Kit CIXIGOXI CTATECHAN, galea, Oregon, Friday; Morals-, Jcae 16, 1833 PAGS SSVETr Sk Posts Will 1 1 Sponsor Show All County Legion Units v to Join in Preparing ' ; jidy i Event .' ..- - Th annual fourth ; of -'July celebration - at - the tat fair grounds this year will 1 not be a locally sponsored entertain ment but wlll be staje-l under the auspices of th. six American Lesion posts In Marlon county. drawing what la vxpected to be the . largest attendance ' -at seen on this occasion.: Final ' details for the : big event f were . whipped into shape at a neetlng of : the general committee- In Salem last night. - . : " -,fr " " Communities which wCl be re presented in the celebration are Salem, SIlTerton,- Wood burn, Stayton, Mount Angel and Au rora. While -: Intended primarily to furnish residents of this , sec tion of the valley an' opportunity for an old-fashioned J u 1 y 4, with motorcycle races, athletic events,, speeches, 'fireworks land ; all the trimmings, anL. funds which may . . accrue from the event will, go towaid the- defray- liir nf TMnMt of tha mtatm fit. ventlon. of the American" Lfgion to be held la Salem August . 1 0- Portland Cops. Shew The Portland police motorey cle drill team will hold the cen ter of attraction in the course of the motorcycle races in the afternoon. This will be lollowed by the finals in an old fiddlers' contest - In which there will ap pear competitors for the county title. The" big night show at the fair grounds will be u"der .the direction of Monte . Brooks," wide ly known Portia 4 showman. Brooks will act as master of Get West Point Awards Cadete B. R. Sullivan, of 1ft Sterling, Ky, (center) and J. T. L. SeBwenk. of SchuyDcfll Haven, Pa received awards from Brig; Gen. Jay L, Benedict, superintendent of the U.'S. Mflitary Academy at West Point N, T. SuOvan received trophy for most, valuable service to athletics. Sehwenk the Edgerton award for outgoing football captain. ceremonies and will feature headline acts, some of phlch are en ' route to the Can . Francisco fair. Following he vaudeville will be the big fireworks exhi bition, following which Brooks will move his orchestra Into the Midway and play for the carni val dance. Athletic competition fc the youngsters will " e a mornlrg feature, followed by exercises in . front of the grand stand. These will include the reading of the Declaration of .Indeoen dence by James H. Raslett and the Independence,-Pay- address by Dr. William G. Ever son. president of Linfield college. The Silverton American Le gion Junior band will furnish mueh ' of the music durlnr the day and numerous ; fairground concessions will be in operation. The general committee for the celebration Is composed of King Bartlett, chairman, Barkley A. Newman and Fred Oahlsdorf. Hit-RiiiiDnYcr i Is - Apprehended Monmouth Co-ed Admits to j Williams That Her Car i Struck BIrs. Wall V : I DALLASA good deal of cred it goes to Deputy Sheriff Williams for the prompt apprehension . of the driver of the car that hit and Injured Mrs. J. . R. Wall .Tuesday evening : as she was returning home from church. ; Miss Doris Trubey, ' student at the Oregon State college of education at Mon mouth,' admitted to Deputy Sher iff .Williams Wednesday evening that she was the driver of the car. : The accident, took place Tues day about : 1 0 p.' m. on Miller avenue. Mrs. Wall was discovered 'shortly afterwards and was taken by. ambulance to the local hos pital.': 5 , . ".. " ;. When ' first ; questioned Miss Truber. stated ' that ' the car she was driving Tuesday night '. was damaged by running into a bank en the Mistletoe road as she was returning . from : the Harry CAebl home, but later admitted that she was the driver of the car that hit Mrs. Wall. . Miss Trubey was arraigned be fore Justice of the Peace Charles Gregory late Thursday afternoon. The ease was continued until Fri day, June 23, when a preliminary hearing will be held. m n The Latest Met's Foe iflin Salem Shoppeis Beginning This Friday Morning, May 16th We, Western Food Market Will Deliver FREE Anywhere in Salem City Limits, Purchases of 50c and np. Remember This Service Will Cost Yon Nothing. Simply Dial 7311, We Will Give Your Telephone Orders the Best of Attention. Reg. 12-oz. Tins Only as SMS II EE ft n 9 nnn i 2-Pound Dox . . . . GRAHAMS 2-Pound' Dox Jl-JI .,..11 TISSUE COMFORT 3 rolls for 18c 1 Roll for lc with Pur chase of 8. flCIO All Four for. jr PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Cantaloupes 3 for 25c 'Jumbo Size Uateimeldns Pound 3c Guaranteed Ripe . PEACE3ES Dozen 25c Schilling's ground, extra special. 8-0unce Tin . . . I? 0. CASTLE BRAND Montana hard wheat. 49-lb. bag. . 99 c Oregon hard wheat, 49-lb. bag -. Fresh, Ripe immm whip sic SALAD DRESSING SUGAR Fine Can HO lbs- .- 49c aco Ms- 409 Jar Cap. . . Clf Kerr discs, dox. Jar Rubbers,;. .'. f A double lip, S dox. V Maaoa Ztae 'fi'Sle Caps, dos. 1 - BREAD Unsllced white orwheat. 1-lb. Loaf 1 lb: Loaf 7c ICs COFFEE Lb AIRMAIL S lbs. 43c MORNING STAR -LbL...21c BREAKFAST; CLUB ' ; -' Vacuum pack. mA 'high trade, lb. OYSTERS f Reg. 5-os. f 'AW ,tlns, en. v EVER RIGHT 1.09 Red White and Blue Milled of choice Blue Stem wheat. Satisfaction positively '. A' guaranteed. 494b. bag., &BlJ Kitchen Queen, 4-lb 1.Q5 Yalvita Brand, large No. 2 Va cans cans je lot Per case of 24 cans. Bnlh Frait Pectin Inferior quality. quart 15c 59c, High Grade Apple Pectin " quart This Pectin has been proven satis , factory by , hundreds of users. MM 11 a.95 jTj'W0THII!6S 100 0009 roBMy sAby' DORDEN'S mt T.1ILK 4 for . : . .... :25c: M ILK Tall cans Oregon- Each 137 So. Commercial PllOfiG 7311 Wbei u i mm I r 1 M I " - S (Jo LNJ Ife H A CP Bible School Ends' The daily Tacatlon Bible school which has been In session for the past tvo weeks f at' the 'Calrary Baptist church will com to a close tonight with a demonstration pro gram at the church at 1:45. The Bible lessons, memory work; Bible drills and musical numbers which hare been a part, of the curricu lum will be presented at the' pro gram. " -f- - t Saint Paul's Last I Note to BeBijrat The last note of Indebtedness against Saint : Paul's . Episcopal church - will " be burned ; Sunday morning at the. 11 . o'clock serv ice. The burning of .the note Is In connection with the .celebra tion of the .10th anniversary of the Rev. . George H.- Swift as rector of saint Paul s. i The Right Rer. Paul Matthews, bishop of . New Jersey and. the Right Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell. bishop of Oregon, will take, part In the loth anniversary celebra tion. Both bishops .will speak. at the --11 o'clock . service. - During the past 10 years ' the member ship - of - Saint Paui's. hat nearly doubled. Thousands of,, dollars have ' been Spent. In .beautifying the' church, securing, a new pipe organ, furniture for the chancel and sanctuary, vestments . for the rector and supplies for the altar, and paying, off Indebtedness ac cumulated over a decade ago. I Saint Paul's parrish Is to have 4 picnic at Hasel Green on Sun day after the morning service. Both Bishop Matthew s. and Bishop Dagwell have signified their Intention to attend the pic nic. Mrs. Frank Spears Is In general charge of the arrange ments of the picnic Report Is Given On Roads Fishing C. C Charlton, district ranger in the' Detrolt-Breltenbush area. makes the following report on road and fishing conditions In that section Roads: The Breitenbush road is In excellent condition to Breit enbush springs, not open for through travel to Breitenbush and Olallle lakes as yet because of snow. Elk lake road open to Beachle saddle, condition though somewhat rough. Scar mountain forest road open about 4 miles from North Santlam highway. Pamelia lake rd open approximately 3 miles. Marion lake road open to end. : Big Meadows road is open but rough. : Fishing: . Fishing Is generally fair now in streams, fish rising to flies now in North Santlam and Breitenbush rivers. Elk lake has been good with- catches be ing made . on spinners. Pamelia; Tumble and Marion lakes good. Other . lakes accessable are Daly, Parrish;' Opal.- Rainbow. No re-: porta available", at , this time on. Square, Round, or Sutue lakes in the Deschutes forest.' , Fires Fire .weather conditions not serious at this time but all campers . and . forest users ; are urred to use care, with fire In the woods. Campflre. permits are not required until July 1 bn' camp ers are asked to carry, the usual fire equipment, coaslstlug of axe, shovel and water bucket on their ears. .All campers, fishermen and forest users are welcomM at the Detroit ranger station for any other Information desired. Daily Bible School Ends At First Baptist Church -,"- 1 -.. v. The daily vacation Bible school held for the past three weeks at the First Baptist church will hold Its closing session and nlght from 7 to S: SO o'clock at the church. . . ; Parents of children attending and all interested friends are in vited to come. An excellent pro gram .nas been: planned and a handwork exhibit arranged. .-;- K pais mm mm I f CUAtAje, loa tfcuvt Vagi ) CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store is open from 7:80 A. M. to 10 P. H. every day, in clndlnn Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products ... . Showing You a Substantial Savings . . . We Reserve the Right to limit Quantities Teel New Liquid Dentifrice 10c, 23cy 45e RUBBING ALCOHOL Pints 9c $1.35 Value Italian Balm and Dispenser ARRID 10c 39c S9c 60c Sal Hepatica 49c 60c ZOniTE 47c 50c FEEIIAmilT 43c 60c Allta Soltzer 49c 75c Fitch's D. R. SIIAIirOO 58c 60s Polidenl Plate Cleanser 48c Mb. tag Epsom Salts 19c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste and 25c Tooth Powder Both )AM for jyc FITCH'S Wave Set HOC SARAKA 60c size 49 $1.25 size 9QC $20 size 1)1.96 philips turn OF I.IA6IIESIA 50c size 34 25c size EQC GAROlD&DnE SALTS TABLETS Bottle of 50 f4 for. 5JC Bottle of 100 on for liyc TOBACCO SPECIALS 10c Granger Rough Cut...3 for 25c 10c Union Leader 3 for 25c 10c Model or Friends........3 for 25c 15c Royal Bengals ....2 for 25c Camels, flat 50's 31c 2 for 60c 5c Stud, Poke's 6 for 25c F0UHTAHJ SPECIALS Welch's Grape Juice 10c Twin Dip Sundaes ...15c Pies and Cakes....... 10c Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich....l5c Combination Salad 10c Banana Split Sundae. 15c Eastman Films at Louest Cut Prices AD sixes, fresh stock. SAVE Oil PHOTO WORK tlmr Film developed sad print ed (6 or S prints) for 5c A Free Enlargement Coupon with each Job. Father's Day Cards Nice Assortment 5c, 10c, 15c Kleenex AO colors, 600 sheets In pks 20c Regular, Jr. or super 80's 40c r,20DESS I PONDS Reeular SO in pkc '''S;45C I Geansing Tissues 500-sbeet pks 23c SAVE OH REMEDIES 60c Condensed Jad Salts ......49c 75c Glover's Mange Medicine..69c $1.00 Zemo Liquid. ... 83c 1 70c Sloan's Liniment. .... 58c $15fetrdagar .. ...89c $10r:!Anusol npp4v'.$1.19 Pt. Sqnihbs Mineral Oil.. L 59c SAVE Oil TOILETRIES 50c Chamberlain's Lotion .......42c Coty's Body Powder... u. 1 .00 60c Mum Deodorant-.;.'... .49c 35c Cntex Nail Preps ,31c 25c Loyalon Hair Rinse ..19c $1.00 Lucky Tiger Tonic. 79c 55c.Pon6Vs face Creams. ...39c $li)OXooJs Phillippe Lip Stick..79c ill Lare size -' -: IPs :ir;-:y n ailii Large size 19c HVOQTf FLAKEO - Large size i 2Ec FLAIIEG ; -Large size 2fic f Let Us Fill' your" Pretcnjkions-ur Service Is Acciq-cle c Economical : It is wise to ave on your food supplies when yon can do so and be sore that you are getting highest qualify merchandise. You can do just ; tliat at the "Seinre Yourself and Save" Store, and as to our prices,' there is no question but what they are the lowest. Special prices effec tivejnnel6;i7&19; - . i 17 PIGGLY-IVIGGLY sit. S9 laTCDEn raiiG sit. 90 iviironiiL sic. 1.09 U. tlontana Ilard Wheat I?i?CiDeoec -s PHILLIPS y No. 2V4 Tint 3 for CO W 1 1 Tl fan Waverly 2Lb. Can Santos Blend. Fresh Roasted Ground to Suit (gIFI?ISIS a 3c Lb. 3 Lbs- HOLLY HILL Grapclmit Jnice (3-oz. Can Pure, Undiluted Q-oz. Can Oval Sardines In Tomato Sauce Pot-O-Gold 3 Cans Fancy-Pink 1 No. 1 Cans a 0 ! Mor-Tang- Pint JovMoq Jar H-D GELATIN 10 Delicious Flavors ; 3Pkgs. m 'vsbbubus Ida-Gold COIUI ggILden bantam Cream Style - ' 3 Cans TUAILERllAND ! - y A f 3 Cans CJ 3 Cans tJ V DUNDZU EHAND o.2Cans ' ; 10 10 Lb. t-" ...r ; ; ' 1 . 4