iife MS ) I: 3 1-3 ill PAU13 iSItillT State Charees Prove Problem i Increases id Insane and Criminal Inmates Tax Ten Institutions - - i . . By PACT. W. HARVET. JR. Associated Press; Correspondent One problem that Oregon prob ably nefer will solre fa that of the ever-Increasing population of JU'ie tUto Institutions. - There are 6J7J Inmates at the institutions, costing the taxpayers f4.32t.07t for the two-year period beginning last January 1. The population Is at an all-time high, being- 94 more than a year ago. ?!The total Includes 29(4 Insane, of whom 2 (77 are la the Oregon state hospital at jSalem and 1287 in the Eastern Oregon state hospi- And officials of readily agree Insane persons tal at Pendleton, these hospitals there are more outside of the -two hospitals than Inside. ' I There are 1011 feeble-minded persons, and little has been done to prevent the feeble-minded per sons outside of institutions from baring more children. The penitentiary's population ,., . f ZZIZZI ;in:3-Ei:3 r.:::a . s Here Is a delkibvs family meal . combined whh economy end - ready ia a jiffy. Made from A-1 ' Durum Semolina and fresh eggs. Aak your grocer for cello - t c phane wrapped FR1L-LETS. , 1 J 12 rVtcr labels and rtcn WW miiiies, ataa eTsssJ aVJJt sTs)0S)osmi SCUS4CMKUI memm ca.rwmjaataf CQEGOH STATESMAN. . Sataa, Qrcgoruffl. JJoroir Uj 28939 Poppies Made in US Hospitals 1 Disabled Yeteraa la gOTerBineat hospitals fashloa the VFW baddy poppies sold today la Salem by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4M1 as a meaas of raising? of relief and welfare lands. hit an aU-Uma high ilrh this month of 1103. indicating crime Is on the Increase lr. ; .''" Other wards of the state Include 114 delinquent boya, 59 delin quent girls, 516 tuberculosis vic tims; 131 deaf children' and 9 6 blind children.- " V T Heads of all Institntions 'have been, bemoaning r the', fact . that their employes - are overworked and their buildings heed repair ing. Some of them need new buildings. But the legislature, which had a hard Job balancing the budget, turned a deaf ear to their requests. It costs 151.57 a month to care for a patient at the Eastern Ore gon tuberculosis hospital, and 147.44 at the Oregon State tuber culosis hospital. These two insti tntions, because of the specialized treatment required, have the high est per capita costs of any of the 10 institutions. Other Costs Lower Per capita costs at the other institutions are: school for the deaf $41.13, state training school for boys $42.37. school for the blind 138.40. industrial school for girls $37.98. penitentiary $21.21. Eastern Oregon state state hospi tal $13.81, put hospital $13.0. and Fairriew home for feeble minded $13.18. The 10 institntions hare 3020 acres in farms, the state hospital's SIS-acre farm being the largest. The Eastern Oregon state hospital has a S94-acre farm, while the penitentiary's farm is 84 0 acres. These farms make the institntions self-sufficient to a large degree. An audit report by the secretary of state, showed today that while the M-day 1939 legislature cost the record sum of $160,871. the cost per day was $2285 or $132 a day less than the 87-day 1937 ses sion, which cost $137,783. The legislators, who got only $120 each for their two months raid tf 1 lUTT vrr inn f-uiiu Drnnn 347 Stale Phone 6713 Try the ! Market Basket for Quality and Price 1 ' -1 'i- Why Pay More? li Fsesh 11am Boast lit J III UIJ I (IS 00K 1 I I i k I KB Strictly top porkers. eaa PG3I?G Pgi?Ei or Ground beef- No water or cereal Vock SttboEic. " and . ' TPwsfc . E.oi?c3 4 lbs. SO " ' . 8aow white. Take ao chance, try the best. ' - ' I Have you tried our dry ' Oanoc? 5a?cd Ddgoch r - Gaaranteed aot salty. A real treat. CHOICE " - Toar choice of eboico cats. ' SWKST Dsaaiida Onions S'lbi SG LOCAL GROWN nr?An LOCAL cnOTTS , LARGS 7ov Opcdc 7&3.aco nsfi5'Giapsfenit Qloxlfc Yes We Have Strawberries at Right Price . hard work, spent $7,0 IS for pos- uge, compared with $5,535 in 1937. $3,883 in 1938. and $2,822 in 1933. salaries - of the 90 legislators amounted to $10,800,, while their stenographers,' clerks and other employes got $92,111. Printing cost $18,903. BlindsVDrapenes Businesses Mjerge Reinholdt & Lewis Firm Bays Leisy Business, to Continue Here Reinholdt ft Lewis, Salem man ufacturers of window shades and Venetian blinds, - announced yes terday they had bought out the Homer Lelsy drapery business, long operated in conjunction with the Imperial Furniture company, 407 Court street, and would con tinue the business at that location. Fred Sullivan, drapery expert and . interior decorator, former manager of the drapery depart ment of Barker Brothers of Los Angeles, Frederick & Nelson of Seattle and recently of Boise, Ida., has been brought to Salem to handle the retail drapery depart ment. Leisy to Retire Leisy, who started selling dra peries and upholstering in Salem 18 years ago, brought Lloyd C. Reinholdt here from Portland In 1933 to open the shade division of his business, is retiring. Reinholdt and Rollin O. Lewis In 1937 opened a small Venetian blind plant and later the same year moved to larger quarters at 2330 South Commercial street where 14 men are now employed Epworth Leaguers To Skate Tonight The first of several Catherines planned by the Salem district Ep worth's newlv elected cabinet, will be a benefit district league skate at the Mellow Moon this Friday night. About 100 members from leagues in Salem and nearbv towns are expected for the skate from 4 :3V to iu:3U. rronts from the party will be used in helping send Don D O U r 1 . Salem, and Rill Hobbs, Albany, to the world Chris tian youth conference in Amster dam, Holland. Julv 24-Aurnst 2. Both delegates have been ac tive in league work in the Salem district for a long time and are serving as members on the present district league cabinet. They will travel with a trronn of other Orm Igon young people, leaving Port- iana on June 19, ror Montreal, sallinc from there on th ss nnrh. ess of AtholL Countries to be vis ited include Scotland, England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and uermany before arriving at Am sterdam for the conference, whleh will be attended by young people from 2 nations of tha world. Vol. lowing the conference the group wui visit Belgium, .Germany, Switzerland and Franca before sailing for home. A second district skate will be held In Salem June t at the Capl tola rink for the same purpose. Any leaguers attending th Friday are asked to state at the aoor mat tney are with the league group. Denies Charges - ' ' Psrasnls Sofia' 1 Seised In Cleveland at the request of Philadelphia authorities tares tlrattajr the poison inass-mnrder syndicate there, Somenis Rodia, -gl-year-old Philadelphia prtvato tnrestlgator, denied murder accu sations against him, Rodia Is ac eosed of beta an accessory to murder ta tha drowning' of Jo seph Arena o2 the New Jersey coast tn 1932. Arena's widow has been charged with conspiracy and Steve Crlspino with murder hi the asms esse." The state contends Rodia and Crlspino shared In the Benefits of a $2,000 Insurance pol icy with Mrs. Arena. . Poppy Day Is Slated Today Annual Sale Conducted in City by VF7 Auxiliary Starts This Blorn v Known In ancient times as the "flower ' Of . forretfnlnsu ,1.. PODDv-haa become th Mrtnw . emembrance,, iUted Comman der Phil H. RIngle. of If arioa Post CCl. of Salem. Vot r w- eign Wars of the United States. aanon post and the ladies auxil iary, of which !! uM r Hansen is president, la lag1 the llth annmal'Baddy Poppy sale today for the benefit of the organization's program of relief and assistance to disabled veterans asd their dependents. - : yeteraas GetrProceeds i rThe JBuddr - Poppy - was givea Ita najne by tha disabled veterans iai government hospitals through out the country 'who make the popples for the annual sale," ex plained Mrs. Ward. Wolfe,- chair man of the auxiliary committee, which, assisted by glrli and Tolun teer women, will have charge of the local sale.' "The disabled veterans will be paid for their work. A portion of the proceeds is devoted to maintenance of the VFW national home for orphaned children of deceased veterans, at Eaton Rapids, Michigan. The re mainder is devoted to local and state rehabilitation programs of C ' TOttETRY IIID IT (5)c V an- op 150 N. ComX Si.' Next Door to Caplan'g Looli What 9c Will Day 25c Enders Razor and 3 Blades, Clearance 9c 50c 7 O'Qock Shaving Cream, 9c 50c Pnrola Tooth Paste. rlMmnr 25c Armands Cold Cream Disc- pit. 9c " 2 lbs. Epsom Salu' 9c 25c Nullax Laxative, Like Candy 9c 25c Eveready Shave Cream, 9c 50c Squibbs Laxative Salu 9c 10s Simplex Double Edge or 7 Simplex Single Edge Razor Blades, 9c 200 Cleansing Tissues ChanteUy, 9c 15c Annap Sanitary Napkins, 12s, 9c 1000 Sheet Toflet Tissue, 2 for 9e 25c 4-oz. Sterns Tonic, 9c 404u Homestead Wax Paper, 2 for 9e 25c Salt and Pepper Shakers, 9c 25c PinU Mineral Oil, Light, 9c 10c 4-oz. Mercurochrome, 2 for 9c 1-oz. Spirit of Camphor, 9c 25c Bathing Caps, New live Rubber, 9e 50s Acme Facial Pats for Cleansing, 9c 25c Eve'n Tan Sun Tan Oil, 9c 15c Miracle Handle Type Can Openers, 9c 25c Pts. Turpentine, 9c 25c Castolay Pure Castile Soap, 9c 10c Hollywood Curlers, 9c 5c Bobbie Pins, 2 for 9c 5c Baby Bottles, Plain, 2 for 9c Eastman Kodak Films at Reduced Prices We Develop and Print Any 6 or 8 Exposure Roll of Film for Only 25c (8 Hour Service ) 150 N. ComT. St. Prices Good Fridav thru Mondav lbZW.UOM'L. PHONE 5151 OUR VEGETABLES ARE NOTED FOR FINE QUALITY AND CRISPY FRESHNESS """""""""nwaaaaBaaaaaaamaaasBBaBBaa Prices Good Through Tuesday kttuce , 3hCTj,5c Carrots 2 9C Cukes ctoto 2for9c Tomatoes 3n: 25c MarshmaUows l.flCc Potato Chips 2 2SC Pork&Beans 32Sc BakedBeaM flCc lPS,:5;-: ' ' 2 a,, 29c Potatoes gST SO aSc leinons f' ' ' 12q Honey ' ' ESc :Co:: ; ; is JeMo iy 5t ''m'r-. : fit- PicMeSf - - figs Pecs & Sib-flC Olivesii - M Salgd Dressing or Spread jjc the various units of tha organisa tion. Tha project Is exclusively a non-profit one." she said, "with thousands of VFW members con tributing their service free of charge.;'.' '"'tj-i-i: ' Headqaaitera at Store Headquarters for tha Salem Buddy Poppy sale have been es tablished at the W. H. Graben horst 4k Co., real estate office, at 154 S. Liberty, and Mrs. Wolfe arges her edmmlttes and volun teer sales ladles to report there at 8 o'clock this morning. Her committee Is composed ot Mrs. Kassell ' Hndd. XrK Covfl Case. Mrs. Tlrgtt ,BbUon.v Mrs. Frank NIeswander and Mrs. Clyde Craw ford. Chairman: Kent Kraps. of the post committee, requests vet erans who bars automobiles to spare, to report, to htm at head quarters at that time to transport the ladles about the city. George Malstrom and L. B. Davis are of the post committee. . Winners Announced Sn.VERTON--Mrs. Carl Hau- gen, poppy poster contest enalr man . announced as , winners for this year, Muriel Stamey and Marvel Olsen In division 1; Bert Burr and Margaret Winegar in division 2. Rural School Out ZENAi The last day ot school picnic Friday was well attended by parents and friends. Miss Ko- neta Nowowiejski, teacher, has been retained. - Wheaties or Kix 2 pkgs. n - r ' 146 No. ComBercial SL Phone 4010 TfUA A 49'a Nne trown Best Patent 4ys ..yH39 I?nilflollPxiai?57 Oca SdGGm . NICKEL PLATED IQT ITHKi S SCOOP IN EACH WHILILIIAEaf8 Reg. 15c Size Sanlia Coifee & Kaliee Ban TS)RraTo7yra Bar S? 35c Gian's Gal. Jug Cans i) m mm i Size M 3 Cans (0 TVfOT AS O Chicken Yi Size cans r r r-tr vru or- MJ Gloss Pigi. One-Lb. Can' 3-Lb. Pail -Lb. Pail ttCTietex cakes 29c siriieiiatott IVORY FLAKES, lge. GUEST IVORY, 3 cakes 7 CAMAY, 3 cakes...! OXYDOL, media m. UAIJJUL, laree UAXUUL, riant 2Jc Sauerkraut 13 ISc Bropms 4: 2C Picket Pancake & Waffle Floury 10's sack Juice -1 T . I 1 Oranges New Peas tnrn venfeet . ,a"&& : Celery 2do,2gg 3fl7C 9cbBBen 2 25c MDTTON ROAST. Ib f3 DRY SALT BACON, lb- ...f, jgc MUTTON CHOPS, lb-- flQ j; PDRE LARD. a,. 3?c jbrroN 'srfiwVii-ill. u , ground beef .a n. asc ?TTn?n nArnw . n. " ll?m Hcns "'Rabbits SLICED BACON, lb,l23C : (Large selection.)