The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,, Oregon, Friday Morning, Jane 16, 1939 PAGEIOTEEN. Unit, Lebanon Airs: NeciaBnck, President I . ' " for Slate, Conducts Initial Meet - LEBANON Mrs. Necia . Back 1 VVCTU, with Mrs. Amelia Grimes,: ! county president - and Mrs. F. M. : Maxwell, president of the Halsey grasp, held meeting at the Methodlat church Tuesday' afternoon and made a partial organization here with Miss Grace Driver, president and Mrs. R. A. " Spence, - secretary. Mrs. Buck invited the group to attend dedication of the Frances - Elisabeth cottage at "the WCTU farm home Jnly 9, with Earl Snell to lite the ad dress. : Mrs. Buck organised ? a WpTU in Sweet Home Monday. . I - Give Church Histories v V The CItIc e 1 n b at the last meeting of the season Monday afternoon . elected the officers nominated last month. As t art tf ti , "Know Tnnr Ului ndn" nrorram directed by' Mrs. J AG. Gill. Mrs. Joel C. Mayer ga,re a comprehensive history, of the " Christian Science church and Mrs. Olson gave a paper on the Serenth Day Adventlst church. ZThe program will be resumed in September. 1 Tea" was served ati the home of Mrs. J. O. Gill and later the group risked Mrs. Mayer's flower garden. i Mrs.rp. A. . Mttcbell, former resident, here from Santa Ana ok a t 1 s 1 1 Is suffering from pftenmonia In her hotel apart ment. She Is t'.ought to be improving. A daughter was bora June 10 at lha Uthinoii hniinltfil In Mr a?d Mrs. Roy Johnson. . Lon Estcp : Promoted rMr. and Mrs. J.' E. Eaten hare abetter from their son." Lon, 20. a' high school graduate of '38, who has spent three months in the nary at San Diejro saying that he was one of sir In his company who made the machin ist test and. that he has been promoted and ' sent to ' Norfolk, Va for a five months' course itf the machinist program. Rdy Johnson, -who recently lot his home and contents near Waterloo by fire, through the -Bstep agency has leased the Beuna Temple Brown property on' Main street for a year. Joella Mayer, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joel M.-yer, stu dent at OSC, will lea ye next Tuesday with a group of soror ity, sisters for 'the national con vention of the Alpha Chi Omega at Montreal. t . ' - Sets new US Glider Distance, Altitude Marks Plant Includes i , i ' 1 y ; f - - ',41, ', - ff- , ; N 4f r j1 f f 1 f :T::::::S- i Large New Warehouse . Affords Double Storage Room of old One ' 4 ; ALBANY Formal opening of the new Pacific cooperative poul try producers', headquarters in this city will take place Friday when all 13 directors of the as sociation will be In Albany. G. C Keeney, Portland, association manager, will also attend. The new warehouse, located on Water street- Just east of the Oregon Electric depot, which for some time has been used as a warehouse for the . association, gives- approximately double the storage spaoe. The new struc ture, according to L E. Arnold Lebanon, one of the directors. also contains the most modern cooling room In the valley. The cooler has a capacity of: 500 eases, maintained at a tempera ture of 45 degrees under , a hu mldity of 85. Friday "arternoon open house will be held at the new plant and in the evening a public meeting will be held in the Al bany city hall and a program will be presented. Demos to Picnic ALBANY -Linn county demo crats will hold a county plcnle Sunday. July 1. according to Ned Calloway, BrownsvU'e, chair man of the picnic committee. The affair will be held in the Brownsville city park and a number of democratic leaders of the state are expected to be present. AT GRAND LODGK DAYTON Isaac Turppa, member of Jacob Mayer Masonic lodge of Dayton was chosen delegate to grand lodge In Port land and Miss Lena Stllwell, worthy matron; Mrs. Mina Carr, associate matron, and John G Park, worthy patron, represented Electa chapter. PES. at the golden anniversary grand chap ter session. DeArmonds Plan To Reb iiild Home Fall Grain Harvest Will Be Started in Mid-July Estimate Now , w SUVER Mr. and Mrs. E. E. DeArmond, who lost their home by fire last week, stayed with the'C. J. DeArmond family sev eral days but have now moved Into their garage to live this summer, while they are building a new house. Mrs. C. A. Vosa held kitchen shower at .her home Thursday for Mrs. De Armond. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dodson have moved to Gltneden, a beach resort north of Depoe Ba where Dodson has leased a service sta tion. . M. I. Conger and Ralph Hes ter each received delivery on new combines last week. - Fall grain -will be ready to harvest by the middle o( July it is thought as the season seems to bo exceptionally early. Vetch hay Is In the shock hero and. spring grain is beginning to head. Greea Takes Bride Preston Green of Falrvlew and Marjorie Bossuet of Independ ence were married at Vancouver May 31. Thursday night a num ber of relatives and friends gave them a charivari party. Green is driving the school bus taking the children to summer school at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Oglesbee are at Paulina lake to spend the summer for the benefit of his health. Honor Ruby Sund UNIONVALE Miss Ruby Sund was delightfully surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charley Hendrickson Tuesday night on her 15th birthday. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Tiehn, Mr. aid Mrs. Edward Clow, Mr. and Mrs. Cle ment Hendrickson, Mr. and Mn. Irvin Sion and Miss Vivian Sion, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dixon and family, Mrs. Austin Allen and family, Albe.t Clow. .Woody Brown and, his gUder , In this gilder, Woodbridge (Woodyi Brown, 27. of , Falls, Tex,' to Wichita,- Kan, a distance fj LaJoUa. CaL. set a new national distance and alU- miles. The former mark was 212 .miles. Browns tude glider mark when he soared from Wichita altitude mark was 7,600 feet. 10-Acre Tract Sold DAYTON A deal has been closed whereby Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hewett cf Portland be came the owners of the 10-acre home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Stevenson near Dayton. Immedi ate, possession was given. Stev enson plans ' to return to eastern Oregon.. - ' Union News CLEAR LAKE The regular meeting of the Keizer local of the Farmers' Union met at the Clear Lake scbooihouse Wednes day night with President" Rogers in the chair. W. P. Collard re ported on the state meeting and Luther J. Chapln reported on the meeting of the Farmers Union and organized labor held In the Labor temple In Salem last Wednesday. Raymond Clag gett and Harry Leth were ad mitted as new . members. Hal Keefer and Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Chapln were appointed to serve with Bethel and other' lo cals to arrange for refreshments at the county convention July 1. Harley Libby, state president, gave a talk on the policies of the union. At the close of the meeting a strawbe-ry feed was served. MRS. TO VET IMPROVES . AMITY Mrs. Nette Tovey. who has been ill at her - home there for several weeks, is much better and is able to be up about her home. : Verl Miller Again Pioneer President ALBANY For the 11th con secutive year Verl Miller was elected president of the Knox Butte Pioneer association and Mrs. Jerome Williams was elect ed secretary at the picnic held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Lines of Knox Butte. Mrs. Lines was presented with a gift in appreciation of the work she has done in writing the history of the pioneers who settled in and around Knox Butte. Request was made that the women wear old-fashioned dresses at the 1940 picnic to be held at the home of Mrs. H. D. Haight . Sets of 3 and 4 Lambs Are Raised Sl'VE R C. J. DeArmond reports that ' be successfully raised four sets of triplets and one set of quadruplets ta his flock of sheep this spring. The ewes with triplets raised them but two of the quadrup lets were raised separately. Granger's News MACLEAY Mrs. Albert Ma- der and Mrs. W. A. Jones will entertain members of the grange home economics club Tuesday afternoon at the grange halL RICKREALL J. H. Harland, master of Rickreall grange, Mrs. E. A. Stenson, Mrs. Ora Lantz, Mrs. Mary Adams attended the opening session of state grange Monday at Corvallis. Grays Like Oregon Better Than Ever DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Gray of Dayton returned home at 10 p. m. Tuesday from an in terestlng 10-day trip that took them as far east as Eau Claire, Wise., to visit he brother. This is Mr. Gray's first trip east of the Rockies and he Is more than convinced that the Willamette valley Is the Garden of Eden be cause en route they encountered a cyclone and a snowstorm and other weather characteristic to 'the middle states. I ijrii mm i V '-- t - " - " V 0 3 FT 7 i ; f;4 i Vxiz) itSf &'A ArjA :r ri " .1 1 ail';!:' I v . ...... Easily Equals Regular $50 Quality! Opens Easily No Tugging or Pulling! IMimM 4wjJW el y. turn mi wlniitTrrT'-' tMN mm tMnkl Practical 24 hours a day r priced amazingly LOW! In the daytime this beautiful, rayon-velvet covered lounge is a handsome addition to your living room, and at right, in the : twinkling of an eye, it makes up easily wd smoothly into'one of the most restful, lull size double beds you've ever slept on! The soft sisal ; pads, fluffy cotton linters and fine r coU unit make it as comfortable as a Ibig, soft pulow! A roomy compart-. ment holds your linens and blankets! A ihis Is National TIRE -SAFETY WEEK! Trade in Your PangerouslyThin Tires for New Riversides Now ! ! I ( Ai. a,T V ass- w. .T.--.-- i t-..-rr:-f.-j-', W :...iiB.J 'LaBSW- SS. - . I - v MSMinn Watcla KliveiPsM "Tests"! Year after year, millions of auto-race fans see River sides win more auto races than any other tire! They see Riversides pound over rough tracks at 100 xnile-an-hour speeds! See them grip and hold on hair-pin turns! See visible proof of Riverside's superiority over other tires! Is it any wonder that millions of safety-minded car-owners are trading-in their worn tires for neWj longer-wearing, safer Riversides I Ymur D)M Tires Aire WoiPtBa (DasM . . . traded in on new Riverside DeLuxe Tires. River side DeLuxe is a safer tire . . . longer-wearing, too, . . up to 34 longer-wearing than other famous first quality tires ... proved in actual road tests! War ranted without limit as to months, years or miles! Ihen's a Ward Tiro for Evry Pursaf Riverside Ramblers 4.40-21..$5.70 4.75-19$6.50 TTDifl QJ 6.00-16 40-21 6JJ0 50-17.. 8.15 Less a liberal trade-in allowance. r ' Prkmi JoWscWe Window Awnings SmhO, 30-imk Heavy drill 1 Complete with fit- Ity pt. vacnom bottle. Boonded tings! Ssnfast colors! Also larger sixes, save at warns: NtmStnmtim11.19 Lonch Kit . . Wkkh Bath S)! Incladea-Wards Snprene qnal it pt. vacaam bottle. Bon corners, pressed steel box. r 3 - for 25c i $5 A MONTH. Down Payment, Carrying Charge- AtteeVaerswsi CaciptlnfJ : Bsa ovlce ste spool a bait Grewnd cork laoalattasb Steel hlt water! fhroroc-pUted, lev Jacket over earthenware Jas " f cf'Wtndlag. 4 tiar tram. Folding Camp gtooL25c Wert tUtSIHm UctfaiS ' - Casting Ileel " nwiH- , -,,.,.rrT . I - - ! - - ' DQ -co hq tt aD nun 155 N. LIBERTY PHONE 3194 155 N. UBEKTY PUONE 3194