A ProffitaMe Sfofesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified AdtrrtWif Sins l lnsertloa per 11m 10c Three tneerttons per Its S0c Sli Insertions per line He One month nor line Jl 99 Minimum chare stc Copy for thla page aoret4ed entll t:34 the evening before puMtra tkw for classification. Cop re elved after this time wUl be ran under the beading. Too UU to Ctaeaify- ' . The 8ta teaman aseomea a ft nan '.-UU responsibility for errors wWrt may appear In advertisement pub tlshed In It, colnmna, an1 In ce where thla pnpr la fault will re print that part of an advertrwment In which the typographical mistake crura. The Statesman reaerees the r1M Co reject questionable advertising: It further reeerve the right to place all . ad vert lain under the proper classification. A 'Blind Ad an ad eontatnlna .i Statesman box number tot an ad tlrni la for the prrtertlon of the advertiser and must therefera ha answered by tetter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Inform Ctoa as to the Identity of aa adver tiser ualna a "Blind" ad. Livestock - ttuia n Amil a a picked ap frea Ph. celled 1411 SaJam Montgomery nana warn HORSES KOfl aale. Ala te wkie.au reaeer pin Havee laman rirm Branka Oregsn. aevpiiT Tftta waek. heavv bree4 aaaorted chicks, only s.ee per pun- dred. Ptkorie inn, ieea Aoetiom rMRS. CABJUE E. SNEEDS BIS AUCTION Sale Good Boarding House Furniture Today 1:1 112 North Church. it rini lLfml electric refrta like new. It Simmons beds, coll springs. ' run (alt eises) Aav. and chair, radio. Good electric sweeper, IS din. chairs. S wat bedroom suites. taMea, too iron jars.-ocj. oc oc-. ate rne anove is oniy a sinw matip . in 7 voara aamo Iocs tton, airs. Sneed quits to Uka new po- altlMi A Fast Sale. II you neea am furniture attend this sale. anss" Woodrv. of Nash Turn. Co. Auctioneer. 1 pay cash or aett oa com mission. Atrr-rtOK . AUCTION - AUCTION mvtnHT THITBSnAT; 7 :19 at the F. N. Wood it Auction ft "Furniture Mart. Summer ft Norway Bta, f ine m MMtm.nl nt InrmArted Toed BDreadS. wall tapestries and table covers. Lots radio and lots of miscellaneous articles con signed to aeU. F. N. ft glenn WOODRY. Auctioneers. Ph. 6114. We boy for cash or sell on commission Help Wanted , IVlm-lfl (ln mat mil Cellar, shed.. We tray Bfte lb World latgest company FRkr pnon Mmm rooms 2019 2nd Seattle. Wash CHKRRT PICKERS. No children. Start Mon. mom Inc. See Ernest Ander- son. Orchard Heights Road. WANTED, CHERRY pickers. In quire F. D. Bowman, 194 8. Liberty. Help Wanted Male AT ONCE. "Cat" tractor to log alder to milt abort haul. Also gas donkey Inquire Shell station, Hebo, Oregon Writ Frell-Pretehett Hebo. Expmenced Hop Workers Wanted FRANK NEEDHAMS Brown Is land Hop Col. near Roberto station. Ask for contractor la charge, Harlo W. Kodama. Help Wanted Female WOMAN COOK on farm. Brooks, Rt t. Box 14. Ph. 3F11. WANTED GIRL for housework and help m restaurant, 1135 Edgewater West Salem. Situations Wanted PAINTING PAPKRHAN'lINU ton prices, work guar. Free estimates. 4? WILL CARE for children. Ph. 7977 DRKSSMAK MRS. Adsttt Ph. 2I5 WOMAN WITH arm achool age. lao employed eon, wishes housekeeping in or near Salem. Bog 503. statesman. PRAC. NURSING. Ref. Ph. 3874. For Sale Mi seel Ian eons ' Klkea ft hp , Kamaden. 14t" 8 I -lb REBUILT AND guaranteed waah- ers. ah manes rrom vie up epee av tag $t$ Hngjt Bros. ADDING MACHINES, typewriters cash mrlatera'scalea. aalaa rentala re pairs. Rnen Typewriter Ea.. 414 Conrt WALL TENT, camp bed. 33i 8. 14 CASH FOR naed turn Ph 111. 'NEW HAMPSHIR--bnby chicks aammer prices. 534 N. 11th. CHOICE GOLD fish, 34 JI 8. 12th. BEDDING PLANTS, cut flowera and potted planta. Phone 3(37. Jay Moms nonst WRECKXNO HOUSE at N. ComT Center. Sell laths, lumber, doors. windows. -bathtnhsL brick, eomn. roor- tng. dining table ft 4 chairs, inlaid lin oleum. Otto Tlmm. ADVERTISINQ I Wettera Advertlstox 1 - Repreaeautlvea - Fnaer-HaB C-. Ltd. Eaa . Pranciaco. Los , Angelea, Seattle jcatteiB AaTtrtuing '- RepresejjtatiTaa Bryant. Orjfrtth ft Branson. In. nicag. new lora. uvroiv BjtoeAjlanta Estered ar Ike Peefefwe at Salem Orreon as feooaa Cleat M alter. Pah Kaked esery momtae awcept afeadap. aaefaeas evtea w aewta 47mi Cfre4, .--.'s.-ir.- I'" annePiiloTlriN ' R'Af tSflt". Mall Subscription Rates In Advance' Within' Oregon : Dally and - day Mo aataT-i Mo. IIMil.Ma $: 1 year Eteewher II eentar per tl.X a year ta adraaeo a Marios For Sale Miscellaneous niT Of n an mfmrfmA rhii-ka. frvera. Ala peat moss fertilizer. Ph. 133P3. Lm i Hatchery. mot raiKPr Hia wk CbttiI. lis or Red heart berrlea for freezing or canning. Mrs. Sargent. Ph. S1F3. WETiOEWnnD OAS ranae. (-burn er, all porcelain. Electric Umer tor area. Looks like new. only e7.ss. -jYEATER ft RUSH Ctt ?WESTINaHOCSE STORE Next Te Power Company DOMESTICATED WILD black ber ries, $1.15. 24-boxes, you pick. Tet 77F3. L. Zlelke. . FURN. NEW OR USED WE OFFER the best Yaluea hi the city. Select one item or a haefulL ft we iruar. to save you money. Pay nothing down. Conn Bros., 305 N. Liberty. STRAWBERRIES 3c LB., you pick them. Glen Looney, Rt, 7, Bos 2. Salem. STRAWBERRIES. MARS HALLS large patch. Good picking. Come any time. B. C Zielinskl, first house E. of Basel Green church. Phone 117F13, GOOD USED wood ft coal range with double eoll, sanitary b&ae.. In perfect cood. 8pec. $.. Cobn Bros. SOe N. Uberty. CORVALLI8 STRAWBERRIES. 3c tbw yon pick. Pie cherries lMe.. you pick. mi. north Sidney station. An keny Bottom, W. Shelley. MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES, Se yu pick. C. H. Fisher. RFD 1. Box eOL Ph. 1SF31. S RMS. NEW FURN. COMP. I1M.M . INCLUDE BEAUTIFUL dav. ft chair, end table, lamp ft atmde. mirror, cabinet amoker. ocean, chair, wat fin. bdrra. aet, coil spring, mattress ft a l pc. brkft. aet Pay nothing down. Cohn Broc, t5 N. Uberty. 7anted Miscellaneous WARTKD URKT) fum. Ph. tllS WANTED MIDDLE-AO ED lady to share home. JteMonable. 11 7 Marlon. WANTED LARGE atae boya w gtrTs bicycle. Win pay fT.lt cash. Write Bo Ml. Statesman. Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. RARRT 8EMI.ER. DRNTTRT Comer Stare ft Commercial Pb 3311 For Rent Room SI.KKP RM. close m Ph 44B. RMS FOR ladtoa. C9 N. Cottage Ph UTA SIJCEP. RM, Prlr ant Ph. 8977 SU RM. walking diet C07 N. Coml NICE LA ROE steeping rm. wtth board, close ta, S69 N. Uh. 3 SLEEP .RMS-. also sleep, porch. Oarage. 4 SO N. 24th. Room and Board BEST RM board. Clee to state house. IKI Court. Ph. S494. SHOWER. NEW mod. home, hot and eold water In room. Bxc. food. Board spiionau aim ran. aaaawwMawaawwwaaaaawaaa APPRECIATE OOOD mewttT Nice nomet 8ee Ma Rowen $ N Uberty NICELT FUKN-. ht. cold water. tf la. Nr. state iunise. Ill a winter BO. ft ROOM. 345 & Cottagav $433 RM. BO. 199 N. Summer. Ph. 4414 BOARD. ROOM. 152 N. IJth. P. 54S0 DOUBLE ROOM for ladle, pri. ent Very dose In. Ph. 1412. FRONT RM- twin bed also first floor, nicely turn, m ent. Also base ment sleep, rma. li l. iztn. BD. Kit, laundry, $23. 466 N. Cot For Rent-Apartments S RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath, Frlg- Dwnstrs. 13S court. GOOD RMS. ft apts. 254 N. Front t R. FURN.. bath. $15. 1444 Waller VACANCT. GLEN DORA Apta. rma. with -bedrm. ft wall bed. -. S RM. NEWLT turn. Heat, water refrtg. bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage ATTRACTIVE 3 RM. Gkmdora Apta NEW 6 RM. clean, airy furn. flat H ft C water, gar. 1I9( Fir St r.XCELI.KXT APT 8.. cloae In. $25 $1$ and $14 month. $97 N. Commercial. CLOSE IN fine mod. apt Ph $494 3-ROOM MODERN.. Phone 3884. PATTON APT& 323 State. Fum tsheA Adults only Phone 434 A 1 AND 3 RM -rum apt 445 Ferrr T TO. 4 RM aoca, ram or aafurav $4 ana ap laa ilia Soatn iitn. 8M FURN apt. -354 S Cottage. SEE . FISHER anta Modem taed aewly eecerated and roomy - You'll delighted oak and S Commercial. THE MOST homelike ta Salem- Hawthorne Court 144 N Capitol 1118. APT 8. Fum. ft unfurn.. $35 to $40. Royal Court Ph. 3953. ILi $12 64. 3 R, $15.50, 1935 Center iV'n XM ..la n4 KtK lla. hot water, washer. 363 lsllo COOL, 1ST. floor. 3-rm. 445 Ferry. CRM BTTRN ant Hrt and aratec 5ia. zif4 Hapie Ave. FURN. APT. 444 Mill. ATTRACTIVE S-R. apt 1836 State. S KSL" FTJRX. apt. Prtvat4 hath. 1411 State. 8 RM. MOD.' furn.. Friaidalra. waah. or. vac. iitn jane, ill n. com--. SMALL FURN, apt, 1591 State 8t CLEAN f RM. Xnra. est wtth prl- vate bath, lauadry, garage, bua service. ill 3 ROOM. CLEAN, neatly furn. apt set bath. t4 court TO. !. NICE, SMALL, furn. apt, 599 Union. APARTMENT FOR rent SIS & coaaraerctai. 1 RM. FURNISHED apt prt en trance, ail month. Ill 8. 1ZIH . t APTS, COMPLETELY famished. Lights, water ft heat furnished. 14 ft $11 per mo. 4Z N. Churcn. NICE MOD. fora, 45$ Center. iwMWwaaMwaawaaaajaaaa FURN. APTS. 151 ; N. 18th. FCRNAPTS, $8. 153 N. 13th. LT. HSEKPa room, 436 N. Winter. " $ RM FURN. comer apt, prL ahow- er, garage. Ground floor. Ph. feiOT. FOR RENT Newly furnished apart moat. uanraratty at . aMALL APT, adultA 2111 State. Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR IN COMB No Endorae No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALKM-S OIJEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOITR MEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL, AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. ill S Commarelai St.' ' Lie. Na SISt Ph. tlSt First Door South of Ladd ft Bush' Bank For. Rent Apartments t.DU rmtH ant a . nw1r dec $13 ft $16- 3SM Lee. Ino, SStO, P. 4. COMP. FURN. Heat water, lights. prlT. hath. Easy wash. Gar. 34SS SUta. STRATTON APT. 1 S-rm. apt ; also 1 large tmfurn. apt Ph. 3(43. a., a n vr aps. Tfrfa- antomatic heat IXO.ft. 3SS & 14th St Also mod. rm. has, 4t.M. Dial 3(32. Eves. 32(4. ' 1 B. FURN.. pri. out 444 Marion. AN ARTISTIC sot for partkaUr girls, naar capital; alee, ref rig. Call B34 for aoDOtntment. WINNIE PET TYJOHN. - 1 ft 3 ROOM FURN. Its. wat ft MayUC tt ,t.lS. Call after f p. m. ltz Ferry. X R. FURN. apt Bath, lights, water. 1350 N. Winter. 111, NICE 3-RM. apt, fura. Ugh ta, water. LOUIS BECHTEL. 341 State. Room 4 8 LP. RM. ft apta, 133 Ferry. For Rent Houses MODERN f ROOM house newly fb tahed, with aleeptng porch. 111! Mar ton 81 FURN. AND unfuri). houses. H. P. GRANT, 339 Coart 8t Phone 7C i-RM. HOUSE, partly funu tt. 374 Madron Ava, Salem Haighta FURNISHED A UNFURNISHED houses. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 18S3 N. Capitol 3 RM. HOUSE, partly furn. 1940 Monroe. Close to Pen 4 Corners. 111. 4 R.. $15. 2415 N. Liberty. Ph. 7544. FURN. HSES. ft apta., 735 N. Com. RM. HOUSE, near Capitol partly furn.. $13.00. Iran G. Martin. Ph. 4419. FURN. 5 RM. house. Ph. 7445. i R. FURN. HOUSE, available ta next few days. Call for farther deta.ua. F. H. WEIR, $12 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 FOR RENT FURNISHED ISO. STRICTLY MOD. house. S rooms. $35, mod. house, S rooms. $33. new mod. bungalow, 5 rooms. Unfurnished, strictly mod. 4 R-. 3 bedrms. For Rentals See LOUIS BECHTEL. $41 State. Room 4 MOD.. COMP. furn. honse. 4 rma.. dinette, sip. porch, gar., rafrlg., $27.50. Adults. 3305 Breyman, tat I. lira). For Rent OFFICE ROOMS.' SSI State Street Inquire room 200. Tel 3713. SMALL HSE. and apta 355 Division. SM. HSR. IK ml from city limits. variety of fruit garden planted. 404 N. Winter. Ph. 3458. LARGE BLDG. suitable for auto re pair, etc., business dlst Ph. 4194. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to aell eschaage tease, rent see Mr. Larsea with Haw kins A Roberta TR A Pi IT. r"lT uMrt for farm nnmea opportunniea m exenangea, HAWKINS KIIISKKIS MM. VIEW HOME BEN LOMOND PARK LOVELY. WELL-BUILT 7-room witn 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, oil beat ii replace Beautiful knotty pine party room in basement 3-car garage. Numerous trees, well landscaped lot with front age on two streets. Permanent unob t rooted view of cltv. valley and moun ta'na Mortann comnanv appraisal. $8244. A real bargain at $7500. Call Mr. Larson or Mr. Collins for appoint ment to Inspect HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC flea MOD. 5' RM. house, $4000. Tel. 669$. 4" R. BROWN SHAKE bungalow cor. lot N. Salem. $3444. Ph. 6580. BARGAIN 5 R1L FIREPLACE, dlolng rm. nook. Utility rm. Enclosed back yard. N. Salem. $2250, $250 dwn $29 montb to. saso. - ; APARTMENT HOUSE LOCATION NEAR STATE buildings large cor ner lot with good old house price for all $1500, with $2000 down. Call aim Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street- Phone 9211 MOD. HOME. 3 bedrooms, large lot fruit double garage. 4S N. 19th &t NICE 7 RM. mod. tlnns or rash. inq, zoo 8. ZJra. ONE ACRE - . FINE SOIXk 4 room heme, electric water system, garden In Kelser dis trict. See It today price $1500. easy terms. . , ALSO One acre, new five room home, nicely nniabed Inside, built-in kltcnen. at tached garage, electric water system, unfinished attic, cloae m. Thla la aa attractive plsce ask ta ase It Price - see nr. Bartiett witit CHIIJ3S ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 Bute Street Phone 424L -llakakaTeaksfk - ILLNESS URGES SALE OF A FULLY equipped rooming ft boarding house splendid location price for all 17100. or will aell furnish ings for $504 and rent bldg. for $54 per month. See Mra Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9241 TIP-TOP IN MODERNIZATION OUTSTANDING IN appearance. New 7 rma Auto, oil burner. DM. gar. etc. New dir. m N. Saleca, $4,444, Ph. 5584 RM. HSE. large lot, $1764. IVAN G. MARTIN Phone 4414 HERE IS A BARGAIN la aa attract Ive 8 R. house wtth hardwood ' floors, fireplace, weahrm. cloee to schools, worth $3,444. Win sacrifice at $1,614. Nice terms. Bed -434 N. istn. -- .i-- S R. HOUSE. MODERN except basement, alee lawn ahruba m front of house beautiful back 'yard. Foil price $3104, $104 down and $24 ner ma . - . v -- 4 R. hoaae. A. of land. E. Just off Center St, $2000, $100 dowa ft $15 per mo. - r. H. WEIR, SIS Cres. Bids. Ph. Sill Money to Loan Convenient Ground Floor Location. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO bay new or asedcara Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. Ne red tape. 1 TO 24 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 1S4 Sooth Commarelai Street 114$ Lie. No M-1SS FHA LOANS. 5. alas private loans Abrama ft Elite Ino. Mnsonte Blda AUTO LOANS Willamette Cretlit Co. 6th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO LICENSE NO 14-169 BENJ. -FRANKLIN home loans Moat popular lota ta Oregon A new feature te this loaa beaeflla evsrv a'OCTssrW'Bf. StmW (abMIt weta AAAAmA9m$m09M09mm09Mm0909090909j909 LOANS Par Cash for roar purchase. Consol idate old bRla TPS Receive Tea pay 4) 14.44 - IAS 154.44 14.34 304.44 13.43 344.44 . 34.4$ Interest la charred each . atoatb ONLY on the remaining unpaid baL KEF1NANCS YOUR CAR. loans up to 4504. Ton will Uka our friendly service, email monthly payments, and low cost PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 341. First National Bank Blda Salem, Oregon Phone 4444 a-zu gats License u-zze Auto Loans - Refinancing BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. M-Zss MERRILL D. 0HLI1IG INSURANCE Phone 9494 274 State Street Salem. Oregon Get SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way whgm at uuas: A "Personal" Loan $26 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at S7S offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY: Come in. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bligh Bldg. 61$ State Street Salem. Ore son State License Numbers S-122 M l 15 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and eft property Before borrowing tnaulre el Hawkins Roberta WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pey 1 interest W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS IS4 & Liberty Street Phone 4444 III MORTGAGE INVESTMENT III WE NOW have a number of first mort gage real estate loans. Improved properties, excellent securitr Mortgages hi amounts of $200 to $700. net you 4 per cent payable semi-annually. Examine the prop erty yourself. CHILDS ft MILLER. INC 344 State Street Telephone 9211 Financial jn rrf "8 HATE never paid leas Xl -v than thla rate oa saving Sane as lf end Investments. Insured to 4500. Mutual Federal Savings ft Loan Aasa Phono 4944 143 a unerty at For Sale Real Estate TinAWn TffEW K rm mod- (extent oase.; x. b. szaav. rn. . STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 rm. bungalow with brkfst nook ft laundry rm. 1 A. of around close to arnooi. n. of town, 10 down, hat 120.04 per mo. Including taxes and interest RICH L. BE1HANN, 1(4 a. Hlgn - Phone. $432 nnnn Ttorraie. nice fore., north. Elec. pump, l A. gar. $I5D. casn. BUUKOW-ttAHaiK KEAb MIA1 B. 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. . Ph. 54S. WE OFFER for sale a "very -attract hre homo with SDarioua grounds, com plete with water system, largs living room, rurepiac. a. Dearoome, garage. Hourly boa nei vke. - We can deliver this ptopetty Xor $6544) upon which we eaa make reasonable terms. P. H .BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon. BMg. Phone 4131 NEW S RM. has. cweulating beater. Utchea, range, $1804.44. am. dn. pmt. baE lute rent New 4 rat. hse. elea. ft water, lie $5e.ee down, fis.ee per 19 A. S rm. hse. elec $1441.04. S104 dn. bal. $16.44 per mo. WUl consider some trade. Chicken ranch, IT A., elec water system. 4 A. fruit nig hse. 9 ml from town, $2504.44. Easy terms. WUl take m nee. lot . : RICH U RETMANN. 147 S. High r:t - Phone SMS : ' , $244 DOWN, 6 RM. plastered home oa 8. Cottage, bath, gmrage, alee lot, X144. " "'J.'--"1;,----" v $269 down, nice bungalow ta SCay Add. Uving rav, fireplace, ale nook. kltcnen, in m m , garage, pice jot, Z.- $1504. nice I rm. bungalow. 1 block from Grant achool. modem every way, clear. Trade for acreage. - , - MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT MEL VI N JOHNSON. REALTOR 735 Court Street Phone 3723. CORNER LOT, So. High and Oxford, paving paid isoo. Ph. 431$, p. m. - For Sale Used Cars - - SPECIALS - - 1938 1937 1937 1938 1937 Pontiac Six Town Sedan Low mileage, dual equipment and heater..... ....$695 Nash Lafayette Coupe New paint, heat er, dual equipment and overdrive. This is a beauty. . .' .... 580 Chevrolet Master Sport Sedan -Run only 20,002 miles. Here is a bargain.. .... 545 Plymouth Touring Sedan, a very clean car 695 LaSalle Touring Sedan- This car is spot less, equipped with radio, heater and de froster 1 ! 850 Chevrolet Dual Long Truck 195 Chevrolet Vi-Ton Pickup .. 545 Essex Coupe 35 1935 1938 1930 AND MANY MORE McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLMAN. JIMMY DAVIS, LAWRENCE FLATHERS ' SSS CENTER STREET PHONE S1SI OPEN EVENINGS For Sale Real Estate NEW 4 XL HOUSE It A.. Clover Leaf acres. Elec. water system, lights, $1404.04. $444.44 down. E. Porter. Rt 2. Box 454. FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $544. See any real estate maa or call 4433 147 & High Street BEST LOT IN TOWN FOR THE money. Near new high school, has a garage, haa bearing fruit and nut tree a. Price cut to $535, waa $850. See LOUIS BECHTEL, 311 State Room 4 Exchange Real Estate 7 ACRES ALL In fruit and nuta good S room bouse, elec lights and watet system, bam and chicken bouse 8 mile out; wOl trade for home la Salem about same value. ($5400). Must be dear of encumbrance. Box 155, cam of Statesman. FINE, LARGE lot close In. near achool, for aale. $400, or trade for late model car. Ph. 3494. For Sale Farms FARMS ft HOMES for rent aale trade. Ore. Land Co. Woodbura. Ore FOR SALE Five acre tract near Pen 4 Corners. Modem house, good barn. Outbuildings, fruit nuts, grapes. WUl take town property as part pay ment Rt, 4, Box 11, Phone 9724-1944. 141 A. 96 A. IN CULT. 49 A. in crop. 64 A. fenced for abeep. On level Market KtL uia buildings, aantmm k. runa through one comer. Was $2040, because of death, haa been cut to $1,- 750, some terms. Bee Laraen, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC Wanted Real Estate WANTED 3-BEDROOM house, pay $300 down. $20 month. Have regular employment P. O. Box 204. Business Opportunities PARTY INTERESTED Real Estate Mail Order business Ore. and Wash ington, email Investment Box 477 Statesman, & SALEM BUSINESS PROPERTY 3 HOUSES AND service station price for all $6000. Terms. See Mm Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 144 State Street Phone 924L 'aaaas'a?iexaeenhds 14 UNIT AUTO court, living Quar ter Tor owner, on 99 E. north, close to town. $4000.00. RICH L. REIMANN. 147 S. High St Phone 8432 INTEREST IN bulldlnar eomnanv. Small amount cash or lot or plot will be considered for Interest Worth Investigating. Box 507, care Statesman. Lost and Fonnd LOST. SET of plans for Linn county courtnouse. .Finder leave at Statesman office. LOST ON highway north of Salem. orown truca tarpauim. Tel. 4011. LOST TAN colored dog wtth chain. Beward, 390 N. 15th. Wood Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Spreed. Ph. 6 SSS. Business Cardi ta this directory raa aa a monthly basis only. Rate 1 Si per tine per aaoath. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. S7I SoutA Commercial . Bicycle BICTC1.ES, NEW aoS meoPdltloned Harry W. Sostt 141 ft Oem'L P. Ill -v - -j-' . 'a . ' Chimney Sweep rEIJCPRONE 444. ft al- CUrapraetorav DR. O. Ii tCOTT. PSC Chlreatastot 864 N. High Tat Rea S67A Exeavaiing EXCAVATING OF an meate Shss. Din haoled or meved. Oin for gala Salem Sand and Q ravel Co 44a Florists Bretthaupra 44t Court SI44 Lnndries t, THB NEW SALEM LA UN DRT THE WE1DEB LAUNDRY SIS a Ulxh , Tet 1111 For Sale Used Cars TODAY'S BEST BUYS! Unequaled Used Car Values Look 'Em Over 193S 191$ 1137 Bulck Special Touring Se dan $945.94 Bulck Special Town Sedan $26.44 Bulck Century Touring Se dan S5S.44 1937 1934 1ISI 1935 1131 1IS7 1934 1931 1529 1939 1914 1937 1927 192$ 192S 1994 1929 1924 Bulck Century Sport Se dan 755.44 Bulck Special Touring Se- No. 891 A 425.44 645.44 415.44 145.44 575.44 Bulck Special Touring Se dan No. $51 A Buick Special Touring Se- Bulck Convertible Coupe -Plymouth Touring DeLuxe Sedan Terraplone Four Door Se dan . S4S.44 Studebaker Buainess Ford Sedan Ford Roadster Cpe. 13S.44 $5.44 76.44 46.04 95.49 (5.00 46.44 35.44 Ford Sedan Franklin Sedan Nash Sedan Dodge Sedan Pontiac Coach . Pontiac Coupe . 26.40 ,. ... 16.04 - 35.44 Durant sedan Studebaker Pickup WE TRADE. WE DEMONSTRATE. EAST TERMS OTTO J. WILSON USED CAR DEPARTMENT 388 N. Cora'L St Salem, Oregon. For Sale Wood GRARN 413 N 31st 4 wood 63T0 SUMMER PRICES, old fir 14 at only 14.76 per cord. Order for now or later del. Phone 4154. Oregon Fuel Oa wawaMwwwMaMwaWMW 4 r gg CD. STR. gr. no dote, trait O.VRJ dry. 14 In. big O. F. P. T488. k14aksnaTaBiakaaXa 14-INCH DRY old fir. Phone 4114. ,astsass,aiassasSTejs,sia 1175 CD. 4 FT. fir. I cd. lota A-l II In. a Fir. IS. Knota 14.51. :. 4114 44" OLD FIR $4.15. 4 ft $4. 945 A OLD FIR $5. 2nd growth $4.60. 744S. BIG 2nd GROWTH. 14 In. I4-6A Without knots If desired. Oak ft ash. Ph. 137F13. WOOD PRICED to satisfy. Ph. 94(5. Personal LONELY T -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for vou. Boa 76 Ia Angelea. AFTER THIS date I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. All charge slips must be endorsed by me person ally. Sam N. Boone, Woodbura, Ore gon. Transportation DRIVING TO Corvallis and return dally during summer session. Roc for two. Or are you driving and ham extra roomr m. Ziiz. Directory Blattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattreas ractory new MATTRESS made te wder. oM remade: carpet eleankea wxlna: fluff rag weavtns, A IStb ft Wlliw. Tet 9441. OTTO F. 56 WICK KR Eat'1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pboae 4449 Naturopathic Physician . W R ROCKWELL, Nattnaratav ta Ptivalelait ITSS- ralnmnJI. S4 rat. 4S4a Office Honrs 11am to 4:94 P.m. FREE EXAM, ft CONSULT A- Painting ParMrrtancins WE DO all Binds painting. 1IS1. ' Printing FOR STATION CRT mroa pamphtwa pvograma, books or aay kind of prtmV Ing. caB The 5nateemaa Printing Da nart meat SIS aV - Comsesrclat Tola ohene 914L Resorts IS HER WOOD COTTAGES, Tachabl slod. eceea. view, fkm poles and halt Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, star age. burner eft. rad. SISL larmet rranefer Co: Tracks to Port lead da tig INTERSTATE TRUCTONO. Waeh, Oreg. Pa. SSF8. " Well Drilling a, A, WEST. Rt 1 Bo 445, P. Ill TV For Sale Used Cart - Remember Folks Buy With Safety From One of Salem's Oldest Automobile Dealers "SAFETY SPECIALS" 1938 Plymouth DeLuxe ' Tfaim - k..ri4 t a .-.a. - nevaa-a-aw wtAiiak. ITCejp UIUC IiniSU, lHHCriOr UK ll4W. 1938 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, onlv - vR5 Loads of accessories. Come see It youraelf. It s ran 9.000 careful miles you wu Kucf, 1936 Chevrolet DeLuxe This car haa radio, heater, new Urea. 1932 Ford Pickup, only. ......195 Motor has new rings, very good tires, large steel box. "CHEAPIES" heTr2I't sdn' new Ur- w- wheels, motor O. K. $145.94 1429 Ford Sedan, very good condition T?. 3 IT 40 1929 Dodge Sednn I Ir!S 1929 Pontine Coupe ' l lZe Pontiac Sedan . . , SMS 1930 Plymouth 8edaa' 1929 Oldsmobile Coach 12S Durant Coach 1929 Durant Sedan SEE THESE AND SALEM AUTO CO. Salem's Super Used Car Market 43S NORTH COMMERCIAL OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 4115. FATHER'S DAY SPECIALS 1III Chevrolet Town Sedan. Per fect condition, guaranteed $455 1914 Plymouth P. B. DeLuxe Se dan, trunk, new paint mo tor perfect $365 1114 Chevrolet Master 2-dr. Sedan, radio ft heater $335 1939 Ford Coupe, tires 75. A-l condition $145 1134 Ford Sedan, V-t wheels, good rubber, mohair upholstering, new paint $14C 1934 Chevrolet Sedan, motor ever hauled, new paint. Urea 76 $111 1928 Ford Coach $ 85 1933 Chevrolet Master Coach, needs some body work $151 14 Model A Fords to Choose From ORVAL'S USED CARS Comer Center ft Church Ph. .4749, Open Evenings 'axsaaaapeakak A FACTORY-BUILT TRAILER HOUSE EQUIPPED WITH two beda. Ice box. water tank, sink A lots of other bunt-In fixtures. Was bought new In 1937. Has t-ply 4.40x14 Urea ft a good spare tire a wheel. PRICED AT $300 CARTER MOTOR CO. Lot: 240 Center St. SIS N. Com'L Phone S7S4. "29 OLDS COACH, good tires. Must aell. 69 rash. 1363 Elm. W. Salem. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 17 11 20 22 21 2d 21 32 33 35 3d 31 12 t3 HI 4& 51 52 55 56 HORIZONTAL. iA-Mrh 1 nonrh atringad 4VBaarTinf Mm taiiBt u oar ir al , g7fe4tlBBl sa nrmPF fnlcrtda Boxsian S 4nct It wait berersgt IS aerf of .. aatrlent ' Sparta 14-tailf T 15 conact linljimnt 17 pertaininx U4zaaaarea ruler 4A aexioua 47 pAintin4s ' on plaster SO peep aaow 81 mefn KT - asfita M Antlo- aigw- rr7 So r Arabian saxoa captaia 19 aictuieaqua 1222 twlrWi iGaalift ' Heroes. tkssota . araxa v wwm l4-peruaitln M fooaeaoma Tt tangled . 9 Arabian ' fold cola tl prefix: acain : tl-anakelika ; M c firnnif mo rativediak " S4 by way of ; S5 finbolt SPA H ATI kmustTNrRlAlNlalel mm NoUk(6 k e ppJeTr Pasaorer i.tZU . - wtei tA I ero . 1T aiii oil -eaaet XOruqaioa .;. ; a SSortdsja wmiam. WAay For Suie Used Cart Sedan, only $695 ..!. . . it a a uara cer. Coune. onlv U2?; Just the little coupe for that vacation A 11 6.40 ..$ 39.59 .. I 25.00 .$ 19.50 JO OTHER CARS AT " ....... -.-if-,!-,)-!! r.j. -34 CHEV. SEDAN, $44. Glen Wall tog. Rt X. Box 448. 31 LAFAYETTE SETA, SIS N. Hth. MASTER '33 CHEV. Coupe, good con A. 4190. trade, terms. 14-53 Saginaw.. - - - - - - - - i,r Pi n n 1 1.1 u m 1 1 j jih. SI FORD PANEL 1-ton, Ph, 435S. Bereaved yY 4 t. 1. Tt. Bath Deaautel. 20, af Dover, N. H, weepa aa aha ponders the tracady Lhat haa desolated her. She was to have married Sherman Shirley, one of the twenty ix tmfortanatea trapped in Hooded eompartmenta of the Squahu. Bulkhead, cattiBr off men from eecape, was doaed by Lteyd Ma wi aa. who was to ham bean beat man. Ii it 21 23 2H 25 26 30 31 3i 'A 37 HI 15 4 50 5. 51 S6-Spaniah titia 10 hummiaf. xt -.-V1.. - third K7 nerertheleaa - bird VTJtTICAlV -iBt tneasars 1 ewhlika of India li-etmcealed m . . a nia aanca . . oogracsa e-militAry title. , 4 alkaJoU af tea 18-td4dAl '- ZLf , . . 1 iiagea - - -0 mliTerprlihoi sWpronooa -r SgSJi " " STOfal l z1t zT ;t riaTianga r S-4rrerlartintT ' enaa SO tsoatrus ' is 1 taresuns fabbr.) , . : ST division .of tba - cotutellaUos .f Arro ; -.. n Roman , ! ; f roada . . 'j ': 41 teredo 4 J-rta borne . V 45 -ootbinatat AK trim. At M.t. .4 a m vnnnm 4S-RoyJ Irlsa '4-ntero aolar ayatezr- M symbol 1 5m cobalt - , ,. ? I 77 and adjacent eoaauea .