Hie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 17, 1939 PAGE FIVE Local Mews Brief s . Boad Payment Accepted Pay ment of $1111.10 by the Hun- chusetts - Bonding - Insurance company to meet its liability in connection with the $15,520.41 ahortage In the county treasurer's I off ice, was formally receipted for yesterday by the county court. The company had issued a $5000 bond covering W. Y. Richardson, deputy treasurer. The .balance of the shortage has been made up by credit for salary turned in ,by Treasurer D. O. B-rager and payments by Ms surety, American Surety company, exceeding 120,000. 8alem's exclusive floor covering tore. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co. Invited to magnet All mem bers of the Salem Credit associa tion are invited to the dance and entertainment- which that group is giving tonight in honor of the delegates of the Northwest Coun cil of Credit Women's Breakfast clubs. President Les Whltehouse announced at the . association luncheon yesterday noon. The northwest council is holding its annual convention here today and tomorrow, with the Salem Women's Credit Breakfast club hostess. - Pabco Roofs. Elfstrom Co. PhsXSl CoasoUdatfcm Favored The proposal to consolidate the Battle Creek and Clorerdale school dis tricts received unanimous rotes at special elections recently held tnere, tne county court iouna when it canvassed the votes yes terday. Eleven votes were cast in the Cloverdale district and seven in Battle Creek. Brine Dad to the Argo for a fa- mous fried chicken or roast tur- Vv dinner SnnitaT. Independents M e e t Ormond Rean. newlv annotated commla- sioner of public utilities, will ad dress the banquet gathering of the Oregon Independent Tele- phone association, to be in ses- slon Monday at the Portland hotel, Portland. Charles E. Wells, Hills- boro, is president of the associa tlon. Obituary Loy In this city, June 15, Grant Galen Loy, aged 25 years, late resident of route one, Gervais. Husband of Esta Loy and father cf Myrna Loy, son of Steven S. Loy of Gervais, brother of John and Meryl Loy of Klamath Falls and Cecil Loy of Redmond, Ore. Funeral services will be held from the W. T. Rigdon company cha pel. Saturday. June 17, at 1:30 p. m. Interment IOOF cemetery Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Carson John W. Carson, 76. late rest dent of 120-Fairview avenue, at a local hospital June 16. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Gladys Carson Douglass of Iowa City, Iowa; son Caryl C. Carson of Hartford, Conn.; four grandchildren. Mar Jorle and John Carson, jr., of Hart ford, Conn., Roger and Beth Douglass of Iowa City, la.; neph ew. Claude L. Carson of Salem. The deceased was a member of I Leslie Memorial church and Pa cifio lodge. No. 50, AF&AM. Serv ices will be held from the Clough- Barrick chapel Monday, June 19. at 1:30 p. m., with Dr. W. C. Kantner and Rev. Dean Polndex- ter officiating. Ritualistic services win be in charge oi racinc lodge. No. 50, AF&AM. Van Santen Henry Van Santen, 35, of West Salem, at the first aid station June 16. Survived by a wife, two! children and a brother of West Salem. Funeral notices later from Clough-Barrlck chapel. . l n I 1 fi As Crowds Cheer 1939s X? t 'j&V v V? Kl Top Screen ;: ! f 'XvXiy Thrill! :r:-r-: H -s Gene Aatry "Ambash" i f I Smiley Gladys l i Baraetto Swarthoat t W f" Added Nrws, Cartoon and Chap, t 5 f I X V- 18 of "THR UOSK RANGER" l( LAST liar'" mJ .-r:ri - II TIMES f- ' : -nT.' On Our Stage at l:SO P. M. II TODAY , il 4 - 00 X w . i Scth Jayne and the Hollywood s " t ' - . i Backaroo Program Broadcast X'VZ0 rWft .U VVV Jm v Coatiaaoas Performance Z, I I 1 II rr I n M J fei LO' -1 , Coming Events Juae 17-18 Mall clerks aad. carriers aaaaal coaveaUoa. Jane 8 .Kansas club of Sa lem picnic at the state fair grounds. Jaae 18-SO - Mobs club eoa- vratioa, headquarters alarfoa boteU Jhm 17-18 Pacific Kortb- west Council of Credit Women's Breakfast dabs annual coa- veatioa, Marios botrL Jaae 19 Baiena district scbooi election; voters living north of State street ballot at school adtaialstratloa building -o North High, tboae aootb of State at WCTII building adjoin ing Statesman office. Jane 23 MUaouri club. 248)6 8. Coral. Jilt 25 Steamboatmea's annual reunion, Cbampoeg park. June 25 State Mlssoari clnb pirate. Fairground. August O Annual state Tca sssee picnic at Dallas city park Aag. 8-13 American Lrzloa, departmeat of Oregon, convea Uoa. 'i Missouri Picnics-Former . resi dents of Missouri living In this Vicinity have been invited to the annual Missouri state picnic to be held at Jantxen Beach park in Portland Sunday, June 18. Gates will be open at 10 o'clock. Among the entertainment features will be musical numbers by the Purvis family of Salem and an old time fiddlers' contest. Prizes will be given to the oldest man and wom an and largest family of ex-Mis-1 sourians in attendance. Cherry plcKlng ladders, R7 Farmer Hardware Co. Murals To Be UnTelled Murals painted for the library of Bush elementary school will be unveii- eu ai a program ai iue scuoot nexi Monday night at 7:20. The murals were produced by the mural guild klaM ' ' thSalm Art center; un- UG1 iUC UllCtUUU VI UUU1S AS. Bunce. Friends of the school are invited to attend the program for the unveiling, which will include special musical numbers, short talks by the principal of the school and the director of the art center, and a history of the production of the murals. Why not spend the forenoons in useful study this summer at the Capital Business college, Nelson building, or all day if you like. Call and let us tell you all that is available. Kleen Home Burns Although neighbors saved ail tne lurniture, the Clarence Kleen home near the penitentiary four corners burned to the ground shortly before noon vesterdav. The fire, nresumed to have started around a meter box,! had too good a start for city fire- men, who answered a can. Tne Kleen family was at Valaetz, where Mr. Kleen is an employe in the, mill, when the fire oc curred. Births Copley To Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert W. Conlev. Rt. 2. Salem, a son. Terry William, born June 9 at the Salem General hospital. Stangeby To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stangeby. 400 Beck avenue, a son, Roy Ralph, born June 10 at the Salem General hospital. Brown To Mr. and Mrs. Dale e. Brown, 730 Thompson, a son. I Larry James, born June 11 at the Salem General hospital. Stewart To Mr. and Mrs. Morse Stewart. Rt. 3. Salem, a son. Ro- jeer Lee. born June 14 at the Dea- coness hospital. Dunn To Mr. and Mrs. Delmer I L. Dunn, 580 North 19th, a son. Carl Allen, born June 11 at the Deaconess hospital. sssts written Dr. Floyd B. Daytoa two 1 -atory duplex dwelling, I to be erected at 8SS-87S and MS- SIS Marion street, and costing $4827 each. Other permits were to: Mrs. Cora Hendrie, to repair a shed at ISIS South Commercial. I szs; a. a. uaiawin, o move ana reroof a garage at 4 SO North 24th, $S0. Wanted, several good Ice boxes, any slse. Ph. S688 and leave ad' dress. Kingsley's Ice. . Complete Trip Mrs. Arthur I Trench and son Leon of Salem I iviw.oira nav reiurura iron iii lt-day motor trip to Minnesota, I where ther visited kinsmen in several centers Including Roches-1 ter and Minneapolis. En root I home they stopped at Yellowstone. I Her niece. Miss Esther French of Rochester, accompanied t h e m I home for an indefinite stay. i.ul florist. 1248 N. Ub. 859. George Self la Calif or a .?.ni... I law Itna-nl .h ift h.r sevarsJ Li.v. m hi. wkMi atr faf. Warm Carinas. Ga.. where he hoped to be fitted out with braces, I waa en route from Davis.. Cat., to San Francisco early this week, ac- cording to a letter received here I by his parents. Boy Falls From Tree Jack Nelson, 5, tumbled 15 feet from a cherry tree near his home on j route six yesterday, ramming a I splinter of wood into his foot Brought to Salem by the city first aid car. the boy was taken to a doctor, who took the splinter out. Rummage sale, 'Town send Club No. 8, Friday 4 Saturday, Buick Garage. Lafkr Proeresslnc R o b e r 1 1 Lafky, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lafky, who sus- tained a double- fracture of the skull in an anto accident May 27, is progressing satisfactorily, it I was learned yesterday. Polke Book Two City officers yesterday booked D. H. Gordion, 1207 Lincoln, for failure to. give right of way and causing an acci dent, and cited Bernard K. Nash, route five, for operating a motor! vehicle with improper brakes. Rummage. WCTU rail. Fri., Sat. Charlton to School Captain C. M. Charlton, of the city first aid car, leaves this morning far I Ma gna, Wash., where he will attend the Red Cross first aid and aqua tic school at Beaver lake. He will return to duty June 29. Licenses Issue d Marriage 11 censes have been issued at Van- couver. Wash., to Oswald K. Hlrte and Anne Tippner, both of Sil- verton, and to Ralph P. Flnseth, I Dallas, and Jane A. Parrish. Port land. Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co. Bankruptcy Filed Robert A. McFarlane, Salem salesman for the Oregon state liquor control commission, has filed a petition in bankruptcy in' Portland. The oetition shows 5594 debts, no assets. ,Jaak Finn mes The business name ml Alaska Junk company was registered at the county clerk's office here yesterday by S. and Rosie Schnltxer, H. J. and Jennie Wolf, all of Portland. Pipe Laying Okehe d The county court yesterday granted E. S. Coates permission to 11 an irrigation pipe across county Builds Two Duplex Building permits were roaa ino. s ai u uunu uue,in -.i-.i kih of the Pleasant Point school dis- trlct property. Sherman E. Smith Passes at Stayton STAYTON Sherman E. Smith, farmer residing near here, died Friday afternoon at the age of 73 years, nine months and 25 days. He had been ill for some time. He was a native of Michi gan. .. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Weddle funeral home here, with Rev. Glen Vernon officiating. Inter ment will be in Wlesner cemetery. Sigmon Pleads 's ' '- Knifing Guilt Parole Is Conditioned on CCC Youth Going Back to East Lawrence Sigmon, youthful CCC enrollee. waived indictment yes- terdsy and pleaded guilty before Circuit Judge L. H. If elf ahaa to curn 01 imut i Hageman with a knife June 8. The (court granted him a parole from a one-year Jail sentence on condi- tion he leave for the east on a eve troop train - w h I e h will through Salem Monday. The sner- iff wu directed to take aim to Camp Mtn City to secure his per sonal effects taen to return aim to the county Jail until train time. Hageman was aot seriously ln- lured in the altercation Today Judge McMahan will hold a motion session at 10 a.m vircnu uoun Willamette VaUey Prune asso- elation vs. Stanford Norris et si; answer of defendants Norris and motion for trial. Vina Wilkinson vs. Leslie C, and Helen Zoloskey; defense mo tion for trial. Vina Wilkinson Leslie C. and Helen Zoloskey; defense motion to strike parts of complaint. Fred B. Roberts vs. E. Beatrice Bollier et al; separate demurrers of defense Dare Korb, Salem Man- staring company and A. S. Par nelL M. Waldesbuhl vs. Frederick I nager ei ai, cviayiuai iu T - A ... .1. 4 .Hl.t title to two pieces of real prop- erty. W. A. Maxwell vs. Clarissa Alene Bickford et al; complaint for $2$ 1.25 Judgment, $76 attor- nev fee and foreclosure of me chanic's lien on brooder house. Gertrude McBride vs. Michael Eldon McBride; complaint for di vorce, custody of two children, 8100 attorney fee, $35 court costs, $45 a month temporary support money and permanent mainten ance for plaintiff and children married July 14, 1933, at Los An geles; cruel and inhuman treat ment alleged. Federal Farm Mortgage corpor ation vs. C. A. Kobow et al; dis missal, on motion of plaintiff. Emma M. Looney vs. W. C. Looney; notice of hearing at 10 a.m. June 20 on plaintiff's applica tion for $300 attorney fee, $150 suit money and $250 for support of plaintiff and minor child. Margaret Stenberger vs. Jonn Steinberger; order on defense m6- tion to strike part of complaint. Harry George Tkatch vs. Ilah Mabel Tkatch; motion for decree. Default judgments in state in dustrial accident commission suits against defendants and in amounts as follow: Albert J. McKay, $81.63; Clowry N. and Nolan F. Lawson, $24.54; Henry A. and Juanita E. Glrod, $46.94. Phoebe B. Busick vs. Clarence O. Busick; complaint for divorce and custody of two children; mar ried February 27, 1926, In Iowa; cruel and inhuman treatment al leged. Probate Court Maude Mischler estate; petition 0f Fred A.-Williams for removal of J. Dale Taylor and substitution of J. Ray Rhoten as administrator of estate on grounds Taylor al legedly favored W. T. Rigdon and ct tf If m ap fnt Vila nnnln t ment and other creditors above I ,,,m ftf n Burton a Mvers for Tini-atAi! eatate: Martin 1 t. Tlnrlestad. administrator, or dered to pay Beret Tlnglestad. widow. $45 monthly allowance appraisal, $6103.50, including $1,- 500 in real property, by ueorge Hubbs, M. G. Gunderson and John Goplerude. Winifred Dayton Lewis estate ; order fixing inheritance tax total at $545.30 on inheritances of $7101.93 each going to Arthur J. Dayton and Floyd B. Robertson, half brothers, and Dayton Robert son, nephew. Robert Poinsett estate: hearing set July 24 on final account of Ladd & Bush Trust company, ad ministrator; $12,495.22 received and $9607.41 paid out. Reka S. Green estate; bearing CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the American Legion and aux iliary. Disabled American Veter ans and auxiliary and our many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of Fred R. Jaeger. Mrs. Fred R. Jaeger & Sons, Mrs. Goe E. Schultt, John C Jaeger. ROLAND YOUXG COXXIE BENNETT BILLIE BURKE MIDNIGHT SHOW TONTTE The Greatest Race Picture Since "Broadway BUT Romance and Rivalry of the Blue Grass Country -Lives in the Jeweled Hues of Technicolor. , Call Board GRA1CD TodaT Carr - Ora.it t Jean. Arthur and Richard Bar thelmess la "Only Angels Have Wings" STATE Today "Topper Takes a Trip" with Constance Ben nett and Roland Young; Booth Tarkington's "Pen- rod's Double Trouble' with in lfanrli twt-na EIJUNflRK Today Doable bill, "It's a Wonderful World- with Claudette Colbert and Jaaea Stewart and "8. O. 8. Tidal Wave," with Ralph Byrd and George Barbter. Todiy Mickey Mouse mati- nee M8. O. S. Tidal Wit" nlna "Rnefc Rnrm" seriol. CAPITOL Today "Calling Dr. Kil- dare" with Lew Ayres and the Three Mesquiteers in "Three Texas Steers." HOLLYWOOD Today "Ambush" wita Gla dys Swartout and Lloyd Nolan; Gene Autry in "Western Jamboree" with Smiley Burnette. . a e a e a a set July IS oa final account of Howard Henry Green, executor; $2308.88 received and $584.98 paid out. Caroline Nuxoll estate; apprai sal. $7534.84, including $5817.34 in real property, by Frank Was- ser, Henry V. Compton, and Claire M. Miller. Marriage Licenses . Leonard Edmond Holland. 24, shipping clerk. Long Beach, Calif., and Helen Jean Pfau, 24, house keeper, Hermosa Beach, CallL F. Wayne Ferris. 20, paper mill worker, 915 South 20 th street, and Maxine E. Lane, 21, typist. 785 Hood, both of Salem Frank Joseph Klrsch, 30, farm er, Woodburn route one, and Mag daline Koch, 33, domestic, Wood- burn. Municipal Court Marvin W. Hoar, tailed to stop after an accident; fined $5. Calvin L. Mann, four in driver's seat: license suspended for five days. BaU collected on overtime park- ing tags, 818. Epworth League's 50th Year Noted Selem District Banquets at Argo Hotel Celebration in The 50 th anniversary of the Epworth league, organization tor Methodist young people, was the occasion for a Salem district Ep worth league formal banquet at the Argo hotel Thursday evening, Ten leagues were represented. Rev. Lew Griffith, one of the district advisors, gave the address of the evening, speaking oa "Youth In -the New. United Church." He declared that what the young people will need above all in the united church is per- spective. The greatest single prob- lem of the united Methodist church, and all Christian churches, he said, is to hold to- gether this "wobbly, top-heavy, changing, kaleidoscopic world." Other numbers on the program were vocal SOIOS Dy Uiare Mer er - lane and Miss Dorothy Johnson. ... . Blll Hobbs of Albany, district waa tnaatmnater and oresented special guests, including Rev. and Mrs. Lew Griffith or McMlnnville. Miss Bertha Pease of Portland, religious education director of the Oregon Methodist conference, and Rev. and Mrs. Don Huckabee of West Salem. in ti..iirnmm nnnroxi mate- ly 20 young people were knighted into the "Royal Order of tne Fork," a mirth-provoking organl- sation. The evening closed with a district cabinet meeting, at which district officers' reports All-Union Picnic, Tarade Planned This Summer a .11 i i-- .ni parade, similar to the succeaaful Ais t.CFaw1 l.t TMlf. Will bA held Va 4VU rammaf A AlatWsltaMI frnm C-- - . an atiiMhaa Ar 1 navinon as r as. meetinr held in Union hall Thurs- der nirht. Time and place will be decided later, announces Earl Sharp, pub licity chairman. Topper Takes a Trip & U. S. 0l m w m i ClubNotes It it ami, atop raining long oaoaxh f or the sun to shine we will all know that summer Is really here. On la.t week'a stacn orocram we had Delores Lebold. Betty Lou Eayser, Ethelya Riley, MaeBeUe Cain. Alice Beyer and Clyde, Riley. The last chapter of "Buck Rogers" will be shown today and the last chapter of this exciting serial will be very interesting. if von would like to appear on lb atara Timrram on Saturdays. I ii vnti hv to do is come down to the Elsinore Saturday morning at 10:30 to rehearse. Please come down. You may start your career as an artist at the Mickey Mouse club. Two bier features today. The first Is "It's a Wonderful World" with James Stewart and Claudette Colbert. Plus "SOS Tidal Wave." Don't forget the latest news will be shown and "Opening Day, a MRM abort. Next week the new serial The Oregon Trail" with I jhnnU Mark Brown. -Don't for- get the last chapter of Buck Rogers" today. See you at the Elsinore at o'clock. JAT, Mickey Mouse Chief. Luncheon Is Plan For Realty Board Murphy Tells Kealty Men They're on Trial With Him The first meeting of the ad visory board to the new state treal ?Ute hfr6 next Friday, will be the occasion for a luncheon arranged by the Salem Realty board, at which all real estate brokers in Marlon ana Polk counties and the realty boards of Linn, Benton, Yamhill and Lane counties will be Invited, it was decided at the local board's luncheon yesterday. The large luncheon next Friday, at the Marion hotel, will take the place of the local board's regular meet- ing. The board voted to recess its regular luncheons through juiy and August. Claude H. Murphy, wbo baa just taken over the office of real estate commissioner la the new depart ment, was the speaker at yester day's luncheon. He said the Ore- gon real estate directory, soon to be published, would contain a copy of the national real estate cooe of ethics, and advised each realtor to have his salesmen study this code carefully. "You are on trial along with me. tne commissioner 101a me realtors, pointing out the progress that Jias been made by profes- slons through strict self-regula- tion I TrkTlfa I 21 VP A Hetft rv-- 1Y, VoL-swio I IFF ins i ill. . w m. m. m 1 KoDen wean ne, secretary lo ine manou count soil conservation association since ui ... . Yakima, where he will take a civil service appointment wita me sou conservation. .... His successor nere.aue monamy. be Lnoy rainier, wno ou been doing similar work in co- lumbia county. Both young men 1 " ws Bruui.w, w - both are in corvams. T . lnallStry JjllSiiapS Claim Four lives There were tour fatalities due to industrial accidents in Oregon 1 aunns tne wees, cuumg uuo the state industrial accident com- misaion reported Friday. I TICUQIS wert .-rjiLi, I . 1 vrfllll.. T ntaAitnl. AIDU. lOKXCr TVAlIAaiU "UlUi 1 oci wvuivvt aww- - Koot, roruana, isoorer, ana Ai fred A. Hawkyard, Eugene, crush er feeder, There were 722 Industrial acci- I dents reported during the week. Penrod's Double Trouble SUN. Thru WED. Aeenla Crack a Case ; 1 2ND HIT! i V Tl SHOCKED a Nation! "NAVY SECRETS'' Pay Grant WRAY "WITHERS'" L a 111 PHONE tin J Moving Sweet Home Required Town to Be Trantplsnted Before $7,165,000 Dam la Built - - " t ESitor'a X: TkU la tka aiata f a aariaa W ariela M aJatary aa4 alga1' leaace al taa WUUaiatte velWy t4 coa trel prajaet). B'or ttto PPl- meatary irrigation aad aavigatloa aspocta of the Willamette river bMlt BroJecL XtVt 0f the three reservoirs aot yet described in these articles, the Sweet Home dam oa the South Saatiam, the Lookout Point dam on the Middle Fork of the Willamette and Quarts Creek dam on the Mc- Kensie. The Sweet Home dam aite is the most ideal of all. and wiU be lo- cated at the lower limits of the town of Sweet Home at the point where a suspension bridge crosses ine soum Bunam, oecausa oi lam ideal site, this dam will be con structed at almost halt the cost of the McKentie and Lookout Point reservoirs and yet have almost as great storage capacity as these. Town to Be Moved The entire town of Sweet Home will be transplanted, also the Til Uge of Foster, in this project, the wnoie oi wwca wiu cosi 000. Ninety-five per cent of the Sweet Home residents are favor able to removal of the town, de clares R. H. Klpp, executive sec retary of the Willamette basin commission. The Sweet Home' dam will be about .200 feet high, the pool level 147 feet above normal, and will be of the massive gravity type, built straight across the stream with the length 850 feet. Several hundred feet of earth sections will flank the concrete aection on both banks. The re- servolr will have a capacity of 310,000 acre feet of usable stor age space, a surface of 5480 acres. of which 2000 will have to be cleared. The drainage area will be 583 square miles. Approximately 2,260,000 cubie yards of common material. 72.000 cubie yards of rock will be exca vated while 1,820,000 cubic yards of dirt and 245.000 cubie yards of concrete will be needed In the construction. The project will also demand relocation of 16 miles of highway and roads and relocation of three miles of logging railroad The Quarts Creek dam of mas- give gravity type will be placed I near where the creek enters the I McKenxle, 17 miles upstream from the Leaburg power plant. Thls Job will necessitate reloca tion of about 16.5 miles of high way and four miles of county road. The towns of Oakrldge and Westfir will find themselves oa I new soil before construction starts I on the Lookout Point dam, a con- l crete structure of the thin arch I tvoe which will require two years I to build. This will be one of the I largest of the seven dams aad win be located In Black Canyon where tne raiiroaa innnei enters ine north bank. ' Water Over School Site Where the Oakrldge high school now stands, the water will be 50 feet deep and the dam will be one mile wide for a distance of two I miles near Oakrldge. It will go f upstream about 10 miles and up I the North Fork about seven miles. i . . . . ... . . . i na.ii me neavy expense oi me I Oakrldge' dam will be due to ne- I cessity of relocating 19.4 mUes of 1 the Southern Pacific main line and 12 mlle of highway statistically, here's tne dope oa the Quartg Creek and Lookout i Pomt re8ervoirs: I Usable storage space: Quarts, 1535,000 acre feet; Lookout, 340, 00q acre feet. Pooi ieTel at dam: Quarts. 291 feet Lookt, 293 feet from pres- .Htlutv happeas whea a too I Starts Today - Two Hfllto Handcuffs; bowls and heart-throbs for two . . with Claudette and Jimmy in riotous adventures! Romantic as a summer night! Mad as a ftlarch hare! Exciting as II a June moon! And funnier than The Thin Man!" I I I II 1 '. .iM IBB VfflF' v, .. . tato the hearts or a aauoa s rao iaar ' . - , Vrv-i RALPH BYRD - "SOS . TIDAL WAVE gfxj. barbioi Mickey Moose Matinee Today at 1 P IL ent normal leveL ; Surface area: - Quarts, TOO! acres and reservoir 11 miles loaf and three-fourths mile wide at widest with 5400 acres to- be cleared; Lookout, 5230 acres, of which 2600 must be cleared. Excavation: Quarts, 501,000 cu bie yards common material aad . 180,000 yards of rock; Lookout, 120,000 cubic yards common ma terial and 400,000 cubic yards rock. Concrete needed: Quarts, 2 045,000 cubic yards: Lookout 740,000 cubic yards. Wrightman Is lH SILVERTON Dr. E. A. Wrightmtn. jr., was brought back to Stlvertoa Friday morn ing from Brookings, Ore.: where he had became seriously 111 while en route to Sen Francisco for . a two weeks' vacation. The Ekmaa ambulance of Silvertoa brought him back. STARTS TODAY Coatiaaoas 21 to 11 P. M. 2 BIG FEATURES TEE KER CVZRTUZES CF a nyaaary ... nvoca dan- 9enu romance! PLUS 2ND FEATURE LIGHTNING-FAST ACTION! Deatift DeTylas; StaaUt Breath Taking Thrillsl tHs 3 SSQUTTEERS 7, pins 2nd Feature realistic broadcast strikes terror vswai ' .1 !. 1 1 IT J. u 'X- 1 2lJOHN WAYNE jy V 1? SAY OOMOGAM M I Pins Our Gang Comedy" 1 .jvTOMOIlROTy : Toiea , suas samo : . &fgME "