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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1939)
r - - The 02EC0II STATE2IAW, SMcai Orejca, Itaay'lIoralaa Jiae 22, 1933 PAG2 TuXLYC EL Observes .:' Jubilee-Year - y "r .'. " Linn Sunday School Union W1 Meet 25th ar:: ; , Sweet Home : LEBANON The Epworth League celebrated the COth an aireraary of the organization at the Methodist church Tuesday night by a banquet at which leagues from Albany, Corrallla and other ' chnrches wers pres ent. A reorganization was ef fected and Rer. K. Mctcalf of Tangent fare an address. Miss Dorothy Schllta of the high school faculty gare an Iniplr Inr talk. , , The Linn county Union Sunday school will hold an all day meet at Sweet Home next Sunday. Liberty and . - Falrrlew Sunday schools near Lebanon will Join In the gathering. ' Making Improvements Mr. and Mrs. .Bob Trlmrose, who recently purchased the Gumm property on East Oak street, are enlarging and remod eling the house and porches and making It strictly moiern. Mrs. Victor Muetze is com pleting two modern chicken houses on her place on Oak street. - She has 8 0 0 chickens, 160 white giants and 700 New Hampshire Reds raised from day-old chicks for the . fryer's market.' Quests at the Seth Jones home this - week were Mrs. . Jones aunt, Mrs. Katherine Jensen, Walterrllle, Wash . and her brother, Thonrald Hansen, TLyall, Wash. Mrs. Jones, who recently underwent major sur( ery at Emanuel hospital it Portland, la gaining rapidly. Piano Recital Tonight Mrs. - C. I. LeavenLood will present 20 piano pupil in re cital at her studio in her home on Main street Thursday night from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. The class Includes beginners end dranced pupils. J. M. Donaca, well known Le banon man, was happily sur prised on his birthday Tuesday when his sister, Mrs. H. D. Oli rer, and her husband from Fres no, Calif., drove in. ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smathers with son. Dale, .nd daughter. Miriam, came this T.eek from San Francisco for a Tislt with Mrs.. Smather's ra Ja Preston Ireland and family whom they had not met In 16 y ara. Granger's News FALLS CITY The June meet ing of the grangA Home Eco momlca club will be held at the home - of Mrs. Laura Hern Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Carrie Jobes and Mrs. Leo Katberiner as. assisting hostesses. The last meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lula M. Bark. " - Local grange meal bers.-attended the state convention at Corrallis 'last week. .Included were: Master C. A. Holran and Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Bessie Lorl- zuor, - Mrs.' Oscar Sailth, " Mrs, Leo Katherlner, Mrs. Carrie Ilarber, Mrs. Xula M. Burk, Mrs. Clay Guthridre, Vt. and Mrs. John Richmond and J. E. Relber.' The. June business meeting of the grange will be ield In the IOOF hall Monday Lights June SC. AH members ar urged to attend. . Rain Harmful to Cherries, vHops BRUSH CREEK Heavy rains during the past few days - have been - harmful - to hay crops In this locality, . farmers '' report. Considerable hay - was eut and this Is not : benefited by " the heavy rain and damp coei weath er. - Some of the heavy crops of veatch were flattened by the rams, growers report, i Cherries are eracking, also.- It Is said, and the hops are begin ning to show mildew. Picnic Date Set j . For Pioneer Gronp i - PIONEER -The Pioneer ; com munity, meeting was held at the playshed Saturday night, with bus-. lness la t charge of Mrs. Chester Neswald., Alfred ;Domaschofskyi general xhalrman of "the Pioneer booth for the county fair, appoint ed various . committees .,, for the booth. , . i i i Chester Neswold announces that the ' date for the : picnic - will - be Sunday, July 10. M 5 Mr., and. Mrs. John, Keller, sr., had as their dinner guests for Fathers day Mrs. Helen Anderson and sons of Walla Walla." Mr. and Mrs, Chester Neswold, Mr. and Mrs, John Keller, Jr., and daugh ters, Miss June Schnider and Mrs Gladys Frakes and son. Changes Name- Jay Allen Elnstda Application of Jay Allen Einstein, 80, of Mt Vernon, N. Y, father of a West Point cadet and an An napolis first year man, to change bis family name to "Easton" be cause their present name was "distinctly German and Semitic,'' has been granted by Acting West chester County Judge . John A. McKenna at White Plains, N. Y. In the application the father said he had been Informed that the opportunities for their sons' ad vancement at school and later In military service "would be greatly enlarged by the change." The midshipman-son, Jay Allen, Jr., 19, is shown above. Willamina Youths Hurt in Collision WILLAMINA A sertona acci dent occurred near the Maple service station two miles west of here early Sunday j Tnlug when cars driven by Jack Kenworthy, 17, of Grand Ronae and Frank Pratt, 19, of Willamina, met on the curve in . head-on collision. Most seriously Injured includ ed Madge Bob, 17, of Grand Ronde, who suffered a fractured skull, and May Pratt, 21, also of Grand Ronde, a fractured pelvis. Both are In the McMinnville hospital along with Kenworthy and James Petite, IS, of Grand Ronde, who were riding In the Kenworthy car and suffered cuts and bruises. Newland Neely, riding in the Pratt, car suffered a fractured right leg and is in the hospital at McMinnville. Others less seriously injured, who were released from the hos pital were: Pratt, Harry Weaver, 21, of Grand Ronde, riding In the Kenworthy car and Mist Garnett Pratt, 23, and Elmer Lelth, 24, both of Willamina. Soule to End Workjulyl Blakes Enviable Record as Water Superintendent Past 20 Years t WOODBTJRN E. N. Soule will retire on July 1, ending 20 years of faithful service as superinten dent 4l the ; Woodburn water works. Soule and his family moved to Woodburn 27 years ago from Lacomb. 'Before taking- over the duties as 3 superintendent, Mr. Soule worked In the engine rooms of the paper mill in Oregon City. On, July 2, 1119, Mr. Soule started in as superintendent of the' water works, succeeding the late Peter Chapelle. ........ At the start of his service, the waterworks were In poor financial standing and Soule even had to use his own tools to work with Since then the water works -has Increased and prospered until now at his retirement, the works are completely paid, for and out of debt with a surplus of funds on hand. During his 20 years of service, all the old wooden water pipes and mains In the city have been re placed with cast iron pipes; a new well costing 91700 was drilled; new pumping machinery costing 92600 was purchased; and last summer a new pumphouse costing nearly 14000 was built and Is one of the finest buildings the city owns. With all the pumps working and pumping from the three wells. it is able to pump 900 gallons a minute. Until last November Soule had been on the Job every day, includ ing Sundays and holidays, except for one month when he took a trip back east. Mr. Soule is 77 years of age and is most commonly known around the town as Daddy Soule. Up until a little over a year ago he used to climb up to the top of the water tank which Is 135 feet high but since then an assistant has done this. When he became ill last November it was the first time in 52 years he had been sick in bed and since he has recovered his Job as superintendent has been along the supervising line. Charivari Crowd Gives Farm Twist WHEATLAND Residents of Dayton, McMinnville nd Ami ty; who saw two young men being ' cavorted about the streets In hog crates Monday night may have guessed what It was all about. To be sore, It was the prank of a charivari crowd. The grooms were Willard Tomp kins, married June - 11, and Vera Rierson, laar.leC June 8. The brides were taken . to Salem and requested , to eat i noodles with ' their fingers. A ' crowd of 70 charivaried the two couples. Holiness Meet Opens Today ALBANY The Willamette Holiness association, which In eludes the counties of Benton, Lane, Lincoln and Linn, will open its annual camp meeting Thurs day morning ' near Bruce station on the west side highway, 12 miles south of Corvallls. Rev. D. M. Hlg bee is president. - , ... On the program as speakers are RerrCalvan Choats. former presi dent of the Multnomah pounty association; i Rev. Clara . Q.Ford, a missionary . from Africa; : Rev. Lila Birch of Mount Shasta: Rer. Wilbur: Brown- and Mrs Irene Brown.? ' i ' - y Tenting facilities and a restau rant are available on the grounds for those who desire these ac- eommodatioss; -, - k - Blood .Transfusion Aids Youngster i James Kellar - Y. Under Arrest DALLAS James Kellar was arrested at Pendleton June 17 for Polk eounty authorities on a charge of larceny by 'bailee. Be was brought back to Dal las by Deputy Sheriff Williams Sunday and was .. arraigned be fore Justice of the Peace Charles Gregory late Monday afternoon, Revival Is Success V V LTONS--Rev. and Mrs. Walter Duff finished the teres of meet 1 n g s at the Methodist church Friday - night -r with- about 25 young people going forward. In the church. A .baptismal service was " conducted by Rev. Bruce Groseclose Sunday morning and several placed i their membership In the church.;.-"-"--. " Replaces Husband;, : SILVER CLIFF In the' elec tion of school board members at the anneal school meeting - Mrs. Floyd Fox replaced her husband. Floyd Fox, whose term expired as director, llrs. Estella Muikey was reelectel clerk. -Y-" . Y. Mrs. Thor .Thorklldson . of Sil jsrtoa has been hired as teacher. HAYESVILLE Velma Car row, 7, daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. FaufCarrow of Chemawa, was reported Sunday night as slight ly improved. She underwent . an operation for appendicitis Thursday. Com nUcatlona set In and Snndav i blood transfusion was deemed necessary. - ' , Mrs. . Lyle . Carrow, an : aunt, was the : aonor. Su Louis CYO Girls' Team Wins Another ' . ; . . : !. J,. " 7 : ST.. LOUIS The St Louis CTO girls' kltbalL, team defeated St. Vincent dePaul girls team of Salem there recently by a score of 12 to 11. . , r The SW Louis girls have won an but one .game . playeC, so . tar. Yost Is Director : " McALPIN Mrs. Theodore Fish er was reelected clerk and 'Fred Tost was elected director at the annual school election held here Monday,: Mrs.' Elmer Morley will teach here nett t-p ' : -T Y ATTEND REUNION A r LT0N,S Mr;! and r Mrs.' YPan! Smith.' attended- a; family xeun ion of Mrs. Smith's lamUr- held at the Big . Brother - farm near Lebanon Sunday. Mr. and - Mrs Lyon hare : charge of the - Big Brother farm. Mrs. Lyon Is a sister of -Mrs. Smith. - Farmers' Union News ST. LOUIS The Fairfield Farmers' union local met in the Fairfield hall Friday night. Delegates appointed . to the county convention to be held at Liberty July 1 are Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Runcorn, Mr. and Mrs. C S. Marks and E. B. Smith. The Junior Reserve unit held short business meeting and admitted S new uembers, Eve lyn Smith, Marie Short and Bruce Short, who bring the membership to 25. The group enjoyed a "bird party" with Mrs. B. C. Hall and Mrs. M. B. Lucas conducting the games and contests. SUVER The school meeting at the schoolhouse Monday after noon waa well attended. The budget was adopted. H. F. Couey was reelected director for three years and Viola Harris, clerk. Gus Fleishman and Jesse Johnson were ballotted on for high school director for 5 years. UNION "HILL At the annual school meeting held at the Union Hill schoolhouse Monday night, V. D. Scott was reelected director to serve three years and Mrs. c. E. Heater was reelected clerk for one year. The budget was accepted. At the annual school election at Oak Grove, Edward Roble was elected director for a three year term and Mrs. Joe Lang was reelected as clerk for a one year term. FALLS CITT The results of Monday's school election were Art Ross, director for three years, taking the place of J. E. Reiber, and Ethel Githrtdge, re elected clerk for one year. Lansings Hold Open House ! NORTH SANTIATI A larr number of friends , attended the open house given by Captain and Mrs. Lansing in their new home r. . ouiiuay. The " larger nart of thn fcav crop here is down and farmers fear Its loan nnleiia tha nrMnt weather breaks. , Cherries and berries . are not - harmed ' so far. Mr. and Mrs. C L. Young-are me parents of a .. 7-pound baby girl, Zola Viola, boi r June 19. The - baby Is the seventh child ana intra aaugnter. ' George Miller .was alerted school director for a three year. in-m to succeed jesse ixtt, who nas completed . six years as di rector. . William Harrfv - waa elected clerk succeeding Keda Heights Girl At Washington U SALEM HEIGHTS Eileen Van caton is in Seattle to attend sum mer- school. She is sneHallctnr 1i library : work, and for the past wo years naa cone part time work in Willamette university. I Mr. and Mrs-Jesse a Campbell wui leave Saturday to visit: the San Franeisco fair, tfcalr ami nd family at San J oner and thr uoutnenr California points, return ing in two weeks. i Mr. and Mr: Charles H1m fort Wednesday for their former home m raon. uoio., after visiting with their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Sid caruett and famuy. - . A TV Vv rVV 1' V Tl YV AURORA Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Renfrew of Aurora recently re turned from' a Tislt to te Idaho grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Lewlston. - Dr. Renfrew, Ore gon grand chancellor, visfted sev eral of the - Oregon - lodges - en route. '. 4Y . DISHOFS QPAIJTY COSTS KO MOREL 1 Y WEmotmaStJnp To The Fair or Jmyw Step Out In Bishop 9s ool-Smazt-SoEime2 Difa r "- .- Palm Beach and Tropical nv? v4 r yj Inst the suits for real summer comfort. Beau tiful new shades and patterns in every smart style ... Slip into one of these now. You'll enjoy these warm days with that smart, dressed-up feeling. 7 rpM iishop 's Famous 'PACEMAKER' n rm u u I Li Li SALEWS GREATEST SUIT VALUE Nowhere can you find such fine quality, such smart sty lino; and exceptional long-wearing fabrics at this low price . . See these Pacemakers now. 1 Jr f 'Jjr s- S ill A Y-' sff iU' mA' Mil U '1 Mr 4M v f .--SV- Bishop's Mss Neatest Selections and louest Prices in Smartest Spirt Uorw , &iWk -V ' T i-M;- (SLJ-'; vwiwy: Vil M W By Arrow Clever new weaves and styles in this great showing . . . Every new fabric and color. up mm Bright new hades and patterns, fine Quality . .. tkX y my t aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSBBBBlBBBBBBBBBWBlBBBBBBBBBV .Here's the finest selec tion In Salem . . Ev ery new fabric . . aabardlnes . . . wor- teds . . Bedford cords and others . All smart new shades and. patterns for sum mer ... Sizes for bis and small, 28 to 42.., $3.95 up Atou Smart new sailors; panaxnaa "and others, , 1 Just svhat you need for these warm days. 3 - . .Featuring the hew tropicals'. . . plain and fancy patterns. The coolest shirt for warm days. fit 1 '--un - m m Fortunes and " Friendly, - ventilated : and plain, every new shade and style. Here's Salem's iggest:shoe value; ' ; $4.8.0 1 f. ---J - Bishop's Invites Your T Yr Charge Account Y.-j tT'.'vt'-:..'.-":: ' n mm -" ' bbbSsbbbbbbBbbSbi i ..5 The Store of the Town , For Selections I 'Fofyduls - 3