-V AGE . A Profitable MaMt; Clieck Over Statesman Want-Ad Each Oaf Statesman , Classified Ads Call 9101 1 CUMiried AdTrrtlta Stasia insertion per 11m 10e. Three Insertions per lias 10c Six Insertions pr line ......SOe Oas month per Una 81 00 Minimum charge ... , lit Copy for thla paaa accepted ant9 t:30 the (Tnrtng before puMtcn tlon for elaasifVatton CnpT re ceived after this time win be rue under the heading. "Too Late te Classify - . The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors whleh may appear In sdvertlsemente pub lished In Ita columns, and In caeee where thla paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Sta teaman reserves the right to r elect questionable advertising: It further reserves the right te place all advertising under the proper classification. A -Blind" Ad an ad containing i Statesin.-tn bos number for an ed dresa la" for the prrtectlnn nf the ad vert liter and mUat therefore be answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to the Identity of an adver tiser ualng a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthlewa horses cows picked up Tree. Ph. collect 1411 Salem MontKnmerv Rend. Wka HORSKS "OR sale Also 0 wka old weaner pit! a Haves lblsh Farm Brooks Oregon FRESH COW for sale, Rt. T, Boa COS. Ralph Warden. Ph. WFll. MILK GOAT, 150 Ratcllff Drive. Auctions ESTATE OF Mariraret Ann Ross- man, deceased, 707 S. 11th sr.. lues day. June 13th. 1:30 p. m. aharp. Con .i.tinr nf the follow-In household fur- nishinirs to wit: 1 dining table. I chalra A buffet, t domestic walnut sewinsr machine A attachments, 1 aas A ' wood combination rnnRe. colled, 1 cnnsnle walnut orenn. 2 dressers, 2 hoils. Ssnrlnars. 2 mattresses. 1 tapes- trv davenDort. 2 roll seat rockers, 1 beater. Board & pipe. 1 comb, bookcase A writing desk. 1 reed rocker, limary table, radio, mantle clock, bcddlns, ouilta. dlahware. electric plate, silver ware, utensils, fruit A many other items too numerous to mention. SAM Ht-OHKS. Execntor F. N. A GENN WOODRT, Auctioneere Heln Wanted t3l WKKKI.T Orow mttshrooma Cellar, ahed. w httv Sc lh Wotlo" lareesi compenv FRKI? POOK Mim rooms tS1 Snd 8-atHe Wash FAMILY TO t1ck cherries A hauling Mrs. Oakman. Rt. 2. Box 145. 3 mi. P on Liberty road. WANTED RASPBERRY pickers. CamDlna- snace. Reeister now. TT. C. mass, S miles. X. of Aurora, on Aurora- Wilaonvillc highway. Salesmen, Wanted ADVERTISING SALESMAN esper fenced 4n aelline Derrma1 and bus Inesa stories." C. J. Curtis, 1434 Ferry Street. : Situations Wanted HRicssMAKINtl Mra Adsttt Tel III 111! Marlon Your work aeltrlted . PA INTIKfl PAPKRHAN1ING low prices, work guar. Free estimates 47l SEWINO It I RON I NO 2Sc 4St V&00000000000 CARE FOR mothsrWsa i-hildren In my country home. Bs 48S co fitMewnati 00000000000000' HOUSEKEEPING TN 'country forbS' chelor or widower. State Hotel, 47 State St, Ph. 1792. Mrs. D. O. Da vies. gasSaassaaaaaaassBiaaaasaaaSAaOfras 2 TEARS BUS. exp.. stenoarsphet snd gen. office work. Can give ren able references. . Call 3451 or 4Qi. BEAUT T COLLEGE stodent wlshea housework tn exchange for room board. Call 1141 between SAC For Sale Miseellaneous I Bikes hen Ka marten. 141 S Mb rru-iixnj'srtfsnj 1 NASH FURN. Co. -sella the same for less." "Be convinced. Cash - Terms Trade. "Rust" Woodry. Manager. SEE THE family slse Stewart-Wsr- Mf erVIntnr. bean new 1939 mod el for only 199.50. Easy terms. Nelson Bros. 261 Chemeketa St. I I ARE YOU 1n the market fer a good I .davennort A chair, bedroom set. et I money. Pick out one ta. four rooms, I 'dividual groups from 129.51 up. See as I A be convinced that you save en furn I- t ture st Cohn Broa.. S05 N. LI Berry. .REBUILT AND guaranteed wash era, All makes from 91 up Bree Mav tag 121 Hogg Broa. A DDI NO MAIM WES typewriters cash registers, stairs, sales, rentals, re- BED. SPRINO A mattress complete A brand new. 913.95: full or twto aiae Cohn Bro 305 N. Liberty. smssswwwwsswsms S-TUBE SPARTAN consols radio 115.00. Nalson Broa. Ill Chemeketa St. WALL TENT, ramp bed. 231 8. 14th CASH FOR osed furn Ph. tilt. COCKER PUPS. Mta. W K. WHon. PHILCO CONSOLE radio, good shspe. S12.S0. Nelson Bros.. 311 Cbe meketa St. NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks summer prices, 534 N. llth. 4MMMMMMWMMWMSMMMMSSMSI CPHOIJITKRINO. SPECIAL orlree on rebnlld. eusK MclVweR Ph. 9453. TRAILER HOUSE, S3S N. High. Ore fionQDUtatesnan ADVERTISING Westers Adtertlstac Reprosenutlves FWnaer-HaH Cto Ltd.. Franclaco. Loa Angelee. SaalU Easts, n Advertising , ,, . , RepreMntatiTts '. BryanL Griffith A Branson. Ine. Chicago New Tors. Detroit. . Eatarsd ml ike Posleflce at fates Orseoe .as AaeoaaT Class . Af alter. Pak Msked eeerir mora la .aweee Af aedae. Baeraeas eAnee Iff SeelA 4staiere4e Street. . . . '.' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Nr :- MaU Subscription Rates tn Advsnce . . wtthin Orecon Daily and P day: , Mv i cents : 3 Mo. 3 I t! t Ma. til : 1 . rear 33.00. Elsewhere cents pes Ma. er l it i ywr ia s- HHit a eenia Newsstands A esttta r nt Carrier i ft eeuta a snoatb : t7Ji a rear m advaaoa ta Marios 1 and ad la cant counUaa. For Sale Miscellaneous FREE -WAT TJES lamp. shad with each soecial davenport A chair sold thla week at S8S.SS.- Pay nothing down. Cohn Bros, 30$ N. Llbertr. USED WOOD ranees. SIS each. Nel- aoa Bros, Xsl Chemeketa St. NASH FURNITURE Co. pays spot 1 rash. Horn, furnishings. Ph. 1592. I WlTKIVi) VRnii 7?S Mnd'sn ill! wwa u u u sewwMJ W " - - CSKD LATH, bath tuba, wash bowl A ahik em I.U-n- tml-WI HKllMim I composition roofing, B91 So. Liberty. BUT NOW A save on oil circulators room else. S 43.15. Nelson Bros, Si: Cbemeketa Street. DAT OLD and started chicks, fryers. Also pest moss fertiliser. Ph. 1S3F2 Lee s .Hatchery. FORCED REMOVAL, sale now- on must vacate July 1st: watches and Jewelry, at your own price Salem Watch Shop. 211 N. Cotnlr BEAUTIFUL S-PC. walnut dlnlnx room aulte. re. 179.50. Includes table buffet. 4 dinners Z arm chairs one sample set only special 149.95. Par nothing down. Cohn Bros,, SOS N. Lib erty. NEARLT NEW 5-tube. Airline bat tery radio. 2230 Turner Road. NEW 189.50 VOSS washer now 359.- 50. Nelson Bros.. 2(1 Chemeketa St. FRTERS. LIVE or Tel. S2F4. dressed, Pan Kilke. Rt. C, STRAWBERRIES 4c LB., you pick. I Readv June 16. B. C. Zlelinskl, Ph 117F13. REPOSSESSED OIL bumlne ranee for home use take It at bal. due, 5 per month. Nelson Bros., 361 Cheme keta St. BALLOON-TIRE bicycle, reas., r trade for portable tJTewrrter. 647 S. Com'l. BURCH POPCORN machine, lr good condition. Tenna. Tel. 8066. USED WASHERS. 110 A 120. Nel- aon Bros.. 261 Chemeketa. A1TCTTON SATlTtDAT. 1:30 p. m.. F. N. Woodry Auction Mart. Tools, furniture, rugs, stoves, etc. AUCTION- TUESDAY. 1 -30 p. nx. 707 S. 1.1th St. Estate of Ma ran ret Ann Rossman. BEFORE YOU buy any refrigerator the entlrelv new Idea In the Stew art-Warner 2600 cu. in. froien food compartment. 54 pounds Ice at one time holds 50 lbs. froien meat at on time no defrosting necessary. Nel son Bros. 36 J Chemeketa St. TRLR., FAC. blt 115. 1232 Center. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED USED rum. fh. 5110 MAaAeastasgasajsh4iaaakaaaaaasaaaas NASH FURNITURE Co. pavs spot cash. Home furnishings. Ph. 9S02. Want ed Furni t u re WANTED BRING TOUR furniture to Ihe Woodry Auction Mart. Saturday A have F. X. A Glenn aell It for you 1 :30 p. m. Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST Corner State A Commercial - Ph. 311' ; For RentRooms SLEEP RM. eleae tn Ph 4491. RMS FOK ladles C96 N Cottage l-h. 5671 SLEEP. RM Prlv. ent. Ph. IITl SL. RM walking dist. 107 N. Com'l ROOM IN private home. 750 E SL RM.. KITCH. prlv. if desired. 4606 FRONT RM twin beds, also first floor, nicely fum. Prl ent. Also base ment sleep, rail, I6S N. 12th. NICE LARGE sleeping rm. with board, close In. 569 N. Lib. LARGE FRONT room, close In. ga rage. Phone 7370. 604 S., Church. Room and Board best rm Doaro. v.Ke to i house. 1227 Court. Ph. 5494, sssssssesiMWMWssassass SHOWER. NEW mod. hone, hot and cold water m room. Etc food. Boat Mdonal ese Ida Hon. APPRECIATE GOOD mealsT NVe home I See Ma Rewen CPI N Lrserry NICELY FURN- ht cold water. (meals Nr. state house. 311 8. Winter wssswsiisssss BD. A ROOM, 241 & Cottage. MM mm RM. BD, 1SS4) N. Summer. Ph. 4114 BOARD. BOOM, 158 N. 13th. P. DOUBLE ROOM for ladles, prt ent Very cloae In. Ph. 5412. For Rent 'Apartments f RM. NEWLT furn. Hest. water refrtg, bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage S R, FUR, srf. bath. Ill N. Church. 1hjhxis1sxeMssSklsHst ATTRACTIVE S RM. Glendora Apts S RM. dean, a try rem. flat H A C water, gar. 139 Fir St. EXCELL3CNT APTS-. elOSS to. 321 i tie m-nA sia monHt. 197 N. Commercial. imhiwi-wiwmwwii-iiiii-i mVtR.IM fnrn 1ISS MIIL P. T9ST FURN. I KM. Ill K. Min. MOD. X R. FURN. lsf 3 State. APTS.- LT-L, water, furn. lit H, 1 0000A00V400000000000 NICK X ft AKT-. IKM OkiM. crnsic m hm trod. apt. ru. &00000t100000000000 3-ROOM MODERN. Phone 1134. x 1 AND t R1L fnrn. aMa. nrtv. bath. Its- bet water, washer. 333 Leslie NICELY FURN. mod- (S3 Center. I ROOM APT- U So. ComT BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED apt- Leslie Manor. 81S tslle. PATTON APTS. 333 State. Fam ished. Adults only. Phone M44. slSlsBasf4snxiBsSB I AND I BM fore apt .ferre t TO 4 IW asta. fnrn. ev smfwrn- ts and a, loo. 13 IS Soath 18th, - 8M. FURN .apt. It & Cottage. . 8KB FISHER apts. Modernised newly decorated and roomy. YouH h oeiiamru. w in o. wwnumvw THE MOST homelike ta Salem Hawthorne Court-1000 N. CapitoL . 3 A R. 433 R Uberty Ph. iTSf. Asaaas4lBaiBSsd SAS RM. FUR. 44 Marlon. RM. FURN, garage, 109 N. Sth. AyXaasMBBMhtfssMBSesstea I RM. FURN- 431 Marion. . MMMMMMMIIMWIMMIMMMMMA JFURN. APT. 43t N. ISthk. tat R. APTS. Fum. At enfent, f ti to 14. Royal Court. Ph. 3353. S R tlASs. S R- 313.5A 183 Center. Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR INCOME 1M Fnr1rnf n ft fViTTi-Irra Ynnr 5iematnr Onlv ! wtJ J Mri - n i mi iu mwuvhumi. mm nufta, uiwEiniiiAi v, mm m tarv e- sifatknyf a a. SMPsasfejitAat A V" ,"J jLaaj m nauu a a General Finance Corp. I St So. Commercial St. ' First Door Sooth of Ledd ft Bush Bank For Rent- 'Apartments . S LGE. RMS. fnrn., private ent. Us., water, gar., quiet. 171 . litn. r. mi FURN. APT adults, 171 N. 20th. aaaataassaswaassaaaaaawaaaaseaakeasaassessaa ATTRACTIVE S KM. apt. for wom an, in private home. Lights, water, gas. furnished. 407 S. 18th. . 3 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath. Frig. Dwnatrs. 1209 Court. GOOD RMS. It apta 254 N. Front. 2 R. FURN., bath, 115. 1440 Waller. VACANCY. GLENDORA Apts.. . I rms. with bedrm. A wall bed, 137.60. 3 R. FURN- bath. K.. garage. 2 R. furn.. bath, IC, 2005 N. CapitoL For Rent Houses MODERN 6 ROOM house newly flo Ivhed. with sleeping porch. 1191 Mar ion St. BUNGALOW. UNFURN. OakvilU. Court. Adults. Inq. 995 Mill. 4 RMS.. 115, 24 15 N. Uberty. Adults. 5 ROOM MODERN duplex house inquire 1313 Center St . NEW 6 R. 1 bedrm. house. Also S comfortable sleep rms. 410 N. 24th. km. oui-Lt, anuits. uneap. raxr i work. Box 414, care Statesman. LARGE HOUSE. newly painted, I 225.00. Phone 8314. 5 R. MOD. duplex, prlv. bath, refrtg. elec. washer, gar., S22.50. 2575 Lee. MOD. 5 RM. hae.. gaa, hot water. hwd. floors, close in. 130. See Mrs. Oak- man, Rt. 3, Box 545, 3 mi. S. on Lib erty Rd. 5 ROOM HOUSE unfurnished, 2 bed rooms, garage, 1709 Center. MOD. 5 RM. furn. house, elec. re- frig. Inq. 1205 Columbia. Ph. 6511. UNFURN. HOMES. 120 to 135. O. E. RAG, 1655 N. Cottage, Ph. 6761 5 RM. HSE.. $15. 941 a 12th. In. 113Z Kuge iL, w. saiem. I 3 RM. PARTLY furn. house, 310. 1040 Monroe Ave. Near Pen 4 Corners. COVENTRY COURT bungalow va cancy. Ph. 8158 or after 5 o'clock. Ph. 3282 or call at 1363 S. Coral For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, III 8tato Street Inquire room 200. Tel 3713. SHOP FOR rent. 1 bllr. from bank. 125.00. phone 1191. For Sale Real Estate WHY PAT RENT? 1100 DOWN A BAL. 30 per mo. wUl I , llAllU IUIVM atreet, large lot. 75X150 some i I trees, close la. Good location. A good I buy, let ua show you this property. Price 30tw. SKK a. H. GR A BEN HOK9T. JK. With W. H. GRABENHORST A Ca, REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone 6441. WB HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOO want to sell exchange I lease, rent see Mr. Larsan with Haw kins A Roberts. PRICED TO sail, S Iota Terms. Bos 433, Statesman. SPECIAL HOME OFFER furnace A fireplace. New garage, Paved street A on bus line, near store A schools Good location. Price has Jnst been lowered to 12300.- 1259 down A i p- mo, w THIS HOME BEFORE IT GOES. Call G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty 8treet Phone 6461 1 TRADE C1T. uTooerty for homes. Opportunities m exchangee, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC sessessisssssMesssMsss NEW MOD. I bdrm. home. Ben or exchange equity for smaller home. . Phone 44)49. SALS INCOME orenerty. brisk building; riese In. Box 49. Statesman. 4 . NEW FtTHNTSHED HOME S ROOM PLA ST. house, sU funk. In eery good condition. Located ea paved street in N. E. Salem In addition. Garage, cement driveway. laundry trays, lawn ahrube in. aeet this home at once. Price t.f. i Sea O H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 114 & Liberty Street. Phone 1413 1 WE BATE a t room house, east front ' located choice residential dis trict, abundance fruit and shade.. Price f 1 800, K cash. A room house on No. Summer, lot 84x75. tax ISO, only 12750. 3450 down I 823 Includes tax and Interest I ts. n. BAnui,na ii a. ign aiai 4 R BEDRltA. flreDL. aar close to high school. 31830. terms. s K. mod. attic. noo. terms 148 A. fenced, bldgs can irrigate: 82800. terms. F. GRIKPENTROO, Phone 4954 TODAY'S SPECIAL YOU ARE offered this attractive 1 nu iinn )n. Tth 1twJI TO LOAN on good Salem real es-3-ROOM MD-.bPr ifnC-T Will pay 4 interest. xn to. ,0fro3 I W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. hasne on choice cor. lot In e.cellent f u located choice residential dle diat. far below actual value. 5 ap-1 .rWwhnd-i fsait and shade. Price cious nna with strwy. to flrd. sttic with rm. for tnsld quarters. The latest In automatic heating, front rms. rich ly finished ta natural mahogany, hard wood firs, throughout.' fireplace. rase. Occupied only mo. by owner. tast like new. Near srhla and bus east I facing. Price i57oe. toitlx uks ax. A REAL BUY. ' Call for R. A. Johnson wltB. - : VT. n. utuiiiusnuHsi m k 1X4 & Liberty st mono - MODERN RM. home. So. Salem. 32740. oa terms or 13400 cash. ' O EL RAJ 1C5S N. Cottage. Ph. 7Sl 84150.00. A CAPE COD home ao .l PHI MA . I fwnwuu, ,m. " double Plumbing, oil beat t bedrooms. '13300.40, a splendid property cloeel to -toe scnoois, oearoom (Knowi nlumblns- sas range and heater. Both! of these ere good buys snd are worthy I "i ii.r..i . - -i P. H. BELL, REALTOR - 429 Oregon Bids. .t - -Phone 1121 NEW HOMES - 34300 BUYS THIS i rm. home with , strwy. te lira, attic, locaxea deep lot. All aurrounulngs new. hardwood firs. .. throughout. . at- tractive tHe work, la kitchen and oatn, sirepiace, ramace. garage. All Urea rma. A RE AT,. HOME. TERMS. . ' cau t a JomrsoN WKn.--i "W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 1S4 a. Uberty Street Phone 444S Money to Loan nunnuw w ntm gauutg wLsbs l S - awmja s as umw sjvS S a nPVABSI aV rn s naxina iui(n w i Lie. Ne. Sits Ph. SKI ... Convenient Ground Floor Location. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or osed care Private money at new low rates, Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 29 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 1SI Smith Commercial Street Phone 9ICS Ua No M-1S2 I saaNsaseSeSaeaSaSaaaaassaaeMaSaeS FHA LOANS . also ortvate loan -a orams saw ine, Masonio Bios AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 1 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN RUILD1NC5 UCENSE NO M-159 BENJ. PIUMKIJN home loans Moat popular loan In Oregon. A new feature to thla loan benefits evsnr borrower. Ask about it. See F. a DEINa 3 99 N. Cftnren ,saaas,aaaaaaaaaa All-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR 12 TO 1309 Immediately Without Red Ta;e GET ONE. v e It at home or when traveling, for accident, picking dp cash bargain, extra shopping money, a prolonged visit, to meet unexpected emergency, or If stranded without Guaranteed by Good Housekeeptaujt as advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLT AT Personal Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bligh Bldg, 51 S State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-123 M-lll 0000000000000 LOANS Pay Cash for your purchases. Consol idate old bills. Tou Receive $ 50.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 Tou pay Monthly I C.53 10.24 13.C2 20.43 Interest la charged each month ONLY on the remaining unDald bal. REFINANCE YOUR CAR, loans up i0 tsoo. You will like our friendly service, small monthly payments, and row COft. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First National Bank Bid Salem, Oregon ' Phone 4446 S-213 Slate License M-220 Auto Loans Refinancing BORROW. MONEY ON TOUR CAR OR REFINANCE TOUR PRESENT BALANCE EAST TERMS NO DELAY in-otaie ACCeptHIlCe VxOrn. r I M-255 MERRILL D. 0HLII1G INSURANCE Phone 9494 275 Bute Street Salem, Oregon. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea farm and etty property. Before but i owing mouire at Hawkln 41 Raaerta, WANTED PRIVATE MONET REALTORS IU A Liberty Street Phene 1411 WAUmin nr., nwi , m term aecnrlty. BL H. Lafkx. West star ton. apsFs-ssBsssa-sssssassss-ss' S MORTGAGE INVESTMENT Mt WE NOW have a number of first mort - gS4te real estate loans. Improved CE--- "L'.V?.. 7II0?S you plylbls r:.'"V- ' " yvuiii. CHILDS A MILLER. INC S44 State Street Telephone 9241 WANTED. -11 (ie.ee en farm, good security, box 44 z. Tb statesman. Financial WIS HAVE never nam 1 Hua thla rata an aavtnea id m vestments. Insurea ataaa - S-otasd Federal SartngaA Loen Assa Phene 4944 141 a. uesrty aa. For Sale Real Estate WHY KllILD svuigv yrvrr r - ir a rood 4 room plastered house for only lftfl 1100 down DSUance a;v per wmw OX a s mom hauaa. needinr some re- pair, fine east front lot with .large e-nlt anri -had treea. Near state bouse, I for SltOO. with 8200 down. Let as show you. Can Mrs. Ellis won r'JTTT .iw a miu:h. tuuiiiuns 1 844 State Street ssniss4snsaasses 817.0 350S DOWK. lit MO- S bd.1 rm. house, recently gone over, good to rs tlna. close scboota. . We have,- a a room nvuss.. tlCAS 1L matt. a room house 'on Not Summer, lot 87S. tax 350. ealy I376S. $45 down. IZ& includes tax ana ruieiest- . n xi Bit:riFRS.lll K Hm Alii 1 .... . i VTEW HOME BEN Lomond fakjk, I iwtclt- WCLL.BCILT I-rooca wttn 1 1 bedmoma. 3 hatha, on heat fireplace. i Beautiful knottv nine sarty room I basemeut S-car garage. Nomeroas w.ll V-T-larsned lot With front- I M two etreets. Permanent unob- I mtmtma nf cirr. nil-r and moun- I tains. Mortgage company appraisal. 1 uV i... Mr O-Jllna for aDDolnt - SS.ee. A real baraau at aiave. uiu I " . . . . --. i teni to inspect. - Iuactctv a ROBERTS. INC. 413. : . HOME BITE SACRIFICED I ; ONLT $809 BUTS. this attractive 4-SB7as .A SVs. MJ l..V,rr . viCl . -. .H.Iahi. j n-rf nw. asaa center. East f aeinav T3- foot frontage. near community stores and bos. If yon tntend to build. BUY THIS LOT AND SAVE FROM THE START. A .' REAL INVESTMENT. I Call R. A. JOHNSON with. I. W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO. oaiJ4 s. Liberty St. noM S4SB. I j m 00000 I S1S0 DOWN, ttt PER mo.. S room 1 some wita oouDie garage, .reoucea 10 I $2045 for quick sale. I M. and 31A acre tracta close to estr 1 a bus lmea - . J. E. REAT Phone S1SX 423 Oregon Bids. For Sale Ileal Estate tt A. I RM. HOUSE ln Salem, hath, lights, fine solL no gravel, paved at. Close to school, on bus line, 1M. izzfts. 7 no. plastered bouse, bath, large corner- lot. paring- walks In, close to state house. Ilteo. rm. Mastered houae. close' to school A boa, several fruit trees. $2SS down. MONET TO LOAN AT KELVIN JniTNanV. KKTAT.TnW li JOUIT street none 172 Torr.ru'LA.ruu-i--i.i'Ln.nn.nrLJj r GOOD BLDO. lots in West Salem. $6 down. $S per. no. 1 A Is Kebter disL. 1 rm. aback ; well electric lights. H A. foil bear ina cherries, apples. Extra good gar den land. Sold on easy terms. Also good semi modern house on Morgan Ave, Just off Center St. Rd. Immediate poss- house In first class condition. Mod. has. on Evergreen Ave. lust completed. Immed. potts. These pla i will certainly bear Inspection a wUl be sold on terms like rent. Drive pest i. interested will arrange to show property any time. H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8303. 4 RM. HOME with bath. 2 unf. rms. upstairs, full basement, hwd. firs., Ve netian blinds, automatic hot water. 2295 Brerman. Reasonable, easy terms. Exchange Real Estate 7 ACRES ALL In fruit and nuta. good I room house, elec. lights and wate system, barn and chicken house 3 mile out ; will - trade for home in Salem about earns value. 5000). Must be clear of encumbrance. Box 155, cars of statesman. FINE PLACE m nL from Dallas. 1 acre filberts, 2 A. cherries. K A. pears, H A. apples, rest In prunes, ..11 11 . , . erty ln silem. 1515 N. Liberty. LARGE COR. lot, 4 rm. house, bath. gar., i coo, or trade for small acre age near Salem. 291 McXary. . TRADE FOR screaere 3 room house. z iota, si soo. 4 rms. and nook, 2 lots, 1809. 5 rms., large lot, 12000. I rms and 3 rm. house. 1U lota. 12. 300. 4 rms., 1H acre 33000. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE Tel. 5622 For Sale Farms FARMS A HOMES for rent, sale trade. Ore. Land Co. Woodburn. Ore 000000000000 31 A CLOSE SALEM, mostly fruit spring, creek, elec. Has 6 room mod. home, double plumbing, S garagea, all equipment. Only 37000 terms. Take small home In trade. C H. SANDERS 118 a High 5131 LOOK LOOK LOOK- GOOD 63 A. FARM, soil Wapato silt loam, about half cult., all year creek, not far out. on highway 99 owner non-resident will sell at aacrl f ice if sold next ten days. See me to day make an offer. LOUIS BECH tfi tit stnt Rm i I ' . ' FARM BARGAINS 30 ACRES. MOST all river bottom. good buildings, 6 good cows, 2 heifers. team, and machinery, only ZH miles from Salem, paved road. Will take some trade. 40 ACRES most all ln cultivation. fair set of bldjcs. 6 milea east of Sa iem. Priced very low for 4500. Terms. 15 ACRES with 5 room house, all kinds of fruit and berries, river bot tom land, ltt miles from Salem. Will take part in trade. Beach property, 4 room new house and 3 double cabins Price 33000. Ex change for small acreage near Saiem. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. 110 Ne Commercial Street Acreage m MI. EAST of Havesville 19 acres all In cultivation. I rm. hse, chicken hse. and other bldgs. Priced at S1Z5 per acre. Good terms. CARLETON E. LANE Phone 4975 Pacific Highway Realtor ----------- - - -ri-i-i-n-ii-irinrinii.nnAJuxr CHOICE C ACRES 13000 11000 DOWN. GOOD soft. A. alfalfa, good well, barn, chicken house, gas, elec., tel. 4 ml. N. E. Nice 4 room house. Might subdivide. VIEW SPRING FRUIT Those desiring a beautiful lying 12 acres, excellent building altea, close Sa iem, pared roao. race for few days llios terms. 11 A. adapted to alfalfa, hogs. cows, has stream, timber, only I mt city center. Sell with or without equip ment. Mice room house, barn, lb. water system, some trade. C H. SANDERS 111 & High S1S1 "r"T'irsfsrnfV'"s ACREAGE BARGAINS S A. LOCATED AT Swesie school on Garden Road. 8 -room ceiled house I m t a a a& At m n JS.' Sr.oV iT00 ZJ?! 1 ? Pr,c ,2000' 100 aowTi 20 per mo. ZH A. with new, unfin. 4 -room house with well located 4 miles from 1 11650. 110 down A baL 316.6 per mo. I n a j-- M. v-l ,f .( ni buy a fine 19 A. with drOled well, un com. . . 6-room house, elee- good road. Price 12290. lie down- A baL I16.S Mr ma. wflt buy a fine 4 A, tract tn goad lo cation. 7-room house, eatbldgs- good aniiea weu. worm more money. Price is. . Call O. H. . GRABENHORST. JR. With W, H. ORABENHORST A CC KutiTORa i isi a. uoertr tsx. Phone I4IS. Business 2ard la Cain dim-tot? rvn on a monthly feasts 4ty. Rate: fl per Use per ntoath. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. m South Commerelal Bfeyrlff Bl CYCLES, KkTW and tecewdlttoned Harry w Scott 147 a Cora i t P. 4311 Chimney. Sweep rBSUCPHONB 4434) St Northwe as Chiroprarlors I DR. a L SCOTT. PSC ChtreoraetSi mine N. Hign let. run sera. Executing EXCAVATING OS aR ktnda. 1 -Zl" "JTZTZ tnents due Dtrt hauled er Dlrl lOT WTO N X Phone 140 A Florists Ftirnacea-Heating : FURNACES. BmWERS.'otl aura 1 era, controls cleaning- and repehU.a HniJJIKD niRNACB tXJ. rtlU Fortland Road TeC S(l Have vour furnace cleaned now A snve Latindries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDEB LAUNDRY ' 2iJ 8, Hie TeL AMI For Sale Used Cart SPECIALS If You're Interested in a WE HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM CHOOSE FROM '38 Ford DeLuxe Tour. Sedan 9099 miles. Folks. It's sew. ?37 Ford Coupe, dual equipped uwnea ny prominent business man. It'a very clean. '36 Ford Tour. Sedan DeLuxe "Original beige color. Terr smooth choose from. '34 Ford DeLuxe Sedan New motor looks like new throughout. New rubber. '30 Ford Coach This Is really a honey. 29 Ford Sedan lots of service In this 36 Dodge TT. Sedan. New tires, brilliant black color. Immaculate in .-.ua . . ... .......... . 36 Oldsmobile DeLuxe Coupe. Spotless caver, e n. oeauty t d25.00 38 Packard Clutf Coupe. BeauUful interior. Radio, heater, loads of ex- . 1. - - - - - - 3M5.00 21 Dodge Std. 6 Sedan. Runs like a watch. Nearly new ttrea 65.00 Several Durante to choose from all m-rida JL hnHv iri.. mnoin. i. 120.00 up. - SEE THESE MANY BARGAINS NOW AT SALEM AUTO CO. SUPER USED CHRYSLER 435 NORTH TOO MANY So We Special a Few to Move Them! 1937 Plymouth Coupe color black And only 14,000 milea A beauty 1937 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan Low mileage, and a very clean 1937 V-8 Pickup-- Excellent condition. Gooo. paint 1936 Oldsmobile Sedan You'll Like This one" HATFIELD'S USED CAR MARKET 351 NORTH NO SALES ON SUNDAY Acreage ACREAGE 2 A. LOCATED N. OF Salem at Qulnaby. Good 4-room ceiled house with lights A water. Double garage, wood ahed combined. Some bearing walnut trees. Best ot soil, near store. Price 31500, a good buy. Located Just outside city limits with new, modern 5 -room house. Large ga rage, small chicken house A barn. Some fruit A nuts. Price 33250. 1300 down A 330 per mo. See this modern home. Located 1 mile outside city limits Good 5-room piast house with fire place A garage. Elec. water system A lights. On paved road A bus line, near store A schools. Price 12100, 3300 down. 320 per mo. See Q. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone C4C8 Suburban GOOD BUYS IN SUBURBAN HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Of a new 4 room cottage with plumbing, well and electric pump, garage, one acre best of dark soil about one mile out en paved road. Cloae to school. Price 32450. Cash 8300, balance 335 monthly, interest . ANOTHER ONE 1 miles out on good road one acre tract -4 room house, woodshed and ga rage, large chicken house, good well price only I soo. cash 150, balance sis mommy and interest. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1 Wanted Real Estate WANT TO buy apartment house of 3 or 4 units Will pay cssh. Post Office BOX Z04. WANT TO buy apartment house of s or" 4 units, will psy cash. Post Office Box 294. Business Opportunities PARTY INTERESTED Real Estate Mall Order business Ore. and Wash ington, small Investment. Box 471 Statesman. Wood Sawing WOOD SAW- Ed Sproed. Ph. tin. Lost and Found LOST BILLFOLD, keep money, re turn billfold and papers. Ph. tFll, Personal LONELTT "WORTHWHILE" sweet, heart, a-she ad. wife for too, Boa Tl. Los Aagele . Directory Rlattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG nod Martreea factory. NEW MATTRESS made te erder. old ramede; carper eleewtne. shdng; tluft rag weavlna. S 13th A Wilbur. Tel. 8441 OTTO F. XWICK ER. Est, 131L CAPITOL REDDINQ CO. sett Naluropathir Phrairbn DR. W. fV ROCKWELL. NatureeatV s Phrstctaa. ITti Fatr-rnunds RA Tet 4331 Office Hour 11 . at tel:38 f m. FRRB EXAM, m CONSULTA TION. - Painting - Papfrhansdnji WB DO all kinds painting. 7833. Printing FOR STATION ERT earns, enmaAleta fwoaiauia, oeeaa or any aiaa et inc. call Tba 8tatevmaa Prlatrng Da partmeet tit 8. CatnmarelaU ,Taie obooe tltL . . r-. -. . , Resort 18HERWOOD COTTAQE-t'Yarhata Mod- oeeaa flew, fish poles and halt Transfer FOR LOCAL or' distant transfer, stor age, burner ott. csil SlStr lArmet Trans far Ca. Traeka to Portland dan INTERSTATE TRUCKING. WaSB. t Ores. -Ph.. 23 Fl. ; . 4 Weil Drilliiis; B. A, WEST, Rt A Boa 44k. P. 110FA For Sale Used Cars Ford V-8 Look These Over $685.00 $395.00 ...:...$425.00 motor la the pink of shspe. Two to $285.00 $135.00 . 3 95.00 ... . .. .... .... . . a fJW interior. 130.00 In tires. Radio, , ... CAR MARKET COMMERCIAL- PLYMOUTH LATE MODELS 3510 car ; 3210 and almost new tires 1390 -3485 LIBERTY "THE LORD'S DAY" ease a-aeaae.-a.eaa.a , -,v-r-w-u-Lnjnj 1935 CHEV. SEDAN, reasonable terms. 1100 Edgewater, West Salem. .... ---..--i-i-.-.-.--w-wxnjxnji 23 MOD. T FORD. Tel. 87T. lilt a. uDerty. Between and 7:30 p. m MUST SELL at once, good '33 Mas ter Chev. Coupe, new paint, some trade, terms. Write Box 491, States man. 28 MODEL A FORD. Phone 4:77. 1934 RrTTfrr sirrt-'M -- bargain at $375, Terms. Nelson Bros! Appliance Jpt., 361 Chemeketa St. 34 CHEV. COACH, new tire: -3250 2023 Broadway. 1937 WILLYS. SEDAN 1937 WILLYS SEDAN A CAR MOST people should own. very dependable A economical. It's in top condition, price Is only 3425. L. B. Harris Motors For Sale - Wood GRAKN 412 N SlsW.4 vnnH -tS7S m rsiisvnr'vvnsj-k-sfrrxr SUMMER PRICES, old fir 13" at only 34.7 per cord. Order fer now or later. del. Phone 4 ISC Oregon Fuel Co. 9 AA LOAD. DRY Is In. kitchen CO.VXJ wood, no splitting. Ph. 3891. -ii-r-,-.iiiriiiririnnrLiiji r AA CD. STR. gr.. no dote, trwi O.W dry, u i.t bUj o, F. P. 7033. 13-INCH DRY old fir. Phone 4218. 1X75 CD. 4 FT. fir. 3 ed. lots. A-l li In. a Fir. 35. ICaets, 34.50. ;-. 4 1 til BONE DRY wood. Ph. 9540. ssaseMs1VsMlB CO" OLD FIR 14.11. 4 ft. . 945C Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 15 I4 2 22 2f v7a 20 3l 32 34V 37 3 V7 HORIZONTAL S5-Wgk bona 1 a cupola so equuser 5 musical - r S8 rcotical . composition chart 12 pertaininr -to a tTaad parent IZ Spanish. measure of ' lenrth ; 14 uaber ' 15 director 17 house of aa estate 19 solar disk 9 romanes ia instrument t 4netrie measure of capacity 40 a model 41 residue of combnstibU material 44-eauaof tha ataoU - , 48 ti-taa 'taYal -47 maidea T home of t- tl sacred - i choral . i I composition flawwHli 4a terday's puxsle. Z3 ongnt 24 pieced out 25 roUof ' , tobacco for - smokint; f. K-lika ' ; 28 metric - -f " .meaaura 29 flavor ' SO perish Jl not in tba r scale 82 one affected , with leprosy., ,23 prince . CHiad.) ; : Si bar for - . k , raisint;; f weitts-r A-10 c1l E HtRa ffiW&M la sit Ir ltyif! A Itt le. kWl m lfl A. 1 glrjTlE.lliLLRlr-H CarnlsKlll,wta For Sale Used Cars We Know That PRICE Is What You Want WE ADD HIGHER QUALITY AVT MAKE IT A DOUBLE BARGAIN. LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. CON. SISTENT WITH BETTER RECON DITIONING. . ; 36 Terraplane 2-Doorv A low mileage-, well-kept car that Is truly an excellent value. " Saturday Only ..,.$395.00 '33 Ford Sedan With thousands of miles of good trans portation. Very smooth n a r ft motor, new rubber l'O.Uvl '30 Graham Coupe A true quality car, distinctive And pleasing appearance $145 00 MANY OTHERS HERRALLlOWENS DODGE-PLYMOUTH 235 South Commercial - - - -m i-y.-.-n-M'v-.r. uj ' WANT TO trade 2 Model A Coach rew rubber, rebored. for a cheaper car, Rt. 4, Box 4. LEGAL NOTICE Estate of William R. Freeman No. 19.3 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ; In the County Court of the. State of Oregon for the County a" of Marion 4. :i In the matter of the estate, ot WILLIAM R. FREEMAN, de ceased: v Notice is hereby given tha. Ihci undersigned administrator ot the Estate of William R. Freeman, de ceased, has filed his final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and. that Monday, the 24th day of July, 1939. at the hour ot 10 o'clock is the forenoon of said day and thef courtroom of said Court in Salem in said county has been appointed by said Court as the time 'and place for hearing of objections ta said account and the settlement thereof. ' ; Objections to said account, if any, may be served upon the un dersigned administrator at the ot-. fice of The Oregon Statesman is. Salem in said County, Oregon. Dated and first published June 10, 1939. Date of last publication July S, 1939. H. S. BERRYMAN. Administrator. CARL B. WINTLER, Attorney for said Administrator J 10-17-24-Jly 1-S Missouri Folks Visit at Gate - - GATES Mr. And Mrs. Dma Brady of St. Louis, Mo., are Tie ittng the letter's sister, Mrs. Klntke. ' Mrs. Henry Spry and son. Bad of Sacramento arrived ln Gates Wednesday. 'They are looking after mining interests la this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shepherd left Thursday for Prtne Tills, where they win make aa in definite star with their ion. PUl. 10 II 17 23 2e 27 30 A Z4 39 30 wo Hi HZ 48 fabric osed for curtains 49 s whirlpool VERTICAL f Russian - te4ra -' f any raiiiuU 10 soon 11 saucy I wall a water course 2 em 14 obtain S West Indian 18 Mohara- . aquatic asedaa mammal noble ; 4-xaltad t0-averitr S kiln 6 coa. 21- repast 22 combe 23 serpent 2-daoce. 24 race ia Abraham t 4 , : ?p tba aolntinn ta Tea. OT. 29 more thaa 80 marred ! 82 amooth Z f '? S3 dednctioa ' its state of for . retf ulnesa :? 33 soft hairy ' v - , coat of aa -animal r. 3d ardor 87 device for- . holdinE'V objecta I . 40 aty 4i-ged' I .42 negatiTa , ; 41. rerium v r (tyaibol) - M