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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1939)
The - 03EGON STATESMAN, Sakn, Oregon, WeesdajIornlnjrJcne 14, 1939 PAGXSKlNfii am -r" -.on:-.? '3. -i; : Statesman , Classified Ads Call 9101 ChuMffied Ad vert Ma Single Insertion per line .10r Three Insertion pr line JOe Stt Insertion pr tin SOe On month w tin $1 0 Minimum chart ,.;..LJ;,,.. , Copy for thte'rage mvm44 entTl S :3 the evening before puMtcn ' linn for claaeifVeilrm ropy eelved after :,tra time will he rtj under the heading , "Too UK to Classify." The Statesman KKmimea no ftnaa 'lal responsibility for iriw whlen may appear In advertisements pnh llshed In It eotwmna. a Fid l re hr thin paper 'ana w'u r prlnt that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake crura. ' Tha Statesman reserve the right to relect questionable advertising; It further re-er-es tha right to place all advertising under the proper cri firs tlon. , A "Blind Ad an d containing Statesman hot nnmber foe an ad dreso la for the prrtrtli ft the advertiser and muat therefore bo answered by latter The Btati In not at llhrty tn divulge Infmm tlon a to tha Identity af an dver tlaer using a "filing ad. " Livestock DEAD AND worthies horsea cow K" iked up free. Ph. collect 4411 Salem ntgtimery RenA Wha j HOR8E8 vm aale. Alao 1 wka old raner ptga Hsve lMn ran Bionka. Oregon SPECIAL THIS week, henry breed aaaorted chicks, only . per Hun dred. Pbooe 11JF2, Lee' watcn-ry. Auctions - For Sale -BJiscellaneons Money to Loan Money to Loan t WEDGEWOOD 1-BURNER gas stoves with ovens. Good condition. 834 N Front FOR 8ALE. pie cherries. lMe. raa nick, brine containers: or tHe deliv ered to Salem. Inquire 133 MM St., Balem, or Kt. ft, Box 187, Salem. 1425 10-FOOT LEONARD electric j refrigerator at auction Friday,' 333 N. Cbarrh. See auction. Wanted Misrllaneou WANTED UKI mm. Ill ill -" i.-iPir" n ruiiu-j-ruu" WANTED-MIDDLE-AG ET lady to I snare, tiome. -Reasonable. 117 .Marlon. YOU CAN tern $5 per week over a period of weeks. I am In need of more real facts about our city of Salem and will pay In cash $5 per week for the Deal letter furnishing such Information. Your letter will be judged from the amounts of information and accuracy in statements. AU Information become the properly of the sponsor. F. H. WEIR. 212 Ores. Bldg. Ph. 9411 We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR IN COMB No Endorsers No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARUEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL. ATTENTION . AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE, General Finance Corp. 13 So. Commercial 8u Lie Na Sill ' . , Ph. lift First Doot South of Ladd A Bush Bank, Convealout Ground Floor Location. For Rent Borises 1TTTRV A KT1 nnftlrn. hnUHa. H. P be Judnrd from the ORANT, M Court lit. Phone SMALL MODERN house. W, Salem, IIS month. S30S E. Center. " t-RM. HOUSE, partly funu 37S Madrona Ave, Salem Height. Mi llanroiu B R. HOUSE. 155.80. R house. $20. tn South Salem. Phone T7S7. DENTAL PL AT ICS REPAIR CD TWO-HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRY SEMLER, HKNTI8T Corner State A Commercial Ph. Sill For Rent Room UCKF RM. rtoa to. Pn 44IS. MODERN S RMS., fruit and garden, $ 17.06 no. 1S4 Mill St. Geo. Swearin gen. Rt. 4. Sad. SALE OR lease, nice home on creek. partly turn. Near at. boose, schools. fi N. 16th. - Pb. M7. FOR btdlea. M. Cottaae FURN. S R. hous with sleeping porch, garage, nice yad. Ph. (354. RMS.. X A 11. 4 RMS, SIS. New m. mod, $35. Phone 711S. ' NEW ( ROOM unfurnished house on Belmont and Lnrraer Ave- $35 per na TeL 21X1 or 7(39. AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION THUR& NIGHT. 1 :3S at the F. N Woodry Auction A Furniture Mart. Summer A Norway St s. Fine assort ment of imported bed spreads, wall SLEEP. RM. Prlv. ent Pb, 1171 8U RM, era Iking diet. T N. Conrt RM riTCH. nrlv. If deatred. 4taJ w.,-..www...m. . m a.-. .. I 2 A 3 RM. APT&. refrig, automatic NICE LARGE oteentnc rnv with heat. $2.0. ISS 8. 14th St. Also moo. Beard, close tn. iff N. Lib. Room antl Board rm. hse-. $.. Dial SCIS. 3IC4. Cvea. BEST RM board. Close to tate house. 1227 Curt. Ph. S44. tapestries and table- m Rxa food Boerfl FURNISHED A UNFURNISHED I houses. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 18M N. Capitol - - r z . m -M cvmj water m room. . "iJtTA I nU"aU 45- Marlon. 4l,g Ul HUKXIJnHWHn -s nviv . -w .- to sell F. N. GLENN WOCMJKX, MOD. HOMES. $29 to ITS. O. K Raa. 1(5S N. Cottage. Ph. S7I1. slnssanjatBjjaaia4sssjSBt NICELY FURN- ht.. cold water. En meals. Nr. state house. XI t a Wlntor ETD. ROOM. 245 R Cottage. S4X2 RM.. BD.. 100 N. Summer. Ph. 414 BOARD, ROOM. 153 K. 13th. P. E4C0 double: room Tor indies, on. ent. very close Irt. Ph. S 4 S3. FRONT RM.. twin beds, also first floor, nicely turn. Pri. ent. Also base ment sleep, rmi, ICS N. 12th. For Rent Apartments A to 4tvts-iJr- a - -w-re-i (fl I v -J. , M I eT MteldsV Ifet I ft FLd TaTJraVsM t BY I Auctioneers, rn. eiiv. we ouy iw ... . p-Mf g M BoWn (0i N Liberty ot sen on commission. i . MRS. CARRIE E. 8NEED8 Big AUCTION Sale " Good Boarding House Furniture Fridav 1:20332 North Church. SI2S Leonard 10-foot electrle refrlg. like new, 10 Simmons beds, coil springs. mat tresses: dressers, nigs (all sises) da v. and chair, radio. Good electric sweeper, 35 din. chairs, 3 wal. bedroom suites, S tables, 6u rruit jars, oc.. oc. oo etc. The above Is only a partial list ing. NOTE: After 7 years same loca tion, Mrs. Sneed quits to take new po sition A Fast Bale, ir you neea any furniture attend thin sale. Terms Cash. "RUSS" Woodry. of Nash Furn. Co. Auctioneer. I pay cash or sell on com mission. Help Wanted ttl WEEKLY Grow mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy SOe lb World" largest comiKinv FREE POOK Mnsb rooms 3019 2nd Rut tie Wash THREE LOCAL ' automobile tnsnr n mleimeonla - to reorenent S -well- ertnblished reciprocal company..-full or part time. Not ST get Men nuica prop osition bnt an ODDOrtunltv tn build a lifetime Income by diligent errorr. ror appointment write Box &e4, ftaTee- rcan. Help Wanted Male AT ONCE. "Cat" tractor to log alder to mill, short haul. Also gas donkey Inquire Shell station, Heoo, n-egon. write Freii-retcnett, neoo. Situations Wanted PAINTINU PAPERIIAN'HNG low prices, work gnar. Free estimates, '471 WILL CARE for children. Ph. 777 DRESSMAK., MRS. Adsitt, Ph.- 25 For Sale Miscellaneous For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. SSI Stat Street. tnqulre rami 70. Tel Bill. SMALL HSE. and apts. 255 Dtvlslon. SM. HSE- lU ni from city limits. variety of fruit, garden planted. 44 N. winter, m. ssi. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want tn sen exchange teas, rent aee Mr. Larson with Haw klna A Roberta. FORCED REMOVAL aale now on must vacate July. 1st; watches and Jewelry at your own price -Salem Watch Shop. 211 N. Coral FRYERS. LIVE or dressed, Pam Silke. Rt. . Tel. 32 F4. Kikes A Hep. Ha marten. 141 & Ltb. aaaaaaaeaaaaeMMMMwaaaaaaaaa RKnnil.T ANti ma ran teed wal era. All makes from ttft np 8 pee Mae tag 3S Hogg Bros. ADDING MAOrilNES. typewriter cash registers, scales, salea, rentals, ro- palra. Roe Typewriter sx- cmn waaaeaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaa , WALL TENT, camp bed. SS( S. t4t CASH. FOB need fur Ph. ill. 4aaVA4kBe4BtJsfs)a NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chVk summer price. 134 N. 16th. MMwwvwMawMAAaaMAMaMmAa' UPHOLSTKRING. -SPECIAt pHeoe on rebuild, eusn. mchowoil rn. . TRAILER HOUSE. $33 N. High. ; 4s)BgsyBja4tkW CHOICE GOLD Bah, t$38 S. Itlh. OA RAGS DOORS, hot water coll stove, lavatory. 71 N. Capitol. . ETTB RRfTRG '8TRAWBKKRIF.S , Ton Pick. H. Toelle, bog . "XT St. BEDDING PLANTS, ent flowers and potted plants. Phone SCX7. Jay Morna flOrlSt.:--..--' asBSaB)gBWlBSaiaA DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers. Also peat moss fertiliser, pu. him. Lee s uatcnery. i -i Lnirijn.riri ri.rii-ri rwn !-- - GEN. ELECTRIC refrigerator, f cu. ft sfs. Good condition, special at $3H.6. Sears-Roebuck Co. NEARLY NEW 13 quart cooker cheap. Ph. T772. i ! POPULAR BRAND electrle sewing rurhliML 1 rear old enrs- Roebuck Casi-J .C'.lt ADVCRTISINO Western Adt erttotzts -RprnlUf - mee . HflR ?n Ltd. ' San. Frsnclseo. Loo Angeles. ansUtle . uteB Aittrttolpf ' , RaprcsenuUv. ' Bryant. Ortffhh A Bruneon. taav Chicage. New York. Oot ret t. , Rowtoe. Atlanta FURN. APT, adulta, 27S N. 20th. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath. Frig Dwustrs. I.09 Court. GOOD RMS. A apts.. 254 N. Front. 3 R. FURN- bath, I5. 144 Waller VACANCY. GI.EXDORA Apts.. rms. with bedrm. A wall bed. $37.5. wweewwMWMMwwwMeawwwwv 3 RM.? NEWLY furn. Heat, water refrlg.. buth. adults. l N. Cottage ATTRACTIVE 3 RM . Glendora Apt - - - -n-inii-irtnnnnnnnnnnrinr NEW S RM. clean, airy furn. flat H A C water, gar. 1390 Fir St. EXCELLENT APTS.. close In. $2S $1$ and $14 month, S7 N. Commercial. NICK It R AFT, mil Centet. CIjOSK IN fine mnd. apt. Ph S4M 3-ROOM MOHKRN. Phone S884. PATTO.N APTS. 333 Satfc Fore uned. AduUa only Phone 244 I AND 3-RM furn ant- 4 Ferr I TO 4 RM ante furn or anfum. $ and ip Inn 13 r South ISth SM FURN apt 35 S CetUge SEE FISHER ants Modernised newly decorated and roomy YonH delighted Oak and S Commercial THE MOST homelike In Katem- Hawthorn Court. 10M N CapltoL 2 RM. FURN- 433 Marlon. FURN. APT- 4t N. 13th. 3 4 3 R, APTS. Turn. anfurn , 3t to $4. Royal Court Ph. 3963. 3 R. $13 6. 3 R., $16.50. 135 Center. aaaaaaeeaaawwrfwejMwwwwaae 3 AND 8 RM. furn. ants., prlv. hath Ha., hot water, washer. 353 Leslie At COOL 1ST floor. 3-rm. 4 FeTry. 2-RM. FURN. anu Tight and water Yl. :r4 Maple Ave. 3-RM. FURN- main floor, front $2.6 wk. 129 Oak. Ph. 127$. FURN. APT. 44 Milt APT. ADULTS. Inquire 1317 Stat. S-ROOM -MODERN furnished apt, bath. 1431 N. Cottage St. ATTRACTIVE 3-R. apt. 1335 Stat. S RM. FURN. aottv. pHvt bath. 1411 State. SAsajsaasan 3 RM. MOD. turn., FrlgMalre. wash- r. vac. ISth June. 77 N. Coml. SMALL FURN. apt. 16 State St CLEAN 3 RM. furn. not with pri vate bath, laundry, garage, bus service. 3 LARGE FURNISHED rooms, elec tric range. $2. 474 N. Church. I ROOM. CLEAN, neatly furn. apt. pri. bath. 545 Court Ph. 5793. t RM. FURN. apt- 1 10 Oak. NICE; SMALL, furn, apt- tit Union. TRADE Cm property for farm homee. Opportunities In exchanges, HAWKINS RnHKKls INki. T-H T.IL ll I 1 1 l -,- - - NEW MOD. 3 bdrm. borne. Sell or exchange eoulty for smaller horn. Phone 449. rtnjLrusriri ri n n imi r iiisiiiij" i - VIEW HOME BEN LOMOND PARK LOVELY. WELL-BUILT 7-room wun 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, oil heat fireplace BMuttful knotty nine perty room m basement 2 -car garage. Numerous tree-, well landsmped lot with front age on two streets, nnnancai I structed view ot city, vauey ana moun- ui;ni, wmmv cvuiimiiij , 3S200. A real bargain at 47500. Can Mr. Larson or Mr. Collins for appoint ment to Inspect HAWKINS A KOBKKTS, lU iee MOD. 5-RM. house. $4000. Tel. IS. STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 rm. bungalow with bkfst nook A laundry 1 acre of ground, close to scnooi N. of town, 10 down. hal. $20.00 per mo. Inrludins taxes and Interest RICH L. RRIMANN. 17 a High Bt Phone 8(32 6 ROOM HOUSE. 3 lots. East Sa lem. Priced to sell. See owner, Geo. E. Tomkins, 149 Center St. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used ears. Private money at aew low ratea. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 3 MONTHS TO PAY Boy H. Simmons ISt South Commercial Street Phono t( Lie. No M-1S3 FHA LOANS . ell Ahrams Ellis Inc. BBivat tonne Masonl Bide waAaaMAaaaaAMaMMWMaaAaaaMMee AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN BUltJllNn LICENSE NO M-16 BCNJ. PRAM RUN horn loan Moat popular man hi Oregon. A feature t this loan benefits borrower. Ask about It, Se F. G. DEIJ.NO, 29t N. Ctmren WMWMMMMMMMMkMMW AU-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR 12 TO t30t Inmeed lately Without Red Ta, e GET ONE. l It at bom or when traveling, tor accident picking np eaah bargain, extra shopping money. prolonged visit to meet unexpected emergency, or DT stranded without funds. Guarantees by Good 'Hoosekeeplng a Advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLY AT Personal Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. til Stats Street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8-123 M-1SI For Sale Real EsUte GOOD HOUSE, nice locaJ north. elec pump. 1 A. garden. $1600, fa cash. BUDROW-KASMTR Real Eatat IS Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 59(1 M -. ,, ar-ui n.njnjnjnjnrLiu'S'" TIP-TOP IN MODERNIZATION OUTSTANDING IN appearance. New 1 rms. Auto, oil burner. DM. gar- ete. New dlv. in N. Salem, $4,4- Ph. 65S. Exchange Real Estate 7 ACRES ALL In fruit and nut, rood t room house, elec. lights and water system, barn and chicken bouse t miles out: will trade for home in Salem about same value, ($5000). Must be clear of encumbrance. Bos 451, care of (statesman. t ROOM HOUSE, good location, near State street 3 room apartment up stairs renting for $25 per month. Priced real, low for $350. Want to ex change for small acreage close in. 4 acres with 5 room house, bare, large chicken house, lots of fruit and berries. Price $2500. Will exchange for west salem property. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. . 11014 North Commercial Street $5 A.. STOCK, CROP, mach., good mags. Trade lor Colorado, Neb. or E. ire. lie a&asonic King- sajem. For Sale Farms FARMS A HOMES ror rent ami trade. Ore. Land Co- Wnodburn, Ore FOR SALE Free acre tract Pen 4 ' Corners. Modern house, good barn. Outbuildings, fruit, nuts, grape. Will take town property as part pay- men-, tt. e, ttox 11, none 97Z-M. Acreage MOD. 4-RM. hse- 1 A 3 ml, zt s;. Terms, mo, ii g. capitoi. t ACRES. 4 RM. hse. Cherries A oth er fruit electricity. $170 for quick sate. 5 acres 3 rm. hse.. electricity. New 21x3 chicken hse. 20 chickens, nogs. cow. car, crop, szz.e, terms. R. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 1S53 N. Capitol' 2H ACRES WITH buildings. SI cash, or used car as part payment O. E. KAt, w. cottage, Phone S7C1. Wanted Real EsUte BIG OLD house, close In. Cheap for casn. rn, ill. LOANS Pay Cash for your purchases. Con sol Ida ts old bills. You Receive I 50.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 Interest Is Yon pay Monthly $ 53 10.24 . 13.43 20.48 " charged each month ONLY on the remaining unpaid baL KK INCK ItlUR CAR. loan up to $500. You will Ilk our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost, PEOPLE'S FINANCE GO. Rm. 21, First National Bank Bldg Salem, Oregon Phone 4444 8-213 State License M-22 Auto Loans Refinancing BORROW MONEY ON TOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY Tri-State Acceptance Corp. M-255 MERRILL D. OHLItlG INSURANCE Phone 9494 275 State Street Salem, Oregon Loans Wanted 3 RM. GARAGE house, city water. $325. $50 down. WEST SALEM REAI ESTATE 959 EDGEWATER NEW 3 RM. hse.. circulating heater. kitchen range, $1800.00, sra. dn. pmC hal. like rent. 1 acres. 3 rm. hse.. elec- $1400. $100 dn.. hal. $15.09 per dm., win con- skier some trade. New 4 rm. hse.. elec. A water. 1 H A or more, $50.00 down. $13.00 per mo. Chicken ranch, 17 A- elec. water sys tem, A. fruit, big hse.,. 9 mi. from town. $3500.' Easy terms. Will take in hse. A lot RICH L REIMANN. 147 8., High St. Phone SS33 t R. BROWN SHARK bungalow cor. lot. N. Salem. $3000. Ph. 668. BARGAIN S RM., FIREPLACE, dining rm- nook. Utility rm. Enclosed back yard, IN. Salem. $235, $35 dwn, $21 month , rn. ease. - APARTMENT HOUSE LOCATION NEAR STATE buildings large cor ner lot with good old house price for an $8500, with $200 down. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street . Phone 9241 THIS HOME PRICED TO SELL FIVE ROOM plastered home with cement basement, garage, paved st. located near Parrish school. Price $2.- 1. ITS A REAL VALUE. 8 EE IT TODAY. R. A. JOHNSON. WITH W. H. GRABENHORST A CO-REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 4448. FOR SALE .Lots owned by City $125. tn $0. See any real estate man or call 833 147 & High Street I s.eseeseesaaeaSs MOD. HOME, t bedrooms. large lot truit double garage, 45 N. 19th St ' NICE T RM. mod- terms or cash ino, zee s. zzro. - . APARTMENT Commercial. FOR rent. 345 & I RM. FURNISHED apt. pri. en trance, $13 month. 815 8. 12th St 3 APTS- COMPLETELY furnished. Lights, water A heat furnished, fit A $1 per mo. 425 N. Church. VIEW LOT BEAUTIFUL SHADE trees, excel lent view, city water, electricity, gas. trice S5ee. sz. down, oak ll per mo. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO . REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street - Phone 444 rafr4 tkt J?1 ''iHZ I ' t RMS. FURN. Lts W Gar- $12.5. ONE ACRE FINE SOIL. 4 room home, electrle water system, garden In Keiser dis trict See it today price $15, easy terms. ALSO One acre, new five room home, nicely finished Inside, built-in kitchen, at tached garage, electric water avslem. LT. HSEKPG, rooms. 435 N. Winter. I unfinished attic, done in. This Is as attractive place near to see tt Price - , - -. --- . See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 144 SUt Street - - - Phono JJtL -JtlCE MOD, fum, 45$ Center. FURN. APTS- ltt N. 13th. J WrxJ APTS- $S.''l53U n!"' 13th. FURNISHED 6 RMS. Phone 744s. 4 R- $15. 2415 N." Liberty. Ph. 7541. Oreooav a & Hmh sssm atom fee a avnes eeaia vi mVdwt. rma. furn. duplex.25. Ph. fllS. ffaehvea SlrL 54B. , -..-.. a eeai tikl - n A sfQ e ' Mall Subscript ton Rata '! . n-iM Dally and day : Mo. I cents": t Mo Vri Carrier : 4 cecta wowtnt $7.t peer In ndvas) si and ndlacont OOuaUeav v 2 RM FURN. corner apt. pri. show er, garage. Ground floor, rn. ms 7. r - 1 1 11 . ' For; Rent Houses j MODERN 9 ROOM boua newly R tehed. with sleeping porch. 119 Mar Ion St. ; "' ejtBssklsMssSBtB4sa - NEW t R. I bedrm.1touse. Also SI comfortable sleep rms, 48 N. 14th. $135. 4 RMS- $1 TO $25 da. $86. 3 ma A gar-, SIM to $16 dn. $490. 7 rms-, $ dn. 111 m mo. $275. T rata, mod. Large lot, tree. $3 da.- - $315. duplex, close In. 1 side funk, $48 a mou. Income $100. Willamette Real EsUte 172 8. liberty - g ROOM HOUSE OTfuTnlsned.-S roomav garage. 17 Center. LOT SACRIFICE GOOD LOT located near N. 17th and Market Sta. Price $26. $25 down, $1 8 EE. R. A. .JOHNSONT WITH v W. H. GRABENHORST A CO-REALTORS 134 8. ZJbertr Street , Phone 4143. LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing Inoiiire at Hawkins A Roberta. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real tate. Will pay 4 interest, W. ta. QUA BKHHltRST CO. REALTORS 134 & IJberty Street Phone 4448 $$$ MORTGAGE INVESTMENT $$$ WE NOW hare a number of first mort gage real estate loans. Improved properties, excellent security Mortgages In amounts of $30 to $7600. net you 4 per cent payable semi-annually. Examine the prop erty yourself. CHILDS A MILLER. INC. 144 Stat Street . Telephon 1211 Financial WE HAYS never paid leas than this rate on saving 'f ana mvesjunenia. unww fto a&ooa. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Anra Phono 444 Its ft Liberty nx For Sale Real Estate a rt -HrtTTSK CLOSE In on N. Sum mer for $2800, or will exchange for small acreage. 3 nice tracts on cascade unve tor $1500 this Is view property. 5 acre farm out east, will exchange for good house In Salem. $400 Belcrest lots to exenange xor house and will pay casn amerence. Modem 5 R, house, close in lor Me, VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. HERE'S A PLACE ready for quick sale, 4 rm. unfin. hse- $80 : $10 down. $10 per moL, interest included. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1411 W4aTasM-BSaaeg1lsA 116 DWN- Sit Ma Unfin. large rm. hse. on H acre, east, close law Price $110. i . C H. STAMBAUGH Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. - $396. 7 RM. HOME, large living na, dininc rm- nice hardwood floors, base ment furnace, fli-enlace. nice kitchen 4 bed rms. Trade for Portland property. $10. rm. 'bouse- bath, close to school, on bos On, lot 75x16, fruit A berries. MONET TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 726 Court Street Phone 3733. ILLNESS URGES SALE OF A FULLY equipped rooming -A boarding - house splendid location mice for all $700. or will sell furnian ings for $50 and rent bldg. for $5 per month. See Mrs. En is witn - CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344- State Street Phono B2S1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $400. MODERN BOOM home close . to . tows, 2 acres, fireplace. . .hardwood floors, basement for- nace. Idy. trays, garage eieo- trie water system throughout very attractive yard. $23041 A splendid property, doss to schools, -4 bedrooms, gaa range "A water beater. . Wo will be glad to show these at your con- veniencee P. H. BELL, REALTOR . . 429 Oregon Bunding -- Pboate 3131 6 R.. NEW KAYS ADD. $3 DOWN. BALANCE E-Z 21 MASONIC BLDG, PH. 3443, Business Opportunities For Sale Used Cart rHH USE YOUR CAR FOR DOWN PAYIENrf I DODGE 37 DeLuxe Coupe Finish A Interior spotless. Low -BaBe- age. Lota of extras such as radio and heat-. YSLER 37 Royal' DeLuxe Touring Sedan New tire and overdrive.- HUDSON 37 DeLuxe Coupe . Has Radio A Heater. FORD . . 37 . DeLuxe Sedan Radio A Beater. INTERNATIONAL--38 Pickup Very low mileage. PONTIAC 36 DeLuxe Tour. Sed. Radio' A heater, complete overhaul job. TERRAPLANE 36 DeLuxe Coupe Only 19.000 miles. FORD 36 DeLuxe Coupe With Radio A Heater. STUDEBAKER 34 Dictator Sedan Perfect condition. TAKE NOTICE: The above ears carry our so-day written Guarantee. We Have Many More . . and modela An STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON - PACKARD HIGH at CHEMKKETA Phone 14 Open Evenings '28 MODEL A FORI. Phone 427T. PARTY INTERESTED Real Estate Mail Order business Ore. and Wash ington, small investment Box 477 Statesman. WHOLESALE AND retail meat and sausage business, doing $35,00 yearly. complete market machinery, fix tures, low overhead. Price $450. C H. SANDERS 118 & High 513L ssBjs-sisenwaen GARAGE AND service station for rent 3390 Fairgrounds Road. Call 1073 Highland Ave. sJwwwsMwilSwwwwwVwVwWbA It UNIT AUTO court, living Quar ters for owner, on It E, north, close to town. $4000.00. RICH X. REIMANN. 147 S. High Bt mono 833 1-1 ,-i mnnnnonAf SERV. ST Av lunch, about till In voice, 173 a Liberty. S. SALEM BUSINESS PROPERTY 3 HOUSES AND service station price lor an if 009. Terms. Bee Mr. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 8tate Street Phone 92SL' - -- -- -- -- -- -1- -,-i-ir,-,-,-,-irM-ulruji SERVICE STATION, garage, doing nice ousineaa- sizae. r ine grocery A market, well located in Salem. See this before you buy. K. A. FORKNER-H. T. UEBER 1853 N. Capitol For Sale Wood GRAEN. 413 N 21st 4 wood 137 SUMMER PRICES, old fir It" n.t only $4.75 per cord. Order for now or later deL Phone 415. Oregon Fool Co. 4C AA CD. STK. gr no dote, trulv CDAJV dry. It ln big O. F. P. 7033. 14-INCH DRY old fir. Phone 4218. $3.78 CD. 4 FT. fir. I cd. lots. A-1 It In. a Fir. $5. Knot. $4.60. lit SO" OLD FIR 34.15. 4 ft 14. 9464. OLD FIR $8, 3nd growth $4.50. 7143. nw a s aoe-i-.oa - - - - - -, , -yrntriJi jJ-lTlT BIG 2nd GROWTH. It in.. t4.50. Without knots if desired. Oak A ash. Ph. 137F12. Wood Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Sproed. Ph. tttl. Lost and Found LOST BILLFOLD containing money and bank pas book. Reward. Lear at statesman office. LOST YELLOW gold wrist watch down town diet Sat Reward. 448 N. Liberty. LOST NEAR North Cottage street basket with purse containing valuable papers and money. Mary J. Hurst. Re turn to Oregon Statesman. - 1135 BUICK 4 -door sedan, trunk. radio, heater. Tel. 8422. 1111 MODEL A VICTORIA, exc. con dltlon. $175. I4t Garnet. Phone 4037, '3 CHEV. SEDAN. $45. Glen Wall mg. Kt. z, BOX 48. 34 LAFAYETTE SED., 368 N. 13th. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweat. heart husband, wife for yen. Bog f A I Angeles. Gets Promotion jvX efJ ' U - " r , . s t ' ' ! -' - - . j a - ' ' C3apt, Jefca H. Tevien CapL JoSn H. Towers la sworn in M tiew thief otT the Bureau of Aeronautics, gocceedins; Rear Ad inlrsd'Azlhnr & Cook, Towers becornea a rear admiral. The ceremony took dace in Wastdnr- ton Business Directory t'Ards ta this directory raa oa a monthly basis only. Ratei f 1 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 371 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and recondltloeed Harry WT Scott 11 A OomX P. 4514 Chimney Sweep rEljUPHONB 4451 R Sfi. Nertbneee Chiroprartors dr, a u tKxrrr. Ut N. High TeL P8C Chiropractor gTI Exravafins KXCAYATINO OF aB ktnda Base ments dug. Dirt hsuled or meved. Dirt for aalo, Salem Sand and Grsvei O Phone S40A mi - Florists Brett banpTa 442 Coart, Phone tt4 Ftrjces-Heatiiis FURNACES. BLOWERS, oil -bur erai controls, denning and repnfaU. --- HOI. I -AND FURN ACS Ca ; 2883 Portland Road TeL tilt Have veur furnace cleaned now A rtr Laundries Elattresses 8ALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattrea factory. NEW MATTRESS made t order, aid eomade: carpet el sen ma. ixlng : flaft-mg weaving, S. lltk i Wilbur. Tel. 1441 OTTO F. ZWICK ER, Eat ItlL CAPITOL BEDDING CO. ttft Natirropatbir Pfayaieian DR. W. a ROLWELU.Natnropath 10 PhysVisn. Ittt Falrgrennds RA Tel. 433 nfftee Hear II t. a Nidi 9 ra. rRKB BXAU. A CONSULTA- TfON. , . Epic of Undersea Disaster 1 r i . ii --'' ' vi i i t mv- ' .1 r . -v- ... ,n ... ... - k . "f?ee-0 'WIpWT JJl V ." tt 1 Painting Panrhanf3tijz WE DO aB kinds painting. 7t32. Printing mm STATION CRY earda pampnisea pre7nms, beaks or any kind e prtn ing. can The Ststeemas Printing De partment til a ommerckU. Tale phone A ltt. ':- Resorts ISHERWOOD COTTAGES. Taehate atoa-, eceaay rlew. floai poles and halt. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant tranefer. etor sge. burner ' on. can 8I3L iJirmor Transfer Ca Trucks ta Portland dally INTERSTATE TRUCKING Oreg. Pa, t3Ft. Wash. Well Orillins. .THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WICIDER LAUNDRY rtt-YL High TeL 9134 ft A. WEST, Rt A Bos 441 P. 11 lit Iua tOatiA tlepitte ta tr sank fa 189 feet of water off the Irian coast, trtOTfa 101 snen. The tatter trntltn bam htw tint reesel was sdttaUtnt whea axat found her nese jUKixn4l into tha nodbaT gtsra floatlnf fxet. Sx-ioca cablej slang nnder her bow rapped, antl the gob leak ta sa wrokml resting place in the mnd. Pour ef the snea caaae to the snrlae in arst stag T the Placing Order ior 24 Ships m . ;:t Charlea Edison, assistant secretary of the Nary, slrns final eovfixTaatioa in Washington awarding- contracts to private shipyards for cum tr action. f twenty-four new ships. Parpose of the rtfe-baild-nr apart is to serala tha 5-V8 ratio upset by BritiAhapanese increasea. Ixwkiror an are Warrea McLaine, and Hear Adzniral W, B. Woodson (center). . Cross Word Puzzle 12 15 2V SO 33 HO HH Hi 2S 34 13 22 37 1777 'A S2 1 31 i5 2t HI 23 eK 3d 'A 32 H 27 3 53 lt ft 2t 3t 2 rSW7 HORIZONTAL SS French . . 1 fold none- article - . tary unit of 40 sandpaper Bulgaria 42 ludicrous - 441tjX)b, 44 flax ttffcat 4SJurvahaPe 12 hail! AS titlaof - IS white reQ i . worn by - Pope l4Wbefore 15-repentant IT Aisaza ' ' silk w or in IS moraent 19 talk Z0 behold! 155 South J : American wood sorrel 23 thin XA feroisiiMl VERTICAL 1 lick up 2 night before as event S outlet t observe I gtnus of the palm tree S diminUh 7 high in pitch (anna.) - Z"barsM ' 27tniitof ' " '-electrical "" . r. resistance .24 charity II delitht : S2lirk V i axPortxitiesA -ri: ootxy of ' -,. account: ti compensate -SB, erataat zzi i nobility 50 pep 51 maiden -name E2 center of an . araphi- 9 saered rite theater 10 operatic S3-cmall shield sola of 14th 11 Ai test C'twctary'. beiahft ' BerewKk Is the solution to yes terday's pmsia. . IS fetters - -17 ornsisent on peak of tpire 1 artfully sgUTaBllS 20 falstfier 21 rim of a shield ; 23 declare 25 elevatioa 2S lad : 28 part ef a ..shoe Zl-kindofbird 12 closely v tocsy gflk i M0O5 MlAPg OKI c HL 1 1 & A N MT I lL tAisl rNTN ""lErNTh lgl cui ina w9m wm mmm cuihmslv ' IS thin Plate ; t7 dexterity 5 IS feeble-- ' minded ' . person - 5 jt4U rdor -V' 41 deep mad '. a ' . 41 concern - -it IIIm. -1 - uvuw-v fMce .-. intheescrta 45 wheeled ; " .Tehicl.- 46 trritchinf . of the face; . ; - . taaselea 4TAntralian y t . '. biro. ',o ' dBacbelor 2 A af atu ;;