A Frof itabfe Hafoife Eaeli .j 5 ...? 4 4 x5l 5-1 ; 3 u ' ' i n - r.-r t 4 1 Srafesmari Classified Ads - CU-siflrJ Adviittala Slngl iBMrttoB pr u .le Three Insertloni per tin -..Be Six Insert ion per tine .. JOe One month per line SI Ot Minimum chargo tie Copy fo this pan accented unfJ :30-th evening before m Mira tion for rlawtrtfirnttnn Corv re ceived after, thh time will he run under the heading "Too I Jit to Classify? The Statesman wumona ttnan ,clal responsibility for er mm whir, jnay appear In advertisement win 1 1 shed In Ms column, and In eases where this paper la n fanlt will re pilnt that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake crura. The Statesman reserve the right to reject questionable adverting: It further re nerve the right to place all advertising under the proper claw I first Ion. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the prelection of the advertiser and mart therefore answered by letter The Statewnaf. la not at liberty to flivuiee inromra tlon as to the Identity of an adver User using a -RHnd" ad Livestock DKAD AND worthies horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect 4I1 Salem MontKomenr Reno. wa HORSKS FOR sale. A SO II wU Old woaner pixa Hare Brooks. Oregon. Help Wanted fSI WEKKLT. Grow mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy 0e lb World largest comi-ny FREE BOOK Mush rooms toil Znd . Seattle. Wash Help Wanted Male Tnmin MV Ahmit 19. neat ap peering, free to travel. Assist on special educational tour, expend.- ""' v. c.l with trm nanortatlon. Per n.Hinn with mod chance to' nnnmnt. Vfuirt be ready to leave city Sunday. See Mr. Bortw. 7:J to evenings only, no pnone runs. UariML ONE NEAT appearing single young ccntactlng property owners. Please do not take your and our time for inter view figuring on an easy Job. Apply A M., Willamette Valley Roof. Co.. 319 N. Com'l., Salem, Ore. Help Wanted Female HOUSEMAID, EXP. Preferred. Stay nights. Good wages, Ref. Ph. I4. Salesmen Wanted rcrv-m route available of 800 Rawlelgh consumers. No experience needed. Sale way up this year. Large sales mean bt profits. Permanent Full time. Write Rawtehrh s, Dept ORF-187-104. Oakland. Calif. Situations Vanled DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Adattt , To 82(5. 1178 Marlon. Tour work solicited t0J00000&000&000000000i PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. tew rices, work ruar. Free estimates. .479. SEWINaMOc IRONING 15c. 181$ HIGH SCHOOL grad. con ewjf Desires office esp sme pay. Ph. 2231 wwmwwwwwmw )wewe STENOGRAPHER. ' TYPIST, som kulilulii rmnmr office WOTK, Wt- dow. employment Imperative, Box 40. Statesman. - " uuwir j ij ",M HOUSEWORK BY hour, axp.. 78t2. nrtiWUVrr-r" asasaaaaiasksaaiaiHHi CHILDREN . CARED t or m rowr home or mine, reliable young Udy. 2(32. u.. whw.ii r,w.Mwwy' '.," ---- ' " " " MAN WITH caterpillar wants log. gtng. grubbing, farm work. O. Savage, Ph. 87F2S. For Sale Miscellaneous wife-, a. Hamsden. 14$ M. Ub. nrenil.T 1Mb vnnranteed W era. All makes front $10 up. Spee. Mav, tag $3$ Hogg Bros, -r - rn.iiifu'f'inii-i-"-irii-i- - - . ,, GASOLINE WASHER anglne. May tag, overhauled, $15. Briggstrattoo perfect shape. $20. Nelson Bros, (( Chemeketa.. .- inniNd ifAiMiHCk cash registers, scalca. sal. rwUls. re pairs. Roen typewriier bj, n vn CASH FOR tarn. 811. NEW FAMILY sis Stwart-WarnT refrigerator, special I9.$0. JWaon Bros.. S8l Chemeketa. 4000000000 I ROOM NEW OUTFIT - COMPLETE $89.86 . . DAVENPORT A CHAIR. "d Ub. occaa. chair, picture, mirror, trnmons w Mit anrinc. mattress, chest f drawers : $-pc breeJrXaat st. AM brand new merchandise. Pay nothing down. Cohst Bros SOI N. Liberty. V80"0aSB8t4BB W ATKINS PROD, $80 N. IT. 7801 i&00&0000m0000000t V PHOL8TT85RTNG. SPECIAL peW on rebuild, cush. McDowell. Ph. PCS 3. PIANO BY prlv. Prtv fnWi ev pert opinion of Qal'ty. ot04X PU (981 8AVB MONEY now on oU circulating heater. New Ohio S-rm. irise. nrv $49.95. Nelson Bros, 35 Chemeketa. 4sgas0SssOa9nk LADY'S DIAMOND ring 33-potm guaranteed perfect stone sell cheap- Box . Tfc oiaiesinM. 2x4 CEILING AND door. Call aft Inn S22S & High. r VL" ql ' -II ' " ' " mmm-mm SAVE ON new washers. AH J't porcelaln ton. special $49.95. Kelson Bros, 8IS Chemeketa. COOK HOUSE, trstr. fuHy qurn- ped. trade or anil. reas. S42 N. ConVl 4 CitfibnCliilrra aOYERTlSINO Wo tern Advertlslns " s Repreantatiua- n bb m um rrSlST lo. LttZT. atta jcastem Aavanisiog ; . Rep res n tail vm Bryant Griffith A Branson. Is. Chlcaga Nw fork. Detrott Bowog. Aiwnts - -- Ketered mt fa IWefiee mi Mmhtrn Orrgen. e Sceond Class Matter. Pa likd w rm wcP( Afcudap R Mines IrSf (ft iest Commvctm. Street. v - . , t ' . EUBSCR1PT10N RATES: MaU Subscription Rales tn Advance Within Oregon: Dally "d -S dayi Mo. 0 cents; Mo. $1 $0 1 Mo. 18. . " year $5.0. Elsewhere (0 eonta pet Mo. or $100 tor 1 rear ta ndvanee. Per ce-y S ecntn Newsstands (er,u Be t:itv unw; - ? a vear ta adi tm Mario For Sale-Miscellaneous WALL TEXT, camp bed. iU S. 14th oiLwRURNTXO kitchen ran. aO porcelain, Looks like as electric You will mm this. Tbe latest mine voiy 11 89.1. KeJsoa Bpoa, 35 & Chmeket. Thla Weeks' FuraJrore Bargain A COMPLETE LIVING room group including a .Blltwell velour davenport ft chair, and tame, la mo snaae. mir ror, occaa, chair, scarT smoking stand all -new merchandise, complete. 159.91. easy terms. Cobn Bros.. 105 N Liberty. - RED HEARTS Corvallls straw berries deli v. Ph. 8IF2. Mrs. Sargent . LARGE SIZE cylinder washer $12.69. Nelson Bros., J55 Chemeketa SUP COVERS, reea, prices. P. 409. WesFaAAAeAwViMWwwVwVwwVwWwwwV 39 ELECTROLUX vac. Sac. P. 5517. ksSkMAsaaeAAaSaawaarawara BARGAINS IN used elec. and foot trendle aewinjt machines. Sears Roe buck Co. A FEW bedding- plants to bloom, 15c a a ox. up. White i creennouse, lfa-t N. Summer. TRAILERS. ALL kinds, price? right. See King. Sl N. Front. Salem BRAND NEW Blltwell davenport clialr. guaranteed construction, all re versible cushion, an Is&.SO value, to close out at I4.3. Pay nothing; down I Conn Bros.. SOS Liberty. SEE THE new Stewart-Warne dual-temp, refrigerator. Has late frozen food compartment 22 degree below freesing. No drying out of foon No food odors. You will like this too Nelson Bros.. 355 Chemeketa. HOUSE TRAILER cheap If sold 1m- talrKround8 GOOD USED McCormlck -ft. hay I rake. $1C.. C. A. Petsel, Rt. Z, Box 353. Ph. 30F4. Used Appliances Good Condition WESTINGHOUSE 4-BURNER elec. nui. Ia9.9i. Genuine Thor washing machine I .;. I , 4 cu. ft. Electrolux gas refrigerator. I 359.95. wood ,coal range -239.95. Pay nothing down. COHN BROS., 803 N. Liberty Wantetl Micellan?ous WANTED COIX)RED fryers and market poultry. Ph. 133 FT Lee'a Hat ehery. WANTED USED furn. Ph. 1110 naed Wanted Furniture WANTED, USED furn. Ph. 744S. Miscellaneous DENTAL PIRATES REPAIRED TTWO-HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRY 8EMI.ER. DENTIST Corner Stale k Conrmerrlal Ph. 1211 For Rent Rooms SLEEP JUL close m Ph 4491 RMS FOK ladles. 890 N. Cottage Ph. St7t SLEEP. RM. rnr. ant . Ph. MTJ DeLUX E ft. reas. 443 Oak. P. 9584 SLEEPING ROOMS. 3t Chemeketa SLEEP. RM. Fine tloti. Ph. 8529 DOWNTOWN FU RN, 3 wk- ' CLOSE IN rm. Home prlv. Ph. $229 'NICE CLEAN sleeping rooms. 3 blks. from capltoL 404 N. Winter. SL. RM, walking dlst 807 N. Com! Room and Board BOARDERS, PRIV. home. 82$ 8 blka. trom P. O HI M. Wlntor. APPRECIATE GOOD meaJsT Nice homef See Ma Bowea. N Liberty 000000U00000000000i00000 ROOM. BOARD, gar.. 222 N. Church RM.. BD. ! N. Bnmmer. 4814. SHOWER. NEW mod. home, hot and cold water In room. Ex, food. Board optional. 850 Marion. BOARD. ROOM, and laundry, $ I week, 922 & High St kiticlt JURS. ht.. cold water. Ex. meals. Nr. tat bouse. 215 a Winter Astgas1aia.j8s LARGE FRONT rm.. twin beds, $36 each, or $30 amgie. (89 N. Liberty ROOM AMD board. $20. Ph. 4233. t0000000000000000000 EXCEL, BEL. rm., 085 N. Church. For Rent-p-Apartments BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED npt- Leslie Manor. 310 Lesfl. , Patton apts. 222 State. Fm- toned. .Adults only. (244. I AND 2-RM rum apt Ml- Fevre t TO 4 rUt apt, furn or trnTarn- t aa4 Im loo. SonGi 12th SM. FURN -apt. 25 & Cottage. . SES FISHER apt. Mdrnts4 anwly deeorated and roomy-' Ton's h swUKhted. Oak and 8, Commerclal. - th trwrr homeitk tn TUwtham Court. 10 R. CnpttnL WWMIMIIMM All APTS. Furn. A onTornvfSS t $40. Royal Court Ph. toil 00000&m00000000t 2 8 R. 039 K. Liberty Ph MADCRN FURNISHED S-rm. Ot Edgewater -omrt, eiee. nm 42. na mu. SMAXX. APT, Adults. 2188 81 t atM.3TJRJ4. -wnt. Mshta. water. d sOts. prt bnth. 9L list NICK S It AFT. 1519 CLOSE IN fin apt I EMS- BEAT, light Mltf, gar. (2$. S5 N. canitot FURNISHED APTSU 3128 MUl St NICELY TORN. -4X3 Center S RM. TORN, npt, let fir. Ut, bt water. S5S Lesii St wwwnwiaawaaa FURNISHED APTS. (32 Fsrry. rrntM . housekeeping room and v m vision. FURN. APT, prlv. betk. 885 & 13th. NICE PPEN. pt 4(0 N. Ilth. 1-RM. KITCH, close m. SIS Water. as44anpnnnss FURN. 8-RM.-apt. 444 & Hnrh, , &0&0&00&0000000000000000000 FURN. fit sm..l$S N. JSth. ' . ' 00000000fa00mm0000000000 1K.A BATH. LARGE closet Newly decorated. Also 4-R. furn. cottage, close In, desirable. 92 mm. moot sou. tfa9aulBspk1 43 R, MOD. FURN lilt Mirk ; 000&0000000P000000000000000' 2-RM. FURN. 488 N. LTberty. FIRST- FLOOR. 2 -room furnished. private bath. -1 4 4 1 -N. - Con-n-rclat S-ROOM MODERN. Phon (331. 2 At S RM. APTS- refrig, automatic Iheat, $210. 845 & 14th 8t Money to Loss We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT FLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOtfR No Endorsers No Comakers Your Signature Only RRPAT ANT DAT TO RE DOCK COST. AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS Ks I LOAN IS MADE. , . General Finance Corp. 136 So Commercial St. Lie. No. SISt - Ph"1'i, First Doo South of Ladd at Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent Apartments NICE SMALL farn. apt 690 Union. 000000000000000l0000000m0000M CLEAN R. FURN., refrig.. hot wa ter, (car., adults, 3.5 N. ZOth. Wu 4i. -xrurrj"ri-n juti jrxrxru rirui ji ru" i r - 2 RM. FURN. apt. 432 Marlon. 00f0000J0000000000000000000 I 3 ROOM FURNISHED apL Refrig eration, private bath, C39 Center St. 2 RM. FURN. apt. 2K4 Maple. 000000 00000 3 RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water, refrle.. bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage. VACANCY, GLEN DOR A apts. 3 rms. with bedrm., $37.50. 585 N. Summer St. 000000000000000t000000' 1 AND 2 RM. furn,. lights, water, Maytag. 39 313, call after p. nx. 1C30 Ferry. For RentHouses 5 R. SEMI-MOD. furn. he.f reas. rent to adults. Ph. (214. 0000000000j0000000J0000A' S R. NICELY decor. Sf4 Jerrerson. 000j00000000000000004000000t FURN. HSEL Inquiry S34 N. 15the 00000j000f0t000000j00l001000t0J S R. MOD duplex, prlv. bath, refrig. elec. washer, gar 322.50. 2575 Lee. 0000000000000000000000 MODERN ROOM house newty nn- lhed. with sleeping porch. Il9i a&ar ton St wriiwiiiwiwMw FURN. BUNGALOW. Oakvllla Court Adults. No dogs. Inq. 995 Mill. 0000000000&00000000000000i00t MODERN 4 ROOM bungalow, nlcelv furnished. Elec. range, elec refrig. basement, furnace, fireplace. g rage. 328.50. . .... S. M. EARLE, Phone 9078 or t" . DUPLEX, S LGE. rms. Furnac ft water. 132 N. Liberty. 0000004000J00000000000 2 RM. HSE. Inq, 992 Shipping. Hrs. 9 to 12 and S to 8. 000000000000000000000000 5-ROOM $15. 2245 Broadway. 7548. FTJRNi l-RM. flat, adults, June to September 10. Phone 4 60s. MODERN 8 ROOMS and bath. 1548 Mill street Rt 4. box IBS. m0000t000&00000m0000004040J01 FIRST CLASS noose, i rooms, base ment furnace. 1176 Atauet. 3-ROOM FURNISHED house, $22 $17.60 (-ROOM house, basement. 823.508 rooms, basement, furnace. 137. K0 Modern furnished home. 13S.00 1S55 Saa-inaw. furnished. $45.00 Fairmount Hill, T rms., oil heat $30.007 rooms, dose in. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon BIdg. Phone 8131 j LARGE PARTLY furn. boarding hse., close In, man and wlfs preferred. References. Writ box 471, statesman. 3-RM. COTTAGE A garsg. L. D. t Waterman. 1307 Hinea, : Phone 5708 00m00000000000000000000 2 RM. NEW hse,. I men, $20 jno close law" ... rm., S acre, milt grapes, ete, -w mo., close in. 7 rm., 1 acre, close In, $15 mo. 7 m. lam lot fruit $12 mo. 4 rm.. neat place, N. Liberty, $22.50, elec. range. EL H- BTAHBAUUn Phone 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. S R. HOUSE. $20 MO. 480 N. 22rd. Inq. 2835 N. Front (1900. $250 DOWN BUYS this I bdrm. plast hoc, basement Fin res. district Lnnre 2 story house, good condition. oil burner, upstairs rented. $28. Can en for Illi. walk, distance C H. SANDERS 111 S. High 5131 4 RM. HSE.. betb. gar. adults, bus I service. Ph. 953, 182 Lee, For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 331 Stat Street Inqulr room 200. Tel 3713. OFFICE SPACE for rent reasonable. Inquire 25 N. High. Ph. T7S9. Wanted to Rent" WANT TORN, house, suitable for roomers, close in. Box 472, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate 1.1 MTIUl nrv UToV a 1mm In - - - - . - ktJM mA mIimiI, Witrrh IxlAft Will accent 81800 NOW I Mrs. Kins with CHILDS MILLER, KaVALTOKS tit a.... atrmm Phm, S9S1 KEIZEK DISTRICT - g lORfH riNB Mil aod : t raom 1 .1 . l.aliMTbl lectrie water mtem. eutbuUdtnga. Price $280. r-urt rui a uii t vp rkai .tor 244 State Street Phon 02(1. we ha vm thb PROtipnxrr IF TOG want to sell exchange Mas, rent see Mr. Larsen with Haw kins at Roberta. BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on navad street excel lent location. Price $50. $25 own. $1 per month, ; " ' W. H. G RA BEnnORST REALTORS 124 & Liberty St Phon (4(( JBnv7aa w w (m.e fu (in -s y sett: also 2 lots adloiamg. Tsrma. Bos Man at Bii Okaeint - a 439 atstesman. INCOME PROPERTY LARGE HOUSE close to district suitable for- luomeie nod See boarders. A real buy xr $70. Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 Stat Street Phon (281 s nit vrrtn hmi. mmm. ftadek, lUI WJItli. - - - r VIEW HOME BEN LOMOND PARK Lovely, wen buUt T-room with 4 bedroom. 1 bath, oil bent fireplace. Beautuni Knotty pine party room in basement Z-car garage. Numerous I tr "w0 la-dacaped lot with front. 1 , , MMAlk- structed view of city, valley and moon- KV VII & WU &lWUh. CI WWW WWW tains. .Mortgage company- apprniaai S2. A real bargain at see. vauj Mr. Larson or Mr. Collins for ap- nointment to Inspect HAWKINS ROBERTS, IKC 419. (-ROOM HOUSE and I fine lots. fruit berries, and garden. A good buy for 32500. Will tak a tnd-iutM and $200 cash, balance Ilk rent at 5. close in. Price $3500. Witt exchange for rlos in acreage ec Portland prop- erty. , 6 acres of fla rtver bottom Und, in alfalfa only I mile north ot I em, siioo. -s ; ' ROSTETN A ADOLPH. INC. - ,119 N. Commercial Bt wwwwww. AWwK- HUUon. MMRiaat wwww, i 4 RMS, BATH, garage, acre, good I bath, garage. Total Price $70.00. $18 soil. 4 miles east, $5 dwa, 1$ Uwfiwlshed, choice of two, - I real -buy.- - 1 E. H. STAMBACGH 1 M. MOORE WM. K. MOSES Phon 9411 212 Oreg. Bldg. $31 State Street Money to Loan BORROW FROM 8ALEMII OLDEST I LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used care. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tap. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons IXC Snuth CommeerUll Street Phone 9I(S Lie. No M-II3 00040t00400000000000'040A FHA LOANS ) pHt tn A bra ma Inc. Mnnnte Bio 0t0000000000m0000000000000 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 8th FLOOR GUARDIAN RUILDIN LICENSE NO M-159 00000000j0000000' BEN J. FRANKLIN home loans Most Dooatar loan tn Oregon A new feature to this loan benefits everv hnrrower. Ask about It See F. a DEIJINO. 290 N. Church! All-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR $20 TO $300 fmnMdlatelv Without Red Ta, e GET ONE t4 tt it home or when traveling." for accident picking up a rash bargain, extra shopping money, a prolonged visit to meet unexpected I emergency, or tr atranaea wiuran runda, Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping as advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLY AT Personal Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bligh Bldg. SI I State Street Salem. Oregon Stat License Numbers S-122 M-118 $1500 TO LOAN, new bouse. T. 3920 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Beror borrowing inquire at Hawkms Babavta. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 0 Interest . W. H. QRABENHCmaT W. REALTORS 124 & liberty Street Phra 0401 Financial 4i WB HAVE never paid tea than this rat on saving and Investments. Insured ta M000. Mutual Federal Savings Lo" """ Pnone 444 moww - For Sale Real Estate t.trn nimBPm K.- END full basement turnac narawow floors, only 200 down, balance Ilk rent. . . . . 355. 1 room mmnnnts acre, Mayesviiie wano, down, baL $15 per mo. j. ntA x Phone 8121 429 Oregon bw $3500, GOOD HOMll south, 8 rms.. basement, furnace, lots ox trees shrubbery. . . , , 11500. rm. nome. mmmi, furnace, fireplace, on bus line, 30O down. $1700 nice furnished home, living 'iSchen? noo lrmlra".. Monav to loan at e per ccni. MELVW JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Pnon 2733 S3 A. STOCK FARM to coast range with gooa noose buildings, good timber: win take In a house in Salem, Will sacrifice iiso on n new mod ern bench home or exchange for good boose tn Salem, $3250 for a 4 -room modern bouse, $20 cash, balance like rent $1800 buys n 2 room cottage, hard wood floor, fireplace. $200 cash, $17.00 per month. v usBunuu-unAji i . KaeMitf Bldg. Fhon 181. MODERN 4-R2C house, basement furnace, 837(0; small down payment, balance Ilk rent . . New 2-rm. hse., circulating Matar, kitchen range, $1100. Small down pay ment balance ue rem. New 4-rm. bungalow, t A. close to I MhMil 0m An twit baL lflt TCnt 1 1 A 1-rm, ba. elect, $140$: $100 I down. baL $15 per mo. Win eesuridsr I sosn tmoe.. I CkMmi renin. 11 Jk eiee, www system, t a, rrut. Dig nse. I town. $3500, Easy "rms. win tag m I bnn u4 lot v I UTnj T. RKIHAMH 1 147 8. High Street Fhon 8882 I to TJYrs IN Salem, lots of trees, 4 Inn. house, chicken house, weii. cuy water, both, tights, all for $138. 8 A. eloae to 8eJesn, t rm. bungalow. bath. . light electric water system. $2800, $300 down. 1 A. 1 H mi. east, lerma. - Money to loan at t per cent. Wn.VtV yOHNSION. REALTOR 728 Court Street Phon 8731 S SU viTLLY mod- 1(10 M. 10th St A lovely horn. Reas. terms, sjzs. A dandr t bedrm. home. It r north. Cltv water. 8225. $100 down. ROBERT F. BUDROW steal- Estate 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. noa UEAirma kaijcm. nsnst sell n $445.00 equity in 8 room plastered boose. BaL due. $186. ot 9i. sen. llake ana an offer. Will consider car m I trade. 334 W. Not HUL I wW.w(w.imI FOR SALE or tent, nle View Vacated 1(0 W. Leffell. FOR SALE ', Lot owned by City $125. to $(01 See any real estate man or ca.ll ((22 . . 1(7 S. High Street BEACH INCOME property, boats. I cottage, only $300.00. I - incoro property, good m vestment 1 VTEAH urn I 2 bdim. corner Summer A Union 1 MIHI.VI. 1 stsi. ruU basement, xurnace, onry 1 . S bdrm, good condition, modern. Chemeketa St, close In, $2501 K. M. LARSEN REAL ESTATE - 214 U. 8. Karl. Bank Bids. --- J Phone 8781. evenings 8749 ctr I ROOM MODERN suburban horn I with one acre, for sale by owner call I wmmmammm t LOT ON , good street new home. I walk and street paid, N. 24tb St, onlv $350. Also ale tots near Capitol Sa - 1 University, $350 to $501 Phon owner, 1 st. I I HERE 13 what 310. will dv mo, I per mo. tscludlng Interest. This is Exehaixse--Ileal Estate T ACRES ALL ta rruR and nuts' 1004 S room bouse, alec lights and water system, intra and chicken bouse 4 mil out : will trad for boene ta 8a- lam about same valu. (15004). Must be clear of encumbrance. Box 4SS. car OC BUtMNIl. EXCHANGE BRINO US your trade we eea MJH 111 UmI k Lm Maiim Mrs. EUla with - CHILDS A MILLER. REALTOR 344 Stat Street Phone '21 - "i'ri"MWoAnnniw i i io ri iv TRADE CITt property for farm homes. Opportnnltles m exchanges. : HA WK1 NS A.. ROBERTS INC . 21 ACRES. 5-rni. unfinished house A. berries, spring, some timber.' Sell for $1909 or trade for bouse. West Salem Real Estate. TeL 5C22. For Sale -Farms YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 20 ACRES OF finest river bottom soil several acres fruiu small house Kood barn. S cows, team horees, all nec essary equipment. Good terms price uy. see Mr. uartieH with CHn.DS ft MILLER. REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 92(1 FARMS A HOMES for rent sal trade. Ore. Land Co. Woodburn. Ore 101 ACRES. 95 CULT- 40 In cr Old blags., Santiam river through one corner, all level market rd. through place, fence for sheep. Yours for 32000 $700.00 down, bal. to suit See Larsen HAWKINS ROBERTS Acreage VIEW SPRING FRUIT THOSE DESIRING a beautiful ly ing 12 acres, excellent building sites, close Salem, paved road, ( original price). 11300 terms. 2tt A., with 4 room house, you rrlll like, $2700. Take lot or bouse In trade.- C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 51tl FROM 1 TO 30 acres near Salem on Pacific highway. C. P. Rodgers, Rt 5. Box 107. FOR SALE. 75 acres. Includes all livestock, laOOO. If all cash, some dis- count. 20 ml. from Salem. Box 474. Statesman, Salem. Suburban s py vror ha XL A land, luat ES.V?! a nice 4 rm. unfinished hse. on a small tract of land full price (800 st0 down. $10 per month the right party may work out the down payment I F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8411 Resort Property CABINS AT beach. Sell or trade for acreage. Give full particulars In first letters. James Chapman, Lincoln Beach, Ore, Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION for leas, equip ment for sal. 808 8. J2th. GARAGE BUSINESS, all equipment (or sale, reas. price. On main heavy traffic nwy. Box 4(8, stUesman. SALE OR trade loach and cold arm stand. 311 State street. It UNIT AUTO court living quar ters tor owner, on 99E north, dose to town. $8000.00. QICH. L. QEIMANN, 111 at. High Ot rnon iiu BEER PARLOR A rest, highway north, $8(0. Small cafe, near theatre, Monmouth, $500. E. H. ST AM B A UGH Phone Mil 212 Oreg. Bldg. For Sale Wood GRAKN 411 N til -4 wood 270 SUMMER PRICES, old fir only $4.75 pr cord. Order for toter SeL Phone 4114. Oregon Pul Co. STOOD GET It at SB N. Church For WMlity wood phon 1 0OF 15. e9 AA LOAD, DRY It to, kitchen I CO.W wood, no splitting. Ph. 2191 r rg Co. 8TR. gr. ne dote, trui c-r.wr dry. II Is, Ms a F. P. 837 117$ CD 4 FT. fir. 3 ed. lot. A-l 16 in. a Fir. $5. Knots. $4.50. : . 818 11-INCH DRY old fir. Fhon 4211 Lost and Found LOST. PAIR of black kid gloved fastened toeether. have white kid lin ing on curt, somewhere near court Lib. Thurs. Mrs. Ireton, 1047 8. Com. Persona LONELY WORTHWHILE" sweet - 1 heart husband, wife for vosv. Bos SS For Sale Used Cars 1933 DODGE OOUPB: 193 -Modal A Ford- Coupe. 30A a 12th. 31 CHEV. DeLUXE Sed.. fin cond. Can v. 121 S. -Madison, SBverton. Bjjgartess Cord ta this cHicctor reno ess a moHthly bsprl emty. Btet fl per Hnr prr saeoith. Auto Brakes MOt Pak. t7t Sooth ! Bieyelea I BICTCLES. NEW and rwaoodftloMd 1 Harry w. Scott 117 m CwnT. F. til Chimney Sweep - ! rSCLEPHONB 44$1 .ft, $(, Northsen Chirapnctors DR. a. L SCOTT. FSC Crhrroornctot 2(0 N. High Tel Rm 8571 - Exravating I KXCAVAT1NG OP nB ! meats dan. Din hauled or nnst Dirt for sale. Salem anno an uravei vo Phon 0401 , " -.- t i Florists Brellhaupra 447 Court Phon !$ I FtiiiacenHeatliis 1 FURNACES. BIjOWER& oU bora and If V?,!'nJu15. 7SflrUl HOIJwtND FURNACE CO. 2583 Portland Road TeL $61 A Rave vour furnac cleaned now A save Laundries '5--..' I r'THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRT r W two i iiturisf ttl a High TsL For Sale Used Cars SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Used Car Specials Special for Friday and Saturday Only 1937 Ford V8 Coupe Original black finish Ilk new,' Interior spotless, motor ex ceptionally smooth. Folks this little coupe is truly v honey. Regular price I44S.00; Today It's Yours for Only $349 Other Topnotch Buys. " 1931 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 FORD COUPE 1929 FORD COUPE 1929 DURA NT SEDAN 1923 DURA NT COACH 192S DODGE SEDAN OTHER 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICED FROM 315.00 TO 1725.00 SALEM AUTO CO. SUPER USED 43S NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET CARTER MOTOR CO. 1930 CHEVROLET COACH 1928 BUICK COACH 1928 FORD SEDAN 4-DR. . 1928 PONTIAC COUPE 1927 PONTIAC COACH 1920 BUICK COACH MODEL T FORD COUPE 1937 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN : has in perfect shape BANK TERMS 3(5 NORTH COMMERCIAL Lot 240 You Always Get a BETTER USED CAR Your Buick Dealer 1938 Buick Town Sedan ... 1937 Buick Sedan 1937 Buick Sedan 1938 Buick Sedan ; 1930 Buick Sedan $8S5 .$$25 3785 .$(25 5S .3145 ..$125 ..$415 1931 Buick Cabriolet 1930 Buick Roadster 1935 Buick Sedan 1939 Ford Roadster 1929 Ford Sedan -$ 75 -$ 45 1931 Chevrolet Coach ..$131 -$ 45 -$ 35 -$ S 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Touring 1928 Chevrolet Panel Del. 19S( Pontlac Sedan . 1934 Pontlac Sedan - - $435 $3S5 -$575 1937 Plymouth Sedan 193$ DeSoto Sedan $545 ..$245 1934 Terraplane Sedan 1933 Dodge Sedan $295 1131 Stndebaker Coup . $11S $m 1931 St ude baker Coupe . 1927 Studebaker Sedan 1(2( Studfoaker Pickup .J 85 -$ Si 1927 Nash Sedan -I (S f 9$ 1922 Franklin Sedan WE TRADE - Convenient GMAC Terms OTTO J.WILSON North Commercial Phone 14(1 USED CAR DEPARTMENT R n 80,, Ray Bone steels QUALITY USED CARS? YES I LOWEST rlUUBiS 7 xaiBj '21 Buick Coud. looks good a runs good , $5.$ t RukOr ffnrlnn ennd motor. cood tires see it . ss.ee 'IS Pontlac Sedan and it's a swell looking car, nnlah, tires, a motor In good condi tion 245.00 '80 Chev. Coupe fir st-clas condition and It's plenty dean 12(.00 '18 Ford Tudor Sedan trr it out iT.ee '22 Dodge Sedan a real value.. 2(5.00 '15 Ford Tuder V-s, new rings A valve ground. Finish A upholstering good , 115.00 '24 Studebaker Dictator Soda. for n real value now . S3. j '3 Studebaker Sedan 81x Cyl inder 00.00 IS Studebaker Diet Coup Spe cial sii.e 1 S0 atndesnhsr Pre. Sedan. new tires end worth invest!- gating, tow mileage 585.09 BONESTKELE SALES 8ERVTCJC1 Court 8t Oppoeit the New post Office II OLDS sedan. $140.1$ xfudsoa aadan. $3(5. Phon (9(4. Directory Klatiressea SALEM FLUFF RUG and Martrem factory. NEW MATTRESS aw erder. oM remade: carpet deantni stxtng; flaft rag nresvtna. a 12th a Wilbur. TL S441 trTTU r. IWICS ca kx. int CAPITOL BEDDING CO. 4000 Naturopathic Physician DR. ; a -ROCKWELL, Naturopath- I Pbystdan, 170 Fstrgrannd R4 rat, 4SL nrne Hsar lltnttlfli p m, FRKBI SwAAM- CONSULT A- TIOJL. :, Pslntiny - Patrianajtisi WE DO all kinds pclnting. 7(21 IVintlns FOR STATIONER T cards, pamphlet proaTaina. books er any ktnd of print, tag, call The Statsmsa Printing De partment. SIS 8. Cuiim relet Tei 911 Resorts I SHERWOOD COTTAOESL Yachats Mod, ocean view, fish pole and bait Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer. tor age, burner n ran- S1$L LSrmt Transfst Co Trucks i Portland dally a1. '. 1 1 ' . . . .. '., . INTERSTATE TRUCK! NO Oreg.. Pn, 22FS. , .Wash Well Drilling llt( St A. WEST. Rt. 1 Bos 44( P. IIOFl For Sale Used Cars Daily ; ; : : .3HS.00 . 145.'0 . 75.00 . 35.00 25.0il - 30.00 '. CAR MARKET PHONE 4915 ..$ (5.00 ..$ 65.00 . S5.00 ... X 45.00 3 30.00 ...$ 20.00 10.00 17.000 inL Finish like new. .$65.00 WE TRADE PHONE 3734 Center Street 'SO MODEL A roadster. Ph. 7591 38 CHEV. TOWN Sed.. excel, cond. Leaving town, must sell. Ph. 79F14, eve.. lov days. I12S.00 EQUITY IN 'ii Ford 4-door DeLuxe. 12.000 miles. Inq, 0(5 N. Lib erty, after C p. m. '34 CHEV. MASTER DeLuxe Coach cheap, good shape. Inq. 1870 State. SEE HERRALL-OWENS ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS. 235 & Commercial Phone 31(9 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Last Will and Testa ment of. Charles Jaquet, hag been duly proven and admitted to probate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for M- Ion County, and the undersigned Lil ian Phelps hag been appointed Executrix thereof, and that Let ters Testamentary have issued to her. All nersont having claims against the said estate are hero - oy noiuiea 10 present mo smme. duly verified and with the proper Touchers, to the undersigned Exnentrii at 77 Virat National Bank BmUdiag, Salem. Oregon. I U. and LauTa E. aark, anmar on or he fore six months from I fled. T. H. I Clark and Marlon the daU ot the first DublkaUon of this aotico: said first oubUca - tlon being made this 26th day of May, It. 9. LILLIAN PHELPS. Executrix of the Estate of Charles Jaquet, deceased. KUSS FORD. Attorneys for the Estate. M 21 J 2-1-1 $-15. Cross Word Piizzle 12 13 16 22 29 ?e 'A S$WBBSSBJBBnJ 31 52 33 S4 37 Kt HI rV S7 d5 H HORIZONTAL 4X crazed ' ' 1 eerer 44-wTeathof w-f4natarf Ljjaxmatat tuy fafly twwata ' near the ' te strop '. stern 4T inountain of 11 fluid r - lilnois onaetuufwi tt-fvt -A by the - -; It swstrQs ' lrmphatka M tltnjp ' 14-4UdoT bill sensale o-lo--4dVtser - the bull 17 treat with W precipitous - todin lt-tng IS lecaivr , , - ! i of gift - j S"f?T !SS Herewith U the solution U yester 22 Wher stop y., . - 2S Indian princess 29-rjeldf gran ular anow KL-ffirnufiTi'-. ansarer . SI measar -. of XZ ytarninf S5 Japanese tneasure 86 dry, as of wine $S imitated t 29 bed of s , -'ttd beast Z i2 tamaxe J Isr lntlDlAllililA.lc?lnl I IThlPrClHiitNfAOH IE I - . smart 1939.11 For &tie Used Cars . ft ' FORDS FORDS Special's FOR TODAY 3 37 DeLuxe Sedan Radio & heater, very low mileage. 36 DeLuxe Town Sedan , " Like new ; spare tire never use. ; 36 DeLuxe Coupe "l Radio ft heater, fog light, shows no wear at all; good tires. - ;S 36 DeLuxe Sedan Large trunk, gunmetal flntlt new tires and deluxe heater. 2 31 Ford Roadster Rumble tlon .... seat, perfect condt- . . $125.00 29 Ford Coupe $65 Many more excellent buys in late.' model used cars ; remember our cars are priced lower; better shape; sold with a 90-day written guarantee. STATE Motors Inc. PACKARD HUDSON High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 OPEN EVENINGS LEGAL NOTICE "heriff's notick of saw . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN! that I will, on Saturday, Jaaa 5 A forenoon of said day. at th drst door of the Marion County Court r, Housa In Salem. Oregon, sell aJt , public auction in the manner-. provided by law lor the aaie or. . I ret p-rmsr. 0n execution, the following- described real premis- es, to-wit: Lots 1, 1 and t. Block IS, Pleasant Home Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County. Oregon. Said sale will be by vlrtae ot I an execution issued out ot the 1 Circuit Court of the State of. 1 " that s n 1 1 neretoioro penainc I lacmm in waica wj waiem, I maaleipal corporation. Is plain- I County, s body politic, are fl. 1 fendanta. the same being Clerk . Register No. X7S71. Dated and first published May . 1. im. A. C. EURK Sheriff ot Marioa County, , Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall Deputy. My S-lS-lS-tt J 1 , io II IH 'A -r w. 20 21 2H 22 26 21 3 HO W5 2 VERTICAL tbbreviahs taking nigot l-ColoraU Iisika ' t cuiuiectlfs . , plaop isTntUali 11 esarthea U-btidmg 6-etiinxed . instranMni ' t .Hinttn w ; saystie V elaenlatioei T olender . . . ,. fipial 4 ftaiiiswiaf : - peak of a IS expire-': aLootball 12 Tolrsafai 25 ontady tS eagle neat Scotch r - landowner Ml' 29 backofaeck- 133 4Ulowaaces JXi gloW : 1 :-i 37 tnertrrl; enced r- ,.rj- j do old French.-, . r ;:, land- . ' i tneasaro 41 Portuguese coin 43 brittle" - 46 largn plant V 47-Mnoeeasm- like shoe 48 thsU-.' 4 bort folU -Nathan lt fen-tf '" mm . . 04 watering .- place .- ' SI not of scale 5 V. 5, my and adlaemt eountlem !