a : n. A Frof iitaBle Mara -Over Matesmaii Warit-Ad BMy Statesman - Classified Ads Call 9101 Claaslflrd Advert Mag Single Insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per tin 20c Six Insertion per Itnt . JOe On month per Itne II Of Minimum chart 2Se Copy fot thle ! aerot'ted unftl $:30 the evening before puMtcn Hon for classification Cop? re ceived eftet this time will he run under th heading "To Late to Classify" - The- Statrsmsn assumes no flnan rial responsibility for error which may appear In advertisement ptih llshed In Ha eotnmns. end h eaaee here this paper la at fault will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake eocura The Statesman reserves the right to relert qiieatlonable advertising ; It further reserves the right to place til advertisings under the proper claaalflcat Inn. A -Blind-' Ad an ed containing Sta teaman bo number fm an ad dress Is for the prrtert Inn of the advertiser and imiat therefore he , enawered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using "Rlmd" ad Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, eowa picked vp free. Ph. collect 8411 8alm Montgomery Rend. Wka HORSES KOR sale. Alao I wka Id weaner plge Havee lahlah Farm Biooka Oregon. FRESH COW for sale. RL T, Boa Z03, Ralph Warden. Ph. 104F31. Auctions ESTATE OF Margaret Ann Ross- man, deceased. 707 a 13th 8t.. Tue day. June 13th. 1:11 p. m. sharp. Con latinv nf the followlns household fur- nishlncs to wit: 1 dining- table, t chairs A buffet. 1 domestic walnut sewinc machine A attachments. 1 a A wood combination range, colled, 1 console walnut or ran. 2 dressers, 2 beds, 2 springs, 2 mattresses, 1 tapes try davenport. 2 roll seat rockers, 1 heater. Board A pipe, 1 comb, bookcase At writing desk. 1 reed rocker. library table, radio, mantle clock, bedding, quilts, dishware, electric plate, silver ware, utenaila, fruit A many other Items too numerous to mention. SAM HUOHES. Executor F. N. A GENX WOODRT, Auctioneers Help Wanted ISO WEEKI.T. . Grow mushroom Collar: shed. W htiytOe lb World largest comimn FREE ROOK Mnh room 1019 2nd att!e Waah - FAMILY TO pick cherries A hauling. Mr. Oakman. Rt 2, Box 545, 3 mL P on Liberty -road. ,-' STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted; 10c a carrier call 117F32. Help Wanted Male MAN. WANTED to Invest $45 In a permanent teneat bualneaa: no selling: handle own money t future unlimited. See Mr. .Cadoret Marlon HoteL FrL a. tn. . Help . WanteclFemale . WANTED A clean Christian woman to keep house for one old man. R.. board and S10.00 a month. H. Felaen stein, R I Boa 74, Woodburn, Ore. Salesmen Wanted ADVERTISING SALESMAN exper lenced In selling "nersonal and bus iness stories." C. J. Curtis, 1434 Ferry 8treet Situations Wanted DRESSMAKINO. Mrs. Adsitt Tel PAINTINU PAPKRHAN11NO low f rkea. work guar. Free estimates. 47l 8CW1NG tH IRONING 1Sju ltIB mm. GIRL WANT house work er care of. Children. - 137 8. 1Mb. CARE FOR motherless children In say country home. Ba 418 eo Statesman HOUSEKEEPING IN country for ba chelor or widower. State Hotel, 47 8Ute St, Ph. 4793. Mrs. D. G. Davlea. 2 . TEARS BUS. exp.. stenographer and gen. office work. Can give re 11 able references. Call 8451 .or 841. - For Sale -Bliseellaneous ' Blkea A'ttep. Hamadea. 1 5j ; NASH FURN. Co. "sells the. same for : leas." "Be eonvtsced. Cash Terriuu Trade. -Ruaa Waodry. Manager. t SEE THE family sise Stewart-WaMosM water tn room. Ex, food. Bo e rafrtmratnr. brand new 1939 tnoA et for only-399.5. Easy terms.-Nelson Bros S61 Chemeketa SL. ' ARB TOU la the market for a ood J davenport A chair, bedroom set or nin- taur aetT Wo guarantee to mom. Plek nut ne to four ronmo. Pay nothing down. Prices ranee- n In dividual groups from 329.5w. See us J A bo convinced that yew save on rurni tare at Cohn Broa. 308 N. Liberty. RFRttll.T AND guaranteed . wnsH era. All make fmna It ap Spee Mav ' tag 815 Hogg Rroa , - ; ADDING MACHINES typewrTtere. cash registers. acalea aalea eeyiralaro pelra Roen Typewillev Ka. WfWtt BED. SPRINO A mat tress complete ft brand new. 812.98 : full or twin atse. Coha Broa. SOS N. Ubertr. -TTTBE . SPARTAN rnasU radio $15.0. NlKn Brosv t ChemlMtm Bt. iirxn.ajTjirunjnrLrii-grk WALL TENT, campy bed. 136 & 14th !A3AaVaglB3aA ' CASH FOR used fnrw Ph Ilia COCKER PUPS, sale. 155 E. Wilson. ADVERTISING Western Adrartlslag. Reproacntatlvea San Francisco. a net aco. Loa Angelea '. Seattle fr-: CasteiD Advartlainx Reprftaenutlvaa .-..-: Bryant Irirf1tb ft Bronsoa. Iaa . Chicago New York. Detroit , . Boetoer Atbinta . ,. aassssBsaaaHiaBBBaaBi y t Farered at tAe f-eaeftre at Saleai . Oreeoa aa Seemd Ctose Aferiee. P timkr tMra aternMe eweeo Afeatfa. Varaaf oice lil Soafk Cosimerrtei I Sfreet.. . . 80BSCRIPT10N RATES: ; Mall Subscription Ratea to Advance . Within Oregon: Dal'vand f davt . is stita : 1 Mo. !: Ma -$3.64 ! 1 rear 5 M. Elsewhere eenta e Ma er II H for 1 rear u ayivMce Far copy S centa Newaatanda A aaata 87.30 a year a year hi advance " ------ w Fof .Sif-r-Miacellneom TRAILER, NEW. SIS. 1141 Norway. Stt FT. 8CKLVINATOR refrigerator. I22.ia. 8ee Mr. Brown, Elfstrom'e 275 Chemeketa. , . PHILCO CONSOLE radio, good I shape, $12.50. Nelson Bros., SSI Che meketa St. new Hampshire: baby summer prk-ea. 534 N. 15th. chirks CPHOUrTF.RINO. SPECIAL price on rebuild, cuah. McDowell. Ph. sS3. FREE 8-WAY IES lamp 4 shade with each aperlal dHveoport A chair old this week at $39.95. Pay nothing down. Cehn Hnm.. 30 N. Uberty. USED WOOD ranges. $10 each. Nel son Broil. 361 Chemeketa St. NASH FURNITURE Co. pays sno taah. . Home furnishings. Ph. 9502: W ATKINS PROW. 1725 Mad'sn T805 USKD IATH. hath tuba, wash bow and aink. furniture. Inlaid linoleum composition roofing. 893 So. Uberty. REST. COFFEE urn. Ig. 280 Mission BUT NOW A- save on oil circulators I 5-room size. 349.95. Nelson Bros., 3' Chemeketa Street. DAT OLD and started chirk, frver Alao peat mom fertilizer. Ph. J33F3 Lee s Hatchery. FORCED .REMOVAL sale now on must -vacate July 1st: watchea and Jewelry at your own price Salem Watch Shop. 211 X. Corel. BEAUTIFUL 8 PC. walnut dining i room suite, re. $79.50, include table, buffet. 4 dinners A 2 arm chairs one sample act only special '149.95. Pav nothing down. Cohn Broa.. SOS N. Lib erty. NEARLY NEW 5-tube. Airline bat -tery radio. 2230 Turner Road. TRAILER -HOUSE. 332 N. High. NEW txa.Sft VOSS washer now I5. 50. Nelson Bros., 3(1 Chemeketa St FRTERS. Kilke, Rt. C. T.IVE or drewed. Tel. 32F4 Pan STRAWBERRIES 4c LB., you pick. Ready June 1(. B. C. Zielinski, Ph 117F13. REPOSSESSED OIL burning tan for home uee take it at hnt. due. $5 per month. Nelson Bros., 361- Cheme keta St BALLOON-TIRE bicycle, rees.. or trade for portable typewriter. 847 S. Coml. BURCH POPCORN machine, In good condition. Terms. Tel. 8060. USED WASHERS. 110 A $20. Nel son Bros.. 31 Chemeketa. AUCTIOX SATURnAT. 1:30 n. m.. F. N. Woodry Auction Mart Tools, rurnlture, nig?, stores, etc. Al'UTItlN TI ESDAT. 1 rSO p. m. fu. t. lata St. Estate or Margaret Ann Rosaman. ' s BEFORE TOU buy any refrigerator see the entirely new Wen In the Stew art-Warner 2600 cu. In. froxen food compartment. 54 pounds Ice at one time hold SO Ih. frozen meat at on time jio defrosting necessary. Nel son Bros.. 51 Chemeketa St. Wantel Miscellaneous WANTED USED fum. Pbv 111 NA8H FURNITURE Co. pays spot casn. Home furnishing. Flu-50j. , --- -i-ririirirvhrri -diivini'iiinr I WANT-TO -buy a grocery Store Box 493. Statesman. Wnter -Furniture . WANTED BRINQ TOUR furniture to the Woodry Auction Mart. Saturday A hare F. K. A Glenn sell It for you 1:30 p. m. Rfiscellaneons DENTAL flATKI REPAIRED TWfV HOUR SERVICE DR. WARRT 8EMI.ER. DRNTUIT Corner Stale A Cnmmerrtal -Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms SLICEP RM. Hose la Ph 449t RMS FOR Ph t7f ladlea. f N Cottage SLEEP. RM. Prtv. ent Ph. I3T1 SL. RM, walking dlst 107 N. Coml ROOM IN private home. 750 E St RM.. KTTCH. prlv. If desired. 40 2 FRONT RMS. suitable for office or market close tn write 454, t. Statesman. Room and Board BEST RM board. Close to state house. 1221 Court. Ph. S4S4. WMMSSSSMIIISSAMMSSSM BtIC, 20CC OA, park, lot near -tat 188 Jt. irrh. Ph. 4Za SHOWERTNEW mod. home, hot and loaat U Marlon. RMMAWSSNIIWMISWISSMSMMMnW APPRECIATE OOOD man hit Nice Afa Bowen f OS N Ijnerty. i NICELT -TURN, bt" cold water. E meals. Nr. atate house. SIS a Wlntet ED. ft ROOM. 14 1 a Cottage. 6483 Bit. D, 19 N. Summer. Ph. 4614 BOARD, ROOM. 152 N. ISth. P. 5448. For llent-AparlmeiiU S RM. JiCWLT furn. Beat, water. refrig, -bath, adults. 91 N. Cottage. JCICE S KM. tarn, 159 Stat. X R. trUrt, prt. bath. 881 N. Church. ATTRACTIVE 3 RM. Olendora Apta NEW 8 EM. dean.' airy rum. Oat H A C water, car. 189 Fir St 1TXCELLENT APTS. close 3a. 325 SIS and 16 month. 87 N. CommerciaL CLOSE-LN fara, 1188 MUL P. 7981 FURN. I Rid, 439 N.I 4th. . MOD. 2 R. FURN, 1663 Stata. APTS, LTS, water, furn. 151 N. 13 NICE S.R. APT, I8M Cental. CI8B 4N fine mod. apt Ph. 849 3-ROOM : MODERN. Phono S384. -NICE SMALL forn. apt. 690 Ualoav 1 AND 8 SM. furn. apta, prtv. batn fls not water, washer, us iatie aw NICELT FURN. mod, SSS Center. 8 ROOM APT, 31 So. CecaX BEAUTII-"UL FURNISHED I Lealto Manor. SI Lealla,. - PATTON APTA 323 S'ate. -Fara- tahed. AdUHs only, fhooe- 8344 I AND 3 RM furn apt 641 Fern VMSWMWMMAMekSISMMMeWMWWWMeiSk I TO 4 RM apta turn or onfura. 3 aad up tnq 131 Sooth 13th. SM. FURN apt. S3 S Cottage. SEE FISHER aota ModerntaeC newly eVeorated and roomy. ToaH b delighted. Oak- aa a Cominefe'" . Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsers No ComaketWYoar SignatHre Only RKI'AT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OUJES1 AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 131 So Commercial St. Lie No. SU Ph. tllS m . . aS.aW f - MA aV CSteaiW toaeaW. ....UkI 9.a..jS SP1 am laallAR 1 r IIH W OUUin VI luu m vweu aMiaa. For Rent Apartments ' THE MOST homelike In Salem Hawthorne Court 100 N. CaplloL ! II ti 19 N. Ubrty Ph $7 If, 2 3 RM. FUR. C40 Marlon. 4 RM. FURK, Karaite. lOM N. tth 3 RM. UNFURN ; 1 nn. part fum. Cheap. 292 S. Cottage. FURNISHED S room cottage. Call Ull Chemeketa. Phone-3313. 2 RM. FURN-, 4S2 Marlon. FURN. APT, 4 C W. 2 A 3 R. APT a Furn. A unfurn.. $SS to $40. Royal Court Ph. 3953. 2 LGE. RMS. turn., private ent, Its water, gar., quiet. 576 N. 15th. P. 421. 2 $12 B0. S R., $1S.60. 1935 Center. FURN. APT., adults, 275 N. 20th. ATTRACTIVE 2 RM. apt for wom an, in private borne. Lichta, water, gaa. furnished. 407 S. 18th. APT., AUTOMATIC heat Frtfldalre. 120.00. 355 S. 14th St NICE 2 RM. ant furn.. heat lights. hot water, gas for cooking. 815. Ad ults. Phone 288. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath. Frig. Dwnstrs. 1208 Court. For Rent- Houses" MODERN I ROOM house newly fin ished, with sleeping porch. 1188 Mar Inn St. FURN. 6 RM. flat, adults. June to September 10. Phone 4600. SMALL MODERN HOUSE. W. 8A- I.EM. $15.00. WILL SELL REASON ABLE. Box 475, Statesman. 4 RM. HOUSE, partly furn.. fire place. Wiisher. 7 ml. S. Ph. 1ZFZ. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. H. P URANT. 529 Court St Ph. 8744. BUNGALOW. FURN. or unfurn Oakvllla Court. Adults. Inq. 895 Mill 4 RMS.. $15. 2415 N. Liberty. Adulta. 5 ROOM MODERN duplex house- Inquire 1313 Center St . saaaWsMWaaapeseeses 5 ROOM MODERN house near Cap. Bldg.. $37.50. CHI LOS A MII.LE.K. KKAL.TWKS J44 State St. Phone 9211. THREE RM. Dlast. house, garage. Conv'tly located Inq. 1797 N. Church. NEW SR. hedrm. hmise. Also t comfortable sleep rms. 480 N. 24th. 8 RM. XJUPLEX. adults. Cheap. Part wcrk. Box 484, care Statesman. LARGE HOUSE, newly painted. $28.00. Phone 8304. 8 R. MOD. dunlex. orlv. bath, re frig I eke. washer, gar., 322.(0. Z57 Lee. MOD. 8 RM. hae.. gas. hot water. hwd. floors, dose tn. AM. See Mrs. oak man, Rt 3, Box 545, $ mL 8. on Lib erty Rd. 5 ROOM HOUSE unfurnished, t bed- I rooms, garage, 170 Center. MOD. 5 RM. fnra. House, elec. re- frlr Iaq. nos Colombia. Ph. 5518. UNFURN. HOMES. S3 to 335. O. B. RAE, 185S N. Cottage. Ph. 8781 & RM. HSE.. flS, 948 & 12th. Inq. 1132 Rue St, W. Salem. SSSSSASSSMSSlWWWMMWMWWSSS GOOD 8 R. HOUSE, nr. Highland school SZ0.00. 5 R-. very neat A attractive, partis rnrn- on n. Liberty, rrz.&e. 8 A- nr. Salem Heights school with 5 k. hse.. is.ee. 5 R. on a 12th St, $15.00. - F. R. WEIR, Sit Ores. Bldg. Ph. 9411 Wanted to Rent WANTED Party ah. office. Low rent Good location. Box 487. co statesman. For Rent OFFICE ROOMR SSI Stata Street I tngutiw room 390 I. Tel T713. SHOP FOX rent 1 blk. from bank. $25.. Phone 6136. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOO want to sell exchange asa. rant aee Mr. Larasn with Haw Una ft Roberto. . . PRICED TO selL S tola. Terms. Bos 43?. Statesman. DINNER HOUSE, sell er trade. In quire at 33 so. CommerciaL TRADE CIT aravorty for tana homes. OpportnirRtee Jm exehangea HAWKINS RnRKKTB INC 1SSSASSSSSSSSASSSSSSSSSSSSMASSSS DISTANT OWNER I Wants offer on unfinished howse Rhebmend Dlst Ask ua about It at Mrs. EUls with CBILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St - - Phono 128 8KB THIS Fme 8 acre tract Kelxer ' district good 7 room bouae; garage, old barn, 3 acres loganberries, electric water sys tem, family fruit, price Ii;es. cut Mr. BarOett with - . . CHTLSS A MILLER. REALTORS SA4 Stata Et Phono 9261 HOME ft INCOME Large house-, containing 3 apta: also 3 neat 3 room boose showing good Income. Price for an $600e. This la a bargain. See Mrs. EUls with CHILDS ft MIIJJCR. REALTORS 844 Slate Bt , Phono 921 40 ACRES, 8 ROOM house, oprlna water, 1550. box 489 co statesman. SPECIAL THIS weak 3200 for my 3448 equity fai S rm. plast. -hse. Bat due 81358 aat 820 ner mo. Good loc. rloee to schools ft boa line. Will con sider car in trade. 336 w. Nob HIU. NEW MOD. 8 bdrm, home. Sell er I exchange equity (er smaller Pbeoe 4041. .. . SALE INCOME property, brick building. Close In. Box 4, Statesman. IF TOO" want to mors er a Blare tm I live, city or acreage tracts, I nave tn place, on terms you ran nanaie, - re ntrdleaa of the nrlee ranee. h. u. ssnieioa, oreg. aiidg. n. aaea ' FOR SALE lots owned by City 1125. to $80. - See any real estate man or can 833 27 a High Street Money to Loan wwuivuiciii yumj w iwi wmuvh. LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used cart, Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT AOy H. Simmons phone tic ua No M-iii iim.rS,iVc.MpaBTd7 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN RUILDINO LICENSE NO M-II9 WSMMWWMWSMSSSSM)M BENJ. FRANKLIN home loans Most popular loan hi Oregon A new feature to this loan benefits every borrower. Aak about R. See F. G. DELANO. 29 N. Church I All-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR 82 TO 330 Immediately-. Without Red Ta: GET ONE, It at home or wheal traveling, for accident picking on a rash bargain, extra shopping money, e prolonged visit to meet unexpected emergency, or tf stranded without rands. Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping aa advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLT AT Personal Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bids. 518 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8-133 M-18S LOANS Pay Cash for your purchases. Consol idate old bllla. Tou Receive 60.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 Interest Is Ton pay Monthly I 8.53 10.24 13.C2 20.43 charged each month ONLT on the remaining unpaid baL KcriNAMtK iiiuk wk, Joans up to $500. Tou will like our friendly service, small monthly payments, and low cost PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First National Bank Bids Salem, Oregon Phone 4446 8-213 State License M-220 .Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on term and citv I property Before borrowing Inquire at Haw kin A Roberta. WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real' es tate. Will pay 6 interest w. a. grabenhdrst ca REALTORS 184 S Uberty Street Phone 8468 WANTED. 83500. GOOD 1st mtg. farm security. E. H. Lafky, West Star ton. 3$$ MORTGAGE INVESTMENT 331 WE NOW have a number of first mort gage real estate loans. Tin preyed properties, .excellent seeurltt. Mortgages 1a amount at $30 to ; 17500, net yon 8 per cent payable semi-annually. Examine the prop erty yourself. CHILD8 A MILLER. INC. 244 State Street : Telephone 1211 WANTED. $1150.00 en farm, good security. Box 492, Statesman. Financial 433 WB HATE never nald teas than thla rate on saving i aad InreatmentA Insure 'to SA0. Mutual Federal Sayings ft. Loan Assn Phono 444 141 a, uoerty uu For Sale Real Estate " BUNGALOW SNAP S6. MOD. RMS, nook, two bednne, flrepU wired for elec. range. Extra lot of bit tna, nwo. uoora, issva, alao shower, furnace, sta. tuba, garage, fa it ' Rhowa tv aneoiatmeat only by LOUIS BECHTEU 41 State. Room 4. - ... . : tisa nnwN Hi per mo, S R. house, fall price 33.0. Wesolowskt 81 Masonic Bldg. MMWMSSSSnSSSSASSSASSP WE HAVE a S room noose, east freat located choice residential aia trtct abundance fruit and shade. Price 10, cash. - . ' A s room bouse eat no. buwush, 88x76. tax 85. only 8375. 46 down. 826 Includes tax and Interest la H. BANDERS 118 8. Hlgb SS4WAfAnsMBaABS 4 R 2 BEDRM 9.. firept. gar close i to high school. S1S6. terms. 6 K. moa, attic, szsee. wnm. 148 A. fenced, bldga., can Irrigate: $2800. terms. , F. ORIEPENTKOU, rnone ee wnnRitM a rk. bomei So. saieaa. 8370. on terms or 83400 cash. O. EL RAE. 166 N. Cottage. Ph. 71 1 86150.00. A CAPE COD noma on Fairmount Hilt Modern fax every way. double- plumbing, ell Beat. S bedrooma. a?M';nPyah'pg ! T:r7im2 . 333.. a splendid property close to the schools. bedrooma. double plumbing. A, raage and water. Both of these are good buys and are worthy of your consideration. Good terma en each. " - - , - - P. H. BELL, REALTOR 429 Oregon Bulldme; . , ' Phone S13I u tisa DOWN, sis per mow 4 suburban. 1 acre, lota ofmall fruit good soil, $160. $2065. N. end, S bedroom home new ly painted throughout lo aown. oax like rent A good ony m a smaii J. XL RAr Phone till 42 Oregon Bldg. 8I2S. T RM. PLASTERED bouse. bath, corner lot 76x95. paving A walks m. 7 large walnut trees. Terms. 3160. rm, plastered borne, natn. close to baa A school, several trees $20 down, baL $29 per mo. interest ; included. SIS. Mastered buagalow. S bedrma. IWth mMI. nnn SSSB down. MONEY TO LOAN AT f rut CEBT KELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 1725 Court Street - Phone S723 NEW S R. HSE. outside of etty lim its, $2250, with .Small payment dwn., $16 per mo. s.-.v.v",-w v 6 B, mod.' bee, except basement plenty of-shrubs A nice lawn. Located nr. Catholic church ta N. Salem, $3. 260. Small dwn. t payment hat ; $15 per ma IF. H. WEIR, SIS Oreg: Bldg. Ph. S411 For Sale Used Can WILSON'S USED GARS ARE PROPERLY RECONDITIONED AND CORRECTLY PRICED! Buy Here With Confidence lOO DU1CK ODeCiai lOWll AT i Anea f -a, Ly? t duick entury Sport 1938 btudebaker Commander fS Sedan, perfect.. 845 1936 Buick Special Touring Sedan, No. 851A.. 565 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Sedan. .:. 575 1936 Pontiac Six Touring Sedan 485 1935 Buick Soecial Tourinsr Sedan 415 iyj4 lerranlane rour-Uoor Sedan 1931 Buick Sport Convertible Coupe 1931 Studebaker Business "CHEAPIES" LOTS OF GOOD TRANSPORTATION IN THESE CARS 1929 Ford Roadster - 1929 Ford Sedan 1929 Durant 4 Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1927 Franklin Sedan .$75.0 . 45.00 . 15.0 19.50 . 95.00 COME IN AND LOOK OTTO J. Used Car 388 NORTH COMMERCIAL For Sale Real Estate NEAT 2 BEDRM. plastered home, new roof. acre, city bus, water, elec. A buy. $2350, $100 cash, $20 per mo. BUDROW A KASMIR, Real Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5985. MODERN 8 RM. home with beauti ful grounds, 152x150. For quick sale, $8300. Terms. New 4 rm. house, elect A water, 1H A. or more, $50.00 down, $12.00 per mo New 3 rm. hse., circulating heater. kitchen range, $1800.00, em. dn. pmt, baL like rent. New 4 rm. bungalow, 1 A., close to school, sm. dn. pmt., baL like rent. 10 A., 3 rm. hse.. elect, J1400, ioo dn., baL $15.00 per mo. Will consider some trade. Chicken ranch. 17 A., elect water system, 8 A. fruit, big house, 9 mL from ! town. 33500. Easy terms. WJU take in hse. A lot RICH L. REIMANN 167 a High Street Phone 8632. LOOK GOOD I R. PLASTERED home with basement garage, large lot. on paved st, located near Parrish school. Price $2100, 31000 down. baL terms. See K. A. Johnson, with W. H. GRABEN HORST A CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 64 (8 Exchange Real Estate CHERRY ORCHARD BARGAIN 2 ACRES LOCATED rnllea out 13 acres la bearing cherries. baL pas ture. Price reduced to 3260 cash. SEE THIS BARGAIN RIGHT NOW. W. H. GRABEN HO ST A CO, REALTORS 184 a Uberty Street Phone 8468 7 ACRES ALL in fruit and auta. good S room house, elec. lights .and water system, barn and chicken house 3 miles oat: will trade for home tn Salem about same value, (8500). Must be clear of encumbrance, .Box 415, care of Sta teaman. FOR TRADE 32 ACRES TEN miles out would make good stock ranch. Owner will trade for Salem city property. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 46S FINE PLACE 1 mL from Dallas. 1 acre filberts, I A. cherries. K A. pears. U A. apples, rest In orunea. full bearing. Sell or trade for prop erty in eaiem. m. unerty. S ROOM HOUSE, Tery good trade tor acreage. WESOLOW8KX SI Masonic Bldg. For Sale Farms FARMS A HOMES for rent sale trade. Ore. Land Co, Woodburn. Ore 1 -i-Miiii'i.n.rij-trn rijiao fum Lnjx THIS FARM PRICED TO SELL - 164 ACRES, 1H ACRES of plow tana. reom bouse, now bouse. 23 t bope. baL pasture aad timber with small atfwana, located about 47 miles N ox aaiem in good farsxino; district Price 3-4 per A, tarma. IMMEDIATE riasssissnui'L . W,TH., GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 1S4 a Liberty Street - Phono 6468 Business a m sBOnthly taais oar. Ratet St per line per wowth. Auto Brakes , I MOW 31 Sooth Bicrcles 1 "ICTCLEiSL NEW and rocondlttaned I r. ay aw tn a. rvi s nit I ' Chlrxiney Sweep i rELSCPHONE 4SA BL BV CjilropraetOTS DR a L SCOTT. PSC Chlrepractse SSS K. High Tat Rea SSTS. , ExcaTatinff RXCAFATINQ OF a0 klnda Raso meata dug. Din hauled er moved. Dirt tot sale. Ralem Sand aad Gravel Oa Phono 4A- Horist I Brettbaopra 44 Court- ' Pbnws 8904 Fiirnafies-neat ing FURNACES. BIjOWERSj' ad bars ra eontrola cleaning and repalrlt.g HOIJjiND. FURNACE CO.. - -S583 Portland Road-.TeL 8516 Have vow furnace cleaned now A s-ive Laaadries THE NEW SALEM LAONDRT THE WK1DEB LAUNDRY " '2U SV UlgA Tel .8136 For Sale Used Cart $825 3eaan , - - Sedan, ixo. . bZo 245 165 Coupe 135 1928 Studebaker Pickup 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Pontiac Coach 1927 Nash Sedan 1928 Dodge Sedan 8.15.W 35.00 25.00 85.00 85.00 'EM OVER. WE TRADE WILSON Dept. SALEM, OREGON. Acreage 1 ACRES NEAR Salem fine cor ner for station and store rest could be sold off exceptional buy, $3250. R. A. FORKNER H. T. LEBER 1853 North Capitol 2 A. 2 MI. FROM Salem, 5 rm. house barn. well. 1 A. In fruit. 3175. 830 down. 1 A. on Lansing lane, good soil, nice bldg. site, $500. Easy terms. 1 A. close in on Auburn Road, nice biag. sue. S35V. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3723 4 R. HSE, UNFIN, full price $800. terms to suit purchaser. 5 A., 4 R. house, 3 ml. of town. Full price $1800, $100 dwn, $15 per mo. F It WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 94fl Wanted Real Estate WANT SMALL nlace 1931 Chev rolet Coach aa down pymt Tet 64 1L ..".--- -- -- - - -i-i-i-i--,-rn.n.rij-u-u WANT TO buy apartment house of 3 or 4 units. Will pay cash. Post Office SOX Z04. Business Opportunities GROCERY FOR sale. Over 83.00. yearly casn sales. Ten miles trom Dallas. Stock, about 8170. Will sell or lease fixtures and property. Henry unspent, woodburn. Ore. - . . i, . ir iri rj-jirriiior' PARTT INTERESTED -Seal Estate Mail Order business Ore, cad Wash lngton, small Investment Box 477 Statesman. LOOKING FOR BUSINESS r See this beautiful Tavern aolendlA location, )uat outside city limits main nign way worth, completely equipped tor meals, lunches, barbecue. beer, etc. This la an attractive place ana wertny ec your cloeest inveettga- tlon, Aak to see It today. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 Stata St. Phone 931 An ESTABLISHED business, oper ating under a franchise where no com petition is possible. Books show in come of 8226. per month above ex penses. Steady growth assured for fu ture can be sold lor $309. Half caab. see Mr. Collins, HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC - - -- - i n "ini-ii ii -,i-ii- rrn i w fi.f. DANDY RESTAURANT doing cnod Business, line location. aown payment M. MOORE,. 331 H State Street GROCERY AND market well loca ted ta Salem. Exceptional I Shown by apnolntmeut only. R. A. FORKNKR H. T. UEBER 1863 '-North Capftot Street sssessesyesiMMywwwwwe 1 UNIT AUTO court, living qoaW tore for owner, en 9E north, close ta town, $6000.00. . RICH L. REIMANN 167 8. High Street Phone SSS1 Directory Maltresses SALEM FLUFF ROO and atatl ractory NSW MATTRESS made St Trder. old reenado: earpet eleswlaa shttngt flnfl rug weavtng. a 18th d Wllbor. TeL 344 1 OTTO F. SWICK ER Eat 1SIL . . i - - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. 4M Natnropathie Phyilciaa DR. w. ft ROCKWK1.L. -Maturopatb-le rtiyatriaa. 179 FalraMemA ltd Tet 433 OffW floors It a as teS:S P as. an KB XJKAat A CONSUI.TA TION. . Painting. ParbfTtjanjrins WB DO all ktada painting. 7833. Printing FOR STATION ERT earda twmphleta progrsme. books ae ana kind of itrtn. Ing. call The Stateamae Printing De partment. 318 A Commercial. Tale Dbono 9I9L Besorts tSHXRWOOD COTTAGES, Taehata Mod. ocean vtew, fteh poles and hall Transfer' FOR LOCAL or distant tranefer. star ago, burner on. can SISt tArmot Tranafer Co. Trneka ta Port kind dan INTERSTATE TRUCKING. Ores. Ph. 32 FS, aaV 8 Well Drillins a A.1 WEST, Rt f, 89 441 P. U8FS, For Sale Used Cars CARTER MOTOR CO. lt7 Studebaker Dictator 4-door Tour. Sedan Just like new Mi Ford Tourins Sedan radio A- heater a real buy at , 1985 Terra plane Sedan electric cear shift snap for Factory-Built House Trailer We have a house trailer bought new in 137. Haa 6.00x14 6-plv heavy duty thee; 2 beds, gaa cooking stove: a lot of other built-in fixtures. Will take a ear In oa trade. Priced at . $200 . BANK TERMS 265 KORTH COMMERCIAL Lot 240 4e41orarafaaJa86 SPECIALS 30 Ford Sedan........$175 V'-S wheels, mohair upholstery, mo tor A-l '31 Chevrolet Coupe $175 Black finish, motor A-l, new brakes '30 Chevrolet Sedan $145 Mohair upholstery. 16 in. wheels, motor perfect MANX OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS A TRADES ORVAL'S USED CARS Center A Church Phone 4702 Open Evenings 1935 CHEV. SEDAN. reasonable terms. 110 Edge water, West Salem. "26 MOD. T FORD. Tel. 8677. 1141 & Liberty. Between 6 and 7:30 p. m. MUST SELL at once, good '33 Mas ter Chev. Coupe, new paint, some trade, terms. Write Box 491. States man. For SaleWood (IRA EN 412 N 2lsL .4 wood 5370 SUMMER PRICKS, old fir 16" a only 34.78 per cord. Order for now or later del. I "hone 4156. Oregon JJiel Co WOOD GET It at 360 N. Church For quality wood phone 1 00 FlS. Q rw"l LOAD. DRY 16 In. t-ltchen C.VfU wood, no SDllltlng. 111. 3881 r ff CD. STR. gr.. no dirte O.IA dry. 16 In., bur O. F. P. trust 7033. 16-INCH DRY old fir. Phone 4219 13.75 CD. 4 FT. Hr. 3 cd. lots. A-l 16 in. O. Fir. 35. Knots. 34 50. : . 613 DRY WOOD, all klnda Ph. 666 Qfc -(J-tru-u-t-))-u-uJJJ- BONE DRY wood. Ph. ; 60. 60- OLD FIR $4.75. 4 ft. $4. 9456 Resort Property FOR SALE MOUNTAIN CABIN, partly fur nished. extra good construction. 2 bed rooms, large living r. with atone fire place, built In kitchen, good setting racing the river with large shade trees. tnce $1500. Located 30 miles from Sa 1cm. good roads. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phono 6448 Wood Sawing WOOD SAW, Ed Sproed. Ph. 6883. Ixsat and Found FOUND WOOLT haired pup. Call lis I, ------ - - -1 - i r -i.n ru'ij LOST BILLFOLD, keep money, re turn Diufoia and papers. Ph. 60F12. Personal LONELY -WORTHWHIIJT sweet heart ttusbaad, wife for yea. Boa 16 lew Aaceleo. Cross Word Puzzle n IF 75" 14. 22 2a 31 32 33 7 3a HH V? HO 52 53 36 HORJZONTAL .r U-UtdMM : 1 rnart 4S- t speak 4VtUt-toppod r 47 Italian rirer rocky hill ' ' 4psAsax in murdered ' t ? the brain 11 literary . Il-tunber ef colleetiotv , -. . u -. yeara ta IS verbal - - jdecade 14 In thla nlaea , 61 throw IS tear ' 61 femining . IS Auetloa . IT malt kJU W twyerage 66 grafted 66 retired 16--4l5iire 20 malicious burning . alley 22 brare man ' 87 thing (law) I 23 paasagei -14 maaenlin 23 passageway line .maim mm Urd.. name : 27 raaattty ' : of paper 29 gaddeii -widespread r vfright . SI intervale ; 1 1 334 footles : - . larva ef aa :; . insect - 88 beast of prey 36 eanall t - , " burrowing -animal -, J7 ainrmatlTe , -I rote, . tS mental -' - image 49 back of the , 13. kffl For Sale Used Cars 7 .1(11 -3335 -33Sf WE TRADE . PHONE 871 1 Center St. 1935 HUDSON 8 SEDAN, heater. radio, good rubber. Will sell cheap Cor cash. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, .REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 144 3S MODEL A KOIiD. Phone 4277. 134 RUICK? SEDAN, fine mndlHon bargain at 36. Trms. Nelson Bros. Appliance Dept.. 31 Chemeketa St. '36 CHEV. TOWN Sed.. 839S. E" cond. Good rubber. Leaving town, must sell. Pli. 79F14. '24 CHE. COACH, n.w tlr tSa 2023 Broadway. LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF RALE NOTICE lS HERESY GIVEN that I trill, on Saturday, July 1. is-?, at ip:oo o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the weal door of the Marion Coun y Court nouse m saiem, Orfgon, sell at public auction in th nanner provided hy law for the sale at real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wit: Lot 4. Block 2. and Lot S, Block 7. Compton's Addition to the City of Salem Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ; of Oregon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem. a municipal corporation, is plaia- tin. and W. B. Peck and Alrtna Peck, bis wife, and Marlon County, a body politic, are de fendants, the same being Clerk's Register Xo. 27454. Dated and first published Jane 2. 1939. . A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. J 2-9-16-23-30. NOTICE Ta CRFIMTOnS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Last Will and Testa ment of Charles Jaquet. has been duly proven and admitted to probate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for II . Ion County, and the undersigned Lil lian Phelps has been appointed Executrix thereof, and that Let ters Testamentary hare issued to her. All persons haying claims against the said estate arc here by notified to present th same, duly rerlfied and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executrix at 707 First National Bank Bnildlng, Salem. Oregon, on or before six months trom the date of the first publication of this notice; said first publica tion being made this ISth day of May. 19S9. LILLIAN PHELPS. Executrix of the Estate et Charles Jaquet, deceased. ROSS ft FORD, Attorney for th Estate. M 24 J 2-9-1 C-2 3. II rr to 21 23 26 25 30 3W 1 36 HO HI HZ 43 Hi 30 VEXTICAL XI moist 1 ariolanea 21 4ieiskm et thecalyz tS aerifersa ; . flui. ti-riyerjsV. j U HXfuia, . : 2S-ciri 10 authorisod - repreaen- . tatiyg , womanitA S wilting -material nnznber 8 period 6 Oriental : aalotatioa ' A -wide-awake 8 scare sway trending 11. tOWlMf:'fe !' 10 bitter vatcb gSaatry S3 ia oppoai- MM MNUUUB D J J . , : mm 6uTag ''-5 29 freed front -. ; - i moisture t . 41 paifmua - - -" -' from flowers : 42 English - V- r wraaatigr v , 43 asa eagiee 45 observe ' " -"45 Russian " rv. ? 47 aingle spot i: . playing . card -;43Listeaed 60 clotb. taemaure l" and l lacestt