The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1939, Page 16, Image 16

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eTOIlEGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Mornlnfc June 16V 1939
y n "sr-i "I- w
Kills Hoffman
Gas Accumulation Is Held
Responsible ; for
. . ; . Accident
LEBANON M o r r I Alfred
HoffmanO well known Leba
non iro n" worker, was Instantly
killed Wednesday about p. m.
in the blacksmith . shoo on Oak
street operated by his father and
himself, by the explosion or i
follow drill, in which sas had ae
cumulated:. The Impact almost
severed his head from his body.
Funeral arrangements In charge
of the' Harry C Howe funeral
' home, "will await ' word .from
eastern relatives. '
.He was born in Iowa October
Z8, 1898. ;.He came with his par-
,ents to Lebanon fire years ago,
'tt u married November , 11,
19J7, to Florence Rice, daughter
f Mr and lira. C. W. Rice.
Survivors - i besides his widow
am hi Barents. Mr. and Mrs. T.
n. Hoffman of Lebanon: two sis
ters, Ruth Hoffman and Mrs. Es
ther Trom of South Dakota.
- T..H ml sVknfvlvn1nfr
. LEBANON The Lebanon hos
pital nas rasiauea so w cuuui
tionlng plant this week.
- a itanrhtar w hflrn June H
to Mrs. Grace Kelly of Crawford-
... ' . , - .
vine at we locai nopiii. .
D.; E. Cooper, an aged resident
that i win. on Saturday. July 1,
1939, at 10:00 o'clock to the
forenoon of said dy, at tne
west door of the Marlon County
nnnrt Hadm In Salem. Oregon,
sell at public auc h the
manner pronaea oy law xor u
gale of real property on execu
tion, the following described
real premises, to-wit:
Lot 4, Block I, Rlvervlew
Park Addition to the City of
? Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
Said sale will be by Tirtae of
an execution Issued out of the
Circuit ' Court of the State of
Oregon for Marlon County In
' that suit heretofore pending
therein In which City of Salem, a
municipal corporation, is plain
tiff, and Nanetta Griffith and
Allen B. Griffith, her husband.
' and 'Marion County, a body poli
tic, are defendants, the same be
ing Clerk's Register No. 27921
Dated and first published June
2. 1939.
Sheriff , of Marion County,
By " Kenneth L. Randall,
Deputy. J 2-9-10-23-30.
la lav muuij vuun ul ui dwib
. of. Oregon ' for. the - County of
"Marlon. . . .
In the matter of the estate of
Eugenia Gllllngham, deceased. -:
Pursuant to the power con
ferred upon him as executor by
tne wm oi Eugenia uuiingnam,
r deceased, the undersigned execu-
tor will sell at private sale the fol
lowing described property: Begin-
boundary line of Block No. X, In
Kntorta Addition tn mm etv at
Salem. Marlon Countv. Oreron. as
aald bloc k la shown and desig
nated on the plat of said addition,
now of record In the off ice. of the
recorder of conveyances for said
Marlon County; Oregon, the said
beginning point being 82 feet
Easterly from the Northwest cor
ner, of said : Block No. 1, and run
ning thence Easterly along the
North boundary line of said block
41 .feet, and .3 inches; thence
Southerly, parallel with the West
boundary line of aald Block No. 1,
120 feet: thence Westerly parallel
with the North boundary line of
said Block No. 1, 41 feet and 3
Inches: thence Northerly, parallel
with the West boundary line of
said Block No. 1. 120 feet to the
place of beginning, being a part
of said Block No. 1, of Roberta
Addition to the City of Salem, In
Marlon County. State of Oregon.
The sale will be made on or
after June 18. 1939, at the office
of said excutor In the Supreme
Court Library, Salem, Oregon.
The terms of the sale are cash.
Dated, May 19, 1939.
E. N. GILiLiLNuHAM, execu
tor of the estate of Eugenia
Gllllngham, deceased.
M 19-20 J 2-9-10.
No. B 24132
In the Matter of David McRae,
Bankrupt, , .
To the creditors of David Mc
Rae, of Salem, In the County
of Marion, and District aforesaid,
a, bankrupt:
that said David McRae has been
duly adjudged a bankrupt on
a - petition filed by him ' on the
2nd day of June, 1939; and that
the first meeting -of his' creditors
.will be held at Room 225. n
the United States Poetoffice
Building, Salem, Oregon, on the
21th day of June, 1989, at 2:18
o'clock In the .. afternoon, at
which place "and" Urns the said
creditors may attend, prove their
.claims' appoint . a trustee, ap
point a committee of red! tors,
examine the bankrupt, and trans
set such other business as. may
properly come before said meet
ing, i ".-.."; - r -. .
Dated at- Albany," this 14th
day of June, 1339. -i --
. - Referee la Bankruptcy. J 1C
that pursuant; to Chapter 881
Laws of Oregon for 1919 on the
22d day of June a: the hour of
1 o'clock . 'm. of said day, the
undersigned will, at the' follow
ing place, to-wit, -Aeont Springs
Fruit Farm, about S miles south
of Salem,, sell at public suction
to the highest bidder for. cash
In hand, the following described
animals found running at larger
Four old ewes, ; sheared, no
Dated at Salem, Oregon, the
15th day of June, 1939.
- , W. Q. HANNA. J. 1:
'Hop to Mars Ends in Arrest
,',-,- , ' '
. .-.'.v.-,'.v. .v.- v . ..v.-.'.-.'.'.-.'.jj.v ..-.vf . . v.v v . ,-.v.v v. v. . .. ::.:: ::-:":: .
, I Ji W
V:':l 6a?
s' v t j
' -
Chestoa Eshelman
Projected "flight to liars" by Cbeston Eshelman, 24, of Carlisle, Pa
ends tn a trip to police court for the Intrepid student pilot, now
charged with larceny tn connection with his .Grrigan-likeM hop.
Eshelman landed In the Atlantic ocean 200 miles off Boston and was
rescued by a fishing schooner. He Is shown teHing newsmen tn
Boston of Us "flight to Mars."
of Lebanon, Is very fll of septic
sore throat.
Farmers have been able to ma
ture" fine crops since the rains
started but look with some worry
on the rain Thursday as hundreds
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Marlon its duly
verified Final Account, as the Ad
ministrator with the Will Annexed
of the estate of Henry Schnitz
spahn, Sr., deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Wedne; "ay, the
5th day of July, 1939, at the hour
of ten o'clock A. M. of said day.
as the time, and the County Court
Room' In the County Court Honse
at Salem, in Marion County, Ore
gon, as the place for hearing said
final account and all objections
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
2nd day of June, 1939.
COMPANY,. Administrator
. with the Will Annexed of
' the Estate of Henry
' Schnitzspahn, Sr., Deceas
, ed.
Attorney for Administrator,
Salem, Oregon. J-2-9-10-23
; 30.
that VI will, on Saturday. July
1. 1939. at 10:00 o'clock in the
forenoon of said- day, at the
west door of the Marlon County
Court House in Salem; Oregon.
sell at public auction In the
manner provided by law for the
sale of real, property on execu
tion, the following described real
premises, to-wit:
The South 2T.2 feet of the
North 79.2 feet-of the East
.119.5 feet of Block 3 of St.
Elmo Addition to the City of
Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.
Said sale will be by virtue of
an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of th State of
Oregon for Marion Ccunty in
that salt heretofore pending
therein in. which Citr of Salem,
a municipal corporation, is plain
tiff, and Wm. F. Douglass and
Jane Doe Douglass, his wife,
Marion County, a body politic;
also all other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in
the real property herein de
scribed, are defendants, the same
being Clerk's Register No. 27959
Dated and first published June
2. 1939.
Sheriff of Marion County,
By Kenneth L. Randall,
. Deputy. J 2-9-16-23-30.
On the 1st day cf July. 193 J,
at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M.
at the West front door if the
Court House in Salem, Marlon
County, Oregon, I will sell at
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the, following described
real property located in Marion
County, Oregon; to-wit:
- The East, one-hai: of the .
Northwest one-fourth of Sec
tion No. Twenty-six . (20) in
Township No.5 7 (7) South of
Range No. one ' (1) East of
the . Willamette Meridian,, in
Marlon ' County' and State of'
Oregon, containing eighty (80)
acres of land, more or less,
according 4 to Government Sur
vey. Save and except land
deeded to School District No.
93 as shown by deed In Book
102, Page 488 Re tor of
Deeds for Marion County, Ore-
ton. Also Except the right of
way deeded to F. :.v Brooks
- and R. E. Kleinsorge In Book'
110 of Deeds at Page 102.
Said sale Is made nnder execu
tion Issued out 1 of the Circuit
Court , of Marion County, Bute
or Oregon, to me directed In the
case of the State Land Board
of the State of Oregon. Plaintiff
vs. Emll G. Oeder and Margare.
Oeder, his wife. Milton Knsut
and Helen Knauf. his wife. Rosa
Knanf, William L Johnson, J.
E. Osborne and Marlon County
State of Oregon.
' Sheriff for Marion 'County,
State of Oregon. -.-.By
Kenneth 1 Randall,
E. M. Paige, Attorney
for. Plaintiff. ' J 2 -16-?3-IO.
ef trip
of aeres of hay are down and
could be ruined.
Wild blackberries of good qual
ity are coming into market and
are readily sold at 60 cents a gal
lon. The Assembly of the Church of
God has received announcements
of the Oregon state wide camp
meeting at Turner from July 21
80. Many . from the Lebanon
church will attend. .
Helen Edwards of Laeomb baa
taken a position In the office of
Dr. George K. Craln, optometrist.
that I will, on Saturday, July 1.
1939, at 10:00 o'clock In the
forenoon of said day, at the west
door of the Marion Coun'y Court
House in Salem, Oregon, sell at
public auction in the nanner
provided by law for the sale of
real property on execution, the
following described real prem
ises, to-wit:
Lot 4, Block 2, and Lot S,
Block 7, Compton's - Addition
to the City of Salem Marion
County, Oregon. -Said
sale will be by virtue of
an execution Issued out of the
Circuit Court of , the State of
Oregon Tor Marion County tn
that salt heretofore pending
therein in which City of Salem.
a municipal corporation, is plain
tiff, and W. B. Pock and Alvlna
Peck, his wife , and Marlon
County, a body politic, are de
fendants, the same being Clerk's
Register No. 27454.
Dated and first published June
2. 1939.
Sheriff of Marlon County,
Oregon. . , '
By Kenneth L. Randall,
Deputy. J 2-9-10-28-30.
That the Last Will and Testa
ment of Charles, has been
duly proven and admitted to
probate In the County Court of
the State of Oreron for U . Ion
County, and the undersigned Lil
lian rneips has been appointed
Executrix thereof, and that Let
ters Testamentary have issued to
All persons havlns- claims
against the said estate are here-
oy nouiied to present the same,
duly verified and with thm nroner
vouchers; to the undersigned
Executrix at 707 First National
Bank Building, Salem. Oregon,
on or before six months from
the date of the first publication
or this notice; said first publica
tion being made this 26th day
of May, 1939.
Executrix of the Estate of
Charles, deceased.
Attorneys for the Estate.
M 26 J 2-9-16-23.
The Original Yellow Front Drug ' :: Sole Agents
and Candy Special Store in Salem " , -: , , "
It's a Lifesaver!
That's what youll say
If you use
Schaef er
Corn ' ftfi
Remedy .
;-No Belief, No Pay
Never Again!
Once Is enough to suf
fer the pain of Poison
a bottle of r
on hand and be sure.
gSQc Or
-Only at Schaef er's-
12 Kotez - ' gr
, 12 llodess 20C
SO Kotex A
SO Modeas
Kotez fl.00
50c Bocarol r',"
. 78eTakara) BOc
Ve Have a Large
Oas as President
BILVERTON At the annual
election of officers of the Active
club held Wednesday at Toner's,
Bernle Oas was chosen presi
dent; Amos Gretn, vice presi
dent; Lester Rue, secretary
treasurer; Sherman McCurdy,
sergeant; John Bowman, histo
rian. Installation of officers will be
Wednesday . night. The club
voted to meet with Portland and
Salem chapters at a Joint picnic
on June 25 at Pat's seres near
Canby.' . . :
i The club also voted to send
one underprivileged boy to the
summer recreational camp for
one week.
Black Progresses
In Aviation School
OAK POINT Word has been
received 7 from Aviation Cadet
Kenneth - H. Black that' he has
successfully passed his last
check flight In his training at the
navy flying school at Pensacola,
Fla. Black la now in squadron
three, where the flight student
first uses service type airplanes.
Black baa 160 hours time in the
air to his credit.
Black will graduate in Sep
tember, providing the weather
does not hold up training too
much. At that time he will be
stationed . for the next three
years at either San Diego or
Quantlco, Va.
Additional Land
school meeting will be Monday,
June If, at 8 p. m. A director
for S years and a clerk for one
year will be elected. The budget
will he voted on and additional
land for the school yard will be
Arthur Clemens, 1939 OSC
engineering graduate, has his
commission and is in San Fran
cisco to study for three months.
He will be transferred to Ran
dolph field, Texas. Clemens Is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cle
mens of Hazel Green park.
Missions Theme
Of Women's Meet
DALLAS Members of the
Women's Missionary society of
the First Presbyterian church
held their regular monthly meet
ing at the home of Mrs. R. C.
Wilson Tuesday afternoon
The president, Mrs. E. V. Dal
ton, presided at a short business
meeting. Mrs. Conrad Stafrln
led the devotions.
Articles on the work of the
Presbyterian missionaries In
Porto Rica and in the Philippine
Islands were given by Mrs. L.
W. Plummer. Mrs. Donald Gab
bert read an article, VA Child of
Lebanon" and Mrs. J. G. Van
Orsdei gave a talk on steward
ship. ,--'A pleasant tea hour followed.
Mrs. Fred Wacner of DeLake
was a special guest. The July
meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Raleigh Ulddleon.
Shirley Keller's
Birthday Honored
PIONEER Mrs. John Keller,
Jr., honored her dane-hter: fihir.
ley, age 9, with a surprise blrth-
oy pany Tuesday afternoon.
. Others present were Mrs.
Tom Keller and Dickie, Mrs.
John Keller, sr., Mrs: Chester
Neswald, Mrs. Howard Coy and
children, Jimmie and Carol; Mrs.
Andrew Thless, Evelyn, George
and Joan, Mrs. Alfred Domas
chofsky, Mrs. Helen Anderson
and sons, Norman and Gordon;
Raymond Frakes, Sally Kinion,
Rosa Wells, Leonard Brown,
Dorothy Keller and John Keller,
Vetch and Oat
Hay Is Heavy
OAK POINT Haying is In full
swing here, with both clover and
vetch and oat hay being cut
Some clover hay was cut earlier
and Is ready to haul to the
The vetch and oat hay is heavy
and is estimated will go from
two to tbre tons to the" sere.
Spring barley is starting to head
out and spring oats will be a
good crop. Fall wheat looks good
and Is higher than the fence In
places. . ..
Picnic Supplies
"Paper Plates
Hot Drink Caps
Tulip Caps
Spoons, etc
, We have yoar favorite
: aanban remedies.
25c Cutkura ...;....21e
SOc MenthoUtam27e
85c Musterole
OOcZemo .;, 49'
SOc Paso '
SOePoelaos , 4Se.
7Sc Vkk's 600
Weather or No,
to stop a coagh IN
: SchaefeVs
Throat and Long
For Aches and Pains
Use Schaef er's
Nerve and Bone
25c, SCc,
S8c OdorosM
25c Instant
SOeElp Cream 8Qc
S5e Amolla ,,,,.lc
f 1.00 Lacto --
Dextrin ., , SOe
75c Ovaltlae 59c
60e Bromo Seltser 49c
eOcSal Hepatlcsw49c
OOc Alka-Seltxer 4Sc
OOeEffo Salts 49e
f 1 Miles Nervlae.83e
75e Bayer Aspirln59c
75c Anacia , ,;
75eIAsterlae . JSOe
family tested
Assortment of Box Chocolates for Father's Day
Cute Kids; Ttiese Chinese
1 "S
! M.N
r. :::: A w
" h-' I:
Claire Serene Low and Kenford Kong
Arent they cute ? Tes, and so agreed Judges In a Chinese children's
contest at the San Francisco international exposition who selected
Clair Serene Low, left, and Kenford Kong as the "cutest". Chinese
girl and boy In the contest.
Budget, Director
Elections Slated
SCIO Legal voters of Sclo
school district No. 95, will vote on
the budget for the coming year at
the regular annual school election
at the' schoolhouse at 3 p.m.,
June 19. Total estimated expen
ditures are $12,431, according to
the report of Mrs. Mylo Bartu,
clerk. .
Estimated receipts are $1,4(1.
75, leaving a balance of $5,9(9.25,
less $712. The $712 includes the
October payment of $400 princi
pal and $312 interest on the dis
trict's $10,400 bonded indebted
ness already authorized at a spe
cial election last September for
erection of the new high school
A successor to F. G. Cary,
chairman of the board, and a
clerk will be chosen.
Basket Dinner Is
Slated for Church
AUMSVILLE Sunday a bas
ket dinner will be enjoyed by
members of the Christian church
after the church service. All
friends are Invited.
The annual school . election
will -be held at the schoolhouse
Monday at I n. m. to elect one
director and a clerk.
Miss Florence Meredith 01
niwhn la VtBttln at- the home
of her sister, Mrs. T. P. Otto.
Tuesday, Mrs, oeorgs wane,
P. Otto, accompanied Mlse Grace
Ashford to corvams wnere sne
sane over XOAC on the 4H club
Hag Day
Program Given
' WOODBURN The Presbyter
ian Ladles' Aid society met In
thm hnrn Wednesdav afternoon.
The chaplain, Mrs. E. J. Allen,
led the devotlonals.
Mrs. Carl Hubsr, program
chairman, presented Mrs. John
Muir, who spoke on "Flag- Day"
and cave instructions en n la ce
ment of the flag. Mrs. Duncan
waa a guest from Hubbard. Mrs.
Henry Layman and Mrs. Clarence
Wampole served.
WS)ID) of All Kinds
Summer Prices
Oak $6.00
Ash $5.50
2nd Growth $4.00
Limbs ....$6.00
Sawed Knots -$5.50
RTCTTR Sudomkb .:Tuim e
L U A LA U 135 N. Commercial - Phones 5197 - 7023
f 1.00 Lysol.
Oc Mom -
OOc Noa Spl......
SOcMennea Baby
Ofl , ,
SOc Mead's
Pablmn .
50e Hexol .
Panama It fl fm
won't rub off A CI W
Only at Schaef er's ,
a Fact!-
It yoa have to get ap
nights, yon 'doat rest
well. Use ,
Kidney Pills
and sleep ff
an nlght.. 3V
Creamery Group
Will Hold Picnic
ond annual picnic of the Mon
mouth cooperative creamery and
warehouse will be held Sunday,
June 13, at Helmick park. Pa
trons and friends are Invited to
attend and are asked to bring
a lunch. Ice cream, coffee and
butter will be furnished by the
Speakers on the afternoon
program include George Hyslop,
head of the farm crop depart
ment at Oregon State college;
G. A. Brown, manager of the
Interstate Association . of Cream
eries; W. C. Leth, county agent,
and A. W. Metzger, from the de
partment of agriculture at Sa
lem. Pupils Observe
Flag Day
was observed at an assembly of
the bidependence training school
Wednesday morning. Doris Alby,
Camp Fire Girl and Gerald Ha
mon. Boy Scout,- both in uni
form, gave the flag salute. Mrs.
W. F. McBee gave a short talk
to the large enrollment of nearly
200 students from Salem, West
Salem, Hopville, Corvallls, Port
land and ' Independence.
Poems were given by Doris
Alby, Wanda Stelnbock of West
Salem. Evelyn Harris, Gerald Ra
mon and Marjory Benscoter. The
eighth grade quartet presented
three numbers.
Visitor Stricken
With Appendicitis
PIONEER Mrs. Chester Gil
liam of Bay City was vlsltlnr ker
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird,
when she was stricken suddenly
with sppendldtls. She was
operated on Monday morning.
The Oakdale and Pioneer
community elubs met at the
home of Mrs. Georgia Bobbins
Sundsy for a covered dish din
ner. There were about 50 to
help Mrs. Robblns celebrate her
On Convenient
First payment SO days,
0 months on" balance.
12th St,
Penslar Remedies
in Marion County
SOc Kolyaos
SOc Revelatioa
SOc Dr. Lyoas.
40c Sqafbb PasteSSc
25e Phllllpe 19c
2Se Regnm ...,21e
20c Colgate PastculSe
New stock. Soft, tasty.
Of? wltfl
. yc Adv.)
Lb. igc
2 lbs. 29c
Delicious, creamy mint
centers dipped In dark
chocolate, r 1 e ft and
Fresh Banana
Malted Ht7M
Milk. : JljC
gQg to $3CO
Court of Honor
Held for Scouts
Of Dallas Section
DALLAS A Boy Scoit court
of 'honor was held here this
week with several scourts receiv
ing merit badges and advance
ments. Hugh 8mith, troop 24 of Dal
las, received first class merit
badges for woodcarving and
pathflnding; Bill Raaer, troop
24. merit badees for reading.
cycling and metal work; Jim
Barnard, troop 24, merit badge
in photography, and James
Smith, troep 24, merit badges
ror painting and animal indus
try, y .... V...V.V; '
5f , jjs
WMimcdciLiEiUM natuass
rx9 29
Vy 2.39
VxW 4.49
O Long-Wearing, Two-Coat Enamel Surface!
O Save NOW on Regular $5.98 Value!
Regular Super Service Ward oleum Rug in dig
continued patterns. SEE HOW MUCH YOU SAVE
at Wards Low Price I Choose from Wards big
stock of patterns Tiles, gay florals and new
marbleized effects! A style for any home for
any room! These beautiful colors are double
eoat enamel, baked on a tough resilient felt base!
Long-Wearing, easy to clean!
mm jt
' v SEAMLESS, n.yJ.
MORE features than famous $1S mattresses ! TT IQI (TD
TUFTLESS Inner-uilted top and bottom fl (ij)QP
tmooth tad soft as a big pillow t Premier wire g!y J
coils! Durable woven stripe ticking I vJX
tO Coll Prep-R-rostvrs Bsd Spring 1 lit I II I 7X3
276 Coil top-Postvrs) Mottrsts I i t . . 1 17X9
Nsw Styis) Double) Dock Platform Spring : i J 0.C3
155 N.
Bob Findley, troop IS, re
ceived merit badges for bird stu
dy, and sheep farming; Jim
Boydston, troop 24, merit badge
for weather, and Penton Bilyeu,
troop 24, merit badges for
painting and weather.
Hugh Smith, troop 24, , -was
advanced to star L-cout rank.
Bennie Smith, troop 39, re
ceived a second class merit badge
for firemanship.
Airlie Reunion 9th
AIRLIE For students who
have attended Airlie high school
since the school was established,
an invitation is extended to at
tend an all day reunion July 9 at
Helmick park. There is to be a
covered dish dinner at noon.
Heavy Weight
Armstrong's famous extra wide felt
base floor covering covers your
floors SEAMLESSLY! No seams to
catch dirt and start wear! Heavy,
double coat baked enamel surface I