The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ifca CGCU LtXlllAlt, CiUn, Orerca, Satarda? lienor, Jcs 10, 1UJ
Bond Issue for new Well at Mv Angel Mefore Voters on Monday
Polls Open at
Gty Hall, 8-8
Propose t $10,000 p Outlay
for Drilling, Pumping
: ;;f Equipment ; '. ..
MT. JLKOELr A speelal election
will b held In ML, Angel Monday,
June 12. to determine whether an
additional well Is to be built In
ML ' Angel. The question to be
put before the people la to uk
whether or not they wish to em
power the city to issue bonds In
the amount of $10,000 to finance
the drilling; of a well and the pur
chasing; of adequate pumping
. equipment. The bonds are to be
redeemed by water revenues and
if these should, prove Insufficient
by taxes,.:1.'' . . V. .:' '
The polls will be open from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m. The regular city
election board, N. G. Mlckel, Jo
seph Berchtold, Louis Schwab and
E. B. Stolle, substituting; for N.
M. Lanby, will be in charge, the
election to be held at the city hall.
- It has been deemed a measure
of necessary precaution- by the
city council to plan for a better
water 'supply for the ; constantly
growing town. - -"
' If the measure is approved by
the citizen, the well will most like
ly be located to the rear of the
city hall. '
King Joins Welcoming Party in Salute to English Anthem
Sr 5k
i ' x
Final Rites Today
aukoka Mrs. Margaret
Jesse . Qrlbblo widow ; of Albert
D. Cribble, died Thursday morn
ing at her home; three miles
east of Aurora, following a two
hours' illness.
Mrs. Gribble was born in
Clay county Missouri, September
15, 1863 and was : the daughter
of W. W. and - Amanda Jesse,
early Oregon pioneers. In 188 S
she married Albert D. Gribble.
son of Mr. and Mrs: Andrew
Gribble, early settlers who set
tled on the farm where Mrs.
Gribble - has spei t her married
life. -v Her husband was killed
a few years ago In an automo
bile accident while crossing the
highway from his bouse to the
Mrs. Gribble was known to
her friends as Aunt Margie. She
was an actire member of Maple
wood grange. V
Surviving ere nine sons: Al
len,. Portland; Ralph, Oregon
City; .. Ensley, Canby; Charles
Canby; -Andrew, Molalla; Sam
uel, Oak. Grove : ?rank, Port
land; Estesh Seattle; and Harold.
Canby; daughters, Mrs. Lena
Bush, West: Linn; three broth
ers, James and WillJepse, Port
land, and - Wood Jesse, Lewlston.
Ida.'; sister, Mrs, Lena Bond
Young Porpand ; ;.2 5 : grandchil
dren ;.. one great grandchild. . s
Funeral services will be held
at the Canby funeral home Sat
urday, June 10.
Couple Married
ces Jones and Warren Maddy were
married at: Vancouver Friday and
the young folks gave, them a char
ivari Wednesday night. They will
reside in North Salem.
Undr the portico of the Washington, DC, Union station. King; George
VI Joined the welcoming party fa salute daring the playing of the
English' anthem, one of the first events welcoming; the British mon
arch and Queen Elizabeth to the United States capital. The-king; also
sainted when the "Star Spangled Banner' was played. Left to right:
the king. President Roosevelt, Brig. Gen, K. M. Watson, president's
secretary. Second row: Rear Admiral Boss afclatyre, Thomas Qnal-
ten, bodygnardr Captain Daniel CaDaghan, naval aide, and Steve
Early, presidential secretary. Back row: Mrs. Roosevelt, the queen.
Secret service men flank them. '
McBeth's Bid on
Hall Roof Is Low
nomics club of West Salem
grange met Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Leighton
Dashiell with ' eight members
present. Mrs. Don Hackabee and
Mrs. Lyle Thomas Joined the
The next meeting place will
be the home of Mrs. Ed England.
July 11, date being; postponed
one week for July 4.
Lunch for the grange meet
ing was planned.'
Green River Ordinance Is
Before City Council;
Action in July-
Siinshine Needed
For Hay Makers
with hay down, have begun to
want sunshine. Fred Vlesko has
mowed his seed turnips and sun
shine is needed - to eure them
for combining. Vlesko and Bert
L. Jones are . both irrigating
boysenberries. Loganberries are
beginning to turn red and are
about a week earlier than boy
senberries. ' ' :? -y:i
! Among those, from here - at
tending the Rote-Festival in
Portland are Mr. and Mrs.- Fred
Vlesko and daughter. Miss Betty
Viesko. His mother, Mrs. M. H.
Vlesko, of Salem, accompanied
them. . Mrs. Viesko, Betty and
Mrs. Marie Vlesko and her two
daughters, Barbara, and Patsy, of
Salem, will leave by motor Wed
nesday morning for a three, week
visit at the San Francisco fair.
WEST SALEM r Mrs. Lynn
Richardson is home from the
hospital, but Is still confined to
her bed.
. Mrs. T. T. Croxer left Wednes
day for a -vacation and business
INDEFEMDEJSCE C. HcBeth trip to Whittle r. Calif.
. I -
was iow oiaaer ior a new root rdi am hnatnew meet
the Independence city hall I ln, ... heM Wedneadav at the
when the bids were opened at I hftm un tt tv Phinina.
tn council meeting Wednesday. 1 xineteen women were sresent
Mcuein s wa. wmcn was amaea Mrg. Neiiie Hathaway led the
in three parts, totaled $297.50 iiTotlonal hour. Tir1 renort
fj?.d. ,2'5?,lower tnn bld of were accepted. New members
wiiiiam Tm-iwi. I ho lolned are Mrs. Lelrhton
The Green River ordinance I Dashiell, Mrs. A11!a Swlgart and
was held over for a third read-1 Mrs. S. P. Brown.
rog unui tne next council meet- An ice cream social will be
ing ln July. The bill which had planned for an early date In
oeen urged by a committee from July. Mrs. Don Huckabee will
the Independence chamber of 1 Mt as chairman for a silver
commerce nas been a matter of I tea, Wednesday, June 14
aiacussion i or some urne. some The nominating committee.
oojecuons were orrerea oy coun-1 Mrs. Don Huckabee. chairman.
ciiiuca wnw uiuagut mat uu- suggested three new officers, a
ferent bill might be drafted by wi&1- devotional and finance
the city attorney which would be chairman, who with the other
easier to eniorce. I nffieem would eonstitnta an e.
councilman w. a. uarnum re-iecntiT board.
ported tne citya finances in gooa The officers elected were: Ad-
snape wun no ouisianamg war- Tiser, Mrs. Nellie Hathaway;
rants. I nreitidpnt Mrs RnliT riaahlnll
j una ju, mac expiamea tne I vice nrAHident. Mm Matnl IMsk.
wora iai nau oee.. none 10 im-iBOn; secretary, Mrs. J. R. Bid
prove tne tiop bowi. ue asKea f0rd: treasurer. Mrs. J. I. Mil-
permissiun 10 use lumoer ior ler.
f urtner improvements from the These officers will be Installed
oia cannery site on Tftird street, I Sunday. June 11 at the morn-
-ine jirst isauonai nana oi ine rvi h- Rev. Don Hncka
maepenaence was maae tne or-1 bee
liciai depository for city funds.
10) -N,
v (A
t . a
f I Robt. Montgomery I fl P II
i v-'m ' w m Diinn A - mm mi
l A XX "FAST AND I w v
ffcu$?& LOOSE" I Aay Tlme
g& f
mnvm mUmK,
The cards were stacked against him .
StarUng life with :two strikes on him . . HIS J
r- ?
. Jackie Cooper lf1 AT'?!CTPnfC-rfi V
tn UUww4iaaa i v
Start Night Shift
At Idanha Plant
DETROIT The Idanha lum
ber company found it necessary
to start ' operating a night shift
Four Generations
At Birthday Fete
SCIO Four generations ' were
represented at the B. C. Robert
son home Sunday when a - din
ner honored the 88th birth an-
niversary of Robertson's grand- I in order to handle the logs that
mother. Mrs. Anna Stayton. Wl-I r Being put into the roll way.
aow of one of the founders of i ne company expects to operate
Stayton. Mrs. Stayton has re-1 the two shifts all season
sided there more than 50 years, I Miss Ora Allen, who has been
being a native of Virginia, attending school at the UO, has
Among those at the anniversary I returned to her home here to
observance were her brother. I spend , the summer with her
Ellas Jeeter, 85, of Portland, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Al
and her '.on. G. R. Stayton of len
Washougal. I Elberta L I b b y. Marguerite
Jackson, Louise Phillips and
Rnn CrAwm Iae11 Sneigrove are in Corvallis
oean growers h th ... tt . 4H
For Co-on Mt 1 mer school for two weeks,
UriTCT OTA VTflV TV ka.. !
growers of the Stayton Co-op. can- SKOW family Moves
nery held their regular meeting SALEM HEIGHTS Hans
Monday night in the McClellan Skow and family moved the first
hall. Refreshments will be served of the week to the farm near
at the next meeting on July 3, Jefferson for which they traded
with Edward Hankel, sr., Harry their property here to John Huss
btewart and W. O. Royse ln charg I who has taken possession
Stewart and W. O. R o y s e in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collins of
charge. Berkeley, Calif., brother of Mrs
D. Wagner, visited at the Wagner
children's homes this week
Family Reunion
At Bennett Home
EHELBURN A family reun
on was held Sunday at the El
mer Bennett home. Only two
of the older members, Mrs. Mary
Carmon of Shelburn and Mrs.
Sarah Cannon of Portland, were
present but friends and rela
tives enjoyed the day, friends
coming' from Sllverton, Port
land, Oregon City and Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Vernon
and son, Clarence, attended the
wedding of their son. Glen, In
Salem Sunday to Miss Vivian
Langtree. They will reside ln
Eugene while he la pastor at
Trent, near there.
At the regular school meet
ing to be held June 19,' two di
rectors and one clerk are to
be elected and the budget is to
be considered.
Guardsmen to Leave With
Special Contingent on -.
Tuesday Morning ,
WOODBURN The Howltxer
company, 186th Infantry of the
Oregon National Guard located
at Woodburn will entrain Tues
day at 8:65 a. m. on the guard
special tor Camp Clatsop, for
the annual guard camp for two
weeks' training. Demonstration
day and annual revue will be
held Saturday, June 24, when
all the guard troops in Oregon
pass ln review before the governor
and military officials.
After the revue, the annual
sham battle takes place, wit
nessed by thousands of specta
tors. The review and sham bat
tle are open to the public
T3 equipment used by the
Howitzer company ln their train
ing consists of 37 M.M. guns
and Stokes 3-ineh trench mor
The complete list of those ln
the ' Howitzer company: Head'
quarters. Captain Elburn T.
Sims; 1st Sgt. Kenneth C
Schooler; Supply iSgt, George D.
Jones; Mess Sgt. Walter L.
Schooler; Corp. Clerk Loren D.
Gagner; 1st Cook Louis Olsen;
Musician John Goody ard; Mech
anic BUI V. Fleet
Platton Members
1st Platoon Lieut. Everett J.
Hughes; Sergeant Harold R.
Gilbert; mortar squad. Corporal
Chester P. Lavier, Leo D. Miller,
Clair Clark, George Beaman,
Donald M. Warring, Marvin F.
Morisky, Raymond R. Bibby.
Ammunition squad. Corporal Bill
B. Wengenroth, Ernest Abraham-
son, John L. Davis, James H.
Steffen, James Rlggl, Wilfred
Fanlhaber, George Goodyard,
Raymond SUvesan. 87 M.M.
squad. Corporal Marvin C.
Moore, Earl R. Lee, Frank Kra
picka, Lyman Broyles, Leo. D.
Steffen, -William K. Lemen, Les
ter Reed.
2nd platoon. Lieut. Harlow' C.
Dixon, Sergeant Joe M. Klrsch ;
mortar squad. Corporal Ralph L.
Lnts, Howard P. Thompson,
Walter W. Bower, Joe F. Het-
terschled. Keith L. Tweedle,
Adron Tate, Russel P. Wertx.
Ammunition squad. Acting Cor
poral Lester R. Wampole, Lloyd
S. Pollock, Frank Zak, John F.
Giants, Jim VanWinkle, Leonard
G. Davis, Russel J. Kosse. 37
M.M. squad, Corporal Ben F.
Roosevelt Greets the Queen
- - y - s w V
- t v i
' '
' 1 I
Suver Blacksmith
Is in Circus Now
SUVER Tommy Ryan has
closed the blacksmith shop at
Suver which he has been oper
ating since last fall and has
Joined a carnival as a wrestling
Marion Crockett of Angel
island, a marine, is visiting Jiis
mother, Mrs. O. J. Bagley,
while at home on a 30-day fur
lough. Mrs. Wesley Kester and
daughters, Marian and Emmalou,
aTe ln central Oregon, . where
they expect to spend the next
month tor the benefit of Mrs.'
Hester's health.
Mrs. Emma Benedict assisted
by Mrs. Opal Kester, will enter
tain the Ivy club at her home
Wednesday afternoon, June 14.
Mrs. Jay Thomas underwent a
major operation at the Salem
general hospital Tuesday morn
ing. She is reported as being
This was the scene at the Union station, Washington, DC, as Presi
dent Roosevelt met Queen Elizabeth npon the arrival of the Brlttet
rulers from Canada for two-day visit. With the president (bach
to camera), waiting to be presented Is Mrs. Roosevelt. At president!
other side la Brig. Gen. E. M. Watson, secretary. Behind the qaeei
Is the king. Standing ln center back is Mrs. Cordell Hull, and mi
rear right la Secretary of State HuIL
Reeser, LeRoy H. Soderholm,
Clair Hill, Patrick Whitney, Har
lan Nelson, Donald Barrett, An
thony Zak, Herman D. Brooks
Other men going not listed in
squads are George Little, Charles
J. Shaw, Eugene M. Hoffer,
Wayne L. Mulkey, Jerome Han
Ion and Dick C. Whitman.
Oldest Resident
St. Louis Is 111
8T. LOUIS Prosper LaCha
pelle, over 80, oldest St. Louis
resident, who has been living
alone since his wife died eight
years ago, was taken to the
county hospital in Salem Wed
nesday afternoon.
He Is suffering from pneumo
nia and is very 111.
Surprise Woman
On 75th Birthday
Mrs. Beatrice Merrill's neighbors
surprised her Tuesdsy afternoon
with a party honoring her 75 th
birthday. Those present: Mrs.
Frank Walters, Mrs. GatcbelL
Mrs. Baker and Margaret and
Miss Lydia Hunt.
That night she went to Stayton
to her daughter's, Mrs. J. Van
Cleves, for another birthday par
ty, with three daughters present.
Those present: Mr. and Mrs.
Audrey Gragg, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Wilson, Miss Lydia Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Van Cleve, David and Ken
Gall Board
Idaho Folks Visit
At McKee Home
JEFFERSON Guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McKee from Pocatello, Idaho,
are her mother, Mrs. M. J.
Thacker, and also her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Johnson.
Hugh Emery of Monument,
eastern Oregon, was a guest at
the home of his uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Emery, the
first of the week. He will teach
at ML Angel next . year. He, Is
employed in the . office of the
secretary of state this summer.
Fast and Loose" ' and
Bette Davis and Errol
- Flynn ln "The Sisters.'
S n n d a y Eleanor Powell,
Robert Toung, George
Barns, Oracle Allen ln
"Honolulu. Jackie Cooper
In "Ganrnter'a Hot" .
t1tk - -: fcSjDiyAI if i 1 i.
Today Robert Montgomery l-TT h I- I
and Rosalind Russell ln V I fl. 1 I 1 Tl f V Q I
" "Fast an it Loaae" : and I , V .- -- ' vjTHii'fTra
Today . Mickey" Mouse j
all cartoon matin iIus
-Lucky Night" and Buck
Jones . serial. Midnight-
show -Jauret" with Taul
Mnnt . anrl Rtt TYarla
T o d a y "Hotel Imperial?
' with Isa Miranda and Ray,
Ml nan d "under cover
Agent" and Lone Ranger.
Today Family -night,
donhla Mil "I Am lha
Law. .with Edward O.
Robinson, ' and second fea-
tare,: 'Gallty TrtH," rlta
Bob Baker., y
Friday Double bUU Blon-.
' die. with PtniiT Slnrla.
ton,. Arthur Lake and
Larry Slmms, . and seer ad
feature. -Frontiers v of
4f 'with " -Wild BiU" .
Hlckock. - -. : ;;-,
Today --Only Angela "Have
Wings," with Cary Grant
and Jean -Arthur.
' ' s e
i r. Y newest plot . of
Itha public!. :. :.
II ipf
iUt -n
, Pics Last Chapter "Leae Rastr Eldts Agala".
Frfrl T 1 I I t J I N EATRE 1 Continuous 2 to 11 P.M.
To every lover of great actinjf, I - f ;- 1 & U
Muni as Juarez, Bette Davis, . . "w ) i
as Carlota will stand as the 'y' (
screen's most memorable por- j J LATEST
trayals! To every lov- J MARCH OF
er of adventure, of ro- -- X TIME
mance, of democracy, h
"Juarez" will be for- rf. ft ' ".f-T1-;. -"
ever set apart ... a f: Wnlt
picture immortal! S Disney'a
f 1 Donald
J , ( Duck
7 lnnAf y
:..v ::- k
III f i .iwm. iiieierie
I I Erich Wolfzana Kornsold .
1 -" ' : " ' " ' ' : v
III r, I
Wrttmj mTmmWm MT b Ml ' mwmrn
Toj '. "nflYEnLIIlG" r4. UCKY IIIGnT"
' . .. . mmwi . a mars as. sr .at ' - -
ItOTK: aiaycruag wiu aoc oe an own h suenrj . how; 1 1
J iot1 is V.- n "