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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1939)
PAGE TEN The 03EG0N STATESMAN, Silen, Oregon, Ttnrsday Mornlnr, Jnnt 15, 1939 Jom Market - Quotations nvrt v--(s7isf rucM) (Tae ariees fcelesr eapplie or leal grewer aa ladieatiee el the daily market prieea pai- te area-era T Balm kayarm bat ara aat eaaraatee- bj Tka Btalea- Banaeae, la. aa Haads . , ,.. ; .fc Grapefraft, TtSS piake 4.00 - Ktnlir 3.00 Lemma, crata ... 3.00 Oraafes, rrata 8.40 ta 4.00 3.30, .ceal w TKOKABLX . . fBaqrtaf Mesa) .Aaperages. Ieea! ao beets, -as. .0 JO .MH .60 ta 3.50 1.00 ,., , ,1M 1.15 - 8.50 -SO US .- o ' , .80 .'-.OS JO -40 . 1.10 - .85 Cabbage,- lb. Cerrate, CiIH., er, f 4oa.. Casliflower, local Celery, L'Ua, ersts Caaf, rrata Cacambera, botboaee, bx ltreee, lacal ,.. ,. Otmmm, SO Iba. , Greea eaieas, , . -salsaes, 'el. Peas, loral, lb. Peppers, gram, Calif. rarsiey Petateee, Ucal ewU, He. M lb. bafa , Haw Petatees. Calif, ewt. Rhubarb, evtdoor .70 U .90 -.63 ' .40 Splnaee, local, bos. Taraipe, Sea. . vttti (HN UI ay laeepeaaent Peekta pleat a grows ) i i ' Wafnata Traaaaattaa, faaey. 12a me alasa, 10a; mall tt: orchard, ran, S U I0e- Walnut ateeta. 34 to SOe lb. . Filberts Barrelenas, Urra 13te: faa jr 11 Ma: babies, lie; archers' ru lit : Ce-ep Prieea ta Grower) W slants Price raagc, depending- apes war aata rmn In 14 4i(faraat gradea 11 m 13c Deeeillr t cnt hifber. . f BOPS Ottrtac Prices) Clusters, aomlaal. 1937. lb 7 ta .08 Cloaters, lt$, lb. .e0 to .3 iefflea, top . .33 WOOL AXO MOKAtt -'J. - a7ac IWess) .,, Wool atWIaaj, lb. . 5 Coaraa. lb. ... - J Laaiba, Ib. -- . Mohair, .lb BOOS AVS POULTKT Osjlag Prkoa of Aadraaan'i) 0ra4a A larca. 4om 17 Orada B large. 4om as jo .05 Oratfa A BNlia Orada B awdtaai Colorad fry . Whit Lachoraa. heT- Ai to Whita Lagheraa, UghL. Old raoatara He hna. lb. . - .14 KAUOa OBEAMEBT Bnylnf Prtea Battarfat, A grtda .3 Lagbara baaa, ar SH Iba...,- ... Jt Lafhora baas, axdar H lb, .10 Stocks and Bonds ' Jana 14 ' TOOK ATBBAOES -CoaipUod by The Aaaaeiatad Praaa BO 15 15 00 . Jadag Bails Kei Cif. D .3 Uaeb Wadaaaday 47.0 18.1 Pravioaa day 67.8 18.1 MoaU aga 88.1 17.1 Ttirin Ul 18.1 1830 bigb .' 71 0 s SI.8 1889 low 58.8 15.7 Ctll D .4 87.8 87.7 85.5 Jt.S 40.0 83.7 Stocks ,D J 474 47.7 , 44.5 : 88.7 58.4 41.8 SOBS AYBBAOBS 20 10 10 10 ' Bails ladas OUI forf Kat Chg. D .1 A .1 Uaeb D .4 Wadaaaday 57.4 100.9 06.5 02.1 PraTioM day 67.7 100.1 .5 42 5 Haatk ago 54.3 09.2 95.0 61.1 Tear ago 47.9 ' 95.8 89.7 61.8 1939 blgh 64.9 - 100.7 . 96.7 64.0 1989. low 63.4 97.0 91.9 68.2 Low rleli .112.4 ,v..-. . "AIR y' ' CHAPTER 1XV --Tea can stand almost anything, when it has a time limit In the weeks between Bee's departure and the time for Edward's job to ma terialize, Marie Theresa Alexander that was. Stood more than she had dreamed possible. The shabby sleeping porch was her only refuge from her mother-in-law's tongue, and even then she heard her at her housework,' rattl Ing, banging around the house, talk ing to herself in a continual under tone. , . ": . - Every few days there was a post card from Bee. Just a picture post card with some meaningless phrase "Having a wonderful trip" "The little town is so quaint." They all read them, pot them down, said nothing. - "Do yon thing shell ever come back!" Marie asked Edward. "No," he said aoberly, "I dont. The folks dont either. They wont admit it, of course, but that's why they feel so bad about it, She's talked for years of going back east with this Zelda person, and I think she would have gone long ago if It hadnt been for Ritchie. She was fool enough to think something would come of it X told you noth ing erer would." "What will the do m New Torkt" "Oh, something about a tea room," he said, without much in terest "Zelda's aunt is the famous Helen McCarthy who has the big string of them in New York City. Che's been promising Zelda a job for years, bat Zelda, the poor sap, wouldn't go alone and none of her . other gal friends seemed to bare the courage to make the trip. I guess ' it was a good thing for Beev Shell never come back. I wish X had a chance for something in New York." l "But you hate two chances right here," she reminded him. - That's right" he said. , ' Afterwards she wondered whjf fee bad shown so little enthusiasm. The days dragged by, and June came, and with it the first of the month bills .Edward went to San . Francisco four times. He wrote let ten, made telephone eaSs The i oad came, and the third. . "One of the positions,- at said. Ok m -V She caught her breath sharply "Edward! To go away without me t- ... ........ "Oh, don fuss about tt, for heaven's sake. I n not colas. Dirty doubie-crossers. Trying to sign me oa as a common seaman after I've ctadied naviratioa and made world-cruise as cadet It would have bees a grand trip, too. Ans- .. traEa" -v. . Acjttcti-Tjr - mC t'rt was the same CJag I knew f ' : t tc'sre. Sellbrg bwnda. 1,'ow it trr.i c.t jm tare to aata aa A. C C'Tt an J a eccpls of i!".: l.'.lrr irrn the aIvrsity I tc!i " ill I-h I knew more j : " r -! tl!j tf ctloa thaa aay r S t:t hold of. Cant see t- : a i ntage. Wont give jr - - v ".-'":- L.; r-.ira r:t ca. Ca Cial ttsr. X-a Cli sometiiTg she was t -r:"y eshatseJ c, L drepped taLJi heap at Us feet and wept l.;t tZsztij, as she used to cry, on tlj nrs occasions that she rve to tears at home. Noisily, stom-Uy, tne trzy Beatrice had wc;t . Grade B raw 4 per eeat silk, SaJesa Co-op iMkaie pool - pti f I.76V-T !v-";-';- Co-op Grade A batterfat f i price tA H e B grade 9c leas. , . . s (Mllk i: nH4 M MaU-aMatbly battarfat aranga.) Distribator price, ? 1 1 A srade bajtterfat-I)ella ' ered 24 )4 B grade 23c . A grade prlat, 27c; B ; grade 20e; aiaartera 28c. ; Ltfbora (ryors. 1 lbs .10 Lcgban fryars, undcrsiio, varkat value. CIord Iry.r. 2 8 lbs. .U Coer4 apHngs, S Ibm. aad Vr J Stags .08 Old Roosters .05 Ko. 3 grades So per poaad loss. BOOS Grade A lacgo J7 J4 .15 .18 .12 Orada aMdiaa.. Orad B large Orada B aiediaai Undergrades and thtx UTHlwa (Baying pries for a. 1 stock, based -an eomdltioaa and sales repartee ap to 4 Uabl, ISSf. taps 7.50 Laaba. yearling 4.00 aa 4.50 EwesT- 3.00 to 2.50 Hogs, top .. 7.25 180 150 lbs. 6.75 to 7.00 210 800 lbs. - 6.50 to 6.75 Bows . 4 25 to 5.75 Beef cows '. 6.50- to 6.00 Bulls 5.50 ta 6.25 Heifers - 540 to 7.00 Ton veal 7.50 Dairy typo cows 4.00 to 5.50 Dressed eal. lb. .10 OBA-sT. BAT AID SEEDS Wheat, ba Ke. I recleaned .75 Oats, grey ton - 28.00 White 25.00 Peed barley, tan 22.00 to 24.00 Clorer bay, ton 12.00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, tea 10 00 to 16.00 Egg mash. Ko. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bg 1.35 Ben scratch feed 1.75 Cracked com ... 1-75 Wheat : 1.M Disease Is Sheep Bulletin Theme The first Oregon publication dealing eitensirely with Black disease of sheep has Just been Isaxted by the OSC experiment station, describing; the work done by Doctors J. N. Shaw, 0. H. Math, and L. Seghettl. Black disease Is about the only common name given - for Infec tions Necrotic Hepa:U of Ore gon sheep. This la net a new disease In Oregon bat one for which the cause was not here tofore been known. Ar anaero bic bacterium Identical with one fonnd by Montana workers and also appearing In England has been definitely established as the cause of this disease, which is definitely associated with fluke infestation. No satisfac tory methods of treatment have been found, alth-uh consider able success has been achlered in protecting sheep against it by. the nse of anti-toxin or toxoid. The new publication is station bulletin No. 360. - MiLIL BRIDE" 6y HAZEL" UVINCSTON Mrs. Wilson came upstairs. When she heard what it was all about she folded her arms, and looked at the still sobbing and choking girl in Edward's arms. "If there's any crying to do around this house," she said, "I'm the one to do it I've got REAL troubles!" Edward did his best but Marie refused to be comforted. The tears brought no relief. She had no peace of mind, could see no hope. "Well, yon could write to your mother," he suggested late that eve ning, when she still dragged around, tragic of face, red of eye. She shook her head. "No." "Listen." he said, "if I were as stubborn as you are if I had as much silly false pride, what would happen to as? We'd be oat In the gutter somewhere!" "Maybe we'd be better off." "If you tried it for a while you wouldnt think so. You're too proud to ask your mother, who has the money, to lend us something to tide os over. Bat you're not too proud to let my mother and father, who barest a dime, feed you! Yon make me tired!" He went out and slammed the door. V It was early morning when he came in again. For the first time they did not kiss each other good night She rose at seven, as usuaL and to her surprise, Edward got up, too. All night she had lain awake mak ing plans, composing telegrams she knew she would never send. Plan ning to give up, planning to leave yet knowing that she never could. She turned a sale, dark-circled face to him now. "What's the idea of the early rising t"v For answer ' -he pot ' his '. arms around her. laid his face next ta hers. "Forgive me 7 "he asked. "For give me, for being aa impossible, ugly brute?".' ' .. . . The relief, the let-down, was al most too much. It brought on an other crying spell. But it did her heart good. They smiled at each other across the breakfast table. were blind to Mrs. Wilson's leaden. angry eyes and Mr. Wilson's brittle air of genteel cheerfulness. : - Then his father had gone to the train and his mother had left the room to answer u early-morning telephone calL Edward said, "Don't worry any more, honey. Pre just thought of someone X can borrow something from, and then with a Little money la say pocket again X can answer ads, and make calls. Yea dont know what if like to try to make a showing when your pockets are empty, aad somebody tella you about chance aerees the bay aad yon oont even nave terry rare . She shook her head and smiled. "Ne, we went borow. IVe thought noonet.v else toe. lemTknew why X forget it this long. Mother's clip." I'm going to pawn it" "Too are not! I went stand far "Ch. yes, I am. Edward, yea must let me. It's the sensible thing te da. Xlother rave ft to me. and when ra other gives arrthteg there ara bo strict attached. If I sold it or lost it she'd never say a single word. Cot we wont sell it-well heck it And then, when we're better off T I "IXoney, I caat bear ta think of I rewr doina that Yea pee kid. Cosa- Itas P hue uttlng ay with aa tate Uptarn ; Hits Stocks Total Transfer Slowest In a Month; Average Is Off .2 Point , NEW YORK, June 14. - -Stock ' .aTerages scaled : slightly downward on a meagre market to day, despite a last-hour rally which raised many issues above yesterday's levels. f C j 5 For four hoars the session op erated In a mild fog of pessimism, with traders only testing trends. Then, suddenly, quotations turned upward by fractions, some leaders making up as much as three or four points. . Speculators, apparently,' felt that prices had gone tar enough in the reactionary swing and bought back shares which they earlier had sold. Activities Slow ' However, their activities did nothing to speed the rate of trad ing and the total transfers were among the smallest la a month 399,370 shares compared with 631.870 yesterday. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was off .2 of a point at 47.S, the lowest level in nine days. It was the third successive day of setback. Observers readily attributed the timid attitude of traders to the labor situation in the automobile industry and to the resurgence of worries over war possibilities. ; Climb Back Begun In Wheat Market CHICAGO, June 14.-(rT)-Wheat prices, after falling 0 to 7 cents during the past two weeks, turned upward today, gaining as mudh as cent at times. Trade was light, however, and fractional setbacks from best levels were frequent. Higher Liverpool quotations, fears of rust damage spread to the domestic spring wheat area and disappointing reports of har vesting southwest aided the up turn. Some unfavorable European crop reports and good exports sales of North American wheat overnight and today estimated at 1.000,000 bushels also helped. " B.-W. Snow, crop expert,' said black stem rust was present In Oklahoma and south central Kansas, and although not threat ening the far advanced winter wheat crop might spre-d to the spring wheat area northward. Harvesting southwest was handi capped by heavy rains, particu larly in southern and eastern Kansas. much. And now your beautiful dip. ' No, dear no!" "Yes! I have my mind made aa. Come down town with me?" He grinned. Turned his pockets inside oat "I havent a niekeL Wait 111 borrow from Mom!" Maris ran upstairs to make op their room, and dress. She heard her mother - in - law's complaining ; voice. - She thought "Anyway well bo . able to pay board tonight! That'll be SOMETHING! "But only seventy-five dollarsl" Marie moaned. "Why, that's ter rible, Edward! Mother , paid that much to have it made into the clip. At least three of the diamonds are quite large, and look at the DOZ- . ENS of smaller ones " . "It isn't as though you were sell ing it," Edward said. They stood outside of the little shop with its overcrowded window displaying banjos, revolvers, diamonds, watches, and a sad faded plush tray of wedding rings. "It's so little - "Well, it isnt much, but anyway I happen to know this guy is hon est and when you come to redeem it yon can get it Some of these places arent so good. Besides seventy- five dollars is seventy-five dollarsl" He didnt tell her that all the way downtown he'd been wondering it the thing 'was worth anything! That was a relief and a joy just to know that the diamonds werent phony! To celebrate they walked un town. and went into a ahoestore where Edward got a pair of fire dollar oxfords, and Mario bought three pair of chiffon hose,' feeling wicked ly extravagant ' v "We ought to bats soraethlnar for your mother" she said after that . . xney oongat a oox I candy be cause Mr. Wilson could eat some too. And then Edward thought it would be a good idea to go into a hotel bar and have a cocktail. They had ba cardis, like the first they'd erer had together. "They really expect yon to order two," Edward said. "And we've just about got to, after all the free hen d'ooerres we've eaten!" After that It eeemed foolish t m home, so they telephoned that they'd be late, and went to a fish grotto zor erao uma, ana then Edward said they'd better finish it ap right, so they went to see a movie. . It waa a wonderful evening. The folks were fa bed when they got home, and Edward, as usual, was hungry. "Lft'a see if there's any pie the house," he suggested. They went into the a-tadaen, hand . tafeand. . Thothlay new white ke-box was ' Edward looked at Marie, and IXa--tie looked at EdwrnnL mm could have paid,1! she said. Ho shook Us head. "Poor If era. She's had soma close ea.Ha. hat M is the first time that anything erer - a . am area dock. -b. aorry, net, MariejWeeaatsaMherthrwugh with it and we dont know how long this seventy-fire has ta last!" . . - She did a Ettle mental arithmetic. Seventy-five! It was more like $62! But whv enton tt now. Vn tvw Were so happy? - . (To Be Continaed) Quotations - POBfTLJiSD, Ora Jose 14 (AP) Dairy a roe ace artcaai Batters Sttrsa 15e; sta-dar-a 18 He; primte firtta t2 Se; fireta SS; amttarimt SSK-SSe. Xgga: Lnrf aztraa. le; large aUad ards. 17c; aaedJaas extras, lee; ssediasi stsadsrds lie. Ckaeaa Triplet 13e; loaf, lee Portland i Produce POBTLAND, Ore- turn ' 14 (AP) CoaaUr Meata SelUag price to to-tilorar-Ceti7-fcinae hogs, aest ketch axa. eadavlSO lba.-SM 10e IK; dealers, 11H-13 lb.; light aa. thia, ne lb.; heavy. SK-10e Ih.; apri-g lambs, l&c lb.; yaarUag Uaiba, 10-12e lb.; ewea, S-7e lb.: eatter eova, -ioe; eaaaer eovs, S fc- s; balls, 11-11 fee lb. fl Lire Poultry Bsrlaf prices : Lsghora broiiera. ISH-lSe lb.; colored apriaga. 8 Iba. aad aver, 1S-14 lb.; Leghorn beni, wrl Ibi, 14 lb.; ,,4r Iba. lSe Ib.; colored boas to 8 Iba 15o Ib.; erer lbs, lSe Bx; Jfe. S gTsda, e TarkeTs Selllsf price: Dressed kens, 17-lSe lb.; tease, 15-le ib. Bay lag rteaet Beaa, IS 1S lb.; toasa, 14-ifte lb. Potatoae Takiaia Oeata, ( ) eeaUl; local. l.Oo ; Desebotes Geais. 1415 cental; Klssssth Falls No. 1, Gems 1.1M.J5 ewt New PoUtors California Whites, No. ti 1.75-1.85 per ewt. Onioas Oregoa He. 1, 1.80 per eeatal; CalUoraia' wax, 70-80c; red, 70-80 : yellow, 70-SOc per 50-lb, sack. , Wool Willaasetto valley, 1B39 clip, aoasiaal med. S5e IK; eoarso sad braids. SS-SSs lb.; S Bsoatbs fleece, S2-34s lb.; eastera Ore, 18 Sle lb. Bay Belling price to retailers: Altai fa. No. 1, 16.00 tea; eat vetch, 13.00 tea; clover, 11.00 tea; Umotby, eastera Ore, 18.00; do valley, 14.00 toa. Portland. - Bops 19S ClasUrs, S0-35e lb.; Fng flea, SSc lb. - : If oksir KosaJt si, 188S Uip. 35c lb. . Cescara Bark Baying price, 188S pool. 4o lb. , ' - Sagar Barry aad trait, 100s. 8.10 ; halo .35 beet 05. Oomestis floor 8eiliag price, alty do Hvery. 1 to 35 bbl lets: Paasily pa teat, 49a, 8.70 6.85: bakers' hard wheat, sat, 4.10 5.60; bakers' blneetem, 4:80-8.10; blooded wheat fleer. 4.80-5.20; soft wheat A50-4.55; rrshaa, 49s, 4.60; whole wheat 49s, 4.95. bbl. - - Portland Grain POBTLAXO, Ore, Jaae 14 (AP) Wheat:, Opea Bigh Low Close Jahr 7SH 73 78 78 Cash Grain: Oats, No. 8, 88-lb. white, 29.00; No. 3, 88-lb. gray . Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW. 26.00. Corn. No. 2, shipment, 27.00. Flax, No. 1, 1.75. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 73; westers whits 78; western red 72. Hard red winter ordinary 71; 11 per cent Tl; 12 per cent 73; 13jer cent 75; 14 per eent 79. Bard white-Baart or dinary ; 11 per eent ; 12 per eent 80: 18 per eent 82; 14 per cent 84. Today 'a Car Receipts: Wheat 102; barley 0; floor 15; corn 1; oats 0; hay 0; millfeed 4. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Jane 14--(AP) (USD A) Hogs:. Receipts 650. Ksrkst active, strong. Pries range: Barrows and gilts, gd-eh. 160-180 lbs. 16.759 T.8S .do gd-ch, 160-180 lbs 7.00, 7.60 POLLY AND HER PALS MEY. ASH - ORDER ME SOME UICRET MOUSE UTTI,E ANNIE ROONEY I Wfwci" ""C vnc . I I UilWTy' 1 11a SU CfLAJ-.. - OUT bKACK.P I WMAO f. II I I I tZT. a . r , ' ir . r i .rv-T r v - r. . X Y SCHEME,. Jt i OWN VARO X vj 7t-T7fil TJ ' V is sunk! one jump i fM s?LJte J53. " ' ' " '- ' ' S' "rf " -n3Ajie POOMrrCAee. is omcct !. "TOUGHCST Z EVtKTOaEO--WBE5TAl CAtrr LEARN A SlWGLE RACTTME TMJ THAT AACAMS SWC5 SCACCO KUMMIMS MrinV FROM SOMETrSMG 5T TOOTS AND CASPClt WORLD t 0ST5CTIV3 LARftVil MANDCUrTF3 ir mmmmm w. mt a . i .. v.iv. .l-. . . . .a. . vni. aani rti.r-, iw rfcj i i un rS-K WKist s BATK TUB. FUtTIVE. MAR.V lauari l ACTT LOU DlteiJ. AKf r-Li TAKlM HEM BACK U BECOMS MY Vi1FB lease aa, Kn rV-- SrtMt. Inc. W - TIIIMBLB TOEATOItarrtoar Popeyc LET rAc at Portland de-ch, 800-230 1bs.J 7.85 9.00 7.65 7.S0 T.SS da ed-ch. 320-350 lbs ,. do g4-a, 330-350 lbs gd-ch, 350-S9O lbe . do gd-ch, 390-S50 lbs. do med, 140-160 lbs Packing sows, good, 37a- 6.75 e.sst 7.04 e.50 -o.oo a 60 7.00 so ina. i do good 350-435 1 do good 435450 do asad 375-550 Pigs, feeder sad stoekor, gd-ch, 70-140 lbs . S.5O0 T.50 Cettlo : Beooipte-saUblo 225, total 850. Calves 75. JUrket ateaay. rrieo raago: Steers, goo. do BMdiant, 7su uuo do coaa (plain) 750-1100. Heifers, good. 750 900 do BitdiBB, 550-900 do eosi (plain) 650 900. Cows. good, all wlghts. da aMdiant, all weighta da coat (plsio) all wta do low-eat crt, all 'wta ' Balls (Jigs axel), gd (beef) all weights do SMdiass, all wta do eot-cem(pln) all wta. .50 0 7.00 S.7S 6.30 5.00 Q 5.75 S.SO 9.00 VeaJers, choice, all da food, ail 7.50 O 6.00 do BMd. all wl do oall-ooai (pla) sU wts Calves. Biediora. 250 400 do oaas (plain).' 950-400 4.50 5.50 4.50 Sheep: ieeipte aalable 600, total 700. Price raace: " i -- - Boriac huaba. cd eholeo-S 8.00 1 do mediaai sad good 7.00 1 eommoa (nlaia) S.00i Uaibs (shora) saod good 5.001 do eomnMB .(plaia) 4.00l Ewea (shorn), rood-choice. 3.251 do common (plain) med. . 1.339 Chemical Kills Annual Weeds LEBANON Demonstrations of the nse of a new chemical weed killer for annnal weedt showed more than 99 per cent kill of YOlnnteerj peas, Tetch, wild mus tard and similar weeds in small trains and rye crass cn the Ko wlts brothers and John Glaser farms near here. The trials," arranged by County Agent F. C. Mullen, are, on a small scale but early re-' suits are encouraging-. Tl.c wheat and rye grass made better growth on the treated plots, pro bably because of less, weed com petition. Cost of material was from $1 to $1.50 per acre. Com parative yields will show If It Is profitable. FEWER POTATOES KLAMATH FALLS Slight de crease in potato acreage in this county is expected this year with estimates running from 3 to 10 per cent under last year. A total of mora than. 8000 cars were shipped this past season with ' final marketings early in May;.,. ? . . r , ' v . . ; Ashur 5.33 0 5.75 be S.S5f 6 60 lba S.00 5.50 iba 4.75 u sas a a.xee .a.ia 8.00 a 9.15 S.505 8.00 S.504J S.OO 7.50 Q S.50 5.75S 7.60 S.50d TJ15 .50 4.60 4.75 a S.S0 S.75S 4.75 8.50 70 O 6.00 a 7.00 3 5.50 S.3S g) 7.75 U S.73 Q 5.50 5.00 S 3.40 9.40 1 s 1 s s rv', wr-ico 10 wnu r - Twr-. 1 1 1 1 ar.a -t - - - mm is- --vr t H . - - m ponBn 9 A- I 1 l-3r-er7AJ I HUM.' THATtTUSTA GUESS 6ME. rTrr TJROPOUTOFTHE SKV.SO C MUST BE RUNNIKKa AWV FTJOM HER KtOYJOTT PaREMTS -. 3UAROlAM PUBUC BUSTITUnOI SOME FACTS latrtcwt. MOT fiLBtSE - - fyla - i eu-aliM-7rn rtt - 1 The READYTFJ-" L 7f Tf J--vT R1N ON UERI I ma MAIM IKI-Tl J . J TJW x .iumiaiiM.1 I mrr-ri riy3 3l M ' I a 'A . . II 1 11 I I --2f 7' I I - 1 Annual Com Show to Campus State Event Will Be Moved From Portland ; Szaith Heads Committee . ' Oregon's third annnal state corn showlwill be' held this year on the Oregon State college cam pus rather than in Portland. The state college has agreed to han dle the show la connection with a state . corn -f production confer ence : here December 1 and 2, announcea William A. cSchoeh f eld, dean and director of agri culture, who" has" appointed C W. Smith, assistant county agent leader,, as chairman of a general committee ineharge. 'Requests, thaf the college han dle the" show cams from the Portland - chamber - of ."commerce and others interested in it preyl oosly, and .from leading; farm or ganizations who hare agreed to be co-sponsors this year. This contest lias for its ob jective the promotion of corn growing In Oregon and the dem onstration of the best methods of production in connee'lon with the use of hybrid com. Since hybrid corn is not saved for seed the basis of Judging will be on yield, quality ad economy of production. Gardeners1 "Mart PORTLAND, Ore- inns 14 (AP) (USD-) Prodece once chances t k Apples Ore. Newtowna, mid to Ige ex icj.; ley, i.ioi.W; Wash. Winesapa. cs fey, 1.50 1.65; ttj 1.35 1.85; comb, ss ley snd loots, 8-3 Ve lb.; Somes, ax fey. 1.65 1.75. Apricots- Calif., 75cflat. Apricots Calif, 75e flat 1.00-1.15 lng. Arocados Calif., 1.05-1.70. Asparagus Ore. Wash., 30 lbs. No. 1, 1.65-1.75; nnclsss, loose, 1.25; loose, 1.50-1.70; strings 75e-100 Beans Ore., green 5-6e; wsx 6H-8e. Bananas Bunch 5He; small lots 6c. Celery Calif- Utah. 1.60 1.80; white .50 2.75 Cabbage Sound, 1.00-1.85. pt., 75e-l. CaaUloupes Calif stds, 45s, 8.00 3.25; Jambo, 80-45s, 8.15-3.40. Cherries Ore., Wash., Bings, S-7e. Royal Annex, 5-6e. Canliflower Local, 9 lis, 75e-1.00; No. 3, 65-75e. Celery Calif. Utah, 1.85; white, 3.00 2.25. -. Currants 1.50-2.00. . Citrus fruit Oraaofnil. Tasaa aiarsh. seedless,. 3.85-8.00; Orixona' faney, 2.00- Going Forces' a Drop" in the Market It's That Man Again! A Fugitive From Justice I RMONOUTOBRiMG FACTS -VCIUBRIMG ME ALiae VOUR AAEJsl ARE ALLTRAVEUMG AROUND OM A MCROV-GO- tXXJNO. WEARtt-S - OR SOME. dAMDAGCS ON tvctjr EVCS.VAALC i MSr BUT I VsJBNT wV HARO-EaRNEO RVINS THBR TBavEUNS DETCCTI Tbt 4Tattivew Bride-to-Be Mermaid Baits Her Hook - a 1 tXHEN55.''; ACCUSED OF -THAT - tJJfKlL 05 -THEFT, FDR BKCAU&MMW7 ZZJL. .L- rDlDVOUtSET IA VRSU rTHOU64TOFAJ VAXJ Gltasing -.V i- : NEW TOlUC, JaJia"14.-(rr1)-',oiy,s Al Chem ah Dye. 114 Coml Solvent Allied Store. . . American Can . 94 Amer For, Power . S hk Am Power A Lt. 44 Am Had Std San 12 Am Roll Mills . 13 Am Smelt Ret 41 - -Am Tel e Tel..lS Am Tobacco . . . 834 Am Water Wks. 94 Anaconda . .... 14 Armour 111 ... . 1 - Atchison ...... 18 Barnjdall ..... Uhi Bait V Ohio ... 5 Bendix AviaUoa 23 Beth Steel .... 56 Boeing Air .... 21 Borge Warner.. 234 BuddMfg 4 Calif Pack .... 184 Callahan; Z-L. . . 1 Canadian Pacific 4 J I Case .. 78 Caterpil Tractor 44 Celanese ...... 18 Certain-Teed . . 7 Ches A Ohio ... 33 Chrysler 70 Comwlth A Sou. Consol Edison Consol Oil . . . . Corn Products . Curtlss Wright . Douglas Aircraft Da Pont de N..148 Elec Power A Lt 7 General Electric 38 General Poods . General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Great Northern. Hudson Motors. Illinois Central . Insp Copper . Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can.. Int Paper dc P Pf Int Tel A Tel... Johns Manville. Kennecott ..... Libbey-O-Ford . Llg A Myers B..10 Loew's 45 Monty Ward ... 50 Nasb Kelvinator 6 National Biscuit 27 National Cash . 18 i 3.35; choice. 1.75-1.85. Garlic a 10c. 800s, 5.25; choieo 4.50-4.75. 800s. 5.25: choice 60s less. Irnee Uox eartea. f 35a Lettaeo I-oeal dry, 65-75c; poor, SSc. Oranges California navels. large, 4 4.25 box; Vslenrits. large 8.75-4.; email to medium, 2.35-3.70. Coeumbera Hothouse, doi.. 1.25-1.50; box 2V.-4 dos. Calif, lugs. 1.25-1.35. Lettuce Loeal dry. 3-4 dos. 85-75e. Loganberries 1.60-1.75. hfueareoma Caltiratad. Ih.. SO 83c. Onions Ore. yellows. 60 lb sacks, UK medium 70e-1.00: Calif wsx, 80-V0e: yel lod 65-70e. Peaches Califs 1.10-1.15. Peas Ore., bash, -5c; Wash. 5-6c. Peppers Florida, 35-30& "MONEY STATE FINANCE CO. r. A HomeDumed Institution (Childs & MlUer's Office) 344 State St.. Salem, Ore. Phone 0201 Lie. So. S-218 M-222 f A6MN! 3. ---t VE5 LIKE. A04EY AlAOrOc ACAM4- .7 EX ,mmy - j""m'3Jj rrs dark mow -&azJV CHIX.y ,TH-iBnrWTHEq Quotations dosing prices: 10 Natl Dairy Prod 15' 26 77s' 8' 3 88 35 8 36 28 42 76 11 26 Wk 6 26 4 43 8 40 6 80 37 10 42 47 5 20 84 47 1 81 7 83 5 89 National Dist . . Natl Power & Lt Northern Pacific Packard Motors J C Penney. . .. Phillips Petrol . Press Steel Car. Pub Service NJ. Pullman Safeway Stores . Sears Roebuck . Shell Union.... Sou Cal Edison. Southern Pacific Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif. Standard Oil NJ Studebaker .... Timk Roll Bear. Trans-America . Union Carbide . United -Aircraft. United Airlines. US Rubber .... US Steel ...... Walworth Western Union . White Motors . . Wool worth .... 44 44 18 11 4 11 10 68 48 31 8 73 33 44 Plums 4 bskt, 1.40. Potatoes Ore. Descbntet RusteU. Xe. 1. 100 lba., 1.00-1.20; US No. 2. 50 lb. sks. 40-45c; Cslif. Long Whites, CS No. 1, 100 lbs, 1.50-1 65. Raspberries 200-225. Rhubarb Ore, apple box, 40-45e. Squash Ore. Zucchini. 1.00-1.20 flat; aeallop, 1.00-1.25; Crookncck, 1.00 1.25. Strawberries Oregon, best. 24 basket crates, 1.45-1.60; poor low as 1.00. Spinach Ore., 25-S.Ve orange box. Tomatoes Ore., hothouse, 9 13',c; Tex. lug, 1.65 1.85; Calif. 18 lb. 1.60 1.75. Bunched Vegetshlet: Local per dot., bnaches onions 20-25c; radishes, 17 'i 30e; parsley, 17-20c; turnips,' 45-55e; carrots, 30-35e. Root Vegetable: Rutabagas 1.25 1.50. In A Hurry 99 Personal Loans For All Needs There is no red t a p e , no embarrassing investigation, no delay, when you come to ns for a personal loan and we make it so easy for you to pay it back in convenient amounts. By CLIFF STERRETT I BARGAINED- TTT" I TDL, HIM TCRAC A ME ETOZEN-REG LARS. " s, By WALT DISNEY - By BRANDON WALSH MAAM,1 TRY MOTTO WC3RRV VCXJTOLDAAETO. BUT EVERY ONCE BJ A WHILE I KX?GCTTO REMEMBER WHAT oa SAiOAITI FWD ISA KWCnt TO WORRY By JI&1MY MURPHY I IWSIST IT WAS A SA IIS f a SARDtKlELSAr4PV.lCHJ IVWVDVA14V kwaiiei--iai eS-l-