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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
; Tlie OREGON. STATESMAN, SaleBU- Oresoa, Thursday: Mottling Joe 22, -1939 PAGE TIIIUCH J House Cost Other Prices Range From 35 Cents to $3 for Wash Racks at Garage -y SILVERTON The" Sllverton water commission, beaded .by Dr.' A. ;W. SImmoni i- has fixed the sever rates which are' betrfg set; In connection .with - the oper ation ; or the .new sewage, dis posal plant which has been , completed at Silrerton. ' The rates fixed at a meeting of ' the commission Monday night are:' domestic connections 60 cents each with' eac: additional apartment charged for- at the rate of 35 cents; service stations and garages without wash racks. 11 each and with '.. as!, racks. 12; soda fountains, - S' .cents; 'Eats and Beer, $1.25;, restau- . rants minus beer, S 5. cents; pub lic shows, 35 cents additional. . .. To Dedicate Stace SILVERTON "City of S11-, verton, Oregon,?, the new Grey hound stage; bus, will .be: dedi cated here Saturday afternoon : in front-of the Palace theatre at 3:30 o'clock. T. e, Sil erton American " Legion Junior i band directed by Hal Campbell, will furnish the music' Mayor Zetta ' Schlador will accept the stage -and Princess Frances Mehl, who represented " Sllvertoi.- in - ' the Rose Festival parade at Port land, will break the bottle, to be filled with Silrer Creek wa ter. . L. E. Shlppey of the Grey bound stage company offices at Portland will also be here; ' Give Swim Lessons - SILVERTON Red Cross swimming-, lessons ' for . both be ginners and advanced students are slated to begin under the supervision of the summer recre ational - department on July Training in junior and - senior life saving will be & vrided. In struction will be given Monday, He'll Try Gliding Across US Captain Peter Eeldel and nU gilder in tki udl niane. Cant. Peter ReideL air attache of the German bus? to Washington, D. C, attempts to glide across the United States In a aeries of hops.- Reidel is shown In the plana In Loe Angeles, starting point. SchdolVote have been using the unfinished i school room. ; i GRAND ISLAND At the an- of More Playground V at Hazel Green I rirelSond issue mil nul school meeting, geld at! the 1 1U DC iiC YOlCU l Oln schoolhonwiMonday.night only ' ' ? ! !!7 l few patrons were - present. - - worth - Wiley was reelected ; di-1 Usulas t-oixncu Auwonzes ''Special Election to- ;.r ' aean Slato;.,. (Fiddler's Ckratestu Feature of Picnic For Legion Group ! Towe Unopposed voted a read. Authorise ConsoUdatkm . . Ji -mm wm m. a mm aAm. HAZEL GREEN Mendav at dale school district held lta reg-1 "IJiL:,: aJ . . .- 1 liiiinll, nutlK. VnnihT .. w SILVERTON lfce old-time f!ddlerB,-ontest will-- be one of the prominent features of- the annual American r Legion . picnic to bo held ' , Sunday at Hazel DALLAS An ordinance ! pro-1 Green park. The winner, of this Tiding .for a special city elec-1 coniest wui enter tne siaw con- to Post Commander Sirs. Cliff Dickerson New - President of Legion ; , Auxiliary - SILVERTOX Final nomina tion of officers ot the American ' test at the state fair' grounds on I Legion post at su .-erton was made Monday night with those atta ' Baya tt-ttts4-trte- bkal uarucs K06?raa,eierK for-t.a Bimi4of ...i,, .nnara-i men Prk i. aral chairman chosen v including commander. tor for three years, lltxstr- reao .SiSJ utMnl passed by the city oun- of the picnic Suiday. The Marion George Towe; riee commander, man Wacksn. clerk forgone year, achool superintendent uotifytng ZZZZa nminr MondavUonnt .ih ,niu .uomhit P. M. Powell: adjutant. Glen Thisvwilt be Mrs. Wacken's ser- this Jtrict oftne raut tne . , . . wW father at : 11 r m In' the finance office.. Sam JLo- enth year M clerk.1 The budget e?nMU"?a jTi"!-" Is necessary to Hare a: r rSm? o the danl. n?U Sr m renxon; T. P. Helden W JUJ'UMSWMS bjww wo. , . mows ' i" tlA xa. An 1a th I o.n. k..i... mMHnr strom: sergeant-at-arms, S. A. was roted and shows In teachers' f saUries. j Bottlecreek district.? The new BMi.3 I v- n- i I ... 1. I Pltnev; execotlva rommlttee. Al The new fsmllle. hi the Bush district will be known as the I " ""V .V.7":.r. " . I opons wm occupy tne aiter- lAPf,,i nrnar. .w.r. for Stayton and Aurora posts. Wiikii has raised . Question 'SiSSSl KJff Mriiin thii lMniHt of the nro- . "",. -A . . TT. -. I Roy Davenport. ivr Diaiion ua Aiivrt vuaw. i .-i - i . . uvwiiwi aeieciea i tne auiie exact addition make such an Increase I Cloverdale district No. 144. m uie,eiiroument ior , we. com-1 ' ' . v" "JT. I cedure In fixing the 7' ?f5 ir. v.i.. v eTLtHir Ar..T. amount of the Issue. muinii nrararar mora roam ua ui viui ww. kuuhih, vuuuivi . . . . a ... " - i -. . . . . . i Tne Toia on Anruii za , viu i w . ; . . more playground Astthehigh- toseman was reeieea- cierg. - reiuthorise - the Usue of iclaiwl llitti lisho way skirts the north and east oi the same - amount of bonds as wuu.-iimiw tne scnooi grouna. we majwuy aect Mrs. juaser 1 TU TOted by the oeople of Dal agreed there U need or more LYONS -.The annual school la In the election of November piaygrouna. a special cii meetinr of Lyons was held Mon- g, HJ8 """"s, Wv--., i oy nignu jars, wie junzer The conncil also nassed an any action. was Selected director for lthree feiwsJk Ak . OaVAAnl . venal AllleY Spirited Glectlow convention .at Salem are George' Towe, Frank Wrsy, Dewey Al- len. P. M. Powell, a J. Towe end- Sam'Lorenxon. . . r . oin in Reumons UfghUfV livered soon. . , , Auxiliary Elects At the auxiliary meeting effi-- GRAND ' ISLAND lit J and veara to renlaea Clvde Bressler. 1 h.l' m '.u. . I Mrs. Charles' A. - Perrason -and . eielb .iu. . m.m mu. mvw .vu i v. t a . . . K . rs. Carl llaa- secretary. Mrs. George treasurer, Mrs. A. C Bar- LABISH CENTER Monday's -,lecte4 for one cte. a. "J-J Ue. attended a famUy reunion President. Mrs. f2?L m!!.UnA,7t- J.1 i - - . 1 1 SS. !att apwoteli held Snnday at thTiome rice president. M ca'WJeaa "a? 1., . .t. e?I,FUt, Ouy-Prichard nleee. of property. halt dotes or. io.Tttte?&, Boehm was elected director for Bill Prichard and Ms. Guy three yearsand IL : M; Bibby for WJ"d- ni??bS; one year to mi out tne term oi " ,7 Jnii.. J nnV.i. r,r a member who resigned this LLfSi? mSSSSI spring. Valmer Kampe was re- Njdigger nJM of the tatter's brother. Mr. and I en; Mrs. Charles H. Roseman arid TO we; family near Bearerton. Present I t; historian. Mrs. Glenn Price; were Mr. and Mrs. P. M, Rose- delegates to state convention, ' man and Mr. and i rs.-B. D. wicaerson, wrs. xowe, Mrs- Roseman and family all of Sa- Glenn Price; alternates, Mrs. lem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Serex I Sam Lorenton. Mrs. C. Ev Jacqua Financial Report Hill Reelected Shows Balance Mill City Clerk w elected clerk. The budget was adopted by a vote of IS to 6. TURNER Walter Miner was and Mrs. Martln.Keukln was re elected clerk. Mills Down Dne - m f - pi , lem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Serex Sam Lorenton. Mrs. C. ' 1 0 LOS dnOrtaSe mn om' Do- nd Vern. Of Long and Mrs, C. J. Towe. O- O 1 Beach.. Calif.: Mr. and Mra. I i and Hart MILL CITY School election LEBANON The financial re port of school district No.. IS as I was held in the grade school nresented bv the clerk, C. H. building Monday night. D. B. Ralston. lr.. shows total receipts I Hill, present clerk, was reelected, for the year. S85.00S.40: total receiving 65 votes. Mrs. Clyde expenditure, S84.5C1.74: balance, Rogers and Clarence Mason were S443.6S. I nominated for -school director Bonded indebtedness was re- I with - Mason winning - with 46 Wednesday and Thursday, each duced from 847,000 to 741,000. 1 votes. week until July 15 at the TMCAIThe warrant Indebtedness is 84.-1 jjr ani Mr. Dan Brotherton, at Ralem iind C J. Towe will I SOA mora than last vear. Clerk I fn.mi.i. r r.Ai -h m luuul furnish the school busses to go Ralston states this condition is the Shlltz restaurant and grocery from the school to the pool, temporary owing to the fact that and have taken possession. Mrs. Provisions - are being -made to the district -cares financially for shiltx Is recovering from a se- care tor 150 students. sudents of non-high district forlrlous illness. . Any enna wno-nas...a .writ six montns; tms money. owu Miss Barbara Davis, ln train wb r perwiMiUB-'irwa sw jim id o ' remrnca neii iuu-iu, my ents niay 'take the lessons. Reg- plied to .the warrant' indebted fstratlbn .is being -made at Har- ness will reduce It to (3500. old DavlsVpfficeAin , the junior A Bible school for all grades ding. I win be conducted in the Presby . high: school, injr at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Is spending, two weeks witn ner parents. Cbmii nssion Deed for Prbpertv SILVERTON The" JillTerton ; water commission bae- received k 'newdeed to property" "to b"' used by: the - commission f-The prop- erty; a S0x6 foot 'piece of land on Library Hill wis- doi ated by the Al CooMdge company. The deed was signed by P. A. Rey nolds, vice president an M. M. Keene secretary of the com pany. ' -t K--f;''-i - "V- . : -'. fA steel tower-S4 'jet and 8 inches above the "capstone will hold a" hemispherical - . bottom : Iteel Unk of J6.000 gallons .ca .i ipaclty.- Pittsburg' -nes Moines Steel' company1, wi 11-erect the tower ' and -"place; the tank- at a . cost of 84,725. wui oe conauciea in uie x-resoy-1 gm - . war ,- fi:&JJSLu to tnarles Malone ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Jl. Wllta write that they 'arrived In Kansas Monday of last week, driving 1- 900 miles from noon nday. They found weather conditions pleasant and cool. . . ters and the hosts. A Tompkins family reunion at Camas. Will Open Tavern GERVAIS Vera Breese and POX VALLEY - The Linn " dUsh- ST. LOUIS At the school Lumber eomnanv mill closed this .i ... . .1. I mattn Monilav nirht of district I -aaV a nt tv. nln BCIIW, lA BV.W1 1UI 0 I OTm V. V . . - i . 1 . ..u aaI Varjl nf Almtrint I No. al. Krnest Andrei VII re- I , ln..rln. niunHnn TYia I uvu ouum; No. 78. Monday night, receding elected director for three years. Hallin companv mUl is also out T8 "endlng from 39 TOtes out of 55 rotes cast. Mrs. B. a Hall la. clerk. I of 'logs. The company had ex- MLIuded. Mr- "d MI- Morton u TTT.l.n- Ulllo. m,mm ni,ni. I I lui.tiij A wnrV Tn oofa v hut Ui I fKu uu auu, nuwi, ail. uilt 1V tn An HI88IU.N BOTTOM Tne waaVanA nl nmoA a tnrihmr I " Jnim. w. XI. iUUlUlIlU BUU I VmCent HSIt Have leased the 1UVUDIJ Wt, wu aa Sm. VI , - I W WSVVUU vstwsvv wm a tv . 1 - . Te.r school meeting at the school- delay lBon' Harold. Barclay Tompkins, room In which was formerly the I . ... . . a 1 I I u, ,11. 9m 111.1.1 TAmfi.m. I TT... . i I . . . , i nouse juonaay nigm arew vuu i wa a v.. vi. I -- . i ubm md a iuc uignwuj svaiai nr.T. TrnwTTTT. a small crowd. Floyd Webb was U JTZT'r. T"n rr- I ana m"X a Mrs- 011X Kan" I of Gervais and are getting It ..vt v.. I elected director for three years K .v .. . i I s"- ready to open a lunch room UUU VL Bbuuu uuo'u . . I uu b.uuio I pi, all al -1V ma SniiAti I t i .11 v . - r 1. .,niiiilmAi ri. r. xrana. wa ili, in.M. .n.v nnw " . , . 4. A p viuu una uvea iwvmvu " 1 , t t .v I " - - I artarnonn at m hnma nr tha 1 i- 1... .. election of A. WCowden for di- "l The Fox Valley school district fn,1T lT. ?. -ir": The entire . building will be completely renovated. The colore ' on the interior will be white with blue trim. The name of the place will be Blue Heaven tavern. rector clerk. and D. A. Steffen for t"BSWr-.. A. held its annual school meeting Clarence Simmons was V" Monday afternoon, with attend- At vieu vuvv mmuiiiwmsi w - - j .1 I Mwaavwaw eaa nominated for director but re- on ood- Ted Bassett was w. IU.W1 v,u . . "."ll 1. 4Va .11 - wtviou uu- -v..- passed without a dissenting rote Forty rotes were cast. years, Mrs. ciyoe McRae was i Are Visitors reelected cierg. ueorge iterry a is retiring oirector. i vt ANGEL NT. AXnUKIj Miss Antonia r ' w t Lassas. Miss Agatha Kuns and tlarle AJirector Miss Adeline Kunx, all ot Ma-1 BRUSH CREEK, Herman Ba- Gfets School Post K I a "w.wr. MT. ANGEL Miss Clerk for 41 Years I4'""" v " WT!ST STAYTON The annuaL Direetorsliin . WTTHEES ARE HOSTS school election was held; Monday . . v .... TJNIONVALE Mr. . and Mrs. delta, Minn., have arrlTed at rie was elected -director in - tbe. night with Ed. Clark elected for ... ELDRIEDGE rResults of the I Fred Withee and family were I Mt Angel, for an extended Tlalt Brush Creek dUtrlct at . a well 1ritor for three veara and I imiMl oSnn1 alavtnn hare viri! deliKhtfallv ' anrnrised Tuesday at the Alois Keber and John attended meeting Monday night. Leonard . Walker reelected -clerk; I Pearl Patterson, director for one when Mr. and M r s . WiUiam Diehl homes. They wui also tish jonn uopierua .was retained as x Tvu .111 i.. 11 tmh i)iit Wil. I n- v..n - A.n a, nnMn f - Tm . Anrelea and I with other relatives here and in I. clerk. A few Improvements-; in-' "t " - . J . I W AUJ I - . T! " 1 . , . . I . . . , . . . ker has served this dUtrlct as I thr- vjlv Georm Brown, re-1 their, parents. Captain and Mra. rorxiano. . uuwag pmum w ui clerk ' . I elected rferkl . .. I A. C Geer. of Seattle drove in. Early In July they will ac- and placing . a . new cement ap t -,!.. a nart " n w. Thnm an. fnrmer rest-1 Mr. Bovden la an accountant for company Mr. &eoer ana memDers proacn to me scnooi we e voiea. V..1... s2L " vi. .v-J. jla vara a fM.t.Vania - telenhone eomnanv and Geer of his family to the World's fair 'The teacher elected is ' Mar- raa. v v. InmiliM . Thu ' la ronnrtail to ha OnltA 111. - IB COUSin OI BUT. WlUiee. l Former Aurora ? Mm Is Benedict " ' :"'v Tennis Instructor ' ' SILVERTON Glen ' Gaker Is instructing .the Intermediate ' ten,: nis class in the bummer recrea tional scaool. ; He has 18 young people . In his cla - Harold Davis" Is 1 In ' charge .Vot the prl- ; mary nature class :; in' the pro ' gram.- -; . '. r ' , " ; ' " " . Set Wire Screen At Fatality. Scene AUMSVILLE lhe annual school election was held at the schoolhouse Monday .night Mrs. Charles .Martin . was reelected clerk. Candidates .for director tor three years were L, 'D. Ro berts and Charles Malone, with ! the latter receiving the majority of rotes. Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts AURORA Wednesda at 4 1 have purchased the bouse own- o'clock at Mt. Tabor first Pres-led by Mrs. Isabella . Hgnberger bvterian church. Portland. Miss 1 and have moved to it. Alice . Crockett of Po. Hand be- I The recent rains hare caused came the bride of Roland B. rather heavy losses to turkey Wurster. Aurora. Both are teach- growers here as the small birds ers in -the- Sitka, Alaska schools, on range were unprotected from . Wurster has taught in Shel- the weather. don .Jackson -school thoasf fire years, and after a trip to South Carolina they will return to Alas ka . for the . fall cohorts. - Tbe bride's . only attendant . was her sister, j The best man. Winfleld Adkinspn, Js the . groom's, cousin. Attending from Aurora were Mr. and ! Mrs. W. B. Wurster, Miss ' Tille . Fry, George and An drew ' Fry. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ottawway, r Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wurster, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grim, Mrs. E. G. Carpenter, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. L. B. Irvin, Mrs. Clara Adklnson. By bumlii&i the average of tho IS other of the largest-GcUins brahdo tooted d!ovor than any of them CAMELS give omohero the equivalent of Man 85 Passes Tests for Driving SILVERTON -The city hall at Sllverton was one. popular place all dav Tuesday as three license operators were busy and every conceivable ' c;ace it the ball was used by. applicants to fill out blanks. Over 250 were cared for during the day' and of these 20 people were over 70. Oldest person at Sllverton to ob tain a license was T C. Sonny- son, 85, who was glren a re stricted license to drive to and from bis farm home and Sll verton. Operators here Tuesday were Henry Thlelsen, Loren Mort and William Holman. They will re turn to the city hall here Fri day where more licenses will be Issued from 9 to 6. . , a.rAM9 nnia n... SILVERTON HILLS Since the recent fatality at the .south rails, Meets at Pioneer tbe CCC group hag been . work- in at drilling noies in. tne roc as i PIONEER The 90 and 9 at the head of the fails. A neavy men's class of the Dallas Chris wire ; screening will, be placed ttan church" met at the red Fox across the creek. The screen will home Tuesday night. A tusiness be removaoie .wnen, necessarj. .... 1 meeting was In charge c: Frank A great "dealt of ; Improvement J Rose,-president. v . ha.. Anna In tntk atata nark I t recently. Wor kr Is prOiresslng Black -Mrs: Prank Rose and Mrs. Joe LeltUde Is rapidly on. the new. concession I Frank Dornhecker served ' re- rn Ra-J Aenln building :and the rockL m. of. thia I freshments. Present wer- Frank I cra 1oara Agau will be completed soon,, worg a i Roset. Dei Springsteen, Gorge W. also going ahead In creating 1 Snmpter, ; J. C. Wright. Frank ditionat parking ei-ace. Tne, pars: i Dornhecker. v Dr. S. . R. 8mUh. has become so poputar. that space J j jt Bartell, Joe Remington, J. Clyde Gtbbs, J. McCann, Carl and Elmo Black. Harold Brot n, Cur tis. Fred. ; Ruth a n d Robert Dornhecker, Fred Fox,1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fox and son , of; Sa lem. . - t. . ;. ' ' as ' t . ?;:: V.i I t m ; f - It- - 1 ' r m J. I 1 i xL m J Is foften at a premium. Union High Vote Is' Next Monday ; . WILLAMINA The . present itia-h arhool board mem bers hare been nominated by pe-1 Dayton Women . . . . . . ... 1 .a " . V mil tition to replace, w(miT. a?.- l mha Election next Monday. I Uet free feas vhA naf Valler Junction has also been' nominated I DAYTON Canning, peas for . EVENS VALLEY Joe. LeRude was; reelected as - member of the Evens Valley school board : with Oscar . Johnson elected to serre as clerk. cir-'.v'v - t A small special tax was voted to pay for improvements which hare been added. durLig the past two years. These Include instal- lation of a modern wter system. adding a kitchen7 and Improve ment of the school grounds. The teacher ' for the district has not yet been hired but board members reported that IS appll- i cations had been received. CAMEL'S txpensht tobaccos, so intxptnuvi to xaw-u wdcome ' ,. . tl rTtt.t ra fcan for thm amoldng thrill of finer tobaccos! Natofalrjr, m alowet-tniniing dgantte, Camel, prei mon ( ": and better smoking for the money. And how the impartial .research of a leading laboratorjr proves that Camels born far slower than - the average of the 15 other of the largest-telling brands. Here are 3 dgarette facts discovered bj this scientific group: feMsi te eesrtaia MOW TOBACCO V WDCJTT for the IS ether ef the TEACHER IS CLERK VALLEY VIEW Mrs. Daphna Miss Leona Thomson of Platte, I home .consumption ,h J been the a n ! tire foi an lnaeiume i oraer oi mo aay H .ngn os ue . - . . i . ... i .. i vALiifii vip. w Aim ijannni visit at the " home I ner .. unciw. i aoiuea in iaa luctiuj ttuimi mo . ; " " . 7 .7 yj81!.!-1?' ' I ... k. Thi rr..,r. f 1 Hunt, clerk, and Chris Bofstetter. w. iooawii.'-- '.'rty. J ..J fj- r I school board member, were both 'Kenneth s snettesiy, jr.. w uw j aumj cuuun WA.7.V V uUu? jensenjr.. left on a trip pea crop har.. been the donors. nr jjunng tne; mowing- mere is CASSELS BUKNCO. SLOIeXH TBAN AMY OTHSK BSAltd TXSTCK2SSUni!XTOUIT IS OTEIX CFTKZ UUCZST-SELLTiia BSAX9SI By faarviBS - 25 aiewer, esi the ararage, .Caaaeta give aasetara the ."' h lhs saase Isili f H"T1 1 BELD TEHS ASH FM LONSSt . Chan taweragetlase far aatlM ether kwaads.- I - jr- - ' ' i A UTTOY Cf "SMOKEXS used : in the Impartial laboratory tests to : determine the actual born lag time ' of 16 of the largest-scQing brands of dgarew.Traincd scientists sod " iedal equipment asiured aden ' tincally accurate controL Camels (tkmmm bmmmdtrtttt) prored to be : 25 slowetbnrnlng than the aver- ' age of the IS other bxsndVtested, .. crrine Camel smokers the equiv- alent of 5 extrm stmket pr pAI r by JuUus i wri arrl . California. v Miss unnstme 1 ,jensen u huu.kuv gu im.m friends from' Portland are apend-s J that break off anC otherwise i. , weeia in Calif oraia. i 1 1 would be a total, loss so these , T - - - -. k j are -.-aalraged Immediately r-i ; rwvrTED Tf PICWIf; t" I women. mt. - ANGEL. All members ot th , ML . Anrel Leiion post and 1 Pntlrtt Tmnrnvln r :UvertbnhweOf CENTRAL HOWELL -Mrs. P. .-fit Conned Sun- A. W o la In. prorlngt after S1V USS-M Tha ?eSuIei VlS he 111; wltlt-erysipelas, T;efd atnsrGreenWk" rMr. and Mrs.f J.XA Dougherty be held at Hatel Green parg. j and son.erry. -of.Xong Beach; ICallL. have been3ruesu at the WACONDA mrnndldge Clarence Simmons tome - at Ell-1 . - WACUIHWA - ivan ruauiuw i r.0.v - Vail. .titla hr i was reelected - director - to ? serre school meeting. Mrs. Daphna Hunt haa been rehired as teacher. . BUYS WALLACE I LACE ' PIONEER Everett ' -Whealdon I of Salem has: bought the Wallace i place in pioneer; Wallace's plans I are - rather Indefinite as yet al though he may rislt In touthern Oregon for a. while. ' for three yeara at tne acnoot election i here and Mrs. Homer Egan was reelected clerl. ; ' : .' LADUE IS DBRECTOR, ' SWEGLE ' Mr. LaDne was elected director J and Mrt . Hart iev clerk at -the annual f?bool meeting last ' Monday night. The budget was accepted. DT w I Tote." -J;..-.,, r-s're .-v:- -special- out snmal Wa? e Conpkte 75 Perm. Oil v Push .Wave, t Complete...., t I jX li'0?ea Thnra.ZTe.. W W A TiTt a. nor. 53 iMis - s Long Terms ,, . puTP-rnents. . nODCQTS, fca CssrCaa C!?3. fhone 41C3 t - . n 4 ' : '" . V ' s - . T v v 1 s zz. ' i5i (15 mi K I L. kShO. Kow- as dM summer season of extra " smoking starts -bejla enjoying the dgarette of extra mtkttt Ereryone can ' afford the coolness, the trne aniMnrss, the r, delicate taste and fiagxance of smoking pleasure at Its best. Yes, enjoy ' sserv smoking for your money and the ' added boons of Camel's nttikr ttkmmt. Try Camels America's farorlte and r tir&tat way to troe smoking eormend u - .... 1' -14-. :-..' : .lt" " t f ' - ' J . . riv,- rj.1, : J "jr.- THE CIGARETTE COSTLIER e-f -'V - ' .... .-.- TOBACCOS Penny for. penny ry vur best cigarette buy! ; i