daniel J. Fry. COC , South . High' street, Sunday, Jane. IS. Mra. Fry is a former teacher of. seme of the members of. this class -and is an honorary member. ,., ' . Members of the class are scat tered ; all over the country, but many return each year for the re-' anion. The graduates - In 1889 numbered 4 f, and last year 1 9 returned for the gathering here. A eorered dish dinner will be serred at noon. ; - -?f Officers serving the past year hare been Milton - Meyers, presi- jonnson. treasurer and Mrs. Florence Irwlnr secretary. Former Salem Resident j i j- Married in rortland ; Miss Perry Bogdanorich, daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bogdan orich of Portland, became the bride of Mr. John Kaffun, son of Mrs. J. Kaffun ot Salem, at a nup- tiei mass at 10:80 o'clock at St. Phillip's Nerl church, June IS Father Troy officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Jack Bogdan orieh. - She wore a tulle and lace dress with fall length tuUe veil. Her bouquet was a shower of white sweetpeaa, Johanna Hill roses, bouvardia and gardenias. Miss Minnie Bogdanovich, of Portland, the bride's sister - and honor attendant, wore a dress ot tulle and lace in tea rose. Her head wreath matched her shower bou quet of roses, sweetpeaa and del phiniums. The bridesmaids, the Misses Ag- nes Kaffun of Salem and Margar- et Hamilton wore matching dress- es of Julie and lace in cornflower blue. Their head wreath matched lUcli BOO WcT DOUQUclS. - IflTTie bouquets. Mary Lou Dulcich, dressed in cornflower blue tulle, was flower girL Terrence McCarthy dressed In white and carrying a calla lily, was ring bearer. Mr: Edward Kaffun acted as best man for his brother. Ushers were Mr. Edward Lind-. strom and Mr. Howard Kaffun. The wedding breakfast' was serred for the Immediate families at the Imperial hotel. The' recep tion was held at the church rec tory. Assisting at the table were the. Misses Louise Slriannl, Evelyn Rldenour, ' Mildred . Hlapclch and Frances -Barta. Miss Anne Stlpaa or-cut-the bride's cake, and Miss Bernlee Celsl poured. For going away,, the bride wore a three-piece suit of blue with fuachla accessories and corsage et gardenias. . After a two weeks trip to Brit ish Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. Kaffun will be at home in Portland. FOE Auxiliary Holds Regular Meeting Willamette auxiliary Fraternal Order of Eagles met Wednesday for a business meeting with Mrs. Elsie Eshleman presiding. Three candidates, Mrs. Neva Strode, Mrs. Eato Sim and Irene Hamil ton were initiated to membership. Mrs. Julia Smith, treasurer ot the auxiliary, will be the official delegate to the state conrention in Roseburg. The auxiliary drill team has held the state championship for two years and will again com pete.. Mrs. Suxana' Pruitt is the captain. .. , M. nil Mm VnaiJli )11 fl Barbara Bell and their house sueata, axrm. ix. a. Herman ana Betty, of Tekamah, Nebr Mra. Joseph Rowan and Ellen ot Mason City, are spending the weekend : at the Devils Lake regatta. The visitors will leave from the coast end will go on to San Francisco and the fair. " . . . . . . . ' . .... ' : Mr. sued Mrst Edwla Armstrong are entertaining as their house guests this summer Mrs. Arm strong's . sister. Miss Francos Tucker of Washington, D. C, and aunt, Mrs. Charles Fisher ot Can ton, Illinois. The. Armstrongs and their guests will enjoy a trip along the coast .highway next week I - 'i x,- st f. .. u: f v " I Antong those motoring to Camp Clatsop -today, to attend the an nual review will be Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKay. Mrs. Thomas Everett May, ? Mrs., George l. A. White and Mrs. Harry Hunt Tow--ler of Seattle. ' .' - ' -.'..( Dr. and MrwBnrtoa Myers and daughters enjoyed several days at Timber line lodge this week. They bare had aa their house guests Kent and Bteksr Wfllson of ' Seattle who are Yen route - south on a trip. . - Mrs. Marion Moore is spending the week in Portland with : her mother Mrs. E. E. Gilbert,' who ' has been seriously in i and ; her brother-in-law and sister," Mr. and Mra. Ronald Hudklns. v ' I Mrs. George. , Blame returned yesterday fr9m r. atx weeks in -Seattle . where aha has been with her. husband .who has ' been con-. "fined In the Marine hospital. Mr. Blume, is reported as improving. . :; . Y; , ,-t l I Mr.tand.Mr&'Lymaa 8teed are spending the Weekend at their nummer. place, at, Nelscott . and iare as their guests Mr.' and Mrs. ' William D. Evans. " v i A ' I ;. , " I Mr; and Mrs. Doaald Yeang are motoring to Lake Oswego tonight to attend a dinner party for which , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eastman wUl be hosts. , ., 5 ?'.-. ;; . ) Mra. . Wmiam ' J.'.Uaalck ' and daughter. Jeapne, hare returned ' from svsereral weeks' stay In San. Francisco and other points of fn terest In the south. I , ,; .. ' ' Rembrandt artist . SjaOd wfil , meet with Mr. Loren Boulier, 125 North 14th street tonight at 7:80 Bfltn o o 1IAXINE BUREN s r , . MARRIED IN SOUTH Miss Elizabeth Lewis, former Sa lem girL who was married to Mr. Dalbert Jepsen of Salem In Los Angeles Friday morning. The couple Is coming north this week. MlSS LeWlS Wed . Q MT' r?DS.r?7l -In !rkiih . From California comes word of the marriage of Miss Eliza beth Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Lewis o Salem, to Mr. Dalbert Jepsen oZ Salem which ; was solemnized In Los Angeles Friday morning. Only close friends of the couple wit nessed the ceremony. A break-' fast followed the wedding. The couple left for San Fran cisco and the Golden Gate ex position and will be in Salem the first of the week. Miss Lewis la a graduate of Salem schools and a well known young pianist. This winter she was soloist" with the Salem Phil harmonic orchestra. She has studied with Olga Steeb In Los Angeles and has ben piano in structor at the Marlborough school for girls. Mr. Jepsen is a' prominent young riolinlst and has been eoncertmaster ' with the Salem Philharmonic Symphony. He Is a graduate of Salem schools, and Willamette university and la now teaching riolin In the capital. The General Aid of the First Methodlsjt church will meet Wed nesday at 1 o'clock for a eorered dish luncheon. The Lucy Ann Lee circle will act as hostess group and be in charge of the program and business meeting. This is the year's last meeting and all ladies of the church are invited. Mrs. Robert Spragne left Fri day tor Seattle where she will visit with relatives and trlenda for the next week. Accompanying her was Miss Eleanor Sprague of Seattle, wh0 nM bee her ho,UB gne8t- ' Dr. and Mrs. C A. Down, Hume and Warren Downs and Miss Fla rla Downs are expected to arrive In the capital today from Califor nia where they attended th grad uation of Miss Downs at Pomona college. tule - niiLl J t7 ; I 1 w s i j(w H .A - ; : - 4 AX , if k . f mi m ! f i "I hope these overalls' doaC pat any IHy ideas tm Martlaa head about t - - r my working la the garden." ; 'v -'-:-..' ; -r-.1- j,.' -: ' . . This gal can take her begonias 6r leave them alone. Bat If yoa do like ; gardening, youll enjoy these overalls. They're aary blue cotton in a linen weave. Sana blouse, the halter neck makes them grand for . sunning at the beach. ; At right, the sharkskin tennis shorts are pleated and could almost pass tor a skirt. The blouse is tailored v? and comforUbly full, with patch pocketa and smart lapels. o o TForteVa iWifor- Marriage of Couple Revealed at Party Announcement is being made of the marriage ot Mrs. Charlotte La Due Gladden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LaDue, to Mr. Claud Versteeg of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Versteeg of Portland. The news w a a told to a group of friends at an informal party Thursday night with Mrs. Vers teeg, Mrs. Eula Beckner and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson acting aa hostesses. Mrs. Versteeg is well known In Salem and Mr. Versteeg Is connect ed with the Personal Finance com pany. The couple will reside at the Glendora apartments. Guests bidden to hear the news were Mrs. Fred LaDue, Mrs. Max- -ine McKenzle, Miss Colene Men nis. Miss Myrtle McClay, Mrs. Dor othy Boyle and Miss Yonne Smith. Tea at Panton Home This Afternoon Mrs. J. J. Panton la entertaining , at a delightful lntotmal tea this afternoon at her home in compli ment to her daughter, Mrs. L. Har ter Markwood (Gwen Panton) of Berkeley, Calif. A group of the honor guest's college friends hare been to call between 8 and S o'clock. Sunday Dr. and Mrs. William C. Panton and children of Portland will be dinner guests at the Panton home. Mra. Markwood will return to Portland with her brother and sister-in-law to spend a week. She will return to Salem before going south. Mr. and Mrs. H. C Leaven worth just returned from a two weeks visit in Washington and British Columbia. They attended the Methodist uniting conference of the Pacific northwest in Bell in gham and spent several days in Victoria. e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk and daughter, Janet, are enjoying a stay in San Francisco and will risit the Golden Gate exposition. - - - tij tfutctt en IF(ID(D)dl Cooked Vegetables Make Salad Crisp round crackers, spread with a aarory meat mixture will add style to the salad plate. Try this combination. ' VEGETABLE SALAD LUNCHEON Cook eauliQpwer, broken Into flowerets, -tiny carrot balls, diced beets and fresh peas until tender. Cool and marinate each regetable separately in a well-seasoned French dressing. Drain, toss to gether lightly and serve in crisp lettuce cups. Garnish with a salad dressing if desired. Serve with 2 or S Saroarles. - J SAVOURIES : Spread round crackers with the following sajroary combinations Deviled ham mixed with lemon juice and' a : dash ' of Worcester shire aance. Llverwurst mashed and mixed with small amount of mayonnaise, lemoa juice and a dash of pepper. ' e . Sausages Make Good candwich Filling Ready to serve- sausages, or the regular rarieiy ere made In to an excellent sandwich. TOASTED SAUSAGE SANDWICHES Sausages C slices buttered bread f slices tomato New!! Blanket Special!! 25 Per Cent Wool! 70x80 Taffeta Bound .99 Beacon blankets make warm friends ... so saya the slogan on the label of Beacon blankets. Thesa -handsome blankets come in all the modern color schemes . . . novelty checkered borders . . . taffeta bound, etc On sale today . . . it's a mill promotion. bale! RINGS BROOCHES BRACELETS EARRINGS JITTERBUGS BRILLIANTS LOCKETS It you'd like an odd piece of costume jewelry ... something very , Unusual . attend this sale of samples today! Pick up some pieces for birthday gifts . -. .even for the year-end Holidays. Ridiculously low priced.,. . , . . ' You'lir Get Along Swimmingly: In A Skintight" Suit!! j ' Sleek as aatta! These new lastex satin swim salts are smart In their colorful array ot shimmering posies or plain ahades. Choose novelties or black and white.. Shop Miner's-today ior ine eesc in swim 9Vbi - Sale! V- . , - Summer $.' 2nd Floor, .m Berries Appeari In Markets This Week Berries take the center ef the market's stage . these summer days with practically every ra riety in the grocers displays. ' There are raspb-rrles, black caps, boysen berries, yorng Jer ries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and wild blackber ries. . " , Just for rarlety'a sake the grocer: shows watermelons, can taloupes and honey dew melons. peaches, plums, apricots t and prunets move aside fc'a box of the first green - applea. , :. Arocadoa "appear in the hard skinned rariety, bananas are good," citrus fruits plentiful. Fresh datea hare appeared In some markets. . Vegetables are in as great rariety aa fruita. : - There are lettuce, cress, spi nach and young cabbage among the leafy regeUblea. Carrots, beeta, turnips and ra- hdu mrm tlia Hint nfffrinm. dishes are the root . offerings. . Tomatoes, onions and cucum bers are plentiful salad ingre dients. '. Squash and tgg paint are mid summer offerings. , -slices American cheese. . Place a slice of tomato on each piece of buttered bread. On Top place a. thin slice of Ameri can cheese. Corer with- ready-to-eerre sausage slices. Sausage links which hare been partially cooked. Place under broiler or In a hot oven nntil the sausages ira well orowned. the - esteese melted and the bread toasted, Main Floor Sample 2 for $1 Satin Lastex ; A Beacon Today's Menu V The weekend ' menus Include such interesting foods as . beaten round steak and fresh berry caps. TODAY . . Vegetable salad ' Pounded round steak I Buttered beets and greens New potatoes ... ' :.V Green applesauce V : Gingerbread i ' . -. : SUNDAY . . Berry cup: : Beef birds Maahed potatoes New cauliflower, . Cherry, pif. MONDAY Sliced tomatoes -. Hamburger cakes Mushroom gravy ; French fries ' . ' Battered. carrots and beets Yoangberries and cream . Store cookies IJotiee Sunqap IJoaStS -: ' -. Fancy Name Coffee lends -a fine, flavor to a topping tor ice cream which Is giv en a fancy name just for fun. PAN-AMERICAN SUNDAE Add hi cup sugar to S egg yolks, slightly beaten, and beat well. Make double strength coffee, (us ing t heaping tablespoons of cof fee to each measuring cup of wa ter); add 1 cup of the strong cof fee to first mixture and cook in top of double.boller until mixture will coat a spoon: cool. Pour over lemon lee cream and top with flne- ly chopped Brazil nuts. TODAY!! Last Day of Annual Sale of Summer Foundations.... 3-95 . 4.95 . 5.95 Don't forget that today is the last day of our annual Gossard foundation sale, of summer weights! It's your opportunity to be expertly fitted with one of the world's leading founda tions at a earing of one-third! Both completes and girdles In this showing. EXPERT FITTING Jewelry - -it. . rTALSIM f ORttCOH I