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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1939)
PAGE, FOURTEEN Ilia OHEGOir STATESMAN, Sale Cregen, I!Jajf Hernia?, Jest 2 ISC J 7 ; i It V- 7-A Frahkturts how 1 i Appear f ori : : L i Dinner i Remember 'way back when a frankfurt was called a "weenie" : and served just lit plnici and . the unusual flavor made one eat an appalling number. This flavor la responsible for the new popu larity of ; this f 0 c d and now frankfurts are served at outdoor lathering, luncheonj, buffet style and family dinners. ; Good quality franklarta are made of selected cuts of rork and beef, finely chopped, cured,' and mixed with perfectly blended spices.' The' meat is then stuffed Into tender casings ' al smoked over - hardwood fires to produce a fine flavor. "They are cooked,' then . chilled, - and - packed for . shipment. 4 w.v. v High-grade bulk- frankfurts are identified by-colored bands bearing a packer's ' brand names or are - packed ' ta one-pound -Identifiable cartons. It is always wise to buy frank'urts by a Quality b i a n d 1 .lame ; because there are many grades, brands, and "flavors on the' market. . ' -. Frankfuf ta ; cost - so -- little in proportion to. their goodness that we auggest you serve; thei often. lJH PLATE LUNCHEONS - - (Allow two frankfurts to each person) Frankfurts,- fresh green peas, potato chips, raw carrot sticks, and ripe olives.-; . . Frankfurts, buttered lima beans, red beets filled with cold-. alaw. . ' .- , -. .' :. . Frankfurts, a r a m e k 1 n of baked beans, green, minted apple rings, celery, hearts, and radish roses.-' Frankfurts, yellow wax beans, pickled beet onion rings on water-cress. Frankfurts, green pepper filled with peas, fresh green onions, and pickled pears. FRANKFURT DINNERS FRANKFURTS IN BLANKETS Remove crust from a loaf of bread, cut Into slices about Lj, Inch thick. Wrap each frankfurt -wlth a slice" of bread and fasten with a pick. Brush fith melted, butter, place on a rack In a pan and bake in a moderate oven until bread is toasteu el out 20 minutes. Serve with a hot, nippy cheese sauce. FRANKFURT-BEAN V '. CASSEROLE v C - Pour one can of baked ' beans" Into a'' buttered a cascerole. . Lay frankfurts across' t-e top,- then cover .' with slices of fresh to mato. v Bake in - a moderate oven about 25 to SO minutes. Remember that frankfurts are thoroughly cooked before you buy -them. Therefo-e, five to In tHIValley Social Realm (Continued from page It) - The bride is a former Jefferson resident,:.' attended ; grade school and graduated from Eugene high school, and attended. University of Oregon.'- ' Seventy relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. Relatives from Jefferson were Mrs. M. S. Stephenson, grandmother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Steph enson, and Mr. and Mrs. .James Stewart.' - - . :." - Dance Event of the Season! -chuck"' .. IVDITEDEADr bid Time Orchestni- from thi Uptowsi ' - -"- Ballroom la Portland ONK NIGHT ONLY VJED. - Jtme .:sf'. ... .... - . - .. .rv. 1 kr. Old Time iMUBcinx tnstrnc - JJ ijv Horn included tm 6tZti i( f Doors Open at 8 P.1 1L it I H Mi ; Y v And Second Feature -Also News, Cartoon aad - . CLap. 14 of The Lone Ranger? 1 Two Big Features rm u rrri m u i on ; J-'iini Second Feature",. u ' o " n ,,f ; '' , K 1 "I don't think men would mind women dressing to kill if only they didn't cook th same way!" "Dressing to kill" does not apply to the thoroughbred charm of these costumes. Left, a black crepe afternoon dress features front-skirt fullness though unpressed pleats, bodice fullness through Inside shonlder darts, loose "three-ouarter sleeves. The soft black chiffon shows a two-layered, extremely full skirt. Its full bodice is. gath ered into a high, round neck, set off by a seed pearl .choker. eight minutes of simmering Is all that is necessary. Boiling water often splits the frankfurts, allowing much of the fine flavor to escape. Icebox Cookie Finds Flavor in Lemon Icebox cookies are regular equipment in many refrigerators these days and man horseholds for their favorite dessert. Cookies and fresh summer frultS PrO- vide simple but much lated desserts. Here is one Icebox apprec- cookie recipe that might be added to the list of favorites: LEMON ICE BOX COOKIES l.cnps sifted. flour . 1 teaspoon double-acting bak lng powder V" - teaspoon salt i ... . ' 1 ' teaspoons grated 'lemon': -.r rind; x-M' cup butter or wher short- enlng 1 cup sugar rl egg :,.... .1 tablespoon lemon Juice Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and Vilt. and sift - - again. Add lemon rind to butter and cream thoroughly. Add sugar ; gradually, and cream -together until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Add lemon juice. Add flour gradually, beating - after each addition uttil smooth. ; Shape Into rolls, .1 b ches . in -: Ilnmr ChinirtV1 i.V& : fS'SSSiVt dosen -cookies. Today's Broiled toh tcyraood eartod main tthat finishea np with a raspberry - refrigerator nie." . t-"'- - . - Pineapple utlad . ' Buttered asparagus " v Broiled salmon V :: ' Pouto ehipe . Raspberry refrigerator pie RASPBERRT ' : REFRIGERATOR PIE ; 1 ; cup" crushed raspberries' 1 teaspoon lemon Jaice cup powdered s-;ar 2 teaspoons gelatine " , - - - .. l cup eold water 1 ens heavy cream, vhinned : .1 nine-inch sraham cracker crust i - - . 4 . '-Jelly-making; as cane sugar ac " Whole raspberries " " , eordlng to experience and rto the Add . lemon" Juice ' and - eup ' eeientjfie findings 'of the ,depart pbwdered sugar to raspberries' ;ent of agriculture; and ' let stand . to gather Juice. - The modern . methods of refin- Soften -:" gelatine in old water, - beat over hot .water, stlrrlnr n-. til dissolved. 'Add to lospberries, mixing well. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in whlnned cream i sweetened with remaininf sugaK rour. into granam - eracker .crust. Chill until firm. Garnish with T whipped cream and hole - ber- ries. iieiu. i nine-incn .pie. I SWIIBSSiSWMCWeSWr3SBJBJBSBE?'"- fcjsBjBfc jgjMkii CaT.Llf3.Ca Uay luu6on iane , ymaa - Luuuey fields - Maxie Rosenblooa ; Flu3 2nd Kit, SHOULD A GHU; MARRYr ' , with ANNE NAGEL and WAIUIEN HULL Lzzt Today V Orole Lorsbard - . Charles LausMoa ' VTTiaa Towell Ja.v tJ - Eorls Earloff la -V My lan Godfrey. 'Old Dark House- tn "Aft Y i : 5 Wy ft!" v v J Vmt LnncheoTi Plate nitt L.uncneon riaie Qtj Summer Menu . , , . unui cake is to be bated. Un Bummer time is the season wrap and bake in moderate oven when salad plate arrangements (ISO degrees) 1 hour, or until are in vogue. .Vegetable, fiah and done. Serve on plate with mix- fruit arrangements . ive possibil ity tor the family artist to try out color schemes, and the fam ily cook to plan flavor blends. FRUIT LUNCHEON PLATE .Arrange I crisp cup-shaped lettuce leaves on . a luncheon c" p2"! 'f" - ,1 - .U.JJ.l . ' served ginger, moistening with a witn, damp cloth, then waxed pa bit at thn svrnn. Around e.entur tier and tla secnralv ttnra 1 enp arrange the remaining let- tuce cups, filling each with a different fruit orange sections treed from membrane, halved green grapes, diced pineapple slices and banana slices. Garnish each with a spoonful of tart creamy mayonnaise. ' Serve with ream cheese; puffs. RTTZY CREAM, CHEESE PUFFS Soften 'a cream cheese with a little ' cream. Add 34 teaspoon of salt and a few drops lemon Juice. Whip y cup cream, blend with cheese, beating wnt fluffy. ent.erf "Jyp SSSILi ;"t i.f. . ,7", A,J Iltc, .Wt, ot chino cherry in eenUr. Simian Vogue now Is . ' j Moderated . Application of suntan ofls be- f beginning reguUr sunbathl tof wreTSt ekin thor- outM3r for " m honey-beige mww vwaav aifoyvuu BlUMUia better with a non-oily cream. It might be well to sacrifice a thigh or a little area on your back to find out if yours -is that kind of skin. - - " ' A drop of water acts like a mag- eoentrate ZTZ T xmMi ter each dip to avoid blistering. The deep dark tan is no longer In vogue. If your skin gets duskier and duskier without end, forsake the afternoon inn for an umbrella or a robe and wide-brimmed hat. - - Beet Sugar Good for , Jams Jfliies & : i The r Old ' time question of whether or not beet sugar Is sult- able for . canning. ' has nonned an 1 ngaini A good grade of beet snrar .is .'Just as :flne for cannlnr and u p1 euch as practiced In the' manufacturinc d 1 a n t s in Croon,- produee 'sugar of exceW lt quality. Home canners will ' find it well suited to their needs.' Whatever sugar is purchased for canning snoald be of first quality. Jelly making especially, is nd'olace to practice any more economy than! u necessary. ; Three-pay Cake ; SeivedOyer':' V Weekend A complete -weekend of des serts can be ; made .from this clever take i recipe that la made all at once, stored In pans and baked as needed. The only thing to remember la that a double ' acting baking powder' must be ' used - because the old fashioned kind will complete its action be ' lore the cakes are baked. - , THREE-DAY-DKSSKRT CAKE r: : (5 egg whites) - i, '4 cups sifted cake flour , 4 teaspoons double-acting bak ; . .. lng powder ' . , teaspoon salt ; ! ... . k cup .butter or other short ; rlenlng?. ' " . . I cups, sugar 'it egg whites, unbeaten . .1 cups milk -' " 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once,' measure,' add baking powder and s-lt and sift together three times. Cream but ter thoroughly,. add tugar grad ually, and cream together; until light and fluffy. Add egr .whites. one at attune, beating; thorough ly after each. Add .lour, alter nately with milk, a small amount at a time.--be&tlnr after each addition - until - smooth. Add fla voring. Divide batter in pans for storing and baking in the fol lowing wayst 1 FRUIT CREAK PIE . " Turn a generous of cake 'batter into greased pan 1x8x2 Inches. Cover closely with damp doth,' then - waxed' paper and tie securely; . store in refrigerator until cake la to be baked. Un wrap and bake in moderate oven (360 degrees) S5 to 40 minutes, or until done. Split take into 2 layers. Cover bottom layer with sliced, sweetened fresh peaches or bananas. Cover with custard cream filling. Adjust top layer nd sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve In rectangles. Serves to 27 SUMMER RTNO CAKE Turn a generous of cake batter Into greased ring or tube pan, or special pan with raised center. Cover closely with damp cloth, then waxed paper and tie securely; store in ref.lgerator ture of whipped ere&m and sweetened fruit piled lr center, or till center with fruit and pile cream on cake. Garnish plate with clusters of fruit. Eerves to t. JAM LUNCHEOIT CAKES Turn remaining cake batter f. tV. 91 .11 O-.l. refrigerator until cahes are to do oakea. unwrap and bake In moderate oven (275 degrees) 2fi minutes, or until done. Top with fruit Jam and sprinkle with eocoanut or shredded nut meats. Makes I to I cakes. Fingers Crushed . ' ALRLIB Jimmy Sams,' eon of Mr. and Mrs. 1t1- Sams. hurt his hand badly in a freak accident. While picnicking a! Helmlck park, Jimmy was run ning to the highway, which was slippery, with a piece of granite in his hand. He fell, crushing three fingers and the middle finger was shredded to the bone. Hill Named Director HUBBARD - Harold Iforten- sen, Eileen , Epperly, Junior Fo bertand Naomi Rappe, who rep resented the White schorl at the 4H summer school are back home.- ,- .. .. ;:' The patrons ox the White school district held , their annual meeting Monday . night and elected Lyle Bin director f; for inree years. Claim Berry Record BTLYXRTON HILLS -Pickers of the WUlard Benson strawber ry fields here hold the record for strawberry picking they be Borey Twenty-four ? pickers re cenUy picked 271 eratet in one day. - ' -, - - WOOL QUALITY GOOD CIO Yield and quality of wool and lambg tn Lis vicinity haa been Tery proUUble to breeders . this - season, according to buyers here. - Sheep-shearing in virtually complete ; in thin area. .v- -y . .... - .- StbglQgaase illliiwi: Hill ''l- !t!(!ftlMi: PLUS ANOTHER - OUTSTANDING FEATURE .lift i , Ml 1 m W a . A i Last Times Today '7 v.With warm weather suggestions Increasingly in demand, Martha Logan has prepared a gay and pi Quant loaf of minced boneless pigs feet Diced celery, strips of plmlento, and well-seasoned tart gelatine give color and sparkle to the loaf. The boneless pigs feet may be purchased in glass Jars all ready to use, or if you have time, you may cook fresh pigs feet in a well-seasoned broth until the meat drops from the bones. : - -. - . -; Additional School Land Is Approved 8CIO Purchase of additional land for enlarging 8elw school grounds was unanimously voted by patrons at the annual school meeting here Monday. The dis trict has enough funds to pur chase three lota adjoining grounds of the recently com pleted high school building, mak ing a full block for the site. F. G. Cary, chairman of the district board for the past year and Mrs. Mylo Bartu, clerk, were reelected. Patrons extended a standing vote of thanks to board mem bers and clerk for excellent work in erection of the new building. OES Social Club Meets, Perry dale AMITY The GaUoped Tea. a social club of Amity chapter OES, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Xeyt near Perry dale Wednesday night. Present were Mrs. Elizabeth K. Thomas, worthy matron; Mrs. Clara BroadwelL Mrs. George Wood, Mrs. May Dickey. Mrs. Edna Strout, Mrs. Wallace Lati- mer, jars, naiue wiiuee, mx. ana Mrs. J. M. Umphlette, the Misses Florence Blair, Solvig Jensen, Ruth and Esther Abraham, Max lne Wood. Soren Sorensen. Den- nison Thomas and the host and hostess. Mr. and' Mrs. Keyt. Mrs. H. M. Wait Is Director Again RICKBJBALL The school meeting Monday tight found Mrs. H. M. Wait ee'.xted direc tor and Mrs. T. W. Bureh, clerk. Mrs. E. A. Dempser, recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Buggi and Rev. and Mrs. Alex ander Boarrlch o.f Bisbee, N. D. They hope to settle & the west later. Will Stay in Bend BRUSH GREEK Mr. and Mra; Floyd Baxter . and young son will not spend the summer here- as - they have been doing. Baxter, who teaches , at Bend during the" winter, has employ ment there for the summer. They will spend a number of . week ends here with her mother, Mrs. 0. L. HattebertV RETURNING TO MIDWEST SCIO '- Charles Trmnkenbols and family plan to leave this week for the midwest, following a two years residence In Scio. Trunkenbols Owns farm land near Superior, Keb., but the fam- iiy may. locate, in Colorado or Wyoming, according to present plans. " - EVAXGSLI3T8 VISIT -HUBBARD Recent eallen at the home of Rer. .and Mrs.' K. Sherman Hawk 'were- Rot.' A. Shoot and daughter, Grace,- of Oklahoma City, Okla. The Shoot family are traveling evangelists. SALEM'S LEADING TrfSAttf wese.Mj tetraVi tssis tsei set sts gsSasi ssvf ieM M sasiit ran nsafsed tlsk Bits 1st the ffsssti ssSi at 1 isacii ttn 1 1 T ii' 11 I "WCTHEREfa HEIGIITS Call moord eeeeeeeeeee . HOLLYWOOD Today Double bill, Joan Crawford, Margaret Sulla- Tan, Robert Toung and Mel- vyn Douglas In "The Shin- lng Hour" and The Three . Mesquiteers In "Santa Fe Stampede." GRAND Today The Jones f am- tly in "Hollywood." Saturday S h 1 r 1 e y Temple and Randolnh Scott In "Sna. annah of the Mounties." STATE Today The Jones family and Lonlse Faxenda in "Down on the Farm" and Harold Bell Wright's "Western Gold with Smith Ballew and Heather AngeL Saturday, midnight she w Mickey Rooney in "Hackle- e berry Finn.- ELSINORE Today "Wuthjerllng " Heights" with Merle Oberon and Lawrence Oliver and short subjects. Saturday Double bill "Cap- tain Fury" with Brian Ahern and Victor McLag- len and Robert Young and Annabella in "Bridal Suite." Saturday Mickey Mouse matinee, Robert Toung and Annabella In "Bridal Suite" and chapter 1 of The Oregon TraU." CAPITOL Today Double bill, Wil- 11am Powell and Carole Lombard in "My Man God- frey" and "Old Dark House" with Charles Laugh- ton and Boris Karloff. Saturday Double bill, The Kid From Kokomo" with Wayne Morris and Joan - Blondell and "Should Girls Marry" with Anne NageL MASSEY IS DIRECTOR AMITY At the annual grade school election for district No. 4, JLmlty, held here Monday after noon. Earl Maasey was elected director and Mrs. J. A. Breeding wan reelected elerk. CHERRY PICKER HURT MISSION BOTTOM Robert H. Corbett fell from a cherry tree while picking cherries, breaking a rib and injuring hie back. He landed on his head en the ground and was knocked unconscious. START LOGAN HARVEST . DAYTON Loganberry picking was started u the majority of tie fields here the first of this week. The crop la very good. '7 HERE FROM DAKOTA ; RICKEY Mrs. ?. b. . B e e k has aa her guest Mrs. Banff of Anamoorn, N. D. : - r " C" Y ' v e- i w 1 ' 1 - i -in r ' H I Three Methodist Sects Here Unite FOREST GROVE, June 2 1 The three divisions of Methodism became one in Oregon today as delegates representing 50,000 members and 164 churches united in a single Methodist confer ence. Included in the new denomina tion were the old Methodist Epis copal, Methodist Episcopal south and Norwegian-Danish Methodist churches. The action conforms with a national church merger voted at Kansas City. Wallace E. Brown, new bishop of the Portland area, issued the declaration of union after Dr. J. H. Harrison, Portland district superintendent, read an enabling act. 100 Are Expected By Real Estaters At least 100 real estate bro kers and salesmen - are expected to attend the luncheon at noon today at the Marion hotel, spon sored by the Salem Realty board, honoring Claude H. Murphy, new real estate commis sioner, and the members of the real estate commission created by the new real estate law; Lowell Williamson of LaGrande, William Shively ard William Ross of Portland and Carl Teng wald of Medford. All real estate men In Marion and Polk counties have been In vited as well as the real estate boards of Eugene, Albany and Corvallis and the ' newly insti tuted Yamhill county board. Sprague to Name Welfare Commissions in Few Days Gov. Charles A. Sprague said yesterday he would announce the new public welfare commissions for all eounties within the next few days. The governor has made the ap pointments, but he Is waiting for acceptances. - . SEE NY FATA AMITY Mr. and Mrs. George McCullough and daughter Thelma returned Tuesday from a six weeks' motor trip through the eastern states. They also .visited the world'e fair In New York. PICNIC SLATED Both BILYXRTON HILLS The Bil verton . Hills sewing dub will hold Its annual picnic Saturday at the Ixaak Walton park. All members and " their families are invited to attend. . ,. Socid Amendment Passage Foreseen Stillwell Thinks Senate Will Act Within two . Weeks Time Prediction that the senate will pass the amendments to the social security act in the next two weeks was voiced by Richard C. Stillwell, manager of the Salem district so cial security office, who is just home from a month's trip to Washington, DC, where he was called on conference. - Stillwell was In Washington when the house passed the amend ments which will liberalize the social security act greatly. Chief features under the broader program-will Include provision for payments for widows and chil dren and starting payments Janu ary 1, 1940, instead of in 194S as originally provided. Stillwell attended the New York world's fair and enroute home took his second look at the San Francisco exposition. . Prefers Treasure Island "I like the San Francisco fair better, possibly because I'm a westerner. But it has more flow ers and is much prettier than the New York fair, which is really a big Industrial show. I was on the New York fairgrounds two days when the crowd each day was 300,000 persons," Stillwell report ed, adding "Maybe you think I was not glad to get west of the Mississippi again." At Treasure Island, he viewed the Oregon exhibit and declares it is fine and says it is drawing a lot of attention and attendance. The Oregon exhibit is the only one showing wild life, and . this feat ure has gone over big. "Jungles" Geared By Gty Officers In an effort to bring to a halt petty burglaries that hare existed in the district, and especially at the George D. Fraser home at 170 West Bush, which has five times been entered since the first of the year, city police yesterday dis banded a small "Jungle" town strung out along the Oregon Elec tric tracks in southwest Salem. Police broke, up camps, tore down shacks, chopped holes in tini cans used for cooking utensils and posted notices to tho effect tres passing on the premises Is illegal. Gaiser Was Coach i Of Slain Officer Regret at the death of State Police Officer Wlllard Tubbs, shot and killed near Arlington Wednes day night by Lee Collins, was ex pressed here yesterday by Silas Gaiser, ex-superintendent of Sa lem schools. "I first knew Willard when was coaching athletics and teach lng at Sidney, Mont," Gaiser said, "He played tackle on the teanf that was district champion. Ho was a big fellow of very agree able disposition and always an in spiration to other players." Any Seat Any Time wasMBsvaW" f Pf I aVD BIO HIT I I 15c ESSES mm