A I J V 1 ' LJ Ej tXZV ' LJ 0X1UI2LL , -;0 u ev a . w . m --w-isw- i l i t r - ... i : i-sr-r-T? ..Loading' the lines with Umbo from left to rig at, standard style, and wondering whatever baa hap pened to. Sadie DuVeau, Salem's shoplifting man in womin'i wear ot -year ao?;; . . You can't throw jour cake away and have u too, to learned tne manage ment ot u Spokane Indiana. Billy "Whiskers" Beard waa re leased by - Spokane, in favor - ot Lake, a youngster in whom the Indiana had a little money in Tested T Cls. witter, reteran reeeiv. mr. ' anatalned an Inlrrr-r ntfMil. utrng the use ot Lake, who hasn't when Spokane set out to re-sign Beard, they found he had signed! with the Lewiaton Indiana in the Pioneer loop as was announced fa Sport Sparks last week Beard has been playing outfield! ior uwui, ,JL"" . - . . I I vienu-uy nvi . ... vr- vv. -i oouy s paper " they are successful in signing! &S2 C T I vc.u "- - - . strongest of the aix clubs making ready for Summer sditball league f. ,V f . .v "...v. ' "It Hank Singer, is going to be a tough combination to hurdle. The Gentikow trio, with Brother Bill at second. Brother Dick at short and Brother Bernle at third , bal- ances out as the hardest hitting, best fielding Infield trio in the league . . . And, softball Suxies and Henrys, there is bound to be more emphasis on defensive ability with that pitcher's box set back better than two feet Weakest sister of the loop will undoubtedly be 20-30, unless the Numbers outfit strengthens con siderably between now and June 12. Schoen's Bakers, with the battery of Larson A Larson working In a much healthier atmosphere than last season, and with a generous sprinkling of talent, may make a three way fight of it with Wait's and the Dealers ... Bat the Pa permakers, last year's champs, are badly in need of one Per ry "Windmill" Crofoot, and the Pheasants, though boasting such sluggers as Bod Forgard and Ike Elsiminger, also need pitching strength. Troy Dominates IC4A. Winning the IC4A meet Sat urday with 71 V points, USC's Trojans broke their own course record. In 1932, with Berkeley the site of the meet, Troy set a record of 63 points. The IC4A has been in existence since 187S and until 1921, when the lads from California became obstrep erous and copped the show, it wai considered by easterners to be a fine event Indeed . . . Cali fornia won it three years in a row. then Yale stepped in and won for the east in 1924. Troy took over in 1925, and the Cali fornia schools have been winning ever since. Troy, in fact, now has won the meet nine times, includ ing the last seven times the Tro jans have ,: participated. They scored their, first, points in -the I 1924 meet and won it in 1925.1 Trrrwmaym hits vnn li 4nrilvMna1 1 championships. 27 athletes soar-1 lng the titles . . . Perhaps Martin I Dies'-committee should invest!-1 - rate such monopolistic an-Ameri-1 can actlTlty . . ."Keep your yes I peeled for the college Where- abouts ot 19-year-old John Linta, who Saturday in the Ohio high school sports carnival skimmed over the pole vault bar at 13 feet $ inches to set a new national pole vault record, and Johnny Quigley. New Tor prep ly won the New York private chools' 440 in :48.8. I Half the National leagwe dabs had better -won and lost records on the road - than at home last year, being the Cubs, Cards, Pirates and Dodgers, while all the American league clnbe were better at home Chicago papers refer to the American league as the Yan kee league and isn't it 7 Travis Cross, our aatnte ' little scorekeeper ont Parrbdi way, . thinks Kenny Lenabnrg, yog- ster Just recently arrived ; in ; Salem from the -mid-west, may be the answer." to the Paper snakers' pitching problem. Frisco Fussed. Frisco wasn't as fussed when Rotary Bread was shoving him all XL 2tSJS5f.t.,! yesterday noon when presented with a gold wrist-ticker by Salem fans ... But Ump Edwards was pulled out of a bad hole by Bill Phillips, who set him at ease with a stentorian -boo" . . ; "The old statement that 'everybody hates an umpire' can't be right," said Frisco as he received tbe sweui gant tick-tock ,r. Ike Elsiminger will play the initial sack for the Pheasants this year, instead ot galloping in the outer garden, where last year he proved to be one ot the best fielding and hard eat hitting outfielders la the loop. Ike was a first baseman in nis prep school baseball days so won 1 no at a ivm . . m u uwi tiggerln on takin' any chances wit dat Buddy Pete'son." saya Leo "The Lion" Turner. "Dat boy suah can hit wit dat right haaV . . v Billy Herman, Cuba' second baseman, failed to make his high T. X. Um. K. BL O. Ctaa, K. O. Herbal - remedies for ailments ot stomach, liver, kidney, sain, blood, glands, ft urinary sys tem of men ft women. 22 years In service. Naturopathic Physi cians. -Ask your Neighbors about CHAN LAM. . cn. cnflii Liin CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 292 H Court ZU Corner Liber ty. Office open Tueaoay tza urday enly. It A ll. to 1 FJL C to T P.M. Consultation, blood pressure and . mrina tests .are tree of charge. Motor Qassic Draws 150,00 33 Driyers Will Compete for $35,000 in Cash for Winner By HAROLD HARRISON INDIANAPOLIS. May 2 9. -- TWiiim.Mit. i k . TL speed - - daring test of men and " - motors that brines' tin war A off S35.080 to the winner and a new v.,,. ,-lV , . . other dHr--wiUYoughT tot morrow before a crowd that may reacQ m 000 ma' . At, , a ; (PST) ft bursting nigh in the air. wtU aend greatest race drivers into the 27th annual 500- mile classic at the Indianapolis motor speedway. checkered flag, symbol of Victory Along about iz: 30 p. m. a and the gold that goes with it. will wave in the face of one of those drivers. No Top Favorite The winner? There's no out standing favorite. If it should by Floyd Roberts, husky mild-mannered Van Nuys, Calif., airplane factory worker, he would be the first man to win two Indianapolis races in a row He won last year with a new 500- mile, record of 117.2 miles an hour. If Louis Meyer of Huntington Park, Calif., should catch the checkered flag, he would become the only four-time winner. His three previous triumphs already stand as a record. But there are 31 other drivers to be reckoned with from Jimmy Snyder of Chicago, who won the pole starting position with the fastest qualifying apeed, 130.138 miles an hour, down to-Billy De vore of St. John, Has., the lowest qualifier at 116.527. The average speed of the 33 drivers over the 10-mile qualifying route was slightly better than 123 miles an hour, a new record. Besides Snyder, Meyer and Roberts, other drivers whom the railbirds east in favorite roles were Wilbur Shaw, Indianapolis; Mauri Rose, Columbus, O.; Rex Mays, Glendale. Calif., and Ted Horn, Babe Stapp. Bob Swanson and Kelly Petillo, all of Los Angeles. Red Sox Defeat Electric 14 to 2 SILVERTON Warming up foi tbeir postponed ' official opening day game here Memorial, day f gainst Portland s Babes at 2.3 d. .in., the Sllverton Red Sax Fnn aay snetiacaea Marine electric or roriiana oy a n to z score. a large crowa witnessed suo day state league issue, and prep re being made to ban larger auenoance iuewj Fw" the time little Joe Erautt who caught his first game f or tht Sox, tripled with two aboard in "". shorta h,omeIe.d Jnt0 ce? f Relief Pttcher Oachea to rton'I m"!!.11 " s5?SIL 'Z'. 14 11 f 2 7 4 White and Erautt; O'Donneil O aches and Show. Aliern Leads Field Of Oregon Seniors ASTORIA. Ore., May 29.-(P- Stroklng consistently over tricky Gearhart-by-the-Sea, P. J. A hern of the Columbia-Edgewater Golf course, Portland, carded a low gross of 76 today to lead 31 quali fiers for the Oregon seniors' golf tournament. Scheduled to start Sunday, the tournament was postponed - by heavy rains. Harold Christenson, Portland, last year's champion. failed to appear to defend his title. . - Guriinals Execute First Triple Play ST. LOUIS, May 29HP-Th St. Louis Cardinals executed, the first triple -play . in the major leagues this season . in the first Inning of today's .game with,, the Pittsburgh Pirates. With runners on first and sec ond, : Johnnie Rixzo hit to Don Gutteridge who-stepped - on third then threw to Stu Martin, forcing the man at second, and Martin's fast relay to first base tripled Rlxxo. 1 g , n T A3U HayWarU AS 1 v - m greatly lmproyea EUGENE. Orel May 29.-V CoL B1U Hayward. University of Oregon and Olympic games track coach tor many years, was ported much improved today fol lowing a heart attack jesteroay. Hayward. who was seriously HI ot heart trouble last November. was stricken again yesterday when he lifted a motor from his boat after a JIcKeaxie river fishing trip. school team three years in a row. but finally landed a position in his senior year . . . It Is rumored that Dr. Joan SutueriandV ae- poaed Pitt coach, turned down an otter to coacn . tne nrate pro griddera. . Wonder u tne woria un barent auissed novelty bets, by not finding some wrestlers who do jaet daias to be, world rhans pVs7 ... 'While they swear a fellow eta ont of anything Just what he puts into it, they jaever saw owr golf game! ITe're beginning to wonder If erem Hitler eewld stop the Yan fceea . And yow'd think the Reds- were being pwrsned by a LbnlLjtoow. ' . I , Breakfast With The Statesman poets pages lively. plete, entertaining coverage and features daily. Woodruff Ties IC4A 440-Mark for . ..."y.Vv tjes; esto-flar.w Big John Woodruff (center), of Pittsburgh won the 440-yard dash at the IC4A meet in New York, equal ing the meet mark of 47 seconds flat for the third straight time. Left to right at the finish: Howard Upton of Southern California, who finished second; Wes Wallace, Fordham, fifth; Don Watts. Cali fornia, fourth; Woodruff; Erwin Miller, Southern California, third. Nova Wants Quick Crack at Bomber California ' Comer Feels Louis Is now Ready to Be Taken By SID FEDER NEW YORK? May 29.-(ff)-Lou Nova is in a big hurry to get by Maxie Baer at Yankee stadium Thursday night so he can get a crack at Joe Louis, an opportunity that even the 'wiser heads ot the ring aren't particularly anxious about. Of course, madcap Maxie fig ures to have something to say about this when he-and serious Lou tangle for IS rounds or less, but Nova's chief worry now is that somebody will get to tbe heavyweight champion before him. He's convinced the Brown Bomber is "ripe to be taken" and he wants to be the taker. As a result, he figures on going by Baer in stride. He's even ready to "cross" his advisers. Just so there'll be no doubt about the outcome. Confidence Surprising This sudden feeling ot confi dence where Louis" is concerned came as a distinct surprise today. Before he defeated Tommy Farr last winter, Lou said he didn't think he'd be ready for Joe for year or so. He gives you two rea sons for the sudden change of heart. The first is that the Farr fight convinced him he could go 15 rounds any time he went to the post. . - The second came about when he saw Louis training for his tight with Jack Roper in California. He took a good look and apeedily summoned Manager Carlin into conference. "Get me that Louis in a hurry," he demanded. "He's wide open to be hit and he's ready to be taken. And I don't want anybody to beat me to him. "Why. do tou know." Lou said today, "I almost passed out when Roper tagged Joe with a left hand in their tight. I thought the sum ber was up then. I don't think Tony Galen to can do it. That's why I'm In a rush." So, where Nova was content. BEST OF COLLEGIATES By Sords iwwgesity of Sarweatf rAuFot&JiA SftMiiee. tiny a& oe Americas ararMwlGr w ' kX J.-mv . --.-igfc, 5J TP (ID RON GEMMELL Editor Salem, Oregon, Tuesday - rL.v - f.v ft only six months ago, to wait a while, now he's rarin' to go at Louis. He figures he'll get by Baer, that Louis will flatten Ga lento June 28, and that, as Mike Jacobs has promised, the two win ners will meet in September. Sabin Gains Final In Orange Singles SOUTH ORANGE. N. J.. May 29 -(P)-Top-seeded Wayne Sabin, of Portland, ore,, and unseeaea Frank Bowden of New York, gain ed the final round of the annual Orange lawn tennis club men's singles Invitation tournament to day. Sabin, western Davis cup squad candidate, went four sets to defeat John Hope Doeg of New York, for mer US national champion, 6-4-3-8, 8-8. 8-2. Bowden waa extend ed, but turned back Martin Bux- by, of Miami, Fla., in a gruelling f?ve-set match. 3-6. 0-8. C-S, C-l. e-i. - - j- Sabin-and Bowden meet tomor row at 1:30 p. m. (EST) in the championship round. Bees Grab First Half Loop Crown CANBY Silverton's Bees beat the Firemen, 6 to 0, here Sunday to win the first-halt championship of the Willamette Valley baseball loop. It was a pitcher's, duel from the third inning on, with Canby un able to cut down a six-run lead es tablished in the first three cantos. Sllverton 8 8 Canby 8 I Wahl and Johnson; Reid, Anton and Stewart. Sweet Home Drops Gome To Aumsville Nine 7-5 AUMSVILLE The locals scored a 7 to S Cascade league win over Sweet Home here Sunday, nipping a sixth-inning Sweet Home rally with a swiftly executed triple play. Aumsville 7 17 4 Sweet Home I 8 8 Sacre. McAllister and Bur roughs; Mlnler, Cereghino and Edwards.. v ' v m . - . - - - 1 mmA mf Vlf. te s4ltuoUu mver DBMS Morning", May 30 1939 ThirdTime .. 4 sf v 1 KeaMoMx30!K-n Oswego Is Victor On Salem Course Strong Team Takes Local Golfers 29 to 25; 3 Tie for Medal The Salem Golf club made a strategical error Saturday night and as a result, lost a team match on the home course Sunday for the first time in history, bowing to Lake Oswego Country club, 29 to 25. The error consisted of distrib uting new flags around the 18 holes. The home boys couldn't recognize them. Actually, it was an unusually strong team which Oswego brought to Salem: three of its members tied for medalist at 78, all of them excelling the best Salem score, and none ot the visitors took more than 88 atrokes although the back tees were in use. Nearly an matches were close, points being divided in 11 of the IS. Salem (25) Utter K Cover Cline Patterson 1 Nash 2 Flanery 1H Hendrie 1 Lengrea 2 Bonesteele 0 Lynch S . Waterman 1 Potts 0 Pekar Petre 1 Fisher 8 Crews ft McAfee 9 Higgins 2 Oswego (39) Cicrieh X Hinckel 2ft Tobin 2ft Wood 1ft Williams Arnold 1ft Venator 1ft Hoehn ft Chlanock 3 Marson Chandler Dickover Kerron 2ft Marsh 1ft Payne Knowlton 2ft Eklund Myers Registered Shoot Set A registered shoot is scheduled for the Salem Trapshooters club grounds next Sunday, where last Sunday in a practice shot Secre tary Clarence Townsend powdered 49 of 80 targets, Kehne Wain scored 25 straight and W. R. Graham and C. G. Hlltibrand hit 18 ot 25 skeeL No. 148-141 SraoMla af Aaaatl SUUnral f tk afercvry lumraaee Cestsaay f St. Past, a ta nut m suaaesoM. ea tM tnirty- nrst aay ( iXcaniiMr, isss, bus t ta iatnraaee cwaannieaar ef tas state el OiegM, panaaat t law: CAPITAL Abmvb ef capital sleek paid i.ooo.ooe.eo. XKCOKS Vat prnihai Medr dartag tfca yaar, 93,e4,14A4. -latweat, alvidaacs sad rests iwesWss Marine taa rear. SSS1.SS4.1S. Incoma from otkar aoaxeaa racairaj Sonar tha yaar, fll.S4S.tS. Tetal iaeeaa, M,tt,014TS., . . TJIBB UR8EMEMTS Nat loaaea paid dariaf tba year iaetni lac aliastawat anaaaaa. Sl.0SS.e4S M. CoasaiiaaraBa aaa aaiariaa yi4 Saxiag Ua yaar, STS0.S81.4S. Tasaa, iicavaea aa4 taas paid 4rlM U yw. S 105.454.20. Diridtvai paid es capital stack auriag ia yaar, fiBU.oun.ou. f mH : atkaa- azsanaMtaraa. TaiaJ sspcaiitares, 8,1S,T75.S. AOMITTXD ASSETS alee ef raal aatate ewacd (asarkat ralaa). S3.0O0.00. - Um atertgagM aa4 aollataral, eta. Tate at boaos ewacd r (aurUt), 8. Tain af afecks ewaad (awrkat vahw) S4S.M0.0O. Cash ia basks U en aaaa. flTa. Pmaiaau la cearaa ef aOcetiaa wrlt- M ataea BaMaaabar " SO, ItaS, SS7S,' ssT.so..-..-. .4.,..:-x? : Iataraat Hl yilU in m4 Jllliii Otaar asU aal), S2M&0 S4. Tstsl sdaitMd amcta, IM15.7I3J3.1 jjAniuTiga-.--:.i.v : Graaa clalaM tot laaaaa masaid. 1224. esava. - . ;,ASMaateraaaia4 ytaailaais all Mtataadias- liaka. Sl.t4111S.6S. -; i Oat far eoaatfasiaa aad brakcraga, AU ataar BaVOniea. SStS.Sftt.Sl. i 9ul babUitia,-azpi capital V Casital said as. Sl.000.eeO.00. I Sarptaa aver aU BabiUtiaa, 8S.S1S, StO.S. ft. - - Sarytac as tagards pattayaaMan, S8, sia.sw.ss. - - - v Tttsl, 4.21S,7S.t. - . - BVaOiES IS ORZOOV f wok ran tea - Vat pTaUaata tacclvad darfag tat yaar. ' act loascs ; paid - Carta g tat ' yaar, f a.saia. - m ;-. ' . - a laaaaa lacamd aanag tha yaac, 87.SUJ1. , - - -i assw et Cifiiy, JKaremry Issnraaet Kaaje af Saetatarr. C A. Daaaatl. f Staftary raal scat attaraer fa aarrUa. sa a vtawt, raruase vragaa. , A Homer la the Statesman sports pacet borne sports news first la all ways. . PAGE SEVEN Reds Stretch Streak to 14 Five Run Splurge in 8th Beau Cobs 6-3, but Gabby Protests CINCINNATI, May 2f.-ff)-Lee G lissom held the Chicago Cubs to five hits today as the Cincinnati Reds, with a five-run splurge in the eighth, won 8 to 3 for their 14th victory in IS starts. Gabby Hartnett, Cubs manager said the latter half of the game waa played under protest against an umpire's decision. The Reds got to General Bin Lee. Earl Whltehill and Jack Ru sell for ten blows. The first four rounds found Lee nd Grissom locked in a tight mound duel, Borodagaray'a third inning aingle and Herman's triple in the next frame being the first for the respective sides. Gabby nested a ball against the side ot a passing truck, some 400 feet from the plate for his circuit clout in the fifth. Then, in the last halt of the in ning he engaged in futile ha rangue against a decision of Um plre George Magerkurth holding Ernie Lombardi sate at second with a double and said he was playing the remainder ot the game under protest. Chicago 3 8 1 Cincinnati 6 10 1 Lee. J. Russell (8), Whltehill (8) and Hartnett. Grissom, Da vis (9) and Lombardi. Giants Win Again PHILADELPHIA, May H.-UP) Harry Danning's double In the sixth, driving In two runs, was the blow that gave the Giants their third straight victory over the Phillies here today by a 7-8 score. New York club made six of its runs In two innings, getting three apiece in tbe third and alxth, oft Al Hollingsworth, while the best the Phillies sould manage was a pair in the seventh for their big splurge. New York 7 11 Philadelphia- S 10 Castleman, Salvo (6) and Dan- Ding. Hollingsworth, Polndexter (8) and Davis. Pirates Blank Cards " 8T. LOUIS, May 29.-CPV-The Pittsburg Pirates snoved tbe St. Louis Cardinals deeper Into sec ond place today while they moved into .third voeition wtth a-7 to-S shutout behind the eight-hit pitch- lug ot Bob Kllnger. Pittsburgh a attack waa pretty much a two man affair. Bill Bra- baker scored the Initial run with a homer in the second inning and followed in the third with a timely double that cleaned three occupied bases. Paul Waner accounted toy the two runs in the sixth with circuit clout with one on. Pittsburgh 7 14 St. Louis 0 S Kllnger and Berres. Wetland. McGee (2). P. Dean (t) and Owen, Franks (8). Near Perfect Job BROOKLYN. May 1.-P-Forest (Tot) Pressnell came near a perfect pitching job today, lim iting the Boston Been to two hits as he hurled the Dodgers to their fourth straight victory by 1-0. The Dodger run cams in the eighth inning and was started by Pressnell himself, when ho beat out a hit behind second . base. Goodie Rosen walked and after Pressnell was forced at third Fred Sington singled Rosen home with the winning run. Boston 0 2 Brooklyn r.l 8 Lanning and Lopez. Pressnell and Todd. N0.140-1S8 Sraapaia of Aaaaal States tat tf Ua Rochester America a lasaraaea Coaipaaj ot New York, ia tba State at New fork. aa Ua thirty-first day at December, 18. suae to tba lasaraaea Ceiwissiaaer ef Ua State ef Oretoa, parsoaat to law; CAPITi A-Jomat of Si. OOO. 000 .00. capital stack Pi4 sp. IK COME Hat preauasu teceived dariag tha year. ssza.sso.aa. latereat, divldeads aad rests steatvti j.ri., .h. m aiTBjk&a.aa. .-. la cease xraai etae eesxees xaeetvee dariag Ua year, S1.S71.S9. , s Total iaceaM, $l,003.1S4.9eV DlSBCKsEMKXTS Ket loaaea paid dariag tba year iaelad iag adjaataaeat wxpaasaa, SS64,ltTJl. -. Caaiiiniaaa a4 aalariea "paid dariag tha year, S37t.S7S.S9. - - Taxes. Hceases aad fats paid dariag the yaar. i57.S40.64. Dirideads paid aa eapltel stock dariag the yaar. 120,000 00. Aamast at aU other aopeadltaraa. I1SS.SSH.7S. . ToUl txpoaaitaTOS. f l,ws.7a. AD) MITTEi ASSETS' Yalao at ralaal. aaa raal aetata .owaod Loaas aa saartgagaa aad caaattrat, tt Valaa ef heads owacd IssMrUaad). 9SJ4S.144X0. Vsiaa at atecks twstd (ssarkot valao) St3.44.00 Cash la haaks aad ea hsad. 81 4,- S14.71. - Presslaais la eoarsa of eaAactioa ami tea aiaca Septeaihar SO, ItSS. 49.14434. Iaterest aa4 aaU doe . aad acaiaod. Sid.ssato. . Other assets (aat), aoae. : -Tttsl Sdjsitted asaeta, ts.MfOlM. UAB1UT1ES . Oseos rlaiaaa far loaaea aapald. 894.' ess.oo. : Aaaoaat ef aaeeraed preasiaaw aw alt aatataadiag risks, 4431.5743S. , Dm far coauaiasioa sa4 brelsriga. soe.oo. AU aUee Hahiutiea. SM.fttt.OO.' K . Total liabilities, aseey capital, S9U, 097.91. . Caphal paid ap, 8l.e00.000.e0. Sarptas orcr att UaaiUUea, 8M44. 405.44. - . - - . ' - - - Sarpeas as regards ppoBeyhaidara, S3, 9S4.405.8S. . Total. S8.S49.S42A4. BC81KE8S IK OSEtiOX - -FOa THE TEAS Vet preauaass roroiTod daring tht yaar. 4,505.17. v Ket lasses paid dariag tht year. fl.S47.T0. ... . Ket -kisses lacarttd dariag tha year, fl.54S.42, aasM-ef castpaay, sssc letter aaMrtesa avraare Coaspaay.-, - -Kaaae of Piaaidiat. W. B. Coop. Kasae at Secretary, D. B. AcharaMB. Sutatarr rasideat arteree? (or aarvice. Ilaaarsaat Ctaaauasiaaes. fialasa ' " o : i L ; L. Yankees Show Four Double Plays Factor in 6-1 Victory Over Boston Sox BOSTON. May H-(Jfy-VTOTtng they are as -apt defensively as of fensively, the Yankees Increased their lead in the American league today to 8 ft games, downing the Boston Red Sox 8-1 in the first game ot their series. - The Sox, second place American league club, threatened on sever al occasions, but the Yankee in field, tired of being boosted for Its hitting prowess alone, came up with four smartly executed dou ble rlays to cut off potential runs. Bump Hadley started for the Yanks and though he was relieved after staying seven innings, he was credited with his fourth straight victory. He allowed three hits, but was wild, walking eight and yielding the lone Boston run in the second inning. The world champions, stretch ing their current winning streak to six straight, collected nine hits off Jim Bagby. Joe Hevina and Make Wade, one ot them being Joe (Flash) Gordon's sixth homer of the season. New York 8 9 3 Boston 1 3 2 Hadley, Murphy (8) and Dick ey. Balby. Heving (6), Wade(8) and Desautels, Peacock (7). Solons Lose 5th WASHINGTON, May i9.-UPi- ine rnuaaeipma Athletics beat the Washington Senators S to 4 todsy, handing Washington its 5th etraight loss. Scoring 2 runs in the Sth, the Senators tied the game. In the 9 th inning, bowever, Joe Ganten- beln singled, went to second on wasaeii s error and scored on Wayne Ambler's long double. Philadelphia 6 11 0 Washington 4 13 2 Roja, Dean (8) and Brucker, Krakauskas, Kelley (7) and Fer- relL Tigers Sweep Series DETROIT. May 29-UPV-The De troit Tigers scored a sweep of their three-game series with the St. Louis Browns today by capturing a 31 -hit slugfest, IS to 9. Frank (Pinky) Higgins, Detroit third sacker who has been trou bled by a leg injury, scored Ralph Kress with the winning run with a robust double after two men were gone In the ninth. Higgins entered the game in the sixth when Billy RogelL Detroit's only available utility infielder, was struck in the face by a thrown balL - St. Louis ..... 9 15 Detroit 10 18 Lawson, Gill (I) and Glenn, Sullivan (I). McKaln. Eisenstat (C), Coffman (7), Thomas (9) and Sork. Edwards Is Given Gold Wrist Watch Coast League Umpire Frisco Edwards, former Salem Senator manager and player, was present ed with a gold wrist watch by ad miring Salem baseball tana yes terday during the weekly cham ber of commerce luncheon. - The presentation was mads by Harry Collins, who credited Ed wards with being the first In the community to bring athletics, and especially baseball, to the tore in Salem. Collins Introduced mem bers of the Salem Athletic council, including President Tom Hill, and called upon Salem as a whole to do more in support ' of the . athletic program backed by the SAC. "If there was a bunch of wolves around instead of friends I could think of more to say." said Ed wards, who was greeted with a customary "boo." No. 188-180 " ' Synopsis of Aaaaal Stateaieat of Tbe Columbia fire lasaraaea Oompeay ef Oaytoa. ia Ua State at Ohio, aa the thirty-tint day ot Uoceaber, IMS, awde to -the lasaraaea- Contsiiasionar of Us StaU at Oregoa, parsoaat to lawt CAPITAL Aaaoaat of capital stack paid ap, 1 1.000, 000.00. . IK CO HE Ket proaiiasM raeeiTed dariag tha year. 95S3.SS0.94. Iaterest, dividends sod rests received dariag Ua rear, $120.11144. Jaeeese - fieaa other . aoarcaa' roaatTSa dariag Ua year, SS3.t42.S7. Total tacoaw, f ST5,B9.S4. , - k DISBUkSlhtEKTS Ket laaaaa paid dariag tht year iaelai- tag adjaataieat expaasaa. S34MaS.4t. Coaaaaiaaiona and aalaries void darlaa ta year, SlS4.4t5.ta Taaee. uwasea aad teas Mia Canal Ua year, $31,50.59. - , Uirtdeads said aa rsmtsJ stack sarins the yeas. S100.00O.00. - ioMit ot an . other . oxpaaAitaraa. $SO,llSJ7. . - ToUl txpaMitares, fM7.SS3.5B. -ADMlTTkb ASggTS ' : Valao of real estala owacd faiarkat vatae. S5StfO.01. . - Loans oa ssortgages aad eollataraL eta fl.75t.00. Valao of bonds owned faswrtissdl. $t.41Sls.84. - - vaiao-ef stocks awaod f asarkat valaal. fS9484.00. i Cash ia baaks aa4 ta hsad, fStS, shLse.' ,y ---x ...v . - - . Preasiaau ia coarse tt collortloa wrU tea atace-nentaaaher 50. 19SS. Site. 4S7.41. - - - . : - - Interest and teats dae aad sea mad. 4St.Stl.Sl. . .v t Other asaeta (aat). S5.S4I.SS. ! Tttsl adautted assets. $5,112,55.10. y, LIABILITIES .- " ' Orosa clahaa tor laaaia aapald, $51. 17474. " ' - . Amoant tf aaeeraed pmnlasss ta -alt oatstsadiag, risks, $504474J5. - Uaa for roasailssiaa aad brtkaraga. $4,000.00 - AU ether UaWfitioa, $403004. Tttsl liabilities, except. capital. 1590. 555.79. . .- . . . Caalial paid ap. $1,40000.00. 4 Sarpcaa 'ow aU HsaiUtiea, $L5S 124.84. -. - Sarplaa as regards poOcyholdera, SI. S4S.12S.SS. ; .v Tatat tS.lJ84Sl.19. 5 ... BC8TKE8S IK OKEOOK TOM THE TEAS Ket arasBJaass reeeivrd dariag the feat, $1,975.47. - - ' Ket laaaas, paid dariag tht yaar. $1,053.41. - - '. Ket loaaea Incurred dariag the year. 8794.44. ' - Xaase ef Ceaspaay The Colo Via lire nonaaaea Coaspaay ad Oaytoa. Ohm. -. . Kama ad Preoideat, Paal B. Boesmora. Kaaw of Sortttary, WUUans P. C Bash. B tat story real seat attorney tar tamer. Defense Way Leagu Baseball .a ' Coast League W L Pet Los Angeles 37 22 .827 Seattle 35 24 93 San Francisco .... 32 27 .542 Oakland 28 30 .44 San -Diego ....... 25 29 .483 Hollywood 28 32 .448 Sacramento 23 31 .428 Portland 23 32 .418 . Sunday's Results At Portland 9-3. Sacramento 4-4. At Seattle 3-8. San Diego 12-2. At Los Angeles 5-3, Sad Fran cisco 3-0. : ! ? At Oakland 5-2. Hollywood 2-1. American League W L ...28 8 Pet .824 New York . Boston . .'. , ... 20 11 .84S ... 18 15 .545 ... 17, 16 ..531 ... 15 21 .417 ... 13 21 .382 ... 12 21 .364 ...11 24 .314 Chicago Cleveland . , Detroit Washington Philadelphia St. Louis . National League W L Pet .894 Cincinnati . 25 11 St. Louis . 21 13 .618 . 18 17 .514 Pittsburgh Chicago ........ . 18 18 . 15 17 .500 .469 Brooklyn ...... New York . 16 19 .457 . 14 20 .412 . 11 23 .324 Boston . . Philadelphia .... Woodburn Club Is Sherwood Victim WOODBURN The Wood hum Firemen lost their second Willam ette Valley loop tilt of the season Sunday, traveling to Sherwood to take a 3 to 2 beatlnr. They out- hit Sherwood. 8-4. but couldn't bunch their bat power. Two hits, two sacrifices anil tarn errors produced Woodburn's only two runs in the first, a lead held until the last of the ninth, when two walks. B. Voss' double and Catcher Reed's overthrow of third gave Sherwood three runs and victory. McClure, Woodburn oentertield- er, and J. Cereghino, Sherwood, each hit two-for-four. Rodblelan, Sherwood pitcher, struck out nine and walked two,. while Bourbon nais, Woodburn chucker, whiffed six and passed a pair. Sherwood ...2 4 3 Woodburn 2 l 4 Rodblelan and Laurins; Bour bonnais and Reed. 1939 Legion Qiib Def cate Vcteriiiis WOODBURN The 1939 Junior Legion team, using erery man on tbe squad, scored an S to 7 vic tory over Woodburn's 1138 club here Sunday in a see-saw game. Trailing by a brace ot runs In the last of the ninth. Coach Coughlln's '39ers scored thrice the winning run coming la on Catcher Halter's overthrow of third. '39 Juniors 8 7 2 38 Juniors .7 S 4 Hanauska Shaef er. Kieling. Rehberg and Neiling, Pavlicek and Grossmiller; Bright, Whitman and Whitman, Halter. . Victor Clinton Named Manager Girh Team ' ALBANY Victor Clinton , has been named manager for the re cently organised girls' Softball team. Clinton will be assisted by Jack Cathey, who haa been ap pointed assistant manager. Clin ton succeeds Henry Otto, who is leaviag Albany early in June to take up summer school during the vacation months. --t - Ko. 180-187 " I Synopsis o Aaaaal Statement of Tha American lasaranco Company ef Newark, ia Ue State of Kew Jaraer. oa tha UM. first day of December. 1985, made U Ua Insaraaco Comanaaiener of Ua State of Oragea, portmaat te law: . -. CArlTAL : Ameoat of 1 cabitai ataek nalAa am. $M4S.7oO.0O. , - , " --' - IK C0MK ' 1 ' .Ket vramlams reeaiTod inring the pear, $15,049,155.91. r" iaterest. dividends aad ronta HnltU dariag the year, $1 S29.440.3S. - . Income troai - Other- soarers rscaired dariag Ua yoaii $SM.5S1.79. iotai income, ti4.as6.64S.4aV r . , PlSSUJtSUlXTS " Vet laaaaa said daniaa the two Imdad. lag edjastmeat espensaa. $,44$,77S.S0. Caatmtasioae aad eaiartce paid dariag Uo year.. $4.475,59447. -..- Tasoa, " licenses an4 feaa paid dariag tb year. 4SS7.to9.S0. " . . ; Ihvideada paid oa sapltal stack dariag the fear, $402,497.40. - Amoaat ot aU aUor . tspeadttaraa, f 0t.3St.S5. . Total azpvaanaroa, $14,441,007.79. -... ADMITTED ASSETS Vslae ef real estate tvatd (anrktt valael, as,S44.7S4.04. Loaaa on mortaaana and MllatanT. $1,475,4502. -a . $rjs.4',5. mmTg U-tUed). Valaa f atoeks owned (arket Vstae). $l.4tlS5.9S Cash U haaks sal ta hsad, $1,540, 404.71. , -T7 : ,T . Promiams In eoarat et coneetlea vrth tantace September 50, 1934, $1,301, - lntarost and rents dne aad aiaiaad. f 48.544.17. ..... . Other asaeta (net). $355,931.4. , . Total admitted assets, $39,752,400.14, uaaiUTiKS Cross claims far leasee aapaM. $1,921- i5.es. - 745J of aaearaed nrominma ' ootitssdiag risks, f 13.053.500.47. Dae for remmissiea . and , brofcerara, $74.eO$J0. -- v. i- . ; AU other liahUltiea. Special reserve land. 430t,OOt.M. ' Total liabiutiet,. rsrept capita 1, $l5 Capital paid an, $5,541,740.04. awrptas erar an lbfaltiea. $14,457 4it.s4.. ... , ;., '- Sarplns ss Tagards peUryholders, fit, 201.159.44. - , Total, $29,751,404.14. ' -t - - BcsiKsss ni omseoji - ; . . . roa TBE TEAS Ket premlasw rerrired dariag the year, 447.040 AS. - JCet laaaaa paid dariag tha yaar. $24.- Ket leases lamrrcd daring Ue year, 819.141J4. .Mi ... Kaasr af Company. Tha Ametlraa . la saraaea Co. - Kama ml Presidsat. Paal B. Sommers. Kama of Secretary, W. p. D. Bash. 8tatntOTy resieVot attorney for acrrir. Csmmiaslsasr at.Bnahias-aad Jatarsnco... Makausaioaac -..t--.-;-.' r- ? ' , . - -: '