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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1939)
1 - 1 I 1 Makers to Vie i of I i, ' 1 - - y - II JJ in I,,., m lJ:l I WWMIMlT ' ' - - . . ' r? I 'a 1 OPEN WIXXER It took M extra bole to do It, but Byroa Xelsoa of Reading. Pa. finally won the national open golf championship t Philadelphia by defeating Craig Wood of Mamaronerk, S. Y in the playoff with a medal aeore of 70 for the last IS hole to Wood's 78. The new champion, looking rery happy and Tery mnrb the part. It shown with his proud wife and the trophy emblematic of the championship. Sport Sparks By RON GEMMELL Most all of of the 3560 Joe and Julia softball fans who were out for Monday night's opening, that was staged with all the precision of a modern housewife clipping the top from a No. 2 tomato can, went away from the scene wondering what was going to stop those Square Dealers. It 11 take a tank," said one "lou understand that I don't O want to argue with yon, having come from a long line of peace ful people, but It will take two tank," returned a second gen tleman. To Waits. Scboens, the Paper makers, Golden Pheasants and Kennedy's the other fire clubs in tho local loop,' those were ungen tlemanly remarks. "They're sealing our doom without so much as giving us op portunity," the fire chorused in E flat, accompanied by the roll or Cherrlan drums that had stood bard by for just such an emer gency. "And when we get our doom sealed this early, look out!" Resplendent In fiery red cos tumes, with playing spirit to match, the -Dealers had 'Just marched over the blackened bo dies of the Walts meatmen, con sidered at the season's outset as the team to beat. "Why go any further? No less an authority than tiemmell, that -peerless prise fight seer, said Watts was the team, to beat. We've beat m. We'll hoist the pennant, : twiddle our thumbs while the other five teaam bat tle for second place, and grow fat while we wait for Harry Collins and Owlght Adams to stage bo state aaeet. Thus spoke the Dealers, using a llghtlr nul Inflection that wai definitely charged with disdain for the rest of the pack. O Flesher Counts, Advises. Word of this uprising reached Gurneo " We Give More Dimes' Flesher, Monday night's man of the hoar or was it three while he was standing bench legged In bis counting house, mumbling something about "J 500 dimes being in the general neigh borhood Of $s so. Bang! went .0 worth ot ISOO-watt light bulb at this cru cial Juncture, and Flesher's hand quivered as he dutifully subtract ed 4 dimes from the night's take. I never was steady of hand when it came to subtractions of this a a t u r e," he observed. "Somehow or other moaey al ways feels differently going than coming." Though loathe to leave the tinkle of silver, Flesher , turnedU his attention . to the threatening mutiny, only to have it again di verted by. two more $4. CO bangs that left him quaking like n jost led bowl of jello. ; "You Dealers " he bad just begun, when the second 1600 watt detonation rocked him. "Ton Dealers don't need to figure Too have the championship of this league wrapped up yet. There are four more teams for you to meet, besides, having Walts to play twice more." ' ' - -?..v. "Bang!", as if to emphasize Flesher's admonitions, went the -third 1500-watt arc. ' " The Salem Softball association 'manager, taking a deep pull on a lemon soda, went on to point ont that while Square Deal is right now at top strength and in mid season form,' the rest ot the clubs are all eyeing additional player strength and will continue to get better, v.'- -f-- Scales Gets Award. . And while it Is true that sev eral of the clubs, including the Papennakers, defending state and northwest champions, already Bare designs on additions to their rosters, they're going to need It. From the 40-foot mark, where tho softball fltagers now tee off. Hurlin' Ilaiik Singer looks eve better than ever. Always a stuff pitcher, the added two feet Klves Ws pitch more roons In which to break. And back of Hurlhm Hank Is not ouJy a od fielding, hard bitting tuner and outer defense, but a bunch of guys with lots of the old atpper. " First night flashes: Don . Hen drle, after sU years of managing softball dubs, la which he never . once got to play n opening night game, not only saw his team play, but also win, an opener . . . From the way Hal Ettstis, former U of Wasnrnrton "baiketballeT a O W playing left field for the Phea sants, went Denina tne tun ummw iin. ktMktri' for t ftBl Of U looks Uks Tommy Drynsar weald gentleman. have some all-star competition in that spot this year . . , The beau tiful running catch made by Eua tis robbed Johnny Kolb of a poss ible perfect night at bat, for it was Kolb's foul fry Eustls caught . . . "Old Man" Ercel Kay ra ther showed some of the "squirts'' up, what with his 3-for-5 hitting. One "first" not recorded: les terday George Scales received, via Jim Farley's special delivery agent, a grand prize for commit tins; the biggest boner of open ing night games. . . . Scales' award was a beautifully wrap ped, giant sized lenton .... It was for attempting to bunt in the sixth Inning, with his team five runs behind, two on and one out. Hopper to Battle Nelson Next Wedk Creek Indian Lightweight Gets First Main Boat Chance at Armory Cnrley Hopper, the Creek In dian Mshtweiaht sensation, rets his main event chance a week from tonight at the armory. Hopper, who on the Turner-Pe terson card a week ago hammered Amity's Johnny Woods wobbly. was yesterday signed to an eight round ramble with Louie Nelson formerly of Portland bnt now of Redmond. Nelson, narrowly decisioneJ here a little better than two years ago by Eddie "Norris. who was then at his best, has been having better than average fistic success in eastern Oregon and Idaho points. Distance Docked The distance was cut down from the usual io-rouna main to as eight-round romp because of Hop per's age. The little Indian, who started oat on the Oklahoma A A M varsity, Is but 18 and the Vets feel he shontd not be asked to go longer than eight heals. Powder Proctor, the 17-year-old Portland negro who has been equally as popular here as Hopper will also be on the card. He will meet the best available opponent in a six-round semi-windup, while another six-rounder and three four-round preliminaries., will be sdded, the Vets announced yester day. Gallagher Bought From Yankee Gob ST. LOUIS, June IJ-iVThe last-place St. Louis Browns an nounced late -today they had ob tained Joe Gallagher, slugging young outfielder, from the world champion New York Yankees. The Browns gave np lnfielder Roy Hughes and an undisclosed amount of cah for Gallagher, whom the Yankees recently sent to their Newark farm club In ex change for Pitcher Russo. ? Haynes in Hospital ; WEST STAYTON Paul Haynes underwent a major oper ation at the Veterans' hospital In Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Hicks' son. Robert, who broke his arm while r plaring ' In a tree near the Mc Clelland store several wedks go, has hsd the esst removed . and Is carrying his arm in a sling. League - US Bank . . ........ t f 1 Hazel Dell ...... ..." I " 1 Stockwell and Gustafson; Wil kinson, and Gallagher. , ; - i Uni Cleaners .......11 II C St. Joseph's ........ 5 ill t Ling and Wright; Darby and Taylor. , IJs ; Hifi J f. : .Iniuatrtal League -TJnemploy-Com. .... 1 I,. 1 FM Machine ....... ; t V 1 Harvey . and... Allen;. .French, tfcott and -Reed. Softball Leagues X With Dealers Schoem and Kennedys in First Hit Tonight on Sweetland The Bakers from Schoens and the Cleaners from Kennedys open tonight's two tiffs, in the Salem Softball circuit that began Monday night before an all-time record at tendance, with Square Deal go ing against the Papennakers in the nightcap. The first game be gins at 8 o'clock sharp. Schoens and the Cleaners are both new to the major circuit, al though each club has a generous sprinkling of players who nave performed "op there" under other sponsors. Schoens, boasting the Larson A Larson battery, finished up second only to the Dealers in the Spring league, winning eight and losing two. . Cleaners Strong The Cleaners will have either Harold Smlther or Cleon Long on the mound, with the veteran Har old Comstock receiving. Lyle Cave, who last year performed tor Square Deal, will be at first base; Bunny Bennett at second; Bill La cey at short; Eddie Salstrom at third; and Joe Herberger, Wil son Slegmund and Howard Eberly In the outfield. - Manager Jack Welle r holds down the initial sack for Schoens. with John Kelly at second, Mel Pllette at short and Del Gwynn at third. In the outfield it is Frankle Evans, Fred Fowler and Chuck Meyers. The Dealers have opportunity to take undisputed possession of loop leadership tonight a win from the 'Makers would shove them in front of the Pheasants. A defeat, however, .would leave the gilded birds in possession of the lead. Americans Remain In French Tennis Elwood Cooke Teams With Mrs. Fahyan in Mixed Doubles Play PARIS, June 13-UP)-Thee Am erican teams remained in running for the doubles title of the French hard courts tennis championships today. Dot. McNeill of Oklahoma City, former US junior champion, and Charles Harris of Palm Beach, Fla., moved into the semi-finals of the men's doubles with a 6-3, 6-3, 1-6, 6-3 decision over Peter Geeh- land and Jan Van Den Eynde ot Belgium. Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Fabyan ot Brookllne, Mass., and Elwood Cooke of Portland.Ore., went into the same bracket of the mixed doubles by turning back Susan Noel of England, and Jean Boro tra, French veteran, 6-2, 7-5. Bobby BJggs of Chicago, favor ite to win the men's sin glee,, team ed with Gracyn Wheeler of Santa Monica, Calif., to. enter the quar ter finals of the mixed doubles. They defeated Miss N. S. Brown and F. H. D. Wilde of England, 6-2, -2. Silverton's Bees To Meet Firemen SILVERTON The Silverton Bees, who won the first half la the Willamette Valley League, losing only one In 7 games, will meet the Canby Firemen In a league game on McGInnls field Friday night. The Bees blanked, the hard hitting firemen in their last meeting, with Pitcher Wshl holding them to S hits. Wahl or Jell will pitch V. ednesday night with Johnson catching. The Bees hare won one and lost one In the second halt play, losing to Willamette last Sunday 8 to 4. MRS. WRIGHT RECOVERING STAYTON Mrs. Fell Wright, who underwent a major opera tion at the Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland early last week, is reported as recovering satis factorily. "EPPER RIDES HAPPrfaVilb . Dollar A eooo stce-we i Brrruto; ashw isiftNfartw'ite ' P.--CU- t Breakfast 6 With The Statesman sports page; "lively, com plete, entertaining coverage and features dally. Baseball9- Here are ten of the 11 living members of baseball's hall of fame as they for the game's centennial celebration, during which tne baseball museum and nail or fame were for mally dedicated. Only Ty Cobb was missing. Left to tight, rear row: Honus Wagner, Grover Alexander, Trls Speaker, Nap Lajoie, George Sisler and Walter Johnson. Seated, left to right: Eddie Collins, Babe Ruth, Connie Mack, Cy Young. Louis Ready to Give Tony bad Time I If He's Looking for Rough Doings By SID FEDER POMPTON LAKES, N. J., June 13. (AP) Yankee stadium's chopping block is all set for a very large evening the night of June 28 if Tony Galento, as has been hinted, Warfare Brewing In Track Circles Interfering With Plans of Pitt Ace Runner Charged AAU LOS ANGELES, June As representative from the big ten conference and others trooped Into Los Angeles today for the ap proaching National Collegiate Ath letic association championships, warfare brewed between NGAA leaders and Dan Ferris, secretary of the amateur athletic union. Hub of the trouble was John Woodruff. Pittsburgh's running star, who switched plans to come here after Ferris warned he would "jeopardise" his 1140 Olympl? games eligibility if he didn't com pete in the Princeton invitational meet this weekend. Arnold Eddy, prominent In NCAA circles and secretary-treasurer of the Southern Pacific chap ter ot the AAU, went Into action at the news. Accusing Ferris of "meddling" in college affairs, he demanded "by what authority can Ferris' 'Jeopardise the standing ot a col lege athlete who was to compete for his college in the National Col legiate championships?" Bees Sign Three SILVERTON Management ot the Silverton Bees, In advance of Wednesday night's game, starting at 8:30 against the Canby Fire men, announced that three addi tional players bad been signed; Lyle Specht for the infield, Hal Moe for catching duties and Ar nold Johnson for the outfield. AGAIN BySords ,op na& OSAG6. rs -fecrfrti GARDtftlAld ' S IP RON GEMMELL Editor Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Monting, Jane ,14, 1939 Hall ot Fame Gets IS 6rf ,ewi i m whb-Aduib.ia.vtw v should trot out any rough-housing In his first tossing title party with Joe Louis. ' For Joe, rapidly rounding into shape here at Doc Beir's place, promised today he'd "give Tony just what he's looking for" in the event the party gets rough. "if Tony starts to push me around that way," Joe warned. "Ill rough him right back. Ill glvb It right back to him and then we'll see who likes to play the most." Joe and his training troupe, particularly Trainer Jack (Chap pie) Blackburn, figure Galento will be tough tougher than any of the tan terror's recent oppon ents but they're not especially worried. "We took on the same kind ot fighter a couple years back In Adolph Winter," Blackburn rela ted. "He came from Green Bay, Wis., and moved in like Tony, wide open and slugging all the time. That was the first ten round fight Joe ever had and we won the deci sion after patting Adolph down three or four times. He was tough only for the first three or four rounds." Semi-Pro Tourney Plans Are Formed SILVERTON Arrangements for starting the elimination con test preliminary to the stats semi pro baseball tournament here next Monday night were com pleted Tuesday by the local com mittee, following a conference with Ray Brooks, director. There are 27 entries, of which five have been seeded: Silverton Red Sox, Toledo Lions, Albany Oaks. Ed wards Furniture and Hills Creek. The first week's schedule of two games nightly through Fri day, the first starting at 7:30 o'clock, with only one game Sat urday, follows: Monday: Gladstone vs. Portland Babes, Sellwood vs. Lone Elder. Tuesday: Forest Grove vs. Port land entry. Red Men (Portland) vs. Canby Firemen. Wednesday: Sherwood vs. Ver boort, Tualatin vs. - Milwaukie Oaks. Thursday: McElroy (Portland) vs. St. Paul, St Helens vs. Wood stock. Friday: McElroy (Portland) vs. St. Paul, St. Helens vs. Woodstock. Friday: Jack & Jill (Portland) vs. Sublimity; Valsets Loggers vs. Wood burn Firemen. Saturday:; Silverton Bees vs. Eugene Drakes. Ehnon Lentz Sails lor New YorlC Quartermaster MONMOUTH Elmon Lents, who has been visiting his moth er, Mrs. Grace Lents here, sailed Thursday from; Portland on. the Heffrpn, I, a merchant marine transport ' of the - Weyerbsuser line. Lents Is a auartermaater. The ship left Portland for New York. taking' a cargo of lumber and will bring back automobiles He expects to return - home in December and will reenter Ore gon College ef Education. For merly he ' was in foreign waters with a United States naval trans port, v j. , . ' " - : School Election V v Slated Blonday , LIBERTT-The annual schoJ election for this district will be held .Monday. Jane It, at 4 p. m. In the coannItyt hall. The term of Mrs. C. W. Stacey as school director expires as does that of Mrs. Mason, Biahop as clerk. The district . budget will be voted upon also. fx M IT S Together n assembled in Cooperstown, 5. Y., Roberts Triumphs Over Dan Savich Crowd Dislikes Arbiter at Mat Affair; Chair , la Tossed Not so spectacular as in his first appearance, was Eddie Roberts, the lean Oklahoman, but plenty good enough to take big Danny Savich in the top bout ot last night's armory grappling show. His own villainy cost Savich the first fall, losing It on a font, but Roberts earned the second by hammering the ex-Utah university grldster to the canvas and apply ing an alligator clutch. Savich was too choke-minded to suit Referee Zibby Zybssco, who stood for the Adam's apple massaging for some 10 minntes and then awarded the ran to Roberts. Referee Not Popular Referee Zybssco bore the brunt of spectatora' wrath throughout the first and second of last night's matches, about one half ot the crowd at one time threatening to leave unless a new arbiter was pat in the ring. One of their number, who tossed a chair that narrowly missed another, being ejected by the management. Red Berry, the Pittsburgh meanle who made his debut, pol ished off Charlie Carr In the mid dle bout, but not without a strug gle and not without gaining the whole-hearted hatred ot ring siders. Berry won the first with a leg bar, Carr the second with an octopus and Berry the deciding fall with a Boston crab. The opener went to Franken stein Woolf, the badmaa who started Referee Zybssco on his un popular path, when he took a one fall decision from Jackie Nichols, nimble Bostonlan. 70 Attend Reunion Of Minnesotans EVENS VALLEY Former residents ot Hills, Minn., gath ered Sunday at the Evens Valley school for their annual reun ion. Over 70 were in attend ance. Outstanding on the pro gram hour was the early history of Hills, given by K. O. Rue. Other program numbers Included piano numbers by Charlotte Johnson and Mrs. Arthur Da hi; vocal solo. Mrs. Egil Olsen; readings,, Mrs. .d Holden and Mrs. Bert Rue. Officers elected were: Presi dent, Arthur Dahl, vice presi dent, Ferdinand Rue; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Dahl; chairman of the 1940 refresh ment committee, Mrs. Bert Rue; program committee Mrs. Arthur Dahl; sports committee. Helmer Rue, William Rue and Ferdinand Rue. A basket dinner was featured at noon. Feast Celebration Held at St. Louis j ST. LOUIS The feast of Cor pus Cbristi was observed Sunday at the St. Louis Cstholi? church after the o'clock mass. The usual outdoor procession on the parish grounds marked the ob servance. Immediately after the mass the congregation formed In the , following order: Altar boys carrying cross, torch bear ers, tbolr,; Cower girls and cele brant carrying the blessed sacra ment, then the rest -of the con gregation. . ;: i r Three altar were erected ' on the grounds and .the - procession marched to each one for bene diction of the most blessed sac rament, , " Rev. James Koessler, OSB, : of Mt. Angel, said mass here San- day.' ' - ' ;- vismxa " sister - " JSFFERSON Miss Margaret McClala left Friday' night by stage, for Greenville. -CaUL. where she will visit and assist her sister. Mrs. Otaal 'Ward, la her restaurant this summer.. V v - -fw h i ... " ft V i I , -ML .:';v:::..:::;-::v -vl A Homer Is the Statesman sports page: borne sports news i 'first la an way. PAGE SEVEN Snead, Cotton Scotch Choice Pair Made 12-1 Favorites for 4 British Open July 3 to 8 ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, June 13.-VTbe Scotch took the can ny glance at the entry list for the British open golf championship tonight and Quickly made Amer ica's Sam Snead, who blew a chance to win the US open on the last hole, and Henry Cotton, the English stylist, joint favorites at 12 to 1. The championship will be played July 3-8. Five other Americans were en tered but whether all would com pete was doubtful. Snead has nor announced definitely whether he would play. He has a date in the Inverness tournament at Toledo Ohio, this week. Two Golfers Sail Johnny Bulla of Chicago, lead er at the three-quarter mark in the US open, and George Low. Jr. of Jenkinstown, Pa., sailed from New York today. Lawson Little, who won the British amateur ti tle in 1934-35, will sail tomorrow and Gene Sarazen. winner of the British open in 1932, expects to follow later If he plays well at To ledo. Tommy Armour, the 1931 victor, sent in his entry but does not expect to make the trip. Saracen. Little and Bobby Locke, South African sensation, followed Snead and Cotton, winner of two years ago, in the betting at 14 to 1. Grouped at IS to 1 were the defending champion. Reggie Whitcombe, Armour, Bulla, 19-year-old Jim Bruen, Irish cham pion, and Alt Perry, who carried off the honors in 1936. Tennis Tourney Progress Made Finals in all Rounds to Be Completed by Next Sunday Night SILVERTON A great deal of interest is being displayed in the Active club tennis tournament, the first of Its kind to be played at Silverton. Because of this Interest, the club has voted to make It a yearly event and has appointed as its tennis committee Lester Rue, Bryan Gordon. John Bowman. Finals in all rounds will be com pleted by Sunday night. One round of finals is beinc played early this week because of National Guard camp. This weekend's play resulted In: Men's slnsles. D. Mckell defeat ed A. Green 7-5, 6-3; B. Staynor defeated B. Davis S-l, 1-4; S. Staynor defeated S. Bays 8-3, -2: 8. Staynor defeated P. Vorseth 6-0, 6-1; L. Rue defeated John Bow man 6-7, fi-2, 6-2. Men's donbles. L. Rue-J. Bow man defeated B. Oas-R. Specht 6-3, 6-1; 8. SUynor-8. Bays de feated W. Rue-B. Davis, default. Women's singles. June Bowman defeated Marge Iaman. default: C. Sypher defeated Ruth Powers, default; June Baker defeated Jean Bowman 6-4. 6-4. Intermediate boys singles, G. Henjum defeated D. Adams, 6-0. 12-10; G. Baker defeated Mcin tosh 6-2, 6-4. Intermediate boy's doubles. Ro-berts-Dlrlckson defeated Adams Njutt 6-0. 6-2; Roberts-Dirickson defeated Ulvin-Walker default. No. 150-149 Synopsis ef Animal Stitennt f the Merchants Ianraoe Company of F res idence, ia the fclt of Kbodo Island Ike thirtr-first day of INwcmbor. 1930, atade to tho Insurance CoauniaaioaeT ef the Stat of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock paid np, $1,- OOO.OOO 00. INCOME Not premiums received daring tn year, IM13.5J6.7U. Interest, dividend and renli received during the year, 978.7&S.74. Income from uther sources received dariag tho year, $46, G 13.57. Totai income, $1.50.ot0.01. DIBl KSKMKXTS v Ntt losoa paid daring the year inerod lag adjustment expenses. So75.UtfS.tS. Commissions and salaries paid during the year, $i7.a J. . Taxes, lie-eases and fee paid daring the j ear. f4.:wH.:i. Dividend paid on capital stock dnrln the year, 82.0oo fXi. Amount of all other expenditores, $247, 576.76. Total expendiitnes. SI.H7.1S2 W6. ADMITTED ASSETS V'alne of real estate oaned (market rsinc), none. Loans on mortgages and collateral, ate , nan. ' Value of bonds owned, (amortised). fl.SttS 125.33. Value of stoxks owner (market value), So04.SM.0ft. Cash ia banks and oa band, fStl, tl.75. Premiums (a tours of eoIlortWa wri tea stare September SO, IMS, Says,. 68.. Interest sad roats doe aad ecersed, I1S.I1S.6S. Other assets (net). US.SlgtS. Tots admitted assets, S8.128,TO.0. .UAMUTJK Gross claims for losses unsaid, 6109,-. es.oo. ',. - - Amount mt aaearaed premiums am all outstanding risks. SJ,SSS.7S. ln for eemaatss'oai and brokerage, f 37.481(0. ' . U other Uasmtlea, f41.62S.O0. Total liaMliUes, excess capital 1S2. 4T.loV , . . Caa-ita said up. " r Surphsa seer sff Mobilities, Si4J.S23.T4. eorplat st regard s policyholder, fl, 545.523.74. y. - Total. SS.l8.70.tO. - , ' i --. Bl'SISESS 1 OREOOX 1 ; 1-OK THE TEAS t Set preminau received during tVe year, f4,SL42. :- Set looses paid daring Ut year,", ft, 64S.16. - - t - Set losses iacurred dnring .the oai, fS.10auSf. ' . 1 JF' - Same el Campeayv afereasats- lasar aaco Compaay ef rTevideeee. ; - Name el Piesideat. Bfroa . Wetsem. ., - Keane ef Secretary, aahert C WeiceV aUatutory reaideaa attorney for sorvico. Hack H. Xarlsv laasxraaee Cummisei ee. aalsas, Oregoa. . , - 2 I ' '' Hausoa JtewtaadV Ia" 6ars1 AfeaU, Tirimt, Wsaaiagwa. - -.i , . Five Pitchers Hit by Attack Harvey Storey Blasts out Two Home Runs in 26 Hit Outburst PORTLAND, Ore.. June 13-ffV -San Francisco's Seals subjected five Portland pitchers to a 26-hit drubbing here tonight and won the opening game of the Pacific Coast league series, 16 to 8. Harvey Storey, a Beaverton, Ore., youth who plays shortstop for San Francisco, celebrated his visit to home territory by lam basting two home runs. Dom Di ms gr to. Seal renterfielder, got four hits for five trips to the dish. Eddie Wilson, Portland center fielder, hit the only other homer of the free-hitting fray. San Francisco Jumped Into a five-run lead in the second inning after each club had scored four in the first. San Francisco IS 26 2 Portland 8 12 0 Gibson and .Sprim; Thomas, Douglas (1), Brewer (21, Rilcher (5), McMillan (8) and Fernandes. Sacs Blank Oaks OAKLAND. Calif., June lS-ffl5) -Seventh-place Sacramento van quished fourth-position Oakland tonight, 4-0 behind the six-hit pitching of Bill Schmidt in a Coast league series opener. Sacramento 4 11 2 Oakland .. 0 6 0 Schmidt and Ogrodowski. Bith- orn, Herrmann (8) and Conroy. Seattle Advance SEATTLE. June 13-;p)-Jo Jo White's single with the bases load ed was the blow that defeated the leading Los Angeles Angels to night. 3 to 1 and put Seattle only a game and a half out of first place in the Pacific Coast baseball league. With two men out In the sev enth. Bill Lawrence and Dick Gy selman singled In turn and Mike Hnnt walked, filling the bases. White's sharp single to right be tween first and second bases sent Lawrence and Gyselman home. Allan Strange then doubled, scor ing Hunt, and White was thrown out trying to reach home from first base. In the first half of the sev enth. Los Angeles scored its only run when Jimmy Collins made his third hit of the game, coming home on a single by Eddie Mayo. Los Angeles 1 7 0 Seattle 8 0 Stine and R. Collins. Walker, Tan Fleet (8) and Campbell. Padres Win HOLLYWOOD, June 18 - (ft -Night game: San Diego t II 1 Hollywood 2 t 2 Olsen and Detore. Ordisoia, Dar row (6) and BrenzeL Dapper (6). Irrigatioa Pays On Berry Patch HAZEL. GREEN Alexander Sharp Is mack pleased with the) result of irrigation ot strawberry field though It wai late la the season when the operations started. A new use found for hay rain ed on In winnows Is to make silage. It 5 1 reported as making a good quality. Guests et Mrs. Allen Looney are her Trandmother, Mrs. Sadie Twomey of Denre-. Colo., aad niece. Antoinette Reraleom and nurse of San Francisco. Announce Marriage HAZEL GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vice are announc ing the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Lucille, to John Be be. They will live In Salem. No. 131-150 Synopsis of Annual Statement ot the United firemen's Insurance Compaay ot Philadelphia of Philadelphia, ia the Bute ot Pennsylvania, on the thirty-first day of leceuuer. If 38, made to the Insurance Commissioner ef the State ef Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stsVk paid SP, INCOME Set premiums received during the year, C0OS.47tf.Ott. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year, f 16lM48.ll. Income from other source received during -the year,. $55,158.81. Total income. 1, 1.4. 085.42. lMSBCKSKMKNTS Set losses paid dariag the year includ ing adjust meat exposes, f39V.SlT.S4. Commisaioas nd salaries paid daring the year. 8S41.t62.39.- Taxes, Itrenaoa aad foes paid during Ik year. 87U.6X) ST. . Dividend paid on capital stock daring the year, fl50.tWtf.0O. Amount of ail other expenditure, flT4, SS'i.BT. - ,. Total eapenditnrea, f ADMITTED ASSETS Value of us! estate owned (market vslne). I1T3.462 78. , Ixan en morxgsges and collateral, ete tl.-u.trt4.3B. Vans at bends owned (amortised), f3.Wl4.SC0.51. . Value of stock owned (market Value), f 42S.1S2 35. Cash la bank aad ea hand, f 188, 268.53. Premiani fa eoerae ef re IW tine writ tea since September 80. 1S8S, fin.. 810.41. Interest and seatn doe aad accrue. f2S.S4v.tS. Other asset (art). f3nf. 54, TUI admitted assets, f 4.01 6,806.74. . IJAaitJTIES Cross claims fe . losses aspaid, f se, : 254.00. - ' Amoant ef ' unearned premiums aa U owuuading rUha. $1.42.ST1. ihs far cosamlaatoa ad tmkangr. ftX.SSOOO. '. . , ' All ether tlebiUtleV flOM2S.&6. Total ; liabilities, except s capita, - fl, 44SLAU2.2S. .- ., ... - j Capital paid up. 81.OO0.OO0.O0. aarpta -aeer all Haotlitiea, $M)1 808.52. . :; . ' . " : - burpra a regard elkyfelders, fl,- 4714U2. - Total. $4.01.80t.T4. ' vj- - auaisKas is 0BE60 - m , ; . , roa TBE TEAK Set preminm received dariag too jasr, f4.ST0.Tf. - et sesse pais sanag tae year, ea,- : 48.54. .. ... v. . . . i Set losses tacsrred dariag the year, f 5,881 A4, .V Same of Comaoay, United yirvmea'S." lasers- C. st Philedslpkla. m - Same ef rreaideat, T. J. Jrvfasa. - -; Same ef aWretry uaaa. -Tre oarer, 2.' W Cunttiagaam. - t .. . j, -:,',. i . ..... Btaratery isaiduat etsoraey fe eeivlce, Baa Bag H. Kar. Balsas, Oregoa. . . ' Bmir i aeamaeV lae, -voaersl -Afwata, Tswsna. .W8taisgtsa.t, . - v, J -