tf&e OrtEGON CTATES11AN, SateaOrestm Sainrdiy . JJoniliyg Slay 27, 1939 . PAGE NINE Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single! Insert kn per line 10c Taret Insertions per tins .10c Six Insertions per line 20e Oh month per Ub fl SO Minhnurn chars I .24c Copy for this pass accepted until JJS -the evening before publica tion for cla HVtVi- Copy re ceived after this time will be ram under the heading. "Too late to 'Classify- -The 8tntem as-iimes no finan cial responsibility for errors whir may appear hi advertisements Pub lished In Its eolnmna. snd to esse where thte paper Is fenlt will re print that pert of in advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The State-man referees the riant to reject questionable advertising: It further reserves the rlicht to place all advertising; under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing SutHm.111 box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Rtstesman In not at llherty to divulge inrorma tlon as to ths Identity of an adver tiser using a -Blind" ad. Livestock DKAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect 41l Salem Montgomery Rend. Wka HORSES FOR sale. Also It wka old weaner pigs Hayes Iranian rarm Brooks. Oregon. Help Wanted S3 WEEKLY. Grow mushrooms Cellar, shed. We buy 10c lb Worlds largest company. FREE BOOK Mush rooms. 1019-2-d. Seattle. Wssh. Help Wanted Male PARTY WITH trailor to "cultivate 13 acres fruit and nuts on ihares, J miles from Falem. 4 room house, close to school. Phone NKr I . WANT FARMHAND, middle-aged single. J. M. Bones, Turner. Situations Wanted , DRESSMAKING. Mrs Adiltt Tel 565. 117 Marlon. Tour work solicited PAINT- PAPER.; Kalso Res s 3733 PAINTING. PAPKRH ANOINO. low prices, work guar. Free estimates. 347. SEWING 20c. IRONING FINNISH ! WOMAN, good cook, ref erences Sheridan, Ore,. P.t. 2. Bo 63. WANTED HOUR work, heln In boarding house or cleaning offices Mrs. E. M. Walling, Rt. 1. Bos 252. : For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes A hep. Kamsden. 142 S. Lib- REBUILT AND guaranteed wash era All makes from 110 up Spec Mav tag 135, Hoks Bros. Tij-1j-lj-lruunjxr'i-u-srw-si"si"ii mmm -RMS. OF new and used furn. comp at $100. Includes turn, for the bedrm dining m, living rm. kitchen. Pa fl dn. Conn Bros.. 305 N. Liberty. ADDING MACHINES typewriters I VltfXrJ& CASH FOR QB1 furn. Ph. 5110. osssssssMssskaaasessasssss MARIGOLDS. 10c per do, th week. White's Green House. 15S N Summer; . THE BEST Daven. A Chair value in I All new turn- daven. A chair lamp shade, end table, picture, mlr ror, throw rug A smoker. Comp. $39.r COHN BROS.. 305 N. Liberty. WAT KINS PROD., 580 N. 17. 7805 UPHOLSTERING. SPECIAL prices on rebuild, eush. McDowell. Ph. sess. FOR Irrigation equip- went call W W Rosebraugh Co- Ph. I ?S09. Koseoraugn 1 WEDGE WOO n GAS range, like new, ifull automatic. 1 Opal wood range $27.50. 1 Wood range $17.50. 1 Wood range, all porcelain. 1 Lang wood range, new. 1 Wood circulator $19.50. 1 Grunow elec. refrig. $79.80. ?rjf!!n.V0W iZwV.tighouse' ranger smooth top- $79.50. - Ice boxes' $2.00 and up, F.ATF.R A RUSH CO. On Liberty St. Next to Power Co. FOR BETTER BUYS 1 TRACTORS. 1 CHEV. '21-t ma- tor. '291 Ford 'differential, t-Chev. 4 motor. '32 Int. differential. 930 N. Com. FLOWERS FOR Memorial Day. Jay Morris, Florist Phone 8417. " mVrHAL'STRAWBERRIeV ' n. Schwengels, Rt. 7. Bos 354. 1 ml' K. ml. S.iot Chemawa 4 Corners. aaeassOiasssaaMSiaiasaP WELL-BUILT TRAILER house double constructed. 333 N. High. 38 If H. P. EVTNRUDE sport 4 out board A fast run, about like new. N. W. Addis, 1348 Ferry. Ph. 8814. USED; ELECTROLUX Refrigerator Ir. excel, eond. Formerly sold at $14. 60 Now 859.95. Westinghouse rull en amel 4-burner elec. range with clock and warming closet. Sneclal $89.95 COHN BROS..' 305 N. Liberty.' ' CUT ROSES and garden flowers .for ale Mrs. Mvron Van Eaton. Rt 4. Box 4. Ewald Ave., Phone 122F32. searfsssssaxsasssssssatawxwasgs SLIP COVERS, reas. prices. P. 4090. REPOSSESSED BARGAIN " NEARLY NEW man's blcrcle at big reduction Firestone Auto supply and Hervice store, center ana umny ou ENAMELED WOOD range, library table, elec S-burner plate, typewriter. Ph. 392S. -.rv ' I ADVERTISINQ Western Adrartislns i ! RtpreMBtaUvM Fenger-Hall Co- Ltd. Sat . rrsnclsco. : Lot. Anrelea, tftlttto Castmn Advert tain' r 1 Representative - i Bryant, Giifntb A Bnrnson, Incv t ' Chicago. . New York. Detroit. t i "stuii. Atlxwf - -i . asreretf at iae rtnUMrtc si serrst O-y-oT:. Ss-e.Claa. Ifstfrr, Ps Vsfered at Ike reeteftre at gafe-i litktd t?er oaf esrest JTeadae. Cms re ess ffie ,tS fieeU Cemmsrcisi Street i .-,. V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates tn AdvancS-l niiLi. rwilt mttA N - Uiv II seats : 8 Mo. $1 88 : Ma. ItSe:! 1 year I8.00. Elsswhers cents per Me. sr $8.88 for I rear in advance Per copy . cants. Newsstands S cents ,1, -.,... a eanta a month: ST J iyeS to sdrsace tm atartew I'd diaJ25f eSmttair . For Sale- IMiscellaneons COOK HOUSE, irx2S fully equip ped, trade or sell, reaa 343 N. Com'L RED HEARTS Corvailis straw berries dell v. Ph. 81F3, Mrs. Sargent Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED COLORED tryer sn-t market poultry, Ph. I33F3. I-' Hat ehery. WANTED, CSED furn. Ph. Sill. FURNACES. BLOWERS, ell burn era, controls, cleaning and rep-ttiua HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 2583 Portland Road TeL tSU -Have tout rur-ace cleaned now A save WILL CONTRACT some sddfMnna acreage sweet corn for canning. Bine Lake Produrer Cooperative. W. Salem WANTED BY elderly couple, piano to store for the use of it. Best ox rei erences. SIS N. 17th St. WANTED, PIANO for storage; win give excellent care no children. Tel (497, moraines. Wanted Furniture WANTED USED furniture. Ph 7445. Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO-HOUR SERVICE TiR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Comer State A Commercial Ph. Mil For Rent Rooms SI.KKP RM. close tn Ph 4498. RMS FOR ladles, (91 N. Cottage Ph. 6671. WMwWWvVwWMMWWWwVwAAAeAAAA SLEEP. RM. Pnv. ent Ph. 6977 DeLUXE R reas. 416 Oak. P. 9521 WELL FURN. room, close to stat house and city. Charles D. Roblln, 7; Center. Tel. 86. SLEEPING ROOMS. 635 ChemeketV SLEEP.. LIGHT hskp., 1360 State Room and Board BKST RM.. bd.. $20 125 Clos state houxe. 1227 Court. Ph. 6494. BOARIiKRS. PRIV. home. $25. bike, f roni j5; N" W-Intet - APPRKCIATR tiOOD meal? NIC hornet See Ma Rowen. 605 N Liberty NICELY FURN. 1st fl 168 X. 12th ROOM. BOARD, gar., 332 N. Church For Rent Apartments BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED apt.. Leslie Manor. .310 Leslie. VSVSssestfswvMMssaAsaAsAAa PATTON APTS. 322 S'ate. Furn Ished. Adults only. Phone 244. I RM NKWI.T furn Heat, natet ref r IK. gar., adults 9l N Cottage St 1 AND 2 RM furn apt. 45 Ferrv -- - - -- . I TO 4 RM atts furn or unfum. $ end ud Inn 1 3 to South 13th I easasj0sssae SM FURN apt.. 250 S Cottage. sfr FISHER aots. M'demed newly decortted and roomv You'll v deliKbted Oak and S. Commercial. THE MOST homelike In Salent Hawthorne Court. IOOO N. CapltoL -rr r n n nn nnnnnnnnfii'iiir" " mm LGE. FURN trailer hse. 5t S. Cot APT, 3 RMS.. 2S5 S. Com'L -A.R.ArS.Fur.AunfuniJsn to $48. Royal Court. Ph. $953. ill R, 639 N. Liberty. Ph. 5739 $ OR 4 RM. apts.. Its., water, gar 39C S. 21st, Ph. 4354. first FLOOR fum. 3 rm. apt- prt bath, refrlg.. elec. stove. Zio r. in. unnpns fitrnished s rm. cot lage.' Edgewater Court, elec rerris: garage. $25. Phone 8413. $8 MO. UP. 355 Bellvue Street. 3 RM. FURN. Adults. 475 N. Capitol ssssssspskssasaaswsisaiaea MOD. FURN. X rm. first n emptor led adults 335 Division, Ph. 6220.. -m"'' FURNISHED APTS. win be vscant June 1. Adults only. fn. oenwroi yseawXMasaxss CLOSE IN 3 rm. furn. apt.. 1st floor gar.. lights, water. 1047 s. cotnj. FURNISHED APARTMENTS and I cabins, $8 and up. 110 Division. vwiAwilwwvwwiniirirvin'i' VACANCY 8 ROOM. 210 N 14th. IRK. FURN. apt. -tents, water, ad ults. pri. bath. 39$ N. list. BMwVweWMwweVwVwVVwAMArVVwV NICE 8 R. AFT- 1580 Center. eaeeaseewsatsS TWO 2-RM. furn. apts. Newly dee- or Ht. water, wash, machine free. $12- $15. 2S8 Lee street. wwwwiwwxwwwwiwxa CliOSB IN fine mod. apt. Ph. 849 iwmi.iiiwiiiw)wi COOL DOWNSTAIRS apt. for girls prt entrance. 448 N. Winter, , FTTRN. APT., heat water, refrlg 1075 fairground. wi.iww ONE A 1 RM. turn, apt a. 1 2 bedroom suites. N. Fifth St unfurnished. Haseldorf Apts. THE DEVERAUX. 3 R. furn., $44.1 AVAILABLE NEXT month, modem 4 room duplex apt- nicely furnished. basement, furnace fireplace, eiec. ranee, elec. refrlg- Iocs tea at zt I 'Miller. $28.60 S. M. E A RLE Phone 9878 - 203 North High Street ONE 2 A ONE S rm- heat A water furnished, 1188 N. Fourth. waWWWwWMraWMwSrAAAAAAAr i R. FURN.. 151 N. 13th. Xryjxjxn-Tujj.nriiirtr.ri ii.rui.ri" ri i i" i-" "" STRATTON APTS., 2 A 3 rm. apts., TeL 3842. 3 RM. BASEMENT apt, nicely fun- private bath. 1118 Oak. X R. furn- bath. par. 1 RXfurn- i bath.' 3008 N. capuoL FURNISHED APTS- one with - pri vate-bata. 833 If. High. . 8. RMS- BEAT, light, water, gar. 335. 355 N. CapitOL r i 4 R. TJNFURN- adults. 448 Mario-. , 81A FURNISHED t R apt. lights 4 water. 713 8. iztn, BKCnrw, st SUte, R. 4. i ,., FURNISHED APTS- 1136 Mill St FTJRNTSHKD I .JUC basemtnt Apt. Suitable for bachelor. 1S4S court. NICELY FURN. mod- 858 Center. 3 RM. FTJRN." apt- 1st fh-. "Us, nL I waters 353 beetle su -t - - I vrT-.v pt adults. Washer One 18 mt'. S 9 AND S RMS. Lt W- rar- $13.59 A 820. Near north canneries. Ph. Tilt . For Rent- Hoases I ; ' rURN. RSESL and apts. f 31 N.'Com. FURN. AND unfurn. houses. 11. , P, GRANT, 829 Court Bt. Fh. 8744. t T i.immowwm. ,we ' 8 RMS- IIS. $ N. 15th. , t : wxtxwxonxwiioow mm 4 R. HOUSE. T MILES south. Has 1 lights A water. Pbone 13F3. Money to Loan We Lend You Money - WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO SIT TOUR INCOME No EndorsersNo Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD-Sl AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YORB NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL. ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN 18 MADS. General Finance Corp. 11 80. Commercial St. Lie No. S1SS Ph. SUS First Doot South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent Houses S RM. MOD. borne, fully furnished. 1715 N. 19th. STRICTLY MOD. house. Ph. 45IL 4 RM. HSE, base., furnc- fireplace A garage lnq, 366 Lincoln St STRICTLY MODERN 7 room house, walking distance, state bldga, 987.60. Tel. 758. MOD. S RM. hse furnished, bard mood floors. Elec Taage. refrigerator close in, 657 Knapp Street. fi R. SEMI-MOD. furn. hse reaa. rent to adults. Ph. 6314. S R. NICELY decor. SC4 Jefferson. FURN. HSE. Inquire 514 N. 15 th. fi R. MOD. duplex, prlv. bath, ref rig. elec. washer, gar, 122.50. 2576 Lea. S RM. CABIN, water, lights, phone, 33.50 mo. Ph. 6731. MODERN S ROOM house newly fln Ivhed. with sleeping porch. 119S Mar ion St MODERN COUNTRY home. 125: 1 mi. high school on D St Rt 7, Box S4S SMALL S RM. house partly fur nished. $22.50. Large 5 room house near Highland school unfurnished, $20. Other places for rent. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. For Rent Farms SM. FARM at Liberty. R. 3, Bx. 750 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 331 State Street Inquire room 200. Tel -3713. ONE OR two office rooms- -In I-ub- iness district. 354 N. Church. NICE OFFICE rooms, rent reason able. Inquire of LOUIS BECHTEf. 341 State, Room 4. Wanted to Rent GOOD RESPONSIBLE family will pay $150 to $300 in advance for year' rent on a good two nearoom nouse prefer Englewood district. Box 437 Statesman. For Salt; Real Estate WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange tease, rent see Mr. La r sen with Haw kins A Roberta BUILDING LOTS GOOD LOTS on paved street, excel lent location. Price $500. $21 down, $1 pel month. III S. Libert? St REALTORS Phone 141$ sssssrfMMsak4aksisasssK NEW RM. housfc upstatrs, t A close in. bus. water system, bjibj terms. By owner. Phone $701. MOD. C RM.. built I yr priced to sell: also 2 lots adiolning. Terms bos 439.' Statesman. 8 RM. HOUSE and J lots, rearm i able. Ph. 5494. HSE-. GOOD Iocs. Reasonable. 45SI DUPLEX. CI)SE. always rented. Lome and Income, owner, Fh. 5525. U A. ENGLEWOOD D1ST.. FHA approved, $230.00, terms. 9 Park 8t after $ :30 p. m. INCOME PROPERTY LARGE HOUSE close to business district1 suitable for roomers and boarders. A real buy for $7000. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92C1. EAST FRONT lot. new homes build- lt.g. N. 24th St. walk and street paid. bargain at $350. Close-in lots neat Bush school, trees, $350 to $500. Phoue owner, 8864. TODAY'S SPECIAL THIS NEW 8 rm. home located on deen lot in rood res. dlst Stairway to I rird. attic, fireplace, hardwood firs. I throughout attractive tile work In kit- I chen and hath, garage. Excellent floor I plan and construction, spacious rma. I etc A REAL, HOME. 14 SOW. I KKSLS. I Call R. A. JOHNSON with. I W. H. GRABENHORST CO. FURNISHED 8 RM. MOD., fireplace, base, end i back yard, nearly new furn- good PI- I All this for 33000, terms. Ph. 6588 BARGAIN IN $ room home In osk tree aettlna. N. Salem, t bedrooms. I full basement, flrenlace. hardwood I floors A large lot. $3500. Can be hand- i led with FHA loan. Phone ose. JAPE CUU iSAHUAIH $4250. BUYS THIS attractive, well- pin nned Cape Cod located on choice lot in exclusive dlst. near schla. 8 rma. hard wood fir a, fireplace, pleasant kitchen with view or Cascades IDEAL FOR THE AVERAGE FAMILY. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Liberty Street Phone 844$ GOOD BUYS GOOD TERMS $2900 BUYS THIS 8 rm. home located on crest of Falrmount HIU on choice view lot. 75x180, broad v-: view- of river and foothills tn v ' west of 8alem. many .statural '3 trees " and vorroundtnga. Offers .! wonderful ; opportunity in this exclusive dist. only f35t an- $ 32300 bays this modern borne 'well lo cated for sen Is.. ia exeeuent nerghborboed. Basement, fur aace, fireplace, hardwood firs garage, eta, The perfect home ror a couple, you'll, ljkjk it . SSK IX TtJIJAI. UMbI SZSvS, 8250 dn.. 82$ a mo. 1185$ buys this $ rm. part plastered noma ivd bika. from state bidgs oa Chemeketa SL Only 81 St air S1858 bays this 8 rm. plastered nome - . to Engle-rood dlst. on-cor, lot 5 several fruit trees. tJl tn good f eeedftlon, near schla and bct. ' H. A. JOHNSON Wltn. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. !. ?klT7,r" . 4 a Liberty St, MODERN ' S R. HOUSE, basement. furnace, fireplace, nice lot, near new Plgh school. A good buy at $36oa. , 3 acres, - 8 room bouse, bard woo? noors, rirepuic. rurnace, price e 000 : will take small house to exchange :4 acres to West Salem. A bargain a JZC0. terma - S " VOSBURGH-GRANT 'i " Masonic Bldg. Phone 8181 ? f ' RMS. MODERN. ; good 'location. waiKing -distance, ii&v awn- $29 mo. 1 80ft. c; X.'- It': STAMBAUGH '-j-'ivv .: 313 Oregon Bldg. Money to Loan LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape. I TO 3t MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 13t South Cammafvtal Street Phone III! . Lie. No M-188 FHA LOANS . also orlvste loans A bra ma tan Inc. Masonlo Bioa AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 8th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-169 sasasgssa BEN J. FRANKLIN home loans Most popular loan in Oregon. A new feature to this loan benefits everv borrower. Ask about It. See F. G. DELANO. 39 N. Church A MONEY SERVICE YOU'D LIKE WE MAKE loans of $300 or less on personal basis, Liberal credit re quirements. Adjustable repayment plana Prompt, friendly attention to your financial needs $$.72 per mo. re pays $100 in 20 mo. larger loana tn proportion. Inquire today without ob ligation. PEOPLE'S Finance Company 201 First Natt Bank Bids. Salem, Oregon Phone 444 S 213 State License M-220 All-Purpose CREDIT CARD GOOD FOR $20 TO $300 Immediately Without Red Tave GET ONE. ue It at home or when traveling, for accident, picking up a cash bargain, extra shopping money, s prolonged visit, to meet unexpected emergency, or If stranded without fund a Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping as advertised therein AVAILABLE ONLY AT Personal Finance Co,' Second Floor. New BHgh Bldg. 518 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-123 M-1K Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inaulre at Hawkins A Roberta SSsSSSSeaaslsasssa WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 43 HAVE CLIENT for $3500 loan good security 1st mtg., 8 or 8 yrs. MELVIN JOHNSON, Realtor, 735 Court Phone 3723. Financial 4; WE HAVE never paid less than this rate on saving and investments Insured to 85000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Ass'n Phone 4944 143 H- unerry bx. For Sale Real Estate SUBURBAN SNAP OWNER LEAVING TOWN. Tou are offered this new attractive home FAR BELOW COST. Located on l acre In oak grove N. E. of Salem. Hardwood firs, throughout fireplace. well finished throughout strwy. to flrd. attic, automatic wster system. barn and garage, etc. TOU BE thk FIRST TO OCCUPY THIS NEAT HOME. Only $3000. Would accept lot as part payment Call it A. JOMNSUH wun, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty Street Phone $465 t RM. MOD. house on terms. W. A. Oadek. 1856 N. 18th. LISTEN WE MUST sell a $ room house lo cated near state bldga and schools. Worth 82800. Will accept $1800 now See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 SUte . Street Phone 9361 81350.00 FOR 3 'ACRES. Some fruit 4 rm. house, chicken bouse, electricity, spring A well water. On gravel rd.. just 4 ml. from Salem. $150.00 down. 315.00 per mo. See Larsen, HAWKINS A ROBERTS 860 DOWN 880 MONTH! T 8 RMS.. 1 UNFINISHED, ground 75x162, some fruit FIR TREE, price 3UUv. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First National Bank Bldg. g APT. HOUSE, creek lot close tn. nets 8100 per mo. Priced to sell ; will scceot rood hse. ss down nmt ROBERT t. BUDKOW Keai KSUte 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 6965 BUILD A 4 R. house, 3100.00 dwn. Mo. payments ... . ....$ 26.M Full price . $2458.00 This Includes lot $ blks. from high school. Ph. 3442210 Masonic Bldg. EXTRA SPECIAL WIDOW SACRIFICE 8 It' coantr borne. Newly decorated. 3 hatha, party rm, built-in elec. refrlg. RugfA drapes all new. auto, gas- heat costly shrubs sunken garden, ram. orchard, uniy 1H au. i. oa-racinc nwy. rroon city limits. Nr. school At bus service. Come out A look this over. Any reasonable offer will be considered. See . CARLETON E. LANE Phone 4076 For. Full Informs tioa. . 4 RMS. NEW, naflalshed, bath, ga rage. 50 dwn- 916 ma? H aero bldg tract! Close In east. 925 dwn, 91 mo. U : E. H. STAMBAUGH- ? Phone 9411. . 213 Oreg. Bldg. KEIZER DISTRICT - S ARES FINE soil good T room boose about 3 acres r iberriee, electric water system, on tbuitdlnga, PrtcS 81800. . i" . , a " Can Mr. Bartlett wlth; 3. a CHrLDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 SUte Street Phone 9261. A BARGAIN. 985 CASH. 8 rma. t lots, fruit north. 3604, T rma, 865 daw f 18 per mo. 113 a Liberty. Ph. 7118. ' lchzuice- Real Estate TRADE CITY property for? fan bomea Opportua ITIes f exchangee r - HAWKINS A ROBERTS.. INC. - PORTLAND DUPLEX, dear far Ba le bouse or clot i la acrg. n, T14S. For Sale Used Cars See the Outstanding HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1937" Lincoln Zephyr Coupe, looks and runs like new. 193.7 Pontiac Sedan, new 1936 Plymouth Coach, new paint. 1930 Ford Model A Sport 1930 Ford Model A Coach, Valley Motor Co. "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson Lot: Marion and Liberty Streets Exchange Real Estate 7 ACRES ALL In fruit and nuts good 8 room house, elec. lights and water system, barn and chicken house. 3 miles out ; will trade for home tn Sa lem about same value. Must be clear of encumbrance. Box 455, care o' Statesman. 5 R. HOUSE, 1 A., close to West Salem. Trade for acreage near Lib erty. Neat 5 R- house. West Salem. Trade for small acreage North Salem. West Salem Real Estate Phone 5622 MrrVerVVwVVwVwVMwWWwVVVVwV EXCHANGE BRING US your trade we can match them local or long distance. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 26' 40-ACRES, TRADE for coast prop erty, cheap house A lot or vacant lots what have you? See BECHTEL, 341 State, Room 4. For Sale Farms FARMS A HOMES for rent sal trade. Ore. Land Co.. Woodburn, Ore YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS 30 ACRES OF finest river bottom soil several acres fruit, small house. Kcod bam, 6 cows, team horses, all nec essary equipment Good terms price $6500. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State. Street Phone 9261 IRRIGATED FARM 54 A. RIVER BOTTOM soil, with water right for SO acres now under Ir rigation. Cost of. water about $10.00 per year for the entire farm. 10 A. al falfa, 10 A. lad i no clover, 3 A. young berries, $ A. corn. Large house with elec. and water system. Dairy barn for 30 cows and horse barn. Situated near Willamette valley town, $10,000.00. Will accept Income property to $5,500. See Mr. Collins HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 40 A. 12 ML FROM Salem. 18 A. cult, baL pasture and timber. 3 springs, room house, barn and other bldga, all new. 2 horses, cow,- heifer, ho s, chickens and farming equip., all goes for only $2,500.00. See Mr. Collins HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Suburban VIEW SECLUDED OWNER TRANSFERRED suddenly Over acre of ground with- ornamental. rruit and nut trees. Six rooms includ ing 2 very large bedrma, all have cross ventilation, double garage. About 3 miles from Ladd A Bush. Ctty lights and water. $3ev with terms. SOCOLOFSKT A SON First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Business Opportunities EXCELLENT PAYING garage, low overhead. Phone 5622. SACRIFICE NICE home. 7 sm. apts. Valuable location. Excellent Income. 24. automatic beat Leaving ctty, 54500 cash equity. Box 441, Statesman. AN EXCEPTIONAL corner In small town on 4 corners road. Grocery store and station, near school. A . fine opportunity for the right party $3000. Snap tn grocery stock and fixtures In Salem owner leaving must sell at once. R. A. FORKNER H. T. UEBER . 1853 North Capitol SERVICE STATION Tor lease, equip ment for sale. 805 & 12th. Business Cards tn this directory ma on a monthly basis only. Ratet 91 per line per month. Anto Brakes at Ota . Panes. 171 -South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Barry W. Scott. 14T 1 L P. 4616 Cblmney Sweep fCLEPBONS 445. 8L & Nertbaess Chiroprartors OIL a U SCOTT. PIC Ctilrbprartof 366 N. High. TeL Rsa UT1 Excsvatlns ,- l S J.. KXCAYATING OFlaJl'a da Base meats dug. Dot hauled or me red. Din for gale. 8s let- Band and Gravel. Co Florists Brcnhauprs,' 447 Court. Phone 6904 ft: JLanndries TTH8 NEW 'SALEM CAONDRT v -:- THE WK1DEB UIIKDRI - 243 S. High TeL 9128 For SaleUsed Cars rubber, radio and heater. reconditioned motor and Roadster $125 mechanics special.... $ 69 LOOK ! At the Bargains Nash Sedan $ 65 t noA t c n IVoU iLSSex opt. lpe. $ OO lAo: -r 1 rr lyOOfOra lOWn Morion 97 " v- " 1938 Hudson lerraplane Brougham $565 1935 Chev. DL Cab. $250 McKAY Chevrolet Co. See- WALT HOLMAN - JIMMIE DAVIS - - LAWRENCE FLATHERS - 3 Center Street - 430 N. Commercial l MJINE. 3135 OPEN EVENINGS Crwal Tftlnv Onlv SOS I J J a s yv.oAn rTTwk n--.. 1 DaAa- iroa A i-rj i luuiuiS K-u-as, finished In srey color. Thl car is in extra fine condition. Call or see Mr. Habcrnlcht at C-mit-il PnntiJiP. Tnc- - Lot Com'L A Center For Sale Wood GRAEN. 412 N 31st 4 wood 3370 BONE DRY oak. 2nd growth and oldl fir. ash and maple. Summer price Phone 41 OS. S CDS. 18 IN. old fir. $9. TeL 8780 SUMMER PRICES, old fir 16" at only 84.76 per cord. Order for now or later oeL f none 4iac. Oregon ruei jo WOOD. GET. It at 360 N. Church For quality wood phone 100F15. co fl LOAD, DRT 16 tn. kitchen CO'UV wood, no splitting. Ph. 8391. r t( CD. STR. gr., no dote, trulv rj.vv dry. 16 In., bla O. F. P. 6170 - 33.75 CD. 4 FT. fir. 3 cd. lota A-l 16 in. a Fir. 35. Knots, 94.50. r. 8134 OAK. 16 IN.. 95.75: old fir, 35; 2nd growth, 94.50. Tel. 7043. FOR GOOD wood, call 8334. Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE- sweet heart, husband, wife for ron. Bos TS I nn Anaelea, COMPLETE TOUR high school j spare time st home for diploma. Texts furnished. Write for catalogue. Am. I School, P. O. Box 4500, Portland. Ore. Transportation TOTJNG MAN looking for ride to J Colorado, will drive A share ezp. Fred I Rawlins, zee Morgan Ave. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF ROO and Mattress factory- NEW MATTRESS made tc order, old remade: carvel cleaning, alslng; fhiff rag wearing. A 13th A I Wilbur. TeL 8441 OTTO W. Z.WICK ER. Est. 181 L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4068 Natnropathie Physician DR. W. a ROCKWELL. Narorettttfc- lo Pb y stela n. 1799 Fa I reran nd Rd TeL 4303 Office Hoars 11 a. m. te 6:ltt m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION. i. Painting PaMr1iagiiig LOW PRICE I free eattoates. tilt IVintliis rK BTATHtnKHi. caroa m ptogianta. books or say kind of prist- ing. can Toe ststeemaa printing d ; part ment, si 8 s. comtnerclaL Ta nnnne siei. CARDS. BUrrrKlUL -per at eta- ttrnery . hook matchea Get my Micas - nte er can 1340 cvntar. Apt., tv Transfer FOR LOCAL er' distant tranafer. star; age burner on. can 818L Iriet Tranafer Co. Tracks te Port la nd dally INTERSTATE TRUCKING. Wssh. $ Orea Ph. XIFA .'-...... ?0 Drilling I R. A. WEST. Rt a. Bos 448. P. 119F6 For Sale Used Cars 1936 Pontiac DeLuxe 4-DOOR TOURING Sedan. Finished la beautiful black color, has mohair upholstery 0 tires radio heater. and other extras. This one special for today only S49.oo. See Mr. Boone at 339 N. High or Phone 9109. 1934 V-l VICTORIA. EXCELLENT! eond. Charles Roblin, 737 Center, Pa. 5C69 '38 MODEL SED.. $9. 1148 Norway, MODEL. A FORD Sedan, $llf.0s. 340 S. High Street. 1929 PACKARD SEDAN tn A-l eon ditiott. $225.00, 240 S. High St. saSsSSrfSwsnMSjserfsajsaMarfsas 1938 DODGE COUPE: 1930 Model A Ford Coupe. 805 S. 11th. 3 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE Fordor SeL. like new. only 3440, 2143 N. Com. - - - -i-iri-i-ii-inrirlni-inr.nruinji '30 MODEL SED.. 1S9. 1145 Norway. $575 - Today Only - $575 1937 DODGE- TUDOR SEDAN ALMOST IN new car condition In ev ery way including S new U. S. Royal tires, can or see Mr. Hunt at Capital Pontiac, Inc. Lot Center A Com'L Phone 5(48 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Joseph Melthof, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate ot Kate Bodenslek, deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion Coun ty, his Final Account, and that said Court has, by an order thereof, designated Tuesday the 27th day of June. 1939. at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the County Courtroom in the Courthouse at Salem, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and the set- tlement of said estate, at which saia ume ana &,ace au persons bo objecting shall appear and snow cause, ir any tnere oe, wny said Account 'should not in all i - things, be allowed and approved the said estate settled and closed and Executor discharged. tor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Kate- C. Bodensiek, deceased D WIGHT LEAR, Attorney at Law, 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. Attorney for Executor. My 27 J.3-10-17-24. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has filed herein his Final Account th I Administrator of the estate of I tTlnnir un n .nrm .n-. I i r.. niiiai in,, de ceased, with the County Court of Marion County, State of Oregon I a n n on apIOP nA Kaah ma A a anl I v w 4ua i -j a( JI...4I Aia I entered of record directing this 1 notice and setting the 3 1st day of I May. 1929 at the hour of 10:00 1 o'clock in the forenoon of-said I itsv mm ill tlm . mnA h Fbone 6S4SI"' . - uonn noom, county court tiouse, Salem, Marion Count, Stats of Oregon as the piece for the hear ing of objections, if any, to the Final Account and final settle- ment of said estate. Dated and first published this 29th day of April, 1939 Date of last publication, May 27, 1939. JOHN CHRISTIE. Admin ' lstrator of the estate of HARRIET E. CHRISTIE, deceased. HERBERT W. LOMBARD Attorney for Administrator, A 29-My 6-13-20-27. Cross Word Puzzle I 2 3 M 6 1 a i to TP -r-- --- IIIf"lLl"III 22 23 ZH Y 26 27 2 2..- O&mmm mm, fl..i. 32 Wl !, 37 56 3? 'ffi,i0 HI H2 V 1IIIEI HORIZONTAL W Indian 1 implementa ""ddw m forwashlnf 87 -epubbc of floors - Cfl food r25S 12 Oriental U-SSalne8t t Mm , 4--deata ..... . VI self 47 before 14 -rmf-tha ped 48 fishsanca 15 reunite 49 Yehicls ea IS tie runners 19 actually W father existing 7Te-awrt la 20 Latin oonj-nctioa terday'a puxxla, 21 let tt stay I '&niM (print.) 2S 4apos 2ft jurisdiction - of bishop 29 hostelry : SO excess of rt solar year - eYerll - months . 21 doth : : 22 firmament-. .SlwaterfalU li timsef . U-h priest. SS ooui ia -. tioa tssairi Unoertainty ; iv. .x.T-..,vj;.:.; .. - Jf. :... U-V-v V'.; Mrs. darles Arlegwertb and her daughter, Jean, 11, of Jackson Heights, N. Y seek comfort in each other's arras as pollcs conduct dty. ' wide search for another daughter, Xsla, 13. Ths girl disappeared whfla on waj to New York World 'a Fair. f A hobo seen la her company was ' sought by police. Wife "Nagged Herbert C. Carnes, 45, unemployed, ' was held by East Providence, R. L, . police after he phoned them he . wanted an escort because "I hava just murdered my wife," according to authorities. Married a year, Carnes said his wife, 58, "continu ally nagged" him. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account, as the Ex ecutor of the last will and testa- ment and estate of Jennie R. Pres nall, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 6th day of Jane, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room ' in the County Court House at Sa lem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said finsl ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 6th lay ot May. 1939. WILLARD P. RINGLE. As Executor ot the last will ' and testament and Estate of Jennie R. Presnair, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney for Executor. Salem, Oregon. My 6-13-20-27 J S el dried "denes of ' , EoYernment S West Point scholar - S ejaculatioB 10 Indian col iimng 11 liberats . . 16BnDCe VERTICAL 1 refuse from wine S assiae " S rodent f ' Sonth AnMrrioa I ' scoop .'i' ft vezatiooa sprite IT clumsy 17 clumrf 21 UsloDe' 22-tomaaced af Hades - 23 writing flnid 4fia vlrrfiAW 4 wm. fl -mini - , . . i 25 gporred '' . 24 eni-htef f ',;.'t India i " s ' " 27 high priest i- j of Israel .. r 28 shade-tree 20 t i resin .- -21 screech owls 2S-rescued , 26 cuckoo . ... J7-wine " , . -28-indi-odye .! 2ilacial snow . 40 retired - ' 41 eeereUoa of '! It .li-ert-- .? . 42 Roman road ' 42-r-Bncmlese t (room -Jy 4S-a const-Ila- ? , tioa aWWft?- .... ... v ':::..:;.-K!' e i V . X I