PAGS TEN The 02EGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oreca, Taesdaj Morning Jnae 13, 1S33 Salem Market Quotations - nun . TWe ptlCM btlm (applied f a local rrswer aa laeucauve ei sac aauy airin srieea paid ta graven by Sales boy arm at arc aat gaaraatcaA by Taa States- aaa.) - t . ' Sananas, lb. aa ataltr ., .05 Haaua . .06 Sftuetrait, Texas iaks ,, .., , , .oo iMPila 1.00 Listens.- crata -J . 8.00 Oranges, crata 8.50 U 4.00 1.60 Btraw berries, .seal l. TEOnAIUI 7 u. , f B7tef Mess). - rUparagaa, local, eo.- Brl. to. , JO .SO Celreaca, lb. Carrot. Calif.. rrt. 6 os JO ta s.aO - Csulifltwer, local - 1.00 Celery, Lisa, crate ; 00 - Calif." crata ,,. , , !,. Cacnabaca, iMibaaaa, eT - a.50 Lattaee, locat , . - , , - . Orioss, 60 lbs. - - , l.M Grcaa aaiaaa. elos. ', . . ,- JO Kadiaaca, 4m. . , , ... .30 Peea. ioeeJ, lb. - , .. .00 Peppers, freca, Calif. - .30 Pa relay , .40 - Potetaes, local ewt. No. 1 . 1.10 M la. bat ',- New Potatoes, Calif, ewt J. SO Rhubarb, outdoor ; .70 ta .00 Spinach, local, bor , , .65 , Xarnipa, dox. , .40 ' :--v SUTS ' '' ' (Price sal by Iudepeaoent Packing pUnt ao grower - --- - - Walnuts Fraaaoettea. faaer, He me- diam, 10e;s small ;. orchard ran, 8 to lOe. Wslnat meets. 23 to soe id. Filberta Berrelonae, large 1214c; faa- Cf lltte: babies, lie; areaarel ru lie. 0o-op Prteao to Grower) Walaata Price raafe, depending upou WSJ ants roa is 14 different frsdes lift lie DueaiUjr t cent higher. j. - HOP (Bnrlaf Pileea) Clusters, aeminsl, 11)37, )b. 7 to .08 Clusters, 1038, lb . 20 to .25 Paggles, top .21 , c - WOOL AJTD MOHAIK (Burins Prlcaa) Wool, meolium, lb. . .S5 -Coarse, lb. ,.. .25 Lambs, lb. , .22 Mohair, lb. .27 ZOOS AMD POULTRY (Barias Prices of Aadreeen's) Grade A larce. dos.. .17 .15 .15 .13 .15 .11 .10 .05 .14 Brade fl large, dot, Brade A aieiiiam Grade B medium Colored frys 15 to White Leghorns, heary White Leghorns, light Old rooatera Urarr bene, lb . bLaJUOH CREAMF.KT Baying Price Bntterfat, A grade .23 Leghorn hens, over 3 Ibi ... .12 Leghorn hens, aider 3' lbs .10 Leghorn fryers. IV, lbs .10 Leghorn fryers, nnderiiie, market valne- UOiorrd fryera, 3-3 lbs Colored springs, 3 lbs. and op 8tsgs Old Roosters Ko. 3 grades 5e per pound less. EGOS Grade A Urge Grade A medium ... Grade B lane .12 .13 .08 .05 Grade B mediant Uadergrsdes and ehex... UVIBIUVS (Baying price for Ko. 1 stock, baaed ea cendltlono and aalea reported ap to 4 p.m. Lambs, 13, tops 7.50 Lambs, yearlings 4.00 to 4.50 "MJR , CHAPTER XXIH , " If arte must have cried a little, for the pleasant old man who sat op posite her so often at the magazine table looked at her sadly and tpies tioningly. She managed a smile. "Bad time of the year for colds," fc said. She could have hugged him. 1 know Ito got an awful one." - Out of his -pocket he brought a mall wax paper package, un wrapped it carefully. "I always carry lozenge or two on account ef my bronchitis," he said. "Would jrou care for one?" She smiled at ; him damply. Thanks a lot!" she said sincerely. What did it matter that she didn't hare a cold and the thing tasted like coal-oil and soap? Why couldn't Mr. Wilson have been like that, gentle and sweet? Why did he have to go poking into poor Bee's business, going to Ritchie Huntsman's bank and mak ing a fuss? It might even cost Bitchie his job and then where would he be, even if he'd wanted to marry Bee? t . ..- Guilty she thought of the things Ritchie had said to her, nights he had been waiting for Bee. The com pliments he had whispered in her 'ear. The bold, questionable com pliments. The biar brotherly pats that somehow weren't brotherly at All. The long, appraising looks. His reluctant departures with Bee. . . . But it wasn't my fault, she tried to. reassure herself, staring onsee- - Ingiy at "a design for a rose gar den" in "Country Life." I didn't think he meant anythinr Her nice old man was looking at her again. "When It's a bad head cold like that," he said gently, "the place for you, really. Is bed. Do you live xar away T She dabbed at her wet eyes, blew her nose. "I think you're right. No, w , . m . . . a uuu ins tar away just up uicj hill on Bhalimar w She closed the magazine, smiled goodbye. Why couldn't all old men be nice like that? Charlie wasn't so old, but. he was nice. too.. Mr. Wilson - (she couldnt call him Pop, and, anyway, he'd never asked ber to) was always so jumpy and irritable, even when be tried to be nice. Of course,; her nice old man in the library, and Charlie, didnt work. They didn't worry about money. llaybe, by the time a man got to be ! as old as Mr. Wilson, and had I worked day in and day out for all 3 those years, commuting ' to San Francisco, punching a time clock, selling tickets, or counting tickets, or whatever it was he did in the rail ' way office where he'd worked so long, he'd naturally get irritable and unreasonable. ' Walking up the hOl in the warm spring sun, passing lawns and roses, and listening to bird songs, she felt benign and broad-minded, because ahe "understood" sir. Wilson. As she turned up Shalimar and . saw the house, with all its curtain- less Windows, like dead eyes, and a scrub-bucket on the front steps, her broad-mindedness dwindled a little. Why couldnt Urs. - Wilson be through by 8 otic Jt in the after noon? And if ahe couldnt manage it all by herself (and the house needed no cleaning, anyway) why didnt ahe take help when Mario offered It, djcentiy, at t o'clock is .the morning? ..ff.-K-i-j,.- Her v footsteps V slowed as - she rounded the walk to the rear of the house. Oie faiew what she'd find in side. Tiers wm no ene downstairs. AD the furniture was crowded into the hall, except the chesterfield and the - piano and the dining-room table. The rcr were up. The floors looked oily and damp. . . . , .. : Sounds ef cleaning came) irons trpsttirs. . . ... Grade B raw 4 per ceat milk, Salem Co-op basic pool r prk3 fl.7. - - - - -r Co-op Grade A battertat - l price 2Sc; B gnOe Se leaa, : b (Milk based ea semi monthly bntterfat average.) - Distribator price, $32. ' i 'LA Krade batterfat DeiiT eretl 23c; B grade 21c. - A Brade prist, 26Ke: B sjrade 29H'; qaartcra S7He Ewes , . . ,,. , , Hogs, top 130-150 lbs. 210-800 lbs. Sows Beef cows ..... Balls 2.00 to 2.50 ..' 7.25 .7S ta 7.0O . SO to 0.75 5.25 to 5.75 5.50 to 8.00 5.50 to 8.25 5.50 to 7.00 7.50 4.00 to 5.50 Heifers Top real . ,. Dairy type eows Dressed Teal, Ib... ai OaVaXBI, JtAs AJW a&avua Wheat, be. Ko. 1 recleaned .75 Oats, grey toa 28.00 White 25.00 Peed barley, toa 22.00 to 24.00 CloTtr bay, toa - 12.00 to 13.00 Alfalfa, ton 10.00 to 1B.OO Ega- mash. Xo. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag 1.85 Hen srratch feed 1.75 Cracked rora 1.75 Wheat 1.55 Strawberry Root Weevil Appearing The "black" strawberry root weeyil Is now making Its appear ance in the plantings of both the hill and valley floor areas, and a bait should be applied at once to the plants In infested fields, states Assistant County Agent Robert E. Rleder. The commercial dried apple bait is effective for the control of these weevils. A formula for a good home-made bait as recom mended by the Oregon experiment station is as follows: Bran, 60 pounds; water, 5 gallons; sugar. 10 pounds; calcium arsenate, 5 pounds. Either V these baits is effec tive and should be applied at the rate of about one teaspoonful on the crown of each plant. The bait should not be dropped over the If atas, but placed down in the crown where the hot sun will not dry it out too quickly. Further Information on root weevil control may be had by asking for station bulletin No. 357 at the county agent's office. MAIL BRIDE by HAZEL LIVINGSTON The kitchen was Just as it had been left after lunch. Breakfast dishes piled on one end of the drain board, lanch dishes still on the table. Chaos everywhere, even to orange rinds and potato peeling in the sink. Marie looked around with dis gust. She'd offered to do the dishes and Mrs. Wilson had said curtly that she wasn't ready to work ia the kitchen yet. She certainly didnt feel like do ing anything about it now, but if the house was to be straightened out be fore Bee and Mr. Wilson got home from work, there was no time to lose. Reluctantly her pleasant "un derstanding" all forgotten, and only antipathy left, she put on Bee's rub ber apron, and started in. She didnt mind doing the dishes, but why did Mrs. Wilson have to dump every thing into the sink? She and Julie put everything into paper bags, then into the garbage can never made a mess! Well, it was finished. She scrubbed the sink again, for luck. The kitchen floor was next She might as well scrub it, Julie and the good-natured Mexican woman who came twice a week to help, always used a mop, but Mrs. Wilson scorned mops. Very well, Marie would get down on her hands and knees, too. At half-past four, Just as she was finishing, Mrs. Wilson came down stairs. - "Oh, you're doing the floor," she said. That was all. Not a word of thanks. Not a sign of appreciation. Angrily, Marie gathered up soap and paiL "Do you want me to help yon put the living-room and dining- room things back 7" she asked stiff ly. Just aa stiffly Mrs. Wilson said. "I'm not through upstairs yetl . . . -uould I do it alone?" "I cant imagine it!" Very well, Marie thought, angrily, just as you like. She went upstairs to her own room, which, thank heaven, her mother-in-law kept out of, and wrote a letter to Julie. But when it was finished she tore it up. It was too revealinsr. She tried again. That, too, was a failure. She tore that up. There was just time to powder her nose and comb back her hair as Edward, his father, and Bee came into the house together. Edward ran upstairs two steps at a nme. xou don t happen to know if my dress shirt is clean, do you ?" he asked. Marie didnt He started through the bureau drawers, crumpling the other shirts that she had ironed so carefully. . She wanted to say, "Are we going somewhere?" It had been weeks since they had dressed op and gone out together. Her one formal, the peach faille with the his-h neck and few back, ami the sweet little jacket with big sleeves, had been worn just once since sne brought It from Hol lywood. - ''- ' :V ,.- : Presently Edward said, "I'm sorry I cant take yon, honey. This is a stupid dinner, but I wont call ft time wasted if I get a job out of it. Friends of Helene's lousy with money." ' Do they know you're married? she asked in a low voice. , I He looked so beautiful in bis din ner clothes. No one could tie s tie just the way he could. No one could wear clothes better. His "tux" Was three years eld. On anyone else it wvtua nave looked what it was chean. On Edward it was perfect. His fair hair lay hack smoothly. bus not zoo smoothly. He looked, ia the cheap suit, the five and dime cuff-links and studs like a young aristocrat Arrogantly he answered "They dont care whether I'm mar ried or not - II they srive na a chance it wont be because I'm. ratx Steele Slip , iBiit not Fast Despite Strike, Autos no Worse off Than Other Issues on Slart , NEW YORK, June .-()- Many stock market traders stood aside today and permitted leaders to drift fractions to a point or more downward. There waa nothing particularly disturbing in the general run of news, but at the same time real stimulation for a resumption of the rally seemed to be lacking. The . Associated Press average of 60 Issues was off .4 of a point at 48.1. Lightness of a el ling throughout was mildly encourag lng to those who look upon volume as an . Indicator of a decisive change in direction. Transfers for the five hours totalled only 424,- 200 shares against 786.270 last Friday when the market was rising. Motors Down Too While speculative contingents had to contend with the General Motors Michigan strike, automo tive shares were no worse than others. "CM" ended off at 44 and Chrysler down 14 at 69. U. S. Steel and Bethlehem con ceded about a point each as this week's mill operations were placed at , 63,1 per cent of capacity, a drop or l.i points. Among retreating stocks were Montgomery Ward, Safeway Stores, Douglas Aircraft, Ameri can Telephone, Kennecott, Santa Fe, Standard Oil of NJ, Westing- house, Johns-Manrille, U. S. Gyp sum and Fbilip Morris. Emerging with modest improve ment were Pan-American Airways, Gobel, Philadelphia Reading Coal it Iron and Eastman Kodak. Eastburn Stroke Victim At Shop in Anmsville AUMSVILLE David Eastburn suffered a paralytic stroke at his home here Friday morning He was at work at his shon at the time. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wilcox are spending some time at points in California, includinsr Antioch. 95 ried, or not married. For heavens sake, dont make it any harder than yon can help. It's tough enough now!" There was nothing to say. "Dinner's ready." Mrs. Wilson called. Wearily. They sat around the kitchen table. each with his or her own grievance. Immediately after dinneT Bee put on her hat, started for the door. "Take the car, why dont yon?" Mr. Wilson said, "I wont be needing it" "No, thanks, I'm being met And yon neednt tell me yon won't need the ear, I know that Ed is gone and there's no one to drive yon!" "Marie drives!" be said, explo sively. Bee turned to her savagely. "Dont! Dont start it Dont start anything in this house yon dont want to be stuck with the rest of your life!" Mrs. Wilson put down her dish cloth, followed Bee into the halL "That's enough," she said coldly. "If you're going, go along. No one is asking Marie to do anything." "Just the same," Bee called, "take my advice. Once yon start you're sunk." Later as they finished the dishes, Mrs. Wilson said, "Bee lent herself lately. I'm going to take her to see Dr. Shepherd. I think she needs a tonic" "She does look tired, Marie said. She, too, was tired, but nobody seemed interested. . Encouraged, Mrs. Wilson chatted on. "Bee wasnt herself last night I dont want you to think anything of it Bee's a good girL Papa wasnt himself either, or he wouldn't have shouted down at her like that when she and Ritchie were, parked in the car. Papa has been worried too. "Men worry so much about their positions, I think, and still they al ways have positions. The older men, I mean. I told him Bee had a right to park outside and talk to Ritchie if she wants to, but it does seem foolish. Why did they come here first when she knew she had to drive him back to town?" - Marie could have told her that it was because the old oak tree offered a marvelous parking spot for pet ting, but she said nothing. - Mrs. Wilson rattled right along. "Of course, yon wont repeat any thing yon overheard last night They were all overwrought It Was just nothing. Just nothing at alL" Later, Edward, too, said that it would all come to nothing. For a time it seemed that they were right The first of May came, and nothing was said. Bee paid her board, forty dollars. "Could you let me have five and a half more, for the ice box?" her mother asked.- , She must have said no, for pres-, ently Mrs. Wilson came again to Edward. Marie's heart sank. Why ask Edward? But Edward put his hand in his pocket polled out a crumpled ten dollar bill." "Maybe 111 let yon have some more next week." - With all their eyes upon him he said, "Oh, I just got a few dollars, helping Ches Elliott out in the hab erdashery shop. Just part time stuff." "No chance of it being permanent Ed ?" Bee asked. Edward shook his head. "Isn't likely." "Well, t then you'd better find ' something else, Ed Wilson, because rve paid my last forty. That's a month ia advance, and practically present I'm leaving Monday7lm really through at the office now, but pa staying through Saturday to help the new girL No, I'm not crazy. I told Pop and everyone else who happened to U listening, that I ' wm leaving. Didnt yen near me 1" (To Be Continued) Quotations - PORTLAND, Ore, Job, 1J. (IP) , Dairy predate ancee: Batter: Cstraa I5e; ataadarda SSHe; prima firsts S3- ; urata sc, panaris aaa-aee. Ezra: Iain extras. lOa; lar ards, 17e; ssediaaa extras, 14c; aasdiaa ataaaaraa aae. Caaase Triplets UVt; loaf IS Us. . Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Jane 12. (AP) Coontry Meats Selling price ta ra teilere: Ceaatry-kiUed hers, best aa tell ers, aaoer oo ids., Sft-ioe ; vsslera, 13s Ik.; light asi tale, 11 lb.; heavy, 0-lOe lb.; sprint iambs, 16e; lb.; jtir- . s mkin. tvtii id. : ,wl a-7. tat eetter eewa, S-10e eanner eows, t-c: vans, ii-iim id. Live Poultry Barine erteesi Las-hare broilers. ISH-lSe lb.; colored sprints, 3 lbs. aad aver, IS-14a lb.; Leghorn: hams, ever S lbs., lee lb.; under H lbs. lSe id.: eoioreo sens to a lbs- i&-is n ever S lbs, 15c lb.; Ko. 2 trade, 8e ia. waa. T.rlr,T. fl.Tllw. . rv . a v 17-1 Se lb.: toms. la-17a lb. B a i a vneva: nana, u iN in.; sobs, 14-IAS IB. i rr ...a . . - - - - i-oiaioes laama uems, f ) cental; toeai. 1.00: Deschutes Gems. 1 IS MBtJ? Klaaaath Falls, Xa. 1 earns, 1.15-1.20 crt. Mew -Potatoes California Whites. Se. a, m.wvm.vv pax m Onions Oretoa He. 1 130 per cental; vaiueraia wax. aue: raa. saaioo: yellow. SOc-1.00 per 60 lb. sack. Wool Willasaette valley. 1938 dip. aoaniaal ased. 15 lb mn, aa in.; a Bsamias itaace, 2? See lav; casters Ore., 18 lie lb. Bay Selllnc pries to retailers s Alfal fa. No. 1. 18.00 toa; aat vetch. 19 oa taa- elover, 11. OO toa; timothy, eaatera Ore, w.wv; v .aitey. i.uu son, rortiana. Hods 1988 Clusters. 20 25a lb. Tmw- giea, se to. jfeaa.r HemitaL 1S3B rJIn. 25a IK Casears Bark Barine nriea. 1930 naak wm low .- Borer -Berry ana trait. 100s. 5.10: bale 8-J.5J beet 8:05. - Domes tie flour SeHInr nriea. alt da. livery. 1 to 25-hbl lots: family patent. vb, suaa; aa sera Bare vaeat. aat, a.10 S.0; bakers- blaaetem, 4.80-B.10; bleaded vaeat floar.. 4.80-5.30; soft wheat Stocks and Bonds June 12 TOcar Avsiian Compiled by The Associated Press SO 15 15 SO Iadns Sails mn D J 87.8 88.0 S8.S 29.2 40.0 33.7 Stocks D .4 48.1 48.5 45.9 88.2 53.4 41.0 Ket Chf. D .5 D .5 Monday 88.8 18.S Previous dsy 88.8 18.8 Month ant 05.0 ISO Tear ago , 55.8 13.1 1939 high 77.0 23.8 1939 low S8.8 15.7 BOND AVXSAGES SO 10 10 10 Bails Iadns UU1 rorfcn Net Chf. D .4 Uaeh D .1 D .1 Monday 58.0 100.2 98.8 62.7 Precious day 58.4 100.3 98.7 82.8 Month ago . 65.4 99.1 95.0 80.8 Tear ago 48.6 95.9 90.1 62.5 1939 high 643 100.7 96.7 64.0 1939 lew 58.4 97.0 91.9 58.2 POLLY AND HER PALS 1IICEEY MOUSE jr km pont " ' PLAN TO LEAD THE : blot ismo CHASING WM SUCCEEDS ONL.V TOO WELL! , .... . LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY LOOKS UKB O s " - I I AN THERE SAT SUSIE. n I I ri L SAV r DIDN'T' S 1 1 ' Om rwy. Cast mm sa,. vat ss.. i mamMmmmm i M , , siaaaaasaaaaalaaaaBaaa SUS3KST5 AS PIAIMASTICN05E01W rACC THAT CXQ PtCKLE-PUSS - MRS. I r vtWCWS-. HA5 HIRED AM ARMY VH UCIaVi.llVE9 ABOUT AMMsCS TOOTS AND CASPER "THE MANAGER STOLE THE I HE D TOU RETURNED AFTER-HOURS TO SEE IF LOCKED ME USED THAT feUILT ON TOU, BUT WE br? nit, tmjM wea yjjjl THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeyt M PoMand 4.80-4.8S; rrshsss, 48s, 430; whole wheat 49a. 4.95. hbl. Portland Grain POETLAKD, Ore., Jane 12. (AP) Jaly 7 73Vi.'73H 78 Cash Grain: Oata No. S, 38-lb. white, 39.00; Xe. 2, 38 lb. fray Barley, Ko. 2. 43-10. is, ao.w. vora, it, a, a, aaip- ..t ea.75. Flax. No. 1. 1.79. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white, 72 H: westers white, 72 ; westera red 71. Bard red winter ordinary 71; 11 per ceat, It. 14 na Mat TA- IS nr nt TO 14 par ceat . Hard white-Baart erdiaary ... . . , . . 9a. ,a per cent 82: 14 per cent 84. - Today 'a Car Beceipts: Wheat 75; bar ley a; iiour xu; com o; aaie a: say w, mUlfeed 6. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., June (UBDA) Hogs: Beceipts total 2800. Market active. 12. (API- salable 1750, Price range: Barrows aad pits, gd ca. 160-180 lbs. do gd-eh, 160-180 lbs do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs do gd-eh, 220 250 lbs do gd-eh, 220-250 lbs do gd-ch, 250-290 lbs do fd-eh, 290-850 lbs. do med. 140 160 lbs. Packing sows. good. 275- S50 lbs. do good 850-425 lbs. do rood 425-550 lbi do med 375-550 lbs Pigs, feeder aad stock er, gd-ch. 70-140 lbs ..75 7.00& 7,35 7.004$ 6.75 tj 6.S5& 6.00 6.50 (u) 7.85 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.35 7.00 6.50 7.00 5.25 5.75 5.25 5.50 5.00 5.50 4.75 5.25 6.500 7.50 Cattle: Beceipts salable 1850. total 2250: calves 250. Price rants : Steers, good. 9oO-110O 8 8.35 do medium, 750-1100 de com (plaia). 750-1100. Beifers. food, 750 900 do medium, 550-900. de eeas (plain) 650-900. Cows, good, all weights oa asaaium. all weigata. de- com (plain) all wta de low-eut ect. all wts Bails (ylgs ezel), fd (kte() all weights da aaediam, all arts da cut-cons (pla) all wta 7.00 6.75 6.75 8.50 8.00 7.60 6.00 7.00 5.50 Vealers, ehoiee, all wta dC fOOd, all art. , de med, all wta - do cull-corn (pin) all wta Calves, Bedlam, 250-400 do cess (plain), 250-400 Sheep: Receipts salable 1400. Price range: Spring lambs, fd S choice.. 3 8.00 8.40 , a nans do medium and f ood aammnn nlalti Lambs (shorn) med k food oo common (piain; Ewes (shorn), rood -choice.. do common (plaia) med Wool in Boston BOSTOX. Jnno 12 (AP) (TJ8DA) Quotations were, very firm is the Boston wool market today altfaoofh demand was slower than a week ago. Most users ap peared to have their urgent requirements pretty well covered by stocks on hand by wools recently purchased direct now en route to Boston. Conatrv Backed snixed trade lots of three-eighths aad ene-quar- minp'teujno taaasj ME. JUST .i x&mt 80.t.t trlAR&Y. & 9.75 S.000 9.25 6.75 8.00 8.50 9.00 7.50 8.50 8.75 S T.50 6.60 7.25 6.500 6.50 4.753 8.60 3.75 4.75 6.50 8.75 6.75 8.00 7.50 6.00 4.50 if 6.60 4.50 o.wn a. as 7.00 7.75 6.00 8.75 6.00 5.50 4.00 5.00 2.25 8.40 1.25 O 2.60 1 I VOUAACAMTMEVWe I THEBE-ANNIE 1 PVST MsSTORYv I .VJr3J HONEST I L J ALL 1 DID WAS MAWE THE ARREST. IT WAS DICK WHO DUX UP THE EVIDENCE AND RECOVERED THE s , STOLEN lO THss THE SAFE W TO THROW THE NAILED HIM Keep A 1 Tumble Cent Alarket Slumps Sharply at End After Holding Fairly Even CHICAGO. June 12p)-Wheat values fell more than a cent a bushel today to the lowest level-in about three weeks la a final hour wave of liquidation blamed large ly on favorable crop reports from the northwest and greatly in creased movement of new wheat in the southwest. After holding steady most of the session, scoring a small U cent -gain at -times, the market slumped rather sharply at the last and closed at the day's lows. July contracts fell from 74 to 73. The close found prices 1-1 lover than Saturday. July 73 Va , September 73-4. Other grains broke with wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., Jane 12. (AP) (U8DA) Produce price changes! Apples Ore. aiewtowns. med te Ige, ex fey. 1.40 1.60; fey. 1.20 1.80; Wash. Wiaesapa, ea fey, 1.50 1.65; fey 1.25 L85; comb, ex fey and loose, 8-3 e lb.; Eomei, ei fey. 1.65 1.75. Apricots Calif., 75cflst. Artichokes Salif, 1.40-1.50. Avocadoa Calif. 1.4U. Asparsgus Ore., Wash., strings 75e-$l. Beans Ore., frees, 6-7e; wax 8-9e. Celery Calif.. Utah. 1.60 1.80; white. JO 2.75 Cabbage Bound bead, 1.00-1.35. Cantaloupes Cslif.. stds. 45s. 8.15- 3.25; jumbo, 36-45a, 3.15-3.40. Cherries Ore., Wash., Bingt, 8-7e. Boyal Annes, 6-6c. Carrots Calif. 60 lbs. sacked, 1.50 1.65; bunched crates, 2.00 3.85. Cauliflower Local. 9-lls. 1.00-1.10: Ko. 2, 75e. Celery Cslif. CUh, L75-2.00; white, 3.00-2.25. Citraa JTrult OraDefrult. Tax,, marsh. seedless, 2.85-3.00; Arisona fancy, 2.25 2.50: choice, 1.75-1.85, Florida, all sixes, 8.003.35. Gooseberries 5 -6 c lb. Osrlic 8-10c ter blood brirkt fleeced wool offered from the country were quoted mostly at 81 to aa cents, m toe trease, delivered east, averate 12-month Texas wools offered from the country were firmly quoted at 66 to 67 cents, scoured basis, delivered eaat and onlr moderate auantitiea vera reported available at those prices. Caught Napping! 'Going My Way? T Dry Those Tears! SUREM ITS Gardeners' Mart I ' i usiu I I 9 PM1I m ..)' J II 'mi - in. ii iat-; X - i.a -r sal i f r iM bbbbSI i s a I fe PSiW: .S a 1.1 -a i a -KLy-, - . i i v v v x v a .a.,.,, i. s . .Jif U . -' lVCr4 'vty 4 1U ate UE CjR THCM LAV THE WEIGHT OF HSTINGER OH MXJ HEAVEM KNOWS A Persistent Caller! OH. DICK, HOW CAN 1 EVER ' THANK" YOU? SMACK Your Mind a Blank, Wimpy I ' Closing NEW T0RK Jans 12. - (ff Allied Stores .. 9tt AmericanCan .. 95 Amer For Power 2 Am Power ft Lt. 4 Am Rad Std San 12Vb Am Roll Mills.. UK Am Smelt Ret 42 Am Tel A Tel..US Am Tobacco . . . - 85 Am Water Wks. S Anaconda ..... 24 Armour 111 . . . . 4 Atchison ...... 28 Barnsdall 14 Bait & Ohio ... 5 Bendix Aviation 23 Beth Steel 57 Boeing Air .... 22 Borge Warner.. 24 Budd Mfg 4 Calif Pack .... 18 Callahan Z-L .. 1 Calumet Hec... 6 Canadian Pacific 4 J I Case 79 Cater pil Tractor 44 Celanese 18 Ches & Ohio ... 32 Chrysler 69 Coml Solvent .. 10 Com with A Sou. 1 Conaol Edison . 21 ConsolOll ..... 7 Corn Products . 14 Curtis Wright . S Douglas Aircraft (7 Du Pont de N..14$ Elec Power dt Lt 8 Erie RR General General General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Great Northern. Hudson Motors. Illinois Central . Insp Copper . . . Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can. Int Paper db P Pf 22 Int Tel db Tel.. 8 Johns Manville . 73 Kennecott .... 33 Libbey-O-Ford . 47 Llgde Myers B. .107 LoeW , 48 Monty Ward ... 61 Nash Kelvinator 6 National Biscuit 27 National Cash.. 18 Lemons -Fancy, all sizes, 4.75-5.00; 300s. 5.25; choice 50c less. L-rnas Uos. cart an. SU 36a. Lettuce Local dry, 65-75c; poor, 85e. .Oranjes California navels, larce, 4.00 box; Valencies, large 4.00 4.15; small to medium 3.25-4.00. Cucumbers Hothouse, dos., 1.50 1.75. box 2tt-4 dos. Calif, lugs, 1.25-1.85. Lettuce Local dry, 3-4 dos, 80 80s; top 31 ; poor 60c hluehroome Cultivated. I lb . SO 35a. Onions Ore. yellowa. 50-lb. sacks. US aaediam 70e-l.OO; Ige. top 1.36; No. 2, 50 lb. sacks, 6060c: Calif, waa, 75 80c; reds, 85-90: yellow, 85-1.00. Peaches Calif. 4 bskt, 1.00 2.00. Pess Ore., bush, 4 -5c; Wash. 5-6e. Beppers Florida, 27 80c lb. Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Russets, No. SI MONEY STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution (Chi Ids' db Miller's Office) 344 Stat St., Salem. Ore. Phone 0201 lie. No. S-21 M-222 MESELP THAT WOULD LIKE LETS NOT TO WOE, FLOWERS CASPER, THEY promised me a Reward, but THIS WAS REWARD ENOU4H FOK ME ' U??PH 1 m PWTT fr,lW9CiENTieaaA HAVE. THAT ANNIE 15 A WEEX HOWE5T CHILD 1 1 f Quotations - Today's closing prices: Natl Dairy Prod National Dist .. Natl Power db Lt Northern Pacific Packard Motors J C Penney .... Phillips Petrol . Press Steel Car. Pab Service NJ . Pullman Safeway Stores . Sears Roebuck . Sou Cal Edison. Southern Pacific Stand Brands. . . Stand Oil Calif. Stand Oil NJ . . . Studebaker Sup Oil Tlmk Roll Bear Trans-America . Union Carbide . United Aircraft. United Airlines. US Rubber .... US Steel Walworth Western Union . White Motors . . Woolworth .... 16 2 7 8 3'i 88 35 s; 8 37 2C 43 75 ?s 27 13 26 'i 44 'i "a 2 40 6 80 36 10 42 48 5 20 9 47 7, 1 Electric 3( Foods.. 44 44 28 21 5 1273 11 o 48 1. 100 lbs. 1.00-1.10; 25 lb. sk.. 32 35c: US Ko. 2, 50 lb. ska. 37tt-40e; Calif. Long Whites, CS No. 1, loo lb. sks. 1.65 1.70. Raspberries 2.23-2.50. Rhubarb Ore., lettuce crate BSe-1.10. Bquash Or. Zucchini. 70 80e flat; sesllop, 1.00-1.25: Crookneck, 1.00-1.25. 8trawberriee Oregon, best, 24 basket crates, 1.85 2 00; poor, low as 1.50. Spinsch Ore 85 45e oranre box. Tomatoes Ore. hothouse. 10-1 5c: Tes. lot. 1.75-2.00; Calif. IS lb. 1.60-1.75. Bunched Vet" able,: Local per Cos. bunches; onion 17 H SOe, radishes 20 80e; parsley, 17 H 20c; Cslif., bests, 45e 0. Root Vetetables: Sutabsfst 1.36 1 60, par each, lues 60 60c. beets 1.26-1 SO lues 35 40c Horseradiah 15a lb. In A Hurry" Personal . Loans For All Needs There is no red t p e , no embarrassing investigation, no delay, when you come to us for a personal loan and we make it so easy for yon to pay it back in convenient amounts. By CLIFF STERKETT By WALT DISNEY nript rr ou-rrvBs i SOMEONE LOOKS OVER JK SHOUl-DEja: WHILE YOU -4 By BRANDON WALSH GET EXCrTEO-ANNIE HAS NOTHING! THE MORE DCTCCTIvrS MRS. H83ES-THE MORE PfWOP SHEiL By JIMMY MURPHY LOOK WHO'S AT THE DOOR. THE FELLOW WHO THREATENED TO TURN MARfsV OVER TO THE POLICE IF SHE DIDN'T BECOME HIS &IRL.. r ' RV MEANS OFTHERtNa'S PRETTY, MAGIC POWERS I KNOW ALL OP ISN'T ITf VDLW THOUGHTS S-t3