ia fili iaotjat crangs nati -Cinder. Five generations wer rep resented. lira, Ana MeMlllian of Toledo was : elected president, and George Parker, Tangent, secre tary. . Rnsaell - Parker cf North Albany Is retiring president. - "There's No Better Placet New Clan Head ' 'ALBANY Approximately 200 descendants of the Parker-Ham pfrrey-Cooper pioneers of Linn .. county held their annul reanlon 260 N. Liberty i - 155 N. ComT.SU . .'- , Phone 672 JI '" i 1 " l Hi I ERNEST SCOTT j j ' 'CL.S. ORW1G y UU . YOU WILL ENJOY shopping at this I . FRIENDLY BIABKET 5 J FREE DELIVERY 4 , I Certo -Me HI 25c Tall Milk LO.A 4 for Preferred Stock Dill Pickles No. eft - Uns TOMATOES - No. 2 tins 3T . 25c Dawn Tissue Bine G Coffee ld.- 23c Folgers Coffee 1 ib. 29c Sunshine Crackers ; Wheat Flakes Potato Chips r"!!i'""i aoc Salad Dressing I.U.A., t Laundry Soap 6 bars Black Pepper - " LOX . 4 Sa IOC Fresh, Solid Lettuce 2SSSL 9c Local New Spuds -10 19c L&A. Gelatin 6 pkg. 25c OPEN EVENINGS Leave Your Order and Let Us Fill It C. S. Orwig 3VIEATS LOPKER DOXES Now Is the Time to . c , SAVE $$$$$$ BY GETTING YOUR COLD STORAGE LOCKER BOXES Freeze Strawberries, Vegetables, Fruits of All Kinds for .Winter Use. . CALL TS TODAY FOR RATES YOU'LL BE SURPRISED HOW INEXPENSIVE THEY ARE HENRY DOME'S t YOUNG TURKEYS lb. 25c COLORED GPMT-JG FEIYEIIC lb. 30c HENG . . lb. 25c frying Fresh Liver, Rabbits.,. eSjW lb. . IOC 57 Folk GuLIiera Attend 4H School '. v. . ' v j ' i ,- - i. -' v " 1 -J ' ------- "--" ' ' ' - Largest Group From There Due Home Today From Corvallis Campos DALLAS Thirty seven boys and girls from Polk 'county are arriring home from the annual 4H elab summer school at Cor rallis. c County Agent W. C Leth reports the Polk enrollment 60 per cent' larger than last year; and nearly, three: times the number that : attended two - and three years ago. ,- . . Those listed from Polk, county thia year are; Kenneth Martin, Dallas; Katherine Alsl . Mon mouth; - Frances . Carmichael, Dallas; Nancy , Jean . Adams, Hickreall ; Zelma v Hem, Hickre all;, Betty - Thompson, Dallas; Phyllis .Wilson, route 1,. Salem; Lois Frachlich, route 1. Salem; Betty Babb, Jane Kackley, MelTa and Betty . Jane Williamson, and Pat' Fraxler, Valsetx; Rath Tay lor. Elsie Harber,' Frieda Jtath riner. Falls City; Evelyn Romig, Riekrsall. , . " Margaret 1 Domes, RIckreall: Hasina Graham. Falls City; Shir ley Mack, Falla City; Rath Far mer.. Hickreall; Irene Knower, route 4,' Salem; Jean' Allen, RIckreall; Gilbert Carter, Dallas; Junior Olson, route 1, ' Salem; Harold" Dalke, route 4, Salem. Jack Starr, route 4, Salem; Paul Doras, route 1. Salem; Al bert Riney, Rickreall; Bob Lor ence, Monmouth; ' Lylo Enower. route 4. Salem; Wayne Honk, Independence. Hanrey Bartell, Dallas; Betty Wlenert, Alrlie; Milton South wick, route 1. Salem; Clarence Grand. Jr., Monmouth; Mrs. Margery Hamstreet, chaperons, Amity. W. C. Leth has been assisting with the 4H summer school which opened Jane I and closes Friday. Scio's City Hall To Get new Site SCIO Plans are under way to more sclo city hall directly across the street from Its present location and face It south on Mill street. School district of Scio, No. 15, will pay expenses of moving the building, and the city will deed the lot on which the hall now stands to the school for grounds purposes. The school also plana purchase of two more adjoining lota owned by Max Wesely to complete the half block of grounds on which the newly completed high school stands. WPA assistance .in im proving the grounds is reported Tirtually assured. The district has sufficient funds tor the transaction. ' Aid'ers Meet v. At Burch Home "i RICKREALL The members of the Rickreall Ladies Aid were delightfully entertained Wednes day afternoon at the. home of Caroline Burch. Assisting host esses were Mrs. E. A. H&mil ton and Mrs. E. A. Stenson. The historical s.tting of this home' was quite appropriate for flag day, which was observed in the program. Mrs. ' Cecil Embree rreslded. She appointed Ilah Price and Hazel .Wall, as a local commit tee to help gather exhibits tor the Federated club booth at the county fair. The county picnic was an nounced for Helmlck park evly in July. The next meeting of the Aid will be July IS with Mrs. Ann Bell ad Mrs. Mary Bell and Mrs. M. B. Findley en tertaining, i The program Included articles by Mrs. Mary Bell, Mrs. Zora Embree and Mrs. M. B. Find ley. ' .0 AT 171 S. Commercial G Salem$ Heading Market Phone 8757 Half or Whole I Sugar Cured KIESAW DA(5(5)Kr Sugar Cured ago Wt make all our hams, bacon and lard here in bur own packing plant. They are the best we know how to make from fife-long experience, PREOn OALff POtlK, OAHg PODK ;v . E4c CKJCff OH OTE V7 Co EOECO PIG FEET 3c 01111(513 MVEEl Beef or Pork HG3 . . ' ' ' - Country Style None. Better at Any Price H5G pnnr.ais; nans umjL . zjg TLere ere seren experienced meat cutters - here ready and glad to -wait oa you. Drop in, folks, we will be glad to 'see, you and you will lie pleased we know. - : At SalemVfinest and best equipped meat market, you pay only one profit. We buy all out livestock direct frca the farmers, doing all our own hflliwg. Drop in folks, and do your trading at this home owned market. Open Until 7 p.m. Saturday f i 4 v i : i ' . i t ... ' f i h i ' ".' Charles F. Xmft sad daasktar, raetaor ' ' Commencement speaker at the Srya Kawr, Fa, rraduatioa exer cises, Charles P. Taft of Chwtmwtl, son of the lonner president and brother of U. 8. Senator Robert Taft. Is shown with his daugh ter, Eleanor, cue of the graduates. Poison Oak Drive Started by Gob AMITY The Women's CiTie Improrement club members met in the community rooms of the Methodist church Tuesday after noon for the last meeting of the club year. A luncheon was fol lowed by a program of musie and an auction. The money raised was giren to the Amity public library. The club voted to buy spray to kill the poison oak In the Amity cemetery. Election of officers resulted: Mrs. W. R. Osborne, president; Mrs. J. L. Payne, vice-president; Mrs. J. B." Thomas, secretary; Mrs. Howard Strout, treasurer. Ice Cream Social Is Postponed LYONS The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church has post poned the ice cream social, which was to hare been held Friday night, June 16. Est. and Mrs. Walter are continuing their meeungs nere this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto Student Branded - Eighteen high school stndents were awpeaded by Baltimore nathorttte who began lnTeeti gation of the alleged attack by 40 yoaths oa Melrln Bridge (shore), t-year-old Jewish yoeith, who neeneed one of them of earring an MB7 on his neck. Quilt attended state grange at Cor rallis, Mrs. Sletto as delegate from Santiam ralley grange and Julian as delegate for Pomona. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson hare receired announcement of the birth of a daughter to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nash, of Junction City. 129 Years Old Given Girl SCIO Carolyn Flanagan of Scio, a member of the 19 3 1 high school graduation class of IS here May 16, and n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Flanagan, sr., re cently has displayed In public in this city a quilt mads In 1819 by her great - great - grandmother. Roseanna Darden, who retted and wore the flax for lining of the quilt The old heirloom is in first class state of preservation, i plaque attached to the quilt bears historical data. Dozler Occupies His new Bunding STAYTON Dr. A. M. Dozler, local dentist, has finished his new ISxfift foot building and has moved in. It is located next to the Albas drug store. His den tal offices are in the south halt of the building and Crystal's beauty shop occupies the north halt. The building is constructed of hollow tile, with a. brick front. It has an oil furnace and an air conditioning unit for all the rooms In the building. The dental section includes reception room, two operating rooms, pri vate office, laboratory, furnace and storerooms. Semi-Annual Meet Slated by Society GERVAIS The semi annual all day meeting of the Woman's Missionary society will be held Wednesday, June 11, at 10:10 o'clock. Chapters In the study book: "Homeland Harvest" will be read by members of the so ciety. A no-host luncheon will be served at noon. The president, Bessie Moisan. requests all members to bring their annual birthday offering. HARVEST KKARS END SCIO Ed Rubesh, in charge of receiving the Sclo Fruit and Berry Growers association straw berry pool hero for the Spencer cannery of Lebanon, states that the harrest will be completed early next week. mwm Green S &H Stamps Cottage at Ferry Dial 1707 FrefDeUrery FRIDAY, 16 - SATURDAY. 17 - MONDAY, 19 Fit, Sat, Moil, June H 16-17-19 Cottage fA Cheese-AV suxszixb QDiOPY CRACKERS 2 & 2dc lbs. bulk DflEESGE 2ST lib. ESQ um BAUD Pcannl Catlci i 2n. HQs Hard Wheat 49-Ib.saek Grown Product SDT7EE Golden West' r.sso Edncricht Chess-It E2G Large flp Box JiV OLEO-OlRGinEJE lb. HQ3 VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Fancy . Tomatoes . . - Hothouse Cucumbers 3 for ACS Lemons . '..Full of Juice., mm on Good ' . A . ....... , : ' Prices for Friday and Saturday June 16 and 17 T TOILET SOAP bars 10 lti it Cream Flake Oats; 9-IhT baa;. .33c K ic Padflc Whole Apricots, No. 1 tall : (lS-ox. net) , ,. ,, 4 cans. 25c Dole's Sliced Pineapple For appetizing agrmmr nale iyt 3 Cans25c Borden's UU cans, 4 for 25c 8 tins 49c 'ivy in t utr is) tail u jvi 8 tins-- OPQY SCc can.. v niwco &lh-L 19c -k Golad Oil In bulk, Cf quart . J Is Gallon. 89c Shredded Ralston Small, Finn, Tender Beans Vertically Packed - 2 Cans Sib? &iS Jar Quart 14(3 Ma teelress Ik 7 Uorthem Hard Wheat Floar High quality linked with-low price. A 494b. bag .. it Columbia Coffee, nature's own delightful pick-me-up, pound 23c .2 lbs. 45c Kellogg's Corn Flakes (Free Pkg. All Rye Flakes) .! .... 2 pkgs. 15c Bell Hard Wheat Floor, 49-Ib. bag. 98c CELLO SEALS Fit over tops of preserve instantly.. 3 dor. 25c k Del Maize Cream Style Corn 3 for 25s 303 cans Del Monte Early Garden Peas No. 2 OCn cans t for avyv Schilling's T"Wo. can ;. S3e nil Mm Libby'sNo.lTan (15-oz. Net) feag8fcait Wee Texsun Natural 46-oz. m - for cans 2Se ScottTissue LMDIJ 3 Absorbent, soft, sanitary. - rolls. 2Cc Garden m Fresh " $ basket23d Waldorf Tissue "Soft as old linen.1 13 rolls. Scot Towels Handy, for bath or kitchen. rolls. 'JjJ Ho. 1 riElV SPUDS 10 lbs. 19c Local Canptsu Boots 2 bSc JUICE OIUiriGES doz. 9c n9c! Grapsfroit ' doSi 29c Pure Ground . . . . 2 lbs.' mm " - n m . NO CEREAL, WATER OR SUET ADDED tf-Bcne Steals lb. CUT FROM PRIME YOUNG BEEF LEAN, MEATY CHOPS Ms PURE ' Fryers - Rabbits Hens FISH Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut, Halibut Cheeks, Ling Cod: Black Cod. Crabs. Fillet of , Sole, Oysters, Red Snapper and Kippered Salm on at Lowest Possible Prices. BAKERY mm mm a e Sa!:es A assist cake fDled witn chopped dates and g-r"-n waianta. Elajht gei senrlngs each Binnoz Rolls Wnlte- and whole wheat. 03 A 11' ? 41