The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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SUmrton Projects- Meld up JPew
Tt OrtEGOH STATESMAN, Salts, Orejca, Wcdatsdajllcrc!. Jc 7, -tZ9
OK Expected
End of Month
; . . ."..-. - -
Council , Turns : Down Idea
- . for Loading 'Zone ; in
Business Area v
SILVERTON Sewer . - erten-
ions and - swimming-, pool . proj
ects are being held 8u
verton awaiting final w rd from
the federal - offices,: according to
reports made : at the .city council
Monday night. Word baa been
received . that - tentative .approval
has . been- made . bnt no ' official
notice has arrived at -Sllverton.
It . is thought that none- of ihe
projects will get underway until
the end of - this fiscal federal
works year which is June ', -
. An application of Lloyd .'loser
to serve .as ditch foreman on the
- sewer project was -placed c file
until definite . notice Is received
f rom ; the government. .;, .
- v - -- Down 5 Loading , Zones
An ordinance providing zones
in Sllverton's, business district
failed to - pass on its first time
oat. The gone ordinance would
have provided -: for space to be
sold to merchants, the space to
be used for- their own vehicles
in front of their own plates of
Bids on a pump chlorlnator
were left for consideration un
tit another meeting.
H. W. Adams, superintendent
of schools, appeared for the
school board asking for the es
tablishment of grades on the
new street at the school. The
council will meet with the ichoo
board Wednesday night to con
sider the matter.
Harry Cameron and Harold
Davis presented the proposed
summer recretational prorran.
which the Parent-Teachers' asso
ciation is sponsoring. Financial
help was asked from the com.
cil. The committee needs an
proximately $125 more to carry
on its work as planned, the two
men stated. The matter was
placed in the hands of the fi
nance committee.
Fuller Is
Hostess to Club
AMITY The Amity stuy club
met Friday afternoon at the
home of Miss Mary Lou Fuller
with the president, Mrs. Mary E
Breeding presiding.
New officers wer elected:
Mrs. Mary E. Breeding, presl
dent; Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas,
vice president; Mrs. W. R. Os
borne, secretary; Mrs. J. M.
Umphlette, treasurer.
During the year ust closed
the club has contributed to the
Red Cross fund, the Christmas
seal sales, the infantile paralysis
fund and to the Amity public li
brary. ; .
Mrs. Margaret Versteef, .of
Fairview gave an interesting talk
on 4H club work. Other guests
present were Mrs. G. VsMord ot
McMinnville. Mrs. George uller
and Mrs. Richard Fuller. An
invitation was - accepted from
Mrs. E. O. Morse to hold the
annual club picnic on the Morse
lawn Friday, June 16, wit:, all
former club memben. to be In
vited. Brooks Aid Will
Gather Today :
BROOKS Mrs. Flma Ramp
entertained the Brooks Garden
club in her home Friday with
an all day meeting and covered
dish luncheon at the noon. hour.
Readings were given by Mi. and
Mrs. B. F.. Ramp, Mrs. Jay Bar
tholomew and Mrs. Mary Ash
bangh. Mrs. Mary Asbbangh
will entertain the club Lest.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid so-
. ciety will ' give a . silver - tea In
the church Wednesday afternoon,
A program will be presented
livery body is invited to attend.
The regular meeting' f Town
send club No. 1 : wilt be held
In the Brooks schoolhons '. hnrs
' day night. "The plater family of
Vancouver, will piesen't the pro
gram. , Every body, welcome.
Rebekahs Elect
Three Officers
SILVERTON Three.:, officers
were -' elected ; at ' the . regular
meeting of the .Rebekah lodge:
Vice grand, Phyllis Skaife; , sec-
retary,-. Ines ' Stevens r and treas-
t nrer, ' Iner Olson. .
.- May: and June birthday an
nlversariea - observed . were Mrs.
J H. Riches, Mrs. 'E. E. Taylor,
..Phyllis Skaife. - Mrs.' Robert
Goets, . Mrs. ' Roy . Skaife. .Mrs.
Ray Lewis and George Busch.
''Wedding anniversaries - ob
served were those, of , Mr. and
Mrs. John Porter. Mr. and Mrs.
E. .E. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs
.'Roy Skaife..; Mrs. Porter as the
oldest bride and Mrs. Riches
oldest birthday observer, were
presented .with a corsage.
. FFX Boys at Fair - -
AMITY. Those from Amity
chapter .' who are : at.ending ' the
. FFA exercises this week at the.
Golden Gate exposition on Treas-
" ore Island are:' Robert Norris
Wareden Lindroff, Glenn Chris-
tensen, Francis Stnpfel. Elvin
- A s h e r, Laurence Hickerson
- George Douglas. Bern Warren
-' Billy Loop and ' Dennison . Tho
mas. . v--.f-.":.;.usv. va
' -' They are accompanied by their
instructor, James -B. Tnomas.
College community - e 1 n b will
meet - for -.the last tune anui
fall Friday night at the school
house. Joseph ; SInge.v pre ildent.
Two Dead, Nine Hurt in Texas Railroad Wreck
Engineer L. M. Mann and Flremaa
er persons Injured when the westbound Texas and Pacific passenser
- Texas. Twenty-eight years earlier
dent ob the same carve. TbJs aerial view shows the maa-covered locomotive after It bad roued dowa
embankment with other cars off the train oa their aides.
TALBOT Ankeny grange met
Saturday night with Master Rex
Hartley in charge. Memorial ser
vices were given by the three
graces and the chaplain. The
grange scholarship to the 4H
summer school at Corvallis was
awarded to Gaynell Cole.
During lecture hour Mrs. Farr
gave a reading, and Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Finlay told of their re
cent business and -leasure trip to
New York. They attended the
fair while there. Mrs. Edna Reeves
gave a report of the recent home
economics meeting. Supper was
ROBERTS The HE club will
hold its regular meeting Friday,
June 9, all day at the grange
hall. Mrs. Jesse Johns will be
hostess for covered dish lunch
UNION HILLS The annual
strawberry festival dance was
held at the grange hall Satur
day night with a grod attend
ance. The orchestra from Rob
erts furnished the music. Straw
berries and cake wt'e served.
ROBERTS The C ' club
meeting scheduled for Olinger
field June 15, has been post
poned indefinitely. ;
Call Board
Today Double bill, "Story
of Vernon and Irene Cas-
tie' with Ginger Rogers
and Fred ABtair, plus "?o-
ciety Lawyer" vith Vir-
ginia Bruce and Walter
Thursday Double bill, Kob-
ert Taylor and Myrna -oy
in "Lucky Nig'it" plus
Charles Boyer and Dani-
elle Darrieux.
Saturday Mickey Mouse
all cartoon matin 2e plus
"Lucky Night", and Buck
Jones serial. Midnight
show "Jaurez" with Taul
Muni and Bette Davis.
Today Double bill.
"Thftir Xlnrln Her a. Snv"
with Sally Eilers a-d Al
len Lane, plus "In Old
CaUente" with Roy Ro-
gers. -
Today Family night.
double bill. "I Am the
Law' with Edward G.
Robinson, and second fea-
ture, '.'Guilty Trail," -with
Bob Baker. .
Friday Double bill. "Blon-
die," with Penny Single-
ton, ., Arthur Lake . and
,jLarry.. .Simnis; and seer ad
feature, "Frontiers of
48" kith "Wiiri- mil"
HIckock..; ' -' ' ,
Today On . the' stage,
' ;Jne H6pe West's "Fol-
' ilea of .Tomorrow." n he
screen"' "Chasing Dangxr,"
, ' with Preston " Foster nd
' Wall Vernon. -j s-- -
Friday "Only . Angels Have
Wings," with vCary" Grant
and Jean Arthur.
romPop and
:ynmarried Kids.
Single Adults 15c i Kiddies 10c t
x , . - - . w- i - r
12 ' - LXy
1J A.d - - a ct of 9P '
' - Also Xews ad Qiateo- , " 1 ' 1
-7 7-, . , t ' - , -I
, : - .' " - - ,l .-1 ' . -, . ' -- .- ' : r. . ,.'",
Ernest Prestos, both ef Fort Worth,
Joe Mann, brother of the dead engineer, was killed fat a similar acci
Woodburn Theatre
Being Redecorated
New Ventilation System Is
Installed and Other
Changes Made
WOODBURN The Bungalow
theatre has been going through a
remodeling and redecorating pro
cess the past two eeks, Tracy
Poorman, the manager, reports-
All new sound equipment and
sound screen have been installed.
The walls have been ep. pered
and new drapes have been 'ung.
A new ventilation system has
been installed as well as new
title curtain and new ligating
effects. Also the bulldipg is to
be completely repainted :nd new
carpets have already been or
dered. On the outside of the
theatre a new marquee nd neon
sign add to the appearance.
lodge AF & AM met Monday
night in the Masonic temple and
after a short business meeting,
enjoyed strawberry shortcake. E.
E. Royse of Oklahoma City and
Charles " Carlson of the Forest
Grove lodge were visitors. The
next meeting will be held June
20, the last meeting before
the summer vacation.
Woman's club will meet Wednes
day night In the library club
rooms and install officers for
the coming year. Members of
the Woman's club have been in
vited to attend and all members
are privileged to bring their
mothers or friends to the open
meeting. ; Standing committees
will be appointed for the coming
year. A short program 11 be
presented after which refresh
ments will Te served .y MarJ
orie Faulconer, Helen Muller,
Annette Lytle and Zoa Lowithan
Awards Given
At Graduation
DAYTON The Dayton union
high school senior class awards
announced at graduation were:
Scholarship, Lenabelle Dower;
journalism, Audrey Tiler: ath
letlcs , Dave Robinson; - activities.
Lucy Edwards.
Individual wards: The plaque
ior citizenship, sophomore class;
oest athlete, Dave r.obuuon.
The senior class presented the
school with a 12-inch face elec
tric clock which is. to be placed
In the. front of the study hall
Russell Newheuse was given a
cup for outstanding achievements
in Smith .Hughes. -
vug ' ri
Today and I Lr . J
Th"day ' TONIGHT vir
- IrYia ON ' OUR STAGE! Il
c; . . jane xiope west - . vh vj i
"FfHHPQ flF ::
j.i.j :;-.. 1 i ,
- Vs.
Texas, were killed and nine oth
tram was derailed near Ranger,
Union News
MARION" Marlon Fa.mers'
union local is elated over the
tact that both the state presi
dent, Harley Libby, and Junior
state president are active mem
bers of Marion local.
Oliver Stevinson of Jefferson
was voted on favorably tor
membership at Friday's meet
ing. Homer Smith, delegate to
the state convention, gave an in
teresting report. Mrs. mith told
of the results of the Juniors'
meeting Tuesday of the conven
tion. Over 100 juniors attended
F. E. Gould, a new member.
gave a short talk and a reading.
The women's club will meet
at the home of the president,
Mrs. Herman DeSangh, Wednes
Robbery Attempts
Go Wrong, Aurora
AURORA Monday morning
around 3 o'clock, robbers tried
to gain entrance to the drug
store of N. E. Manock by break
ing the lock on the door which
they succeeded in doing bnt
failed to dislodge a small slid
ing bolt on the .inside of the
door. Falling to gain entrance
to the drug store, they moved up
the street a block, where they
made an attempt to take the
automobile of Fry Bros., which
they moved from the garage but
abandoned due to lack of gaso
line and the arousal of a mem
ber of the family.
They then moved across the
highway and down the street
two blocks to the car of Robert
Hnrst. Unable to unlock the
car, it was' moved across the
street into an alley where the
wires were cut and the car
drained of gas and oil.
Five Girls Go
To 4H School
AUMSVILLE l'ive happy
grade school girls, Alice Rob
erts, Ida Weisenhaus, LaVerne
Lesley, Betty White and Marian
Rollins, left Munday for Cor
vallis where they will be en
rolled In the 4H sum xer school.
Tbey were accompanied by the
club leader, Mrs. T. P. Otto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter had
as dinner guests at their home
Sunday their aunt, Mrs. Viola
Brown of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Brown and children, earl.
Warren. Bobble and Buster of
Martha Burkhart
Final Rites Held
Resided in linn County for
45 Years; 6 Children
Survive Her
LEBANON Funeral services
for Mrs. Martha King Burkhart.
1, widow of the late Arthur
Burkhart and long time resident
of the - Lebanon community who
died June 4 at Albany general
hospital, were conducted Tues
day at the Harry C. Howe fun
eral home by Rev. LeRoy Cross-
ley of. the Baptist church. Bu
rial followed in the Masonic
cemetery. She was a native of
Kansas and came to " inn county
45 years ago.
Survivors are four daughters.
Mrs.. Martha Rodman, Redmond;
Mrs. Margaret" Swank and Mrs.
Margaret Looney. Albany Mrs.
Adella : Gaines, ' Sclo ; two sons.
Robert and Marvin. Albany:
eight v grandchildren. ' i
t w-; " Graduate From -CO
Warren ' Gill, son of Dr. and
Mrs. J. G. GUI. was one of the
more than 700 graduates ,ot UO
Sunday night. He took he law
coune, will take the bar exami
nation in July and will spend
part oi his vacation at Camp
Tamarack, a 1 resort c ned and
operated by his sister, Donna
uui and Lnciie Murphy.
Vinton Snyder, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C E. Snyder, majoring in
music, wag a graduate and has
a position to teach music and
English in Lorain high school,
Another graduate is Floyd Gould,
son of Mrs. and Mrs. C. N.
Gould, who .took a business ad
ministration course.
Lebanon's graduates of Lin
field college Sunday night were
Loretta Haek and Marian Mor
ris. Betty Howe, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry C. Howe, a 1939
graduate of Lebanon high school
has entered Monmouth Normal
school to take the teachers'
course. She is a granddaughter
of Commissioner and Mrs. W
W. Cooley of Albany.
Elected Lay Delegate
Mrs. steua Atkinson was
elected by the Methodist congre
gation Sunday to serve as lay
delegate to the Methodist con
ference meeting in Forest Grove
this month. Lloyd Gilson was
elected . reserve delegate. He
was elected delegate before the
merging of the Methodist
churches and will serve in that
capacity this year.
W. A. Hoseid, Lebanon mer
chant, has purchased two lots
on Second and Vine from Rev.
Father James L. Carrico, former
pastor of St. Edwards church.
The purchase was made through
the M. D. Davis real estate
Five Lebanon Boy Scouts,
Walter Johannssen, Richard
Owens, T. Altman, Philip Ash
ton and Theron Blackbrrn join
ed the FFA special, starting
from Portland Tuesda- and will
make headquarters at Camp Dia
mond. Prof. Ira G. Forrey is
their sponsor.
Cherries Intact,
Bnt Weather Annoys
ZEN A The Inclement wea
ther is causing some uneasiness
among cherry growers here al
though up to Tuesday no crack
ing has been reported. The cher
ries are beginning to turn quite
The heavy frost injured the
crop to some extent early in
the spring.
Alice Fay e Nancy Kelly
Connie Bennett Joan Davis
Any Seat
Any Time
2nd Riotous Hitl
Trans-Atlantic Tourist at 1
Jjeo Schmitx. one-year-old of Chicago, was a little sad-eyed a boat it
all as he sailed alone from New York aboard the Europe for Ger
many where he will visit his grandparents in Cologne. He also flew
from Chicago to New York alone after his father,"" K. Schmitz,
placed him fa care of stewardess. Leo is shown in arms of Norse
Louise Ranchfnss of the Euro pa's staff.
Mehama to Vote
On Building Tax
MEHAMA James Blum, clerk
of Mehama school district No.
74, has posted notices ofpthe an
nual school meeting to be held
June 19. Business of the meet
ing Includes the budget for the
coming school year; also a spe
cial tax to provide additional
funds for the building of a new
school building to replace the
one destroyed by fire last month,
and the election of one school
director to replace J. M. Titze
and the clerk.
After a short meeting held
at the Mehama church last
week, the board of directors and
the clerk went to Salem to make
application for a WPA rrant to
help bnild a new school.
Jaunita Bass, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bass
of Mehama, surprised her friends
here last week when she re
turned" home from Vancouver
the bride of Bernard Atchison
of Salem. They will live In Sa
lem. Ruth E. Palmer
Marriage Told
GERVAIS Friends here have
received announcements of the
marriage of Ruth Ellen, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren R.
Palmer, to Mr. Philip E. Van
Arnam April SO at Twin Falls,
Idaho. They will reside at Twin
Falls. Mrs. Van Arnam is a
former resident of Salem and
the Eldriedge district west of
Gervais. She attended Gervals
schools later taking nurses train
. HesiNot
' 0 as Thin as.
Ql" Th e Thin
I ilanw lmt
Darn SirM
lt 'i a I
- : s
1 r; V" M
Knox Butte Picnic
Scheduled Sunday
ALBANY The 16th annual
Knox Butte pioneer picnic will
be held Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Elizabeth Lines near the
butte. An impromptu program
will be presented. Verl Miller is
president and Mrs. Jerome Wil
liams secretary. An invitation is
extended to all former residents
of the Butte community as well
as sons and daughters of pio
neers. Word has reached Albany ot
the burning of the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. L. B. Johnson of Wa
terloo about noon Friday, with
practically all the contents of
the house being destroyed. John
son is a disabled war veteran.
The Lebanon fire department
helped in saving the woodshed
and other nearby buildings. It
Is understood there was some in
lm stari if wrift 1st i it intn
a...JF r.A ----i-i iifiinnflfnfnii 11 v v ' I'l 1 Ti II Tr"Y1fM
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Smith .
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11 I f
3 uiL-j ci:nTC
fbiare.t Delemse) FlaAaatolesU
Ul tar f pt ringl
tt't 'thf mt1it
Wachter Sings
Mas, Mk Anger
Young Priest's Parents Are
Hosts at Reception
in Afternoon -
church was the scene of anothei
community celebration when
Rev. Carl E. Wachter, Mt. Angel
boy, returned here to sing his :
first solemn high mass in St.
Mary's church Sunday morning
at 10:30.
The congregation lined the
streets to watch the procession
of priests and altar boys, led by
the Mt. Angel band, match from
the rectory to the church. As.
they entered the church the
processional was taken up by
Rev. Placidus Fuerst at the pipe
organ. He also accompanied
St. Mary's choir.
.Father Alcuin gave a beauti
ful sermon on the privileges, du
ties and blessings of the priest
hood and remarked that Sunday
was the 18th anniversary of bis
own ordination.
Officers of the mass were
Father Wachter, celebrant ; Fa
ther Alcuin, assistant-priest; Rev.
Thomas Brockhaus, deacon; Rev. '
Vincent Koppert, sub-deacon;
and Lawrence Saalfeld, master
of ceremonies.
Father Wachter and ali the
clergy who assisted vrero enter
tained at dinner at the home of
the young priest's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Wachter. An
informal reception was held dur
ing the afternoon.
Carl Edward v achter was
born January 27. 1313, at
LitchTille, N. D. When In the
fifth grade he came to Mt. An
gel with his x arents and en
tolled in St. Mary's grade school.
He then attended Mt. Angel col
lege and seminary from which
he graduated in 1935.
At St. Edwards seminary.
Seattle, he received the deacon
ate on September IS, 1938. He
was ordained by Archbishop
Howard at St. Mary's cathedral.
Portland, June 3.
Jensen Leaves for
Alaskan Post
sen, son of Mrs. Anna K. Jen
sen, has left for Naknek on Bris
tol bay in Alaska where he will
spent the summer as watchman
at a salmon plant for the Colum
bia River packing association.
Jensen, who has been teach
ing at Astoria, left on the Wil
liam L. Thompson boat from As
toria. Also going up on the
same boat to be employed by the
same company was Walter Chris
tenson of Astoria, who is known
at Sirverton. T
- MnMtodby
They started at dusk as Mr. and
- Miss ... they ended at dawn as
Mr. and : Mrs.! Hilarity and
heart-throbs galore !
Qrtotest Real Lift Love Story :
- - o the Agej ; C X
- . i.-- . .- .- MM -
11 A H IrE S -xAWVl
" :: " r . -vvn.
in AVV' with
isam mm mvav
'.. -': I
25c 1
will preside when ' election oi
officer u neia. : -