liiss lletzger to ; Become Bride oi llr.DanYoung Joining the mLj of Jane brides is Miss liarjorie Metzger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' A. W. Me tiger, who will become , the ' bride of Mr. Dan W. , Ycung of Portland on Sunday, J-ne 25. 'The ceremony will be performed at the Leslie Methodist church with Her. D. H. Leech of Cor vallia. - who marriei the bride's parents, officiating The weddlnj i will be at 8 o'clock in the eve ning. Mrs. James ' SulliTan of Cor Tallis will sins; preceding the service and Mr. Laurl 1 urgraff of Albany will pl7 the wedding marches and accompaniments. The bride, who will re given way la marriage by her father, has asked Miss Marj Louise Oliver of Salem to be her maid of honor. - Bridesma'ds - will be -Miss Anne Marie Tetlow of Sa lem and Miss Mazlne llggs of -Portland. Miss Ruth Ward of t Salem and Miss Marie Bonk of Perrydale will light the candles. Mr. Harold Wynne of Port land will serve as best man for Mr. ,Young. Ushers will be Mrs. Kenneth Hlckey and Mr. Paul Klrby of Portland. : - A reception In the gardens of the Metxger home on South High street will follow the wedding. -,4 f I i S i j .-; , pi J : - H i. : - J h . m . j h ; : ? . . . : is t. -tj ,, . SdbdBucBttv o o Man sM o . o -IFcd b riD IIAXLNE B UREN Women' Editor- Au Revoir Party Is Given for Mrs. Wulf - Mrs. Terrence King presided at a smartly appointed salad lunch eon Monday afternoon at her sub urban home In compliment to Mrs. Robert Fischer Wnlf (Pauline Findley) of Rochester, Minn., who baa been a visitor In the eapital. ; Contract bridge, was in play during the afternoon with Mrs. Wlllard Thompson receiving high score. Summer blooms were ar ranmri a boot the rooms. Mrs. Belle Nilea Brown, iwho . Honorln Mrs. Wulf were Mrs. Committee chairmen for the presided for the first time as ores- Anrt TnaAnv xrra tjmti Pmtv coming year are: Mrs. Dora 8 ta- ident of the Salem Zonta dub at Mrs. Robert Needham. Mrs. Brad- Mrs. Belle Brown Presides at Meeting The Salem club of Zonta Inter national met In regular business session -at the Quelle Thursday noon, with the new president, Mrs. Belle Niles Brown, presiding;. -Other officers for the coming year Include Mrs. Mabel Brownell. first Tie president; Mrs. Jane Stacey, second vice-president; Miss Helen Bocker, recording secretary: Ml" Doris Riches, corresponding sec retary; and Miss Mable Savage, traeasnrer. 1 eev. attendance and succestlons: a meetlnr held TMtri1 nnnn "Miss Nellie r Schwab, V publicity; , Miss .Lillian McDonald," member- " 4 " ship; ; Miss Dorothy Pearce, pro- Committees Chosen for grant; Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, n . , , ,r. . International and public relations; President 8 Visit Dr. Helen Pearce, status of wom- ford Collins. Mrs. Wlllard Thomp son, Mrs. Howard Adams and Mrs. Terrence King. Mrs. Wulf with her young son.: Robert, left Thursday for their home after a several weeks stay: In Salem as the guests of her par n: Miss .Helen Barrett: intercity: ri, jium n. xurnouu. nasi .,t. n. mil uM u n tmt,,i,. 1'Mrs. Mabel. Brownell, service; Mrs. department president of the Amer- Dr Wulf returned a week ago Jano Stacey, ? finance i Mrs. La jc 1 Legion auxiliary will head where he is completing the first Terne Winkler, scrapbook.' '- 'r Iho committee in eharge of a of three year surgical fellowship A MISS ELAINE CLOWER of SIl- Zonta International ts composed luncheon to be given in honor of at the Mayo foundation. verton. whoa marriage to Mr. f elassifled servico club and In- the n a 1 1 o n a 1 president, Mrs.. During her stay on the coast. it I-- m.v. n k. rlnM 1b Ita mtimhArahtll reBr Jajnea Morria nf RlamaroV Wnk w nr.ii r-b.i. . o..."if!.! of June 24. Mist aower is well eentatlTO and execuUvo women Dakota, who will be a guest of her brother-in-law and alster, Mr. known In Eastern Starr and has worn proiesnons ana mausines. wpiui unit on June 26th. and Mrs. P. H. Brrdon (Edith T&e saiem ems is entering us mn Keservatlons are being received Findley) and viewed the Golden year of service and fellowship, for the luncheon in the Mirror Gate exposition. On her way home The present membership Includes room of the Marlon hotel by Mrs. she visited In Medford with her Miss Helen Barrett, Model Food Mem Pearce, 5174, and Mrs. Aus- brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and ahop; Miss Barbara Barnes, dan- tin Wilson. 33 t. ; Mrs. D wight Findley. cing instructor; Miss Helen Bock- Committee innolntmrnt. m.A Oregon State college and a mem Teachta, Tangt . been tehmg in SUverton this year. Mr. Toung la attend ing Oregon State college and the couple will make their norne in wortn uena taw summer, ivexi ry v . winter they will reside in Tan- tiOnOreQ. 2t gent, and Mr." Toung' will con- r , - tlnue his studies at Oregon State. jLl273C2CO3 Mrs. May WiU Be er, secretary twca; Mrs. Bene are: radio. Mrs. Don Madison; Tjrr ' MntliPrs in PiVmV Niles Brown. Portland General .nntinn. urM rir ,L War lUOTHers lO ricniC Electric company; Mrs. Mabel Leif Bergsvlk Skating Club Motors Brownell. Brownell Electric com- m". Tnn p,n-n " rM7. "7: v" ou"uaJ - i rrri.ii. J 1 , . n t- 11. n- w ... L""" "" Travis; invitations ta civic and daughter, Mrs. George Emlgb ot ciric Te ephone and Telegrapli patriotic organizaUons, Mrs. NoU rp Tf'll 1. jt roriiian, r euiermiuiug uu company; ur. juinua r uiiis, puy- Uandarann anil Mm nri,u. TO HlllsborO smartly arranged luncheon today siclan and surgeon; Miss Kathryn Svitationa to Im in t , t ' at the White home on West Lef- Gunnell. photography and por- Strw ? nJJr n Members of the Salem Skatlnj fej,e ,treet. The party will com- traits; Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick, fiJil xt An'.n-? NeU: club motored to Hillsboro to en- pilnient Mrs. Thomas Everett May. W. T. Rigdon and Son; Mrs. Edna Aus ?1Wiif0,,-. , lov an eveninr of skatinr on tn. . i. 1.1,. n-. r.. djji.. .4... Acung Hostess will be Mrs. Earl Tuesday. The hlgLUghts of the JuIy t0 makJe her home In San Miss ' Lillian McDonald. Salem I'i'll'6?1 0f local fL imeS2 ' n"t S.5e flai w preseoiawon i Francisco wbere Major May will General hospiUl; Mrs. Ora Mc- i",1 lu " pnaiucm, r. uuu De stationed at the presidio. Intyre. CapiUl Business college: The state picnic of the Ameri can War Mothers will be held at Champoeg on Sunday and will begin with a 1 o'clock no-host dinner followed by a program at 2 o'clock. The program Includes singing vide the decorative scheme. Douris, who is leaving Monday for Europe.' He Is to be gone all summer and ' plans to visit as many . skating rinks as pos sible, collecting their... emblems which wHl be used in the local club scrapbook. Members and' guests making up the party included: Mr. Loyal Sheridan Vr WIlKni Innr Mr Don Douris, Miss Grace Gelbel, 31lS9 Borlingame Bride tar. m 119 BeTerson, jur. ueorge Wagner, Miss Julia Pea3e, Miss Marianne Zwicker. Miss Edna Mae Poulln, Miss Bernitu Strain. Miss Doris Schunke, Mr. Jerry Gregson, Mr. Frank Sherwood, unit; Mrs. Baryl Porter, conven tion chairman of the auxiliary; Mrs. Harold Perkins, Mrs. Leif Bergsvlk, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf. Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs. Avis Making ud the auest list to hon- Miss Dorothy Pearce, piano In or Mrs. May will be the Salem Na- structor; Dr. Helen Pearce, WU- fnnnl . o n . 1 M H . lamettn iintvftrtttHr? Mlaa TVirla Rt from Portland. Following the 1 ches, Merrill B. Ohling Insurance wwte' M"- No.taHendAersfIn' o'clock luncheon several hours of company; Mrs. Margaret Kose- - " contract bridee will h In nlav cranx. investments: Miss Mable BO- Early summer flowers will pro- savage, H. a .bile ana 00., miss Invitations have been sent to led by Mrs. George Harder of Portland; singing of "Star Spangled Banner"; address by Rev. Robert A. Hutchinson, pas tor of the First Congregational church in Salem, "Oh Teautiful for Spacious Skies"; benediction. Mrs. A. A. Lee. state president, is receiving offers of cars and requests for transportation at 4685. a a Of Mr. V02I Miss Agatha Burlingame, daughter of Mrs. Marie Burlin game, became the bride of Mr. Nellie Schwab, Ladd and Bush, 8tate officials and department of- bankers; Mrs. Dora Stacey, Stacey cers 01 tne American Legion. Pot farm: Mrs. Jane Stacev. Win. Presentation of gifts will be G. Stacey and Co., public account- made by Mrs. Earl T. Andresen Alumnae Group Feted ants; Mrs. LaVerne Winkler, and Mrs. Avis White, president of . nn 1 The Bonnet shop; Miss Helen the Marion county assembly. Mrs. At Derew riome Yockey. Capital Journal. Turnbull will preside over the The Salem club is honored in luncheon. Mrs. William DePew was elect- having among its members Dr. v During the afternoon a tour of ed president of the Alpha Phi v,pi; w.U eTZ' Herman EVog son of Mr and He,en Pearce- the International the capital buildings will be con- Alpha alumnae at a meeting held ' RAX J,,Mr.Ray. m r!ri v 1? ' Q i - president. Dr. Pearce left Salem ducted for the honored guest. t her home Tuesday night. Other Mr. Al Kenfield. Mr. Johnnie Zurcher, Miss Mildred Gafort, Mr. Darreli Burright and Mr. Jack Meyers. - 3 Mrs. Carl Vogl, on Monday. June r'.V' ,1. fJ ' SZTlZ9- :: CTt. 12 at St. Joseph's Catholic church 1 f rlWti - " Theeremonv was" SStSSTt S S brie VFW Meeting Tonight Sv.rjmB7rnrr,d8sPerfonned by "J5. For Election The Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will hold a district meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the Eagles hall at Commercial and Chemeketa streets. Delegates The FOE social club wn-JAnB7ZF mn tsMiasf iiTa.vimis Rha.':!S . here and will elect a mer street home. Contract bridge brown accessories and corsage of gar on Wednesday afternoon. A J?fv, . v ' was in play during the afternoon, roses. Mr. George Vogl was best social afternoon was enJovecT bv : ".!!. finI Mott, the present The guests were Miss Beryl man for his brother. - Mesdames Laura Beecroft, ' "ViW Af- vf . ' 1 Holt. Mrs. Georre A. White, m. Mm Vnei la a mdnata nf fini fiMtt.r, Pf..m! tne meeting. After the uslness George E. Emigh of Portland, Mrs, cred Heart Academy and Mr. Vogl kins. Allen Moore, Kamle Bine- !"V?ft, .?MS? Jo,n tne uraxier small. Mrs. Clarence Ham- attended Salem schools and is now gar. Rose Harlan, '.ash Roberts llton, Mrs. . Robert Drager, Mrs. employed at the Valley Packing Zula Brown, Ethel Otjen, Ruth Arch German and Mrs. James Co. After a wedding trio. Mr. and Capos. Hulda Burk. Julia Smith. The bride wore a teal blue lace afternoon frock with matching ac cessories and straw hat. She car ried a prayer book and wore a corsage of pink roses. Miss Eleanor Burlingame was maid of honor for her sister and day afternoon at her North Sum- wore a chatreuse silk dress with Mrs. Young Entertains At Luncheon Mrs. James B. Toung entertain ed informally at, luncheon Thurs- FOE Social Club at Binegar Home post for entertainment. - a orr icers are Mrs. winner wells, secretary and Mrs. Richard Smart, treasurer. A late supper followed the business meeting. Bouquets of pink gladioli and other summer blooms were used about the rooms. Those present were Mrs. Wil mer Wells, Mrs. Franels DeHar port, Mrs. Roy Harland, Mrs. Richard Smart, Mrs. Frank Ear nest, Mrs. Martin Lizberg, Miss Helen Breithanpt, Miss Rachel Tocom, Miss Dorothy McDonald and Mrs. William DePew. Miss Nellie Dooley of Aberdeen, Wash., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker. Mrs. Par- Young. CLUB CALENDAR Friday, Jane 10 , Hal Hibbard auxiliary. 2 p.m. with Mrs. Ava Lind, Silverton road. r Benefit card party. Degree of Honor, Fraternal temple, 8 - p. m. St. Paul's guild and Woman's auxiliary to St. Paul's Episco pal church, no-host lunch, 1 p. m. . - - Anne Judson ' circle First Baptist church, with Mrs. Ted Purvine. West Salem, i Cass leave church 7 : 3 0 p. m. Sunday, June 18 ; ' State picnic American War; Mothers. Champoeg park, 1 r m.' ker Ul1 Miss Dooley were school Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drynan mates in North Dakota and this is wlir have aa their guests this the first time they have been to- weekend, Mrs. Morris Daggett and gether in 25 years. daughter, Linda, of Los Angeles. Mrs. Darrett ta In Mia nnrth vlt- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and tlTn tog with her parents in Eugene. Mias Patsy Livesley arrived in Mrs. Burton Lemmon of Eaton- "r fn"eT nn'J re 'eaving today DrTtlftn aTwl M Tt- n.i A,,. V t 10 spena me nexi momn at xses- ,7 " kowin as the guests of Mr. and attenfled college together at Ore- Stanford where she has completed Mrs. Joseph Adolnh. A recent 8UU oiai- ner iresnman year ana win spena Mrs. Vogl will be at home at their Inez Butler, Hazel Marshall, Rita new residence on Rt. 7. McPherson, Cornelia McLain. a Mrs. W. G. Morehouse and her . . . . ville. Wash., are enjoying a so journ in California visiting in San Francisco, the Golden Gate expo sition and Los Angeles where they are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wray Morehouse. guest at the Alden Adolph home was Mrs. June Wilson of San Diego. a a Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morse, their three daughters, and Mrs. Jose- nhlne Mora left Thnralav tnr a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods fortnight's trip to California. They the summer at the Fairmount Hill home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Llvesley. a Mrs. Joseph Darby Is In Port- Miss Beryl Holt, state president (Virginia Pugh) are spending sev- vi8it ln San Francisco, Los Ange- land visiting with her sister. Miss of the American Association of eral weeks at the home of Mrs. University Women, is entraining Woods' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da Saturday for Denver, Colorado, vid Pugh. ' where she will attend the national convention of AAUW. Before re turning home she will visit in Cal ifornia snd points of interest in the south. les and the Golden Gate fair. Peggy Church, for several days. Miss Gutekunsi To Be Married On June 30 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gute knnst are announcing the forth coming marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Doris Katherine Gute kunst, to Mr. Heath Ward Low ry. son of Mrs. Jessie Wright of Phoenix. The wedding, will be an event ot Friday, June 30, at the Assembly of God church at Tur ner. The bride's brother-in-law. Rev. Atwood Foster of Cottage Grove, will perform the candlelight cere-, mony at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Atwood Foster win be her sister's only attendant and . Mr Lyle Scott of Cottage Grove will' be best man. A reception will fol low the wedding at the home ot the bride's parents on Chemeketa' street. -f- v Miss Gutekunst la a graduate ot Salem schools and this last, year : attended the Glad Tidings Bible! Institute ln Sane Francisco. '. Mr. Lowry graduated from the lnstl-' tute in June. The couple will make their home in Turner. i- m m DAR Women Attend Board Meeting A group from Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, attended the state board meeting at Cham poeg Wednesday with Mrs. Gil bert Holt ot Pendleton, sjate president, presiding. Reports were heard from state chairmen. The new chapter re gents were introduced and the past state regents. Among those present were Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery of Portland, Mrs. Sey mour Jones of Salem and Mrs. W. W. McCreedie ot Portland, past state regents. A report of the continental congress held in Washington, D. C, was given by Mrs. Howard P. Arnest of Portland, first vice regent. Mrs. Charles L. McNary. wife of U. S. Senator McNary, en tertained the Oregon delegates during their stay ln Washington. Following the meeting the group formed a recession to Newberg with the Champoeg chapter and placed a marker on a' tree over Ewing Toun; s grave. A quarter of a mile from the marker a monument has been erected in honor of Ewing Young. Exercises were held here by the DAR and the sea scouts directed the group. Attending from Salem were Mrs. Herbert Ostlind. regent of Chemeketa chapter; Mrs. I. M. Schannep, state chairman of na tional defense; Mrs. C. C. Geer, state chairman of DAR museum ; Mrs. R. M. Morton, state chap man of American Indian; Mrs. H. C. Eakin, state board cus todian; Mrs. Seymour Jones. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. V. E. Newcomb, Mrs. Carrey Martin, Mrs. Frances Cornell and Mrs. John Harbison. . MJm Sally Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson Reed, is visiting with her parents this week before leaving for Portland where she will attend the sum mer session at Reed college. Miss Reed is a member of the faculty at St. Helen's halL a a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears motored to Portland Thursday to meet Mrs. Rnssell Catlin who has returned from a several months' stay in Burton, Wash., with her sister, Mrs. L. S. Robe. a a a Mrs. Charles Kaufman and her children, Margaret Ann and Rob- ert Gould, are spending the sum- mer months at the home ot her mother, Mrs, W. G. Morehouse. Mrs. Harvey; Hostess To Club Group x Mri. Joseph K.Har7ey, Jr, entertained with, a delightful af fair last night at her apartment in compliment ' to members of her' dab. : f " 1 ' ' Early f summer flowers were used about the guest rooms and a late supper followed , several noun of contract. v ' ' Those present were Miss Dor-! othy Alexander and M' Char lotto Kallander, -pedal guests, Mrs. Dan Schrelber, !rs. George Scales, Mrs. Harold-Busick, Mrs. Wheeler English, Miss Caroyl Braden and Mrs. Joseph E. Harvey. 1 . " -.M' TODAY at Millers SnowFlock with the SEVEN gores A DRESS SENSATION of Flock Dot Voile Featuring a Seven-Gored Swing Skirt Sizes 12 to 20 $2) ' l o Colors Navy, Rust and Blue Flocks of dots, that look like snow, crystalize themselves into shapely leaves that trim the full flowing swing skirt. Seven gores give it sweep and drape. An original and height-of-fashion style that will sell on sight, so we urge you to select yours im mediately. Phone and mail orders filled while qantities last. 2ND FLOOR Mrs. George Otten has been spending several days visiting with relatives and friends ln Portland. x fv4 fi Sr: p " ' 1 i.i i' 1 "' "' "T " 1 tassssfi: UZZ1, CiS umm, deBdons! It's so easy to get now with new, creamier Crises, Crma TZAS C7r3 KS...Crisco is madsty the new million-dollar Gyro-Churn Process, beaten and whipped to such creamy lightness as yon never imagined. Dip your spoon into new luscious Crisco and you'll be amazed! ' - TST T23!...For your next cake put Crisco, sugar and ess aU together in a bowL Blend them with a few flips of your spoon. The creaming is done! And what lovely, light, you can get this easy new Crisco way! g'liiuMllhiM, 1 iililltaitltitirtit Sale! Red Cross Shoes DISCONTINUED NUMBERS f .. ' Today, tand Saturday ;: : WHITE - BLACK - BLUE v BROWN p ry-v TIES -OjXFORDS r - 5 ' REGULAR $635 VALUES t . Broken Sizes ' ' v . MAIN FLOOR I MISS FAIR TOMORROW leaves our Don t miSS talking- to the hosiery pertl She knows lots of clever ways to ett store ; miles fro stocking. W you. have e A special hosiery problem, she'll be slad to help - you find lust the weight, the length, die color you need from our Urge sssortsicnt And beotusc the wear you set depends so -Mich- on correct care, she'll give, to every custosicr WhopurcTMses hosiery priced, C -59c or More, a tcguUr-sizd package of bint . enough lor dozens I washing., (Ony -one tos outomcrj; ' - e ccomm m 111 W ' ' f f I Holeproof First Quality - Hose An nual Sale of the new; shades and weights. Tomorrow, is the last day! 84c- pair 3 pairs for Ve tie btMty. 2.45 tickings MILL E R ' S - - -