Zvl stra Sends The OREGON . STATESMAN, Saleia, Oregon, Friday Mornlnr, llay 2$, IMS Second Letter Former WPA Worker Sara t Griffith Has not yet j Answered Charges Declaration that P. i r.rmu-h WPA administrator, had not answered his original charges with respect to operation of the WPA In Oregon is contained in a letter by Nicklas Zylstra of Salem this wsk, addressed to Griffith and released to the press. Zylstra's or iginal charges were presented to the house committee Investigating WPA at Washington. Relative to Griffith's statement that Zylstra was "a former WPA employe whose record of employ ment was unsatisfactory," Zylstra itatedin his letter that records will show he left WPA of his own accord and was employed by it a second time on notarial, work. 1 The only thing they have against me is that I did not choose to! play ball with them and be come a member of the happy fam ily," Zylstra wrote. Pointing out Sthat he had not claimed there were any fraudulent or criminal Irregularities In the Salem office, Zylstra added; j'Thls I do say-j funds are spent here wastefully) and ruthlessly. That persons who are entitled to the fund do not get It. . . . My letter to Mr. Boatwrlght dated January 25, 1939, called his at tention to persons working on WPA, drawing full) pay and noth- The Jubilee Singers of Chicago f,ero qltet win present concerts and musical programs la the following churches Sunday at 8 and 7:80 p. m. in the Cal Tary Baptist chwrcb; Monday at 7:45 p. m., First Baptist church Wednesday, 7:45 p. bu. Calvary Baptist church, and Thursday night the famous Plantation program place to be announced later.! An of ferlng will be received at each service ( j Ing or little to do for it, and I challenge you or Mr. Boatwrlght to deny this. . reminded him of small crews of men employed with a foreman and several straw bosses. . . . Other complaints are that young girls are department heads with high salaries and no dependents. Single girls are kept on the payroll when single men are clipped off. ... I further charge that when It Is .found a man's wife earns a few pennies he is immediately released from the WPA payroll when at the same time married women whose hus bands are employed are retained." .... "i . Assault Charge is Made Against Teamster Agent A warrant charging Lew Har kins, teamster union official, with assault and battery upon Dan Wil son, union truck driver, was Is sued from Salem Justice court yes terday! afternoon. Fifty dollars ball for his appearance in- court this morning was posted at the sheriff's office. Form Wool Pool In Curry County GOLD BEACH, Ore., May 24. -A-A wool pool was organized here yesterday with growers from north central areas of Curry county participating. About 75,000 pounds were in cluded. Bids will be opened June 3. C. H. Bailey and George Fromm, Gold Beach, and 8. J. Spoerl, Port Orford, were direc tors. Formations of other pools In north and south i ends of the county were expected soon. PICNIC Fresh and Fluffy SUGGESTIONS MACARONI or POTATO SALAD No. 1 tall jeans.... 2 35c BONNEVILLE DILL PICKLES, large 2 Vi cans la each ... . A3 V SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT, reg. 12-oz. cans ea.. KERR'S APPLE BUTTER, No. 1 tall cans ea... . SAL AD DRESSING or SANDITO SPREAD Per Qt. Quart Per Gallon Cocoa Waverly 2-lb. tin 14c Wlth.3lb.can : m Pancake Flour Picket ,No. lOJbag - Red Karo Piiimeaipiplle 2 for age Del Monte Crashed, Flat Tins . AIRMADL WHITE SHAFTER CoSSeG dew mm j- 3 ibs...JBC V. S. No. 2 Morning Star51 7fiTy u. J Lb J21c J V, vj for , , Cane J V 100-lb. bag 4.89 S Jar Rabbers " '"- - . Double lip, t- 3 dos.... viC BORENE TOMATOES; Apricade Re- 10 Solid pack, If e. An excellent fruit aise, ea. V No. 1 cana jnice. a;:.a7c 2 tOT 23c a..-. 25c IF flXDBOCr Castle Brand Montana hard wheat. 49-lb. ba Ever Right I Oregon hard wheat. Balk 49-lb. wHili iItTti?X 'ftlirtll! iAlljli 1 1 1 1 1 Kitchen Queen bag f7.C5 49 lbs. J V Red White and Blue Sold with a positive money back guarantee. - ;; 'iSalted -s-'" 2-lb. pkg. 78 nnaise YouTl like its mild, smooth flavor.- ITANGf x8 rt l9c St 29c Grahams 2-lb. pkg.' WE CARJtY THE FOLLOWING NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS BEING FEATURED IN THE STATESMAN COOKING SCHOOL: Fishers Flour:. . . Blue Bell Potato Chip I Pen-Jet . . . White Satin Sugar Guittard Old Dutch9- Chocolate . '. Crisco . Kerr Mason Jars . I Heinz. . Hills Co J fee . . . dorox . . . Nu Bora... MJB Coffee . . .Golden West Coffee . . . MJB Tree Tea. , Orders of $2.00 and Up Delivered Free - Onen Until 9 P. M. Sat. 137 So. Commercial Phone 7311 Indepcadcst Groccri 100 Uome.'Ozaed IsssSc Drog Otsncrj. , TwoQiiircht Set iVacation Qasies Leslie, Jason Lee Churches Open Bible Schools tt 9 a.m. Monday : The Leslie church Vacation school, with department for be Sinners, primary, juniors and In termediate aces, will begin Mon day, May 29 at 9 a.m. Among the leaders in charge of work will be Miss Florence! Berndt, director of religious education, Mrs. W. F. Ankeny, Mrs. Mar garet Grewell, Miss Francis French and firs. C. W. Stacey. A. number of other workers will assist with music, crafts, recre ation and; other special features. The new departmental rooms make it possible for each group to work In its own rooms and with its own equipment. The courses to be used in tie departments are as follows: , Kin dergarten: "Our Happy World" Freivogel; primary, "Bible Homes and Homes Today," Reed; junior, "Travel Book for Jun iors," Hansen; and intermediate. 'Jesus Among His Neighbors," Hawthorne. . I Jason Lee School Jason Lee church, North Win ter and Jefferson streets; an-J nounces its daily vacation Bible school which will open Monday, June S, and close on Friday, June 16. The school will open at 9 a.m. and close at noon. The Jason Lee church pio neered in daily vacation Bible school in Salem. It has held a jVevy Texas Observatory Open ... ' Tj&Rqll Survey Sought by Burk The sUte auditinc division vas requested jesterdij to au- au ana balance the Marion coun ty tax roils in an order which which Sheriff A. C. Burk said he naa askea. After the rolls are balanced, the auditing division will devise and set up a new, complete accounting . system to muupuij me county ux depart- Dr. Irrla Abel Gev. Lloyd Stark and Dr. Rock Bleyster . i - New and old presidents of the American Medical association, meet ing In SL Louis In annual convention, are pictured with Gov. Lloyd Stark of Missouri, seen center. Dr. Xrvin Abell of Louisville, left. Is the retiring president and Dr. Rock Sleyster of Wauwatosa, Wis right, the president-elect. school for many years. The school will have three departments, be ginner, Primary and Junior for children from 4 to 14 years of age. The emphasis will be Inter denominational In character and all children of the community are Invited to attend. Teachers In charge are Miss ( CtMA, OCC sftWt &tAC tVG ) CORNER COURT AND HIGH STS. This store Is open from 7:80 A. M. to 10 P. Bl. every day, in cluding Sundays and Holidays. NEXT DOOR TO GRAND THEATRE Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products . . . Showing You a Substantial Savings . . . We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 50c PebecoS & 25c Pebecoaerveagc Lux Soap 2 for 11c 1 Ipana Z 39c KOTEX 12 8 2 for 39c 1 Scott Toilet Tissue 3 for!9c save on Film Finishing 25C or roll 6 or 8 Prints I. Low Cut Pticss ON EASTMAN FILMS Save on Upjohns 8-oz. Citro-Carbonate..89c 250 Yeast Tablets 89c 100 Super D Perles..$2.31 Father's Cards Daw Greeting Cards for all Occasions t- Picnic Supplies i Plates, Caps, Food Packs, Spoons, Forks, Napkins, Ta blecloths, etc. 50c Hinds H & A CREAM 39c 25c PAYER ASPIRIN 19c 60c PROMO SELTZER 49c 40c Fletchers Castoiia 31c 50c MEADS PAPLUM 43c Pint Rnbbing ALCOHOL 9c 1 lib. Hospital Cotton 29c TAMPAX 40 in pltci. 98c MODESS Reg. 30's i 11 D. ToUet Tissue 3 roiis 25c popjds Cleansing Tissues 500's SAVE on SQUIBBS Qt. Mineral Oil. ..89c 200 Aspirin Tablets . 59c Qt. Milk of Magnesia . 59c 250 Adex Tablets .. ....$1.98 SAVE on PONDS 35c Face Creams 25c 55c Face Creams ....39c 83c Face Creams . 55c 55c Face Powder . . . .43c Save on Tobaccos 15c. Prince Albert .... 10c - --.- 10c Geo. Washington ; 3 for .. ...:... -25c 5c Stud : 3 for 10c 15c Velvet ....10c Camel Flat 50's -29c Royal Bengals 2 for 25c 15c Raleign8..........2 for 25c Snnfrczctt ICEv - Four Flavors -:.. By Arden- , l&oz. pksr. t i5c Fountain Spadals Strawberry Shortcake....l5c Fruit-Salad with Whipped Cream 10c Cheese & Olive Sandwich 10c Fresh Strawberry Sodas..l5c Tomato Juice..5c and 10c ' ' Twin Sundaes ...15c Jumbo Milk Shakes....l0c Apex Moth Cakes 2 for Bathing Caps 15c 25c 35c 49c Poloroid 1 Glasses With case. - 0Si95 1 uUI Id Ei 60c ALB A - SELTZER : 49c 10c TUMS 3 fox : 25c 25c CARTERS PILLS 19c Apex Moth Blist Pt can 05c Chinese .Grass Sandals 25e ;Flit Spray. , can 25c Large siza BicnaShanpco 'Regular or special. IVORSOAP Large bars 2 forvilG Let Vm iU Ycxr PrescriFAcnsOur Service U Accurate end Economical PAGE SEVEN neat's operations and make er-.n ror lew liable to creep la. "That wm my request, because I wanted to. know ; where we . -tand," Sheriff Burk explained.,. "Tlie way those records have been bad made It difficult to -keep them la order.M 1 The delinquent tax rolls deal Ins with real property go back to 1926 while a few personal ' tax accounts go eren farther. Tax law changes down the years with rations forms of in stallment payment, interest and rebate systems hare complicated the tax record-keeping. I f LaVonne Gardner for the be ginners, Mrs. H. P. Grant for the primary and Mrs. Cora Clark for the janiors. The committee in charge of the arrangements is Miss Ellen Cnrrln, Mrs. Free man Phipps, Mrs. C. F. Hage- man, Mrs. Lester Wahl and Mrs. George Naderman. D V7 Special features for May 26th, 27th and 29th You can always depend on finding the best qual-' ity and lowest prices at the store where yoa "Serve Yourself and Save." .1 241 N. COMMERCIAL - 1 I Double Lip J doz. 0 For Jams & Jellies 2 bottles 5'lh. pail No. 1 Oval Tins ! 4 for Whole Milk Cheddar Lb, i r . J-lb. cello. Pure Pennsylvania 2-galcan i. ....... Santos Blend, Fresh Roasted and Ground to Suit - u. 13c I 3 lbs. Pure, Undiluted Not Much Left Q-oz. cans 4lb. cartons 0 on Ualnuls U. S. No. 1 2U3. 0 Fancy Dry Pack 0 KITCHEN KING FLOUR, sack. -...jjOc PIGGLY WIGGLY, sadc ...... 99 C WINDMILL, Montana hard wheat........ 1.09 Cffyctot T7ai to Q Hrtft ATP 1 ( 0 Giant V;' ; C liars Hoody's 21' jar SPECIAL ME AT DEPARTMENT FEATURE J TOW ESI "It W v - , fi-.i -H . " ; Completely Dressed t v Ready for the' Pan LbT Free ! Round-trip ticket to the FrisraFair; One ; ! each. week, We have three left. Sirs, ilinnie Combs, Rt. 2, Turner, Orev received 'one last week. Who is next? Get particulars "it thestoreV H WatchrOiir Window : r ' ::-V,! -TV.. -i ; ..,. ... -, , .