Th C--GON OTATLIAW, infest,, wecsa, TMjhbIs Jcao.23, FAGS 1QNIL Stcfesmon Classified Ads Clnirfe AdwrtMag - Single tnscrtlon per Use We Three Insertions per Hoe. 20 Six Insertions per Its 30 One month ttr tine 9l oe Minimum charge t Copy tot tilt pace accepted MS the evening before pwMlca.. Mob for ' cUuwl Oration - Copy re eelved after this time fll bi nrt -under the heading,' Too iMf to Claeeify.- r - , r The Statesman aeeumea no "ni Oal responsibility fot errors which nil appear In .adteiilaamente pub llahed In Its celamaK and to rant where this paper ta fault will re print thai part of an advertlnement Is which the typographical mistake CCUrS. ' t , ' ! The Statesman taeanres the rtiW ta reject quastkmaMa advertising: It further reserves the rbrht pises sD advertising nsr the proper daaMrVsttosv v A "Winer Ad aa eeattMn Stttaaman- bos Bomber fot sa ad dress Is for tba pmartWwi of the advertiser aad moat the! a fere ba iiumri by Wttar. Tba Stall to not at tfharty t dtvalce mrwenaa tkm is to tba identity ar as itaar using s "RltiWT a& .. LiTestock niCin AND wrthlras iekad up fraa. Ph. callaet Mil Montgomery itanoj m. HORSES W asW - AM I whs 4M wanner ptaa Haraa Lsbtab Farm ' Broolu. Orecaat. mm m m m SPECIAL THIS week, haary brasQ aaaorted blcba,- only T n" dred. Pfaona 1SSFL. Laa's Batrhary. n ii n nnnri ririnri-ii-iiji-n.rinnrirr rr " t: TOUNO BROOD sows, farrow-In 4 wka Claud HalaJar. Kt. L nw ii. Oarrais. ! Help Wanted : ta vicKKLT Uraw Moshrooms . Collar, ahad. Wa buy laejb WwUT I larseat eomiiany r n r-o. r - Mit tail Baattla Waan f n n n n nri r 'i ri' - . WANTED ADULT c harry pickeral Ph. 11SF1S. BOOKKEEPIXO MACHINE opera , tor. Give ae, experience saiary . wanted. Box 811, Statesman. fXUJTJJTJTJ'aJ"i(ii'"Tii -f - ii dbo lap CBERBI nciw u.rieur. 'KJLJ''fr'yv"Y u l 'um' u t "tl " I BERRY PICKERS. N. J. Boranman. I Vlda Sprlncs rd.. Rt I. box Help Wanted Male ,. MEN CHERRY pickers wanted. L Jk rV Jt UImIaii nnttnllL. xririj-i.ri.i'i rniririi-i-i-i-ii-i .... mmmm i IS BOTS BETWEEN 14 A 18. spare I time work. Give name; addrase. aco m telephone. Box SIS, Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED GIRL for housework and help In restaurant. 111 E4iffewaier Weat Salem. . WOMAN OR girl for gen. housework. Refs.:. Box 114, , SUteamsn. ' ' Situations Wanted :. : - i . PA1NTINU PAPKRHAN'JINU low prices, work guar. Free eat Una tea 4?t DRESSMAK, MRS. AdsltL Ph. C24S SasrfaaaaaMaaaSaSaPaaaaaPb1aaSaba,a PR AC NURSING. R41I. Ph. 74. For Sale Miscellaneous Blkea A hep. KamaAea. 14$ S Lib. REBUILT AND guaranteed wasb ara All makea from flO up 8pee Mar taa MS . Hnga Broo. ADDING MACHINES, typewriter M.h pmIiim ealeo. aalea rent la re- pa Ira Roea Typewriter Ra 4S4 Court I WALL TENT, camp bed. 2SS 8. 14tS CASH FOH uasd furn Ph. alls. CHOICE GOLD fUh. 202S S. 12th.. WRECKING HOUSE at N. Coml A Center. Sell laths, lumber, doors. - vlnittwa. hathtuha. brick. COmD. roof ing, dining table A 4 chairs. Inlaid lin oleum. Otto Tlmm. "kn n nnjinri rirrifw.iiiiM 1- - - m m mm nAT OLD and atarted cMcka fryers. Alao peat moss fertiliser. Ph. 122F2. Lee's .Hatchery. ' DOMESTICATED WILD black ber rlea. 1.ZS, 24-boxea, you pick. TaL 77F3, 1 Zlelke. MARSHALL, BERRIES, Sc. TPS pick. J. F. Zlellnakl. RL 7. Box 2SS. asaaaaaaajaiajaaaaaaaaaaawasaaaasaaaiaaaa1 CU. FT. late model refrigerator. Will sacrifice. Phone 4741. OWNER MOVTNO, will accept beet offer davenport set. doable bed- com plete; metal baby bed. dining set toya ettvMuat sell(by Sunday noon. 4: J.N. Church. WRECKING t IN. lumber. $S. brtck IS. Jack Hennlngsen, phone 7277. 'in.nrinnrii-iri'-'" " ir - LATEST MODEL Electrolux A at tach. Slightly, seed. Bar. 40S Marlon. ICE BOXES. SO to 144 pound cap city. $2.44 to $5.44 each, bargains we perd th room. MeiSOn tiros, V-nn- w Or.AT SQUIRREL coat 2059 N. Cap. MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES. 2c you pick. Glen M. Looney. mtiM north of Basel Green church. , w v NEW, ELECTRIC refrigerators, fM.50. Nelson Bros, 111 Chemeketa. Street . " rsjTjTj-xjTjT.i-VTnra-i--n-"!-" USED GAS engine wssher. $15.44 Nelson Bros, 241 Chemeketa. vt ...? USED GAS range. $$.44. Nelson Bros, 241 Chemeketa St . Vf j ... . USED WOOD range. $19.04. Nelson Broa,'14l Chemeketa St ; NEW - ROOM- sis circulator, reg. $39.50. now $49.95. Nelson Bros.. 341 Chemeketa St--: -r-.r-' ADVERTISINO'-r;'-Western Advertlslns ' ' ' RcpresentatlTos t j m Fenger-Han Cow 'Ud. Franctaro. Loa Angelea. Seattle Saa Kepresaniaii vow -r , 4 Bryant Griffith a Bronecoilaev 1 Chicago. New. Torh. Detroit: s ' : . Bwt-. Atlanta' . - ' EstsrW ar'IAs romtolfir mt Salem Oreaao aa flsevrad ClffM Mat ttr -Pub iurd every sioraa-acTt Won do BM'sess trie IU seat c-osism s-sst, - . - - : .. 'U. : ..... . : . . : BaaaaaaBBBi ... ,.-- u RUrCKIPTlON iRXTJBSl f" t.ii Suharrlntlon Rates In Advsncs ri.i.1. YW'M! Oallr and f ! dsv: Mo SO c-nt. : 4 llo. $1 14 : Slo. fS.S4 ; I year S.4 Elsswbsro ss-csnui pe 7 a f tT. atanila 1 MlU $7 24 a Tsar la Barancsj put adJaosnt coonllsa, ; Waated lliscdlaaeocj USED ADCLT bicycle. IMS 8a Commercial. Miscellaneous DENTAL 1.ATK8 REPAIRED TWO HOUR SCTVICB DR. HARRT 8EULER. DRNTI8T Osresr Sum A Cniuwinbil - Pb. 1 For Rent Rooms SUCK RaL ctoaa MPh MH rms rrm hoit. t n. cuttait Pb Tt SMMSSlSSSSbM t ! u Ph tl I 8U RbL. atJkta dlaU MT N. Cans? 'I SLEEP .RMS., sJsa slaap. porch. aarag..4t N..X4UU rnrtrnasca. Bnriaaaa I 1M 8. Liberty 8L NICK TOL, -sentL, Kr. TT1 N, Cot PLEAS. daaa In. raas. S2SSt. CLKAS YOmiS. Taaaoaabla rant, iaaets tbiisbws Ttasnl optional. Us N. Capital st. Pn. Ttzs. LTQHT UnCTBSmCEPINQ rootn. 44 waakv ilW -K. jCottas. . . R. AT3tEAR, centUman. 44( & Cot Room nd Ooard BEST ttfn 'bOatfia Cioss to- stata booaa. 41X7 uuru Pb, M4. APPRECIATE "GOOD aneaMT Ntr mboI See -Ma Rawan. 0 N Liberty NICELY FURN fat. cold water. BT awn, Vt. atnta booaa. 1 a. wmtat BU A ROOM. 141 & Cottaso. Ml RM, BP, ISM N. SmBoaar. Ph. 4114 BOARD ROOM. UX N. ttn. P. M CP DOOBLE ROOM for tatdlaa. prL aot. Vary close In. Ph. a BD, 3UL, tauadry. :. 4& N. Cot. RM, tLM, WJTH board, ft.TS. 7rt. For Rent- Apartments S RM. rURN. apt. Priv. bath. Fris- Dwnatra. I Z9t court. ;.a R. FURN. bath. la144S. Wallar. S RM. NEWLY furn. Rent, water refris, bath, adults. Mt N. .Cnttatto EXCELLENT APTS ctoar In. MS and $14 month. MT N. Commercial VLnjxnj1JJWLI - Lrinjumr - x - ln-r -ROOM MODERN. Phone SM4. PATTON APT 8. MI 8ate. Furo Adults only 144. 1 AND 3 RM furo apt. 441 Fair 1 it a RM aota Iwa at oofum. and up. Ina Ills Booth ism 8EE FISHER aota MnnornbTed newly decorated and roomy Tnuni deUahted Oak and 8 Cnmrnerctal THE MOST homelike la Salem Hawthorne Court 1404 N. CapHci S A R. APTS. Furn. A nnfirrn.. $M . I R $12 SO. S R,. $JS.60l IMS Center njirLnjnrLrijTjnjnnrjuij-Lrij-rrj -rsn n ri rji n A - COOL, 1ST floor, 1-rra. U Frry. - CLEAN 2 RM. furn. aot with Drl- rate bath, laundry, Karnge, but aenrlca. II1S Lee. NICE MOD. furnr 45 Center. FURN. APTS.. 1S1 N. 12th. furn. apts, m. iss n. nth. LT. HSEKPG, room. 4SS N. Winter RM FURN. corner apt, prt show sr. garage. Ground floor. Ph. SM7. FOR RENT Newly furnished apart ment 414 University St SMALL APT, adults. 31 $3 State. f LRU. FURN. aota.. newly dee. $13 A $1S. 35SS. Leo. Ino, 3590. P. 9409 1 R. FURN, pri. eat. 444 Marion. SLP. RM. A apta. (33 Ferry. 2 R. FURN, priv. bath. Ill Union. I . cm.. ... vt r,wh I FURN. 3 ROOM, kitchenette, heat lighta, water. 9S5 Saginaw. 1 AND 2 RM, pri. bath. 5S5 S. 12th. SeSSaPS4SSAsSsTsSPe t RM. FURN. apt with bath. 14S1 W. cottage. 2 RM. FURN. apt, 722 N. Church. FTJRN. I RM. apt, 444 S. High. .APTS, $8 PER mo, 25S Bellvue. 1 R, KITN'TTE, close In. 311 Water. 1 L. R, B. R, SC. A bath. 1 I R, K, batn. zees r capitoi. NICE FURN. apt and hoasekeeplng room. 2054 N. Capitol. Ph. 1184. 2 ROOM APT, 432 Marion. CLOSE IN. X small furn. apts, $14 to $14. best lights;-phone, water, 425 i. unurcn. ' ... ATTRACTIVE 1 RM. Wrn. spt, pull- I kitchen, emp. lady. 464 & Sum- I i, m nJ1.nn.nnmwmruwruarij I 2 RM. FURN, 94S 8. 12th St PLEASANT t ROOM furn. spt for I lady or cotrole firat floor. Lighta. ter, gaa. 'xurnisnea ; garage avaituote 4SI 8. IStn. .. . 2 RM. MOD, furn, 1553 SUte. AN ATTRACTIVE basement apt. for particular gtrla. Near rapttoL Else rezng. call stzo or o ror appoint ment. WINNIE PETTI JOHN. NICE FURN. apt, (one with vri- vate batb. adults, waaher. gsrsges $9.8 no. sad up.' (14 14. Capitol Bt- S KOOM, CLEAN. HeatlT rum. aOU. pn. bain, sis court, rn. mix. - ...p........ ......I............. r uxuiuniiU J. tr i o., fit aaiu. BACHELOR APT. A mir, $14.: 414IBnuw.t i aena w tmAm . i ... uu . wui onuih . 1 RM. APT, turn. US S. 12th. w". room a. rneap; wura vw part rent, zsz b. cottage. ' 9 aspsaissi-8aBisai-ai---ai-paj CLEAN I A 9 RM. apts, $14 A $12. m-u. . wwurw .-- For ' Rent Houses ' MODERN 4 ROOM hooea newly, fla- . a tk 1 I.. .. .. 1A-U FURN. AND nnfurn. houses. H.- P GRANT, 429 Court St Phono (144. FURNISHED , A ' UNFURNISHED hoasta. - R. . Ai. FOR KNER-H T. CEBEH, ti ! . capnoi r. U R $15. 2414 N, Liberty. Ph. 7S44. KIRN.-HSES. apU,.7SSN. Com: rnM I BM tinnu PK Jllt . 4 R, $29. .1179 N. llth. Ph. 9472. JL.,..,aiW.lM BOOUTNO USE, cioss to. Ph, 1721. Money to Loan We Lend Ypii Money WITH REPAYMENT FLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOO INCOME I No Endorsere No Comakers Yoor Signature Only REPAY ANY DAT TO REDOCS COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDESl AND LARUEST INDEPENDENT COMPANT WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PER80NAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE - A LOAN IS MADE. , General Finance Corp. !3t 8a ComnMrcbU Sc IW UM iajii W mom hh an For Rent -Houses MODERN DUPLEX apt, 4 noma aiotly foraiabad, alec rmrngm A rafnc baaanMnt, ftmaca, tlrapteca farasa. a. v.. mLKi.K, rnoas or SM. MOB. baosa doss bwlao. R. Caul, ara. Pn. ttCS. PARTLY "FCKN. f na. booaa, 7ZI M. jCbarcb, TaL S7S. K S. -PTTRK. RS1L araJIabla ta tha asrt -taw Oars. Can tor further lnfor- attoo. . 4 S. tun. baa. YaaaaL inunsa. pos- One sood small I TL baa unfurn. K. H. WEIR, til Orsg. Bids. Ph. Mil For Rent OPTICS ROOMS: Ml Stata Street. Inqutro MS. TaL tTUb SM. HSE- iu mi. from city limits. aartety aX fruit, pardon plaatad. 414 N. Winter. Ph. MSI. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOO want a sell azenaaa leaaa. rant aea Mr. Laraas with Haw kins A Roberts. TRADE CITt bronorty for trm name. OpportunKleo m amchantaa. HAWKINS RnHurra inu. MOa &-RM. buuas. $4004. TaL.t4tl MOD. HOME. S bedroom. laraa lot fruit, double sarace, 4 IS N. 19th 8L CORNER LOT. So. Hlah and Oxford. pavlns; paid MOO. Pb. 4s. p. m. NEW 4 R. HOUSE A A- CloTOr Iat inM. dec water aystem. Uabta. 91 409. Ss, S4S0.OO down. K. rorter. mux I. BOX 4S4. CRM. HOUSE. 2 lota. $1200. $1M down. West Salem Real Estate, III Edgewatar SL Pb. M2Z. OWNER CALLED FROM BST.F.M is OFFERING her bouaa at a moat attractive price place eonalata of a modern 7 room bouaa with an especial ly Urge living room. Lot la 74 by 1S9 with abundance of bearing fruit and nut treea. Priced away below vaiue ax $4750. Thla place ahould aell to tba i flret looker.' - - - See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 244 State 8treet Phooo. 1241. THE BEAUTIFUL MEADOWLAWN -. , TRACTS'- 1 ' SEE THESE before choealng your aumirban-tract to' build a home, loca ted East of Salem, with a .beautiful view or surrounding mouatains. wiw reaaonabla bldg. restrictions and priced right See CHILDS A MILLER. REALTvno 344 State Street Phono 4241 BRAND NEW rm. mod., (except bate.) X. & $2(50. Ph. 26(3. $540.00 DOWN WALNUT PARK $4250.00. SM North 23rd 8t new laat lAuguat; one of.tno neat mini nomea In Salem. 2 bedrooma. large living room, dining room and kitchen with floored attic specs for two nice rooms, fair basement - automatic heat . and hot water, aaat front lawn hi and landscaped Venetian bunds ail around. hardwood fJoora throughout double garage. See thla today. 7 ROOM DWELLING. Large wen landscaped yard. Falrmount Hill. Ph. IVAN G. MARTIN. - A COZY S RM. borne near Eagle wood, automatic heat gardens with ,tte cnpjtol, one apt furnished, fur- ""I."?' f- WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street BEAUTIFUL HOME, 2 miles north. I bedrooms, bdw. Doors, fireplace, K acre with ail kinds of fruit A nuts, 3- car garage, full . basement strictly mod, only S yra. old. Priced right. Appointment only. CARLE7TQN E. lane. Ph. 4074. Faclfio Highway Realtors. 41000 FOR A room bouaa close in. ! ( blocks from state nouae. Small down payment $13.44 per ma Includes Inter est Look at this for an Investment M. MOORE WM. E. MOSES 231H State Street NEAR UNIVERSITY. 7 R, 2 lota. cor. paved sta Sacrifice ; leaving town. ra. siis or tits. BUILDING LOT (4x7S. paving paid. Lioss in. inq. jibs k Liberty. 2-ROOM GARAGE houae. 1275 caah or will rent for $8 month. Tel. 5(22, WEST SALEM REAL EST ATS. STRICTLY MODERN home with bedrooma, nook, fireplace, hardwood floor a. baaament furnace. Id y. trays. garage, attractive creek lot Priced at oniy, saves. P. ,H. BELL, REALTOR 439 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 - LARGE HOUSE nr. Center St Will sacrifice A sell on easy terms. Terr rea eonabla down payment Easily arran I gea ror oupiex. xi. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1992. Exchange Real Estate t ACRES A IX In fruit and Bula. good s room nouaa. alec, lights and wato system, bam and chicken bouaa S milee M Will ImJI. ,u hi--. SZ-1 1 HI .kI al.M tSOna Unat b. i clet. of eocumbrance. Bon 455. cars of I wwaMwaawaaMMwaaaawiai-w FINE, LARGE lot dose to, na I model ear. Ph. sua . EXCHANGE ' i Mt tlmtt mmmt kaaunM Ifnrnacs and fireplace, beautiful large a Pds4.01 sMfW MMaI f4rHs44 hi 141 IMflfS XT wvm' JZZT -,V ZTL oT Lm aa Mft. Prie SSBBS. -. .. e Mrs. 1118 Wltn -'- CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street .- Phono. 9241 TRADE HOUSE and lot clear, for mod. boms aad saaomo. Ph. 5861, p. m. 4 ACRES IN city, largo poultry wag. for now rm. bouse, bath, iho. itso -lt, evenings.. ; . ;.. For Sale Farms' FARMS . A HOME3 for rent Sale trade. OraA Land Co, Wood bora. Ore 49 ? ACRES FOR SALE NORTH Intt Ja clUvatlosv;)ynet leaving.. Easy I . - -HOUSlt FOH BALK ' I down and per montn. I :. ABRAMS , A - ELLIS. - INC Phons 415S AUaonle BUS. Money to Loaa Laav Na. SIM Fb, tlM mwww UTvuoa mnur wwrao. Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Wat WHEH AT HOME A 'Terroiiar' Loan t2S to f 3441 ' Easy Terms WHEN AWAY:. USX A "PERSONAL IT CARD 43ood at XT officca. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY Coma Is. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New- Bligh Bldg. S14 State Btreet Balam. Oragoa State Ucenss Number 8-1M M-lfS LOW RATE . AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED. MONEY TO buy sow or saod oars. Private -money at oew Jaw re tee. Immediate action. No rod taps, t TO $4 MONTHS TO PAY Roy EL Simmons 124 South Commarelsl Street Pfaono ! . Lie. No M-lSt FHA LOANS 1. alss prlrato Abrams A Dim. Inav Masonta Bids AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-lSt LOANS Pay Cash for year purchases. Coasol Idaio old bills. Yon Receive $ S9.90 150.04 . 200.04 $09.44 Yon pay Monthly $1.53 14.34 13.43 14.4$ Interest Is charged each msath ONLT on the reinamtng npald baL REFINANCE YOUR CAR. loan up to SS04. Yon will liks our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost. PEOPLE'S F1IIAIICE CO. Rm. 201. First National Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon . , Phono 4444 S-213 - State Llcanaa . - M-224 Auto Loans Refinancing BORROW MONET ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. M-I6S MERRILL D. OHLIIIG INSURANCE Phone 9494 27S State Street Salem. Oregon. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED oa form and city property. Before borrow In tnaulrs at Hawkins A Roberta WANTED PKIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on aood Salem real es tate. Will pay (. interest W. U. u RA BEN HOR9T CO. REALTORS 124 & Liberty Street Phone 4449 $$$ MORTGAGE INVESTMENT $$$ WE NOW have a number of first mort gags real estate loaaa improved properties, sxcellent ss c u r 1 1 v Mortgages hi amounts of $244 to Y7S0O. net you 9 par cent payable eeml-annually. Examine the prop erty yourselt CHILDS A MILLER. INC 344 Stata Street Telephone 1211 Financial 4 WB HAVE sever paid loss than . this rats ew saving, and Inveatments. ' Insured to tSAOO. . Mutual Federal Savings a Loan Ass's Phone 4944 . 1(2 8. iJberty ax Business Opportunities interest IN bundlnz company. Small amount caah or lot or plot will be considered for interest, worm Investigating. Box 507, care Statesman. LUNCH A GROCERY ON 8ANTIAM hlah war 1 story bldg. with living rooma aa attractive place showing good Income price ror sll $1544. Will accept small house In Salem ss part. Has CHILDS A MIIEK. REALTOKo 244 Stata Street Phone 92(1 2 CAMP GROUNDS on tha coast MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court 8treet For Sale-Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 14" at Jy $4 75 per cord. Order fot now o only $4 74 utter deL Phono 4 ISA Oregon Fuel Oa. aMAaaaaaMiaaaMiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaNM 14-INCH DRY old fir. Phono 4214 11.71 CD. 4 Br. fir. t ed. lota A-l 14 In. a Fir, IS. Knots. $4.SA : . 4119 'isAasBisndsjsisafbsste 44- OLD FIR I4.1t, 4 ft 14. 4454. BIG 2nd GROWTH. 14 In, $4.50 Without knots If desired. Oak A ash Ph. 127F12. - -- WOOD WITH lots of "oomph." Low prices. Joat dial 944S. " - ; v BUDGET PLAN five months to pat first psnnent hi 14 days. Osk $4.41. ash. $5.50, kneta 9SJ0, "Old. SS-Oe, 2nd gwtb, $4.00. W. L, Orman. Ph. sue. xara ii J, gist UC-vv . t $5.44 CrA.STB. sa, Ne dotsviTrulP dry i( ta. big o. F. Ph. 7933, SUMMER PRICES tffl Aug. latl 14 In. old growth. ILTS. 14? m.. second growth, $4.2$. 4 ft second growth, Il ia, rn. iex. . - - --.- M---,- - - i ,.r. iiirtr 2 CDS. DRY old fir A knots. It? at, 94.7a, you haul. 1070 jt. 1561 Wood -Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Spread. Ph., Sll Personal LONELYf -WORTHWHII sweet heart buabasd. wife for roo. Boa 71 Vcr Sale Used Cars LCR)K THESE OVER BEFORE BUYING ANY CAR 38 Buick DeLnxe Special w urongnam . v.. Very, low mUeaga. 38 International Pickup With enclosed eab. 8avo money. wny ouy a bow onsi - 37 Chrysler Royal DeL. Touring Sedan , . rHas new tires A everdrtvs. 37 Hodflon DeL. Coupe with radio ft boater. . 37 Hudson Terraplane DeLnxe Sedan 't- Only 11.141 mOML All Hudson latest Jean 37 Dodee DeLnxe Conoe Lts of sxtraa, soch as radio and neater. 37 Ford DeLnxe 85 Sed. With radio a heater. 36 Ford DeLnxe Town Sedan New tires and heater. 36 Pontiac DeLnxe Tourin g Sedan With radio and heater. 236 Chevrolet Master DeLnxe Town Sedan New tlree, only 11,100 mllea. MANY OTHERS WB TRADE Low Down Payments - Eaay Monthly Payments STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD High at Chemeketa - - Phone 1499 OPEN EVENINGS 14 LAFAYETTE BED, 9(9 N. 12th. 1937 BUICK SEDAN IT IS a beautiful car and In very good condition. We must sell this at once and nave priced It 9100 below market. It will be your gala and our loss. Don't wait L. B. Harris Motors 525 Marion '24 FORD 2-DR. Sdn, $115. Clean. A-L Terms. 81a teaman. Box 611. 24 TERRAPLANE COUPE. Own or going east Evenings after 7, Imrie Conn, 4(1 N. High. BUICK SEDAN, fine ahape 2 ex tra mounted wheela, bargain at $375 name your own term a in reason. Nel aon Bros. Appliance Co., 2(1 Chemeke ta Street '34 HUD. T. SED, radio. $395.00. 31 Olds Sed, $125. A-l. Ph. 1044. 1937 Ford DeLnxe Coupe Model 60 ORIGINAL GUNMETAL finish, up holstery spotless. 11,004 actual mllea Gets 23 miles to gallon of gaa. Special price today, $395. State Motors, Inc. High at Chemeketa Phone $400 Open Evenings Wanted Used Cars PLACER MINING claim to trade for car. Box 1101, SUteaman. Lost 'and Found LOST A CAMEO bar nln Friday. Reward. Pb .4(87. , MtenxSoes9bAWBbda FOUND ROW boat 114 Academy. LOST WHITE female Collie. Name Penny. Reward. Call 9(39. LEGAL NOTICE CALL FOR BIDS OR FUEL OIL Bidi will be received by the undersigned Clerk of School Dis trict No. 24, Marion County, Ore gon, at hit of flee. ,150 N. High Street. Salem. Oregon, no to 5:00 P.M June 27. 1939, for Cards fas this directory (Ms - a SBoarthly bawls only. Rate! f per Unw per aaoatb. Auto Brakes Mute Panes. 171 South Commercial Auto1 Laundry CARS WASHED, 60c S I m n t s e cleaned A waxed, $2.00. t(7 N.-Church, Phone-4964. " - - - ' Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW attd roeondltlened Harry W Scott 147 A CoenX P. 4114 Chimney ; Sweep '1 .1 EIJCPHONB 4411.. R t iNcnhaess . Chiropractors tt L sOtTTT. PSC CMropraetot 214 N. His Tei Rea. UT1 Exravalirift . EXCAVATING OF an kinds, ments dug. Dirt hauled or nerved. Din top aale. Salens Sand and taravel .Os Ph 444iy .1. - . -a . Rrelthaupra. 447 XJourt. Phone 49S4 Laundries TH NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY 'itl ABlxk TaL 9121 Business Directory LEGAL NOTICE tha daUrerr at SXSt barrela. mors or lets, t fael oil to bt dellTered In tho Uslu as fol lows: Approx. barrels -Par- rlta Junior Hit a. School.' - Approx.' list barrela---New Senior Bish SchooL'. Approx. . obi barrels B b Grade School. -';i.. f aaka 111 i . a a i ll aiaoer to spooiy uo:sp elflc craTity of the vU bid oa. OH to be .deUrered as directed hV rinreniMr dnrin. Tba StoPbl to StoSr ? anber,r..":,'t0r!r .I' 1940. Kicht ia reserred to ac cent or reject all bids, or to ac cept the bid deemed be,t for the District Bids are to be enclosed ta a sealed enrelope marked Fuel On Bid." CerUfied . for, tea per cent of the amount of the bid. or bidder's bond maat be enclosed. A bond In the amount of Xlfty per cep of thel11 Plce. contract will be required of the suecessfal bidder. H. Bmrghardt. Clerk J 20-15-14 -SUMMONS NO. E8063 la Use Clradt Oowrt of the SUte of Ongosi for the Omnty BERT T. FORD and MARQ ARET I O. FORD, husband aad wife. Plalntlffa. n, , BENJAMIN B: HATWARD and mivrai v iiitwi on v bans a.d wife tba ..k.ow. heirs ot Benjamin B. Hayward sad the unknown heirs of Di- anthaK. KATwirA- samueI LIGHTFOOT. husband and wife, the unknown heirs of Samuel G. Lightfoot and the unknown helra of Marie L. lightfoot; also all other per sons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, Men or interest ta or to the real property described in the com plaint herein. Defendants. - To BENJAMIN B. HATWARD and DIANTHA K. HATWARD, husband and wife, the unknown neirs oi Benjamin a. Haywara aad the unknown heirs of Dl- antha K. Hayward; SAMUEL G. LIGHTFOOA and MARIE L. - LIGHTFOOT, husband and wife, the unknown heirs ot Samuel G. Lightfoot and the an-1 known heirs ot Marie L. Light- foot; also all other persona or . parties unknown claming any right, tiUe, estate. Hen or Inter- est la or to the real nroDertv described in the complaint here- .in, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORRRON! Ton and Mb of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ta the above entitled suit on or before the 13th day ot July, 1939, said date being the ex piration of four weeks from the date of the first publlcaUon of thla summons, which date of first pub- nr.tinn i. th. isth da f in.. 1939. and If you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof. Uie nlalntiffs will annly to said conrt for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: that you and each of you fully set forth the na ture of your culm in, to and against the following described property, situated in the County of Marion, State of Oregon, to-wit The East one-half of Lot Fire (S), Block Twenty-one (21). Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as shown and designated on the duly recorded map and pUt thereof on file and of record in Volume 1, Page 20, Record of Town PlaU for said County and State, that such claim as you hare there in may be adjudicated and de clared Invalid and that the plain tiffs may be decreed to be the owners in fee simple of said prop erty, and that plaintiffs Utle thereto be forerer quieted and set at rest - This summons Is published by order of the Honorable L. H. Mc Mahan, Judge of the above enti tled Court, made and entered on the 12th day of June, 1939, and the time prescribed In said order for the publlcaUon of this sum mons la once a week for tour con secutive weeks. ' First publication, June 13th, 1939. Last publlcaUon, July llth, 1939 CRANDALL and LEONARD, - Attorneyt for Plaintiffs, 802 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon. J 13-20-27 Jly 4-11 BUttresses SALEM FLUFF RUG aad Ma ttr factory. NEW MATTRESS made tc order, eld remade : carpet cleaning. latng; fluff rug weaving. U. llth A I Wilbur. Tel. 4441 OTTO F. EWICK RR Eat 1911. CAPITOI HKDDINU CO. Pbooe 49( Naturopathic Physician OB. W H. ROCKWICLU Natnropatb W Phretrtan. -1799 Falramanda Rd Tel 4303. Office Hours II a a to 1:10 P m. FREE EXAM. A CONBUl.TA TION. ' ' ' - Painting Paperhane1ng WE DO aD kinds palnHng. 743t : Printing FOR ATATlONKRT . card 'pampttleta aay aiad of print log. call The 8tateamae Printing De sartmeat 'lll A , Comaaerctal. Tale Phone 4141.. . .. . Resorts 1SHERWOOO COTTAGES. T achats Mod, ocean view, fish poles and halt ; Transfer. FOR LOCAL or dlstanl transfer, stor age, burner on. call I13L ' Irme Tranafer Ca Truck to Portland dalle INTERSTATE TRUCKING. ,Waakv Ores- Ph. I3F1 - U'.M)riUin-- R. A. WEST. Rt 1 Bos 441. P, tllFi LEGAL NOTICE City off lUrleai Coaatjr, Ofrcoa , STATE XJBRARX GROUXDS IMPBO"KiiE?fT ADVERTISXtiEXT FOB BIDS Sealed proposals will be re ceived in Room Ororon . State Capitol Bids. Sauem, Oregon, anytime ontU 2: P.M. o'clock, June It, l$:i for the train aad needing of the lawn, con atracUoa of. walks und enrbs. In ttaUaUoa ? Of a UBdetrrOUHd rTiiikler .yttea. the m0Tls of tree. , aad all incidental work In connection with the Improvement of the groanda. surroanding - the new 'State Library Padding, to the City of Salem, Harioa Conn ty, -State of Oregon, These proposals will be pub licly opened and read aloud at 2;0 o'eloest P.M. on said date These Improrementa will con sist of: The t arnlahlng ot all labor aad material required 1 for the eos tructton aad completion of - the eroaada sarronadlns; ta new Oregon State ' Xibrazy and the eonUguout' work laYOlred there with aad Including ceneral gar den aad transplanting- work'. eHaxlns and xrubbtag tnralrins uw. remeTai oi ia - walk ano cu , awfjeuoa oi imw aldewaikaand curba, trench and general escalation work, the ifZi "Hi B,alt!2!j hMulln and distributing of fertilLr aad top-eon. mortag treea and all la. bor and materials, incidental to the Installation of n all brass or "-ergrouad Uwa- asj w SB sjsanfSI .a UtBTUUlB 94AT7 BVUtAal and the seeding of all Uwn areas erecting wire guard teiuee, aad all Incidental work and material in connection therewith. ' In ease a bidder desirea to bid on the work, he will be fur- nhhtd plans and tpecifkationt only after he baa filed with said State Board ot Control, a satis- uctory prequalification state ment, as required by Chapter 226. Oregon Laws. ' 1921. Ouea- I tlonnaires for this statement may be obtained from the office ot the SUte Board of ControL I Plans. Specifications, and oth- I er Contract Documents will be on file for examination at the I office of the Landscape Engineer. 108 - Oregon SUte Highway De- S partment. Office Building, Sa 1 lent, Oregon, the office of the NQregon SUte Board of Control m the SUte Capitol, at Salem, I Oregon, and the Builders Ex change, Portland. Oregon. Copies 1 of these documents may be ob- 1 Ulned upon application to and I the deposit of Twenty (120.00) 1 Dollars per set with said State I DOira ol control, me iuu amount of deposit tor one set ct docu ments will be returned to each actual oiaaer wnnin a reason able time after receipt of bids. PepOBit" 'J! a,Iitlonl oeu will bL"funi?,dt "pon "J ,n 8d condition of all such Plans, flflon"' nttht on P00 nt ? the dte of th Opening Of bids, except that Ten and 60100 ($10.00) Dollars of each deposit per set will be reUined to cover the cost of production. No proposal will be considered anless it follows the form of pro posal furnished by said State Board of Control. "No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the openlar thereof, or before award of contract, unless said award Cross Word Puzzle I 12 IS Id 16 Vj 22 26 3V 33 37 HO HI H2 HI HQ mm i i Hf S3 aoaixoNTAL. tub) i Um Imr af 12 Bapreate aahy ef the Nene 18 Haul . . 14 What Parelea peal waa a teefafcart ' 19 Of what Cmtral Awariraa lajeiUi h Taracaralae taacaaetalt IT FtaM aaeretad by tba ttver II Moat aadeat . 15 Cxatta the apirit af : ' - ' . ' .- i Bl Cam ta aaaia S3 What aastetar dtateverad the i ef tae aeiaU was a pari at siharlraHea fee Aejerieea Sraasar . 94 Eallehlaaad - , . ' . 14 Wae VMUtlvaaa Rlrbthtrala7 - 17 What It the lariaFpaft ef uaassMit ef Waiiins Ii aaare t 4S Taaaareh far aa4 47 Waa la theaaiy - - aeAblT -? ? . 42 What la the ausatag eaplarerf SB Kins efbi (1 ktaacnliaa (S Ul M4 Moakey ij- , ' SS-Krter ta Fraaea aad BeWaai-. , YlaTICAL - : : iWbat Htrki a aeMS ear aa .ttt." - ' ?-. . . - S Objeat at wataktp ' 'i " . 53-U?.sal" S Wae wrate The Lb af Siartag -What at the eaaawss II Bawdlab earn tptl It miliss BatUmli artaaaiia ef tae awwitaa " BWBBhUHtV tS Orieatal - - . . . . SSBa halililal ta m St What riaaiA air at the Snath ef the LEGAL NOTICE delayed for a period exceed- ng 39 diyt.M Bidder's proposal uust be ac companied by a bidder's bond in an amount equal to E of total amount of tha base bid as" a guarantee for the execrtlon of the contract and Co famishing of the required bonds' In rase the contract Is awarded o be bid der. .- r The State Board of Control further reserves the right to re ject any or all proprtala. to waive ' informalities, and to ac cept such proposals as are to the best interests of the State of Oregon. BT ORDER OF STATE CF ORE GON acting by and through the STATE BOARD OF CONTROL . . . Chan. A. Sprague-CoTernor Kari Snell-S e c r e t a r y ol SUte Walter E. Pearson-S t a t Treasurer Daniel J. Fry-Secretary- First PabUcatloa June 24. 139 J. so No. 10114 IN THE COUNTY COURT CuY THE STATE O OREGON FOR MARION CXI7NTT NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; . L the aiatter ot the Estate of MART L. rULKERSON. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executor of the EtUte . ot Mary L. Fuikerton, deceased. ny me county court of the State ot Oregon tor Marlon County and has qualified at each. AC persons having claims arainn said etUte are hereby requlret to present the aame vith propei roucbers aa required br lan within six months the dat of this notice to the undersigned at the office of Page A Pare Attorneys, Ladd A Bush Build ing, in Salem, Oregon. The date ot the first oubllca Uoa of this notice is the 23r4 day of May, 1939 and the last la the 20th day of June. 1939 HARVEY H. 8TANTOK Executor, Estate t Man L. Fulkerson. Deceased. PAGE A PAGE Attorneys for said Estate Ladd A Bush Bank Building Salem. Oregon My 22-30 J. 4-13-24 Anne Lindbergh To Get Honorary ROCHESTER, NT, June 19-(A)-Anne Morrow . Lindbergh 19 one of five persons to receive hon orary degrees from the University of Rochester at iU 89th com mencement exercises Mondsy, President AUn Valentine an nounced today. She will be given the degree of doctor of letters. Mrs. Lindbergh, the wife of CoL Charles A. Lindbergh, is a graduate of Smith college, from which the received an honorary master ot arts degree in 19 3S. A poet and author, the wrote "North of the Orient- and "List en, the Wind after airplane Jour neys with her famous svistor-has-band. Her home is on niiee bland. Penrensn, France. IO II 17 20 Vj P 05 21 2 21 33 'A 36 21 35 3fl HH 5 H6 &2 28 Pabeleaa bfad 24 She ' 81 Eamt ef a Sbhas'a amtbarlty tT etUrwerai 11 Brafcea aaat af a I 82 Uahera to ea" ei rfef srala asaia ef rmidrT - 89 la a lacelike taeniae) 89 Fragrant eleutwla 99 Cerrelatlve af neither 40 DiaaoHe 41 MeleSy 4S-iraanit - ' 44 Air aatees i 44 Deafaa welcbt i (si. 49 -Katlaet tlgataaa I Herewith is tot solution U'yet- terdarn puaala. 4- V . t-N AtGTeT tHM INlOtU A Q I m4 -a H EiOit L . . a m a www jic 1 jjcz. ' ' h - LIsIoItIaJt aITa? i BsajrlsM, 1429. ay S2aj tbasisi tiaeTta, baw