5 PAGE TWO. - Its C3EG0N BTATESSiAN, SdesOrejca, Yixy Monifaft Jiaw 18183 Attempt Show Check Covered . '.' , '- ' : ' . ; Keech ' Indicates Stand . '.- to Be Richardson - - " Took'iio Money . (Continued iron page II rect defeat e testimony 1 neeea . sacy , but-sald-lf that were done he would have to ell l tUrt number of witnesses at treat ex . pease to, the county.! They would be the persons . to whom the Checks were drawn, he Indicated. Earlier in the afternoon Keech had read off 68 county checks k. nnmhsr anit asked Rowers in each instance if. Jtlcht-dson "told you he pat money in the till at the time they were issued?" "Yes, except that there are one of two there where fce said he d'Vl not put . the money back on th same day they were issued, BSwers replied. ' The auditor said he had gone over nil the checks, a stack, sev eral Inches high, one at a time With, Richardson on three or four Occasions. . VYou found many more checks , on. county funds where other peo- pie than Mr. Richardson cot the money?" Keech queried, i "Some of them" were described a "accommodation' checks. Bow ers explained. - r H Was it the general practice to rfecelre money otot the treasurer's counter and then issue county checks "as an accommodation? Keech asked. ;. "I dont know exactly, the au ditor replied. i v' , Asked if "severs! thousand" such checks had not been issued. Bowers said "a considerable nunv : ber had been. r : Richardson assisted the audlt - bfi In picklnc some I of these ' checks out. Bowers testified. -l.Tbe state pointed Its closing di rect' testimony from the aaditor- wlUesi toward disclosing how nft.h Richardson spent d urine the seven Tears 2t2t-isxi, largely to lylnf an the ex-deputy's personal records for substantiation, rnrpoac To Show :-..-- '. v pcfeedant's Expenses ' , i Marsh said the purpose of these personal papers of the defendant wjas to show "that he was spend lg . more than his Income and thtt would be some evidence that ket' 'i cot the money from the efttnty.? . . . iTRichardson's - normal income,, the Jury was told, consisted of his ieputyshlp salary, rancinc from f to 118 a month, $100 re ctired from a mlnlnc venture one . year, earnings part of the time tram milking cows end selling: the' milk, help from hie children and. notes from persons who owed him money in connection with a paint store In which he had an Interest before he entered the treasuer's office. : - ' - ! Bowers fixed Richardson's year- . ly expenditures as follows: - mt ism.tj; im. tmo. - 14;fit28,i $U17.0t: mt. SI.. ltl.03.' . liao, $H3S.$t; 1IJ1. imi.n: $iet3.7tu . ;. You hare no way of knowing wnttner you nave everything in there r not 7 " asked Marsh. . mii niM,- sowers re sponded, . "The detailed 'checking of Rich ' ardson's expenditures ended with ,t32, the last year in which Bow ers said the defendant had a bank account. .'-- '"One of the records on which Bowers said he depended to discover- - Richardson's expenditures rer's office covering affairs of the Salem Mlnlnc company. Other sources included a letter from a local bank regarding & S100e note signed In ltzl by U. J. Lehman and Richardson and three similar notes for three succeeding years. i ventures tn which Richardson ' ' had Invested were listed by Bow JT rt as the Edwards Mining com pany.' Federal Mining company. -tifiuweil mine, a mine near Pla etrville, partnership with a Mr Bartell In a mine at Jacksonville, grubstaking of a Port Qrford proe pector for 1200. partnershin with two others In a mine option never taken up. Bluebird mine and a Mexican coconut plantation into wntcn he put 1200. 75,000 Jews Will Enter Palestine : GENEVA, June "15.-flVMal- cwim jaaciwnaiaunuan colonial secretary, told the League of Na tiona mandates rammiuinn wi, that BrlUin proposed , to allow is.eat Jewish refugees to enter Palestine tn the next Ata Ter ' After tha V MacDonald said, "further Jewish Immigration mill take place only If the Arabs ac quiesce." He explained 'that the Arabs' ' demand for Immediate stoppage of Immigration was an a av eccepiaoie. . . ' - v - ' ' - - - ' Dallas Man Heads Grand Lodge Body CPORTLAND, Jnne lHVThe grand lodge of Masons of Oregon , elected Leif "JL rinseth of Dallaa. grand master at todays session of the Stth eouTflntlon. - - -. Earl Snell, Salem, secretary of state, was .elected, dmntv . nu4 paster. Other officers included AW on u. uragg. saiem. junior grand grand orator. .; i--"- tmm Tt.rt.1 . ChiaM rOM4iM. Amml 8VC--CESS for 80OO 7(r ia CHISA. ; N ailtit Hk vbt Silncat TM ;wuitla. hTi, taaf, Hm.ilwr, ; utomaea, gsa. eBtltioa, Icr, diabetlm. rstaawttav, rn Charlie Ci I Chinese Herb Co. r. D kirn, Iwmm m-t II ins. rMg, s I II prsetle ia.'Ciias. t 1 ! Offiee km t t t ( (I 1 i pm. 8n- v , - II ..- to 10 . T , F H 122 M. Coil St. Ultm, Ore, - Counsel Accusedjn Alleged Jewish Attack Three eepsuate ierestlgations were Jewish etadeat, Melrla Bridge, - shown with ceaaael last after be similar circumstance. Left to rights Ellis Lerta, Rosen's attorney; J Abeaasoa. attorney f or the boy who was eat. Nazis Fire Away At Great Britain (Continued from page 1) vfets 'Will quit haggling and sign up." Kaxls repeated denials of any "abnormal" troop movements In connection with reports that Ger many and Hungary were planning to divide np economically hard- pressed Slovakia whose political independence and territorial in tegrity Germany guaranteed in n treaty signed last March. Meanwhile they spoke of Bri tain's "painful position" In the far east as a result of the Japan ese blockade of the British and French concessions in Tientsin. All comment regarding Tientsin was friendly toward the Japanese but not outspokenly parturn. Germany's propaganda machine reacted quickly to British plana for a foreign publicity department. Short wave broadcasts in ng llshaald: - . , "The British government Is not only trying to 'dupe the German people, but it Is also misleading the English-people as to its real foreign policy." ' The broadcaster contrasted the methods of Minister of Propagan da. Paul Joseph Goebbels with these of Britain and asserted Goebbels "is successful because he relies on truth.' i Lie Detector Due In Baby Kidnaping CLYDE. O., June 18.WAV-As 10-weeks-old Haldon "Buster" Fink lay In a tiny white casket in the room from which he was spirited by his slayer, his parents, grandparents and other close rela tive were naked tonight to sub mit to lie detector tests. The child was found dead In n nearby creek yesterday, 12 hours after he was taken from his crib. Prosecutor A. L. Hyxer request ed the lie detective tests, observ ing: "I hope to get some sort Of a lead." The prosecutor said "everybody associated with this case will be examined," and announced tests would start "first thing in the morning." Relatives tonight were asked individually to submit to the test. French Bluebeard To Get Guillotine VERSAILLES. Prance. June 16 xUPY-Deeth .on the guillotine at dawn Saturday was set today for Eugene Weldmann after President Albert Jbrun turned down the fi nal clemency appeal of the con victed slayer of Jean Dekoven Brooklyn dancer, and five other persons. The president, however, com muted the death sentence of one of Weidmann's accomplices, Ro ger Million, to life Imprisonment, ; 'Million's counsel based his nlea on n letter Weldmann wrote to the president recently, saying he had "exercised great influence" over Million in the killings. Alan Badly Hurt In Truck Crash truckload of Bing cherries wan scattered over the streets and Lin Mulkias of The -Dalles 1 cehred eerious. Injuries last night when a cherry-laden track driven by D. H. Gordlan; The Dalles, and a sedan driven by Keith . Haven Holcomb, 1070 Bnoadway, collided at Front and Union streets. Malkina, - a passenger in the truck,' was taken - to the Salem Deaconess hospital after emergen cy treatment by - the Salem first aid ear crew; which reported bis coadltloa as serious. . - - - NtuU Dm Rotary, Jews, And Masons From Affair -PRAGUE; . June IS (p) The German . police administration ot I Bndweis v la southern Bohemia today, directed '.that Jews, tree Masons and enembers if the; rotary- club be. excluded from the Csech community and social fun tiens. . :-;;:" --- . , v-zc- The order was . served on the Csech national anion party lea ders. It also forbade - the sing ing, of t certain oegsv which "be cause of changed conditions are undesirable." under way tn Baltimore fa the alleged attack eat a Jaalor higti school 14, who was slashed on the nerk. lfortea Rosea (fas shirt sleeves). Is aafced a Jarr trial em charge be i ddltioo In tks Vets BERNE, Ind Jane lS.-iff)-rioreni Stocky, a farmer, re ported today his mare haa abed real, honest-to-goodneas tears since Its eolt broke oat of a field and was killed by a train a few days ago. Neighbors, Yerifyinf Stucky story said the mare bawls as it broken-hearted. BERNE, Ind., June 15-fl Samael H. Barr calls his pet rooster "Lord Chesterfield" De cease of Its chivalry toward fe male friends. Barr said he saw this with his own eyes, which he claims are "pretty good": The rooster led a bevy of plump heas to a cherry tree. It leaped into the air several times, plucked some cherries and presented them to the lady fowl, who stood aroand la a ring. BALTIMORE, Jane 15ff- "If you try to start anything, tlua cab goes over in the ditch and we both get killed." So said Taxi Driver Paul Zarcone to the pas senger who produced a pistol. Without Incident, Zarcone report ed o police, they drove to the center of town. There the passen ger cot out and bade Zarcone n pleasant good night He didn't pay for the ride, zarcone aian i ask him to. . - t ; BRUNSWICK, Md Jnne 15. -Jpy-When Fireman Fred Shaf fer answered the engine house telephone and learned the Fred Shaffer home was oa fire he dldat wait on anything, not even the fire track. He dashed out oa foot. Fellow flremea fol lowed him with the pumper and put ont the blase. WASHINGTON. June 'lS.-W)- Representative Dirksen (R-Ill.) comnared some of the long speeches made In the house today on the relief mil to tne procedure of a negro preacher of his ac quaintance. Dirksen said the par son described his sermon tnus: 'Fust ah tells 'em what ah"m conna tell 'em. den ah tells 'em, an' den ah tells 'em what an tole 'em. $25,000 Is Stolen From Parked Auio REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Jnne lBHATheft of more than $25, 000 from an unlocked, parked car at the San Francisco airport was disclosed by Sheriff James J. Me- Grath here tonight after Mrs. Wil liam Ray Holmes,' middle-aged widow from Cupertino, reported the loss. Deputy Sheriff Hugh Williams said he' was told the reason Mrs. Holmes carried the money, all la $100 bills, with ber In a brief case, was that she had been In volved In litigation and was afraid it would be attached It it were kept In a bank account Miss Cochran Is Given Air Award NEW YORK, June lS-iP-Ur Eleanor Roosevelt today present ed the Harmon ariatrlz trophy to Jacqueline Cochran for the second year in succession as "the world's outstanding woman flyer.".. , In addition. Miss Cochran, who In private life is Mrs. Floyd Od lam, was awarded a. medal stamped In memory ot the late King Albert ot Belgium the first American to receive it - , . 'I . --. T: ; Prospective Farm Heads Study Federal Programs i WASHINGTON, Jnne IS (ff) The : nation' prospective farm leaders ot the future opened seven-day national : 4-H club camp here today to study the government's farm program. - In the group, housed in tents near , the Washington monument were 172 boys and girls from" 43 states and Puerto Rico, chosen tor unusual achievements la ru ral leadership. - -'"r 1 IVo Chinese Shot TIENTSIN. June .lf.-(ff-Two Chinese ? were reported shot to death today by Japanese guards near the United States marine bar racks when they tried to pass a basket of vegetables over a barrier Into the Japanese-blockaded Brit ish concession. aasaaxea two ether rewthe Boeea; and Xrvta Aaler and Germans Are Held Guilty of Blasts (Continued from page 1) tag ease, but these were said to have ao vain. Germany's contention that the commission was incompetent to meet, or reach a decision, was based on the withdrawal last March of Dr. Victor H necking, the German commissioner, who subsequently charged that Associ ate Justice Owen J. Roberts, the umpire, had Indicated "bias." After the decision, the German embassy issued a statement de scribing the commission's action as "legally Invalid" because ot the vacancy of the German commis sioner's poet .Furthermore, the embassy said, the only qnestion before the c o m m 1 s s lo n was whether to reopen the case and allow further argument and evi dence 'before a decision on the merits." The commission's ruling today reversed the Hamburg decision of 1130 which absolved Germany ot any connection with the series of events which began when the mammoth freight terminal at Black Tom Island off Jersey City blew np on the night of July $0, 11. That terrific explosion ot 2,000,000 pounds of munitions ea route to the allied powers was heard as tar away as Philadelphia aad rocked the metropolitan New York area. The Klngsland catastrophe came on the following January 11, 1017, when a half million three-inch shells exploded after a fire which started at a workman's bench. - Reversing the Hamburg deci sion, jhe commission found that both of these fires and explosions were the result of German sabo tage In a period of American neu trality and were not caused by spontaneous combustion or indus trial accident as the Germans ought to prove. MILLIONS L . . v MiinjuvUrgcsf; -Payroll Cuts Attorney - General , Urges - Draatic 'Slaslilna lu (Continued from page ) practice of passing ont govern ment jobs In -payment-of , polit ical flebU" aad said "with it we mnst abandon the oil companion Idea that the. gpvemment payroH a 'legitimate field for charity and benevolence t ward special too ns and persons who lack qaanticuoar6rifubitc servicer Both - notions,, are - nnsouno, poor political science and above all. poor! publie economy'" ' h added. 4 .v, v.-.:.- A large percentage of publie lobs. Mnrohy contended. was controlled by machine- polities and special Interest groups. "The opposltionrdf these groups to gether with publie Ignorance ' Of much of the meiiiciency, gran. and waste resulting from the spoils- system, - ha - been - enough to undermine virtually every sub stantial ' effort to establish and enforce . sound personnel man agement tn ' our' government" Murphy began 'a talk by re call 1 a g President Cleveland's message to congress 41 year ago in which the democratic presi dent said the ' course of civil service reform la this country . . . Illustrates how strong a hold a movement gains upon our peo ple which has underlying it sentiment of Justice and right and which at the same time promise better administration of their government" Although, Murphy continued. civil service still was firmly ea trenched la the respect end es teem of the American people . yet somehow, we have not made the progress that might have been anticipated in Cleveland's day for a reform so obviously necessary and so undeniably pro gressive." Wasco PUD Asked By Pomona Grange THE DALLES, Ore., June 11. -AV-The Wasco county pomona grange's power committee said to night it would ask the state hydro electric commission to set Angast IS for an election oa formation of a public utility district cover ing northern Wasco county. The grangers, meeting with The Dalies Public Power and Indus trial association, aominated Charles Foster, Charles Roth, A. W. Manchester, .William J. Sent ert, Fred Wetie, Roy Johnson, Roy Duvall and Else Woods tor five directorships In the proposed district An effort to form such a dis trict was voted down last year. Pelting Hail Hits Portland Streets PORTLAND, Jane lS-(P)-Un- seasonable hail and rain swamped Portland streets today. - With summer only a week away. the storm broke with sudden in tensity after gentle rains fell over northwest Oregon earlier in the day. Storm sewers failed to cope with the downpour at first and water ran in torrents down streets. Continued rains were forecast for tonight and Friday, accompan ied by dropping temperatures. GET , ALLOT SPALDING 1 Mtl Kearly a acore of penoas were lajured la Fliat, Michw when rival AFL aad CIO Hatted Aate Workers clashed aear the General Motors Fisher He. 1 pleat CIO waioaJsts ties te drive AFL neesnhers froaa the CIO afflce oppoaite the gates of the factory. One at those tajered Is shew a betas; aided to his feet after peace ejaeaea the riot. Moscow Talks Do Not Get Anywhere MOSCOW Jaae lf-rV-Forelga office circle described as "aot wholly favorable" the results of a long conference today at which British aad French envoys pro- seated details ot new plans for a British-French'Sovlet mutaal as sistance pact The Joint British-French propos als were outlined to Premier-For eign Commissar Wyacheslaft Mol- otoff by French Ambassador Paul Emil Naggiar, British Ambassador Sir William Seeds and William Strang, special British envoy. At the conclusion of the more than two-hour meeting Teas, offi cial news agency. Issued a state ment which said: "Circles la the people's commis sariat of foreign affaire appraise the results of the first Interview and of the examination ot the Anglo-French formulations as not wholly favorable." There was official silence on points In the latest proposals from Paris and London, brought to Mos cow yesterday by Strang. Currins to Head Pioneer Society PORTLAND, Ore., Jnne (JP George J. Currlna, 80, ex Clackamas county legislator now of Gresham, was elected presi dent ot the Oregon Pioneer as sociation at the state conven tion tonight' J; O. Stearns was elected vice- president; Walter Hembreo, as sistant secretary; John M. Lew Is. treasurer: Robert A. Miller and Ed Croison. directors. George H. Hlmes, tS, was re elected curator ot the Oregoa Historical Society. of jf V V J land " x v. x v - v - i r. a. weed a harrage at rocks aad be ish Torturer Seized by Agents MADRID, Jnne IS (Jf) Na tionalist secret service agents to day seised Edmundo Rodrlgues, 4S-raar-eld constructor of Mo- slacs, aad hi wife oa charges ot participating in the killing ot thousands of nationalist sympa thisers daring the civil war. Arresting authorities said Rod rlgues acknowledged that he was castodlaa of the notorious tor ture chambers in San Bernardo street aad that he personally assassinated 22 S persons. They said his wife, Resurrec- clea Garcia RuU. 4T, partlcipat od la firing squad executions of "thousands" of sympathisers confined la Saa Bernardo street. One Man Drowned As Plane Crashes JUNEAU, Alaska. Jane lS.-kff) -Co-Pilot Cecil Plekell was res cued but Pilot Charles Tweed ap parently perished late today when a Canadian seaplane, carrying 2S gallon of eased gasoline, burst into flames after smashing Into a dolphin mooring buoy, while taxiing to take off from Gastln can channeL Plekell leaped from the plane and was picked up by, the crew of a power boat one ot many which sped to the scene. He was not burned bnt was take to a hos pital for treatment of facial in juries. First reports listed him as missing too. Tweed and Plekell flew here last ar ea la g from Dease lake where the plane, n Fail-child, was I operated by the Yakoa Southern Air Transport Span from ALBERT SPALDING'S combination of brilliant concert recitals and superb compositions . and from 1 . Hester RIGHT COMBINATION ... . .. . . tho world's bost cigarotto tobaccos e are fortunate to live in a . - . . where the Great Pleasures of life can be enjoyed us.. . . in cigarettes, Chesterfield's Right world's best cigarette tobaccos gives smokers what they want because THEY'RE MILDER . . . THEY TASTE BETTER !'.' V :77,:: T:': Harle Angels Invade Rochelle Exclusive District Gets Surprise - to Learn r-Teaven o Near BW. ROCHELLE, N. Y., June 15.-Vr7-DuT angels from one of Father Divine's Harlem heavens moved In among astounded and indignant residents of exclusive Sutton Manor today. - Bearing mops and brooms, the disciples came, to refurbish a threes-story mansion acquired for the negro mesalah, who last year occupied an estate across the Hud son river from President Roose velt's Hyde Park manor. "Something will hare to be done to get them out," was the first thing Corporation Counsel Aaron Simmons ot New Rochelle said as he dug Into law books looking for an ouster device. "Give me a cigarette so I can stand the shock," said Supreme Court Justice Lee Parsons Davis, whose green lawn and big house stand just across the road. Other nearby neighbors Include Charles H. "Griffiths, chairman ot the Westchester county republi can committee: Robert N. Barier, yachtsman and vice-president ot the New Rochelle Trust company, aad Butler Whiting, prominent yachtsman. The hew haven Is within hail ing distance of several beach and yacht clubs, aad across Echo bay stand the homes of several mil lionaires on Premium point in cluding the estate ot playboy Tommy Maavlile. Money Returned With Religious Tract by Thief ASHLAND, Ore., Jaae 1& (A Aa honest thief was report ed here today. Spencer Woodruff, garage employe, said his wallet coa talniag ftp, a check aad some papers was stolen front a wash room. A few days later the wal let 940, check aad papers were returned to him by aa Olyaapla, Wash resident who declined to identify himself. "I waa oa my way home froaa New York and ran short of money," the letter read. "I had a money order which I coeldat cash. 8o I came home oa yoar money." Iacladed with the letter was a religions tract aad a lecture oa honesty. Sheriff Searches For Lost Youths McFADDEN. Wyo.. June 1S-(A) -Undersheriff Frank Lemoine of Rawlins was called to the Elk Mountain country today to help la the search for Harold Hlxon, t, aad his brother, Charles, 4, miss ing since yesterday. M. E.- Pickett Carbon county coroner, accompanied Lemoine. The brothers wandered away from a fishing camp their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlxon ot McFadden, set up on the Bow riv er. The region is densely tim bered. The first search with CCC work ers participating, was led by Dep uty Sheriff Perry Skiver of Elk Mountain and the United States forest ranger at the Brush creek ' station. neias by nearly all of for example Combination of the CalW tsoarrf a MvauToslcco CeiV"