The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 11, 1939, Page 12, Image 12

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    Its C302J GTATZAII, EIa, Ortjsa, Saisy i:aI:. to II, ISO
Richfield Company Opens new Refinery
71ieat Picture
Queen Jean II Parks Among the Roses
Stock Traders :.
Take Day Off
Very Unsettled
Little Change in Prices
Net Result of Mixed
Trade Factors
, CHICAGO, June 10-(P)- mix
ture of trade factors that bad con
flicting effect on price trend un
settled the wheat market today
and resulted , In little or no. net
change in quotations after an ac
tive session. .
, ..Price dipped as much as.
cent early in the day due to good
rains over much of the grain belt,
particularly in spring wheat terri
tory where moisture is most bene
ficial, bat then rallied about a
cent. Later, evening up selling ae
counter for a reaction and at the
close quotations were unchanged
to lower compared with yester
day's finish, with July 74-.
September 75-.
Establishment of the lowest
quotations at Liverpool, Europe's
principal Import market, in eight
years had a bearish effect but off
setting this was the slightly bull
ish interpretation placed by some
dealers on that portion of the gov
rnmnt croTi renoit nertaining to
spring wheat. Scattered reports of
black rust infestation in parts of
the southwest also attracted at
tention but experts who checked
these said only insignificant Infes
tations could be found in Kansas.
13th Oregon Rom Sale
Slated for August IB
PENDLETON, Ore., June 10
(tfVWalter Holt, Pendleton, sec
retary of the Oregon Wool Grow
ers' association, announced today
that the 13th annual Oregon ram
sale would be held at the round-up
grounds here Friday. August 18.
Six hundred rams of the more pop
ular breeds will be offered, with
buyers attending from all parts of
the northwest. Including Montana.
PORTLAND. Or Jib 10. UP)
(USOA) r4o line aaanfaaj
- Appla Ora. Ntwtova. to If
u fey. l.c0-l.Mrfcr.l-0-M0i WJ
Wlitupi, M'ey, 1.50 1.65 j ley l.M
1.14; tomb, m fey as. Ihm, S-Stfc lb.;
Smti. u Icy. 1.66 1.75. . ;
-Apricot CUt, T5 flat; hi I, 1.15
l.Sf.. ( Artlehot Calif- 1.60-1.75.
Aaaoa CaliC, 1.40. '
; Aipinroi Ora, Wib, gr, 10 lb.
K 1 1 fiO-2 10: naelaaa MO. 13;
i - . nn , an
Bni Or., sra. 5-7e; w. 6-8e;
C.lif, Kc. Wonderm, SO lb., 1.10-1.20.
Clrr CaUf, Utah. 1.60 1.60; wttlt
- .50 8.75.
. CsbbSf Roan. kd, 1.25-1.50 ;
poiaUd. 1.00-1.10. .
; Caataloap Calif, atd. 45a, S.SS-
50; jambo,- 86-45. 8.25-3.50; jumbo
27s. S.O0: flat 15s, 1.50.
Charric Ort- Wb. BiBf. T-;
Boyal Abb, . . "
- Carrot alif. 50 lb. ackd, WO
1.65; baachad crat, 8.00 8.15.
- Caalif lower Local, 0-11, 1.00-1.10;
K. 2, 75c -
Wry Calif. TJUh, 1.75-1.85; wbiU,
. 2.00-2.25.
Citroa ITral Orspofrait, Taxaa -,
rdl, 2.85-8.00; Anion faacy, 2.25
2.50; rbole. 1.75-1.85, Florid, all ail,
8.00 3.25.
Gooabrriea 8ft lb. -
Garlic 8 10. ' ,
- Lamoni Fanry, all all, 4.75 5.00;
800a. 5.25; ehole S0 I.
1ai Do, aartoa. SO 25.
Lattaea Local dry, 65-75; poor, 50c.
.Orange California a-. Urg, 4.00
iox; Valencia!, larf 4.00-4.15; small to
medium 2.25-4.00.
-Caeatsbcra Bot-osac, do., 1.50-L75.
box 2 do. Calif, lor. 1.35-1.50.
IjHar Loral in. 3-4 do. 80 90c:
top S : poor eoc
Muahrooma Cultivate. I lb.. SO 8.
Onion Or, follow. 60 lb. aaeka. US
dlSBi 70e-l 00; Is, top 1.85; Jls. t, SO
lb. sacks. 60 60: Calif, wax, 75-80;
rods, 85-SOe; yellow, 5-1.00.
Peach! Calit 4 bskt, 1.00-2.00.
Peas Or., bash, 4tt-5c; Wssb. 6-7.
Peppors Florida, 27-30e lb.
Potato Or. Iteaehute Kaaat. N
1. 100 Iba. 1.05-1.15: 25 lb. sk. 82 85e;
US No. 2. 50 lb. sk. 40-45e; Calif. Lob
White. US Ko. l, loo lb. ,
Raspberries 2.75 8.00.
Kb s barb Or.. Mttne erst S5e-1.10.
Sqaasb Calif., Zaeebiai. 1.00-1.20;
summer. 80c-1.00; Zueehlni, 70-80.
Strawberries Oreroa, best. 24 basket
. . ok M. - - - 1 - 1 Kn
- TM, M..VW WVr, IW w .w. .
Rolnaeh Ore- 83 45c oranc box.
Tomatoe Ore. hothonse. 10-15c: Tea.
hit-. 1.75-200: Calif. 18 lb. lag, 1.75-
1 85-
- Bunched Vegotables: Local per doa
baarhea: enloa .11 20c radish ea 20
80; prly. It 20; Calif., beet. 45-
0e. -
Raol TecaUblea: RaUbscaa 1.25 160
Mr aark. Ian 60 SO, beets 1 26-1 SO
lag. 15 40c Horseradish lie lb.
Stocks and
-1 " Jos 10
Compiled by The Associsted Press
80- 15
-ladoa Rails
Vet Cbg. D .1 Uaeh
Batarday 48.8 . 18.S
ProTioaa day 68.9 18.S
II oath ago 4.8 18.1
Tear ago 6.t 1S.5 "
1030 high 77.0 : 23.8 ,
1939 low 58.8 , 15.7
; 1938 bigfc 79.5 s S3 5
- 86.3
29. S
; s.t
48 h
' 89.1
, 1 80 10 10
Rail ladai Util
K9 Cog.' ; A .1 1 D .1 A .1
Satarday 68.4 1 100.2 96.7
Provioaa day 6S.8 ' lOO.S .
Month ago 65.6 99.1 95.0
Tear ago 49.8 96.0 , 90.1
1930 high S4.S 100.7 96.7
1989 low 69.4 97.0 91.9
,1988 high 10.6 100.8 95.1
. 62.6
Closing .Quotations
NEW YORK, Jnne lO-Cffy-Todsy's closlBf prices: - '
Al Chem ft Dye. 115 Coml. Solreot . . 11 National Diet . .
Allied Stores - 9f4 Comtrlth'' .Son 14 Natl Power ft Lt
American Can SU Consol Edison . 2t Northern Pacific
Am Power ft Lt. . 4 4 Consol Oil . . . . S Packard Motors
Ar Rd Std Ssn 11 Curtlss Wrl-t i'r SH J C Penney ...
Am Roll MUls.. llViDonglss Aircraft tt Phillips Petrol
Am Smelt ft Ref 4S4 Da Pont de N. .144 Press Steel Car.
Am Tel ft Tel. .ltstt Elee Power
Am Tobscco ... Si
Am Water Wits It
Anaconda .....
Armour 111-..'..
Atchison ...
Barnsdsll . . . . .
Bait ft 0-io ,. .C
2S General Motors.
1 Goodyear. Tire ,
2t G rest Northern.
14 4 Hudson Motors.
i 9 lUtaoia Central.
Bendlz AtUtlon -2SH In&p Copper 11 Stand OU Calif.- 21
Bethlehem Steel 5S Int Harreater
Bo'eias Air
22 Int Nickel
Borre Warner ..
Budd Mf .....
Calif Pack.....
Callahan Z-L...
-Calumet Hoc...
24 Int Paper
4 Int Tel ft
18 Johns Manrllls
1 Kennecott
VSL1 ft Myers B.107
;Canadlan Pacific
-4 Loew's
. . )! A VST
Certain-Teed . a National
- thes ft Chlo 22 National
tjaterpil . irscior a uouty w axa
reianesa ...... If Nash Kelrlnator
Chrysler ...... NaU iwrj
'"i"1 ar
1- ( ,
ETerrthiitc and ererrbodr fa Portland this week make way for Miss
Jean II, Qoeea of Bosarla and raler orer the ubmI Portland rose
on the royal schedale and from early morning until late at Bight
cars is la the service of tne queen ana Her eight princesses, eacn a represenuiuTe oi a roruaaa nign
school. Drirers are selected stndenU from Benson Polytechnic hlgSi school. Qneea Jean's car is a Ford
V-8 convertible sport sedan, probably the only car which win be narked this year among the roses of
famous Lambert Gardens.
Salem Market Quotations
(Saying rrtcoe)
(Tbo artraa helew MPwUvt by
grever ad ladieati f th daily sasrket
Kic pid to grwr by Sal byr
t are aet guaranUed by The atsto
Banaaa IK a Ulk
A 00
5.00 .
ttrspafralt, Tsxs piak . ..
b guler
Lsmoas, crat ... . .
Orasgec crate 2.60 to
Strawberries, local
(Boylag rnei)
Asparagus, local. dk.
Beets, dox. i .. , i - -
Cabbage, lb.
Csrrots. Califs erU doc-2.60 to
Cauliflower, local ,
Ctlry. Ctah, crate , , .,
Calif., crate
Oaeambera, bothoa, box
JO ,
.90 ..
Lattae. leral , , ,
Oaioaa, 60 lb
Green onions, dot.
Kdioec do.
Peac local. Ib
Popper. gTeea. Calif.
Parsley , ., , ...
Potatoes, local rwt, Ms.
60 lb. bag
Sew potatoes. Calif. wt.
Bbubarb, outdoor
Spinsch. local, box
.t0 to
Taraip. do.
(Fries paid by bidpndat racking plant
M grwr)
Walnuts Franquettec faacy. 12 me
dloss, 10c; small 6e: orchard raa, 8 to
0c Walnut meats. 33 to SO la.
Filberts Bsreelonsc large 124; fa
sy 11 fee: babiec lie; orchard raa it
(u p rncc m urowerj
Walnats Prie range dcpoadlag apoa
wy sat run la 14 differeat grade 11
3c Oachilly l cent mgner.
IBartag Prlci)
ClBiUra. somiaaL 1917. lb. T to .08
Cluster. 1938, lb. 30 to J5
raggle. top , . J
(Boras PncM)
Wool, medium. '
Coarac lb. ,
Lambs, lb.
htobair, Ib.
(Bayla rrtees f An4ra'i)
Grade A largo, do. .- .. ..,.. - .17
Grad B large, dox. J 5
Grade A Medium .15
Grad B medium .18
Colored fry . .14 to J5
Whit Le-horoc bear .11
Whit LeKhoraa. licht .10
Old rootr " .05
POKTLAXD, 0r, Jan , 10. (AP)
Dairy produce price: Butter: Extra
24 e; atandarda 23c; prim f into 22 e;
firsts 21,Hc: batterfat 2H-25c
Eggs: Large extras 18c; Urg stand
ards 17e; medium axtr. 16c medium
standards 15c
Cheese Triplets 12 He: lost 13 He
Portland Produce
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan 10. (AP)
Country Meats Selling pric to re
tailers: Cenntrj-killed hose beat botch-
en, aader 160 lbs.. 9 10c lb.; vealera.
lZe lb.; light and thin, 9-lle id.; neary.
9-10e lb.; spring lamb. 16e; lb.; jesr-
lisc lambs. 10-12e lb.; ewes, 5-7e lb.;
cutter cewc 9-10e; eanner cows, 8H-9c;
banc 11-11 Me id.
Lit Poultry Baying prices: Leghorn
broilers, 12H-I3c lb.; colored springs, 2
lbc snd over, 13-14e lb.: Leghorn bene
OTr 3H lbs.. 14c lb.; under 8H lbc 13
Ib.; colored hens to 5 lbs., 1516c lb.;
OTer 5 lbs- 15o lb.; Ko. 2 grade, 5c
lb. Ins.
Turkeys Selling pr ce: Dressed bene
17-lSe lb.; toms, 16 17c lb. Baying
prices: liens, 15 16 lb.; tome, 14-15e Ib.
Potatoes Y ski ma Gems, ( ) cental;
local. 1.00: Desehutea Came 1-25 cental;
Klamath Falls. Kc 1 Oems, 1.15-1.20 crt.
New Potatoes California Whites, So.
1, 1.90 2.00 per cwt.
Onions Oregon No. 1, 1J0 per cental;
California wax, 90e; red, 90e-1.00;
yellow. B0e-1.00 per 50 1b. sack.
Wool Willamette valley, 1939 clip,
nominal med. 25 lb.; eoars and braidc
35-26 lb.; 6 months fleece 22 24 lb.;
tera Ore.. 18 31c Ib.
Hay Selling pric to retailer: Alfal
fa. No. 1. 16.00 ton: Ml -etch. 12.00 toa;
clover, 11.00 toa; timothy, eastern Or.,
19.00; do valley, 14.00 toa. Portland.
Hop 1938 Clastors, 20 25 lb.; Fug
glee 23e lb. .
Mobair NomiiaL 1939 cD. 35e lb.
Cascara Bark Baying price, 1939 peel,
4 Ib.
Sugar Berry and frolt, 100, 5.10;
bale 6.23! beet 9:03.
Domtic Floor Selling pric. ity de
livery , 1 to 35 bbl lota: Family patent.
49c 5.70 S.35; bakers' bard wheat, aet,
.i sanerr Bioestem.
blended wheat tloar. 4.80-6.20; soft what
4.50-4.59; graham, 49s, 4.60; whol wheat
c -. SOI.
ft Lt 7 Pnb Serrlce NJ.
Vl - ot - l CC T-t1-.--
mvm.v v w 'iuia u .
Foods. .45 Safeway Stores .
Sears Roebnck
21 U Shell Union ...
11 Sou Csl Edison .
27 H
.5 Sontbern.Pselfle 11 M.
11 Standard Brands -
11 Standard 0U NJ 48
4 Studebaker .... 7
ft P Pf 22 . Tlmk Roll Bear.
Tel. . . Trans-Americs .
71 Union Carbide
24 United Aircraft.
United Airlines.
44 US Rubber ....
. l a -
12 US Steel ......
4 Western Union
Biscuit zi waits Jiotors .
Cask . 12 Woolwortk ....
proa is
Grade B raw 4 per cent
milk, Salem Co-op feaslc pool
price f 1.78.
C-op Grade A batterfat
price 24c; B grade 8c less.
(U lk baaed oa snal moathty
battorfat arerage.)
Distribator price, $242.
A grade butterfat Deliv
ered 24c; B grade 22c.
A grade print, 27c; tt
grade 20 He; quarters 28Me
Heary beos, lb.
Battorfat. A grad J4
Leghorn bass, r 8 Ibc M
Legbora hens, aader 8 lbs. J
Leghorn fryers, 1H lb. JO
Legbora fryers, aaderala. market Talac
Colored fryerc 2-3 lb. .13
Colored springs, 8 lbs. sad Bp .18
Stags .os
Old Rooster .05
Mc 2 grades 5 per pound lesc
Grade A larf
Grade A, medium
Grad B, large
Grade B, median
Uadergrsdes sad chex
i Baying pries tor No. 1 stock, bsssd sa
condition sad si rportsd sp to 4
Umbs, 1939, top T.50
Lamb, yearlings, , 4.00 to 4.60
Ewe , 2.00 to S.50
Hog, top 1.25
180-150 lbc 6.75 to 7.00
310-300 lb. S.50 to S.15
Sows 6.25 to S.16
Boei eews 6.60 to S.OO
Ball . 8.50 to S.15
Heifer 6.50 to 1.00
Top veal 7.50
Dairy typo cow 4.00 to 6.60
Dressed -eat, lb. Jl
Wheat bu. tit. 1 recleoned .16
Oat, grey ton "ft
Feed barley, tos ,,- 22.00 to 24.00
Clctor hal. ton ' 12 to 18.00
Oat aad Vetch bay. tos 12.00 to 18.00
Alfalfa, ton 16.00 to 16.00
Egg stash. No. 1 grad. 10 lb. hag 1.70
Dairy feed. 80 lb. bg 1.85
Bea scratch feed , 1.75
Cracked eera 1.75
Wheat , ., , , US
at Portland
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore- June 10. (AP)
Wheat: Open Hign iow uus
July 73 H 73H. 734 7
Cash Grain: Oatc Kc 2. 88 lb., whit.
29.00; No. 2, 88 lb. gray nominal. Bar
ley, No. 2, 45 lb BW, 26.00. Corn, Nc
XX shipment, 37.00. I lex. jio. 1.
Cash Wheat Bid: 8oft whit 78;
western whit 73 H; western red 72 V.
Hard red winter ordinary 72; 11 percent
72; 12 per cent 73; IB per cent 75; 14
per cent 80. Hard white-Baart 12 per
cent 80; 13 per cent 83; 14 per cent 85.
Today' Car Receipts: wheat 73 par
ley 3; floor 29; corn 4; oat l; hay 4;
miuieed lu.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore Jane 10. (AP)
(UBJJA) Hoes: Receipts Hatnraay sal
able 60; for week salable 8050 total; to
tal 4040. Market iteady. Pric range:
Barrows aad srilts. cd-ch.
160-180 lbs. 86.75 7.85
do d eh. 160-180 lbs . 7.00 7.60
do fd-ch, 200-220 lb 7.35 7.60
do cd-ch, 220 250 lb 7.006 7.50
do Sd-ch, 220-250 lbs 6.75 7.85
do sd-eh, 250-200 lbs 6.35 7.00
do Sd-ch, 290-85ft lbs. 0O 6.50
do med. 140-160 Ib. 6.50 7.00
Paekiof sow, rood, 375-
850 lbs
de food 850-425 lbs
oe good 425-550 lbi
do med. 275 550 n ,, .-
Pica, feeder 4 atekr.
fd-Ch, 70-140 Ib 6.50 7.50
Cattle: Receipts Saturday 25: for week
salable 2285; total 2475. Calrea. receipt
for week salable 415, total 605. Pric
8teers, food. 900-1100 S 0.25 t.75
so m.dinm. 75O-1100 i.uou .
do com (plaia). 760-1100- 6.76 S.OO
This Uercnry S sport convertible
5.50 a 6.00
6.350 S.7S
.5.00 6.50
tLn.'-nk.'urjj V. jx:,'ijj"ai'.nj'.:j'.' '
far fire passengers, it combines the advantages f both, an open and closed car. "hen yon want the
sky for a roof, the neat top folds flat and the windows, la chrome-plated frames, drop oat of sight.
. Xm can raise them in a harry when a change in the weather de-sands sang comfort. The top. is
obtainable ta tan crar fabric with tan edging, or black fabric with wetwdltaa, as shown in the above
BnodeL White sidewall tires
power w-o ews-M.asui njaramue
Jean Hoover, sow Her Majesty,
festiral. Doaens of engagements are
the official fleet of white Ford V-8
Heifer, good, 750 000
7.50 a S.50
5.75 Q T.50
S.50 7.25
6.50 0.50
4.75 0 S.60
d mediam, 850-900
ds SMS (plsis) 850 900.
Cows, food, n wolf ht
do medinm, all wei(hts
ds coat (slain) all w ti
de low-cat cct, 11 wt
8.75 4.76
S.50 T.00
S.75Q S.75
6.75 S.75
S.OO S.50
7.60 S.00
S.OO 7.60
4.60 6.00
5.50 7.00
4.50 6.50
Bulls (ylfs xel), fd (bof)
sU waifhu
ds -Mdinm, all art
d eat-eea (pin) nil wta
Vaalers, cbeiee, all wta
d fOOd, BU WtS ,
ds mod, sll wts
de eall-coas (pin) all wta
Calraa. medinm, 250-400..-
ds eoa (plain), sao-aoo
8heep: Beeeipta for wk si ah I
2900, total 8540. Compared week afo
rinf Iamb stronf to 35 nifbor; stner
steady. Pric ran:
Spriof Umbs. fd ehoic 6.00 S.25
S medinm and food-
7.00 7.75
6.00 6.75
6.00 5.25
4.00 S.OO
2.25 S.25
1.25 2.60
Lsmba (shora) mod h food
do common (plain) -
Ewe (shora), food -choice.
ds common (puis) md
Wool in Boston
B08T0K. Jan 10 (AP) (U8DA)
Bnaises in the Boston wool market was
aet aaito so active a last week. - Bales
of limited quantities f fin combing
Delaine wars mad at 28 to SO canto, in
i - areas. - Graded throo-oichtas - nn
aaarter blool combing bright fleece wrwi
quoted at 81 to 82 cents, grease basis,
ad graded half blood combing bright
fleeces at 29 to 80 cent, in the grease.
Low ouarter blood common and grade
wool wer receiving om demand at
firm price.
King, President at Capitol
m Bimgii in fin ttt li i J u" " mpiii nui i'nui'"""" -- - -
, JL ' 'v 5. - '-?t ' v ' - "
, , -r ' ' , ,
V - '. , ' ' v." f J t- S -V vt ' - '
: , '
' X5 -! 1 H s " '
- , 'i i t
;, - Jj L , a' v x".- ? -i -
.:.::...::..:: r .-. ""- . - V ' v' ' ' f s
The dome of the capltol of the United States looked down on an an
precedented scene: A British monarch and the president of the
United States, side by side. It was the first time a British ruler
. had visited this nation. The anto, bearing the king and the presi
dent. Is shown as it passed the historic structure. On capltol steps
are members of congress and employes. In foreground : Bailors
from nary yard stand at attention.
ConvertibleFor Springtime
Is styled for springtime. A smart
are optional eqaipaseat at slight
nrasesv , ,
Market ' Deserted - by All
on Day" of - Royalty's
Visit to Gotham I ;
Knew TOFK. Jnne lOPV-The
British took New York today and"
with it tne stocs maraet. ..
Traders deserted the. exchange
floor and boardrooms in large
numbers after the opening In or
der to welcome Kins: George ana
Qneen Elisabeth on their first rls-
it to the metropolis. .
The resnlt was that dealings
slowed to a. crawl near the close
and final plus and minus signs.
mostly fractional, were about e
enlr dlrided.
The Associated Press arerage of
60 issues was unchanged at 48. S,
but up 1.2 points on the week. In
the day's price shifts 184 stocks
were up. 177 down and 1SZ un
changed. Transfers' for the two
hours amounted to 254,930 shares
Sentiment Cheerful
While sneculatire Interest was
dimmed appreciably by interest in
the royal guests, market sent!
ment. on the whole, continued
fairly optimistic.
Not only was the majority of
business Items on the cheerful
side, but considerable optimism
was evident regarding European
Peace hopes were strengthened
by unconfirmed reports from Par
Is that Hitler was preparing to ap
proach England, France and the
United States on the settlement of
problems which bare been caus
ing world war fears.
Chevrolet Sales
Show Large Gains
DETROIT, June 1 Cheyro
let dealers achieved a 28.4 per
cent gain, during the second 10
days of May, over their sales
for the same period in 1938,
selling 25,891 new cars And
trucks at retail. The announce
ment was made at company
headquarters here today. In the
same 10 days a year ago, Chev
rolet delivered 18,983 units,' fi
gure comparisons showed. .
The second 10 days showed
an 11.1 per ; eent Increase over
sales for the' preceding period,
which totalled 23,207 units. It
was greater,, by 895 units, than
the second 10 days of April, the
heaviest volume thus fsr In the
current model year. , . .
. K :
a j. a. 4. w- i
and adaptable body type with
extra cost. Tbo car has a 9i
.v ... -.w-.-, .-, v t
Mil niii i f -T
Smoke beptn to poor out of the
The new refinery, capable of
25-Cent Price
On 'Loan' Hops
Figure Based on Estimated
Cost of Liquidation
by Committee
Hop markets -on the Pacific
coast continued to display a
steady to firm tone during the
week ended June 7, although
trading In both spot supplies
and future deliveries remained
of limited volume, according to
the Weekly Hop Market Review
of the bureau of agricultural
The principal feature in the
hop . market situation during the
past week , wai the maturing of
governmental loans on 1938 sup
plies and the . announcement by
the - stabilisation committee of
the establishment of a price to
the trade of 25 cents per pound
on those stocks. This price is
based upon the estimsted cost
of Liquidating . the . loans in full,
plus all carrying charges.
. Oregon markets were quiet
and inactive - during the . past
seven days, .with trade reports
Indicating no sales of hops In the
spot market and no new con
tracts1 for .1939 crop hops for
future . delivery reported written
by - growers in this state. De
mand' was slow from both do
mestic and foreign buyers. The
establishment of the 25 cents
per pound price on 1938 hops
on which government loans have
matured, furnished the principal
steadying Influence in the spot
market, while light offerings by
growers on 1939 crop hops for
delivery this fall, tended to
strengthen the market on new
crop supplies.
The market on 1939 crop hops
was reported around 21 cents
per pound net growers, but of
ferings were light. No Interest
was shown In 1937 hops and
prices remained only nominal.
Trade reports continued to indi
cate that the growing crop In
Oregon yards wag making gen
erally favorable progress.
Wasnington markets developed
some actirity In tbe Yakima val
ley district during the past week.
One small lot of 17 bales of
1938 crop hops were reported
sold In that area at 25J4 cents
per pound, net grower. Contracts
covering 375 bales of 1939 crop
hops were reported contracted by
Yakima valley growers at 22
cents per pound, with an addi
tional 100 bales contracted at
22 cents per pound, net growers.
These contracts covered regular
type seeded hops.
California bop markets re
mained dull but maintained a
firm tone. An important . mar
ket development wag- the diver
sion of 1938 crop supplies to a
pool following the maturing of
governmental loans at June 1.
T-tese stocks were bing offered
to the trade at 25 cents per
pound with scattered lots taken
by domestic dealers and indus
tries. No other 1939 bops are
now owned by California grow
ers except those under grower-
dealers control. Producers re
ported scattered sales of 1937
hops at 5 cents per pound but
most remaining supplies were be
ing held for higher prices.
Around 150 bales of 1939 hops
were contracted at 22 cents per
pound, net Sonoma county grow
er, but light offerings tended to
restrict further trading. With
an unusually large portion of
the 1939 crop already under
contract, most growers were un
willing to" make further commit
ments pending receipt of market
ing allotments.
Seeks Divorce
Surprising friends, Uadelelne Car
roll, blonde British picture star,
-Jed suit for divorce against Cap
tain Philip Astley, who xeznaisedJn
London when she came to ATfra.
Her only comment: "Our marriage
, ns not seen ens m xact sxnes I cam
v t America Ursa years ag.".
stacks at the new Richfield gasoline refinery at Watson, Calif., recently.
handling 50,000 barrels of erode oil daily, cost $5,000,000.
In the Valley
Social Realm
DALLAS Miss Ruth Duerk
sen became the bride of Elmer
Goerts at a wedding at the
home of the groom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Goerts on
Thursday evening. The service
was read by Rer. F. F. Wall
in the presence of a large num
ber of relatives and friends. The
vows were exchanged before an
altar banked with rosebuds and
The bride was lovely in an
attractive frock of white starch
ed chiffon fashioned princess
style. She carried a corsage of
sweet peaa and rosebuds.
Flower girls were little Misses
Marguerltha Goerts and Joan
Hlldebrand. They wore dresses
of white net oyer blue and pink
silk.' Miss Mildred Wall played
the - wedding march; John Wall
sang and numbers were given by
a quartet which' included John
Wall, Harry Frlesen, John Du
erkson and Bob Goerts.
Preceding ' the ceremony ' a
wedding luncheon' 'was ' served.
The couple left for a wedding
trip to Crater Lake and the Ore
gon caves.- For traveling the
bride wore a blue tailored suit
with rust accessories. ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Goerts will make
their home in Salenu
Mrs. Goerts' is a graduate of
Dallas high school and for the
past year baa acted as secretary
In the office of City School Sup
erintendent R. R. Turner. Mr.
Goerts also attended the Dallas
BROOKS Mrs. Nettle McDou
gall has announced the marriage
of her daughter, Miss Harriet
McDougall, to Oren Glen Stur
gis. The wedding took place at
Vancouver, June 2. After a wed
ding trip to the Oregon beaches,
the young couple will be at
home on the Sturgls farm, north
of Brooks.
Miss Frances Ana Mott of Sa
lem was the guest of her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stewart
of Lake Oswero. Miss Mott. who
is the daughter of Congressman
and Mrs. James W. Mott of Wash-
Cross Word Puzzle
21 22 23
27 2 21 777 3p 31 32 33
3S 3J HO y7 H H2
Hi H . HI H& HI
&1 1 Wm I IIH I I 1
1 having
6 title of
12 to become ,
IS game of
14 existed '
15 proficient
16 disentangle
41 hidden
43 distribute
44 attack on
all sides
45 alarm
47 tight-colored
volcanic tuff
50 make '
51 snakelike
fish ;
52 to ping up -
53 earlier than -
54 rodent .
65 having a .
. thin sharp
: tons
18 more - - i
f" Herewith Is ths
tO strained day's pussle.
Zl pure number
su (math.)
13 -xudbookof
- i : ' record is . : 3
' :. business- . ,
transactions '
24- notin
25 material for
27 side glance 7
,.20 " tlUUPy"A".V'
ttt--- v '
SO every.
' 31 salt contain-
" ing oQy
Y compound ..
- 89 -murmur like -
a dove -
U-oUerfor '
If? hilt? (officii
furniture y cwikm, 1114
Shower Given for
Miss Sally McLellan and Miss
Doris Drager will honor Miss Anne
Van Scot, bride-elect of Richard
Pierce, at a shower on Tuesday
at the McLellan home. A dessert
bridge will be the order of the
. Bidden to honor Miss Van Scoy
are Mrs. Paul Van Scoy, Mrs. Kate
G. Bell, Mrs. E: T. Pierce, Mrs.
Dan McLellan, Mrs.. Rue Drager.
Miss Wilda Jerman, Miss Bobbe
Shinn, Miss ..Lois Walton, Miss
Mary Beth Ramsey, Miss Bonnie
Baldock. Miss Shirley Cronemiller.
Miss Helen Langille, Miss Mar
garet Bell, Miss Barbara Pierce,
Miss Jeanne Patton, all of Salem,
Miss Harriet Kleinsorge of Silver
ton, Miss Margaret Ann During
of Corvallis, Mis Enid Clifford.
Miss Peggy Menig. Miss Mary
Menig, Miss Ashby Rauch and Miss
Jane Reynolds, all of Portland.
Miss Unrath Guest at
Buffet Supper
Miss Esther Black. Miss Gwen
Hunt and Miss Helen Carlson were
hostesses last night' at a buffet
sapper In the Black- home on
South Liberty street in complisant
to Miss Anna Mae Unrath, whose
marriage to Mr. Harold Hoy t is
an event of June 18. A miscella
neous shower was given Miss Un
rath later In the evening.
Tne hostesses arranged a pint
and blue color scheme, using
sweetpeas, delphinium and roses.
Guests included Mrs. Gwen
Gallaher McCullough, Mrs. Jsmes
Burdette of Portland, Miss Juno
Johnson, Mrs. Robert Reider, Miss
Loy Bogardus of Portland, Miss
Kayo Ringe, Miss Unrath, Miss
Black. Miss Hunt and Miss Carl
son. e
Mrs. E. A. Kenney will be tho
leader at the Woman's Mission
ary meeting held on Wednesday
at the First Prespyterian church
at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Henry Millie
will be in charge of stewardship
and Mrs. H. G. Smith will be
chairman of the hostess com
mittee. ington, D. C, has been selected
queen of the Astoria regatta to
be held at the end of August.
1 epoch
2 to free
8 put in action
4 leaf of a
5 ensnare
6 disparage
7 atom bear
ing electrie
8 corrupt "
O impressing
: with rever
ential fear
10 lesser
- Indian civet
11 ethereal salt
17 V-shaped
device for
19 rubber
used for .
21 sun
22 catchword
23 small
26 by way of 4
28 revolving .
t put of ft
31 salt of
, - . acetic add
32 peruse
33 torrid
35 written com-,
musieation .
36 annual
' church
. celebration
- 38 social class '
, 89 communion
. table
.40 dark gray--.,5
ish-bluo f v
- 42 pithy ;
;44 encircling .
' .. , Jand - ;-v ;'
,46 grassy iWd
-48-lturf -
solution to Sato-